

Latest AI News

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the field developing computers and robots capable of parsing data contextually to provide requested information, supply analysis, or trigger events based on findings. Through techniques like machine learning and neural networks, companies globally are investing in teaching machines to ‘think’ more like humans. Below are some of the latest AI news from the industry:

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AI Maps Titan’s Methane Clouds in Record Time

Methane clouds on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, are more than just a celestial oddity — they’re a window into one of the solar system’s most complex climates. Until now, mapping them has been slow and grueling work. Enter AI: a team from NASA, UC Berkeley and France’s Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers just changed the game. Using NVIDIA GPUs, the resear ...

SmartReply for YouTube Creators

Streamline custom environment provisioning for Amazon SageMaker Studio: An automated CI/CD pipeline approach

Attaching a custom Docker image to an Amazon SageMaker Studio domain involves several steps. First, you need to build and push the image to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). You also need to make sure that the Amazon SageMaker domain execution role has the necessary permissions to pull the image from Amazon ECR. After the image is pushed to Ama ...