Knowledge Transfer from Vision Foundation Models for Efficient Training of Small Task-specific Models

Vision Foundation Models (VFMs) pretrained on massive datasets exhibit impressive performance on various downstream tasks, especially with limited labeled target data. However, due to their high inference compute cost, these models cannot be deployed for many real-world applications. Motivated by this, we ask the following important question, “How can we leverage the knowledge from a large VFM to train a small task-specific model for a new target task with limited labeled training data?”, and propose a simple task-oriented knowledge transfer approach as a highly effective solution to this…Apple Machine Learning Research

Conformal Prediction via Regression-as-Classification

Conformal prediction (CP) for regression can be challenging, especially when the output distribution is heteroscedastic, multimodal, or skewed. Some of the issues can be addressed by estimating a distribution over the output, but in reality, such approaches can be sensitive to estimation error and yield unstable intervals. Here, we circumvent the challenges by converting regression to a classification problem and then use CP for classification to obtain CP sets for regression. To preserve the ordering of the continuous-output space, we design a new loss function and make necessary…Apple Machine Learning Research

Pseudo-Generalized Dynamic View Synthesis from a Video

Rendering scenes observed in a monocular video from novel viewpoints is a chal- lenging problem. For static scenes the community has studied both scene-specific optimization techniques, which optimize on every test scene, and generalized tech- niques, which only run a deep net forward pass on a test scene. In contrast, for dy- namic scenes, scene-specific optimization techniques exist, but, to our best knowl- edge, there is currently no generalized method for dynamic novel view synthesis from a given monocular video. To explore whether generalized dynamic novel view synthesis from monocular…Apple Machine Learning Research

ReLU Strikes Back: Exploiting Activation Sparsity in Large Language Models

Large Language Models (LLMs) with billions of parameters have drastically transformed AI applications. However, their demanding computation during inference has raised significant challenges for deployment on resource-constrained devices. Despite recent trends favoring alternative activation functions such as GELU or SiLU, known for increased computation, this study strongly advocates for reinstating ReLU activation in LLMs. We demonstrate that using the ReLU activation function has a negligible impact on convergence and performance while significantly reducing computation and weight transfer…Apple Machine Learning Research

Guiding Instruction-based Image Editing via Multimodal Large Language Models

Instruction-based image editing improves the controllability and flexibility of image manipulation via natural commands without elaborate descriptions or regional masks. However, human instructions are sometimes too brief for current methods to capture and follow. Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) show promising capabilities in cross-modal understanding and visual-aware response generation via LMs. We investigate how MLLMs facilitate edit instructions and present MLLM-Guided Image Editing (MGIE). MGIE learns to derive expressive instructions and provides explicit guidance. The editing…Apple Machine Learning Research

When can transformers reason with abstract symbols?

We investigate the capabilities of transformer models on relational reasoning tasks. In these tasks, models are trained on a set of strings encoding abstract relations, and are then tested out-of-distribution on data that contains symbols that did not appear in the training dataset. We prove that for any relational reasoning task in a large family of tasks, transformers learn the abstract relations and generalize to the test set when trained by gradient descent on sufficiently large quantities of training data. This is in contrast to classical fully-connected networks, which we prove fail to…Apple Machine Learning Research

Poly-View Contrastive Learning

Contrastive learning typically matches pairs of related views among a number of unrelated negative views.
Views can be generated (e.g. by augmentations) or be observed. We investigate matching when there are more than two related views which we call poly-view tasks, and derive new representation learning objectives using information maximization and sufficient statistics.
We show that with unlimited computation, one should maximize the number of related views, and with a fixed compute budget, it is beneficial to decrease the number of unique samples whilst increasing the number of views of…Apple Machine Learning Research

How Far Are We from Intelligent Visual Deductive Reasoning?

This paper was accepted at the How Far Are We from AGI? workshop at ICLR 2024.
Vision-Language Models (VLMs) such as GPT-4V have recently demonstrated incredible strides on diverse vision language tasks. We dig into vision-based deductive reasoning, a more sophisticated but less explored realm, and find previously unexposed blindspots in the current SOTA VLMs. Specifically, we leverage Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPMs), to assess VLMs’ abilities to perform multi-hop relational and deductive reasoning relying solely on visual clues. We perform comprehensive evaluations of several popular VLMs…Apple Machine Learning Research