Scale training and inference of thousands of ML models with Amazon SageMaker

Scale training and inference of thousands of ML models with Amazon SageMaker

As machine learning (ML) becomes increasingly prevalent in a wide range of industries, organizations are finding the need to train and serve large numbers of ML models to meet the diverse needs of their customers. For software as a service (SaaS) providers in particular, the ability to train and serve thousands of models efficiently and cost-effectively is crucial for staying competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

Training and serving thousands of models requires a robust and scalable infrastructure, which is where Amazon SageMaker can help. SageMaker is a fully managed platform that enables developers and data scientists to build, train, and deploy ML models quickly, while also offering the cost-saving benefits of using the AWS Cloud infrastructure.

In this post, we explore how you can use SageMaker features, including Amazon SageMaker Processing, SageMaker training jobs, and SageMaker multi-model endpoints (MMEs), to train and serve thousands of models in a cost-effective way. To get started with the described solution, you can refer to the accompanying notebook on GitHub.

Use case: Energy forecasting

For this post, we assume the role of an ISV company that helps their customers become more sustainable by tracking their energy consumption and providing forecasts. Our company has 1,000 customers who want to better understand their energy usage and make informed decisions about how to reduce their environmental impact. To do this, we use a synthetic dataset and train an ML model based on Prophet for each customer to make energy consumption forecasts. With SageMaker, we can efficiently train and serve these 1,000 models, providing our customers with accurate and actionable insights into their energy usage.

There are three features in the generated dataset:

  • customer_id – This is an integer identifier for each customer, ranging from 0–999.
  • timestamp – This is a date/time value that indicates the time at which the energy consumption was measured. The timestamps are randomly generated between the start and end dates specified in the code.
  • consumption – This is a float value that indicates the energy consumption, measured in some arbitrary unit. The consumption values are randomly generated between 0–1,000 with sinusoidal seasonality.

Solution overview

To efficiently train and serve thousands of ML models, we can use the following SageMaker features:

  • SageMaker Processing – SageMaker Processing is a fully managed data preparation service that enables you to perform data processing and model evaluation tasks on your input data. You can use SageMaker Processing to transform raw data into the format needed for training and inference, as well as to run batch and online evaluations of your models.
  • SageMaker training jobs – You can use SageMaker training jobs to train models on a variety of algorithms and input data types, and specify the compute resources needed for training.
  • SageMaker MMEs – Multi-model endpoints enable you to host multiple models on a single endpoint, which makes it easy to serve predictions from multiple models using a single API. SageMaker MMEs can save time and resources by reducing the number of endpoints needed to serve predictions from multiple models. MMEs support hosting of both CPU- and GPU-backed models. Note that in our scenario, we use 1,000 models, but this is not a limitation of the service itself.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

architecture that displays the described process

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. We use SageMaker Processing to preprocess data and create a single CSV file per customer and store it in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
  2. The SageMaker training job is configured to read the output of the SageMaker Processing job and distribute it in a round-robin fashion to the training instances. Note that this can also be achieved with Amazon SageMaker Pipelines.
  3. The model artifacts are stored in Amazon S3 by the training job, and are served directly from the SageMaker MME.

Scale training to thousands of models

Scaling the training of thousands of models is possible via the distribution parameter of the TrainingInput class in the SageMaker Python SDK, which allows you to specify how data is distributed across multiple training instances for a training job. There are three options for the distribution parameter: FullyReplicated, ShardedByS3Key, and ShardedByRecord. The ShardedByS3Key option means that the training data is sharded by S3 object key, with each training instance receiving a unique subset of the data, avoiding duplication. After the data is copied by SageMaker to the training containers, we can read the folder and files structure to train a unique model per customer file. The following is an example code snippet:

# Assume that the training data is in an S3 bucket already, pass the parent folder
s3_input_train = sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput(

# Create a SageMaker estimator and set the training input
estimator = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(...)

Every SageMaker training job stores the model saved in the /opt/ml/model folder of the training container before archiving it in a model.tar.gz file, and then uploads it to Amazon S3 upon training job completion. Power users can also automate this process with SageMaker Pipelines. When storing multiple models via the same training job, SageMaker creates a single model.tar.gz file containing all the trained models. This would then mean that, in order to serve the model, we would need to unpack the archive first. To avoid this, we use checkpoints to save the state of individual models. SageMaker provides the functionality to copy checkpoints created during the training job to Amazon S3. Here, the checkpoints need to be saved in a pre-specified location, with the default being /opt/ml/checkpoints. These checkpoints can be used to resume training at a later moment or as a model to deploy on an endpoint. For a high-level summary of how the SageMaker training platform manages storage paths for training datasets, model artifacts, checkpoints, and outputs between AWS Cloud storage and training jobs in SageMaker, refer to Amazon SageMaker Training Storage Folders for Training Datasets, Checkpoints, Model Artifacts, and Outputs.

The following code uses a fictitious function inside the script containing the training logic:

import tarfile
import boto3
import os

[ ... argument parsing ... ]

for customer in os.list_dir(args.input_path):
    # Read data locally within the Training job
    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(args.input_path, customer, 'data.csv'))
    # Define and train the model
    model = MyModel()
    # Save model to output directory
    with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'model.json'), 'w') as fout:
    # Create the model.tar.gz archive containing the model and the training script
    with, '{customer}.tar.gz'), "w:gz") as tar:
        tar.add(os.path.join(output_dir, 'model.json'), "model.json")
        tar.add(os.path.join(args.code_dir, ""), "")

Scale inference to thousands of models with SageMaker MMEs

SageMaker MMEs allow you to serve multiple models at the same time by creating an endpoint configuration that includes a list of all the models to serve, and then creating an endpoint using that endpoint configuration. There is no need to re-deploy the endpoint every time you add a new model because the endpoint will automatically serve all models stored in the specified S3 paths. This is achieved with Multi Model Server (MMS), an open-source framework for serving ML models that can be installed in containers to provide the front end that fulfills the requirements for the new MME container APIs. In addition, you can use other model servers including TorchServe and Triton. MMS can be installed in your custom container via the SageMaker Inference Toolkit. To learn more about how to configure your Dockerfile to include MMS and use it to serve your models, refer to Build Your Own Container for SageMaker Multi-Model Endpoints.

The following code snippet shows how to create an MME using the SageMaker Python SDK:

from sagemaker.multidatamodel import MultiDataModel

# Create the MultiDataModel definition
multimodel = MultiDataModel(

# Deploy on a real-time endpoint
predictor = multimodel.deploy(

When the MME is live, we can invoke it to generate predictions. Invocations can be done in any AWS SDK as well as with the SageMaker Python SDK, as shown in the following code snippet:

    data='{"period": 7}',             # the payload, in this case JSON
    target_model='{customer}.tar.gz'  # the name of the target model

When calling a model, the model is initially loaded from Amazon S3 on the instance, which can result in a cold start when calling a new model. Frequently used models are cached in memory and on disk to provide low-latency inference.


SageMaker is a powerful and cost-effective platform for training and serving thousands of ML models. Its features, including SageMaker Processing, training jobs, and MMEs, enable organizations to efficiently train and serve thousands of models at scale, while also benefiting from the cost-saving advantages of using the AWS Cloud infrastructure. To learn more about how to use SageMaker for training and serving thousands of models, refer to Process data, Train a Model with Amazon SageMaker and Host multiple models in one container behind one endpoint.

About the Authors

Picture of DavideDavide Gallitelli is a Specialist Solutions Architect for AI/ML in the EMEA region. He is based in Brussels and works closely with customers throughout Benelux. He has been a developer since he was very young, starting to code at the age of 7. He started learning AI/ML at university, and has fallen in love with it since then.

Picture of MauritsMaurits de Groot is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, based out of Amsterdam. He likes to work on machine learning-related topics and has a predilection for startups. In his spare time, he enjoys skiing and playing squash.

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Accelerate business outcomes with 70% performance improvements to data processing, training, and inference with Amazon SageMaker Canvas

Accelerate business outcomes with 70% performance improvements to data processing, training, and inference with Amazon SageMaker Canvas

Amazon SageMaker Canvas is a visual interface that enables business analysts to generate accurate machine learning (ML) predictions on their own, without requiring any ML experience or having to write a single line of code. SageMaker Canvas’s intuitive user interface lets business analysts browse and access disparate data sources in the cloud or on premises, prepare and explore the data, build and train ML models, and generate accurate predictions within a single workspace.

SageMaker Canvas allows analysts to use different data workloads to achieve the desired business outcomes with high accuracy and performance. The compute, storage, and memory requirements to generate accurate predictions are abstracted from the end-user, enabling them to focus on the business problem to be solved. Earlier this year, we announced performance optimizations based on customer feedback to deliver faster and more accurate model training times with SageMaker Canvas.

In this post, we show how SageMaker Canvas can now process data, train models, and generate predictions with increased speed and efficiency for different dataset sizes.


If you would like to follow along, complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Have an AWS account.
  2. Set up SageMaker Canvas. For instructions, refer to Prerequisites for setting up Amazon SageMaker Canvas.
  3. Download the following two datasets to your local computer. The first is the NYC Yellow Taxi Trip dataset; the second is the eCommerce behavior data about retails events related to products and users.

Both datasets come under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license and are free to share and adapt.

Data processing improvements

With underlying performance optimizations, the time to import data into SageMaker Canvas has improved by over 70%. You can now import datasets of up to 2 GB in approximately 50 seconds and up to 5 GB in approximately 65 seconds.

After importing data, business analysts typically validate the data to ensure there are no issues found within the dataset. Example validation checks can be ensuring columns contain the correct data type, seeing if the value ranges are in line with expectations, making sure there is uniqueness in values where applicable, and others.

Data validation is now faster. In our tests, all validations took 50 seconds for the taxi dataset exceeding 5 GB in size, a 10-times improvement in speed.

Model training improvements

The performance optimizations related to ML model training in SageMaker Canvas now enable you to train models without running into potential out-of-memory requests failures.

The following screenshot shows the results of a successful build run using a large dataset the impact of the total_amount feature on the target variable.

Inference improvements

Finally, SageMaker Canvas inference improvements achieved a 3.5 times reduction memory consumption in case of larger datasets in our internal testing.


In this post, we saw various improvements with SageMaker Canvas in importing, validation, training, and inference. We saw an increased in its ability to import large datasets by 70%. We saw a 10 times improvement in data validation, and a 3.5 times reduction in memory consumption. These improvements allow you to better work with large datasets and reduce time when building ML models with SageMaker Canvas.

We encourage you to experience the improvements yourself. We welcome your feedback as we continuously work on performance optimizations to improve the user experience.

About the authors

Peter Chung is a Solutions Architect for AWS, and is passionate about helping customers uncover insights from their data. He has been building solutions to help organizations make data-driven decisions in both the public and private sectors. He holds all AWS certifications as well as two GCP certifications. He enjoys coffee, cooking, staying active, and spending time with his family.

Tim Song is a Software Development Engineer at AWS SageMaker, with 10+ years of experience as software developer, consultant and tech leader he has demonstrated ability to deliver scalable and reliable products and solve complex problems. In his spare time, he enjoys the nature, outdoor running, hiking and etc.

Hariharan Suresh is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. He is passionate about databases, machine learning, and designing innovative solutions. Prior to joining AWS, Hariharan was a product architect, core banking implementation specialist, and developer, and worked with BFSI organizations for over 11 years. Outside of technology, he enjoys paragliding and cycling.

Maia Haile is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services based in the Washington, D.C. area. In that role, she helps public sector customers achieve their mission objectives with well architected solutions on AWS. She has 5 years of experience spanning from nonprofit healthcare, Media and Entertainment, and retail. Her passion is leveraging intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to help Public Sector customers achieve their business and technical goals.

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Build and train computer vision models to detect car positions in images using Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Rekognition

Build and train computer vision models to detect car positions in images using Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Rekognition

Computer vision (CV) is one of the most common applications of machine learning (ML) and deep learning. Use cases range from self-driving cars, content moderation on social media platforms, cancer detection, and automated defect detection. Amazon Rekognition is a fully managed service that can perform CV tasks like object detection, video segment detection, content moderation, and more to extract insights from data without the need of any prior ML experience. In some cases, a more custom solution might be needed along with the service to solve a very specific problem.

In this post, we address areas where CV can be applied to use cases where the pose of objects, their position, and orientation is important. One such use case would be customer-facing mobile applications where an image upload is required. It might be for compliance reasons or to provide a consistent user experience and improve engagement. For example, on online shopping platforms, the angle at which products are shown in images has an effect on the rate of buying this product. One such case is to detect the position of a car. We demonstrate how you can combine well-known ML solutions with postprocessing to address this problem on the AWS Cloud.

We use deep learning models to solve this problem. Training ML algorithms for pose estimation requires a lot of expertise and custom training data. Both requirements are hard and costly to obtain. Therefore, we present two options: one that doesn’t require any ML expertise and uses Amazon Rekognition, and another that uses Amazon SageMaker to train and deploy a custom ML model. In the first option, we use Amazon Rekognition to detect the wheels of the car. We then infer the car orientation from the wheel positions using a rule-based system. In the second option, we detect the wheels and other car parts using the Detectron model. These are again used to infer the car position with rule-based code. The second option requires ML experience but is also more customizable. It can be used for further postprocessing on the image, for example, to crop out the whole car. Both of the options can be trained on publicly available datasets. Finally, we show how you can integrate this car pose detection solution into your existing web application using services like Amazon API Gateway and AWS Amplify.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The solution consists of a mock web application in Amplify where a user can upload an image and invoke either the Amazon Rekognition model or the custom Detectron model to detect the position of the car. For each option, we host an AWS Lambda function behind an API Gateway that is exposed to our mock application. We configured our Lambda function to run with either the Detectron model trained in SageMaker or Amazon Rekognition.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Create a serverless app using Amazon Rekognition

Our first option demonstrates how you can detect car orientations in images using Amazon Rekognition. The idea is to use Amazon Rekognition to detect the location of the car and its wheels and then do postprocessing to derive the orientation of the car from this information. The whole solution is deployed using Lambda as shown in the Github repository. This folder contains two main files: a Dockerfile that defines the Docker image that will run in our Lambda function, and the file, which will be the main entry point of the Lambda function:

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    body_bytes = json.loads(event["body"])["image"].split(",")[-1]
    body_bytes = base64.b64decode(body_bytes)

    rek = boto3.client('rekognition')
    response = rek.detect_labels(Image={'Bytes': body_bytes}, MinConfidence=80)
    angle, img = label_image(img_string=body_bytes, response=response)

    buffered = BytesIO(), format="JPEG")
    img_str = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode('utf-8')

The Lambda function expects an event that contains a header and body, where the body should be the image needed to be labeled as base64 decoded object. Given the image, the Amazon Rekognition detect_labels function is invoked from the Lambda function using Boto3. The function returns one or more labels for each object in the image and bounding box details for all of the detected object labels as part of the response, along with other information like confidence of the assigned label, the ancestor labels of the detected label, possible aliases for the label, and the categories the detected label belongs to. Based on the labels returned by Amazon Rekognition, we run the function label_image, which calculates the car angle from the detected wheels as follows:

n_wheels = len(wheel_instances)

wheel_centers = [np.array(_extract_bb_coords(wheel, img)).mean(axis=0)
for wheel in wheel_instances]

wheel_center_comb = list(combinations(wheel_centers, 2))
vecs = [(k, pair[0] - pair[1]) for k,pair in enumerate(wheel_center_comb)]
vecs = sorted(vecs, key = lambda vec: np.linalg.norm(vec[1]))

vec_rel = vecs[1] if n_wheels == 3 else vecs[0]
angle = math.degrees(math.atan(vec_rel[1][1]/vec_rel[1][0]))

wheel_centers_rel = [tuple(wheel.tolist()) for wheel in

Note that the application requires that only one car is present in the image and returns an error if that’s not the case. However, the postprocessing can be adapted to provide more granular orientation descriptions, cover several cars, or calculate the orientation of more complex objects.

Improve wheel detection

To further improve the accuracy of the wheel detection, you can use Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels. Similar to fine-tuning using SageMaker to train and deploy a custom ML model, you can bring your own labeled data so that Amazon Rekognition can produce a custom image analysis model for you in just a few hours. With Rekognition Custom Labels, you only need a small set of training images that are specific to your use case, in this case car images with specific angles, because it uses the existing capabilities in Amazon Rekognition of being trained on tens of millions of images across many categories. Rekognition Custom Labels can be integrated with only a few clicks and small adaptations to the Lambda function we use for the standard Amazon Rekognition solution.

Train a model using a SageMaker training job

In our second option, we train a custom deep learning model on SageMaker. We use the Detectron2 framework for the segmentation of car parts. These segments are then used to infer the position of the car.

The Detectron2 framework is a library that provides state-of-the-art detection and segmentation algorithms. Detectron provides a variety of Mask R-CNN models that were trained on the famous COCO (Common objects in Context) dataset. To build our car objects detection model, we use transfer learning to fine-tune a pretrained Mask R-CNN model on the car parts segmentation dataset. This dataset allows us to train a model that can detect wheels but also other car parts. This additional information can be further used in the car angle computations relative to the image.

The dataset contains annotated data of car parts to be used for object detection and semantic segmentation tasks: approximately 500 images of sedans, pickups, and sports utility vehicles (SUVs), taken in multiple views (front, back, and side views). Each image is annotated by 18 instance masks and bounding boxes representing the different parts of a car like wheels, mirrors, lights, and front and back glass. We modified the base annotations of the wheels such that each wheel is considered an individual object instead of considering all the available wheels in the image as one object.

We use Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to store the dataset used for training the Detectron model along with the trained model artifacts. Moreover, the Docker container that runs in the Lambda function is stored in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). The Docker container in the Lambda function is needed to include the required libraries and dependencies for running the code. We could alternatively use Lambda layers, but it’s limited to an unzipped deployment packaged size quota of 250 MB and a maximum of five layers can be added to a Lambda function.

Our solution is built on SageMaker: we extend prebuilt SageMaker Docker containers for PyTorch to run our custom PyTorch training code. Next, we use the SageMaker Python SDK to wrap the training image into a SageMaker PyTorch estimator, as shown in the following code snippets:

d2_estimator = Estimator(
            "training": training_channel,
            "validation": validation_channel,

Finally, we start the training job by calling the fit() function on the created PyTorch estimator. When the training is finished, the trained model artifact is stored in the session bucket in Amazon S3 to be used for the inference pipeline.

Deploy the model using SageMaker and inference pipelines

We also use SageMaker to host the inference endpoint that runs our custom Detectron model. The full infrastructure used to deploy our solution is provisioned using the AWS CDK. We can host our custom model through a SageMaker real-time endpoint by calling deploy on the PyTorch estimator. This is the second time we extend a prebuilt SageMaker PyTorch container to include PyTorch Detectron. We use it to run the inference script and host our trained PyTorch model as follows:

model = PyTorchModel(

    predictor = model.deploy(

Note that we used an ml.g4dn.xlarge GPU for deployment because it’s the smallest GPU available and sufficient for this demo. Two components need to be configured in our inference script: model loading and model serving. The function model_fn() is used to load the trained model that is part of the hosted Docker container and can also be found in Amazon S3 and return a model object that can be used for model serving as follows:

def model_fn(model_dir: str) -> DefaultPredictor:
    for p_file in Path(model_dir).iterdir():
        if p_file.suffix == ".pth":
            path_model = p_file
    cfg = get_cfg()
    cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS = str(path_model)

    return DefaultPredictor(cfg)

The function predict_fn() performs the prediction and returns the result. Besides using our trained model, we use a pretrained version of the Mask R-CNN model trained on the COCO dataset to extract the main car in the image. This is an extra postprocessing step to deal with images where more than one car exists. See the following code:

def predict_fn(input_img: np.ndarray, predictor: DefaultPredictor) -> Mapping:
    pretrained_predictor = _get_pretraind_model()
    car_mask = get_main_car_mask(pretrained_predictor, input_img)
    outputs = predictor(input_img)
    fmt_out = {
        "image_height": input_object.shape[0],
        "image_width": input_object.shape[1],
        "pred_boxes": outputs["instances"].pred_boxes.tensor.tolist(),
        "scores": outputs["instances"].scores.tolist(),
        "pred_classes": outputs["instances"].pred_classes.tolist(),
        "car_mask": car_mask.tolist()
    return fmt_out

Similar to the Amazon Rekognition solution, the bounding boxes predicted for the wheel class are filtered from the detection outputs and supplied to the postprocessing module to assess the car position relative to the output.

Finally, we also improved the postprocessing for the Detectron solution. It also uses the segments of different car parts to infer the solution. For example, whenever a front bumper is detected, but no back bumper, it is assumed that we have a front view of the car and the corresponding angle is calculated.

Connect your solution to the web application

The steps to connect the model endpoints to Amplify are as follows:

  • Clone the application repository that the AWS CDK stack created, named car-angle-detection-website-repo. Make sure you are looking for it in the Region you used for deployment.
  • Copy the API Gateway endpoints for each of the deployed Lambda functions into the index.html file in the preceding repository (there are placeholders where the endpoint needs to be placed). The following code is an example of what this section of the .html file looks like:
<td align="center" colspan="2">
<select id="endpoint">
<option value="">
                Amazon Rekognition</option>
<option value="">
                Amazon SageMaker Detectron</option>
<input class="btn" type="file" id="ImageBrowse" />
<input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Upload">
  • Save the HTML file and push the code change to the remote main branch.

This will update the HTML file in the deployment. The application is now ready to use.

  • Navigate to the Amplify console and locate the project you created.

The application URL will be visible after the deployment is complete.

  • Navigate to the URL and have fun with the UI.


Congratulations! We have deployed a complete serverless architecture in which we used Amazon Rekognition, but also gave an option for your own custom model, with this example available on GitHub. If you don’t have ML expertise in your team or enough custom data to train a model, you could select the option that uses Amazon Rekognition. If you want more control over your model, would like to customize it further, and have enough data, you can choose the SageMaker solution. If you have a team of data scientists, they might also want to enhance the models further and pick a more custom and flexible option. You can put the Lambda function and the API Gateway behind your web application using either of the two options. You can also use this approach for a different use case for which you might want to adapt the code.

The advantage of this serverless architecture is that the building blocks are completely exchangeable. The opportunities are almost limitless. So, get started today!

As always, AWS welcomes feedback. Please submit any comments or questions.

About the Authors

Michael Wallner is a Senior Consultant Data & AI with AWS Professional Services and is passionate about enabling customers on their journey to become data-driven and AWSome in the AWS cloud. On top, he likes thinking big with customers to innovate and invent new ideas for them.

Aamna Najmi is a Data Scientist with AWS Professional Services. She is passionate about helping customers innovate with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies to tap business value and insights from data. She has experience in working on data platform and AI/ML projects in the healthcare and life sciences vertical. In her spare time, she enjoys gardening and traveling to new places.

David Sauerwein is a Senior Data Scientist at AWS Professional Services, where he enables customers on their AI/ML journey on the AWS cloud. David focuses on digital twins, forecasting and quantum computation. He has a PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Innsbruck, Austria. He was also a doctoral and post-doctoral researcher at the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics in Germany. In his free time he loves to read, ski and spend time with his family.

Srikrishna Chaitanya Konduru is a Senior Data Scientist with AWS Professional services. He supports customers in prototyping and operationalising their ML applications on AWS. Srikrishna focuses on computer vision and NLP. He also leads ML platform design and use case identification initiatives for customers across diverse industry verticals. Srikrishna has an M.Sc in Biomedical Engineering from RWTH Aachen university, Germany, with a focus on Medical Imaging.

Ahmed Mansour is a Data Scientist at AWS Professional Services. He provide technical support for customers through their AI/ML journey on the AWS cloud. Ahmed focuses on applications of NLP to the protein domain along with RL. He has a PhD in Engineering from the Technical University of Munich, Germany. In his free time he loves to go to the gym and play with his kids.

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An Ultimate GFN Thursday: 41 New Games, Plus ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Full Release and First Bethesda Titles to Join the Cloud in August

An Ultimate GFN Thursday: 41 New Games, Plus ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Full Release and First Bethesda Titles to Join the Cloud in August

The Ultimate upgrade is complete — GeForce NOW Ultimate performance is now streaming all throughout North America and Europe, delivering RTX 4080-class power for gamers across these regions. Celebrate this month with 41 new games, on top of the full release of Baldur’s Gate 3 and the first Bethesda titles coming to the cloud as the NVIDIA and Microsoft partnership benefits gamers everywhere.

And catch GeForce NOW at QuakeCon — the popular bring-your-own-PC mega-event running Aug. 10-13 — where the in-person and digital GeForce NOW Ultimate challenge will kick off.

Plus, game on with gaming peripherals and accessories company SteelSeries, which will be giving away codes for three-day GeForce NOW Ultimate and Priority memberships, along with popular GeForce NOW games and in-game goodies.

The Ultimate Rollout

Ultimate upgrade on GeForce NOW
Ultimate members everywhere have unlocked their maximum PC gaming potential.

The rollout of GeForce RTX 4080 SuperPODs across the world this year lit up cities with cutting-edge performance from the cloud. RTX 3080 members were introduced to the Ultimate membership, featuring gaming at 4K resolution 120 frames per second, or even up to 240 fps with ultra-low latency thanks to NVIDIA Reflex technology.

Ultimate memberships also bring the benefits of the NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architecture — including DLSS 3 with frame generation for the highest frame rates and visual fidelity, and full ray tracing for the most immersive, cinematic, in-game lighting experiences. Plus, ultrawide resolutions were supported for the first time ever from the cloud.

And members can experience it all without having to upgrade a single piece of hardware. With RTX 4080-class servers fully deployed, gamers can now experience ultra-high fps streaming from GeForce RTX 4080-class power in the cloud and see how an Ultimate membership raises the bar on cloud gaming.

To celebrate, the GeForce NOW team will be showing off Ultimate at QuakeCon with a special GeForce NOW Ultimate challenge. Members can register now to be first in line to get a free one-day upgrade to an Ultimate membership and see how their skills improve with 240 fps gaming when the challenge launches next week. Top scorers at QuakeCon can win various prizes, along with those participating in the challenge from home. Keep an eye out on GeForce NOW’s Twitter and Facebook accounts for more details.

It’s Party Time

The best thing to pair with an Ultimate membership are the best games in the cloud. Members have been enjoying early access to Baldur’s Gate 3 from Larian Studios, the role-playing game set in the world of Dungeons and Dragons that raised the bar for the RPG genre.

Baldur's Gate 3 full launch on GeForce NOW
Roll a nat 20 when streaming from the cloud.

Now, the full PC game launches and is streamable from GeForce NOW today. Choose from a wide selection of D&D races and classes, or play as an origin character with a handcrafted background. Adventure, loot, battle and romance while journeying through the Forgotten Realms and beyond. The game features a turn-based combat system, a dialogue system with choices and consequences, and a rich story that adapts to player actions and decisions.

Stream it across devices, whether solo or with others in online co-op mode. Those playing from the cloud will be able to enjoy it without worrying about download times or system requirements.

The Ultimate Shooters

Several titles from Bethesda’s well-known franchises — DOOM, Quake and Wolfenstein — will join the cloud this month for a mix of modern and classic first-person shooter games to enjoy across nearly all devices.

Feel the heat with the DOOM franchise, recognizable through its fast-paced epic gameplay and iconic heavy-metal soundtrack. Players take on the role of the DOOM Slayer to fight hordes of invading demons.

In addition, the Quake series features single- and multiplayer campaigns with gritty gameplay and epic music scores in which members can enjoy two sides of the legendary series.

First titles from Bethesda franchises to join GeForce NOW
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And here’s what the rest of August looks like:

  • WrestleQuest (New release on Steam, Aug. 7)
  • I Am Future (New release on Steam, Aug. 8)
  • Atlas Fallen (New release on Steam, Aug. 10)
  • Sengoku Dynasty (New release on Steam, Aug. 10)
  • Tales & Tactics (New release on Steam, Aug. 10)
  • Moving Out 2 (New release on Steam, Aug. 15)
  • Hammerwatch II (New release on Steam, Aug. 15)
  • Desynced (New release on Steam, Aug. 15)
  • Wayfinder (New release on Steam, Aug. 15)
  • The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood (New release on Steam, Aug. 16)
  • Gord (New release on Steam, Aug. 17)
  • Book of Hours (New release on Steam, Aug. 17)
  • Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew (New release on Steam, Aug. 17)
  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (New release on Steam, Aug. 18)
  • Bomb Rush Cyberfunk (New release on Steam, Aug. 18)
  • Jumplight Odyssey (New release on Steam, Aug. 21)
  • Blasphemous 2 (New release on Steam, Aug. 24)
  • RIDE 5 (New release on Steam, Aug. 24)
  • Sea of Stars (New release on Steam, Aug. 29)
  • Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy (New release on Steam, Aug. 31)
  • Deceit 2 (New release on Steam, Aug. 31)
  • Inkbound (Steam)
  • LEGO Brawls (Epic Games Store)
  • Regiments (Steam)
  • Session (Epic Games Store)
  • Smalland: Survive the Wilds (Epic Games Store)
  • Superhot (Epic Games Store)
  • Terra Invicta (Epic Games Store)
  • Wall World (Steam)
  • Wild West Dynasty (Epic Games Store)
  • WRECKFEST (Epic Games Store)
  • Xenonauts 2 (Epic Games Store)

A Jammin’ July

On top of the 14 games announced in July, four extra joined the cloud last month:

  • Let’s School (New release on Steam, July 26)
  • Grand Emprise: Time Travel Survival (New release on Steam, July 27)
  • Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen (Steam)
  • OCTOPATH TRAVELER (Epic Games Store)

What are you looking forward to streaming this month? Let us know your answer on Twitter or in the comments below.

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Collaborators: Data-driven decision-making with Jina Suh and Shamsi Iqbal

Collaborators: Data-driven decision-making with Jina Suh and Shamsi Iqbal

black and white photos of Principal Researcher Dr. Jina Suh and Principal Applied and Data Science Manager Dr. Shamsi Iqbal, next to the Microsoft Research Podcast

Episode 144 | August 3, 2023

Transforming research ideas into meaningful impact is no small feat. It often requires the knowledge and experience of individuals from across disciplines and institutions. Collaborators, a new Microsoft Research Podcast series, explores the relationships—both expected and unexpected—behind the projects, products, and services being pursued and delivered by researchers at Microsoft and the diverse range of people they’re teaming up with.

In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Gretchen Huizinga welcomes Principal Researcher Dr. Jina Suh and Principal Applied and Data Science Manager Dr. Shamsi Iqbal to the show to discuss their most recent work together, a research project aimed at developing data-driven tools to support organizational leaders and executives in their decision-making. The longtime collaborators explore how a long history of collaboration helps them thrive in their work to help workplaces thrive, how their relationship has evolved over the years, particularly with Iqbal’s move from the research side to the product side, and how research and product can align to achieve impact.



JINA SUH: So in this particular project we’re working on now, we’re focusing our attention on people leaders. And these people leaders have to make decisions that impact the work practices, work culture, you know, eventually the wellbeing of the team. And so the question we’re raising is how do we design tools that support these people leaders to attend to their work practices, their team, and their environment to enable more decisive and effective action in a data-driven way?

SHAMSI IQBAL: And so we need to think big, think from an organizational point of view. And then we need to think about if we walk it back, how does this impact teams? And if we want teams to function well, how do we enable and empower the individuals within those teams?

GRETCHEN HUIZINGA: You’re listening to Collaborators, a Microsoft Research Podcast showcasing the range of expertise that goes into transforming mind-blowing ideas into world-changing technologies. I’m Dr. Gretchen Huizinga.


I’m here today with Dr. Jina Suh, a Principal Researcher in the Human Understanding and Empathy group at Microsoft Research, and Dr. Shamsi Iqbal, the Principal Applied and Data Science Manager for the Viva Insights team in the Microsoft Data Platform and Growth organization. Jina and Shamsi are collaborating on a research project for Viva Insights that they hope will help people leaders reduce uncertainties and make informed and data-driven decisions for their teams. Before we unpack how they hope to do that, let’s meet our collaborators. Jina, I’ll start with you. Tell us a bit more about the Human Understanding and Empathy group at Microsoft Research and your role there. So what lines of research does the group pursue? And what are your particular interests and passions?

JINA SUH: Thank you for having me here, first of all. So our group does exactly what the name says. [LAUGHTER] We use technologies to gain understanding about people, and we try to design and develop technologies that use this understanding towards human wellbeing. Um, so we try to build technologies that are more empathic, you know, therapeutic; they can assist and augment people and so forth. And so my particular area of interest is in, um, identifying challenges and barriers for mental wellbeing and designing technology interventions and tools to support mental wellbeing. And so while I’ve done this research in the clinical domains, my interest of late has been around workplace wellbeing or mental health in non-clinical domains.

HUIZINGA: Mm hmm. So tell me a little bit more; when you say human understanding and empathy, and yet you’re working with machines, um, are you focused more on the psychological aspects of understanding people and applying those to machine technologies?

SUH: That and, and some more. So we use technologies to gain better understanding about people, their psychologies, their physiology, the contexts around them, whether they’re at work in front of a computer or they’re working out. But we also use technology to bring interventions in a way that actually is more accessible than traditional, I guess, going to therapists, um, and seeing, seeing somebody in person. So we try to bring technologies and interventions in the moment of wherever you are.

HUIZINGA: Yeah, we could have a whole podcast on “can machines have empathy?” but we won’t … today! Maybe I’ll have you back for that. Uh, Shamsi, you’ve had research space in Building 99, and now you’re embedded in a product group. So give us a brief guided tour of Microsoft Viva, and then tell us about the specific work you’re doing there.

SHAMSI IQBAL: Well, thanks, Gretchen. I’m super excited to be here and especially with my good friend Jina today. So let me talk a little bit about Microsoft Viva first. So, um, this is an employee experience platform that is built for organizations, teams, and individuals to support their workplace experience needs. And by experience needs, what I mean is, uh, things that help them thrive at work. So you could imagine these are data-driven insights about how they work and how they achieve their goals, curated knowledge that helps them get to their goals. There are opportunities to foster employee communications and collaborations. There is also learning opportunities tailored to their needs … um, all elements that are really important for people thriving at work.

HUIZINGA: So give me like a 10,000-foot view. I understand there’s four sort of major elements to, to Viva, and you’re particularly in the Insights. What are the other ones, and what does each of them do kind of in the context of what you just said?

IQBAL: So there are a few, and there are a few that are also coming on board soon.


IQBAL: So there is, for example, there is Viva Engage, uh, that helps with employee communication and collaboration. There is Viva Goals that helps you with exactly what I said— goals—and helps you achieve outcomes. There is Viva Topics that helps you with the knowledge generation and knowledge curation and contextually, uh, help people get access to that knowledge. So, so these are a few examples of the modules that are within Viva. And I work in Viva Insights. I lead a team of applied scientists and data scientists, and our particular charter is to bring deep science into the product. And we do this through incubation of new ideas, where we get to partner with MSR and OAR and all these other cool research groups that exist in, in Microsoft. And then we are also tasked with translating some of these complex research findings into practical product directions. So these are kind of like the two main things that we are responsible for.

HUIZINGA: So without giving away any industry secrets, can you hint at what is coming online, or is that all under wraps right now?

IQBAL: Well, I mean, some things are obviously under wraps, so I shouldn’t be letting out all the secrets. But in general, right now, we are focusing on really organizations and organizational leaders and how we can help them achieve the outcomes that they’re trying to achieve. And we are trying to do this in a, in a data-driven way where we can show them the data that is going to be important for them, to help them, uh, reach their organizational decisions. And also at the same time, we want to be able to point them towards actions and provide them support for actions that will help them better achieve those outcomes.

HUIZINGA: Yeah. I’ll be interested when we get into the meat of the project, how what Jina does with human understanding and empathy plays into what you’re doing with kind of business/workplace productivity and I guess we’ll call it wellbeing, because if you’re doing a good job, you usually feel good, right?

IQBAL: Right. So yeah, I think that that’s really important, and that’s where Jina and I kind of started, is that thinking about productivity and wellbeing really being intertwined together. So I mean, if you’re not feeling good about yourself, you’re really not going to be productive. That is at an individual level …

HUIZINGA: … and vice versa. Shamsi, before we go on, I want you to talk a little bit more about your move from research to product. And I’ve often called this the human version of tech transfer, but what prompted the move, and how is your life the same or different now that you’re no longer sort of a research official?

IQBAL: Well, I still like to think of myself as a research official, but I’ll, I’ll give you a little bit of history behind that. So I was in Microsoft Research for, what, 13 years and kind of like settled into my role thinking that, well, going for the next big project and working on the research insights and kind of like making impact at the research level was satisfying. And then COVID happened. 2020. The workplace transformed completely. And I took a step back, and I was thinking that, well, I mean, this may be the time to take the research that we have done for so many years in the lab and take it to practice.


IQBAL: And so there was this opportunity in Viva Insights at that point, which was just announced, and I felt that, well, let me go and see if I can do actually some tech transfer there, so bring in some of the work that we have been doing in MSR for years and see how it applies in a practical setting.

HUIZINGA: Yeah. And, and obviously you’re connected to a lot of the people here like Jina. So having followed both of you—and not in a stalker kind of way—but following you and your work, um, over the last couple of years, I know you have a rich history of both research and academic collaborations, but I want to know what you’re working on now and kind of give us an explanation of the project and how it came about. I like to call this “how I met your mother.” Although you guys have known each other for years. So, Jina, why don’t you take the lead on this, and Shamsi can corroborate if the story’s accurate on how you guys got together on this, but what are you doing with this project, and, um, how did it come about?

SUH: Yeah, so I wanted to kind of go back to what Shamsi was saying before. We’ve been collaborating for a while, but our common passion area is really at the intersection of productivity and, and wellbeing. And I think this is like, I don’t know, a match made in heaven … is to help people be productive by, um, you know, helping them achieve wellbeing at work and vice versa. And so my focus area is individual wellbeing. And as prior literature should have warned me, and I had, I had been ignoring, helping individuals can only go so far. There are organizational factors that make it difficult for individuals to perform activities that help them thrive. And so Shamsi and I have been working on several projects that started as individual tools, but later it really revealed fundamental organizational issues where we couldn’t just ignore factors outside of an individual. So in this particular project we’re working on now, we’re focusing our attention on people leaders. These are organizational leaders and executives like C-suites, as well as middle managers and line managers. And these people leaders have to make decisions that impact the work practices, work culture, you know, eventually the wellbeing of the team. And sometimes these decisions are made with a hunch based on anecdotes or these decisions are not made at all. And so the question we’re raising is how do we design tools that support these people leaders to attend to their work practices, um, their team, and their environment to enable more decisive and effective action in a data-driven way? And so what is the role of data in this process, and how do we facilitate that, you know, reflexive conversation with data to reduce uncertainty about these decisions?

HUIZINGA: Mmmm. You know what I love, and this is just a natural give-and-take in the conversation, but the idea that the, the individual is a situated being in a larger cultural or societal or workplace setting, and you can’t just say, well, if I make you happy, everything’s cool. So you’ve got a lot of factors coming in. So it’s really interesting to see where this work might go. I love that. Some collaborators just started working with each other and you guys, because you’ve been together for some time, have an established relationship. How do you think, Shamsi, that that has impacted the work you do or … if at all? I mean, because we’re focusing on collaboration, I’m kind of interested to tease out some of the people on the show who have just started working together. They don’t know each other. They’re in different states, different countries. Are there any advantages to working together for years and now doing a collaboration?

IQBAL: Oh! I can name so many advantages! Jina and I have worked closely for so long. We know each other’s strengths, weaknesses, working styles. So I mean, when I moved into Viva Insights, I knew that Jina was going to be a close collaborator not just because of the projects that we had worked on and the natural connection and alignment to Viva Insights, but it’s just because I knew that whenever I have a question, I can go to Jina and she’s going to go and dig out all the research. She maybe already knew that I was going to ask that question, and she had that already ready. I don’t know. I mean, she seems to read my mind before even I know the questions that I was going to ask her. So this was very natural for me to continue with that collaboration. And my colleagues over in Viva Insights, they also know Jina from previous, uh, interactions. So whenever I say that, “Well, I’m collaborating with Jina Suh in MSR,” and they say, “Oh yeah, we know Jina! So we are in good hands.”

HUIZINGA: Jina, is that true? You can read minds?

SUH: I am …

HUIZINGA: Or just hers? [LAUGHTER]

SUH: I’m … I’m sweating right now! [LAUGHTER] I’m so nervous.

HUIZINGA: Oh my gosh! … Well, so how about you? I mean, you had talked earlier about sort of a language barrier when you don’t know each other and, and because you’ve both been researchers, so … what advantages can you identify from this kind of connection?

SUH: Yeah, I think having Shamsi in the product group and having Shamsi being, uh, in Microsoft Research before, she knows how to translate my words into the product words, and I, I, I’m pretty sure, Shamsi, you, you might have struggled at the beginning. I’m not sure … at the product group.

IQBAL: I did, I did. I still do! [LAUGHTER]

SUH: But I think that struggle, I mean, she knows how to amplify my research and how to, um, talk about it in a way that the product groups will appreciate it. And she finds and identifies opportunities where research is needed, where I could actually shine. You know, before it was like, “I did all this research! Come look at me! Come look at me!” Shamsi will like, you know, find me, find opportunities for me, and say, “Hey, we have this gap. Can you come and speak about that?” And so, I don’t know, having that bridge I think really helps. And Shamsi is more than a collaborator. She’s more of a mentor for me, um, in that regard.

HUIZINGA: Awesome … so academics definitely have a particular way of talking and writing … and communicating, and product people do, too. So what might be an example of what would need that kind of level of translation, if you will? What, what might not someone get?

IQBAL: I think one of the things that I am still learning, and it took me a while to get to that point where I really started understanding that I need to fill this gap because there is a substantial gap between where research findings are and how that actually resonates with a product team.

HUIZINGA: Interesting.

IQBAL: And I think that the biggest question there is that taking the research findings and situating it in a real-world problem. So in the product world, we talk a lot about customer needs. And coming from research, I had the idea that, well, I will identify the problems and if it’s a compelling problem and I have a good solution, the product teams will come. I have no responsibility in figuring out the customer need because, come on, I already identified a great problem. And I think that I have been humbled over the past couple of years that that is quite not how it works. But being in that space now allows me … every time I come across a research question or I’m setting up some kind of a hypothesis, I take a step back and think about, OK, so how does it relate to the product? What customer need, for now, are we solving, or a future customer need are we going to solve?


IQBAL: And I think that with Jina, she keeps me grounded in the research, but she also has an engineering background, as well. So it is not that she does not understand the space. She understands the constraints in implementation in building something. So that is really good for me because I can borrow that knowledge. And when I talk to my product colleagues, I, I can leverage that, as well.

HUIZINGA: That’s, that’s hilarious because you’ve just identified a third group, which is engineering. Jina, I’m interested to know how previous collaborations might have informed the approach to the work you do now, so briefly talk about your early work together and what learnings could you share from any early successes or failures?

SUH: Yeah, maybe this is a little one-sided than a story about a collaboration, but I’ve, I’ve always looked up to Shamsi as kind of like the expert in productivity and wellbeing, so …

IQBAL: I am now blushing! [LAUGHTER]

SUH: So I think I’m more on the receiving end in this collaborative relationship …

IQBAL: That is not true! [LAUGHTER]

SUH: So, you know, I’ve always been passionate about mental health and emotional wellbeing, and unfortunately, mental health isn’t a high priority for a lot of people and organizations. And, you know, in the workplace, it’s sometimes tricky whether this concept of mental health should or should not be part of the work equation. And I’ve always admired how Shamsi was able to naturally … I mean, it’s, it’s kind of amazing how seamlessly she’s integrating aspects of mental health into the research that she does without really calling it mental health. [LAUGHTER] So, for example, like helping people transition in and out of work and disengage from work. I mean, how close to mental health could that be? You know, taking breaks at work, helping people focus more and distract less … like all these studies around attention that she’s done for years. So these kinds of, um, way that Shamsi is able to bring aspects of something that I’m really passionate about into, uh, into the workplace and into a language where product groups and the businesses really care about, that’s one of my biggest learnings from looking up to Shamsi and working together. You know, she’s constantly helping me, trying to understand, um, how do we actually formulate and, and talk about wellbeing in the context of the workplace so that leaders and organizational leaders, as well as product and business owners, as well, Microsoft in general, appreciate the work that we do. So that’s been really a blessing to have Shamsi be my partner …

HUIZINGA: Yeah. Shamsi, do you want to spread the love back on her? [LAUGHS]

IQBAL: Yeah, I think that I get motivated by Jina every single day, and, um, I think one of the things, which … I was going to interrupt you, but you were, you were, you were articulating this so nicely that I felt that I needed to wait and not interrupt and then pick an opportune moment to interrupt! So I, I, I am bringing back my PhD thesis into this conversation. [LAUGHS]

HUIZINGA: Right on!

IQBAL: Yeah! So, so one thing which was super interesting to me when I moved over to the product group and I was starting to look deeply into how we can bring some of the wellbeing-related work into the product. And I started digging into the organizational behavior literature. And what was fascinating is that everything we talked about in terms of wellbeing had a different definition in terms of like workplace thriving. And so things about giving people mental space to work and giving people opportunity to grow and belonging and all of these constructs that we typically relate to mental health, those are actually important workplace wellbeing constructs that have a direct relationship to workplace outcomes. And so I tried to reframe it in that way so that it doesn’t come across as a “good to have”; it comes across as a “really necessary thing to have.” What has happened over the past few months or so, I would say, there has been a shift in how organizations are thinking about people and individuals and wellbeing and productivity, and this is just a function of how the world is right now, right? So organizations and leaders are thinking that maybe now is the time to bring the focus back onto outcomes— productivity, revenue. And it seems that all the other things that we were focusing on … 2020, 2021 … about really being employee-centric and allowing employees to bring their best selves to work, it seems on the surface that that has gone sideways. But I’m going to argue that we should not be doing that because at the end of the day, the individuals are the ones whose work is going to aggregate up to the organizational outcomes. So if we want organizations to succeed, we need individuals to succeed. And so, um, at the beginning of the podcast, Gretchen, you were talking about individuals being parts of organizations. So individuals are embedded in teams; teams are embedded in organizations. So if organizations figure out what they want to do, it kind of bubbles down to the individuals. And so we need to think big, think from an organizational point of view, because that keeps us scoped and constrained. And then we need to think about if we walk it back, how does this impact teams? And if we want teams to function well, how do we enable and empower the individuals within those teams? So, so it’s a, it’s a bigger construct than what we had originally started with. And I think that now I am also pushing myself to think beyond just individuals and thinking about how we can best support individuals to thinking about how that actually bubbles up to an organization.


SUH: This is exactly what I’m talking about. [LAUGHTER]

HUIZINGA: Yeah, no, I’m …

SUH: This is exactly … She’s helping me. [LAUGHS]

HUIZINGA: It’s a podcast and you can’t see Jina smiling and nodding her head as Shamsi’s talking. Umm, let’s, let’s drill in a little bit on alignment between product and research, because we talked a little bit earlier about the language barrier and sometimes the outcome difference. And it’s not necessarily conflicting, but it might be different. How do you get to what I’ll call the Goldilocks position of alignment, and what role do you think collaboration plays, if any, in facilitating that alignment?

IQBAL: So it is not easy. And, I mean, obviously, and I think that again, this is where I’m starting to learn how to do this better. I think that starting off with a problem that a product team cares about—and the leaders in the product team care about—I think that that’s where we really want to start. And in this particular collaboration that Jina and I are right now, um, we started off with having a completely different focus, and then in January I came back and told Jina, scratch that; we’ll have to go back to the drawing board and change things! And she didn’t bat an eyelash. Because I was expecting that she would push back and say that, well, I, I have things to deliver, as well. You can’t come and randomize me. But I mean, knowing Jina, she was completely on board. I mean, I was worried. She was less worried than I was. But I think that, um, going back to your original question, I think that alignment in terms of picking a problem that product teams care about, I think that that’s super important. I think that then, going back to the original point about translating the research findings, for this particular project, what we are doing is that we are looking at something that is not going to block the product right now in any way. We are looking at something in the future that will hopefully help, and we are really trying to understand this population in, in a much more deeper way than what we have done before.

HUIZINGA: Right, right. Jina on that same note, you know, Shamsi’s actually sitting over in product right now, so she’s talking about finding a problem that product people care about. But what about from the research angle? How do product people get you on board?

SUH: Yeah, I think for me, I, I wonder about my role in Microsoft Research. You know, why am I in Microsoft doing research? Why am I not doing research somewhere else? So I try to make a concerted effort to see if there are collaborators outside of just research to justify and to make sure that my impact is beyond just research. And so it was just natural, like, you know, me and Shamsi having shared interests, as well as her, you know … collaborating together with Shamsi and her moving to Viva was a natural kind of transition for me. And so having connections into Viva and making sure that I participate in, you know, Viva share-outs or other things where I learn about the product’s priorities, as well as the questions that they have, concerns, challenges that they’re facing. Those are all great opportunities for me to learn about what the product is going through and how I can maybe think about my research direction a little bit differently. You know, I feel like every research question can be morphed into different things, can be looked at it from different perspectives. But having that extra, um, signal from the product group helps me, you know, think about it in a different way, and then I can approach the product group and say, hey, I heard your challenges, and I thought about it. Here’s my research direction. I think it aligns. You know, it’s kind of a back-and-forth dance we have to play, and sometimes it doesn’t quite work out. Sometimes, you know, we just don’t have the resources or interests. But you know, in this case with Shamsi and Viva, I think our interests are just like perfectly aligned. So, you know, Shamsi talked about pivoting … Shamsi has given me enough warnings or, you know, kind of signals that things are changing early enough that I was already thinking about, OK, well, what does it mean for us to pivot? So it wasn’t that big of a deal.

HUIZINGA: Well, yeah, and we’ll get to pivot in a second. So the interesting thing to me right now is on this particular project, where you’re working on data-driven insights for people leaders to make data-driven decisions, how do you then balance say, you have a job at Microsoft Research, you have a lane that you’re running in in terms of deliverables for your bosses, does that impact you in terms of other things you’re doing? Do you have more than one project on the go at a time, or are you pretty focused on this? How does it look?

IQBAL: Jina is smiling! [LAUGHTER]

SUH: I think the DNA of a researcher is that you have way too many things going [LAUGHS] on than you have hands and arms to handle them, so, yes, I have a lot of things going on …

HUIZINGA: What about the researchers? Do the product people have to figure out something that the researchers care about?

IQBAL: So when we started first conceptualizing this project, I think that we started off with the intent that we will have research outcomes and research contributions, but that would be constrained within a particular product space. I think that that’s how we kept it kind of like both interesting for research and for product.


IQBAL: I mean, one of the responsibilities that I have in my new role is that I also have to kind of deliver ideas that are not going to be immediately relevant maybe but towards the future. And so this gives me the opportunity to explore and incubate those new ideas. Maybe it works out; maybe it doesn’t. Maybe it creates a new direction. The product team is not going to hold me accountable for that because they have given me that, that flexibility that I can go and explore.

HUIZINGA: Have some runway …

IQBAL: Yeah. And so that’s, that’s why I tried to pick something—or Jina and I worked together to pick something—which would have enough interest as a research contribution as well as something that could be picked up by product leader, as well.

HUIZINGA: That’s a perfect way of putting it. You know, speaking of incubation, in some ways, Microsoft is well known for its internships. And you have an intern working on this project right now. So it’s sort of a Microsoft/Microsoft Research/university, um, collaboration. Jina, tell us about the student you’re working with and then talk about how Microsoft Research internships are beneficial, maybe … and anchor that on this particular project.

SUH: So the intern that is working on our project is Pranav Khadpe. He’s a PhD student in the, uh, Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. So Pranav studies and builds infrastructures that strengthen interdependence and collaboration in occupational communities, which is, I think, really aligned to what this podcast is trying to do!

HUIZINGA: Yeah, absolutely.

SUH: So for example, he builds technologies that support people seeking help and getting feedback, getting mentoring and a sense of belonging through interaction with others within those communities. And I think internships primarily have the benefit of mentoring for the future generation of researchers, right? We’re actually building this pipeline of researchers into technology companies. We’re giving them opportunities to, to experience what it’s like to be in the industry research and use that experience and, and entice them to come work for us, right? [LAUGHS]

HUIZINGA: Right. It’s a farm team!

SUH: Right. [LAUGHTER] Um, so I feel like I have this dual role at Microsoft Research. On one hand, we are researchers like Shamsi and I. We need to continue to push the boundaries of scientific knowledge and disseminate it with the rest of the world. But on the other hand, I need to bring value of that research back into our products and business, right? And so, um, internships that are designed with product partners are really forcing functions for us to think about this dual role, right? It’s a learning opportunity for all of us involved. So from the research side, we learn how to find the right balance between research and product, um, and ensuring that we do successful technology transfer. But from the product perspective, they learn how to apply scientific rigor in their product decisions or decisions that they make … or designs that they make. And it’s a, it’s a really great opportunity for Pranav to be sitting in between the product and research. He’s not only learning what he’s already being trained to do in his PhD, being mainly an independent researcher, but he’s also learning how to bring that back into the product. So now he’s being trained not only to be a researcher in MSR but perhaps an applied scientist in the industry, as well. So I think there’s that benefit.

HUIZINGA: And that gets back to the individual being situated within an organization. And so being an independent researcher is cool, but you’re always going to be working with a team of some kind … if you want a paycheck. [LAUGHS] Or you can just go off and invent. Shamsi, I always ask what could possibly go wrong? Some people hate that question, but I think it’s worth asking. And while I know that data driven—quotation marks around that, air quotes around that—is generally a positive buzz-phrase in decision-making today, I wonder how you’re addressing this augment-not-replace mandate in the work you’re doing. How do you keep humans in the loop with real life wisdom and emotions and prevent the march toward what I would call outsourcing decision-making, writ large, to machines?

IQBAL: I think it’s a, it’s a great question, and it’s a very timely one, right? And, uh, the way that I like to think about it, being a human-computer interaction researcher is—who is now dealing with a lot of data—is that data can show but not necessarily tell. And I think that the “telling” part comes from the humans. Maybe in the future, AI and data will be able to do the telling job better, but right now, humans have the context. So a human being who has the context can look at the data and explain why it is showing certain things. And I think that that’s where I feel that the integration of the human in that process is so important. The challenge is showing them the right data. I think that that is also where the human comes in, in figuring out what they need to see. The data can show them that, and then the human gets to tell the story around it.

HUIZINGA: OK. Jina, do you have any insights on that?

SUH: One of the challenges is that, um, we’re not only just building tools to help people look at the data and contextualize it and explain it and understand it but also show them how powerful it can be in changing their behaviors, changing their organization. And it takes work. So one challenge that, you know, we were just having a discussion over lunch is that, how do we actually get people to be motivated enough to interact with the data, have a conversation with the data? And so these are some of the questions that we are still … uh, we don’t have an answer for; we’re still trying to answer. But, you know, our role is not just to feed data and help them look at it and tell a story about it, but also demonstrate that it’s empowering so that they can have more engaging experience with that data.

HUIZINGA: Tell me what you mean by having a conversation with the data. I mean, what does that look like?

SUH: The obvious … most obvious example would be with the large language models.


SUH: You can have a …

HUIZINGA: An actual conversation!

SUH: An actual conversation with the data. But you can also do that through user experience, right? You can be asking questions. I think a lot of these things happen naturally in your head. You’re formulating questions about data. You’re finding insights. You move on to the next question. You become curious. You ask the next question. You explain it. You bring your context to it and then you explain it. So that sort of experience. But I think that takes a lot of work. And we need to make sure that we entice them to, to make sure that there’s value in doing that extra work.

HUIZINGA: Well, and the fact that you’re embedded in a group called Human Understanding and Empathy and that your intern is on human-computer interaction, the human-centeredness is a huge factor in this kind of work today. Ummm. The path from lab to life, as they say—wait, it’s what I say!—is not necessarily straight and linear and sometimes you have to pivot or, as I like to say, add a kick ball change to the research choreography. How did this work begin? Shamsi, you told a story, um, early on, and I think people like stories. I’m going to have you both address this, but I want Shamsi to go first. How did it begin, and then how did it change? What were the forcing functions that made the pivot happen and that you both reacted to quite eagerly, um, both to meet the research and organizational outcomes?

IQBAL: As we said many times in this podcast, I mean, Jina and I, we, we naturally gravitate towards the same research problems. And so, we were looking at one aspect of Viva Insights last year with another intern, and that internship project, apart from being really impactful and well-received in Viva Insights, as well, I think it was just a lot of fun doing a joint internship project with Jina. And so this time when the application period came around, it was a no-brainer. We were going to submit another proposal. And at that point … based on some of the work that we had done last year … so we were really going to focus on something around how we can help people managers and their reports have better conversations and … towards their goals. Right, Jina? I think that that’s where we had kind of like decided that we were going to focus on. And then we started interviewing interns with that project in mind, and then it was December or January where things shifted, the tech world went through quite a tumultuous time, and, uh, we just had to pivot because our organization had also changed directions and figured that, well, we need to focus more on supporting organizations and organization leaders through this time of change. Which meant that we could still do our internship project, but it just didn’t seem right in terms of what we could do, in terms of impact and maybe immediate impact, too, uh, for the field. So Jina and I talked. I recommended that we shift the intern that we had talked to. I think that we had already talked to Pranav. I mean, he seemed really versatile and smart. And then we just decided, I think he’ll be OK. I think that he will be fine. I think that he would actually be even a better fit for the project that we have in mind.

HUIZINGA: Yeah. You know, as you’re talking, I’m thinking, OK, yeah, we think of the workers in a workplace, but the pressure on leaders or managers is intense to make the right decision. So it seems really in line with the empathy and the productivity to bring those two together, to, to help the people who have the severe pressure of making the right decisions at the right time for their teams, so that’s awesome. Jina, do you have anything to add to the pivot path? I mean, from your perspective.

SUH: Yeah, I mean, like I was saying, I think Shamsi was giving us, or me, plenty of signals that this might be happening. So it gave me plenty of opportunities to think about the research. And really, we didn’t make too many changes. I mean, I’d, I’d like to think that we’re, we’re trying to get at the same problem but from a slightly different angle. And so, you know, before it was individual and manager conversations. Now we’re going from, you know, managers to organizational leaders. At the end of the day, like the real transformative change in an organization happens through the leadership. And so, I think before, we were just kind of trying to connect the individual needs to their, to their immediate managers. But now I think we’re going at the problem in a more fundamental way, really tackling the organizational leaders, helping them make the right decisions to, to help their organizations thrive. And I’m more excited about this new direction than before.

HUIZINGA: Yeah. You know, I hadn’t asked this, and I should be asking it to everyone that comes in the booth or on screen. What are the primary methodologies you engage with in this research? I mean, quantitative, qualitative, mixed?

SUH: Yeah, we, we do everything, I think. [LAUGHS] Um, I, I think that’s the beauty of the human-computer interaction … the space is huge. So we do anything from qualitative interviews, uh, you know, contextual inquiry, like observing people, understanding their work practices, to interviewing people, as well as running survey studies. We’ve done purely quantitative studies, as well, looking at Viva Insights data and understanding the correlation between different signals that Viva Insights is providing with workplace stress at a large scale, at high fidelity, so…

IQBAL: I think another thing that I would add is that sometimes we also build prototypes based on the ideas that we come up with and so we get to evaluate those prototypes in, in smaller scale but in far more depth. And so those kinds of results are also super important for the product teams because that helps bring those ideas to life, is that well, I understand your research and I understand your research findings, but what do I do with it? And so if you have a prototype and that shows that, well, this is something that you might be able to do, and then it’s up to them to figure out whether or not this is actually scalable.

HUIZINGA: Well, as we wrap up, I’d like to give each of you, uh, the chance to do a little future envisioning. And I know that that’s kind of a researcher’s brain anyway, is to say what kind of a future do I want to help build? But how will the workplace be different or better because of the collaborative work you’ve done? Jina, why don’t you go first.

SUH: As researchers, I think it’s our job to get ahead of the curve and to really teach the world how to design technology in a, in a way that considers both its positive and negative impacts. So in the context of using data at work, or data about work, how the data gets used for and against people at work …


SUH: … there’s a lot of fear. Yes, there’s a lot of fear about workplace surveillance.


SUH: And so the question for us is, you know, how do we demonstrate that this data can be used ethically and responsibly and that there is value in, in this data. So I, I am hoping that, you know, through this collaboration, I’m hoping that we can pave the way for how to design these technologies responsibly, um, and, and develop data-driven practices.

HUIZINGA: Shamsi, close the show with us and tell me your preferred future. What, what are you going to contribute to the workplace world?

IQBAL: So I would just add one more thing. I think that data responsibility, transparency, and ethical use of data, I think it’s at the core of Microsoft’s mission, and I think it’s on us to show that in our products. I think that the other thing, which is a little away from the data, I think that just going back to this concept of leaders and, uh, individuals, I have always maintained that there is oftentimes a tension between what an individual’s goals might be and what an organization’s goals might be. And I’m hoping through this work that we can kind of like help resolve some of those tensions, that once organization leaders are provided with the right kind of insights and data, they will be more motivated to take actions that will be also beneficial to individuals. Oftentimes, that connection is not very clear, uh, but I’m hoping that we can shed some light on it.

HUIZINGA: Jina, Shamsi, so good to see you again. Smiles so big. Thanks for coming in and sharing your “insights” today.

SUH: Thank you for having us.

IQBAL: Thank you so much. This was a lot of fun.

The post Collaborators: Data-driven decision-making with Jina Suh and Shamsi Iqbal appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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Hugging Face Joins the PyTorch Foundation as a Premier Member

Hugging Face Joins the PyTorch Foundation as a Premier Member

Smiling hugging face

The PyTorch Foundation, a neutral home for the deep learning community to collaborate on the open source PyTorch framework and ecosystem, is announcing today that Hugging Face has joined as a premier member.

Hugging Face has been a long time supporter and contributor to the PyTorch Ecosystem by providing powerful models and resources that accelerate research, development, and adoption of AI technologies, particularly in the field of natural language processing.

“Our mission has always been to democratize AI and make it accessible to everyone. We’re truly aligned with PyTorch’s objective of reducing the barrier of entry to practitioners. By joining the PyTorch Foundation, we can further amplify that impact and support this very important framework of the ecosystem that is PyTorch,” said Lysandre Debut, Head of Open Source at Hugging Face. “We believe the two ecosystems have significant overlap, and collaborating with the foundation will allow us to bridge the gap to provide the best software, the best tools to the machine learning community at large.”

Hugging Face’s Model Hub and open source libraries promote collaboration and knowledge sharing within the AI open source community, making Hugging Face a great match to the growing PyTorch Foundation. They continue to drive industry adoption and collaboration by creating user-friendly tools and resources and providing accessible and well-documented libraries.

“Hugging Face’s commitment to open source development and their exceptional contributions to the PyTorch ecosystem have truly impressed us. With their help, we will drive innovation, foster collaboration, and empower the global AI community to create transformative solutions for the AI community,” said PyTorch Foundation Executive Director Ibrahim Haddad. “We welcome Hugging Face to the PyTorch Foundation and look forward to the achievements that lie ahead.”

As a premier member, Hugging Face is granted one seat to the PyTorch Foundation Governing Board. The Board sets policy through our bylaws, mission and vision statements, describing the overarching scope of foundation initiatives, technical vision, and direction.

Lysandre Debut

We’re happy to welcome Lysandre Debut, Head of Open Source at Hugging Face to our board. Lysandre has been at Hugging Face since the company’s pivot to open-source, and was the first engineer to focus entirely on the open-source mission. Now leading the open-source part of the organization, Lysandre remains technically involved by being a core maintainer of the Transformers library.

To learn more about how you can be a part of the PyTorch Foundation, visit our website.

About Hugging Face

Hugging Face is a community and company dedicated to lowering the barrier of entry to Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Strong advocates for open-source and open-science, their model Hub hosts more than 250,000 public models and 50,000 public datasets that are very simple to use. Transformers, Diffusers, PEFT, Accelerate, and Datasets are some of the open-source tools made available by Hugging Face.

About PyTorch Foundation

The PyTorch Foundation is a neutral home for the deep learning community to collaborate on the open source PyTorch framework and ecosystem. The PyTorch Foundation is supported by its members and leading contributors to the PyTorch open source project. The Foundation leverages resources provided by members and contributors to enable community discussions and collaboration.

About The Linux Foundation

The Linux Foundation is the world’s leading home for collaboration on open source software, hardware, standards, and data. Linux Foundation projects are critical to the world’s infrastructure including Linux, Kubernetes, Node.js, ONAP, PyTorch, RISC-V, SPDX, OpenChain, and more. The Linux Foundation focuses on leveraging best practices and addressing the needs of contributors, users, and solution providers to create sustainable models for open collaboration. For more information, please visit us at The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see its trademark usage page: Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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Build a personalized avatar with generative AI using Amazon SageMaker

Build a personalized avatar with generative AI using Amazon SageMaker

Generative AI has become a common tool for enhancing and accelerating the creative process across various industries, including entertainment, advertising, and graphic design. It enables more personalized experiences for audiences and improves the overall quality of the final products.

One significant benefit of generative AI is creating unique and personalized experiences for users. For example, generative AI is used by streaming services to generate personalized movie titles and visuals to increase viewer engagement and build visuals for titles based on a user’s viewing history and preferences. The system then generates thousands of variations of a title’s artwork and tests them to determine which version most attracts the user’s attention. In some cases, personalized artwork for TV series significantly increased clickthrough rates and view rates as compared to shows without personalized artwork.

In this post, we demonstrate how you can use generative AI models like Stable Diffusion to build a personalized avatar solution on Amazon SageMaker and save inference cost with multi-model endpoints (MMEs) at the same time. The solution demonstrates how, by uploading 10–12 images of yourself, you can fine-tune a personalized model that can then generate avatars based on any text prompt, as shown in the following screenshots. Although this example generates personalized avatars, you can apply the technique to any creative art generation by fine-tuning on specific objects or styles.

Solution overview

The following architecture diagram outlines the end-to-end solution for our avatar generator.

The scope of this post and the example GitHub code we provide focus only on the model training and inference orchestration (the green section in the preceding diagram). You can reference the full solution architecture and build on top of the example we provide.

Model training and inference can be broken down into four steps:

  1. Upload images to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). In this step, we ask you to provide a minimum of 10 high-resolution images of yourself. The more images, the better the result, but the longer it will take to train.
  2. Fine-tune a Stable Diffusion 2.1 base model using SageMaker asynchronous inference. We explain the rationale for using an inference endpoint for training later in this post. The fine-tuning process starts with preparing the images, including face cropping, background variation, and resizing for the model. Then we use Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), a parameter-efficient fine-tuning technique for large language models (LLMs), to fine-tune the model. Finally, in postprocessing, we package the fine-tuned LoRA weights with the inference script and configuration files (tar.gz) and upload them to an S3 bucket location for SageMaker MMEs.
  3. Host the fine-tuned models using SageMaker MMEs with GPU. SageMaker will dynamically load and cache the model from the Amazon S3 location based on the inference traffic to each model.
  4. Use the fine-tuned model for inference. After the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notification indicating the fine-tuning is sent, you can immediately use that model by supplying a target_model parameter when invoking the MME to create your avatar.

We explain each step in more detail in the following sections and walk through some of the sample code snippets.

Prepare the images

To achieve the best results from fine-tuning Stable Diffusion to generate images of yourself, you typically need to provide a large quantity and variety of photos of yourself from different angles, with different expressions, and in different backgrounds. However, with our implementation, you can now achieve a high-quality result with as few as 10 input images. We have also added automated preprocessing to extract your face from each photo. All you need is to capture the essence of how you look clearly from multiple perspectives. Include a front-facing photo, a profile shot from each side, and photos from angles in between. You should also include photos with different facial expressions like smiling, frowning, and a neutral expression. Having a mix of expressions will allow the model to better reproduce your unique facial features. The input images dictate the quality of avatar you can generate. To make sure this is done properly, we recommend an intuitive front-end UI experience to guide the user through the image capture and upload process.

The following are example selfie images at different angles with different facial expressions.

Fine-tune a Stable Diffusion model

After the images are uploaded to Amazon S3, we can invoke the SageMaker asynchronous inference endpoint to start our training process. Asynchronous endpoints are intended for inference use cases with large payloads (up to 1 GB) and long processing times (up to 1 hour). It also provides a built-in queuing mechanism for queuing up requests, and a task completion notification mechanism via Amazon SNS, in addition to other native features of SageMaker hosting such as auto scaling.

Even though fine-tuning is not an inference use case, we chose to utilize it here in lieu of SageMaker training jobs due to its built-in queuing and notification mechanisms and managed auto scaling, including the ability to scale down to 0 instances when the service is not in use. This allows us to easily scale the fine-tuning service to a large number of concurrent users and eliminates the need to implement and manage the additional components. However, it does come with the drawback of the 1 GB payload and 1 hour maximum processing time. In our testing, we found that 20 minutes is sufficient time to get reasonably good results with roughly 10 input images on an ml.g5.2xlarge instance. However, SageMaker training would be the recommended approach for larger-scale fine-tuning jobs.

To host the asynchronous endpoint, we must complete several steps. The first is to define our model server. For this post, we use the Large Model Inference Container (LMI). LMI is powered by DJL Serving, which is a high-performance, programming language-agnostic model serving solution. We chose this option because the SageMaker managed inference container already has many of the training libraries we need, such as Hugging Face Diffusers and Accelerate. This greatly reduces the amount of work required to customize the container for our fine-tuning job.

The following code snippet shows the version of the LMI container we used in our example:

inference_image_uri = (
print(f"Image going to be used is ---- > {inference_image_uri}")

In addition to that, we need to have a file that configures the serving properties, including the inference engine to use, the location of the model artifact, and dynamic batching. Lastly, we must have a file that loads the model into the inference engine and prepares the data input and output from the model. In our example, we use the file to spin up the fine-tuning job, which we explain in greater detail in a later section. Both the and files are provided in the training_service folder.

The next step after defining our model server is to create an endpoint configuration that defines how our asynchronous inference will be served. For our example, we are just defining the maximum concurrent invocation limit and the output S3 location. With the ml.g5.2xlarge instance, we have found that we are able to fine-tune up to two models concurrently without encountering an out-of-memory (OOM) exception, and therefore we set max_concurrent_invocations_per_instance to 2. This number may need to be adjusted if we’re using a different set of tuning parameters or a smaller instance type. We recommend setting this to 1 initially and monitoring the GPU memory utilization in Amazon CloudWatch.

# create async endpoint configuration
async_config = AsyncInferenceConfig(
    output_path=f"s3://{bucket}/{s3_prefix}/async_inference/output" , # Where our results will be stored
      "SuccessTopic": "...",
      "ErrorTopic": "...",
    }, #  Notification configuration

Finally, we create a SageMaker model that packages the container information, model files, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role into a single object. The model is deployed using the endpoint configuration we defined earlier:

model = Model(


predictor = sagemaker.Predictor(

When the endpoint is ready, we use the following sample code to invoke the asynchronous endpoint and start the fine-tuning process:

sm_runtime = boto3.client("sagemaker-runtime")

input_s3_loc = sess.upload_data("data/jw.tar.gz", bucket, s3_prefix)

response = sm_runtime.invoke_endpoint_async(

For more details about LMI on SageMaker, refer to Deploy large models on Amazon SageMaker using DJLServing and DeepSpeed model parallel inference.

After invocation, the asynchronous endpoint starts queueing our fine-tuning job. Each job runs through the following steps: prepare the images, perform Dreambooth and LoRA fine-tuning, and prepare the model artifacts. Let’s dive deeper into the fine-tuning process.

Prepare the images

As we mentioned earlier, the quality of input images directly impacts the quality of fine-tuned model. For the avatar use case, we want the model to focus on the facial features. Instead of requiring users to provide carefully curated images of exact size and content, we implement a preprocessing step using computer vision techniques to alleviate this burden. In the preprocessing step, we first use a face detection model to isolate the largest face in each image. Then we crop and pad the image to the required size of 512 x 512 pixels for our model. Finally, we segment the face from the background and add random background variations. This helps highlight the facial features, allowing our model to learn from the face itself rather than the background. The following images illustrate the three steps in this process.

Step 1: Face detection using computer vision Step 2: Crop and pad the image to 512 x 512 pixels Step 3 (Optional): Segment and add background variation

Dreambooth and LoRA fine-tuning

For fine-tuning, we combined the techniques of Dreambooth and LoRA. Dreambooth allows you to personalize your Stable Diffusion model, embedding a subject into the model’s output domain using a unique identifier and expanding the model’s language vision dictionary. It uses a method called prior preservation to preserve the model’s semantic knowledge of the class of the subject, in this case a person, and use other objects in the class to improve the final image output. This is how Dreambooth can achieve high-quality results with just a few input images of the subject.

The following code snippet shows the inputs to our class for our avatar solution. Notice we chose <<TOK>> as the unique identifier. This is purposely done to avoid picking a name that may already be in the model’s dictionary. If the name already exists, the model has to unlearn and then relearn the subject, which may lead to poor fine-tuning results. The subject class is set to “a photo of person”, which enables prior preservation by first generating photos of people to feed in as additional inputs during the fine-tuning process. This will help reduce overfitting as model tries to preserve the previous knowledge of a person using the prior preservation method.

status ="stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-base",
    concept_prompt="photo of <<TOK>>", # << unique identifier of the subject
    class_prompt="a photo of person", # << subject class

A number of memory-saving options have been enabled in the configuration, including fp16, use_8bit_adam, and gradient accumulation. This reduces the memory footprint to under 12 GB, which allows for fine-tuning of up to two models concurrently on an ml.g5.2xlarge instance.

LoRA is an efficient fine-tuning technique for LLMs that freezes most of the weights and attaches a small adapter network to specific layers of the pre-trained LLM, allowing for faster training and optimized storage. For Stable Diffusion, the adapter is attached to the text encoder and U-Net components of the inference pipeline. The text encoder converts the input prompt to a latent space that is understood by the U-Net model, and the U-Net model uses the latent meaning to generate the image in the subsequent diffusion process. The output of the fine-tuning is just the text_encoder and U-Net adapter weights. At inference time, these weights can be reattached to the base Stable Diffusion model to reproduce the fine-tuning results.

The figures below are detail diagram of LoRA fine-tuning provided by original author: Cheng-Han Chiang, Yung-Sung Chuang, Hung-yi Lee, “AACL_2022_tutorial_PLMs,” 2022

By combining both methods, we were able to generate a personalized model while tuning an order-of-magnitude fewer parameters. This resulted in a much faster training time and reduced GPU utilization. Additionally, storage was optimized with the adapter weight being only 70 MB, compared to 6 GB for a full Stable Diffusion model, representing a 99% size reduction.

Prepare the model artifacts

After fine-tuning is complete, the postprocessing step will TAR the LoRA weights with the rest of the model serving files for NVIDIA Triton. We use a Python backend, which means the Triton config file and the Python script used for inference are required. Note that the Python script has to be named The final model TAR file should have the following file structure:

      |--output #LoRA weights

Host the fine-tuned models using SageMaker MMEs with GPU

After the models have been fine-tuned, we host the personalized Stable Diffusion models using a SageMaker MME. A SageMaker MME is a powerful deployment feature that allows hosting multiple models in a single container behind a single endpoint. It automatically manages traffic and routing to your models to optimize resource utilization, save costs, and minimize operational burden of managing thousands of endpoints. In our example, we run on GPU instances, and SageMaker MMEs support GPU using Triton Server. This allows you to run multiple models on a single GPU device and take advantage of accelerated compute. For more detail on how to host Stable Diffusion on SageMaker MMEs, refer to Create high-quality images with Stable Diffusion models and deploy them cost-efficiently with Amazon SageMaker.

For our example, we made additional optimization to load the fine-tuned models faster during cold start situations. This is possible because of LoRA’s adapter design. Because the base model weights and Conda environments are the same for all fine-tuned models, we can share these common resources by pre-loading them onto the hosting container. This leaves only the Triton config file, Python backend (, and LoRA adaptor weights to be dynamically loaded from Amazon S3 after the first invocation. The following diagram provides a side-by-side comparison.

This significantly reduces the model TAR file from approximately 6 GB to 70 MB, and therefore is much faster to load and unpack. To do the preloading in our example, we created a utility Python backend model in models/model_setup. The script simply copies the base Stable Diffusion model and Conda environment from Amazon S3 to a common location to share across all the fine-tuned models. The following is the code snippet that performs the task:

def initialize(self, args):
        #conda env setup
        self.conda_pack_path = Path(args['model_repository']) / "sd_env.tar.gz"
        self.conda_target_path = Path("/tmp/conda")
        self.conda_env_path = self.conda_target_path / "sd_env.tar.gz"
        if not self.conda_env_path.exists():
            self.conda_env_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            shutil.copy(self.conda_pack_path, self.conda_env_path)
        #base diffusion model setup
        self.base_model_path = Path(args['model_repository']) / "stable_diff.tar.gz"
            with as tar:
            self.response_message = "Model env setup successful."
        except Exception as e:
            # print the exception message
            print(f"Caught an exception: {e}")
            self.response_message = f"Caught an exception: {e}"

Then each fine-tuned model will point to the shared location on the container. The Conda environment is referenced in the config.pbtxt.

name: "pipeline_0"
backend: "python"
max_batch_size: 1


parameters: {
  value: {string_value: "/tmp/conda/sd_env.tar.gz"}

The Stable Diffusion base model is loaded from the initialize() function of each file. We then apply the personalized LoRA weights to the unet and text_encoder model to reproduce each fine-tuned model:


class TritonPythonModel:

    def initialize(self, args):
        self.output_dtype = pb_utils.triton_string_to_numpy(
        self.model_dir = args['model_repository']
        self.pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained('/tmp/stable_diff',
        # Load the LoRA weights
        self.pipe.unet = PeftModel.from_pretrained(self.pipe.unet, unet_sub_dir)

        if os.path.exists(text_encoder_sub_dir):
            self.pipe.text_encoder = PeftModel.from_pretrained(self.pipe.text_encoder, text_encoder_sub_dir)

Use the fine-tuned model for inference

Now we can try our fine-tuned model by invoking the MME endpoint. The input parameters we exposed in our example include prompt, negative_prompt, and gen_args, as shown in the following code snippet. We set the data type and shape of each input item in the dictionary and convert them into a JSON string. Finally, the string payload and TargetModel are passed into the request to generate your avatar picture.

import random

prompt = """<<TOK>> epic portrait, zoomed out, blurred background cityscape, bokeh,
 perfect symmetry, by artgem, artstation ,concept art,cinematic lighting, highly 
 detailed, octane, concept art, sharp focus, rockstar games, post processing, 
 picture of the day, ambient lighting, epic composition"""

negative_prompt = """
beard, goatee, ugly, tiling, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn face, out of frame, extra limbs, disfigured, deformed, body out of frame, blurry, bad anatomy, blurred, 
watermark, grainy, signature, cut off, draft, amateur, multiple, gross, weird, uneven, furnishing, decorating, decoration, furniture, text, poor, low, basic, worst, juvenile, 
unprofessional, failure, crayon, oil, label, thousand hands

seed = random.randint(1, 1000000000)

gen_args = json.dumps(dict(num_inference_steps=50, guidance_scale=7, seed=seed))

inputs = dict(prompt = prompt, 
              negative_prompt = negative_prompt, 
              gen_args = gen_args)

payload = {
        [{"name": name, "shape": [1,1], "datatype": "BYTES", "data": [data]} for name, data in inputs.items()]

response = sm_runtime.invoke_endpoint(
output = json.loads(response["Body"].read().decode("utf8"))["outputs"]
original_image = decode_image(output[0]["data"][0])

Clean up

Follow the instructions in the cleanup section of the notebook to delete the resources provisioned as part of this post to avoid unnecessary charges. Refer to Amazon SageMaker Pricing for details regarding the cost of the inference instances.


In this post, we demonstrated how to create a personalized avatar solution using Stable Diffusion on SageMaker. By fine-tuning a pre-trained model with just a few images, we can generate avatars that reflect the individuality and personality of each user. This is just one of many examples of how we can use generative AI to create customized and unique experiences for users. The possibilities are endless, and we encourage you to experiment with this technology and explore its potential to enhance the creative process. We hope this post has been informative and inspiring. We encourage you to try the example and share your creations with us using hashtags #sagemaker #mme #genai on social platforms. We would love to see what you make.

In addition to Stable Diffusion, many other generative AI models are available on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. Refer to Getting started with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart to explore their capabilities.

About the Authors

James Wu is a Senior AI/ML Specialist Solution Architect at AWS. helping customers design and build AI/ML solutions. James’s work covers a wide range of ML use cases, with a primary interest in computer vision, deep learning, and scaling ML across the enterprise. Prior to joining AWS, James was an architect, developer, and technology leader for over 10 years, including 6 years in engineering and 4 years in marketing & advertising industries.

Simon Zamarin is an AI/ML Solutions Architect whose main focus is helping customers extract value from their data assets. In his spare time, Simon enjoys spending time with family, reading sci-fi, and working on various DIY house projects.

Vikram Elango is an AI/ML Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, based in Virginia USA. Vikram helps financial and insurance industry customers with design, thought leadership to build and deploy machine learning applications at scale. He is currently focused on natural language processing, responsible AI, inference optimization and scaling ML across the enterprise. In his spare time, he enjoys traveling, hiking, cooking and camping with his family.

Lana Zhang is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS WWSO AI Services team, specializing in AI and ML for content moderation, computer vision, and natural language processing. With her expertise, she is dedicated to promoting AWS AI/ML solutions and assisting customers in transforming their business solutions across diverse industries, including social media, gaming, e-commerce, and advertising & marketing.

Saurabh Trikande is a Senior Product Manager for Amazon SageMaker Inference. He is passionate about working with customers and is motivated by the goal of democratizing machine learning. He focuses on core challenges related to deploying complex ML applications, multi-tenant ML models, cost optimizations, and making deployment of deep learning models more accessible. In his spare time, Saurabh enjoys hiking, learning about innovative technologies, following TechCrunch and spending time with his family.

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SageMaker Distribution is now available on Amazon SageMaker Studio

SageMaker Distribution is now available on Amazon SageMaker Studio

SageMaker Distribution is a pre-built Docker image containing many popular packages for machine learning (ML), data science, and data visualization. This includes deep learning frameworks like PyTorch, TensorFlow, and Keras; popular Python packages like NumPy, scikit-learn, and pandas; and IDEs like JupyterLab. In addition to this, SageMaker Distribution supports conda, micromamba, and pip as Python package managers.

In May 2023, we launched SageMaker Distribution as an open-source project at JupyterCon. This launch helped you use SageMaker Distribution to run experiments on your local environments. We are now natively providing that image in Amazon SageMaker Studio so that you gain the high performance, compute, and security benefits of running your experiments on Amazon SageMaker.

Compared to the earlier open-source launch, you have the following additional capabilities:

  • The open-source image is now available as a first-party image in SageMaker Studio. You can now simply choose the open-source SageMaker Distribution from the list when choosing an image and kernel for your notebooks, without having to create a custom image.
  • The SageMaker Python SDK package is now built-in with the image.

In this post, we show the features and advantages of using the SageMaker Distribution image.

Use SageMaker Distribution in SageMaker Studio

If you have access to an existing Studio domain, you can launch SageMaker Studio. To create a Studio domain, follow the directions in Onboard to Amazon SageMaker Domain.

  1. In the SageMaker Studio UI, choose File from the menu bar, choose New, and choose Notebook.
  2. When prompted for the image and instance, choose the SageMaker Distribution v0 CPU or SageMaker Distribution v0 GPU image.
  3. Choose your Kernel, then choose Select.

You can now start running your commands without needing to install common ML packages and frameworks! You can also run notebooks running on supported frameworks such as PyTorch and TensorFlow from the SageMaker examples repository, without having to switch the active kernels.

Run code remotely using SageMaker Distribution

In the public beta announcement, we discussed graduating notebooks from local compute environments to SageMaker Studio, and also operationalizing the notebook using notebook jobs.

Additionally, you can directly run your local notebook code as a SageMaker training job by simply adding a @remote decorator to your function.

Let’s try an example. Add the following code to your Studio notebook running on the SageMaker Distribution image:

from sagemaker.remote_function import remote

@remote(instance_type="ml.m5.xlarge", dependencies='./requirements.txt')
def divide(x, y):
    return x / y

divide(2, 3.0)

When you run the cell, the function will run as a remote SageMaker training job on an ml.m5.xlarge notebook, and the SDK automatically picks up the SageMaker Distribution image as the training image in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). For deep learning workloads, you can also run your script on multiple parallel instances.

Reproduce Conda environments from SageMaker Distribution elsewhere

SageMaker Distribution is available as a public Docker image. However, for data scientists more familiar with Conda environments than Docker, the GitHub repository also provides the environment files for each image build so you can build Conda environments for both CPU and GPU versions.

The build artifacts for each version are stored under the sagemaker-distribution/build_artifacts directory. To create the same environment as any of the available SageMaker Distribution versions, run the following commands, replacing the --file parameter with the right environment files:

conda create --name conda-sagemaker-distribution 
  --file sagemaker-distribution/build_artifacts/v0/v0.2/v0.2.1/cpu.env.out
# activate the environment
conda activate conda-sagemaker-distribution

Customize the open-source SageMaker Distribution image

The open-source SageMaker Distribution image has the most commonly used packages for data science and ML. However, data scientists might require access to additional packages, and enterprise customers might have proprietary packages that provide additional capabilities for their users. In such cases, there are multiple options to have a runtime environment with all required packages. In order of increasing complexity, they are listed as follows:

  • You can install packages directly on the notebook. We recommend Conda and micromamba, but pip also works.
  • Data scientists familiar with Conda for package management can reproduce the Conda environment from SageMaker Distribution elsewhere and install and manage additional packages in that environment going forward.
  • If administrators want a repeatable and controlled runtime environment for their users, they can extend SageMaker Distribution’s Docker images and maintain their own image. See Bring your own SageMaker image for detailed instructions to create and use a custom image in Studio.

Clean up

If you experimented with SageMaker Studio, shut down all Studio apps to avoid paying for unused compute usage. See Shut down and Update Studio Apps for instructions.


Today, we announced the launch of the open-source SageMaker Distribution image within SageMaker Studio. We showed you how to use the image in SageMaker Studio as one of the available first-party images, how to operationalize your scripts using the SageMaker Python SDK @remote decorator, how to reproduce the Conda environments from SageMaker Distribution outside Studio, and how to customize the image. We encourage you to try out SageMaker Distribution and share your feedback through GitHub!

Additional References

About the authors

Durga Sury is an ML Solutions Architect in the Amazon SageMaker Service SA team. She is passionate about making machine learning accessible to everyone. In her 4 years at AWS, she has helped set up AI/ML platforms for enterprise customers. When she isn’t working, she loves motorcycle rides, mystery novels, and hiking with her 5-year-old husky.

Ketan Vijayvargiya is a Senior Software Development Engineer in Amazon Web Services (AWS). His focus areas are machine learning, distributed systems and open source. Outside work, he likes to spend his time self-hosting and enjoying nature.

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