MOFI: Learning Image Representation from Noisy Entity Annotated Images

In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to automatically assign entity labels to images from existing noisy image-text pairs. The approach employees a named entity recognition model to extract entities from text, and uses a CLIP model to select the right entities as the labels of the paired image. The approach is simple, and can be readily scaled up to billions of image-text pairs mined from the web, through which we have successfully created a dataset with 2 millions of distinct entities. We study new training approaches on the collected new dataset with large scale entity labels…Apple Machine Learning Research

Large Language Models as Generalizable Policies for Embodied Tasks

We show that large language models (LLMs) can be adapted to be generalizable policies for embodied visual tasks. Our approach, called Large LAnguage model Reinforcement Learning Policy (LLaRP), adapts a pre-trained frozen LLM to take as input text instructions and visual egocentric observations and output actions directly in the environment. Using reinforcement learning, we train LLaRP to see and act solely through environmental interactions. We show that LLaRP is robust to complex paraphrasings of task instructions and can generalize to new tasks that require novel optimal behavior. In…Apple Machine Learning Research

Compressing LLMs: The Truth is Rarely Pure and Never Simple

Despite their remarkable achievements, modern Large Language Models (LLMs) encounter exorbitant computational and memory footprints. Recently, several works have shown significant success in training-free and data-free compression (pruning and quantization) of LLMs achieving 50-60% sparsity and reducing the bit-width down to 3 or 4 bits per weight, with negligible perplexity degradation over the uncompressed baseline. As recent research efforts are focused on developing increasingly sophisticated compression methods, our work takes a step back, and re-evaluates the effectiveness of existing…Apple Machine Learning Research

Label-Efficient Sleep Staging Using Transformers Pre-trained with Position Prediction

Sleep staging is a clinically important task for diagnosing various sleep disorders but remains challenging to deploy at scale because it requires clinical expertise, among other reasons. Deep learning models can perform the task but at the expense of large labeled datasets, which are unfeasible to procure at scale. While self-supervised learning (SSL) can mitigate this need, recent studies on SSL for sleep staging have shown performance gains saturate after training with labeled data from only tens of subjects, hence are unable to match peak performance attained with larger datasets. We…Apple Machine Learning Research

CatLIP: CLIP-level Visual Recognition Accuracy with 2.7× Faster Pre-training on Web-scale Image-Text Data

Contrastive learning has emerged as a transformative method for learning effective visual representations through the alignment of image and text embeddings. However, pairwise similarity computation in contrastive loss between image and text pairs poses computational challenges. This paper presents a novel weakly supervised pre-training of vision models on web-scale image-text data. The proposed method reframes pre-training on image-text data as a classification task. Consequently, it eliminates the need for pairwise similarity computations in contrastive loss, achieving a remarkable 2.7…Apple Machine Learning Research

HumMUSS: Human Motion Understanding using State Space Models

Understanding human motion from video is crucial for applications such as pose estimation, mesh recovery, and action recognition. While state-of-the-art methods predominantly rely on Transformer-based architectures, these approaches have limitations in practical scenarios. They are notably slower when processing a continuous stream of video frames in real time and do not adapt to new frame rates. Given these challenges, we propose an attention free spatiotemporal model for human motion understanding, building upon recent advancements diagonal state space models. Our model performs comparably…Apple Machine Learning Research

OpenELM: An Efficient Language Model Family with Open-source Training and Inference Framework

The reproducibility and transparency of large language models are crucial for advancing open research, ensuring the trustworthiness of results, and enabling investigations into data and model biases, as well as potential risks. To this end, we release OpenELM, a state-of-the-art open language model. OpenELM uses a layer-wise scaling strategy to efficiently allocate parameters within each layer of the transformer model, leading to enhanced accuracy. For example, with a parameter budget of approximately one billion parameters, OpenELM exhibits a 2.36% improvement in accuracy compared to OLMo…Apple Machine Learning Research

Talaria: Interactively Optimizing Machine Learning Models for Efficient Inference

On-device machine learning (ML) moves computation from the cloud to personal devices, protecting user privacy and enabling intelligent user experiences. However, fitting models on devices with limited resources presents a major technical challenge: practitioners need to optimize models and balance hardware metrics such as model size, latency, and power. To help practitioners create efficient ML models, we designed and developed Talaria: a model visualization and optimization system. Talaria enables practitioners to compile models to hardware, interactively visualize model statistics, and…Apple Machine Learning Research

Think While You Write Hypothesis Verification Promotes Faithful Knowledge-to-Text Generation

Neural knowledge-to-text generation models often struggle to faithfully generate descriptions for the input facts: they may produce hallucinations that contradict the given facts, or describe facts not present in the input. To reduce hallucinations, we propose a novel decoding method, TWEAK (Think While Effectively Articulating Knowledge). TWEAK treats the generated sequences at each decoding step and its future sequences as hypotheses, and ranks each generation candidate based on how well their corresponding hypotheses support the input facts using a Hypothesis Verification Model (HVM). We…Apple Machine Learning Research

The Slingshot Effect: A Late-Stage Optimization Anomaly in Adam-Family of Optimization Methods

Adaptive gradient methods, notably Adam, have become indispensable for optimizing neural networks, particularly in conjunction with Transformers. In this paper, we present a novel optimization anomaly called the Slingshot Effect, which manifests during extremely late stages of training. We identify a distinctive characteristic of this phenomenon through cyclic phase transitions between stable and unstable training regimes, as evidenced by the cyclic behavior of the norm of the last layer’s weights. Although the Slingshot Effect can be easily reproduced in more general settings, it does not…Apple Machine Learning Research