With the help of creative prompt engineering and in-context learning, large language models (LLMs) are known to generalize well on a variety of text-based natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, for performing well on spoken language understanding (SLU) tasks, LLMs either need to be equipped with in-built speech modality or they need to rely on speech-to-text conversion from an off-the-shelf automation speech recognition (ASR) system. In this work, we focus on the latter setup where the accuracy of LLM on SLU tasks is constrained by the accuracy of a frozen ASR system on the given…Apple Machine Learning Research
LiDAR: Sensing Linear Probing Performance in Joint Embedding SSL Architectures
Joint embedding (JE) architectures have emerged as a promising avenue for acquiring transferable data representations. A key obstacle to using JE methods, however, is the inherent challenge of evaluating learned representations without access to a downstream task, and an annotated dataset. Without efficient and reliable evaluation, it is difficult to iterate on architectural and training choices for JE methods. In this paper, we introduce LiDAR (Linear Discriminant Analysis Rank), a metric designed to measure the quality of representations within JE architectures. Our metric addresses several…Apple Machine Learning Research
DeepPCR: Parallelizing Sequential Operations in Neural Networks
Parallelization techniques have become ubiquitous for accelerating inference and training of deep neural networks. Despite this, several operations are still performed in a sequential manner. For instance, the forward and backward passes are executed layer-by-layer, and the output of diffusion models is produced by applying a sequence of denoising steps. This sequential approach results in a computational cost proportional to the number of steps involved, presenting a potential bottleneck as the number of steps increases. In this work, we introduce DeepPCR, a novel algorithm which parallelizes…Apple Machine Learning Research
HUGS: Human Gaussian Splats
Recent advances in neural rendering have improved both training and rendering times by orders of magnitude. While these methods demonstrate state-of-the-art quality and speed, they are designed for photogrammetry of static scenes and do not generalize well to freely moving humans in the environment. In this work, we introduce Human Gaussian Splats (HUGS) that represents an animatable human together with the scene using 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS). Our method takes only a monocular video with a small number of (50-100) frames, and it automatically learns to disentangle the static scene and a…Apple Machine Learning Research
Multimodal Data and Resource Efficient Device-Directed Speech Detection with Large Foundation Models
*=Equal Contributors
This paper was accepted at the Efficient Natural Language and Speech Processing workshop at NeurIPS 2023.
Interactions with virtual assistants often begin with a predefined trigger phrase followed by the user command. To make interactions with the assistant more natural, we explore whether it is feasible to drop the requirement that users must begin each command with a trigger phrase. We address this task by combining the decoder signals of an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system with acoustic and lexical representations as input features to a large language model…Apple Machine Learning Research
Controllable Music Production with Diffusion Models and Guidance Gradients
This paper was accepted at the NeurIPS 2023 workshop on Diffusion Models.
We demonstrate how conditional generation from diffusion models can be used to tackle a variety of realistic tasks in the production of music in 44.1kHz stereo audio with sampling-time guidance. The scenarios we consider include continuation, inpainting and regeneration of musical audio, the creation of smooth transitions between two different music tracks, and the transfer of desired stylistic characteristics to existing audio clips. We achieve this by applying guidance at sampling time in a simple framework that…Apple Machine Learning Research
Pre-trained Language Models Do Not Help Auto-regressive Text-to-Image Generation
This paper was accepted at the workshop I Can’t Believe It’s Not Better! (ICBINB) at NeurIPS 2023.
Recent advances in image tokenizers, such as VQ-VAE, have enabled text-to-image generation using auto-regressive methods, similar to language modeling. However, these methods have yet to leverage pre-trained language models, despite their adaptability to various downstream tasks. In this work, we explore this gap, and find that pre-trained language models offer limited help in auto-regressive text-to-image generation. We provide a two-fold explanation by analyzing tokens from each modality…Apple Machine Learning Research
Generating Molecular Conformers with Manifold Diffusion Fields
This paper was accepted at Generative AI and Biology workshop at NeurIPS 2023.
In this paper we tackle the problem of generating a molecule conformation in 3D space given its 2D structure. We approach this problem through the lens of a diffusion model for functions in Riemannian Manifolds. Our approach is simple and scalable, and obtains results that are on par with state-of-the-art while making no assumptions about the explicit structure of molecules.Apple Machine Learning Research
Manifold Diffusion Fields
This paper was accepted at the Diffusion Models workshop at NeurIPS 2023.
Score-based models have quickly become the de facto choice for generative modeling of images, text and more recently molecules. However, to adapt a score-based generative modeling to these domains the score network needs to be carefully designed, hampering its applicability to arbitrary data domains. In this paper we tackle this problem by taking a textit{functional} view of data. This functional view allows to cast seemingly different domains to a common shared representation. We then re-formulate the score function to…Apple Machine Learning Research
Fast Optimal Locally Private Mean Estimation via Random Projections
We study the problem of locally private mean estimation of high-dimensional vectors in the Euclidean ball. Existing algorithms for this problem either incur sub-optimal error or have high communication and/or run-time complexity. We propose a new algorithmic framework, ProjUnit, for private mean estimation that yields algorithms that are computationally efficient, have low communication complexity, and incur optimal error up to a 1+o(1)-factor. Our framework is deceptively simple: each randomizer projects its input to a random low-dimensional subspace, normalizes the result, and then runs an…Apple Machine Learning Research