New Training Opportunities Now Available Worldwide from NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Certified Instructors

For the first time ever, the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute is making its popular instructor-led workshops available to the general public.

With the launch of public workshops this week, enrollment will be open to individual developers, data scientists, researchers and students. NVIDIA is increasing accessibility and the number of courses available to participants around the world. Anyone can learn from expert NVIDIA instructors in courses on AI, accelerated computing and data science.

Previously, DLI workshops were only available to large organizations that wanted dedicated and specialized training for their in-house developers, or to individuals attending GPU Technology Conferences.

But demand for in-depth training has increased dramatically in the last few years. Individuals are looking to acquire new skills and organizations are seeking to provide their workforces with advanced software development techniques.

“Our public workshops provide a great opportunity for individual developers and smaller organizations to get industry-leading training in deep learning, accelerated computing and data science,” said Will Ramey, global head of Developer Programs at NVIDIA. “Now the same expert instructors and world-class learning materials that help accelerate innovation at leading companies are available to everyone.”

The current lineup of DLI workshops for individuals includes:

March 2021

  • Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA Python
  • Applications of AI for Predictive Maintenance

April 2021

  • Fundamentals of Deep Learning
  • Applications of AI for Anomaly Detection
  • Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++
  • Building Transformer-Based Natural Language Processing Applications
  • Deep Learning for Autonomous Vehicles – Perception
  • Fundamentals of Accelerated Data Science with RAPIDS
  • Accelerating CUDA C++ Applications with Multiple GPUs
  • Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Multi-GPUs

May 2021

  • Building Intelligent Recommender Systems
  • Fundamentals of Accelerated Data Science with RAPIDS
  • Deep Learning for Industrial Inspection
  • Building Transformer-Based Natural Language Processing Applications
  • Applications of AI for Anomaly Detection

Visit the DLI website for details on each course and the full schedule of upcoming workshops, which is regularly updated with new training opportunities.

Jump-Start Your Software Development

As organizations invest in transforming their workforce to benefit from modern technologies, it’s critical that their software and solutions development teams are equipped with the right skills and tools. In a market where developers with the latest skills in deep learning, accelerated computing and data science are scarce, DLI strengthens their employees’ skillsets through a wide array of course offerings.

The full-day workshops offer a comprehensive learning experience that includes hands-on exercises and guidance from expert instructors certified by DLI. Courses are delivered virtually and in many time zones to reach developers worldwide. Courses are offered in English, Chinese, Japanese and other languages.

Registration fees cover learning materials, instructors and access to fully configured GPU-accelerated development servers for hands-on exercises.

A complete list of DLI courses are available in the DLI course catalog.

Register today for a DLI instructor-led workshop for individuals. Space is limited so sign up early.

For more information, visit the DLI website or email

The post New Training Opportunities Now Available Worldwide from NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Certified Instructors appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.

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Applying voice classification in an Amazon Connect telemedicine contact flow

Given the rising demand for fast and effective COVID-19 detection, customers are exploring the usage of respiratory sound data, like coughing, breathing, and counting, to automatically diagnose COVID-19 based on machine learning (ML) models. University of Cambridge researchers built a COVID-19 sound application and demonstrated that a simple binary ML classifier can classify healthy and COVID-19 coughs with over 80% area under the curve (AUC) for all tasks. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers published a similar open voice model, and their Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based binary classifier achieves COVID-19 sensitivity of 98.5% with a specificity of 94.2% (AUC 0.97). Carnegie Mellon University also built a COVID voice detector to develop an automated AI system to diagnose a COVID-19 infection based on the human voice. The promising results of these preliminary studies based on crowdsourced audio signals shows the power of AI in the medical industry for disease diagnosis and detection.

Although the research has shown a lot of promise, it’s still difficult to create a scalable solution that takes advantage of these promising models. In this post, we demonstrate a smart call center application workflow that integrates a voice classification model to detect COVID-19 infections or other types of respiratory diseases in people calling in to the call center. For the purposes of creating an end-to-end workflow, we train the model on the open-source Coswara data, which relies on a variety of sounds like deep or shallow breathing, coughing, and counting to distinguish healthy versus unhealthy sound. You can replace this model and training data with any other model or datasets to achieve the level of performance as demonstrated in the research papers.

Overview of solution

This solution uses Amazon Connect, an easy-to-use omnichannel cloud contact center contact flow to make real-time inference to an ML model trained and deployed using Amazon SageMaker. The audio recordings are labeled as healthy (negative) and unhealthy (positive), meaning a COVID-19 infection and other respiratory illness. Because the distribution of positive and negative labels are highly imbalanced, we use the oversampling technique from the Python imbalanced learn library to improve the ratio. We used the PyTorch acoustic classification model, which relies on deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for this audio-based COVID prediction. The trained CNN model is deployed to a SageMaker inference endpoint. The AWS Lambda function triggered by the Amazon Connect contact flow is used to make real-time inference based on the audio streams from an Amazon Connect phone call recording in Amazon Kinesis Video Streams.

The following is the architecture diagram for integrating online ML inference in a telemedicine contact flow via Amazon Connect.

The following is the architecture diagram for integrating online ML inference in a telemedicine contact flow via Amazon Connect.

Training and deploying a voice classification model using SageMaker

We first create a SageMaker notebook instance, on which we build a voice classification deep learning model to predict the likelihood of respiratory diseases using the open-source Coswara dataset. To deploy the AWS CloudFormation stack for the notebook instance, choose Launch Stack:

Feel free to change the notebook instance type if necessary. The deployment also clones the following two GitHub repositories:

Go to the Jupyter notebook coswara-audio-classification.ipynb under the applying-voice-classification-in-amazon-connect-contact-flow/sagemaker-voice-classification/notebook folder.

The notebook walks you through the following tasks:

The notebook walks you through the following tasks:

  1. Preprocess the Coswara data, including uncompressing files and generating the metadata CSV files for each type of audio recording.
  2. Build and upload the Docker container image for SageMaker training and inference jobs to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR).
  3. Upload Coswara data to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket for the SageMaker training job.
  4. Train a Pytorch CNN estimator for voice classification given the sample hyperparameters.
  5. Create a hyperparameter optimization (HPO) job (optional).
  6. Deploy the trained PyTorch estimator to the SageMaker inference endpoint.
  7. Test batch prediction and invoke the endpoint.

Because this dataset is highly unbalanced, we labeled healthy samples as negative and all non-healthy samples as positive, and over-sampled the positive ones using imbalanced-learn library in the file under the notebook folder:

import torch
from imblearn.over_sampling import RandomOverSampler
ros = RandomOverSampler(random_state=0)
for data, target in data_loader:
    data_resampled, target_resampled = ros.fit_resample(np.squeeze(data), target)
    data = torch.from_numpy(data_resampled)
    data = data.unsqueeze_(-2)
    target = torch.tensor(target_resampled)

In the preceding code, the data and target are torch tensors returned by the getitem function defined in the CoswareDataset class in the file. The oversampling approach improved the prediction performance by approximately 40%. We implemented a very deep CNN for voice classification in the file with the default number of classes as two, and applied different metrics in the Scikit-learn Python library to evaluate the prediction performance:

from sklearn.metrics import precision_score, recall_score, accuracy_score, f1_score, fbeta_score, roc_auc_score
accuracy = accuracy_score(actuals, predictions)
rocauc = roc_auc_score(actuals, np.exp(prediction_probs))
precision = precision_score(actuals, predictions, average='weighted')
recall = recall_score(actuals, predictions, average='weighted')
f1 = f1_score(actuals, predictions, average='weighted')
f2 = fbeta_score(actuals, predictions, average='weighted', beta=0.5)

The tuning job tries to maximize the F-beta score, which is the weighted harmonic mean of precision and recall. When you’re satisfied with the prediction performance of the training job, you can deploy a SageMaker inference endpoint:

from sagemaker.pytorch import PyTorchModel

pytorch_model = PyTorchModel(model_data=model_location, 
predictor = pytorch_model.deploy(initial_instance_count=1, instance_type='ml.c5.2xlarge', wait=True)

After deploying the estimator for online prediction, take note of the inference endpoint name, which you use in the next step.

After deploying the estimator for online prediction, take note of the inference endpoint name, which you use in the next step.

It’s noteworthy that the inference endpoint can be invoked by two types of request body defined in the file:

  • A text string for the S3 object of the audio recording WAV file
  • A pickled NumPy array

See the following code:

def input_fn(request_body, request_content_type):
    if request_content_type == 'text/csv':
        print("bucket: {}".format(bucket))
        print("object: {}".format(obj))
        s3.download_file(bucket, obj, '/audioinput.wav')
        print("audio input file size: {}".format(os.path.getsize('/audioinput.wav')))
        waveform, sample_rate = torchaudio.load('/audioinput.wav')
        waveform = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(sample_rate, new_sr)(waveform[0, :].view(1, -1))
        const_len = new_sr * audio_len
        tempData = torch.zeros([1, const_len])
        if waveform.shape[1] < const_len:
            tempData[0, : waveform.shape[1]] = waveform[:]
            tempData[0, :] = waveform[0, :const_len]
        sound = tempData
        tempData = torch.zeros([1, const_len])
        if sound.shape[1] < const_len:
            tempData[0, : sound.shape[1]] = sound[:]
            tempData[0, :] = sound[0, :const_len]
        sound = tempData
        new_const_len = const_len // sampling_ratio
        soundFormatted = torch.zeros([1, 1, new_const_len])
        soundFormatted[0, 0, :] = sound[0, ::5]
        return soundFormatted
    elif request_content_type in ['application/x-npy', 'application/python-pickle']:
        return torch.tensor(np.load(BytesIO(request_body), allow_pickle=True))
        print("unknown request content type: {}".format(request_content_type))
        return request_body

The output is the probability of the positive class from 0 to 1, which indicates how likely the voice is unhealthy in this use case, defined in as well:

def predict_fn(input_data, model):
    device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
    with torch.no_grad():
        output = model(
        output = output.permute(1, 0, 2)[0]
        pred_prob = np.exp( output.cpu().detach().numpy()[:,1] )
        return pred_prob[0]

Deploying a CloudFormation template for Lambda functions for audio streaming inference

You can deploy the Lambda function with the following CloudFormation stack one-click deployment in the us-east-1 Region:

You need to fill in the S3 bucket name for the audio recording and the SageMaker inference endpoint as parameters.

You need to fill in the S3 bucket name for the audio recording and the SageMaker inference endpoint as parameters.

If you want to deploy this stack in AWS Regions other than us-east-1, or if you want to change the Lambda functions, go to the connect-audio-stream-solution folder and follow the steps to build and deploy the Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) stack. Take note of the CloudFormation stack outputs for the Lambda function ARNs, which you use in the next step.

Take note of the CloudFormation stack outputs for the Lambda function ARNs, which you use in the next step.

Setting up an interactive voice response using Amazon Connect

We use an Amazon Connect contact flow to trigger Lambda functions, created in the previous step, to process the captured audio recording in Kinesis Video Streams, assuming you have an Amazon Connect instance ready to use. For instructions on setting up an Amazon Connect instance, see Create an Amazon Connect instance. You also need to enable live audio streaming for your instance. Your instance should be created in the same AWS Region as your previous CloudFormation stack, because your video stream should be created in the same Region for Lambda functions to consume.

You can create a new inbound contact flow by importing the flow configuration file. You need to claim a phone number and associate it with the newly created contact flow. There are two Lambda functions to be configured here: the ARNs of ContactFlowlambdaInitArn and ContactFlowlambdaTriggerArn, located on the Outputs tab of the CloudFormation stack you deployed in the previous step.

You can create a new inbound contact flow by importing the flow configuration file.

After changing the ARNs for the Lambda functions, save and publish the contact flow. Now you’re ready to test it by calling the associated phone number with this contact flow.

Cleaning up

To avoid unexpected future charges, clean up your resources:

  1. Delete the SageMaker inference endpoint.
  2. Empty and delete the S3 bucket DefaultS3Bucket.
  3. Delete the CloudFormation stack for the SageMaker notebook instances and Lambda functions used by Amazon Connect.


This solution was inspired and built upon the following GitHub repos:


In this post, we demonstrated how to predict the likelihood of COVID-19 or other respiratory diseases just based on voice classification. To further improve the ML prediction performance, you can incorporate other related information into the model, like age, gender, or existing symptoms. Audio data augmentation plus handcrafted features can help yield better prediction results, according to existing studies. You can use the audio-based diagnostic prediction in an Amazon Connect contact flow to triage the targeted group of incoming calls and escalate to a doctor to follow up if necessary. The intelligence provided by the acoustic classification can be used by call center agents in conjunction with Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, which provides a turn-by-turn transcript, real-time alerts, automated call categorization based on keywords and phrases, sentiment analysis, issue detection (the reason the customer contacted the call center), and sensitive data redaction.

To find the latest developments to this solution, check out the GitHub repo.

About the Authors

Gang Fu is a Senior Healthcare Solution Architect at AWS. He holds a PhD in Pharmaceutical Science from the University of Mississippi and has over 10 years of technology and biomedical research experience. He is passionate about technology and the impact it can make on healthcare.



Ujjwal Ratan is a Principal Machine Learning Specialist in the Global Healthcare and Life Sciences team at Amazon Web Services. He works on the application of machine learning and deep learning to real-world industry problems like medical imaging, unstructured clinical text, genomics, precision medicine, clinical trials, and quality of care improvement. He has expertise in scaling machine learning and deep learning algorithms on the AWS Cloud for accelerated training and inference. In his free time, he enjoys listening to (and playing) music and taking unplanned road trips with his family.


Wei Yih YapWei Yih Yap is a Senior Data Scientist with AWS Professional Services, where he works with customers to address business challenges using machine learning on AWS. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family.

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Marian Croak’s vision for responsible AI at Google

Dr. Marian Croak has spent decades working on groundbreaking technology, with over 200 patents in areas such as Voice over IP, which laid the foundation for the calls we all use to get things done and stay in touch during the pandemic. For the past six years she’s been a VP at Google working on everything from site reliability engineering to bringing public Wi-Fi to India’s railroads.

Now, she’s taking on a new project: making sure Google develops artificial intelligence responsibly and that it has a positive impact. To do this, Marian has created and will lead a new center of expertise on responsible AI within Google Research.

I sat down (virtually) with Marian to talk about her new role and her vision for responsible AI at Google. You can watch parts of our conversation in the video above, or read on for a few key points she discussed.

Technology should be designed with people in mind. 

“My graduate studies were in both quantitative analysis and social psychology. I did my dissertation on looking at societal factors that influence inter-group bias as well as altruistic behavior. And so I’ve always approached engineering with that kind of mindset, looking at the impact of what we’re doing on users in general. […] What I believe very, very strongly is that any technology that we’re designing should have a positive impact on society.”

Responsible AI research requires input from many different teams.

“I’m excited to be able to galvanize the brilliant talent that we have at Google working on this. We have to make sure we have the frameworks and the software and the best practices designed by the researchers and the applied engineers […] so we can proudly say that our systems are behaving in responsible ways. The research that’s going on needs to inform that work, the work we’re doing with engineering better solutions, and it needs to be shared with the outside world as well. I am thrilled to support teams doing both pure research as well as applied research — both are valuable and absolutely necessary to ensure technology has a positive impact on the world.’’

This area is new, and there are still growing pains.

“This field, the field of responsible AI and ethics, is new. Most institutions have only developed principles, and they’re very high-level, abstract principles, in the last five years. There’s a lot of dissension, a lot of conflict in terms of trying to standardize on normative definitions of these principles. Whose definition of fairness, or safety, are we going to use? There’s quite a lot of conflict right now within the field, and it can be polarizing at times. And what I’d like to do is have people have the conversation in a more diplomatic way, perhaps, than we’re having it now, so we can truly advance this field.”

Compromise can be tough, but the result is worth it.  

“If you look at the work we did on VoIP, it required such a huge organizational and business shift in the company I was working for. We had to bring teams together that were very contentious — people who had domain expertise in the internet and could move in a fast and furious way, along with others who were very methodical and disciplined in their approach. Huge conflicts! But over time it settled, and we were able to really make a huge difference in terms of being able to scale VoIP in a way that allowed it to handle billions and billions of calls in a very robust and resilient way. So it was more than worth it.”

(Photo credit: Phobymo)

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Mastering Atari with Discrete World Models

Posted by Danijar Hafner, Student Researcher, Google Research

Deep reinforcement learning (RL) enables artificial agents to improve their decisions over time. Traditional model-free approaches learn which of the actions are successful in different situations by interacting with the environment through a large amount of trial and error. In contrast, recent advances in deep RL have enabled model-based approaches to learn accurate world models from image inputs and use them for planning. World models can learn from fewer interactions, facilitate generalization from offline data, enable forward-looking exploration, and allow reusing knowledge across multiple tasks.

Despite their intriguing benefits, existing world models (such as SimPLe) have not been accurate enough to compete with the top model-free approaches on the most competitive reinforcement learning benchmarks — to date, the well-established Atari benchmark requires model-free algorithms, such as DQN, IQN, and Rainbow, to reach human-level performance. As a result, many researchers have focused instead on developing task-specific planning methods, such as VPN and MuZero, which learn by predicting sums of expected task rewards. However, these methods are specific to individual tasks and it is unclear how well they would generalize to new tasks or learn from unsupervised datasets. Similar to the recent breakthrough of unsupervised representation learning in computer vision [1, 2], world models aim to learn patterns in the environment that are more general than any particular task to later solve tasks more efficiently.

Today, in collaboration with DeepMind and the University of Toronto, we introduce DreamerV2, the first RL agent based on a world model to achieve human-level performance on the Atari benchmark. It constitutes the second generation of the Dreamer agent that learns behaviors purely within the latent space of a world model trained from pixels. DreamerV2 relies exclusively on general information from the images and accurately predicts future task rewards even when its representations were not influenced by those rewards. Using a single GPU, DreamerV2 outperforms top model-free algorithms with the same compute and sample budget.

Gamer normalized median score across the 55 Atari games after 200 million steps. DreamerV2 substantially outperforms previous world models. Moreover, it exceeds top model-free agents within the same compute and sample budget.
Behaviors learned by DreamerV2 for some of the 55 Atari games. These videos show images from the environment. Video predictions are shown below in the blog post.

An Abstract Model of the World
Just like its predecessor, DreamerV2 learns a world model and uses it to train actor-critic behaviors purely from predicted trajectories. The world model automatically learns to compute compact representations of its images that discover useful concepts, such as object positions, and learns how these concepts change in response to different actions. This lets the agent generate abstractions of its images that ignore irrelevant details and enables massively parallel predictions on a single GPU. During 200 million environment steps, DreamerV2 predicts 468 billion compact states for learning its behavior.

DreamerV2 builds upon the Recurrent State-Space Model (RSSM) that we introduced for PlaNet and was also used for DreamerV1. During training, an encoder turns each image into a stochastic representation that is incorporated into the recurrent state of the world model. Because the representations are stochastic, they do not have access to perfect information about the images and instead extract only what is necessary to make predictions, making the agent robust to unseen images. From each state, a decoder reconstructs the corresponding image to learn general representations. Moreover, a small reward network is trained to rank outcomes during planning. To enable planning without generating images, a predictor learns to guess the stochastic representations without access to the images from which they were computed.

Learning process of the world model used by DreamerV2. The world model maintains recurrent states (h1–h3) that receive actions (a1–a2) and incorporate information about the images (x1–x3) via stochastic representations (z1–z3). A predictor guesses the representations as (ẑ1–ẑ3) without access to the images from which they were generated.

Importantly, DreamerV2 introduces two new techniques to RSSM that lead to a substantially more accurate world model for learning successful policies. The first technique is to represent each image with multiple categorical variables instead of the Gaussian variables used by PlaNet, DreamerV1, and many more world models in the literature [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. This leads the world model to reason about the world in terms of discrete concepts and enables more accurate predictions of future representations.

The encoder turns each image into 32 distributions over 32 classes each, the meanings of which are determined automatically as the world model learns. The one-hot vectors sampled from these distributions are concatenated to a sparse representation that is passed on to the recurrent state. To backpropagate through the samples, we use straight-through gradients that are easy to implement using automatic differentiation. Representing images with categorical variables allows the predictor to accurately learn the distribution over the one-hot vectors of the possible next images. In contrast, earlier world models that use Gaussian predictors cannot accurately match the distribution over multiple Gaussian representations for the possible next images.

Multiple categoricals that represent possible next images can be accurately predicted by a categorical predictor, whereas a Gaussian predictor is not flexible enough to accurately predict multiple possible Gaussian representations.

The second new technique of DreamerV2 is KL balancing. Many previous world models use the ELBO objective that encourages accurate reconstructions while keeping the stochastic representations (posteriors) close to their predictions (priors) to regularize the amount of information extracted from each image and facilitate generalization. Because the objective is optimized end-to-end, the stochastic representations and their predictions can be made more similar by bringing either of the two towards the other. However, bringing the representations towards their predictions can be problematic when the predictor is not yet accurate. KL balancing lets the predictions move faster toward the representations than vice versa. This results in more accurate predictions, a key to successful planning.

Long-term video predictions of the world model for holdout sequences. Each model receives 5 frames as input (not shown) and then predicts 45 steps forward given only actions. The video predictions are only used to gain insights into the quality of the world model. During planning, only compact representations are predicted, not images.

Measuring Atari Performance
DreamerV2 is the first world model that enables learning successful behaviors with human-level performance on the well-established and competitive Atari benchmark. We select the 55 games that many previous studies have in common and recommend this set of games for future work. Following the standard evaluation protocol, the agents are allowed 200M environment interactions using an action repeat of 4 and sticky actions (25% chance that an action is ignored and the previous action is repeated instead). We compare to the top model-free agents IQN and Rainbow, as well as to the well-known C51 and DQN agents implemented in the Dopamine framework.

Different standards exist for aggregating the scores across the 55 games. Ideally, a new algorithm would perform better under all conditions. For all four aggregation methods, DreamerV2 indeed outperforms all compared model-free algorithms while using the same computational budget.

DreamerV2 outperforms the top model-free agents according to four methods for aggregating scores across the 55 Atari games. We introduce and recommend the Clipped Record Mean (right-most plot) as an informative and robust performance metric.

The first three aggregation methods were previously proposed in the literature. We identify important drawbacks in each and recommend a new aggregation method, the clipped record mean to overcome their drawbacks.

  • Gamer Median. Most commonly, scores for each game are normalized by the performance of a human gamer that was assessed for the DQN paper and the median of the normalized scores of all games is reported. Unfortunately, the median ignores the scores of many simpler and harder games.
  • Gamer Mean. The mean takes the scores for all games into account but is mainly influenced by a small number of games where the human gamer performed poorly. This makes it easy for an algorithm to achieve large normalized scores on some games (e.g., James Bond, Video Pinball) that then dominate the mean.
  • Record Mean. Prior work recommends normalization based on the human world record instead, but such a metric is still overly influenced by a small number of games where it is easy for the artificial agents to outscore the human record.
  • Clipped Record Mean. We introduce a new metric that normalizes scores by the world record and clips them to not exceed the record. This yields an informative and robust metric that takes the performance on all games into account to an approximately equal amount.

While many current algorithms exceed the human gamer baseline, they are still quite far behind the human world record. As shown in the right-most plot above, DreamerV2 leads by achieving 25% of the human record on average across games. Clipping the scores at the record line lets us focus our efforts on developing methods that come closer to the human world record on all of the games rather than exceeding it on just a few games.

What matters and what doesn’t
To gain insights into the important components of DreamerV2, we conduct an extensive ablation study. Importantly, we find that categorical representations offer a clear advantage over Gaussian representations despite the fact that Gaussians have been used extensively in prior works. KL balancing provides an even more substantial advantage over the KL regularizer used by most generative models.

By preventing the image reconstruction or reward prediction gradients from shaping the model states, we study their importance for learning successful representations. We find that DreamerV2 relies completely on universal information from the high-dimensional input images and its representations enable accurate reward predictions even when they were not trained using information about the reward. This mirrors the success of unsupervised representation learning in the computer vision community.

Atari performance for various ablations of DreamerV2 (Clipped Record Mean). Categorical representations, KL balancing, and learning about the images are crucial for the success of DreamerV2. Using reward information, that is specific to narrow tasks, offers no additional benefits for learning the world model.

We show how to learn a powerful world model to achieve human-level performance on the competitive Atari benchmark and outperform the top model-free agents. This result demonstrates that world models are a powerful approach for achieving high performance on reinforcement learning problems and are ready to use for practitioners and researchers. We see this as an indication that the success of unsupervised representation learning in computer vision [1, 2] is now starting to be realized in reinforcement learning in the form of world models. An unofficial implementation of DreamerV2 is available on Github and provides a productive starting point for future research projects. We see world models that leverage large offline datasets, long-term memory, hierarchical planning, and directed exploration as exciting avenues for future research.

This project is a collaboration with Timothy Lillicrap, Mohammad Norouzi, and Jimmy Ba. We further thank everybody on the Brain Team and beyond who commented on our paper draft and provided feedback at any point throughout the project.

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Machine learning on distributed Dask using Amazon SageMaker and AWS Fargate

As businesses around the world are embarking on building innovative solutions, we’re seeing a growing trend adopting data science workloads across various industries. Recently, we’ve seen a greater push towards reducing the friction between data engineers and data scientists. Data scientists are now enabled to run their experiments on their local machine and port to it powerful clusters that can scale without rewriting the code.

You have many options for running data science workloads, such as running it on your own managed Spark cluster. Alternatively there are cloud options such as Amazon SageMaker, Amazon EMR and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters. We’re also seeing customers adopting Dask—a distributed data science computing framework that natively integrates with Python libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, and Scikit-learn machine learning (ML) libraries. These libraries were developed in Python and originally optimized for single-machine processing. Dask was developed to help scale these widely used packages for big data processing. In the past few years, Dask has matured to solve CPU and memory-bound ML problems such as big data processing, regression modeling, and hyperparameter optimization.

Dask provides the distributed computing framework to scale your CPU and memory-bound ML problems beyond a single machine. However, the underlying infrastructure resources have to be provided to the framework. You can use AWS Fargate to provide those infrastructure resources. Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers that works with both Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and Amazon EKS. Fargate makes it easy for you to focus on building your applications. Fargate removes the need to provision and manage servers, lets you specify and pay for resources per application, and improves security through application isolation by design. Fargate ensures that the infrastructure your containers run on is always up to date with the required patches.

In this post, we demonstrate how to solve common ML problems such as exploratory data analysis on large datasets, preprocessing (such as one-hot encoding), and linear regression modeling using Fargate as the backend. We show you how to connect to a distributed Dask Fargate cluster from a SageMaker notebook, scale out Dask workers, and perform exploratory data analysis work on large public New York taxi trip datasets, containing over 100 million trips. Then we demonstrate how you can run regression algorithms on a distributed Dask cluster. Finally, we demonstrate how you can monitor the operational metrics of a Dask cluster that is fronted by a Network Load Balancer to access the cluster-monitoring dashboard from the internet.

Solution overview

Our use case is to demonstrate how to perform exploratory data analysis on large datasets (over 10 GB with hundreds of millions of records) and run a linear regression algorithm on a distributed Dask cluster. For this use case, we use the publicly available New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) Trip Record Data. We use a SageMaker notebook with the backend integrated with a scalable distributed Dask cluster running on Amazon ECS on Fargate.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

We provide an AWS CloudFormation template to provision the following resources:

You then complete the following manual setup steps:

  1. Register the Dask schedulers task’s private IP as the target in the NLB.
  2. Upload the example notebook to the SageMaker notebook instance.
  3. Follow the instructions in the notebook, which we also walk through in this post.

Implementing distributed Dask on Fargate using AWS CloudFormation

To provision your resources with AWS CloudFormation, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your AWS account and choose your Region.
  2. On the AWS CloudFormation console, create a stack using the following template.

On the AWS CloudFormation console, create a stack using the following template.

  1. Provide the stack parameters.

Provide the stack parameters.

  1. Acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might need additional resources and capabilities.
  2. Choose Create stack.

Choose Create stack.

Implementing distributed Dask on Fargate using the AWS CLI

To implement distributed Dask using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), complete the following steps:

  1. Install the AWS CLI.
  2. Run the following command to create the CloudFormation stack:
    aws cloudformation create-stack --template-url --stack-name dask-fargate --capabilities "CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND" "CAPABILITY_IAM" "CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM" --region us-east-1

Setting up Network Load Balancer to monitor the Dask cluster

To set up NLB to monitor your Fargate Dask cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon ECS console, choose Clusters.
  2. Choose your cluster.
  3. Choose the Dask scheduler service.
  4. On the Tasks tab, choose the running task.

On the Tasks tab, choose the running task.

  1. Copy the value for Private IP.

Copy the value for Private IP.

  1. On the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) console, choose Target groups.
  2. Choose dask-scheduler-tg1.
  3. On the Targets tab, choose Register targets.

On the Targets tab, choose Register targets.

  1. For Network, choose dask-vpc-main.
  2. For IP, enter the IP you copied earlier.
  3. For Ports, enter 8787.
  4. Choose Include as pending below.

Choose Include as pending below.

  1. Wait until the targets are registered and then navigate to the Load Balancers page on the Amazon EC2 console.
  2. On the Description tab, copy the value for DNS name.

On the Description tab, copy the value for DNS name.

  1. Enter the DNS name into your browser to view the Dask dashboard.

Enter the DNS name into your browser to view the Dask dashboard.

For demo purposes, we set up our Network Load Balancer in a public subnet without certificates. We recommend securing the Network Load Balancer with certificates and appropriate firewall rules.

Machine learning using Dask on Fargate: Notebook overview

To walk through the accompanying notebook, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon ECS console, choose Clusters.
  2. Ensure that Fargate-Dask-Cluster is running with one task each for Dask-Scheduler and Dask-Workers.
  3. On the SageMaker console, choose Notebook instances.
  4. Open Jupyter and upload dask-sm-fargate-example.ipynb.
  5. Run each cell of the notebook and observe the results (see the following sections for details on each cell).
  6. Use the Network Load Balancer public DNS to monitor the performance of the cluster as you run the notebook cells.

Setting up conda package dependencies

The SageMaker notebook’s conda_python3 environment ships with a set of four packages. To run a distributed dask, you need to bring a few new packages as well the updated version of the existing packages. Run conda install for these packages: scikit-learn 0.23, dask-ml 1.6.0, and cloudpickle 1.6.0. See the following code:

!conda install scikit-learn=0.23.2 -c conda-forge -n python3 -y
!conda install -n python3 dask-ml=1.6.0 -c conda-forge -y
!conda install cloudpickle=1.6.0 -c conda-forge  -y
!conda install s3fs=0.4.0 -c conda-forge  -y

Each command takes about 5 minutes to install because it needs to resolve dependencies.

Setting up the Dask client

The client is the primary entry point for users of distributed Dask. You register the client to the distributed Dask scheduler that is deployed and running in the Fargate cluster. See the following code:

from dask.distributed import Client
client = Client('Dask-Scheduler.local-dask:8786')

Scaling Dask workers

Distributed Dask is a centrally managed, distributed, dynamic task scheduler. The central dask-scheduler process coordinates the actions of several dask-worker processes spread across multiple machines and the concurrent requests of several clients. Internally, the scheduler tracks all work as a constantly changing directed acyclic graph of tasks.

You can scale the Dask workers to add more compute and memory capacity for your data science workload. See the following code:

!sudo aws ecs update-service --service Dask-Workers --desired-count 20 --cluster Fargate-Dask-Cluster

Alternatively, you can use the Service Auto Scaling feature of Fargate to automatically scale the resources (number of tasks).

After client restart, you now have 40 cores with over 80 GB of memory, as shown in the following screenshot.

After client restart, you now have 40 cores with over 80 GB of memory, as shown in the following screenshot.

You can verify this on the Amazon ECS console by checking the Fargate Dask workers.

Exploratory data analysis of New York taxi trips with Dask DataFrame

A Dask DataFrame is a large parallel DataFrame composed of many smaller Pandas DataFrames, split along the index. These Pandas DataFrames may live on disk for larger-than-memory computing on a single machine, or on many different machines in a cluster. One Dask DataFrame operation triggers many operations on the constituent Pandas DataFrames. The following diagram illustrates a Dask DataFrame.

The following diagram illustrates a Dask DataFrame.

Lazy loading taxi trips from Amazon S3 to a Dask DataFrame

Use the s3fs and dask.dataframe libraries to load the taxi trips from the public Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket into a distributed Dask DataFrame. S3FS builds on botocore to provide a convenient Python file system interface for Amazon S3. See the following code:

import s3fs
import dask.dataframe as dd

df = dd.read_csv(
    's3://nyc-tlc/trip data/yellow_tripdata_2018-*.csv', storage_options={'anon': True}, parse_dates=['tpep_pickup_datetime','tpep_dropoff_datetime']

Dask lazily loads the records as computations are performed, unlike the Pandas DataFrame. The datasets contain over 100 million trips, which are loaded into the distributed Dask DataFrame, as shown in the following screenshot.

The datasets contain over 100 million trips, which are loaded into the distributed Dask DataFrame, as shown in the following screenshot.

Taxi trip data structure

You can determine the data structure of the loaded Dask DataFrame using df.dtypes:

VendorID                          int64
tpep_pickup_datetime     datetime64[ns]
tpep_dropoff_datetime    datetime64[ns]
passenger_count                   int64
trip_distance                   float64
RatecodeID                        int64
store_and_fwd_flag               object
PULocationID                      int64
DOLocationID                      int64
payment_type                      int64
fare_amount                     float64
extra                           float64
mta_tax                         float64
tip_amount                      float64
tolls_amount                    float64
improvement_surcharge           float64
total_amount                    float64
trip_dur_secs                     int64
pickup_date                      object

Calculate the maximum trip duration

You have over 100 million trips loaded into the Dask DataFrame, and now you need to determine of all the trips that took the maximum amount of time to complete. This is a memory and compute-intensive operation and hard to perform on a single machine with limited resources. Dask allows you to use the familiar DataFrame operations, but on the backend runs those operations on a scalable distributed Fargate cluster of nodes. See the following code:

df['trip_dur_secs'] = (df['tpep_dropoff_datetime'] - df['tpep_pickup_datetime']).dt.seconds
max_trip_duration = df.trip_dur_secs.max().compute()

The following screenshot shows the output.

The following screenshot shows the output.

Calculating the average number of passengers by pickup date

Now you want to know the average number of passengers across all trips for each pickup date. You can easily compute that across millions of trips using the following code:

df['pickup_date'] = df['tpep_dropoff_datetime']
df_mean_psngr_pickup_date = df.groupby('pickup_date').passenger_count.mean().compute()

The following screenshot shows the output.

The following screenshot shows the output.

You can also perform aggregate operations across the entire dataset to identify the total number of trips and trip distance for each vendor, as shown in the following screenshot.

You can also perform aggregate operations across the entire dataset to identify the total number of trips and trip distance for each vendor

You can determine the memory usage across the Dask cluster nodes using the Dask workers dashboard, as shown in the following screenshot. For the preceding operation, the consumed memory across workers amounts to 31 GB.

For the preceding operation, the consumed memory across workers amounts to 31 GB.


As you run the preceding code, navigate to the Dask dashboard to see how Dask performs those operations. The following screenshot shows an example visualization of the Dask dashboard.

The following screenshot shows an example visualization of the Dask dashboard.

The visualization shows from-delayed in the progress pane. Sometimes we face problems that are parallelizable, but don’t fit into high-level abstractions like Dask Array or Dask DataFrame. For those problems, the Dask delayed function decorates your functions so they operate lazily. Rather than running your function immediately, it defers running and places the function and its arguments into a task graph.

Persisting collections into memory

You can pin the data in distributed memory of the worker nodes using the distributed Dask’s persist API:

df_persisted = client.persist(df)

Typically, we use asynchronous methods like client.persist to set up large collections and then use df.compute() for fast analyses. For example, you can compute the maximum trip distance across all trips:

max_trip_dist = df_persisted.trip_distance.max().compute()

The following screenshot shows the output.

The following screenshot shows the output.

In the preceding cell, this computation across 102 million trips took just 344 milliseconds. This is because the entire Dask DataFrame was persisted into the memory of the Fargate worker nodes, thereby enabling computations to run significantly faster.

Visualizing trips with Dask DataFrame

Dask DataFrame supports visualization with matplotlib, which is similar to Pandas DataFrame.

Imagine you want to know the top 10 expensive rides by pickup location. You can visualize that as in the following screenshot.

You can visualize that as in the following screenshot.

Predicting trip duration with Dask ML linear regression

As we have explored the taxi trips dataset, now we predict the duration of trips when no pickup and drop-off times are available. We use the historical trips that have a labeled trip duration to train a linear regression model and then use that model to predict trip duration for new trips that have no pickup and drop-off times.

We use LinearRegression from dask_ml.linear_model and the Dask Fargate cluster as the backend for training the model. Dask ML provides scalable ML in Python using Dask alongside popular ML libraries like Scikit-learn, XGBoost, and others.

The dask_ml.linear_model module implements linear models for classification and regression. Dask ML algorithms integrates with joblib to submit jobs to the distributed Dask cluster.

For training the model, we need to prepare the training and testing datasets. We use the dask_ml.model_selection library to create those datasets, as shown in the following screenshot.

We use the dask_ml.model_selection library to create those datasets, as shown in the following screenshot.

We use the dask_ml.model_selection library to create those datasets, as shown in the following screenshot.

After you train the model, you can run a prediction against the model to predict the trip duration using the testing dataset, as shown in the following screenshot.

After you train the model, you can run a prediction against the model to predict the trip duration using the testing dataset

Logging and monitoring

You can monitor, troubleshoot, and set alarms for all your Dask cluster resources running on Fargate using Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights. This fully managed service collects, aggregates, and summarizes Amazon ECS metrics and logs. The following screenshot shows an example of the Container Insights UI for the preceding notebook run.

The following screenshot shows an example of the Container Insights UI for the preceding notebook run.

Cleaning up

To clean up your resources, delete your main stack on the CloudFormation console or use the following AWS CLI command:

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name dask-fargate --region us-east-1


In this post, we showed how to stand up a highly scalable infrastructure for performing ML on distributed Dask with a SageMaker notebook and Fargate. We demonstrated the core concepts of how to use Dask DataFrame to perform big data processing such as aggregating records by pickup date and finding the longest trip of over 100 million taxi trips. Then we did an exploratory data analysis and visualized expensive rides. Finally, we showed how to use the Dask ML library to perform linear regression algorithm to predict trip duration.

Give distributed Dask a try for your ML use cases, such as performing exploratory data analysis, preprocessing, and linear regression, and leave your feedback in the comments section. You can also access the resources for this post in the GitHub repo.


For resources and more information about the tools and services in this post, see the following:

About the Authors

Ram VittalRam Vittal is an enterprise solutions architect at AWS. His current focus is to help enterprise customers with their cloud adoption and optimization journey to improve their business outcomes. In his spare time, he enjoys tennis, photography, and movies.



Sireesha Muppala is an AI/ML Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS, providing guidance to customers on architecting and implementing machine learning solutions at scale. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. In her spare time, Sireesha loves to run and hike Colorado trails.


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Miracle Qure: Founder Pooja Rao Talks Medical Technology at

Pooja Rao, a doctor, data scientist and entrepreneur, wants to make cutting-edge medical care available to communities around the world, regardless of their resources. Her startup,, is doing exactly that, with technology that’s used in 150+ healthcare facilities in 27 countries.

Rao is the cofounder and head of research and development at the Mumbai-based company, which started in 2016.  The company develops AI technology that interprets medical images, with a focus on pulmonary and neurological scans. is also a member of the NVIDIA Inception startup accelerator program. received an NVIDIA Inception Social Innovation award back in 2016,” Rao said in advance of the interview.  “This was our first ever external recognition, generating exposure for us in the AI ecosystem. Since then, we’ve been a regular participant at GTC – the world’s premier AI conference. NVIDIA’s commitment to the startup community is unmatched, and I’m always inspired by the new applications of AI that are showcased at the conference.” technology has proven extremely useful in rapidly diagnosing tuberculosis, a disease that infects millions each year and can cause death if not treated early. By providing fast diagnoses and compensating in areas with fewer trained healthcare professionals, is saving lives.

Their AI is also helping to prioritize critical cases in teleradiology. Teleradiologists remotely analyze large volumes of medical images, with no way of knowing which scans might portray a time-sensitive issue, such as a brain hemorrhage. technology analyzes and prioritizes the scans for teleradiologists, reducing the time it takes them to read critical cases by 97 percent, according to Rao.

Right now, a major focus is helping fight COVID-19 —’s AI tool qXR is helping monitor disease progression and provide a risk score, aiding triage decisions.

In the future, Rao anticipates eventually building technology into medical imaging machinery to identify areas that need to be photographed more closely.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • has just received its first U.S. FDA approval. Its technology has also been acknowledged by the World Health Organization, which recently officially endorsed AI as a means to diagnose tuberculosis, especially in areas with fewer healthcare professionals.
  • Because’s mission is to create AI technology that can function in areas with limited resources, it has built systems that have learned to work with patchy internet and images that aren’t of the highest quality.
  • In order to be a global tool, partnered with universities and hospitals to train on data from patients of different genders and ethnicities from around the world.


“You can have the fanciest architectures, but at some point it really becomes about the quality, the quantity and the diversity of the training data.” — Pooja Rao [7:46]

“I’ve always thought that the point of studying medicine was to be able to improve it — to develop new therapies and technology.” — Pooja Rao [18:57]

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The Sky’s No Longer the Limit: GFN Thursday Celebrates Indie Breakthroughs — Valheim, Terraria and More

GFN Thursday is bringing gamers 11 new titles this week, but first, a question: What’s your favorite indie game?

We ask because GeForce NOW supports nearly 300 of them, streaming straight from the cloud. And that’s great for gamers and indie devs.

An Indie Spotlight

PC gaming thrives because of independent studios. Some of the world’s smallest developers have made the biggest and best games. It’s one of the things we love most about PC gaming and why NVIDIA built its Indie Spotlight program.

Developing a great game is challenging enough, so we’re supporting indie devs by helping them reach a wider audience. GeForce NOW connects to game stores where PC games are already offered, so developers can grow their audience while focusing on their creative vision, without worrying about ports.

Teams like Iron Gate AB and Coffee Stain Studios are now able to bring a graphically intense PC game like Valheim to more gamers by streaming the PC version from our cloud servers.

Valheim on GeForce NOWYou can build your dream Viking home in Valheim. And with GeForce NOW, you don’t even need a PC.

Valheim asks you to battle, build and conquer your way to a saga worthy of Odin’s patronage. The game’s already a huge success on Steam, and with GeForce NOW, Iron Gate’s team can share their vision with cloud gamers on Mac, Android, iOS and Chromebooks.

“We launched Valheim in early access on Steam, and immediately NVIDIA helped us bring it to more gamers with GeForce NOW. That way, even Mac users can play Valheim,” said Henrik Törnqvist, co-founder of Iron Gate AB.

Motoring Toward the Indie 300

GeForce NOW’s library includes nearly 300 of the most-popular and most-loved indie games, with more released every GFN Thursday.

“Streaming Terraria on GeForce NOW makes perfect sense to us. We have always sought out ways to make our game as accessible to as many people as possible. GFN helps accomplish that goal by giving our players the ability to play on any device they want, without any added development work on our side. We’re looking forward to seeing both new and existing players enjoy all that Terraria has to offer, whether that be via the more traditional PC/console/mobile route or streaming from the cloud,” said Ted Murphy, head of business strategy and marketing at Re-Logic.

Terraria, from Re-Logic, is one of the most popular indie hits of all time. It’s also one of the longest-running, best-supported games. Regular content updates since launch have lifted the total item count from 250 to over 5,000.

Terraria on GeForce NOWUsing GeForce NOW, members can check in on their Terraria homes on any of their supported devices.

The indie catalog is a great place to discover games you might’ve missed. Monster Train, from Shiny Shoe and Good Shepherd Entertainment, a strategic roguelike deck building game with a twist, was PC Gamer’s Best Card Game of 2020 and is streaming from the cloud.

Indie Games on GeForce NOWMembers can see even more highlights in the “Indie Spotlight” in-app row, and the complete indie catalog by clicking “See More.”

GeForce NOW’s indies include incredible global success stories. Chinese-developer TPP Studio’s Home Behind 2 is a fairly new indie title that’s rapidly growing in popularity. The game, released in November, has a two-person development team and starts streaming on GeForce NOW this week.

Since GFN streams the PC versions of games from popular digital stores, when a promotion happens — like Team17’s Worms Rumble free weekend on Steam, happening through Feb. 21 — members are able to participate, instantly.

And when games take advantage of NVIDIA technology like DLSS, GeForce NOW members can reap the benefits. Recent examples include War Thunder, and — just this week — Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. It’s yet another way GeForce NOW supports future indie development.

Let’s Play Today

As is GFN Thursday tradition, let’s take a look at this week’s new additions to the GeForce NOW library.

Hellish Quart (day-and-date release on Steam, Feb. 16)

A new Steam release this week, Kubold’s sword-dueling game includes intense physics and motion-captured fencing techniques. 

South Park: The Stick of Truth (Steam)

A brilliant RPG that satirizes the genre, Ubisoft’s first South Park game lets you pal around with Cartman, Stan, Kyle, Kenny and more in search of a twig of limitless power.

Here are the rest of this week’s additions:

What’s your gaming plan this weekend, members? Let us know on Twitter.

The post The Sky’s No Longer the Limit: GFN Thursday Celebrates Indie Breakthroughs — Valheim, Terraria and More appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.

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GeForce Is Made for Gaming, CMP Is Made to Mine

We are gamers, through and through. We obsess about new gaming features, new architectures, new games and tech. We designed GeForce GPUs for gamers, and gamers are clamoring for more.

Yet NVIDIA GPUs are programmable. And users are constantly discovering new applications for them, from weather simulation and gene sequencing to deep learning and robotics. Mining cryptocurrency is one of them.

With the launch of GeForce RTX 3060 on Feb. 25, we’re taking an important step to help ensure GeForce GPUs end up in the hands of gamers.

Halving Hash Rate

RTX 3060 software drivers are designed to detect specific attributes of the Ethereum cryptocurrency mining algorithm, and limit the hash rate, or cryptocurrency mining efficiency, by around 50 percent.

That only makes sense. Our GeForce RTX GPUs introduce cutting-edge technologies — such as RTX real-time ray-tracing, DLSS AI-accelerated image upscaling technology, Reflex super-fast response rendering for the best system latency, and many more — tailored to meet the needs of gamers and those who create digital experiences.

To address the specific needs of Ethereum mining, we’re announcing the NVIDIA CMP, or, Cryptocurrency Mining Processor, product line for professional mining.

CMP products — which don’t do graphics — are sold through authorized partners and optimized for the best mining performance and efficiency. They don’t meet the specifications required of a GeForce GPU and, thus, don’t impact the availability of GeForce GPUs to gamers.

For instance, CMP lacks display outputs, enabling improved airflow while mining so they can be more densely packed. CMPs also have a lower peak core voltage and frequency, which improves mining power efficiency.

Creating tailored products for customers with specific needs delivers the best value for customers. With CMP, we can help miners build the most efficient data centers while preserving GeForce RTX GPUs for gamers.

The post GeForce Is Made for Gaming, CMP Is Made to Mine appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.

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