Transfer Learning for Structured Pruning under Limited Task Data

This paper was accepted at the Efficient Natural Language and Speech Processing (ENLSP-III) Workshop at NeurIPS.
Large, pre-trained models are problematic to use in resource constrained applications. Fortunately, task-aware structured pruning methods offer a solution. These approaches reduce model size by dropping structural units like layers and attention heads in a manner that takes into account the end-task. However, these pruning algorithms require more task-specific data than is typically available. We propose a framework which combines structured pruning with transfer learning to reduce…Apple Machine Learning Research

Achieve up to ~2x higher throughput while reducing costs by up to ~50% for generative AI inference on Amazon SageMaker with the new inference optimization toolkit – Part 2

Achieve up to ~2x higher throughput while reducing costs by up to ~50% for generative AI inference on Amazon SageMaker with the new inference optimization toolkit – Part 2

As generative artificial intelligence (AI) inference becomes increasingly critical for businesses, customers are seeking ways to scale their generative AI operations or integrate generative AI models into existing workflows. Model optimization has emerged as a crucial step, allowing organizations to balance cost-effectiveness and responsiveness, improving productivity. However, price-performance requirements vary widely across use cases. For chat applications, minimizing latency is key to offer an interactive experience, whereas real-time applications like recommendations require maximizing throughput. Navigating these trade-offs poses a significant challenge to rapidly adopt generative AI, because you must carefully select and evaluate different optimization techniques.

To overcome these challenges, we are excited to introduce the inference optimization toolkit, a fully managed model optimization feature in Amazon SageMaker. This new feature delivers up to ~2x higher throughput while reducing costs by up to ~50% for generative AI models such as Llama 3, Mistral, and Mixtral models. For example, with a Llama 3-70B model, you can achieve up to ~2400 tokens/sec on a ml.p5.48xlarge instance v/s ~1200 tokens/sec previously without any optimization.

This inference optimization toolkit uses the latest generative AI model optimization techniques such as compilation, quantization, and speculative decoding to help you reduce the time to optimize generative AI models from months to hours, while achieving the best price-performance for your use case. For compilation, the toolkit uses the Neuron Compiler to optimize the model’s computational graph for specific hardware, such as AWS Inferentia, enabling faster runtimes and reduced resource utilization. For quantization, the toolkit utilizes Activation-aware Weight Quantization (AWQ) to efficiently shrink the model size and memory footprint while preserving quality. For speculative decoding, the toolkit employs a faster draft model to predict candidate outputs in parallel, enhancing inference speed for longer text generation tasks. To learn more about each technique, refer to Optimize model inference with Amazon SageMaker. For more details and benchmark results for popular open source models, see Achieve up to ~2x higher throughput while reducing costs by up to ~50% for generative AI inference on Amazon SageMaker with the new inference optimization toolkit – Part 1.

In this post, we demonstrate how to get started with the inference optimization toolkit for supported models in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart and the Amazon SageMaker Python SDK. SageMaker JumpStart is a fully managed model hub that allows you to explore, fine-tune, and deploy popular open source models with just a few clicks. You can use pre-optimized models or create your own custom optimizations. Alternatively, you can accomplish this using the SageMaker Python SDK, as shown in the following notebook. For the full list of supported models, refer to Optimize model inference with Amazon SageMaker.

Using pre-optimized models in SageMaker JumpStart

The inference optimization toolkit provides pre-optimized models that have been optimized for best-in-class cost-performance at scale, without any impact to accuracy. You can choose the configuration based on the latency and throughput requirements of your use case and deploy in a single click.

Taking the Meta-Llama-3-8b model in SageMaker JumpStart as an example, you can choose Deploy from the model page. In the deployment configuration, you can expand the model configuration options, select the number of concurrent users, and deploy the optimized model.

Deploying a pre-optimized model with the SageMaker Python SDK

You can also deploy a pre-optimized generative AI model using the SageMaker Python SDK in just a few lines of code. In the following code, we set up a ModelBuilder class for the SageMaker JumpStart model. ModelBuilder is a class in the SageMaker Python SDK that provides fine-grained control over various deployment aspects, such as instance types, network isolation, and resource allocation. You can use it to create a deployable model instance, converting framework models (like XGBoost or PyTorch) or Inference Specs into SageMaker-compatible models for deployment. Refer to Create a model in Amazon SageMaker with ModelBuilder for more details.

sample_input = {
    "inputs": "Hello, I'm a language model,",
    "parameters": {"max_new_tokens":128, "do_sample":True}

sample_output = [
        "generated_text": "Hello, I'm a language model, and I'm here to help you with your English."
schema_builder = SchemaBuilder(sample_input, sample_output)

builder = ModelBuilder(
    model="meta-textgeneration-llama-3-8b", # JumpStart model ID

List the available pre-benchmarked configurations with the following code:


Choose the appropriate instance_type and config_name from the list based on your concurrent users, latency, and throughput requirements. In the preceding table, you can see the latency and throughput across different concurrency levels for the given instance type and config name. If config name is lmi-optimized, that means the configuration is pre-optimized by SageMaker. Then you can call .build() to run the optimization job. When the job is complete, you can deploy to an endpoint and test the model predictions. See the following code:

# set deployment config with pre-configured optimization

# build the deployable model
model =

# deploy the model to a SageMaker endpoint
predictor = model.deploy(accept_eula=True)

# use sample input payload to test the deployed endpoint

Using the inference optimization toolkit to create custom optimizations

In addition to creating a pre-optimized model, you can create custom optimizations based on the instance type you choose. The following table provides a full list of available combinations. In the following sections, we explore compilation on AWS Inferentia first, and then try the other optimization techniques for GPU instances.

Instance Types Optimization Technique Configurations
AWS Inferentia Compilation Neuron Compiler
GPUs Quantization AWQ
GPUs Speculative Decoding SageMaker provided or Bring Your Own (BYO) draft model

Compilation from SageMaker JumpStart

For compilation, you can select the same Meta-Llama-3-8b model from SageMaker JumpStart and choose Optimize on the model page. In the optimization configuration page, you can choose ml.inf2.8xlarge for your instance type. Then provide an output Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location for the optimized artifacts. For large models like Llama 2 70B, for example, the compilation job can take more than an hour. Therefore, we recommend using the inference optimization toolkit to perform ahead-of-time compilation. That way, you only need to compile one time.

Compilation using the SageMaker Python SDK

For the SageMaker Python SDK, you can configure the compilation by changing the environment variables in the .optimize() function. For more details on compilation_config, refer to LMI NeuronX ahead-of-time compilation of models tutorial.

compiled_model = builder.optimize(
        "OverrideEnvironment": {
            "OPTION_N_POSITIONS": "2048",
            "OPTION_DTYPE": "fp16",
            "OPTION_ROLLING_BATCH": "auto",

# deploy the compiled model to a SageMaker endpoint
predictor = compiled_model.deploy(accept_eula=True)

# use sample input payload to test the deployed endpoint

Quantization and speculative decoding from SageMaker JumpStart

For optimizing models on GPU, ml.g5.12xlarge is the default deployment instance type for Llama-3-8b. You can choose quantization, speculative decoding, or both as optimization options. Quantization uses AWQ to reduce the model’s weights to low-bit (INT4) representations. Finally, you can provide an output S3 URL to store the optimized artifacts.

With speculative decoding, you can improve latency and throughput by either using the SageMaker provided draft model or bringing your own draft model from the public Hugging Face model hub or upload from your own S3 bucket.

After the optimization job is complete, you can deploy the model or run further evaluation jobs on the optimized model. On the SageMaker Studio UI, you can choose to use the default sample datasets or provide your own using an S3 URI. At the time of writing, the evaluate performance option is only available through the Amazon SageMaker Studio UI.

Quantization and speculative decoding using the SageMaker Python SDK

The following is the SageMaker Python SDK code snippet for quantization. You just need to provide the quantization_config attribute in the .optimize() function.

optimized_model = builder.optimize(
        "OverrideEnvironment": {
            "OPTION_QUANTIZE": "awq"

# deploy the optimized model to a SageMaker endpoint
predictor = optimized_model.deploy(accept_eula=True)

# use sample input payload to test the deployed endpoint

For speculative decoding, you can change to a speculative_decoding_config attribute and configure SageMaker or a custom model. You may need to adjust the GPU utilization based on the sizes of the draft and target models to fit them both on the instance for inference.

optimized_model = builder.optimize(
        "ModelProvider": "sagemaker"
    # speculative_decoding_config={
        # "ModelProvider": "custom",
        # use S3 URI or HuggingFace model ID for custom draft model
        # note: using HuggingFace model ID as draft model requires HF_TOKEN in environment variables
        # "ModelSource": "s3://custom-bucket/draft-model", 
    # }

# deploy the optimized model to a SageMaker endpoint
predictor = optimized_model.deploy(accept_eula=True)

# use sample input payload to test the deployed endpoint


Optimizing generative AI models for inference performance is crucial for delivering cost-effective and responsive generative AI solutions. With the launch of the inference optimization toolkit, you can now optimize your generative AI models, using the latest techniques such as speculative decoding, compilation, and quantization to achieve up to ~2x higher throughput and reduce costs by up to ~50%. This helps you achieve the optimal price-performance balance for your specific use cases with just a few clicks in SageMaker JumpStart or a few lines of code using the SageMaker Python SDK. The inference optimization toolkit significantly simplifies the model optimization process, enabling your business to accelerate generative AI adoption and unlock more opportunities to drive better business outcomes.

To learn more, refer to Optimize model inference with Amazon SageMaker and Achieve up to ~2x higher throughput while reducing costs by up to ~50% for generative AI inference on Amazon SageMaker with the new inference optimization toolkit – Part 1.

About the Authors

James Wu is a Senior AI/ML Specialist Solutions Architect
Saurabh Trikande is a Senior Product Manager
Rishabh Ray Chaudhury is a Senior Product Manager
Kumara Swami Borra is a Front End Engineer
Alwin (Qiyun) Zhao is a Senior Software Development Engineer
Qing Lan is a Senior SDE

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Achieve up to ~2x higher throughput while reducing costs by ~50% for generative AI inference on Amazon SageMaker with the new inference optimization toolkit – Part 1

Achieve up to ~2x higher throughput while reducing costs by ~50% for generative AI inference on Amazon SageMaker with the new inference optimization toolkit – Part 1

Today, Amazon SageMaker announced a new inference optimization toolkit that helps you reduce the time it takes to optimize generative artificial intelligence (AI) models from months to hours, to achieve best-in-class performance for your use case. With this new capability, you can choose from a menu of optimization techniques, apply them to your generative AI models, validate performance improvements, and deploy the models in just a few clicks.

By employing techniques such as speculative decoding, quantization, and compilation, Amazon SageMaker’s new inference optimization toolkit delivers up to ~2x higher throughput while reducing costs by up to ~50% for generative AI models such as Llama 3, Mistral, and Mixtral models. For example, with a Llama 3-70B model, you can achieve up to ~2400 tokens/sec on a ml.p5.48xlarge instance v/s ~1200 tokens/sec previously without any optimization. Additionally, the inference optimization toolkit significantly reduces the engineering costs of applying the latest optimization techniques, because you don’t need to allocate developer resources and time for research, experimentation, and benchmarking before deployment. You can now focus on your business objectives instead of the heavy lifting involved in optimizing your models.

In this post, we discuss the benefits of this new toolkit and the use cases it unlocks.

Benefits of the inference optimization toolkit

“Large language models (LLMs) require expensive GPU-based instances for hosting, so achieving a substantial cost reduction is immensely valuable. With the new inference optimization toolkit from Amazon SageMaker, based on our experimentation, we expect to reduce deployment costs of our self-hosted LLMs by roughly 30% and to reduce latency by up to 25% for up to 8 concurrent requests” said FNU Imran, Machine Learning Engineer, Qualtrics.

Today, customers try to improve price-performance by optimizing their generative GenAI models with techniques such as speculative decoding, quantization, and compilation. Speculative decoding achieves speedup by predicting and computing multiple potential next tokens in parallel, thereby reducing the overall runtime, without loss in accuracy. Quantization reduces the memory requirements of the model by using a lower-precision data type to represent weights and activations. Compilation optimizes the model to deliver the best-in-class performance on the chosen hardware type, without loss in accuracy.

However, it takes months of developer time to optimally implement generative AI optimization techniques—you need to go through a myriad of open source documentation, iteratively prototype different techniques, and benchmark before finalizing on the deployment configurations. Additionally, there’s a lack of compatibility across techniques and various open source libraries, making it difficult to stack different techniques for best price-performance.

The inference optimization toolkit helps address these challenges by making the process simpler and more efficient. You can select from a menu of latest model optimization techniques and apply them to your models. You can also select a combination of techniques to create an optimization recipe for their models. Then you can run benchmarks using your custom data to evaluate the impact of the techniques on the output quality and the inference performance in just a few clicks. SageMaker will do the heavy lifting of provisioning the required hardware to run the optimization recipe using the most efficient set of deep learning frameworks and libraries, and provide compatibility with target hardware so that the techniques can be efficiently stacked together. You can now deploy popular models like Llama 3 and Mistral available on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart with accelerated inference techniques within minutes, either using the Amazon SageMaker Studio UI or the Amazon SageMaker Python SDK. A number of preset serving configurations are exposed for each model, along with precomputed benchmarks that provide you with different options to pick between lower cost (higher concurrency) or lower per-user latency.

Using the new inference optimization toolkit, we benchmarked the performance and cost impact of different optimization techniques. The toolkit allowed us to evaluate how each technique affected throughput and overall cost-efficiency for our question answering use case.

Speculative decoding

Speculative decoding is an inference technique that aims to speed up the decoding process of large and therefore slow LLMs for latency-critical applications without compromising the quality of the generated text. The key idea is to use a smaller, less powerful, but faster language model called the draft model to generate candidate tokens that are then validated by the larger, more powerful, but slower target model. At each iteration, the draft model generates multiple candidate tokens. The target model verifies the tokens and if it finds a particular token is not acceptable, it rejects it and regenerates that itself. Therefore, the larger model may be doing both verification and some small amount of token generation. The smaller model is significantly faster than the larger model. It can generate all the tokens quickly and then send batches of these tokens to the target models for verification. The target models evaluate them all in parallel, significantly speeding up the final response generation (verification is faster than auto-regressive token generation). For a more detailed understanding, refer to the paper from DeepMind, Accelerating Large Language Model Decoding with Speculative Sampling.

With the new inference optimization toolkit from SageMaker, you get out-of-the-box support for speculative decoding from SageMaker that has been tested for performance at scale for various popular open models. SageMaker offers a pre-built draft model that you can use out of the box, eliminating the need to invest time and resources in building your own draft model from scratch. If you prefer to use your own custom draft model, SageMaker also supports this option, providing flexibility to accommodate your specific custom draft models.

The following graph showcases the throughput (tokens per second) for a Llama3-70B model deployed on a ml.p5.48xlarge using speculative decoding provided through SageMaker compared to a deployment without speculative decoding.

While the results below use a ml.p5.48xlarge, you can also look at exploring deploying Llama3-70 with speculative decoding on a ml.p4d.24xlarge.

The dataset used for these benchmarks is based on a curated version of the OpenOrca question answering use case, where the payloads are between 500–1,000 tokens with mean 622 with respect to the Llama 3 tokenizer. All requests set the maximum new tokens to 250.

Given the increase in throughput that is realized with speculative decoding, we can also see the blended price difference when using speculative decoding vs. when not using speculative decoding.

Here we have calculated the blended price as a 3:1 ratio of input to output tokens.

The blended price is defined as follows:

  • Total throughput (tokens per second) = (1/(p50 inter token latency)) x concurrency
  • Blended price ($ per 1 million tokens) = (1−(discount rate)) × (instance per hour price) ÷ ((total token throughput per second)×60×60÷10^6)) ÷ 4

Check out the following notebook to learn how to enable speculative decoding using the optimization toolkit for a pre-trained SageMaker JumpStart model.

The following are not supported when using the SageMaker provided draft model for speculative decoding:

  • If you have fine-tuned your model outside of SageMaker JumpStart
  • The custom inference script is not supported when using SageMaker draft models
  • Local testing
  • Inference components


Quantization is one of the most popular model compression methods to reduce your memory footprint and accelerate inference. By using a lower-precision data type to represent weights and activations, quantizing LLM weights for inference provides four main benefits:

  • Reduced hardware requirements for model serving – A quantized model can be served using less expensive and more available GPUs or even made accessible on consumer devices or mobile platforms.
  • Increased space for the KV cache – This enables larger batch sizes and sequence lengths.
  • Faster decoding latency – Because the decoding process is memory bandwidth bound, less data movement from reduced weight sizes directly improves decoding latency, unless offset by dequantization overhead.
  • A higher compute-to-memory access ratio (through reduced data movement) – This is also known as arithmetic intensity. This allows for fuller utilization of available compute resources during decoding.

For quantization, the inference optimization toolkit from SageMaker provides compatibility and supports Activation-aware Weight Quantization (AWQ) for GPUs. AWQ is an efficient and accurate low-bit (INT3/4) post-training weight-only quantization technique for LLMs, supporting instruction-tuned models and multi-modal LLMs. By quantizing the model weights to INT4 using AWQ, you can deploy larger models (like Llama 3 70B) on ml.g5.12xlarge, which is 79.88% cheaper than ml.p4d.24xlarge based on the 1 year SageMaker Savings Plan rate. The memory footprint of INT4 weights is four times smaller than that of native half-precision weights (35 GB vs. 140 GB for Llama 3 70B).

The following graph compares the throughput of an AWQ quantized Llama 3 70B instruct model on ml.g5.12xlarge against a Llama 3 70B instruct model on ml.p4d.24xlarge.There could be implications to the accuracy of the AWQ quantized model due to compression. Having said that, the price-performance is better on ml.g5.12xlarge and the throughput per instance is lower. You can add additional instances to your SageMaker endpoint according to your use case. We can see the cost savings realized in the following blended price graph.

In the following graph, we have calculated the blended price as a 3:1 ratio of input to output tokens. In addition, we applied the 1 year SageMaker Savings Plan rate for the instances.

Refer to the following notebook to learn more about how to enable AWQ quantization and speculative decoding using the optimization toolkit for a pre-trained SageMaker JumpStart model. If you want to deploy a fine-tuned model with SageMaker JumpStart using speculative decoding, refer to the following notebook.


Compilation optimizes the model to extract the best available performance on the chosen hardware type, without any loss in accuracy. For compilation, the SageMaker inference optimization toolkit provides efficient loading and caching of optimized models to reduce model loading and auto scaling time by up to 40–60 % for Llama 3 8B and 70B.

Model compilation enables running LLMs on accelerated hardware, such as GPUs or custom silicon like AWS Trainium and AWS Inferentia, while simultaneously optimizing the model’s computational graph for optimal performance on the target hardware. On Trainium and AWS Inferentia, the Neuron Compiler ingests deep learning models in various formats such as PyTorch and safetensors, and then optimizes them to run efficiently on Neuron devices. When using the Large Model Inference (LMI) Deep Learning Container (DLC), the Neuron Compiler is invoked from within the framework and creates compiled artifacts. These compiled artifacts are unique for a combination of input shapes, precision of the model, tensor parallel degree, and other framework- or compiler-level configurations. Although the compilation process avoids overhead during inference and enables optimized inference, it can take a lot of time.

To avoid re-compiling every time a model is deployed onto a Neuron device, SageMaker introduces the following features:

  • A cache of pre-compiled artifacts – This includes popular models like Llama 3, Mistral, and more for Trainium and AWS Inferentia 2. When using an optimized model with the compilation config, SageMaker automatically uses these cached artifacts when the configurations match.
  • Ahead-of-time compilation – The inference optimization toolkit enables you to compile your models with the desired configurations before deploying them on SageMaker.

The following graph illustrates the improvement in model loading time when using pre-compiled artifacts with the SageMaker LMI DLC. The models were compiled with a sequence length of 8,192 and a batch size of 8, with Llama 3 8B deployed on an inf2.48xlarge (tensor parallel degree = 24) and Llama 3 70B on a trn1.32xlarge (tensor parallel degree = 32).

Refer to the following notebook for more information on how to enable Neuron compilation using the optimization toolkit for a pre-trained SageMaker JumpStart model.


For compilation and quantization jobs, SageMaker will optimally choose the right instance type, so you don’t have to spend time and effort. You will be charged based on the optimization instance used. To learn model, see Amazon SageMaker pricing. For speculative decoding, there is no optimization involved; QuickSilver will package the right container and parameters for the deployment. Therefore, there are no additional costs to you.


Refer to Achieve up to 2x higher throughput while reducing cost by up to 50% for GenAI inference on SageMaker with new inference optimization toolkit: user guide – Part 2 blog to learn to get started with the inference optimization toolkit when using SageMaker inference with SageMaker JumpStart and the SageMaker Python SDK. You can use the inference optimization toolkit on any supported models on SageMaker JumpStart. For the full list of supported models, refer to Optimize model inference with Amazon SageMaker.

About the authors

Raghu Ramesha is a Senior GenAI/ML Solutions Architect
Marc Karp is a Senior ML Solutions Architect
Ram Vegiraju is a Solutions Architect
Pierre Lienhart is a Deep Learning Architect
Pinak Panigrahi is a Senior Solutions Architect Annapurna ML
Rishabh Ray Chaudhury is a Senior Product Manager

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Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet ranks number 1 for business and finance in S&P AI Benchmarks by Kensho

Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet ranks number 1 for business and finance in S&P AI Benchmarks by Kensho

Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet currently ranks at the top of S&P AI Benchmarks by Kensho, which assesses large language models (LLMs) for finance and business. Kensho is the AI Innovation Hub for S&P Global. Using Amazon Bedrock, Kensho was able to quickly run Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet through a challenging suite of business and financial tasks. We discuss these tasks and the capabilities of Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet in this post.

Limitations of LLM evaluations

It is a common practice to use standardized tests, such as Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU, a test consisting of multiple-choice questions that cover 57 disciplines like math, philosophy, and medicine) and HumanEval (testing code generation), to evaluate LLMs. Although these evaluations are useful in giving LLM users a sense of an LLM’s relative performance, they have limitations. For example, there could be leakage of benchmark datasets’ questions and answers into training data. Additionally, today’s LLMs work well for general tasks, such as question answering tasks and code generation. However, these capabilities don’t always translate to domain-specific tasks. In the financial services industry, we hear customers ask which model to choose for their financial domain generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications. These applications require the LLMs to have requisite domain knowledge and be able to reason about numeric data to calculate metrics and extract insights. We have also heard from customers that highly ranked general benchmark LLMs don’t necessarily provide them with the best performance for their given finance and business applications.

Our customers often ask us if we have a benchmark of LLMs just for the financial industry that could help them pick the right LLMs faster.

S&P AI Benchmarks by Kensho

When Kensho’s R&D lab began to research and develop useful, challenging datasets for finance and business, it quickly became clear that within the finance industry, there was a scarcity of such realistic evaluations. To address this challenge, the lab created S&P AI Benchmarks, which aims to serve as the industry standard for benchmarking models for finance and business.

“By offering a robust and independent benchmarking solution, we want to help the financial services industry make smart decisions about which models to implement for which use cases.”

– Bhavesh Dayalji, Chief AI Officer of S&P Global and CEO of Kensho.

S&P AI Benchmarks focuses on measuring models’ ability to perform tasks that center around three categories of capabilities and knowledge: domain knowledge, quantity extraction, and quantitative reasoning (more details can be found in this paper). This publicly available resource includes a corresponding leaderboard, which allows everyone to see the performance of every state-of-the-art language model that has been evaluated on these rigorous tasks. Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet is currently ranked number one (as of July 2024), demonstrating Anthropic’s strengths in the business and finance domain.

Kensho chose to test their benchmark with Amazon Bedrock because of its ease of use and enterprise-ready security and privacy controls.

The evaluation tasks

S&P AI Benchmarks evaluates LLMs using a wide range of questions concerning finance and business. The evaluation comprises 600 questions spanning three categories: domain knowledge, quantity extraction, and quantitative reasoning. Each question has been verified by domain experts and finance professionals with over 5 years of experience.

Quantitative reasoning

This task determines if, given a question and lengthy documents, the model can perform complex calculations and correctly reason to produce an accurate answer. The questions are written by financial professionals using real-world data and financial knowledge. As such, they are closer to the kinds of questions that business and financial professionals would ask in a generative AI application. The following is an example:

Question: The market price of K-T-Lew Corporation’s common stock is $60 per share, and each share gives its owner one subscription right. Four rights are required to purchase an additional share of common stock at the subscription price of $54 per share. If the common stock is currently selling rights-on, what is the theoretical value of a right? Answer to the nearest cent.

To answer the question, LLMs must resolve complex quantity references and use implicit financial background knowledge. For example, “subscription right,” “selling rights-on,” and “subscription price” in the preceding question require financial background knowledge to understand the terms. To generate the answer, LLMs need to have the financial knowledge of calculating the “theoretical value of a right.”

Quantity extraction

Given financial reports, an LLM can extract the pertinent numerical information. Many business and finance workflows require high-precision quantity extraction. In the following example, for an LLM to answer the question correctly, it needs to understand the table row represents location and the column represents year, and then extract the correct quantity (total amount) from the table based on the asked location and year:

Question: What was the Total Americas amount in 2019? (thousand)

Given Context: The Company’s top ten clients accounted for 42.2%, 44.2% and 46.9% of 
its consolidated revenues during the years ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively.
The following table represents a disaggregation of revenue from contracts with customers by 
delivery location (in thousands):
Years Ended December 31,
2019 2018 2017
Americas: . . .
United States $614,493 $668,580 $644,870
The Philippines 250,888 231,966 241,211
Costa Rica 127,078 127,963 132,542
Canada 99,037 102,353 112,367
El Salvador 81,195 81,156 75,800
Other 123,969 118,620 118,853
Total Americas 1,296,660 1,330,638 1,325,643
EMEA: . . .
Germany 94,166 91,703 81,634
Other 223,847 203,251 178,649
Total EMEA 318,013 294,954 260,283
Total Other 89 95 82
. $1,614,762 $1,625,687 $1,586,008

Domain knowledge

Models must demonstrate an understanding of business and financial terms, practices, and formulae. The task is to answer multiple-choice questions collected from CFA practice exams and the business ethics, microeconomics, and professional accounting exams from the MMLU dataset. In the following example question, the LLM needs to understand what a fixed-rate system is:

Question: A fixed-rate system is characterized by:
A: Explicit legislative commitment to maintain a specified parity.
B: Monetary independence being subject to the maintenance of an exchange rate peg.
C: Target foreign exchange reserves bearing a direct relationship to domestic monetary aggregates.

Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet on Amazon Bedrock

In addition to ranking at the top on S&P AI Benchmarks, Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet yields state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of other tasks, including undergraduate-level expert knowledge (MMLU), graduate-level expert reasoning (GPQA), code (HumanEval), and more. As pointed out in Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 Sonnet model now available in Amazon Bedrock: Even more intelligence than Claude 3 Opus at one-fifth the cost, Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet made key improvements in visual processing and understanding, writing and content generation, natural language processing, coding, and generating insights.

Get started with Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet on Amazon Bedrock

Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet is generally available in Amazon Bedrock as part of the Anthropic Claude family of AI models. Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that offers quick access to a choice of industry-leading LLMs and other foundation models from AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Stability AI, and Amazon. It also offers a broad set of capabilities to build generative AI applications, simplifying development while supporting privacy and security. Tens of thousands of customers have already selected Amazon Bedrock as the foundation for their generative AI strategy. Customers from the financial industry such as Nasdaq, NYSE, Broadridge, Jefferies, NatWest, and more use Amazon Bedrock to build their generative AI applications.

“The Kensho team uses Amazon Bedrock to quickly evaluate models from several different providers. In fact, access to Amazon Bedrock allowed the team to benchmark Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet within 24 hours.”

– Diana Mingels, Head of Machine Learning at Kensho.


In this post, we walked through the S&P AI Benchmarks task details for business and finance. The benchmark shows that Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet is the leading performer in these tasks. To start using this new model, see Anthropic Claude models. With Amazon Bedrock, you get a fully managed service offering access to leading AI models from companies like AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Mistral AI, Stability AI, and Amazon through a single API, along with a broad set of capabilities to build generative AI applications. Learn more and get started today at Amazon Bedrock.

About the authors

Qingwei Li is a Machine Learning Specialist at Amazon Web Services. He received his Ph.D. in Operations Research after he broke his advisor’s research grant account and failed to deliver the Nobel Prize he promised. Currently he helps customers in the financial service and insurance industry build machine learning solutions on AWS. In his spare time, he likes reading and teaching.

Joe Dunn is an AWS Principal Solutions Architect in Financial Services with over 20 years of experience in infrastructure architecture and migration of business-critical loads to AWS. He helps financial services customers to innovate on the AWS Cloud by providing solutions using AWS products and services.

Raghvender Arni (Arni) is a part of the AWS Generative AI GTM team and leads the Cross-Portfolio team which is a multidisciplinary group of AI specialists dedicated to accelerating and optimizing generative AI adoption across industries.

Simon Zamarin is an AI/ML Solutions Architect whose main focus is helping customers extract value from their data assets. In his spare time, Simon enjoys spending time with family, reading sci-fi, and working on various DIY house projects.

Scott Mullins is Managing Director and General Manger of AWS’ Worldwide Financial Services organization. In this role, Scott is responsible for AWS’ relationships with systemically important financial institutions, and for leading the development and execution of AWS’ strategic initiatives across Banking, Payments, Capital Markets, and Insurance around the world. Prior to joining AWS in 2014, Scott’s 28-year career in financial services included roles at JPMorgan Chase, Nasdaq, Merrill Lynch, and Penson Worldwide. At Nasdaq, Scott was the Product Manager responsible for building the exchange’s first cloud-based solution, FinQloud. Before joining NASDAQ, Scott ran Surveillance and Trading Compliance for one of the nation’s largest clearing broker-dealers, with responsibility for regulatory response, emerging regulatory initiatives, and compliance matters related to the firm’s trading and execution services divisions. Prior to his roles in regulatory compliance, Scott spent 10 years as an equity trader. A graduate of Texas A&M University, Scott is a subject matter expert quoted in industry media, and a recognized speaker at industry events..

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Widescreen Wonder: Las Vegas Sphere Delivers Dazzling Displays

Widescreen Wonder: Las Vegas Sphere Delivers Dazzling Displays

Sphere, a new kind of entertainment medium in Las Vegas, is joining the ranks of legendary circular performance spaces such as the Roman Colosseum and Shakespeare’s Globe Theater — captivating audiences with eye-popping LED displays that cover nearly 750,000 square feet inside and outside the venue.

Behind the screens, around 150 NVIDIA RTX A6000 GPUs help power stunning visuals on floor-to-ceiling, 16x16K displays across the Sphere’s interior, as well as 1.2 million programmable LED pucks on the venue’s exterior — the Exosphere, which is the world’s largest LED screen.

Delivering robust network connectivity, NVIDIA BlueField DPUs and NVIDIA ConnectX-6 Dx NICs — along with the NVIDIA DOCA Firefly Service and NVIDIA Rivermax software for media streaming — ensure that all the display panels act as one synchronized canvas.

“Sphere is captivating audiences not only in Las Vegas, but also around the world on social media, with immersive LED content delivered at a scale and clarity that has never been done before,” said Alex Luthwaite, senior vice president of show systems technology at Sphere Entertainment. “This would not be possible without the expertise and innovation of companies such as NVIDIA that are critical to helping power our vision, working closely with our team to redefine what is possible with cutting-edge display technology.”

Named one of TIME’s Best Inventions of 2023, Sphere hosts original Sphere Experiences, concerts and residencies from the world’s biggest artists, and premier marquee and corporate events.

Rock band U2 opened Sphere with a 40-show run that concluded in March. Other shows include The Sphere Experience featuring Darren Aronofsky’s Postcard From Earth, a specially created multisensory cinematic experience that showcases all of the venue’s immersive technologies, including high-resolution visuals, advanced concert-grade sound, haptic seats and atmospheric effects such as wind and scents.

image of the Earth from space displayed in Sphere
“Postcard From Earth” is a multisensory immersive experience. Image courtesy of Sphere Entertainment.

Behind the Screens: Visual Technology Fueling the Sphere

Sphere Studios creates video content in its Burbank, Calif., facility, then transfers it digitally to Sphere in Las Vegas. The content is then streamed in real time to rack-mounted workstations equipped with NVIDIA RTX A6000 GPUs, achieving unprecedented performance capable of delivering three layers of 16K resolution at 60 frames per second.

The NVIDIA Rivermax software helps provide media streaming acceleration, enabling direct data transfers to and from the GPU. Combined, the software and hardware acceleration eliminates jitter and optimizes latency.

NVIDIA BlueField DPUs also facilitate precision timing through the DOCA Firefly Service, which is used to synchronize clocks in a network with sub-microsecond accuracy.

“The integration of NVIDIA RTX GPUs, BlueField DPUs and Rivermax software creates a powerful trifecta of advantages for modern accelerated comp

uting, supporting the unique high-resolution video streams and strict timing requirements needed at Sphere and setting a new standard for media processing capabilities,” said Nir Nitzani, senior product director for networking software at NVIDIA. “This collaboration results in remarkable performance gains, culminating in the extraordinary experiences guests have at Sphere.” 

Well-Rounded: From Simulation to Sphere Stage

To create new immersive content exclusively for Sphere, Sphere Entertainment launched Sphere Studios, which is dedicated to developing the next generation of original immersive entertainment. The Burbank campus consists of numerous development facilities, including a quarter-sized version of Sphere screen in Las Vegas, dubbed Big Dome, which serves as a specialized screening, production facility and lab for content.

dome-shaped building flanked by palm trees
The Big Dome is 100 feet high and 28,000 square feet. Image courtesy of Sphere Entertainment.

Sphere Studios also developed the Big Sky camera system, which captures uncompressed, 18K images from a single camera, so that the studio can film content for Sphere without needing to stitch multiple camera feeds together. The studio’s custom image processing software runs on Lenovo servers powered by NVIDIA A40 GPUs.

The A40 GPUs also fuel creative work, including 3D video, virtualization and ray tracing. To develop visuals for different kinds of shows, the team works with apps including Unreal Engine, Unity, Touch Designer and Notch.

For more, explore upcoming sessions in NVIDIA’s room at SIGGRAPH and watch the panel discussion “Immersion in Sphere: Redefining Live Entertainment Experiences” on NVIDIA On-Demand.

All images courtesy of Sphere Entertainment.

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Accelerated PyTorch inference with torch.compile on AWS Graviton processors

Accelerated PyTorch inference with torch.compile on AWS Graviton processors


Originally PyTorch, used an eager mode where each PyTorch operation that forms the model is run independently as soon as it’s reached. PyTorch 2.0 introduced torch.compile to speed up PyTorch code over the default eager mode. In contrast to eager mode, the torch.compile pre-compiles the entire model into a single graph in a manner that’s optimal for running on a given hardware platform. AWS optimized the PyTorch torch.compile feature for AWS Graviton3 processors. This optimization results in up to 2x better performance for Hugging Face model inference (based on geomean of performance improvement for 33 models) and up to 1.35x better performance for TorchBench model inference (geomean of performance improvement for 45 models) compared to the default eager mode inference across several natural language processing (NLP), computer vision (CV), and recommendation models on AWS Graviton3-based Amazon EC2 instances. Starting with PyTorch 2.3.1, the optimizations are available in torch Python wheels and AWS Graviton PyTorch deep learning container (DLC).

In this blog post, we show how we optimized torch.compile performance on AWS Graviton3-based EC2 instances, how to use the optimizations to improve inference performance, and the resulting speedups.

Why torch.compile and what’s the goal?

In eager mode, operators in a model are run immediately as they are encountered. It’s easier to use, more suitable for machine learning (ML) researchers, and hence is the default mode. However, eager mode incurs runtime overhead because of redundant kernel launch and memory read overhead. Whereas in torch compile mode, operators are first synthesized into a graph, wherein one operator is merged with another to reduce and localize memory reads and total kernel launch overhead.

The goal for the AWS Graviton team was to optimize torch.compile backend for Graviton3 processors. PyTorch eager mode was already optimized for Graviton3 processors with Arm Compute Library (ACL) kernels using oneDNN (also known as MKLDNN). So, the question was, how to reuse those kernels in torch.compile mode to get the best of graph compilation and the optimized kernel performance together?


The AWS Graviton team extended the torch inductor and oneDNN primitives that reused the ACL kernels and optimized compile mode performance on Graviton3 processors. Starting with PyTorch 2.3.1, the optimizations are available in the torch Python wheels and AWS Graviton DLC. Please see the Running an inference section that follows for the instructions on installation, runtime configuration, and how to run the tests.

To demonstrate the performance improvements, we used NLP, CV, and recommendation models from TorchBench and the most downloaded NLP models from Hugging Face across Question Answering, Text Classification, Token Classification, Translation, Zero-Shot Classification, Translation, Summarization, Feature Extraction, Text Generation, Text2Text Generation, Fill-Mask, and Sentence Similarity tasks to cover a wide variety of customer use cases.

We started with measuring TorchBench model inference latency, in milliseconds (msec), for the eager mode, which is marked 1.0 with a red dotted line in the following graph. Then we compared the improvements from torch.compile for the same model inference, the normalized results are plotted in the graph. You can see that for the 45 models we benchmarked, there is a 1.35x latency improvement (geomean for the 45 models).

PyTorch model inference performance improvement with torch.compile on AWS Graviton3-based c7g instance using TorchBench framework

Image 1: PyTorch model inference performance improvement with torch.compile on AWS Graviton3-based c7g instance using TorchBench framework. The reference eager mode performance is marked as 1.0. (higher is better)

Similar to the preceding TorchBench inference performance graph, we started with measuring the Hugging Face NLP model inference latency, in msec, for the eager mode, which is marked 1.0 with a red dotted line in the following graph. Then we compared the improvements from torch.compile for the same model inference, the normalized results are plotted in the graph. You can see that for the 33 models we benchmarked, there is around 2x performance improvement (geomean for the 33 models).

Hugging Face NLP model inference performance improvement with torch.compile on AWS Graviton3-based c7g instance using Hugging Face example scripts

Image 2: Hugging Face NLP model inference performance improvement with torch.compile on AWS Graviton3-based c7g instance using Hugging Face example scripts. The reference eager mode performance is marked as 1.0. (higher is better)

Running an inference

Starting with PyTorch 2.3.1, the optimizations are available in the torch Python wheel and in AWS Graviton PyTorch DLC. This section shows how to run inference in eager and torch.compile modes using torch Python wheels and benchmarking scripts from Hugging Face and TorchBench repos.

To successfully run the scripts and reproduce the speedup numbers mentioned in this post, you need an instance from the Graviton3 family (c7g/r7g/m7g/hpc7g) of hardware. For this post, we used the c7g.4xl (16 vcpu) instance. The instance, the AMI details, and the required torch library versions are mentioned in the following snippet.

Instance: c7g.4xl instance
Region: us-west-2
AMI: ami-05cc25bfa725a144a (Ubuntu 22.04/Jammy with 6.5.0-1017-aws kernel)

# Install Python
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip

# Upgrade pip3 to the latest version
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

# Install PyTorch and extensions
python3 -m pip install torch==2.3.1 torchvision==0.18.1 torchaudio==2.3.1

The generic runtime tunings implemented for eager mode inference are equally applicable for the torch.compile mode, so, we set the following environment variables to further improve the torch.compile performance on AWS Graviton3 processors.

# Enable the fast math GEMM kernels, to accelerate fp32 inference with bfloat16 gemm

# Enable Linux Transparent Huge Page (THP) allocations,
# to reduce the tensor memory allocation latency

# Set LRU Cache capacity to cache the primitives and avoid redundant
# memory allocations


TorchBench is a collection of open source benchmarks used to evaluate PyTorch performance. We benchmarked 45 models using the scripts from the TorchBench repo. Following code shows how to run the scripts for the eager mode and the compile mode with inductor backend.

# Set OMP_NUM_THREADS to number of vcpus, 16 for c7g.4xl instance

# Install the dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y libgl1-mesa-glx
sudo apt-get install -y libpangocairo-1.0-0
python3 -m pip install psutil numpy transformers pynvml numba onnx onnxruntime scikit-learn timm effdet gym doctr opencv-python h5py==3.10.0 python-doctr 

# Clone pytorch benchmark repo
git clone
cd benchmark
# PyTorch benchmark repo doesn't have any release tags. So,
# listing the commit we used for collecting the performance numbers
git checkout 9a5e4137299741e1b6fb7aa7f5a6a853e5dd2295

# Setup the models

# Colect eager mode performance using the following command. The results will be
# stored at .userbenchmark/cpu/metric-<timestamp>.json.
python3 cpu --model BERT_pytorch,hf_Bert,hf_Bert_large,hf_GPT2,hf_Albert,hf_Bart,hf_BigBird,hf_DistilBert,hf_GPT2_large,dlrm,hf_T5,mnasnet1_0,mobilenet_v2,mobilenet_v3_large,squeezenet1_1,timm_efficientnet,shufflenet_v2_x1_0,timm_regnet,resnet50,soft_actor_critic,phlippe_densenet,resnet152,resnet18,resnext50_32x4d,densenet121,phlippe_resnet,doctr_det_predictor,timm_vovnet,alexnet,doctr_reco_predictor,vgg16,dcgan,yolov3,pytorch_stargan,hf_Longformer,timm_nfnet,timm_vision_transformer,timm_vision_transformer_large,nvidia_deeprecommender,demucs,tts_angular,hf_Reformer,pytorch_CycleGAN_and_pix2pix,functorch_dp_cifar10,pytorch_unet --test eval --metrics="latencies,cpu_peak_mem"

# Collect torch.compile mode performance with inductor backend
# and weights pre-packing enabled. The results will be stored at
# .userbenchmark/cpu/metric-<timestamp>.json
python3 cpu --model BERT_pytorch,hf_Bert,hf_Bert_large,hf_GPT2,hf_Albert,hf_Bart,hf_BigBird,hf_DistilBert,hf_GPT2_large,dlrm,hf_T5,mnasnet1_0,mobilenet_v2,mobilenet_v3_large,squeezenet1_1,timm_efficientnet,shufflenet_v2_x1_0,timm_regnet,resnet50,soft_actor_critic,phlippe_densenet,resnet152,resnet18,resnext50_32x4d,densenet121,phlippe_resnet,doctr_det_predictor,timm_vovnet,alexnet,doctr_reco_predictor,vgg16,dcgan,yolov3,pytorch_stargan,hf_Longformer,timm_nfnet,timm_vision_transformer,timm_vision_transformer_large,nvidia_deeprecommender,demucs,tts_angular,hf_Reformer,pytorch_CycleGAN_and_pix2pix,functorch_dp_cifar10,pytorch_unet --test eval --torchdynamo inductor --freeze_prepack_weights --metrics="latencies,cpu_peak_mem"

On successful completion of the inference runs, the script stores the results in JSON format. The following is the sample output:

 "name": "cpu"
 "environ": {
     "pytorch_git_version": "d44533f9d073df13895333e70b66f81c513c1889"
  "metrics": {
       "BERT_pytorch-eval_latency": 56.3769865,
       "BERT_pytorch-eval_cmem": 0.4169921875


Google T5 Small Text Translation model is one of the around 30 Hugging Face models we benchmarked. We’re using it as a sample model to demonstrate how to run inference in eager and compile modes. The additional configurations and APIs required to run it in compile mode are highlighted in BOLD. Save the following script as

import argparse
from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5Model
import torch
from torch.profiler import profile, record_function, ProfilerActivity
import torch._inductor.config as config

def test_inference(mode, num_iter):
    tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained("t5-small")
    model = T5Model.from_pretrained("t5-small")

    input_ids = tokenizer(
        "Studies have been shown that owning a dog is good for you", return_tensors="pt"
    ).input_ids  # Batch size 1
    decoder_input_ids = tokenizer("Studies show that", return_tensors="pt").input_ids  # Batch size 1

    if (mode == 'compile'):
        model = torch.compile(model)

    with torch.no_grad():
        for _ in range(50):
            outputs = model(input_ids=input_ids, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids)

        with profile(activities=[ProfilerActivity.CPU]) as prof:
            with record_function("model_inference"):
                for _ in range(num_iter):
                    outputs = model(input_ids=input_ids, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids)


def main() -> None:
    global m, args
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(__doc__)
        choices=["eager", "compile"],
        help="Which test to run.",
        help="how many iterations to run.",
    args = parser.parse_args()
    test_inference(args.mode, args.number)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Run the script with the following steps:

# Set OMP_NUM_THREADS to number of vcpus to 4 because
# the scripts are running inference in sequence, and
# they don't need large number of vcpus

# Install the dependencies
python3 -m pip install transformers

# Run the inference script in Eager mode
# using number of iterations as 1 just to show the torch profiler output
# but for the benchmarking, we used 1000 iterations.
python3 -n 1 -m eager

# Run the inference script in torch compile mode
python3 -n 1 -m compile

On successful completion of the inference runs, the script prints the torch profiler output with the latency breakdown for the torch operators. The following is the sample output from torch profiler:

# Torch profiler output for the eager mode run on c7g.xl (4vcpu)
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  
                    Name    Self CPU %      Self CPU   CPU total %     CPU total  CPU time avg    # of Calls  
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  
                aten::mm        40.71%      12.502ms        40.71%      12.502ms     130.229us            96  
         model_inference        26.44%       8.118ms       100.00%      30.708ms      30.708ms             1  
               aten::bmm         6.85%       2.102ms         9.47%       2.908ms      80.778us            36  
            aten::matmul         3.73%       1.146ms        57.26%      17.583ms     133.205us           132  
            aten::select         1.88%     576.000us         1.90%     583.000us       0.998us           584  
         aten::transpose         1.51%     464.000us         1.83%     563.000us       3.027us           186  
------------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -------------------
Self CPU time total: 30.708ms

# Torch profiler output for the compile mode run for the same model on the same instance
---------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  
                             Name    Self CPU %      Self CPU   CPU total %     CPU total  CPU time avg    # of Calls  
---------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  
        mkldnn::_linear_pointwise        37.98%       5.461ms        45.91%       6.602ms      68.771us            96  
            Torch-Compiled Region        29.56%       4.251ms        98.53%      14.168ms      14.168ms             1  
                        aten::bmm        14.90%       2.143ms        21.73%       3.124ms      86.778us            36  
                     aten::select         4.51%     648.000us         4.62%     665.000us       1.155us           576  
                       aten::view         3.29%     473.000us         3.29%     473.000us       1.642us           288  
                      aten::empty         2.53%     364.000us         2.53%     364.000us       3.165us           115  
--------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --------------------
Self CPU time total: 14.379ms

Technical deep dive: What are the challenges and optimization details

Underpinning torch.compile are new technologies – TorchDynamo, AOTDispatcher, and TorchInductor.

TorchDynamo captures PyTorch programs safely using Python Frame Evaluation Hooks
AOTDispatcher overloads PyTorch’s autograd engine as a tracing autodiff for generating ahead-of-time backward traces.
TorchInductor is a deep learning compiler that generates fast code for multiple accelerators and backends.

The PyTorch compilation process source

Image 3: The PyTorch compilation process

When torch.compile is invoked, torch dynamo rewrites Python bytecode to extract sequences of PyTorch operations into an FX Graph, which is then compiled with inductor backend. For a typical inference scenario where the graph is frozen and gradient calculations are disabled, the inductor invokes platform specific optimizations like graph rewrite into more performant operators, operator fusion, and weights pre-packing.

However, on Graviton3, the inductor wasn’t able to perform any of those optimizations because there was no aarch64 backend defined. To fix this, we extended the inductor’s FX passes to pick oneDNN operators for linear layer compilation on Graviton3 processors with ACL backend. The code snippet for this follows:

packed_weight_op = (
    if (is_bf16_weight or mkldnn._is_mkldnn_acl_supported())
packed_linear_inputs: Tuple[Any, ...] = (input, packed_weight_node)
if is_bf16_weight or mkldnn._is_mkldnn_acl_supported():
    packed_linear_inputs += (bias, "none", [], "")
    packed_linear_op = mkldnn._linear_pointwise.default

After this was done, the FX pass was successful in compiling the matmul operators to linear_pointwise . The following snippet highlights the matmul operator in the original model:

 %attention_scores   : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.matmul](args = (%query_layer, %transpose), kwargs = {})
 %attention_scores_1 : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.truediv](args = (%attention_scores, 8.0), kwargs = {})
 %attention_scores_2 : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=operator.add](args = (%attention_scores_1, %extended_attention_mask_3), kwargs = {})

The following snippet highlights the linear_pointwise operator in the compiled graph:

%_linear_pointwise_default_140 : [num_users=2] = call_function[target=torch.ops.mkldnn._linear_pointwise.default](args = (%add_7, %_frozen_param278, %_frozen_param16, none, [], ), kwargs = {})
%mul_5 : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.aten.mul.Tensor](args = (%_linear_pointwise_default_140, 0.5), kwargs = {})
%mul_6 : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.aten.mul.Tensor](args = (%_linear_pointwise_default_140, 0.7071067811865476), kwargs = {})
%erf   : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.aten.erf.default](args = (%mul_6,), kwargs = {})
%add_8 : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.aten.add.Tensor](args = (%erf, 1), kwargs = {})

This completes the torch inductor changes required to compile the graph into optimized operators on AWS Graviton3 processors. Next comes the actual inference where the compiled graph is dispatched to be run. OneDNN with ACL was the backend we chose during the inductor compilation, so, the new operators were dispatched to oneDNN as expected, for example, mkldnn._linear_pointwise. However, due to gaps in oneDNN ACL primitives, the operators were run with C++ reference kernels instead of the optimized ACL kernels. Hence, the compile performance was still significantly behind the eager mode performance.

There were mainly three areas where oneDNN ACL primitives lack support for torch.compile mode. The following section talks about them in detail.

1 ACL primitives didn’t have support for weights in blocked layout

ACL primitives originally designed for eager mode supported weights only in the standard channels last (NHWC) format, without any pre-packing. Whereas weights pre-packing into blocked layout is one of the main optimizations in the inductor compilation passes where the weights are reordered into blocks specific to the runtime platform. This avoids the redundant and on-the-fly reorders when running the General Matrix Multiplication (GEMM), which otherwise would be the bottleneck for inference performance. But the ACL primitives didn’t have support for blocked layout and hence the operators were run with oneDNN C++ reference kernels instead.

2 Mixed precision primitives weren’t supported in oneDNN

AWS Graviton3 processors support bfloat16 MMLA instructions which can be used to accelerate fp32 inference with bfloat16 GEMM as a mixed precision compute. ACL supports bfloat16 mixed precision GEMM kernels, and are integrated into oneDNN as a fast math compute option for the existing fp32 operators. However, the fast math approach didn’t work for compile mode because of weights pre-packing optimization. The compile mode requires explicit mixed precision primitive implementation in oneDNN in order to use bfloat16 acceleration.

3 ACL primitives didn’t support fused kernels for some of the activation functions

In eager mode, operators are dispatched individually because the model is run independently as soon as it’s reached. Whereas in compile mode, operator fusion is another important optimization where the operators are fused for runtime efficiency. For example, Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GELU) is one of the most widely used activation functions in transformers-based neural network architectures. So, it’s typical to have a linear layer (with matrix multiplications) followed by GELU activation. As part of compiling the model into efficient operators, the torch inductor fuses matmul and GELU into a single linearpointwise+gelu operator. However, oneDNN ACL primitives didn’t have the support for fused kernels with GELU.

We addressed these gaps by extending oneDNN primitives to handle the additional layouts and new primitive definitions. The following sections talk about the optimizations in detail.

Optimization 1: Extended ACL primitives to accept weight tensors in blocked layout

We extended the ACL primitives to accept blocked layout in addition to the the standard NHWC format. The code snippet for this is as follows:

const bool is_weights_md_format_ok
                    = utils::one_of(weights_format_kind_received,
                      format_kind::any, format_kind::blocked);

const memory_desc_t weights_md_received = weights_md_;
             weights_md_, expected_weight_format, inner_dim, o_dim,
             remaining_dims, {});

     (weights_format_kind_received == format_kind::blocked)
      && !(dnnl_memory_desc_equal(
      &weights_md_received, &weights_md_)),
      "specified blocked format not supported by ACL, use "
      "format_kind_t::any to find a supported blocked format for "
      "your platform");

Optimization 2: Defined new ACL primitives to handle mixed precision operators (weights in bfloat16 and activations in fp32)

We defined mixed precision primitive definitions and updated the existing oneDNN ACL fp32 primitives to handle bfloat16 tensors.

 /* With graph compilation, we are able to reorder and pre-pack the weights during the model load
  * and compilation phase itself so that redundant and on-the-fly reorders can be avoided.
  * This primitive definition is to support gemm fastmath mode for the compile scenario where src is
  * in fp32 and weights are in bf16
 {{forward, f32, bf16, f32}, {

Optimization 3: Disabled operator fusion pass in torch inductor

We bypassed the operator fusion pass in torch inductor so that the compiled graph doesn’t contain GELU fused operators. This is a temporary solution to enable ACL kernels in torch.compile. There is a work in progress to enable operator fusion pass for the future PyTorch releases. With this workaround, we were able to successfully dispatch the linear layer to ACL. As shown in the following torch.profiler output, the aten::addmm (one of the variants of the matmul operator) and aten::gelu in the original model (as highlighted in Image 4) was compiled to mkldnn::_linear_pointwise without gelu operator fusion (as highlighted in Image 5).

---------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  
                       Name    Self CPU %      Self CPU   CPU total %     CPU total  CPU time avg    # of Calls  
---------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  
                aten::addmm        73.32%      46.543ms        74.49%      47.287ms     647.767us            73  
            model_inference         9.92%       6.296ms       100.00%      63.479ms      63.479ms             1  
                  aten::bmm         4.37%       2.776ms         5.46%       3.467ms     144.458us            24  
                aten::copy_         1.74%       1.102ms         1.74%       1.102ms       8.103us           136  
                 aten::gelu         1.50%     950.000us         1.50%     950.000us      79.167us            12  

Image 4: torch.profiler output for Hugging Face bert base model inference in Eager mode, showing addmm and gelu operators

-----------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  
                                                 Name    Self CPU %      Self CPU   CPU total %     CPU total  CPU time avg    # of Calls  
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  
                            mkldnn::_linear_pointwise        53.61%      15.529ms        57.53%      16.665ms     228.288us            73  
                                Torch-Compiled Region        36.95%      10.705ms        99.31%      28.769ms      28.769ms             1  
    aten::_scaled_dot_product_flash_attention_for_cpu         3.67%       1.064ms         4.43%       1.284ms     107.000us            12  
                                           aten::view         1.97%     572.000us         1.97%     572.000us       2.509us           228  
                                          aten::empty         1.38%     399.000us         1.38%     399.000us       3.270us           122 

Image 5: torch.profiler output for Hugging Face Bert base model inference in torch.compile mode, showing linear_pointwise operator without gelu fusion

Lastly, the gelu operator was compiled into erf (error function) and was dispatched to an inductor auto vectorization backend. The following snippets show the erf operator in the compiled graph and running it using

%_linear_pointwise_default_140 : [num_users=2] = call_function[target=torch.ops.mkldnn._linear_pointwise.default](args = (%add_7, %_frozen_param278, %_frozen_param16, none, [], ), kwargs = {})
%mul_5 : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.aten.mul.Tensor](args = (%_linear_pointwise_default_140, 0.5), kwargs = {})
%mul_6 : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.aten.mul.Tensor](args = (%_linear_pointwise_default_140, 0.7071067811865476), kwargs = {})
%erf   : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.aten.erf.default](args = (%mul_6,), kwargs = {})
%add_8 : [num_users=1] = call_function[target=torch.ops.aten.add.Tensor](args = (%erf, 1), kwargs = {})

Image 6: snippet after post grad pass showing erf function in the compiled graph

     0.82%     0.40%  python3            [.] erff32
     0.05%     0.00%  python3   [.] torch::autograd::THPVariable_erf
     0.05%     0.00%  python3      [.] at::_ops::erf::call

Image 7: Linux perf report showing erf dispatch to

With this work, we were able to optimize torch.compile performance on Graviton3 processors by using inductor graph compilation along with the oneDNN+ACL backend.

TorchBench enhancements

To demonstrate the torch.compile performance improvements on AWS Graviton3 processors, we extended TorchBench framework to add a new argument to enable graph freeze and weights pre-packing and disable torch auto grad for eval test mode. The code snippet for this is as follows:

 help="set to freeze the graph and prepack weights",

if args.freeze_prepack_weights:

Image 8: Added freeze_prepack_weights option for torchdynamo backend in TorchBench to demonstrate torch.compile performance improvements on AWS Graviton3 processors

We have upstreamed all the optimizations, and starting with PyTorch 2.3.1, these are supported in torch Python wheels and AWS Graviton PyTorch DLC.

What’s next

Next, we’re extending the torch inductor CPU backend support to compile Llama model, and adding support for fused GEMM kernels to enable torch inductor operator fusion optimization on AWS Graviton3 processors.


In this tutorial, we covered how we optimized torch.compile performance on AWS Graviton3-based EC2 instances, how to use the optimizations to improve PyTorch model inference performance, and demonstrated the resulting speedups. We hope that you will give it a try! If you need any support with ML software on Graviton, please open an issue on the AWS Graviton Technical Guide GitHub.


We would like to thank the PyTorch community for the baseline torch.compile framework and their continued efforts to optimize it further.


Sunita Nadampalli is a Software Development Manager and AI/ML expert at AWS. She leads AWS Graviton software performance optimizations for AI/ML and HPC workloads. She is passionate about open source software development and delivering high-performance and sustainable software solutions for SoCs based on the Arm ISA.

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The Weather Company enhances MLOps with Amazon SageMaker, AWS CloudFormation, and Amazon CloudWatch

The Weather Company enhances MLOps with Amazon SageMaker, AWS CloudFormation, and Amazon CloudWatch

This blog post is co-written with Qaish Kanchwala  from The Weather Company.

As industries begin adopting processes dependent on machine learning (ML) technologies, it is critical to establish machine learning operations (MLOps) that scale to support growth and utilization of this technology. MLOps practitioners have many options to establish an MLOps platform; one among them is cloud-based integrated platforms that scale with data science teams. AWS provides a full-stack of services to establish an MLOps platform in the cloud that is customizable to your needs while reaping all the benefits of doing ML in the cloud.

In this post, we share the story of how The Weather Company (TWCo) enhanced its MLOps platform using services such as Amazon SageMaker, AWS CloudFormation, and Amazon CloudWatch. TWCo data scientists and ML engineers took advantage of automation, detailed experiment tracking, integrated training, and deployment pipelines to help scale MLOps effectively. TWCo reduced infrastructure management time by 90% while also reducing model deployment time by 20%.

The need for MLOps at TWCo

TWCo strives to help consumers and businesses make informed, more confident decisions based on weather. Although the organization has used ML in its weather forecasting process for decades to help translate billions of weather data points into actionable forecasts and insights, it continuously strives to innovate and incorporate leading-edge technology in other ways as well. TWCo’s data science team was looking to create predictive, privacy-friendly ML models that show how weather conditions affect certain health symptoms and create user segments for improved user experience.

TWCo was looking to scale its ML operations with more transparency and less complexity to allow for more manageable ML workflows as their data science team grew. There were noticeable challenges when running ML workflows in the cloud. TWCo’s existing Cloud environment lacked transparency for ML jobs, monitoring, and a feature store, which made it hard for users to collaborate. Managers lacked the visibility needed for ongoing monitoring of ML workflows. To address these pain points, TWCo worked with the AWS Machine Learning Solutions Lab (MLSL) to migrate these ML workflows to Amazon SageMaker and the AWS Cloud. The MLSL team collaborated with TWCo to design an MLOps platform to meet the needs of its data science team, factoring present and future growth.

Examples of business objectives set by TWCo for this collaboration are:

  • Achieve quicker reaction to the market and faster ML development cycles
  • Accelerate TWCo migration of their ML workloads to SageMaker
  • Improve end user experience through adoption of manage services
  • Reduce time spent by engineers in maintenance and upkeep of the underlying ML infrastructure

Functional objectives were set to measure the impact of MLOps platform users, including:

  • Improve the data science team’s efficiency in model training tasks
  • Decrease the number of steps required to deploy new models
  • Reduce the end-to-end model pipeline runtime

Solution overview

The solution uses the following AWS services:

  • AWS CloudFormation – Infrastructure as code (IaC) service to provision most templates and assets.
  • AWS CloudTrail – Monitors and records account activity across AWS infrastructure.
  • Amazon CloudWatch – Collects and visualizes real-time logs that provide the basis for automation.
  • AWS CodeBuild – Fully managed continuous integration service to compile source code, runs tests, and produces ready-to-deploy software. Used to deploy training and inference code.
  • AWS CodeCommit – Managed sourced control repository that stores MLOps infrastructure code and IaC code.
  • AWS CodePipeline – Fully managed continuous delivery service that helps automate the release of pipelines.
  • Amazon SageMaker – Fully managed ML platform to perform ML workflows from exploring data, training, and deploying models.
  • AWS Service Catalog – Centrally manages cloud resources such as IaC templates used for MLOps projects.
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) – Cloud object storage to store data for training and testing.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

MLOps architecture for customer

This architecture consists of two primary pipelines:

  • Training pipeline – The training pipeline is designed to work with features and labels stored as a CSV-formatted file on Amazon S3. It involves several components, including Preprocess, Train, and Evaluate. After training the model, its associated artifacts are registered with the Amazon SageMaker Model Registry through the Register Model component. The Data Quality Check part of the pipeline creates baseline statistics for the monitoring task in the inference pipeline.
  • Inference pipeline – The inference pipeline handles on-demand batch inference and monitoring tasks. Within this pipeline, SageMaker on-demand Data Quality Monitor steps are incorporated to detect any drift when compared to the input data. The monitoring results are stored in Amazon S3 and published as a CloudWatch metric, and can be used to set up an alarm. The alarm is used later to invoke training, send automatic emails, or any other desired action.

The proposed MLOps architecture includes flexibility to support different use cases, as well as collaboration between various team personas like data scientists and ML engineers. The architecture reduces the friction between cross-functional teams moving models to production.

ML model experimentation is one of the sub-components of the MLOps architecture. It improves data scientists’ productivity and model development processes. Examples of model experimentation on MLOps-related SageMaker services require features like Amazon SageMaker Pipelines, Amazon SageMaker Feature Store, and SageMaker Model Registry using the SageMaker SDK and AWS Boto3 libraries.

When setting up pipelines, resources are created that are required throughout the lifecycle of the pipeline. Additionally, each pipeline may generate its own resources.

The pipeline setup resources are:

  • Training pipeline:
    • SageMaker pipeline
    • SageMaker Model Registry model group
    • CloudWatch namespace
  • Inference pipeline:
    • SageMaker pipeline

The pipeline run resources are:

  • Training pipeline:
    • SageMaker model

You should delete these resources when the pipelines expire or are no longer needed.

SageMaker project template

In this section, we discuss the manual provisioning of pipelines through an example notebook and automatic provisioning of SageMaker pipelines through the use of a Service Catalog product and SageMaker project.

By using Amazon SageMaker Projects and its powerful template-based approach, organizations establish a standardized and scalable infrastructure for ML development, allowing teams to focus on building and iterating ML models, reducing time wasted on complex setup and management.

The following diagram shows the required components of a SageMaker project template. Use Service Catalog to register a SageMaker project CloudFormation template in your organization’s Service Catalog portfolio.

The following diagram illustrates the required components of a SageMaker project template

To start the ML workflow, the project template serves as the foundation by defining a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. It begins by retrieving the ML seed code from a CodeCommit repository. Then the BuildProject component takes over and orchestrates the provisioning of SageMaker training and inference pipelines. This automation delivers a seamless and efficient run of the ML pipeline, reducing manual intervention and speeding up the deployment process.


The solution has the following dependencies:

  • Amazon SageMaker SDK – The Amazon SageMaker Python SDK is an open source library for training and deploying ML models on SageMaker. For this proof of concept, pipelines were set up using this SDK.
  • Boto3 SDK – The AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) provides a Python API for AWS infrastructure services. We use the SDK for Python to create roles and provision SageMaker SDK resources.
  • SageMaker Projects – SageMaker Projects delivers standardized infrastructure and templates for MLOps for rapid iteration over multiple ML use cases.
  • Service Catalog – Service Catalog simplifies and speeds up the process of provisioning resources at scale. It offers a self-service portal, standardized service catalog, versioning and lifecycle management, and access control.


In this post, we showed how TWCo uses SageMaker, CloudWatch, CodePipeline, and CodeBuild for their MLOps platform. With these services, TWCo extended the capabilities of its data science team while also improving how data scientists manage ML workflows. These ML models ultimately helped TWCo create predictive, privacy-friendly experiences that improved user experience and explains how weather conditions impact consumers’ daily planning or business operations. We also reviewed the architecture design that helps maintain responsibilities between different users modularized. Typically data scientists are only concerned with the science aspect of ML workflows, whereas DevOps and ML engineers focus on the production environments. TWCo reduced infrastructure management time by 90% while also reducing model deployment time by 20%.

This is just one of many ways AWS enables builders to deliver great solutions. We encourage to you to get started with Amazon SageMaker today.

About the Authors

Qaish Kanchwala is a ML Engineering Manager and ML Architect at The Weather Company. He has worked on every step of the machine learning lifecycle and designs systems to enable AI use cases. In his spare time, Qaish likes to cook new food and watch movies.

Chezsal Kamaray is a Senior Solutions Architect within the High-Tech Vertical at Amazon Web Services. She works with enterprise customers, helping to accelerate and optimize their workload migration to the AWS Cloud. She is passionate about management and governance in the cloud and helping customers set up a landing zone that is aimed at long-term success. In her spare time, she does woodworking and tries out new recipes while listening to music.

Anila Joshi has more than a decade of experience building AI solutions. As an Applied Science Manager at the AWS Generative AI Innovation Center, Anila pioneers innovative applications of AI that push the boundaries of possibility and guides customers to strategically chart a course into the future of AI.

Kamran Razi is a Machine Learning Engineer at the Amazon Generative AI Innovation Center. With a passion for creating use case-driven solutions, Kamran helps customers harness the full potential of AWS AI/ML services to address real-world business challenges. With a decade of experience as a software developer, he has honed his expertise in diverse areas like embedded systems, cybersecurity solutions, and industrial control systems. Kamran holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Queen’s University.

Shuja Sohrawardy is a Senior Manager at AWS’s Generative AI Innovation Center. For over 20 years, Shuja has utilized his technology and financial services acumen to transform financial services enterprises to meet the challenges of a highly competitive and regulated industry. Over the past 4 years at AWS, Shuja has used his deep knowledge in machine learning, resiliency, and cloud adoption strategies, which has resulted in numerous customer success journeys. Shuja holds a BS in Computer Science and Economics from New York University and an MS in Executive Technology Management from Columbia University.

Francisco Calderon is a Data Scientist at the Generative AI Innovation Center (GAIIC). As a member of the GAIIC, he helps discover the art of the possible with AWS customers using generative AI technologies. In his spare time, Francisco likes playing music and guitar, playing soccer with his daughters, and enjoying time with his family.

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Eviden scales AWS DeepRacer Global League using AWS DeepRacer Event Manager

Eviden scales AWS DeepRacer Global League using AWS DeepRacer Event Manager

Eviden is a next-gen technology leader in data-driven, trusted, and sustainable digital transformation. With a strong portfolio of patented technologies and worldwide leading positions in advanced computing, security, AI, cloud, and digital platforms, Eviden provides deep expertise for a multitude of industries in more than 47 countries. Eviden is an AWS Premier partner, bringing together 47,000 world-class talents and expanding the possibilities of data and technology across the digital continuum, now and for generations to come. Eviden is an Atos Group company with an annual revenue of over €5 billion.

We are passionate about our people improving their skills, and support the development of the next generation of cloud-centered talent. Although fundamental knowledge gained through training and certification is important, there’s no substitute for getting hands-on. We complement individual learning with hands-on opportunities, including Immersion Days, Gamedays, and using AWS DeepRacer.

AWS DeepRacer empowers users to train reinforcement learning models on the AWS Cloud and race them around a virtual track. Unlike traditional programming, where you define the desired output, AWS DeepRacer allows you to define rewards for specific behaviors, such as going faster or staying centered on the track. This hands-on experience gives learners an excellent opportunity to engage with the AWS Management Console and develop Python-based reward functions, fostering valuable skills in cloud-centered technologies and machine learning (ML).

To elevate the event experience and streamline the management of their global AWS DeepRacer series, Eviden adopted the open source AWS DeepRacer Event Manager (DREM) solution. In this post, we discuss the benefits of DREM and the experience for racers, event staff, and spectators.

Introducing AWS DeepRacer Event Manager

AWS DeepRacer Event Manager is an innovative application that Eviden has deployed within its own AWS environment. Comprised of AWS Cloud-centered services, DREM is designed to simplify the process of hosting in-person AWS DeepRacer events, while also delivering a more engaging and immersive experience for both participants and spectators.

With their prior experience hosting AWS DeepRacer events in the UK, Eviden sought to expand the reach of this exciting initiative globally. By adopting the DREM solution, Eviden’s experienced event staff in the UK were able to seamlessly support their counterparts in hosting AWS DeepRacer events for the first time in locations such as Bydgoszcz, Paris, and Pune. The DREM solution empowers Eviden to seamlessly configure and manage their global AWS DeepRacer events. Within the platform, each event location’s AWS DeepRacer cars are registered, enabling remote configuration and model uploads powered by AWS Systems Manager. Additionally, a Raspberry Pi device is registered at each location to serve as an integrated timing solution, which uses DREM’s data-driven racing capabilities to capture and report critical performance metrics for each racer, such as best lap time, average lap time, and total laps completed.

Furthermore, the deep integration between DREM’s timing solution and the event’s streaming overlay has enabled Eviden to deliver a significantly more engaging experience for both in-person attendees and remote viewers, so everyone can stay fully informed and immersed in the action throughout the event.

The following diagram illustrates the DREM architecture and components.

Architecture diagram for DREM

Racer experience

For racers, the DREM experience begins with registration, during which they are encouraged to upload their AWS DeepRacer models in advance of the event. Authentication is seamlessly handled by Amazon Cognito, with out-of-the-box support for a local Amazon Cognito identity store, as well as the flexibility to integrate with a corporate identity provider solution if required. After the registered racers have uploaded their models, DREM automatically scans for any suspicious content, quarantining it as necessary, before making the verified models available for the racing competition.

screenshot of the racer experiencescreenshot of model management in DREM for participants

Event staff experience

For the event staff, the DREM solution greatly simplifies the process of running an AWS DeepRacer competition. User management, model uploading, and naming conventions are all handled seamlessly within the platform, eliminating any potential confusion around model ownership. To further enforce the integrity of the competition, DREM applies MD5 hashing to the uploaded models, preventing any unauthorized model sharing between racers. Additionally, the DREM interface makes it remarkably straightforward and efficient to upload multiple models to the AWS DeepRacer cars, providing a far superior experience compared to the cars’ native graphical UI. DREM also simplifies the management of the AWS DeepRacer car fleets and Raspberry Pi timing devices, empowering the event staff to remotely remove models, restart the AWS DeepRacer service, and even print user-friendly labels for the cars, making it effortless for racers to connect to them using the provided tablets.

event staff experience devices listscreenshot of the tablet interface for event staff

To further streamline the event management process, DREM provides pre-built scripts that enable seamless registration of devices, which can then be fully managed remotely. The timekeeping functionality is automatically handled within DREM, using Raspberry Pi devices, pressure sensors, and pressure sensor trimming—either through custom DIY modifications or the use of the excellent Digital Racing Kings boards. The DREM timekeeping system represents a significant improvement over the alternative solutions Eviden has used in the past. It captures critical race metrics, including remaining time, all lap times, and the fastest lap. Additionally, the system provides an option to invalidate a lap, such as in cases where a car went off-track. After a racer has completed their runs, the data is securely stored in DREM, and the leaderboard is automatically updated to reflect the latest results.

timekeeper screenshot and results view

Spectator experience

As a global systems integrator, Eviden was determined to deliver a truly spectacular experience, not only for the onsite participants in their AWS DeepRacer finals, but also for those in the room observing the event, as well as remote viewers racing using a proxy or simply interested in watching the competition unfold. To achieve this, Eviden took advantage of the DREM solution’s seamlessly integrated streaming overlay and leaderboard capabilities, which kept all attendees, both in-person and online, fully engaged and informed of the current standings throughout the event.

In previous AWS DeepRacer events, participants had to rely on someone in the room to verbally communicate lap times and remaining race time. However, with DREM, both the racers and spectators have instant access to all the critical timing information, keeping everyone fully up to date. This was especially beneficial for remote participants, who could now clearly see which cars were on the track and follow the progress of their fellow racers, with the streaming overlay dynamically updating to display the top positions on the leaderboard.

Impact of lighting on the deepracer trackImpact of lighting on the deepracer track

In addition, DREM offers a dedicated webpage displaying the complete leaderboard, which can be conveniently shown on screens in the event space, as well as allow remote attendees to follow the competition progress from other locations throughout the day.

Eviden Deepracer Bydgoszcz results Eviden Deepracer London results Eviden Deepracer Paris results

The significant improvements to the event experience were clearly reflected in the feedback received from this year’s participants:

  • “Joining remotely was superb.”
  • “Remote interaction over teams was much improved this year.”
  • “The physical event was excellent, well attended, and ran very smoothly.”
  • “Loved it, even though I was attending remote.”
  • “The event itself was fantastic, with each stage being well-planned and organized. The on-site atmosphere exceeded my expectations, making it an incredible event to be part of.”

deepracer event participant feedback


The DREM solution has been meticulously designed with a well-architected approach. From the event organizer’s perspective, the peace of mind of knowing that DREM is secured using AWS WAF, Amazon CloudFront, and AWS Shield Standard, with user management seamlessly handled by Amazon Cognito, is invaluable. Additionally, the platform’s role-based access control (RBAC) is managed through AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), applying least-privilege policies for enhanced security.

The DREM solution is built entirely using AWS Cloud-centered technologies, delivering inherent performance efficiency and reliability. When Eviden is not actively hosting events, there is minimal ongoing activity in the DREM environment, consisting primarily of standing items such as AWS WAF rules, CloudFront distributions, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, Amazon DynamoDB tables, and Systems Manager fleet configurations. However, during event periods, DREM seamlessly scales to use AWS Lambda, Amazon EventBridge, AWS Step Functions, and other serverless services, dynamically meeting the demands of the event hosting requirements.

Owing to the well-architected nature of the DREM solution, the platform is remarkably cost-effective. When not actively hosting events, the DREM environment incurs a minimal cost of around $6–8 per month, the majority of which is attributed to the AWS WAF protection. During event periods, the costs increase based on the number of users and models uploaded, but typically only rise to around $15 per month. To further optimize ongoing costs, DREM incorporates measures such as an Amazon S3 lifecycle policy that automatically removes uploaded models after a period of 2 weeks.


Are you interested in elevating your own AWS DeepRacer events and delivering a more engaging experience for your participants? We encourage you to explore the AWS DeepRacer Event Manager solution and see how it can transform your event management process.

To get started, visit the GitHub repo to learn more about the solution’s features and architecture. You can also reach out to the Eviden team or your local AWS Solutions Architect to discuss how DREM can be tailored to your specific event requirements.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your AWS DeepRacer initiatives to the next level. Explore DREM and join us at an upcoming AWS DeepRacer event today!

About the authors

Sathya Paduchuri is a Senior Partner Solution Architect(PSA) at Amazon Web Services. Sathya helps partners run optimised workloads on AWS, build and develop their cloud practice(s) and develop new offerings.

Mark Ross is a Chief Architect at Eviden and has specialised in AWS for the past 8 years, gaining and maintaining all AWS certifications since 2021. Mark is passionate about helping customers build, migrate to and exploit AWS.  Mark has created and grown a large AWS community within Eviden.

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Generate unique images by fine-tuning Stable Diffusion XL with Amazon SageMaker

Generate unique images by fine-tuning Stable Diffusion XL with Amazon SageMaker

Stable Diffusion XL by Stability AI is a high-quality text-to-image deep learning model that allows you to generate professional-looking images in various styles. Managed versions of Stable Diffusion XL are already available to you on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart (see Use Stable Diffusion XL with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart in Amazon SageMaker Studio) and Amazon Bedrock (see Stable Diffusion XL in Amazon Bedrock), allowing you to produce creative content in minutes. The base version of Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 assists with the creative process using generic subjects in the image, which enables use cases such as game character design, creative concept generation, film storyboarding, and image upscaling. However, for use cases that require generating images with a unique subject, you can fine-tune Stable Diffusion XL with a custom dataset by using a custom training container with Amazon SageMaker. With this personalized image generation model, you can incorporate your custom subject into the powerful image generation process that is provided by the Stable Diffusion XL base model.

In this post, we provide step-by-step instructions to create a custom, fine-tuned Stable Diffusion XL model using SageMaker to generate unique images. This automated solution helps you get started quickly by providing all the code and configuration necessary to generate your unique images—all you need is images of your subject. This is useful for use cases across various domains such as media and entertainment, games, and retail. Examples include using your custom subject for marketing material for film, character creation for games, and brand-specific images for retail. To explore more AI use cases, visit the AI Use Case Explorer.

Solution overview

The solution is composed of three logical parts:

  • The first part creates a Docker container image with the necessary framework and configuration for the training container.
  • The second part uses the training container to perform model training on your dataset, and outputs a fine-tuned custom Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) model. LoRA is an efficient fine-tuning method that doesn’t require adjusting the base model parameters. Instead, it adds a smaller number of parameters that are applied to the base model temporarily.
  • The third part takes the fine-tuned custom model and allows you to generate creative and unique images.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

architecture diagram

The workflow to create the training container consists of the following services:

  • SageMaker uses Docker containers throughout the ML lifecycle. SageMaker is flexible and allows you to bring your own container to use for model development, training, and inference. For this post, we build a custom container with the appropriate dependencies that will perform the fine-tuning.
  • Kohya SS is a framework that allows you to train Stable Diffusion models. Kohya SS works with different host environments. This solution uses the Docker on Linux environment option. Kohya SS can be used with a GUI. However, this solution uses the equivalent GUI parameters as a pre-configured TOML file to automate the entire Stable Diffusion XL fine-tuning process.
  • AWS CodeCommit is a fully managed source control service that hosts private Git repositories. We use CodeCommit to store the code that is necessary to build the training container (Dockerfile, buildspec.yml), and the training script ( that is invoked when model training is initiated.
  • Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus, used to receive, filter, and route events. EventBridge captures any changes to the CodeCommit repository files, and invokes a new Docker container image to be built.
  • Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) is a fully managed container hosting registry. We use it to store the custom training container image.
  • AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces deployable software packages. We use it to build the custom training container image. CodeBuild then pushes this image to Amazon ECR.

Various methods exist to fine-tune your model. Compared to methods that require training a new full model, the LoRA fine-tuning method doesn’t modify the original model. Instead, think of it as a layer on top of the base model. Not having to train and produce a full model for each subject has its advantages. This lowers the compute requirements for training, reduces the storage size of the models, and decreases the training time required, making the process more cost-effective at scale. In this post, we demonstrate how to create a LoRA model, based on the Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 base model, using your own subject.

The training workflow uses the following services and features:

  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a highly durable and scalable object store. Your custom dataset and configuration file will be uploaded to Amazon S3, and then retrieved by the custom Docker container to train on those images.
  • Amazon SageMaker Model Training is a feature of SageMaker that allows you to standardize and manage your training jobs at scale, without the need to manage infrastructure. When the container starts up as part of a training job, the file is invoked. When the training process is complete, the output model that resides in the /opt/ml/model directory is automatically uploaded to the S3 bucket specified in the training job configuration.
  • Amazon SageMaker Pipelines is a workflow orchestration service that allows you to automate ML processes, from data preprocessing to model monitoring. This allows you to initiate a training pipeline, taking in as input the Amazon S3 location of your dataset and configuration file, ECR container image, and infrastructure specifications for the training job.

Now you’re ready to prompt your fine-tuned model to generate unique images. SageMaker gives you the flexibility to bring your own container for inference. You can use SageMaker hosting services with your own custom inference container to configure an inference endpoint. However, to demonstrate the Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion UI, we show you how to run inference on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance (or locally on your own machine).

This solution fully automates the creation of a fine-tuned LoRA model with Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 as the base model. In the following sections, we discuss how to satisfy the prerequisites, download the code, and use the Jupyter notebook in the GitHub repository to deploy the automated solution using an Amazon SageMaker Studio environment.

The code for this end-to-end solution is available in the GitHub repository.


This solution has been tested in the AWS Region us-west-2, but applies to any Region where these services are available. Make sure you have the following prerequisites:

Download the necessary code in SageMaker Studio

In this section, we walk through the steps to download the necessary code in SageMaker Studio and set up your notebook.

Navigate to the terminal in SageMaker Studio JupyterLab

Complete the following steps to open the terminal:

  1. Log in to your AWS account and open the SageMaker Studio console.
  2. Select your user profile and choose Open Studio to open SageMaker Studio.
  3. Choose JupyterLab to open the JupyterLab application. This environment is where you will run the commands.
  4. If you already have a space created, choose Run to open the space.
  5. If you don’t have a space, choose Create JupyterLab space. Enter a name for the space and choose Create space. Leave the default values and choose Run space.
  6. When the environment shows a status of Running, choose Open JupyterLab to open the new space.
  7. In the JupyterLab Launcher window, choose Terminal.

jupyterlab terminal

Download the code to your SageMaker Studio environment

Run the following commands from the terminal. For this post, you check out just the required directories of the GitHub repo (so you don’t have to download the entire repository).

git clone --no-checkout
cd amazon-sagemaker-examples/
git sparse-checkout set use-cases/text-to-image-fine-tuning
git checkout

If successful, you should see the output Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Open the notebook in SageMaker Studio JupyterLab

Complete the following steps to open the notebook:

  1. In JupyterLab, choose File Browser in the navigation pane.
  2. Navigate to the project directory named amazon-sagemaker-examples/use-cases/text-to-image-fine-tuning.
  3. Open the Jupyter notebook named kohya-ss-fine-tuning.ipynb.
  4. Choose your runtime kernel (it’s set to use Python 3 by default).
  5. Choose Select.

jupyterlab kernel

You now have a kernel that is ready to run commands. In the following steps, we use this notebook to create the necessary resources.

Train a custom Stable Diffusion XL model

In this section, we walk through the steps to train a custom Stable Diffusion XL model.

Set up AWS infrastructure with AWS CloudFormation

For your convenience, an AWS CloudFormation template has been provided to create the necessary AWS resources. Before you create the resources, configure AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions for your SageMaker IAM role. This role is used by the SageMaker environment, and grants permissions to run certain actions. As with all permissions, make sure you follow the best practice of only granting the permissions necessary to perform your tasks.

  1. On the IAM console, choose Roles in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose the role named AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-<id>. This should be the role that is assigned to your domain.
  3. In the Permissions policies section, choose the policy named AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionPolicy-<id>.
  4. Choose Edit to edit the customer managed policy.
  5. Add the following permissions to the policy, then choose Next.
  6. Choose Save changes to confirm your added permissions.

You now have the proper permissions to run commands in your SageMaker environment.

  1. Navigate back to your notebook named kohya-ss-fine-tuning.ipynb in your JupyterLab environment.
  2. In the notebook step labeled Step One – Create the necessary resources through AWS CloudFormation, run the code cell to create the CloudFormation stack.

Wait for the CloudFormation stack to finish creating before moving on. You can monitor the status of the stack creation on the AWS CloudFormation console. This step should take about 2 minutes.

Set up your custom images and fine-tuning configuration file

In this section, you first upload your fine-tuning configuration file to Amazon S3. The configuration file is specific to the Kohya program. Its purpose is to specify the configuration settings programmatically rather than manually using the Kohya GUI.

This file is provided with opinionated values. You can modify the configuration file with different values if desired. For information about what the parameters mean, refer to LoRA training parameters. You will need to experiment to achieve the desired result. Some parameters rely on underlying hardware and GPU (for example, mixed_precision=bf16 or xformers). Make sure your training instance has the proper hardware configuration to support the parameters you select.

You also need to upload a set of images to Amazon S3. If you don’t have your own dataset and decide to use images from public sources, make sure to adhere to copyright and license restrictions.

The structure of the S3 bucket is as follows:


bucket/0001-dataset/<asset-folder-name>/     (images and caption files go here)


bucket/0002-dataset/<asset-folder-name>/     (images and captions files go here)


The asset-folder-name uses a special naming convention, which is defined later in this post. Each xxxx-dataset prefix can contain separate datasets with different config file contents. Each pipeline takes a single dataset as input. The config file and asset folder will be downloaded by the SageMaker training job during the training step.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate back to your notebook named kohya-ss-fine-tuning.ipynb in your JupyterLab environment.
  2. In the Notebook step labeled Step Two – Upload the fine-tuning configuration file, run the code cell to upload the config file to Amazon S3.
  3. Verify that you have an S3 bucket named sagemaker-kohya-ss-fine-tuning-<account id>, with a 0001-dataset prefix containing the kohya-sdxl-config.tomlfile.

Next, you create an asset folder and upload your custom images and caption files to Amazon S3. The asset-folder-name must be named according to the required naming convention. This naming convention is what defines the number of repetitions and the trigger word for the prompt. The trigger word is what identifies your custom subject. For example, a folder name of 60_dwjz signifies 60 repetitions with the trigger prompt word dwjz. Consider using initials or abbreviations of your subject for the trigger word so it doesn’t collide with existing words. For example, if your subject is a tiger, you could use the trigger word tgr. More repetitions don’t always translate to better results. Experiment to achieve your desired result.

  1. On the S3 console, navigate to the bucket named sagemaker-kohya-ss-fine-tuning-<account id>.
  2. Choose the prefix named 0001-dataset.
  3. Choose Create folder.
  4. Enter a folder name for your assets using the naming convention (for example, 60_dwjz) and choose Create folder.
  5. Choose the prefix. This is where your images and caption files go.
  6. Choose Upload.
  7. Choose Add files, choose your image files, then choose Upload.

When selecting images to use, favor quality over quantity. Some preprocessing of your image assets might be beneficial, such as cropping a person if you are fine-tuning a human subject. For this example, we used approximately 30 images for a human subject with great results. Most of them were high resolution, and cropped to include the human subject only—head and shoulders, half body, and full body images were included but not required.

Optionally, you can use caption files to assist your model in understanding your prompts better. Caption files have the .caption extension, and its contents describe the image (for example, dwjz wearing a vest and sunglasses, serious facial expression, headshot, 50mm). The image file names should match the corresponding (optional) caption file names. Caption files are highly encouraged. Upload your caption files to the same prefix as your images.

At the end of your upload, your S3 prefix structure should look similar to the following:








There are many variables to fine-tuning, and as of this writing there are no definitive recommendations for generating great results. To achieve good results, include enough steps in the training, good resolution assets, and enough images.

Set up the required code

The code required for this solution is provided and will be uploaded to the CodeCommit repository that was created by the CloudFormation template. This code is used to build the custom training container. Any updates to the code in this repository will invoke the container image to be built and pushed to Amazon ECR through an EventBridge rule.

The code consists of the following components:

  • buildspec.yml – Creates the container image by using the GitHub repository for Kohya SS, and pushes the training image to Amazon ECR
  • Dockerfile – Used to override the Dockerfile in the Kohya SS project, which is slightly modified to be used with SageMaker training
  • – Initiates the Kohya SS program to do the fine-tuning, and is invoked when the SageMaker training job runs

Complete the following steps to create the training container image:

  1. Navigate back to your notebook named kohya-ss-fine-tuning.ipynb in your JupyterLab environment.
  2. In the step labeled Step Three – Upload the necessary code to the AWS CodeCommit repository, run the code cell to upload the required code to the CodeCommit repository.

This event will initiate the process that creates the training container image and uploads the image to Amazon ECR.

  1. On the CodeBuild console, locate the project named kohya-ss-fine-tuning-build-container.

Latest build status should display as In progress. Wait for the build to finish and the status to change to Succeeded. The build takes about 15 minutes.

A new training container image is now available in Amazon ECR. Every time you make a change to the code in the CodeCommit repository, a new container image will be created.

Initiate the model training

Now that you have a training container image, you can use SageMaker Pipelines with a training step to train your model. SageMaker Pipelines enables you to build powerful multi-step pipelines. There are many step types provided for you to extend and orchestrate your workflows, allowing you to evaluate models, register models, consider conditional logic, run custom code, and more. The following steps are used in this pipeline:

  • Condition step – Evaluate input parameters. If successful, proceed with the training step. If not successful, proceed with the fail step. This step validates that the training volume size is at least 50 GB. You could extend this logic to only allow specific instance types, to only allow specific training containers, and add other guardrails if applicable.
  • Training Step – Run a SageMaker training job, given the input parameters.
  • Fail step – Stop the pipeline and return an error message.

Complete the following steps to initiate model training:

  1. On the SageMaker Studio console, in the navigation pane, choose Pipelines.
  2. Choose the pipeline named kohya-ss-fine-tuning-pipeline.
  3. Choose Create to create a pipeline run.
  4. Enter a name, description (optional), and any desired parameter values.
  5. You can keep the default settings of using the 0001-dataset for the input data and an ml.g5.8xlarge instance type for training.
  6. Choose Create to invoke the pipeline.

sagemaker pipeline execution

  1. Choose the current pipeline run to view its details.
  2. In the graph, choose the pipeline step named TrainNewFineTunedModel to access the pipeline run information.

The Details tab displays metadata, logs, and the associated training job. The Overview tab displays the output model location in Amazon S3 when training is complete (note this Amazon S3 location for use in later steps). SageMaker processes the training output by uploading the model in the /opt/ml/model directory of the training container to Amazon S3, in the location specified by the training job.

sagemaker pipeline

Wait for the pipeline status to show as Succeeded before proceeding to the next step.

Run inference on a custom Stable Diffusion XL model

There are many options for model hosting. For this post, we demonstrate how to run inference with Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion web UI running on an EC2 instance. This tool enables you to use various image generation features through a user interface. It’s a straightforward way to learn the parameters available in a visual format and experiment with supplementary features. For this reason, we demonstrate using this tool as part of this post. However, you can also use SageMaker to host an inference endpoint, and you have the option to use your own custom inference container.

Install the Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion web UI on Amazon EC2

Complete the following steps to install the web UI:

  1. Create an EC2 Windows instance and connect to it. For instructions, see Get started with Amazon EC2.
  2. Choose Windows Server 2022 Base Amazon Machine Image, a g5.8xlarge instance type, a key pair, and 100 GiB of storage. Alternatively, you can use your local machine.
  3. Install NVIDIA drivers to enable the GPU. This solution has been tested with the Data Center Driver for Windows version 551.78.
  4. Install the Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion web UI using the instructions in the Automatic Installation on Windows section in the GitHub repo. This solution has been tested with version 1.9.3. The last step of installation will ask you to run webui-user.bat, which will install and launch the Stable Diffusion UI in a web browser.

automatic1111 ui

  1. Download the Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 Base model from Hugging Face.
  2. Move the downloaded file sd_xl_base_1.0.safetensors to the directory ../stable-diffusion-webui/models/Stable-diffusion/.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and choose Reload UI.
  4. Choose sd_xl_base_1.0.safetensors on the Stable Diffusion checkpoint dropdown menu.
  5. Adjust the default Width and Height values to 1024 x 1024 for better results.
  6. Experiment with the remaining parameters to achieve your desired result. Specifically, try adjusting the settings for Sampling method, Sampling steps, CFG Scale, and Seed.

The input prompt is extremely important to achieve great results. You can add extensions to assist with your creative workflow. This style selector extension is great at supplementing prompts.

  1. To install this extension, navigate to the Extensions tab, choose Install from URL, enter the style selector extension URL, and choose Install.
  2. Reload the UI for changes to take effect.

You will notice a new section called SDXL Styles, which you can select from to add to your prompts.

  1. Download the fine-tuned model that was created by the SageMaker pipeline training step.

The model is stored in Amazon S3 with the file name model.tar.gz.

  1. You can use the Share with a presigned URL option to share as well.

s3 model location

  1. Unzip the contents of the model.tar.gz file (twice) and copy the custom_lora_model.safetensors LoRA model file to the directory ../stable-diffusion-webui/models/Lora.
  2. Choose the Refresh icon on the Lora tab to verify that your custom_lora_model is available.

automatic1111 lora ui

  1. Choose custom_lora_model, and it will populate the prompt input box with the text <lora:custom_lora_model:1>.
  2. Append a prompt to the text (see examples in the next section).
  3. You can decrease or increase the multiplier of your LoRA model by changing the 1 value. This adjusts the influence of your LoRA model accordingly.
  4. Choose Generate to run inference against your fine-tuned LoRA model.

Example results

These results are from a fine-tuned model trained on 39 high-resolution images of the author, using the provided code and configuration files in this solution. Caption files were written for each of these images, using the trigger word aallzz.

generated image result 1

Prompt: concept art <lora:custom_lora_model:1.0> aallzz professional headshot, cinematic, bokeh, dramatic lighting, shallow depth of field, vignette, highly detailed, high budget, 8k, cinemascope, moody, epic, gorgeous, digital artwork, illustrative, painterly, matte painting

Negative Prompt: photo, photorealistic, realism, anime, abstract, glitch

Sampler: DPM2

Sampling Steps: 90

CFG Scale: 8.5

Width/Height: 1024×1024

generated image result 2

Prompt: cinematic film still <lora:custom_lora_model:1> aallzz eating a burger, cinematic, bokeh, dramatic lighting, shallow depth of field, vignette, highly detailed, high budget, cinemascope, moody, epic, gorgeous, film grain, grainy

Negative Prompt: anime, cartoon, graphic, painting, graphite, abstract, glitch, mutated, disfigured

Sampler: DPM2

Sampling Steps: 70

CFG Scale: 8

Width/Height: 1024×1024

generated image result 3

Prompt: concept art <lora:custom_lora_model:1> aallzz 3D profile picture avatar, vector icon, character, mountain background, sun backlight, digital artwork, illustrative, painterly, matte painting, highly detailed

Negative Prompt: photo, photorealistic, realism, glitch, mutated, disfigured, glasses

Sampler: DPM2

Sampling Steps: 100

CFG Scale: 9

Width/Height: 1024×1024

generated image result 4

Prompt: concept art <lora:custom_lora_model:1> aallzz 3D profile picture avatar, vector icon, vector illustration, vector art, realistic cartoon character, professional attire, digital artwork, illustrative, painterly, matte painting, highly detailed

Negative Prompt: photo, photorealistic, realism, glitch, mutated, disfigured, glasses, hat

Sampler: DPM2

Sampling Steps: 100

CFG Scale: 10

Width/Height: 1024×1024

generated image result 5

Prompt: cinematic photo <lora:custom_lora_model:1> aallzz portrait, sitting, magical elephant with large tusks, wearing safari clothing, majestic scenery in the background, river, natural lighting, 50mm, highly detailed, photograph, film, bokeh, professional, 4k, highly detailed

Negative Prompt: drawing, painting, crayon, sketch, graphite, impressionist, noisy, blurry, soft, deformed, glitch, mutated, disfigured, glasses, hat

Sampler: DPM2

Sampling Steps: 100

CFG Scale: 9.5

Width/Height: 1024×1024

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges, delete the resources you created as part of this solution:

  1. Delete the objects in your S3 bucket. You must delete the objects before deleting the stack.
  2. Delete your container image in Amazon ECR. You must delete the image before deleting the stack.
  3. On the AWS CloudFormation console, delete the stack named kohya-ss-fine-tuning-stack.
  4. If you created an EC2 instance for running inference, stop or delete the instance.
  5. Stop or delete your SageMaker Studio instances, applications, and spaces.


Congratulations! You have successfully fine-tuned a custom LoRA model to be used with Stable Diffusion XL 1.0. We created a custom training Docker container, fine-tuned a custom LoRA model to be used with Stable Diffusion XL, and used the resulting model to generate creative and unique images. The end-to-end training solution was fully automated with a CloudFormation template to help you get started quickly. Now, try creating a custom model with your own subject. To explore more AI use cases, visit the AI Use Case Explorer.

About the Author

Alen Zograbyan is a Sr. Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He currently serves media and entertainment customers, and has expertise in software engineering, DevOps, security, and AI/ML. He has a deep passion for learning, teaching, and photography.

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