Use weather data to improve forecasts with Amazon SageMaker Canvas

Use weather data to improve forecasts with Amazon SageMaker Canvas

Photo by Zbynek Burival on Unsplash

Photo by Zbynek Burival on Unsplash

Time series forecasting is a specific machine learning (ML) discipline that enables organizations to make informed planning decisions. The main idea is to supply historic data to an ML algorithm that can identify patterns from the past and then use those patterns to estimate likely values about unseen periods in the future.

Amazon has a long heritage of using time series forecasting, dating back to the early days of having to meet mail-order book demand. Fast forward more than a quarter century and advanced forecasting using modern ML algorithms is offered to customers through Amazon SageMaker Canvas, a no-code workspace for all phases of ML. SageMaker Canvas enables you to prepare data using natural language, build and train highly accurate models, generate predictions, and deploy models to production—all without writing a single line of code.

In this post, we describe how to use weather data to build and implement a forecasting cycle that you can use to elevate your business’ planning capabilities.

Business use cases for time series forecasting

Today, companies of every size and industry who invest in forecasting capabilities can improve outcomes—whether measured financially or in customer satisfaction—compared to using intuition-based estimation. Regardless of industry, every customer desires highly accurate models that can maximize their outcome. Here, accuracy means that future estimates produced by the ML model end up being as close as possible to the actual future. If the ML model estimates either too high or too low, it can reduce the effectiveness the business was hoping to achieve.

To maximize accuracy, ML models benefit from rich, quality data that reflects demand patterns, including cycles of highs and lows, and periods of stability. The shape of these historic patterns may be driven by several factors. Examples include seasonality, marketing promotions, pricing, and in-stock availability for retail sales, or temperature, length of daylight, or special events for utility demand. Local, regional, and world factors such as commodity prices, financial markets, and events such as COVID-19 can also change demand trajectory.

Weather is a key factor that can influence forecasts in many domains, and comes in long-term and short-term varieties. The following are just a few examples of how weather can affect time series estimates:

  • Energy companies use temperature forecasts to predict energy demand and manage supply accordingly. Warmer weather and sunny days can drive up demand for air conditioning.
  • Agribusinesses forecast crop yields using weather data like rainfall, temperature, humidity, and more. This helps optimize planting, harvesting, and pricing decisions.
  • Outdoor events might be influenced by short-term weather forecasts such as rain, heat, or storms that could change attendance, fresh prepared food needs, staffing, and more.
  • Airlines use weather forecasts to schedule staff and equipment efficiently. Bad weather can cause flight delays and cancellations.

If weather has an influence on your business planning, it’s important to use weather signals from both the past and the future to help inform your planning. The remaining portion of this post discusses how you can source, prepare, and use weather data to help improve and inform your journey.

Find a weather data provider

First, if you have not already done so, you will need to find a weather data provider. There are many providers that offer a wide variety of capabilities. The following are just a few things to consider as you select a provider:

  • Price – Some providers offer free weather data, some offer subscriptions, and some offer meter-based packages.
  • Information capture method – Some providers allow you to download data in bulk, whereas others enable you to fetch data in real time through programmatic API calls.
  • Time resolution – Depending in your business, you might need weather at the hourly level, daily level, or other interval. Make sure the provider you choose provides data at the right level of control to manage your business decisions.
  • Time coverage – It’s important to select a provider based on their ability to provide historic and future forecasts aligned with your data. If you have 3 years of your own history, then find a provider that has that amount of history too. If you’re an outdoor stadium manager who needs to know weather for several days ahead, select a provider that has a weather forecast out as far as you need to plan. If you’re a farmer, you might need a long-term seasonal forecast, so your data provider should have future-dated data in line with your forecast horizon.
  • Geography – Different providers have data coverage for different parts of the world, including both land and sea coverage. Providers may have information at GPS coordinates, ZIP code level, or other. Energy companies might seek to have weather by GPS coordinates, enabling them to personalize weather forecasts to their meter locations.
  • Weather features – There are many weather-related features available, including not only the temperature, but other key data points such as precipitation, solar index, pressure, lightning, air quality, and pollen, to name a few.

In making the provider choice, be sure to conduct your own independent search and perform due diligence. Selecting the right provider is crucial and can be a long-term decision. Ultimately, you will decide on one or more providers that are a best fit for your unique needs.

Build a weather ingestion process

After you have identified a weather data provider, you need to develop a process to harvest their data, which will be blended with your historic data. In addition to building a time series model, SageMaker Canvas is able to help build your weather data processing pipeline. The automated process might have the following steps, generally, though your use case might vary:

  1. Identify your locations – In your data, you will need to identify all the unique locations through time, whether by postal code, address, or GPS coordinates. In some cases, you may need to geocode your data, for example convert a mailing address to GPS coordinates. You can use Amazon Location Service to assist with this conversion, as needed. Ideally, if you do geocode, you should only need to do this one time, and retain the GPS coordinates for your postal code or address.
  2. Acquire weather data – For each of your locations, you should acquire historic data and persist this information so you only need to retrieve it one time.
  3. Store weather data – For each of your locations, you need to develop a process to harvest future-dated weather predictions, as part of your pipeline to build an ML model. AWS has many databases to help store your data, including cost-effective data lakes on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
  4. Normalize weather data – Prior to moving to the next step, it’s important to make all weather data relative to location and set on the same scale. Barometric pressure can have values in the 1000+ range; temperature exists on another scale. Pollen, ultraviolet light, and other weather measures also have independent scales. Within a geography, any measure is relative to that location’s own normal. In this post, we demonstrate how to normalize weather features for each location to help make sure no feature has bias over another, and to help maximize the effectiveness of weather data on a global basis.
  5. Combine internal business data with external weather data – As part of your time series pipeline, you will need to harvest historical business data to train a model. First, you will extract data, such as weekly sales data by product sold and by retail store for the last 4 years.

Don’t be surprised if your company needs several forecasts that are independent and concurrent. Each forecast can offer multiple perspectives to help navigate. For example, you may have a short-term weather forecast to make sure weather-volatile products are stocked. In addition, a medium-term forecast can help make replenishment decisions. Finally, you can use a long-term forecast to estimate growth of the company or make seasonal buying decisions that require long lead times.

At this point, you will combine weather and business data together by joining (or merging) them together using time and location. An example follows in the next section.

Example weather ingestion process

The following screenshot and code snippet show an example of using SageMaker Canvas to geocode location data using Amazon Location Service.

This process submits a location to Amazon Location Service and receives a response in the form of latitude and longitude. The example provides a city as input—but your use cases should provide postal codes or specific street addresses depending on your need for location precision. As guidance, take care to persist the responses in a data store, so you aren’t continuously performing geocoding on the same locations each forecasting cycle. Instead, determine which locations you have not geocoded and only perform those. The latitude and longitude are important and are used in a later step to request weather data from your selected provider.

import json, boto3
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, udf
import pyspark.sql.types as types

def obtain_lat_long(place_search):
   location = boto3.client('location')
   response = location.search_place_index_for_text(IndexName = 'myplaceindex', Text = str(place_search))
   return (response['Results'][0]['Place']['Geometry']['Point'])

UDF = udf(lambda z: obtain_lat_long(z),
types.StructType([types.StructField('longitude', types.DoubleType()),
types.StructField('latitude', types.DoubleType())

# use the UDF to create a struct column with lat and long
df = df.withColumn('lat_long', UDF(col('Location')))
# extract the lat and long from the struct column
df = df.withColumn("latitude", col("lat_long.latitude"))
df = df.withColumn("longitude", col("lat_long.longitude"))
df = df.drop('lat_long')

In the following screenshots, we show an example of calling a weather provider using the latitude and longitude. Each provider will have differing capabilities, which is why selecting a provider is an important consideration. The example we show in this post could be used for historical weather capture as well as future-dated weather forecast capture.

The following screenshot shows an example of using SageMaker Canvas to connect to a weather provider and retrieve weather data.

The following code snippet illustrates how you might provide a latitude and longitude pair to a weather provider, along with parameters such as specific types of weather features, time periods, and time resolution. In this example, a request for temperature and Barometric pressure is made. The data is requested at the hourly level for the next day ahead. Your use case will vary; consider this as an example.

import requests, json
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, udf

def get_weather_data(latitude, longitude):

    params = {
        "latitude": str(latitude),
        "longitude": str(longitude),
        "hourly" : "temperature_2m,surface_pressure",
        "forecast_days": 1

    response = requests.get(url= weather_provider_url, params=params)

return response.content.decode('utf-8')

UDF = udf(lambda latitude,longitude: get_weather_data(latitude, longitude))
df = df.withColumn('weather_response', UDF(col('latitude'), col('longitude')))

After you retrieve the weather data, the next step is to convert structured weather provider data into a tabular set of data. As you can see in the following screenshot, temperature and pressure data are available at the hourly level by location. This will enable you to join the weather data alongside your historic demand data. It’s important you use future-dated weather data to train your model. Without future-dated data, there is no basis to use weather to help inform what might lie ahead.

The following code snippet is from the preceding screenshot. This code converts the weather provider nested JSON array into tabular features:

from pyspark.sql.functions import from_json, struct, col, regexp_replace, cast
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType, IntegerType, DoubleType, ArrayType, MapType, LongType
from pyspark.sql.functions import explode, arrays_zip, array

json_schema = StructType([
        StructField("hourly", StructType([
        StructField("time", ArrayType(StringType()), True),
        StructField("temperature_2m", ArrayType(DoubleType()), True),
        StructField("surface_pressure", ArrayType(DoubleType()), True)
    ]), True)

#parse string into structure
df = df.withColumn("weather_response", from_json(col("weather_response"), json_schema))

#extract feature arrays
df = df.withColumn("time",col("weather_response.hourly.time"))
df = df.withColumn("temperature_2m",col("weather_response.hourly.temperature_2m"))
df = df.withColumn("surface_pressure",col("weather_response.hourly.surface_pressure"))

#explode all arrays together
df = df.withColumn("zipped", arrays_zip("surface_pressure", "temperature_2m", "time")) 
  .withColumn("exploded", explode("zipped")) 
  .select("Location", "exploded.time", "exploded.surface_pressure", "exploded.temperature_2m")

#cleanup format of timestamp
df = df.withColumn("time", regexp_replace(col("time"), "T", " "))

In this next step, we demonstrate how to set all weather features on the same scale—a scale that is also sensitive to each location’s range of values. In the preceding screenshot, observe how pressure and temperature in Seattle are on different scales. Temperature in Celsius is single or double digits, and pressure exceeds 1,000. Seattle may also have different ranges than any other city, as the result of its unique climate, natural topology, and geographic position. In this normalization step, the goal is to bring all weather features on a same scale, so pressure doesn’t outweigh temperature. We also want to place Seattle on its own scale, Mumbai on its own scale, and so forth. In the following screenshot, the minimum and maximum values per location are obtained. These are important intermediate computations for scaling, where weather values are set based on their position in the observed range by geography.

With the extreme values computed per location, a data frame with row-level values can be joined to a data frame with minimum and maximum values on locations being equal. The result is scaled data, according to a normalization formula that follows with example code.

First, this code example computes the minimum and maximum weather values per location. Next, the range is computed. Finally, a data frame is created with the location, range, and minimum per weather feature. Maximum is not needed because the range can be used as part of the normalization formula. See the following code:

from pyspark.sql.functions import min,max, expr, sum

df = df.groupBy("Location") 

df = df.withColumn("range_surface_pressure",

df = df.withColumn("range_temperature_2m",

df ="Location", 
	"range_surface_pressure", "min_surface_pressure", 

In this code snippet, the scaled value is computed according the normalization formula shown. The minimum value is being subtracted from the actual value, at each time interval. Next, the difference is divided by the range. In the previous screenshot, you can see values range on a 0–1 scale. Zero is the lowest observed value for the location; 1 is the highest observed value for the location, for all the time periods where data exists.

Here, we compute the scaled x, represented as x’ :

from pyspark.sql.functions import round

df = df.withColumnRenamed('Location_0','Location')

df = df.withColumn('scaled_temperature_2m',
                     (df.temperature_2m-df.min_temperature_2m) / 

df = df.withColumn('scaled_surface_pressure',
                     (df.surface_pressure-df.min_surface_pressure) / 

df = df.drop('Location_1','min_surface_pressure','range_surface_pressure',

Build a forecasting workflow with SageMaker Canvas

With your historic data and weather data now available to you, the next step is to bring your business data and prepared weather data together to build your time series model. The following high-level steps are required:

  1. Combine weather data with your historic data on a point-in-time and location basis. Your actual data will end, but the weather data should extend out to the end of your horizon.

This is a crucial point—weather data can only help your forecast if it’s included in your future forecast horizon. The following screenshot illustrates weather data alongside business demand data. For each item and location, known historic unit demand and weather features are provided. The red boxes added to the screenshot highlight the concept of future data, where weather data is provided, yet future demand is not provided because it remains unknown.

  1. After your data is prepared, you can use SageMaker Canvas to build a time series model with a few-clicks—no coding required.

As you get started, you should build a time series model in Canvas with and without weather data. This will let you quickly quantify how much of an impact weather data has for your forecast. You may find that some items are more impacted by weather than others.

  1. After you add the weather data, use SageMaker Canvas feature importance scores to quantify which weather features are important, and retain these in the future. For example, if pollen value has no lift in accuracy but barometric pressure does, you can eliminate the pollen data feature to keep your process as simple as possible.

As an alternate to using a visual interface, we have also created a sample notebook on GitHub that demonstrates how to use SageMaker Canvas AutoML capabilities as an API. This method can be useful when your business prefers to orchestrate forecasting through programmatic APIs.

Clean up

Choose Log out in the left pane to log out of the Amazon SageMaker Canvas application to stop the consumption of SageMaker Canvas workspace instance hours. This will release all resources used by the workspace instance.


In this post, we discussed the importance of time series forecasting to business, and focused on how you can use weather data to build a more accurate forecasting model in certain cases. This post described key factors you should consider when finding a weather data provider and how to build a pipeline that sources and stages the external data, so that it can be combined with your existing data, on a time-and-place basis. Next, we discussed how to use SageMaker Canvas to combine these datasets and train a time series ML model with no coding required. Finally, we suggested that you compare a model with and without weather data so you can quantify the impact and also learn which weather features drive your business decisions.

If you’re ready to start this journey, or improve on an existing forecast method, reach out to your AWS account team and ask for an Amazon SageMaker Canvas Immersion Day. You can gain hands-on experience and learn how to apply ML to improve forecasting outcomes in your business.

About the Author

Charles Laughlin is a Principal AI Specialist at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Charles holds an MS in Supply Chain Management and a PhD in Data Science. Charles works in the Amazon SageMaker service team where he brings research and voice of the customer to inform the service roadmap. In his work, he collaborates daily with diverse AWS customers to help transform their businesses with cutting-edge AWS technologies and thought leadership.

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Scaling to New Heights: NVIDIA MLPerf Training Results Showcase Unprecedented Performance and Elasticity

Scaling to New Heights: NVIDIA MLPerf Training Results Showcase Unprecedented Performance and Elasticity

The full-stack NVIDIA accelerated computing platform has once again demonstrated exceptional performance in the latest MLPerf Training v4.0 benchmarks.

NVIDIA more than tripled the performance on the large language model (LLM) benchmark, based on GPT-3 175B, compared to the record-setting NVIDIA submission made last year. Using an AI supercomputer featuring 11,616 NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs connected with NVIDIA Quantum-2 InfiniBand networking, NVIDIA  achieved this remarkable feat through larger scale — more than triple that of the 3,584 H100 GPU submission a year ago — and extensive full-stack engineering.

Thanks to the scalability of the NVIDIA AI platform, Eos can now train massive AI models like GPT-3 175B even faster, and this great AI performance translates into significant business opportunities. For example, in NVIDIA’s recent earnings call, we described how LLM service providers can turn a single dollar invested into seven dollars in just four years running the Llama 3 70B model on NVIDIA HGX H200 servers. This return assumes an LLM service provider serving Llama 3 70B at $0.60/M tokens, with an HGX H200 server throughput of 24,000 tokens/second.

NVIDIA H200 GPU Supercharges Generative AI and HPC 

The NVIDIA H200 Tensor GPU builds upon the strength of the Hopper architecture, with 141GB of HBM3 memory and over 40% more memory bandwidth compared to the H100 GPU. Pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in AI training, the NVIDIA H200 Tensor Core GPU extended the H100’s performance by up to 47% in its MLPerf Training debut.

NVIDIA Software Drives Unmatched Performance Gains

Additionally, our submissions using a 512 H100 GPU configuration are now up to 27% faster compared to just one year ago due to numerous optimizations to the NVIDIA software stack. This improvement highlights how continuous software enhancements can significantly boost performance, even with the same hardware.

This work also delivered nearly perfect scaling. As the number of GPUs increased by 3.2x — going from 3,584 H100 GPUs last year to 11,616 H100 GPUs with this submission — so did the delivered performance.

Learn more about these optimizations on the NVIDIA Technical Blog.

Excelling at LLM Fine-Tuning

As enterprises seek to customize pretrained large language models, LLM fine-tuning is becoming a key industry workload. MLPerf introduced a new LLM fine-tuning benchmark this round, based on the popular low-rank adaptation (LoRA) technique applied to Meta Llama 2 70B.

The NVIDIA platform excelled at this task, scaling from eight to 1,024 GPUs, with the largest-scale NVIDIA submission completing the benchmark in a record 1.5 minutes.

Accelerating Stable Diffusion and GNN Training

NVIDIA also accelerated Stable Diffusion v2 training performance by up to 80% at the same system scales submitted last round. These advances reflect numerous enhancements to the NVIDIA software stack, showcasing how software and hardware improvements go hand-in-hand to deliver top-tier performance.

On the new graph neural network (GNN) test based on R-GAT, the NVIDIA platform with H100 GPUs excelled at both small and large scales. The H200 delivered a 47% boost on single-node GNN training compared to the H100. This showcases the powerful performance and high efficiency of NVIDIA GPUs, which make them ideal for a wide range of AI applications.

Broad Ecosystem Support

Reflecting the breadth of the NVIDIA AI ecosystem, 10 NVIDIA partners submitted results, including ASUS, Dell Technologies, Fujitsu, GIGABYTE, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Lenovo, Oracle, Quanta Cloud Technology, Supermicro and Sustainable Metal Cloud. This broad participation, and their own impressive benchmark results, underscores the widespread adoption and trust in NVIDIA’s AI platform across the industry.

MLCommons’ ongoing work to bring benchmarking best practices to AI computing is vital. By enabling peer-reviewed comparisons of AI and HPC platforms, and keeping pace with the rapid changes that characterize AI computing, MLCommons provides companies everywhere with crucial data that can help guide important purchasing decisions.

And with the NVIDIA Blackwell platform, next-level AI performance on trillion-parameter generative AI models for both training and inference is coming soon.

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TOPS of the Class: Decoding AI Performance on RTX AI PCs and Workstations

TOPS of the Class: Decoding AI Performance on RTX AI PCs and Workstations

Editor’s note: This post is part of the AI Decoded series, which demystifies AI by making the technology more accessible, and showcases new hardware, software, tools and accelerations for RTX PC users.

The era of the AI PC is here, and it’s powered by NVIDIA RTX and GeForce RTX technologies. With it comes a new way to evaluate performance for AI-accelerated tasks, and a new language that can be daunting to decipher when choosing between the desktops and laptops available.

While PC gamers understand frames per second (FPS) and similar stats, measuring AI performance requires new metrics.

Coming Out on TOPS

The first baseline is TOPS, or trillions of operations per second. Trillions is the important word here — the processing numbers behind generative AI tasks are absolutely massive. Think of TOPS as a raw performance metric, similar to an engine’s horsepower rating. More is better.

Compare, for example, the recently announced Copilot+ PC lineup by Microsoft, which includes neural processing units (NPUs) able to perform upwards of 40 TOPS. Performing 40 TOPS is sufficient for some light AI-assisted tasks, like asking a local chatbot where yesterday’s notes are.

But many generative AI tasks are more demanding. NVIDIA RTX and GeForce RTX GPUs deliver unprecedented performance across all generative tasks — the GeForce RTX 4090 GPU offers more than 1,300 TOPS. This is the kind of horsepower needed to handle AI-assisted digital content creation, AI super resolution in PC gaming, generating images from text or video, querying local large language models (LLMs) and more.

Insert Tokens to Play

TOPS is only the beginning of the story. LLM performance is measured in the number of tokens generated by the model.

Tokens are the output of the LLM. A token can be a word in a sentence, or even a smaller fragment like punctuation or whitespace. Performance for AI-accelerated tasks can be measured in “tokens per second.”

Another important factor is batch size, or the number of inputs processed simultaneously in a single inference pass. As an LLM will sit at the core of many modern AI systems, the ability to handle multiple inputs (e.g. from a single application or across multiple applications) will be a key differentiator. While larger batch sizes improve performance for concurrent inputs, they also require more memory, especially when combined with larger models.

The more you batch, the more (time) you save.

RTX GPUs are exceptionally well-suited for LLMs due to their large amounts of dedicated video random access memory (VRAM), Tensor Cores and TensorRT-LLM software.

GeForce RTX GPUs offer up to 24GB of high-speed VRAM, and NVIDIA RTX GPUs up to 48GB, which can handle larger models and enable higher batch sizes. RTX GPUs also take advantage of Tensor Cores — dedicated AI accelerators that dramatically speed up the computationally intensive operations required for deep learning and generative AI models. That maximum performance is easily accessed when an application uses the NVIDIA TensorRT software development kit (SDK), which unlocks the highest-performance generative AI on the more than 100 million Windows PCs and workstations powered by RTX GPUs.

The combination of memory, dedicated AI accelerators and optimized software gives RTX GPUs massive throughput gains, especially as batch sizes increase.

Text-to-Image, Faster Than Ever

Measuring image generation speed is another way to evaluate performance. One of the most straightforward ways uses Stable Diffusion, a popular image-based AI model that allows users to easily convert text descriptions into complex visual representations.

With Stable Diffusion, users can quickly create and refine images from text prompts to achieve their desired output. When using an RTX GPU, these results can be generated faster than processing the AI model on a CPU or NPU.

That performance is even higher when using the TensorRT extension for the popular Automatic1111 interface. RTX users can generate images from prompts up to 2x faster with the SDXL Base checkpoint — significantly streamlining Stable Diffusion workflows.

ComfyUI, another popular Stable Diffusion user interface, added TensorRT acceleration last week. RTX users can now generate images from prompts up to 60% faster, and can even convert these images to videos using Stable Video Diffuson up to 70% faster with TensorRT.

TensorRT acceleration can be put to the test in the new UL Procyon AI Image Generation benchmark, which delivers speedups of 50% on a GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER GPU compared with the fastest non-TensorRT implementation.

TensorRT acceleration will soon be released for Stable Diffusion 3 — Stability AI’s new, highly anticipated text-to-image model — boosting performance by 50%. Plus, the new TensorRT-Model Optimizer enables accelerating performance even further. This results in a 70% speedup compared with the non-TensorRT implementation, along with a 50% reduction in memory consumption.

Of course, seeing is believing — the true test is in the real-world use case of iterating on an original prompt. Users can refine image generation by tweaking prompts significantly faster on RTX GPUs, taking seconds per iteration compared with minutes on a Macbook Pro M3 Max. Plus, users get both speed and security with everything remaining private when running locally on an RTX-powered PC or workstation.

The Results Are in and Open Sourced

But don’t just take our word for it. The team of AI researchers and engineers behind the open-source recently integrated TensorRT-LLM into its local chatbot app, then tested these optimizations for themselves.


The researchers tested its implementation of TensorRT-LLM against the open-source llama.cpp inference engine across a variety of GPUs and CPUs used by the community. They found that TensorRT is “30-70% faster than llama.cpp on the same hardware,” as well as more efficient on consecutive processing runs. The team also included its methodology, inviting others to measure generative AI performance for themselves.

From games to generative AI, speed wins. TOPS, images per second, tokens per second and batch size are all considerations when determining performance champs.

Generative AI is transforming gaming, videoconferencing and interactive experiences of all kinds. Make sense of what’s new and what’s next by subscribing to the AI Decoded newsletter.

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Nerding About NeRFs: How Neural Radiance Fields Transform 2D Images Into Hyperrealistic 3D Models

Nerding About NeRFs: How Neural Radiance Fields Transform 2D Images Into Hyperrealistic 3D Models

Let’s talk about NeRFs — no, not the neon-colored foam dart blasters, but neural radiance fields, a technology that might just change the nature of images forever. In this episode of NVIDIA’s AI Podcast recorded live at GTC, host Noah Kravitz speaks with Michael Rubloff, founder and managing editor of, about radiance field-based technologies. NeRFs allow users to take a series of 2D images or video to create a hyperrealistic 3D model — something like a photograph of a scene, but that can be looked at from multiple angles. Tune in to learn more about the technology’s creative and commercial applications and how it might transform the way people capture and experience the world.

Watch the replay of Rubloff’s GTC session on the intersection of generative AI and extended reality.

Time Stamps

1:18: What are NeRFs?
3:01: How do NeRFs work?
3:44: What’s the difference between NeRFs and Gaussian splatting?
4:36: How are NeRFs being used?
7:22: What is a radiance field?
14:18: How might radiance fields affect creative applications?
17:50: Examples of NeRFs in action in the media right now
21:00: Rubloff’s insight on where NeRFs will go in the future

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Reducing Model Checkpointing Times by Over 10x with PyTorch Distributed Asynchronous Checkpointing

Reducing Model Checkpointing Times by Over 10x with PyTorch Distributed Asynchronous Checkpointing

Summary: With PyTorch distributed’s new asynchronous checkpointing feature, developed with feedback from IBM, we show how IBM Research Team is able to implement and reduce effective checkpointing time by a factor of 10-20x. Example: 7B model ‘down time’ for a checkpoint goes from an average of 148.8 seconds to 6.3 seconds, or 23.62x faster.

This directly translates into either more net training progress for every given 24 hour period while continuing to robustly checkpoint or more frequent checkpoints to shorten recovery window/time.

In this note, we showcase the usage code and architecture that makes asynchronous checkpointing possible, along with timing results verified by IBM’s Research team.

Async Checkpointing vs Standard Checkpointing

Model checkpointing is a vital part of large model training, but checkpointing is an expensive process as each checkpoint process involves blocking training progress in order to save out the latest model weights. However, not checkpointing or reducing checkpointing frequency can result in a significant loss in training progress. For example, failures such as a deadlock, straggler, and gpu errors require the training process to be restarted. In order to restart from a failure, all (training) workers must stop their training process and be restarted from the last saved checkpoint.

Thus, the inherent tension between robustness to failures vs training progress plays out as a tradeoff, but now with asynchronous checkpointing, PyTorch Distributed is able to significantly reduce this tension and enable frequent checkpoint with minimal impact to the overall training time.

For background, it was almost exactly a year ago that we showcased how distributed checkpointing had massively sped up checkpointing times from the original functionality. As IBM Research had noted, could take up to 30 minutes to checkpoint a single 11B model (PyTorch 1.13).

With advancements in distributed checkpointing, checkpoints could be done in under 4 minutes for up to 30B model sizes.

With asynchronous checkpointing, the training time lost due to checkpointing now moves to under 30 seconds, and often as short as 6 seconds.

To be clear, asynchronous checkpointing does not compress the actual serialization checkpointing time as the previous update showcased. Rather it moves the final checkpointing process off the critical path (to cpu threads) to allow GPU training to continue while finalizing the checkpoint under separate threads.

However, to the user, the effect is nearly the same in that down time for training due to checkpointing is substantially reduced, in many cases by 10x or even 20x.

Async Dist Checkpointing

As the above speedup chart shows, asynchronous checkpointing produces a 10x to 23x further improvement over the previous large improvements from a year ago.

How does Asynchronous Checkpointing work?

Asynchronous checkpointing modularizes the checkpointing process into two parts rather than one monolithic process. The first phase copies the data from each gpu/rank from GPU to CPU. This is the visible downtime to the user and can take from 6 – 14 seconds for 7B-13B model sizes. The second phase asynchronously copies the data from CPU memory to disk to persist the checkpoint.

Once data is copied to CPU in the first phase, the GPU is free to immediately resume training. Hence with asynchronous checkpointing the downtime for checkpointing is simply the time needed to copy over the latest model states to CPU.

At the same time that training resumes, non-blocking CPU threads work with the freshly arrived data in memory to complete the full checkpointing/serialization process to disk (i.e. persistent save).

flow diagram

Note that PyTorch’s Distributed Checkpointer relies on collective communication calls to per-rank metadata necessary to optimize saves, as well as a final synchronization which marks checkpointing as complete and makes the action atomic. This can interfere with distributed training (as distributed training also relies upon similar calls to synchronize training across multiple GPUs) if the Checkpointing thread utilizes the same process group used for training.

Specifically, a race condition between the calls could potentially cause training and asynch checkpointing save threads to wait on collective calls at the same time, resulting in a true collective hang.

We avoided this scenario by initializing a separate process group for async checkpointing. This separates the checkpointing collectives into their own logical process group, which thus ensures it will not interfere with collective calls in the main training threads.

How do I use Asynchronous Checkpointing in my training?

Usage of Asynchronous checkpointing is relatively straightforward. Using the latest nightly version of PyTorch, you will want to initialize your process group with both nccl and gloo. Gloo is required for the cpu threads portion.

From there, create a duplicate process group which the asynchronous checkpointing will utilize.
Then train as usual but at the point when you want to checkpoint, use the asynchronous save api, passing in the states to save, the checkpoint id and the checkpoint process group.

Code snippet

Asynchronous checkpointing is also fully implemented in torchtitan. Here, it is implemented for use with pre-training your own Llama2 or Lllama3 model. Using it is as simple as updating the toml config file:

Code snippet

Future work

Checkpointing has made huge strides over the past year. Moving from almost half an hour checkpoints to under 5 minutes with distributed checkpointing and now to under 30 seconds with asynchronous checkpointing.

The last frontier – zero overhead checkpointing where even the < 30 seconds is eliminated by streaming the updated weights during the backward pass such that checkpoint data is already on cpu at the point asynchronous checkpointing would kick in.

This would effectively move large model training to where checkpointing has no disruption or downtime enabling both more robustness (as checkpoints could be taken more frequently) and faster training progress due to no downtime for checkpointing.

Source code link:

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Evaluating the IWSLT2023 Speech Translation Tasks: Human Annotations, Automatic Metrics, and Segmentation

Human evaluation is a critical component in machine translation system development and has received much attention in text translation research. However, little prior work exists on the topic of human evaluation for speech translation, which adds additional challenges such as noisy data and segmentation mismatches. We take first steps to fill this gap by conducting a comprehensive human evaluation of the results of several shared tasks from the last International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2023). We propose an effective evaluation strategy based on automatic resegmentation…Apple Machine Learning Research

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Reimagining software development with the Amazon Q Developer Agent

Reimagining software development with the Amazon Q Developer Agent

Amazon Q Developer is an AI-powered assistant for software development that reimagines the experience across the entire software development lifecycle, making it faster to build, secure, manage, and optimize applications on or off of AWS. The Amazon Q Developer Agent includes an agent for feature development that automatically implements multi-file features, bug fixes, and unit tests in your integrated development environment (IDE) workspace using natural language input. After you enter your query, the software development agent analyzes your code base and formulates a plan to fulfill the request. You can accept the plan or ask the agent to iterate on it. After the plan is validated, the agent generates the code changes needed to implement the feature you requested. You can then review and accept the code changes or request a revision.

Amazon Q Developer uses generative artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver state-of-the-art accuracy for all developers, taking first place on the leaderboard for SWE-bench, a dataset that tests a system’s ability to automatically resolve GitHub issues. This post describes how to get started with the software development agent, gives an overview of how the agent works, and discusses its performance on public benchmarks. We also delve into the process of getting started with the Amazon Q Developer Agent and give an overview of the underlying mechanisms that make it a state-of-the-art feature development agent.

Getting started

To get started, you need to have an AWS Builder ID or be part of an organization with an AWS IAM Identity Center instance set up that allows you to use Amazon Q. To use Amazon Q Developer Agent for feature development in Visual Studio Code, start by installing the Amazon Q extension. The extension is also available for JetBrains, Visual Studio (in preview), and in the Command Line on macOS. Find the latest version on the Amazon Q Developer page.

Amazon Q App card in VS Code

After authenticating, you can invoke the feature development agent by entering /dev in the chat field.

Invoking /dev in Amazon Q

The feature development agent is now ready for your requests. Let’s use the repository of Amazon’s Chronos forecasting model to demonstrate how the agent works. The code for Chronos is already of high quality, but unit test coverage could be improved in places. Let’s ask the software development agent to improve the unit test coverage of the file Stating your request as clearly and precisely as you can will help the agent deliver the best possible solution.

/dev initial prompt

The agent returns a detailed plan to add missing tests in the existing test suite test/ To generate the plan (and later the code change), the agent has explored your code base to understand how to satisfy your request. The agent will work best if the names of files and functions are descriptive of their intent.

Plan generated by the agent

You are asked to review the plan. If the plan looks good and you want to proceed, choose Generate code. If you find that it can be improved in places, you can provide feedback and request an improved plan.

The agent asking for plan validation

After the code is generated, the software development agent will list the files for which it has created a diff (for this post, test/ You can review the code changes and decide to either insert them in your code base or provide feedback on possible improvements and regenerate the code.

List of files changed by the agent.

Choosing a modified file opens a diff view in the IDE showing which lines have been added or modified. The agent has added multiple unit tests for parts of that were not previously covered.

the diff generated by the agent.

After you review the code changes, you can decide to insert them, provide feedback to generate the code again, or discard it altogether. That’s it; there is nothing else for you to do. If you want to request another feature, invoke dev again in Amazon Q Developer.

System overview

Now that we have shown you how to use Amazon Q Developer Agent for software development, let’s explore how it works. This is an overview of the system as of May 2024. The agent is continuously being improved. The logic described in this section will evolve and change.

When you submit a query, the agent generates a structured representation of the repository’s file system in XML. The following is an example output, truncated for brevity:

  <directory name="requests">
    <file name="README.rst"/>
    <directory name="requests">
      <file name=""/>
      <file name=""/>
      <file name=""/>
      <directory name="packages">
        <directory name="chardet">
          <file name=""/>
          <file name=""/>
        <file name=""/>
        <file name="README.rst"/>
        <directory name="urllib3">
          <file name=""/>
          <file name=""/>
          <file name=""/>
          <file name=""/>
          <file name=""/>
          <file name=""/>
    <file name="setup.cfg"/>
    <file name=""/>

An LLM then uses this representation with your query to determine which files are relevant and should be retrieved. We use automated systems to check that the files identified by the LLM are all valid. The agent uses the retrieved files with your query to generate a plan for how it will resolve the task you have assigned to it. This plan is returned to you for validation or iteration. After you validate the plan, the agent moves to the next step, which ultimately ends with a proposed code change to resolve the issue.

The content of each retrieved code file is parsed with a syntax parser to obtain an XML syntax tree representation of the code, which the LLM is capable of using more efficiently than the source code itself while using far fewer tokens. The following is an example of that representation. Non-code files are encoded and chunked using a logic commonly used in Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) systems to allow for the efficient retrieval of chunks of documentation.

The following screenshot shows a chunk of Python code.

A snippet of Python code

The following is its syntax tree representation.

A syntax tree representation of python code

The LLM is prompted again with the problem statement, the plan, and the XML tree structure of each of the retrieved files to identify the line ranges that need updating in order to resolve the issue. This approach allows you to be more frugal with your usage of LLM bandwidth.

The software development agent is now ready to generate the code that will resolve your issue. The LLM directly rewrites sections of code, rather than attempting to generate a patch. This task is much closer to those that the LLM was optimized to perform compared to attempting to directly generate a patch. The agent proceeds to some syntactic validation of the generated code and attempts to fix issues before moving to the final step. The original and rewritten code are passed to a diff library to generate a patch programmatically. This creates the final output that is then shared with you to review and accept.

System accuracy

In the press release announcing the launch of Amazon Q Developer Agent for feature development, we shared that the model scored 13.82% on SWE-bench and 20.33% on SWE-bench lite, putting it at the top of the SWE-bench leaderboard as of May 2024. SWE-bench is a public dataset of over 2,000 tasks from 12 popular Python open source repositories. The key metric reported in the leaderboard of SWE-bench is the pass rate: how often we see all the unit tests associated to a specific issue passing after an AI-generated code changes are applied. This is an important metric because our customers want to use the agent to solve real-world problems and we are proud to report a state-of-the-art pass rate.

A single metric never tells the whole story. We look at the performance of our agent as a point on the Pareto front over multiple metrics. The Amazon Q Developer Agent for software development is not specifically optimized for SWE-bench. Our approach focuses on optimizing for a range of metrics and datasets. For instance, we aim to strike a balance between accuracy and resource efficiency, such as the number of LLMs calls and input/output tokens used, because this directly impacts runtime and cost. In this regard, we take pride in our solution’s ability to consistently deliver results within minutes.

Limitations of public benchmarks

Public benchmarks such as SWE-bench are an incredibly useful contribution to the AI code generation community and present an interesting scientific challenge. We are grateful to the team releasing and maintaining this benchmark. We are proud to be able to share our state-of-the-art results on this benchmark. Nonetheless, we would like to call out a few limitations, which are not exclusive to SWE-bench.

The success metric for SWE-bench is binary. Either a code change passes all tests or it does not. We believe that this doesn’t capture the full value feature development agents can generate for developers. Agents save developers a lot of time even when they don’t implement the entirety of a feature at once. Latency, cost, number of LLM calls, and number of tokens are all highly correlated metrics that represent the computational complexity of a solution. This dimension is as important as accuracy for our customers.

The test cases included in the SWE-bench benchmark are publicly available on GitHub. As such, it’s possible that these test cases may have been used in the training data of various large language models. Although LLMs have the capability to memorize portions of their training data, it’s challenging to quantify the extent to which this memorization occurs and whether the models are inadvertently leaking this information during testing.

To investigate this potential concern, we have conducted multiple experiments to evaluate the possibility of data leakage across different popular models. One approach to testing memorization involves asking the models to predict the next line of an issue description given a very short context. This is a task that they should theoretically struggle with in the absence of memorization. Our findings indicate that recent models exhibit signs of having been trained on the SWE-bench dataset.

The following figure shows the distribution of rougeL scores when asking each model to complete the next sentence of an SWE-bench issue description given the preceding sentences.

RougeL scores to measure information leakage of SWE-bench on different models.

We have shared measurements of the performance of our software development agent on SWE-bench to offer a reference point. We recommend testing the agents on private code repositories that haven’t been used in the training of any LLMs and compare these results with the ones of publicly available baselines. We will continue benchmarking our system on SWE-bench while focusing our testing on private benchmarking datasets that haven’t been used to train models and that better represent the tasks submitted by our customers.


This post discussed how to get started with Amazon Q Developer Agent for software development. The agent automatically implements features that you describe with natural language in your IDE. We gave you an overview of how the agent works behind the scenes and discussed its state-of-the-art accuracy and position at the top of the SWE-bench leaderboard.

You are now ready to explore the capabilities of Amazon Q Developer Agent for software development and make it your personal AI coding assistant! Install the Amazon Q plugin in your IDE of choice and start using Amazon Q (including the software development agent) for free using your AWS Builder ID or subscribe to Amazon Q to unlock higher limits.

About the authors

Christian Bock is an applied scientist at Amazon Web Services working on AI for code.

Laurent Callot is a Principal Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services leading teams creating AI solutions for developers.

Tim Esler is a Senior Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services working on Generative AI and Coding Agents for building developer tools and foundational tooling for Amazon Q products.

Prabhu Teja is an Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services. Prabhu works on LLM assisted code generation with a focus on natural language interaction.

Martin Wistuba is a senior applied scientist at Amazon Web Services. As part of Amazon Q Developer, he is helping developers to write more code in less time.

Giovanni Zappella is a Principal Applied Scientist working on the creations of intelligent agents for code generation. While at Amazon he also contributed to the creation of new algorithms for Continual Learning, AutoML and recommendations systems.

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SIBYL: A machine learning-based framework for forecasting dynamic workloads

SIBYL: A machine learning-based framework for forecasting dynamic workloads

This paper was presented at the ACM SIGMOD/Principles of Database Systems Conference (opens in new tab) (SIGMOD/PODS 2024), the premier forum on large-scale data management and databases.

SIGMOD/PODS 2024 logo to the left of the first page of accepted paper,

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, data analysts are increasingly dependent on analytics dashboards to monitor customer engagement and app performance. However, as data volumes increase, these dashboards can slow down, leading to delays and inefficiencies. One solution is to use software designed to optimize how data is physically stored and retrieved, but the challenge remains in anticipating the specific queries analysts will run, a task complicated by the dynamic nature of modern workloads.

In our paper, “SIBYL: Forecasting Time-Evolving Query Workloads,” presented at SIGMOD/PODS 2024, we introduce a machine learning-based framework designed to accurately predict queries in dynamic environments. This innovation allows traditional optimization tools, typically meant for static settings, to seamlessly adapt to changing workloads, ensuring consistent high performance as query demands evolve.

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SIBYL’s design and features

SIBYL’s framework is informed by studies of real-world workloads, which show that most are dynamic but follow predicable patterns. We identified the following recurring patterns in how parameters change over time:

  • Trending: Queries that increase, decrease, or remain steady over time.
  • Periodic: Queries that occur at regular intervals, such as hourly or daily.
  • Combination: A mix of trending and periodic patterns.
  • Random: Queries with unpredictable patterns.

These insights, illustrated in Figure 1, form the basis of SIBYL’s ability to forecast query workloads, enabling databases to maintain peak efficiency even as usage patterns shift.

A figure illustrating the analysis of how parameter changes with query arrival times, identifying four common patterns. The Y-axis represents the query arrival time and the X-axis shows the parameter values. Section (a) shows the trending pattern, which includes increasing, decreasing trends. Section (b) displays the periodic pattern, characterized by a regular pattern with fixed intervals such as hourly, daily, or weekly. Section (c) combines the trending and periodic patterns, while section (d) represents the random pattern, indicating no regular or predictable pattern.
Figure 1. We studied the changing patterns and predictability of database queries by analyzing two weeks’ worth of anonymized data from Microsoft’s telemetry system, which guides decision-making for Microsoft products and services.

SIBYL uses machine learning to analyze historical data and parameters to predict queries and arrival times. SIBYL’s architecture, illustrated in Figure 2, operates in three phases:

  • Training: It uses historical query logs and arrival times to build machine learning models.
  • Forecasting: It employs pretrained models to predict future queries and their timing.
  • Incremental fine-tuning: It continuously adapts to new workload patterns through an efficient feedback loop.
The figure shows SIBYL’s three phases. The first phase is a training phase: it featurizes the past queries and their arrival time, and trains ML models from scratch. The second phase is forecasting phase: it continuously receives recent queries from the workload traces and employs the pre-trained ML models from the training phase to predict the queries within the next time interval along with their expected arrival time. The last phase is the Incremental fine-tuning, it monitors model accuracy and detects workload shifts (e.g., new types of queries emerging in the workload) via a feedback loop. It adjusts its models efficiently by fine-tuning incrementally on the shifted workload, without retraining from scratch.
Figure 2. An overview of SIBYL’s architecture.

Challenges and innovations in designing a forecasting framework

Designing an effective forecasting framework is challenging, particularly in managing the varying number of queries and the complexity of creating separate models for each type of query. SIBYL addresses these by grouping high-volume queries and clustering low-volume ones, supporting scalability and efficiency. As demonstrated in Figure 3, SIBYL consistently outperforms other forecasting models, maintaining accuracy over different time intervals and proving its effectiveness in dynamic workloads.

The figure presents a comprehensive comparison of four forecasting models across three different workloads: Telemetry, SCOPE, and BusTracker, and Sales dataset. The models compared are History-Based, Random Forest, Vanilla LSTM, and Sibyl-LSTMs. These models are evaluated based on three metrics: Recall, Precision, and F-1 Score. Each metric is represented in a separate column, while the workloads are organized in rows. The evaluation is done over different forecast intervals: 1 Hour, 6 Hours, 12 Hours, and 1 Day. 

Sibyl-LSTMs surpasses other forecasting models and maintains stable accuracy across various time intervals settings. Vanilla LSTM and Random Forecast perform poorly on the Sales workload, which has more outliers and more unstable patterns. For Telemetry workload, the history-based method performs well with the 12-hour interval due to the workload’s recurrent queries that have the same parameter values within a day (between the past 12-hour window and the future 12-hour window). But this method is ineffective with the one-day interval, as many query parameter values change when crossing the day boundary. The history-based method yields unsatisfactory results for the other three workloads that exhibit more rapid and intricate evolution and involve time-related parameters that operate on a finer time scale. Therefore, it is imperative to use an ML-based forecasting model to handle the evolving workload.
Figure 3. SIBYL-LSTM’s accuracy compared with other models in forecasting queries for the next time interval.

SIBYL adapts to changes in workload patterns by continuously learning, retaining high accuracy with minimal adjustments. As shown in Figure 4, the model reaches 95% accuracy after fine-tuning in just 6.4 seconds, nearly matching its initial accuracy of 95.4%.

The figure consists of two parts a and b.  (a) depicts a pattern change of a parameter in the Telemetry workload. The Y-axis represents the query arrival time and the X-axis shows the parameter values. The shift in the patten starts from May 13 (highlighted in light blue), which Sibyl detects by observing the decline in accuracy. The model accuracy on the shifted pattern is 51.9%, which falls below the threshold 𝛼 = 75%, triggering model fine-tuning.  Figure 11 (b) shows that Sibyl fine-tunes the Sibyl-LSTMs by incrementally training on newly observed data, rather than training from scratch. The Y-axis represents recall, and the X-axis shows the number of epochs. Th figure demonstrates that the model converges in just two epochs, taking 6.4 seconds of overhead, and improves accuracy to 95.0%, which is close to the pre-trained accuracy of 95.4%.
Figure 4. Fine-tuning results on telemetry workload changes.

To address slow dashboard performance, we tested SIBYL by using it to create materialized views—special data structures that make queries run faster. These views identify common tasks and recommend which ones to store in advance, expediting future queries.

We trained SIBYL using 2,237 queries from anonymized Microsoft sales data over 20 days, enabling us to create materialized views for the following day. Using historical data improved query performance 1.06 times, while SIBYL’s predictions achieved a 1.83-time increase. This demonstrates that SIBYL’s ability to forecast future workloads can significantly improve database performance.

Implications and looking ahead

SIBYL’s ability to predict dynamic workloads has numerous applications beyond improving materialized views. It can help organizations efficiently scale resources, leading to reduced costs. It can also improve query performance by automatically organizing data, ensuring that the most frequently accessed data is always available. Moving forward, we plan to integrate more machine learning techniques, making SIBYL even more efficient, reducing the effort needed for setup, and improving how databases handle dynamic workloads, making them faster and more reliable.


We would like to thank our paper co-authors for their valuable contributions and efforts: Jyoti Leeka, Alekh Jindal, and Jishen Zhao.

The post SIBYL: A machine learning-based framework for forecasting dynamic workloads appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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Get started quickly with AWS Trainium and AWS Inferentia using AWS Neuron DLAMI and AWS Neuron DLC

Get started quickly with AWS Trainium and AWS Inferentia using AWS Neuron DLAMI and AWS Neuron DLC

Starting with the AWS Neuron 2.18 release, you can now launch Neuron DLAMIs (AWS Deep Learning AMIs) and Neuron DLCs (AWS Deep Learning Containers) with the latest released Neuron packages on the same day as the Neuron SDK release. When a Neuron SDK is released, you’ll now be notified of the support for Neuron DLAMIs and Neuron DLCs in the Neuron SDK release notes, with a link to the AWS documentation containing the DLAMI and DLC release notes. In addition, this release introduces a number of features that help improve user experience for Neuron DLAMIs and DLCs. In this post, we walk through some of the support highlights with Neuron 2.18.

Neuron DLC and DLAMI overview and announcements

The DLAMI is a pre-configured AMI that comes with popular deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, Apache MXNet, and others pre-installed. This allows machine learning (ML) practitioners to rapidly launch an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance with a ready-to-use deep learning environment, without having to spend time manually installing and configuring the required packages. The DLAMI supports various instance types, including Neuron Trainium and Inferentia powered instances, for accelerated training and inference.

AWS DLCs provide a set of Docker images that are pre-installed with deep learning frameworks. The containers are optimized for performance and available in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). DLCs make it straightforward to deploy custom ML environments in a containerized manner, while taking advantage of the portability and reproducibility benefits of containers.

Multi-Framework DLAMIs

The Neuron Multi-Framework DLAMI for Ubuntu 22 provides separate virtual environments for multiple ML frameworks: PyTorch 2.1, PyTorch 1.13, Transformers NeuronX, and TensorFlow 2.10. DLAMI offers you the convenience of having all these popular frameworks readily available in a single AMI, simplifying their setup and reducing the need for multiple installations.

This new Neuron Multi-Framework DLAMI is now the default choice when launching Neuron instances for Ubuntu through the AWS Management Console, making it even faster for you to get started with the latest Neuron capabilities right from the Quick Start AMI list.

Existing Neuron DLAMI support

The existing Neuron DLAMIs for PyTorch 1.13 and TensorFlow 2.10 have been updated with the latest 2.18 Neuron SDK, making sure you have access to the latest performance optimizations and features for both Ubuntu 20 and Amazon Linux 2 distributions.

AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store support

Neuron 2.18 also introduces support in Parameter Store, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, for Neuron DLAMIs, allowing you to effortlessly find and query the DLAMI ID with the latest Neuron SDK release. This feature streamlines the process of launching new instances with the most up-to-date Neuron SDK, enabling you to automate your deployment workflows and make sure you’re always using the latest optimizations.

Availability of Neuron DLC Images in Amazon ECR

To provide customers with more deployment options, Neuron DLCs are now hosted both in the public Neuron ECR repository and as private images. Public images provide seamless integration with AWS ML deployment services such as Amazon EC2, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS); private images are required when using Neuron DLCs with Amazon SageMaker.

Updated Dockerfile locations

Prior to this release, Dockerfiles for Neuron DLCs were located within the AWS/Deep Learning Containers repository. Moving forward, Neuron containers can be found in the AWS-Neuron/ Deep Learning Containers repository.

Improved documentation

The Neuron SDK documentation and AWS documentation sections for DLAMI and DLC now have up-to-date user guides about Neuron. The Neuron SDK documentation also includes a dedicated DLAMI section with guides on discovering, installing, and upgrading Neuron DLAMIs, along with links to release notes in AWS documentation.

Using the Neuron DLC and DLAMI with Trn and Inf instances

AWS Trainium and AWS Inferentia are custom ML chips designed by AWS to accelerate deep learning workloads in the cloud.

You can choose your desired Neuron DLAMI when launching Trn and Inf instances through the console or infrastructure automation tools like AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). After a Trn or Inf instance is launched with the selected DLAMI, you can activate the virtual environment corresponding to your chosen framework and begin using the Neuron SDK. If you’re interested in using DLCs, refer to the DLC documentation section in the Neuron SDK documentation or the DLC release notes section in the AWS documentation to find the list of Neuron DLCs with the latest Neuron SDK release. Each DLC in the list includes a link to the corresponding container image in the Neuron container registry. After choosing a specific DLC, please refer to the DLC walkthrough in the next section to learn how to launch scalable training and inference workloads using AWS services like Kubernetes (Amazon EKS), Amazon ECS, Amazon EC2, and SageMaker. The following sections contain walkthroughs for both the Neuron DLC and DLAMI.

DLC walkthrough

In this section, we provide resources to help you use containers for your accelerated deep learning model acceleration on top of AWS Inferentia and Trainium enabled instances.

The section is organized based on the target deployment environment and use case. In most cases, it is recommended to use a preconfigured DLC from AWS. Each DLC is preconfigured to have all the Neuron components installed and is specific to the chosen ML framework.

Locate the Neuron DLC image

The PyTorch Neuron DLC images are published to ECR Public Gallery, which is the recommended URL to use for most cases. If you’re working within SageMaker, use the Amazon ECR URL instead of the Amazon ECR Public Gallery. TensorFlow DLCs are not updated with the latest release. For earlier releases, refer to Neuron Containers. In the following sections, we provide the recommended steps for running an inference or training job in Neuron DLCs.


Prepare your infrastructure (Amazon EKS, Amazon ECS, Amazon EC2, and SageMaker) with AWS Inferentia or Trainium instances as worker nodes, making sure they have the necessary roles attached for Amazon ECR read access to retrieve container images from Amazon ECR: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly.

When setting up hosts for Amazon EC2 and Amazon ECS, using Deep Learning AMI (DLAMI) is recommended. An Amazon EKS optimized GPU AMI is recommended to use in Amazon EKS.

You also need the ML job scripts ready with a command to invoke them. In the following steps, we use a single file,, as the ML job script. The command to invoke it is torchrun —nproc_per_node=2 —nnodes=1

Extend the Neuron DLC

Extend the Neuron DLC to include your ML job scripts and other necessary logic. As the simplest example, you can have the following Dockerfile:



This Dockerfile uses the Neuron PyTorch training container as a base and adds your training script,, to the container.

Build and push to Amazon ECR

Complete the following steps:

  1. Build your Docker image:
    docker build -t <your-repo-name>:<your-image-tag> 

  2. Authenticate your Docker client to your ECR registry:
    aws ecr get-login-password --region <your-region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <your-aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<your-region>

  3. Tag your image to match your repository:
    docker tag <your-repo-name>:<your-image-tag> <your-aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<your-region><your-repo-name>:<your-image-tag>

  4. Push this image to Amazon ECR:
    docker push <your-aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<your-region><your-repo-name>:<your-image-tag>

You can now run the extended Neuron DLC in different AWS services.

Amazon EKS configuration

For Amazon EKS, create a simple pod YAML file to use the extended Neuron DLC. For example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: training-pod
  - name: training-container
    image: <your-aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<your-region><your-repo-name>:<your-image-tag>
    command: ["torchrun"]
    args: ["--nproc_per_node=2", "--nnodes=1", "/"]
      limits: 1
      requests: 1

Use kubectl apply -f <pod-file-name>.yaml to deploy this pod in your Kubernetes cluster.

Amazon ECS configuration

For Amazon ECS, create a task definition that references your custom Docker image. The following is an example JSON task definition:

    "family": "training-task",
    "requiresCompatibilities": ["EC2"],
    "containerDefinitions": [
            "command": [
                "torchrun --nproc_per_node=2 --nnodes=1 /"
            "linuxParameters": {
                "devices": [
                        "containerPath": "/dev/neuron0",
                        "hostPath": "/dev/neuron0",
                        "permissions": [
                "capabilities": {
                    "add": [
            "cpu": 0,
            "memoryReservation": 1000,
            "image": "<your-aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<your-region><your-repo-name>:<your-image-tag>",
            "essential": true,
            "name": "training-container",

This definition sets up a task with the necessary configuration to run your containerized application in Amazon ECS.

Amazon EC2 configuration

For Amazon EC2, you can directly run your Docker container:

docker run --name training-job --device=/dev/neuron0 <your-aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<your-region><your-repo-name>:<your-image-tag> "torchrun --nproc_per_node=2 --nnodes=1 /"

SageMaker configuration

For SageMaker, create a model with your container and specify the training job command in the SageMaker SDK:

import sagemaker
from sagemaker.pytorch import PyTorch
role = sagemaker.get_execution_role()
pytorch_estimator = PyTorch(entry_point='',
                            hyperparameters={"nproc-per-node": 2, "nnodes": 1},

DLAMI walkthrough

This section walks through launching an Inf1, Inf2, or Trn1 instance using the Multi-Framework DLAMI in the Quick Start AMI list and getting the latest DLAMI that supports the newest Neuron SDK release easily.

The Neuron DLAMI is a multi-framework DLAMI that supports multiple Neuron frameworks and libraries. Each DLAMI is pre-installed with Neuron drivers and support all Neuron instance types. Each virtual environment that corresponds to a specific Neuron framework or library comes pre-installed with all the Neuron libraries, including the Neuron compiler and Neuron runtime needed for you to get started.

This release introduces a new Multi-Framework DLAMI for Ubuntu 22 that you can use to quickly get started with the latest Neuron SDK on multiple frameworks that Neuron supports as well as Systems Manager (SSM) parameter support for DLAMIs to automate the retrieval of the latest DLAMI ID in cloud automation flows.

For instructions on getting started with the multi-framework DLAMI through the console, refer to Get Started with Neuron on Ubuntu 22 with Neuron Multi-Framework DLAMI. If you want to use the Neuron DLAMI in your cloud automation flows, Neuron also supports SSM parameters to retrieve the latest DLAMI ID.

Launch the instance using Neuron DLAMI

Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon EC2 console, choose your desired AWS Region and choose Launch Instance.
  2. On the Quick Start tab, choose Ubuntu.
  3. For Amazon Machine Image, choose Deep Learning AMI Neuron (Ubuntu 22.04).
  4. Specify your desired Neuron instance.
  5. Configure disk size and other criteria.
  6. Launch the instance.

Activate the virtual environment

Activate your desired virtual environment, as shown in the following screenshot.

After you have activated the virtual environment, you can try out one of the tutorials listed in the corresponding framework or library training and inference section.

Use SSM parameters to find specific Neuron DLAMIs

Neuron DLAMIs support SSM parameters to quickly find Neuron DLAMI IDs. As of this writing, we only support finding the latest DLAMI ID that corresponds to the latest Neuron SDK release with SSM parameter support. In the future releases, we will add support for finding the DLAMI ID using SSM parameters for a specific Neuron release.

You can find the DLAMI that supports the latest Neuron SDK by using the get-parameter command:

aws ssm get-parameter 
--region us-east-1 
--name <dlami-ssm-parameter-prefix>/latest/image_id 
--query "Parameter.Value" 
--output text

For example, to find the latest DLAMI ID for the Multi-Framework DLAMI (Ubuntu 22), you can use the following code:

aws ssm get-parameter 
--region us-east-1 
--name /aws/service/neuron/dlami/multi-framework/ubuntu-22.04/latest/image_id 
--query "Parameter.Value" 
--output text

You can find all available parameters supported in Neuron DLAMIs using the AWS CLI:

aws ssm get-parameters-by-path 
--region us-east-1 
--path /aws/service/neuron 

You can also view the SSM parameters supported in Neuron through Parameter Store by selecting the neuron service.

Use SSM parameters to launch an instance directly using the AWS CLI

You can use the AWS CLI to find the latest DLAMI ID and launch the instance simultaneously. The following code snippet shows an example of launching an Inf2 instance using a multi-framework DLAMI:

aws ec2 run-instances 
--region us-east-1 
--image-id resolve:ssm:/aws/service/neuron/dlami/pytorch-1.13/amazon-linux-2/latest/image_id 
--count 1 
--instance-type inf2.48xlarge 
--key-name <my-key-pair> 
--security-groups <my-security-group>

Use SSM parameters in EC2 launch templates

You can also use SSM parameters directly in launch templates. You can update your Auto Scaling groups to use new AMI IDs without needing to create new launch templates or new versions of launch templates each time an AMI ID changes.

Clean up

When you’re done running the resources that you deployed as part of this post, make sure to delete or stop them from running and accruing charges:

  1. Stop your EC2 instance.
  2. Delete your ECS cluster.
  3. Delete your EKS cluster.
  4. Clean up your SageMaker resources.


In this post, we introduced several enhancements incorporated into Neuron 2.18 that improve the user experience and time-to-value for customers working with AWS Inferentia and Trainium instances. Neuron DLAMIs and DLCs with the latest Neuron SDK on the same day as the release means you can immediately benefit from the latest performance optimizations, features, and documentation for installing and upgrading Neuron DLAMIs and DLCs.

Additionally, you can now use the Multi-Framework DLAMI, which simplifies the setup process by providing isolated virtual environments for multiple popular ML frameworks. Finally, we discussed Parameter Store support for Neuron DLAMIs that streamlines the process of launching new instances with the most up-to-date Neuron SDK, enabling you to automate your deployment workflows with ease.

Neuron DLCs are available both private and public ECR repositories to help you deploy Neuron in your preferred AWS service. Refer to the following resources to get started:

About the Authors

Niithiyn Vijeaswaran is a Solutions Architect at AWS. His area of focus is generative AI and AWS AI Accelerators. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Bioinformatics. Niithiyn works closely with the Generative AI GTM team to enable AWS customers on multiple fronts and accelerate their adoption of generative AI. He’s an avid fan of the Dallas Mavericks and enjoys collecting sneakers.

Armando Diaz is a Solutions Architect at AWS. He focuses on generative AI, AI/ML, and data analytics. At AWS, Armando helps customers integrate cutting-edge generative AI capabilities into their systems, fostering innovation and competitive advantage. When he’s not at work, he enjoys spending time with his wife and family, hiking, and traveling the world.

Sebastian Bustillo is an Enterprise Solutions Architect at AWS. He focuses on AI/ML technologies and has a profound passion for generative AI and compute accelerators. At AWS, he helps customers unlock business value through generative AI, assisting with the overall process from ideation to production. When he’s not at work, he enjoys brewing a perfect cup of specialty coffee and exploring the outdoors with his wife.

Ziwen Ning is a software development engineer at AWS. He currently focuses on enhancing the AI/ML experience through the integration of AWS Neuron with containerized environments and Kubernetes. In his free time, he enjoys challenging himself with badminton, swimming and other various sports, and immersing himself in music.

Anant Sharma is a software engineer at AWS Annapurna Labs specializing in DevOps. His primary focus revolves around building, automating and refining the process of delivering software to AWS Trainium and Inferentia customers. Beyond work, he’s passionate about gaming, exploring new destinations and following latest tech developments.

Roopnath Grandhi is a Sr. Product Manager at AWS. He leads large-scale model inference and developer experiences for AWS Trainium and Inferentia AI accelerators. With over 15 years of experience in architecting and building AI based products and platforms, he holds multiple patents and publications in AI and eCommerce.

Marco Punio is a Solutions Architect focused on generative AI strategy, applied AI solutions and conducting research to help customers hyperscale on AWS. He is a qualified technologist with a passion for machine learning, artificial intelligence, and mergers & acquisitions. Marco is based in Seattle, WA and enjoys writing, reading, exercising, and building applications in his free time.

Rohit Talluri is a Generative AI GTM Specialist (Tech BD) at Amazon Web Services (AWS). He is partnering with top generative AI model builders, strategic customers, key AI/ML partners, and AWS Service Teams to enable the next generation of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and accelerated computing on AWS. He was previously an Enterprise Solutions Architect, and the Global Solutions Lead for AWS Mergers & Acquisitions Advisory.

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