We propose utilizing n-best reranking to enhance Sequence-Level Knowledge Distillation (Kim and Rush, 2016) where we extract pseudo-labels for student model’s training data from top n-best hypotheses and leverage a diverse set of models with different inductive biases, objective functions or architectures, including some publicly-available large language models, to pick the highest-quality hypotheses as labels. The effectiveness of our proposal is validated through experiments on the WMT’21 German ↔ English and Chinese ↔ English translation tasks. Our results demonstrate that utilizing…Apple Machine Learning Research
Private Vector Mean Estimation in the Shuffle Model: Optimal Rates Require Many Messages
We study the problem of private vector mean estimation in the shuffle model of privacy where nnn users each have a unit vector in ddd dimensions. We propose a new multi-message protocol that achieves the optimal error using O~(min(nε2,d))tilde{mathcal{O}}left(min(nvarepsilon^2,d)right)O~(min(nε2,d)) messages per user. Moreover, we show that any (unbiased) protocol that achieves optimal error requires each user to send Ω(min(nε2,d)/log(n))Omega(min(nvarepsilon^2,d)/log(n))Ω(min(nε2,d)/log(n)) messages, demonstrating the optimality of our message complexity up to logarithmic…Apple Machine Learning Research
MIA-Bench: Towards Better Instruction Following Evaluation of Multimodal LLMs
We introduce MIA-Bench, a new benchmark designed to evaluate multimodal large language models (MLLMs) on their ability to strictly adhere to complex instructions. Our benchmark comprises a diverse set of 400 image-prompt pairs, each crafted to challenge the models’ compliance with layered instructions in generating accurate responses that satisfy specific requested patterns. Evaluation results from a wide array of state-of-the-art MLLMs reveal significant variations in performance, highlighting areas for improvement in instruction fidelity. Additionally, we create extra training data and…Apple Machine Learning Research
Bytes Are All You Need: Transformers Operating Directly On File Bytes
Modern deep learning approaches usually utilize modality-specific processing. For example, the most common deep learning approach to image classification involves decoding image file bytes into an RGB tensor which is passed into a neural network. Instead, we investigate modality-independent representation learning by performing classification directly on file bytes, without the need for decoding files at inference time. This enables models to operate on various modalities without any hand-designed, modality-specific processing. Our model, ByteFormer, improves ImageNet Top-1 classification…Apple Machine Learning Research
International ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) 2024
Apple Machine Learning Research
Revisiting Non-separable Binary Classification and its Applications in Anomaly Detection
The inability to linearly classify XOR has motivated much of deep learning. We revisit this age-old problem and show that linear classification of XOR is indeed possible. Instead of separating data between halfspaces, we propose a slightly different paradigm, equality separation, that adapts the SVM objective to distinguish data within or outside the margin. Our classifier can then be integrated into neural network pipelines with a smooth approximation. From its properties, we intuit that equality separation is suitable for anomaly detection. To formalize this notion, we introduce closing…Apple Machine Learning Research
Applying RLAIF for Code Generation with API-usage in Lightweight LLMs
This paper was accepted at the Natural Language Reasoning and Structured Explanations workshop at ACL 2024.
Reinforcement Learning from AI Feedback (RLAIF) has demonstrated significant potential across various domains, including mitigating harm in LLM outputs, enhancing text summarization, and mathematical reasoning. This paper introduces an RLAIF framework for improving the code generation abilities of lightweight (Apple Machine Learning Research
How Far Can Transformers Reason? The Locality Barrier and Inductive Scratchpad
Can Transformers predict new syllogisms by composing established ones? More generally, what type of targets can be learned by such models from scratch? Recent works show that Transformers can be Turing-complete in terms of expressivity, but this does not address the learnability objective. This paper puts forward the notion of distribution locality to capture when weak learning is efficiently achievable by regular Transformers, where the locality measures the least number of tokens required in addition to the tokens histogram to correlate nontrivially with the target. As shown experimentally…Apple Machine Learning Research
Optimization Without Retraction on the Random Generalized Stiefel Manifold
Optimization over the set of matrices X that satisfy X^TBX = Ip, referred to as the generalized Stiefel manifold, appears in many applications involving sampled covariance matrices such as the canonical correlation analysis (CCA), independent component analysis (ICA), and the generalized eigenvalue problem (GEVP). Solving these problems is typically done by iterative methods that require a fully formed B. We propose a cheap stochastic iterative method that solves the optimization problem while having access only to a random estimates of B. Our method does not enforce the constraint in every…Apple Machine Learning Research
Towards Robust Evaluation: A Comprehensive Taxonomy of Datasets and Metrics for Open Domain Question Answering in the Era of Large Language Models
Open Domain Question Answering (ODQA) within natural language processing involves building systems that answer factual questions using large-scale knowledge corpora. Recent advances stem from the confluence of several factors, such as large-scale training datasets, deep learning techniques, and the rise of large language models. High-quality datasets are used to train models on realistic scenarios and enable the evaluation of the system on potentially unseen data. Standardized metrics facilitate comparisons between different ODQA systems, allowing researchers to objectively track advancements…Apple Machine Learning Research