*= Equal Contributors
We study the relationship between two desiderata of algorithms in statistical inference and machine learning—differential privacy and robustness to adversarial data corruptions. Their conceptual similarity was first observed by Dwork and Lei (STOC 2009), who observed that private algorithms satisfy robustness, and gave a general method for converting robust algorithms to private ones. However, all general methods for transforming robust algorithms into private ones lead to suboptimal error rates. Our work gives the first black-box transformation that converts any…Apple Machine Learning Research
Joint Speech Transcription and Translation: Pseudo-Labeling with Out-of-Distribution Data
Self-training has been shown to be helpful in addressing data scarcity for many domains, including vision, speech, and language. Specifically, self-training, or pseudo-labeling, labels unsupervised data and adds that to the training pool. In this work, we investigate and use pseudo-labeling for a recently proposed novel setup: joint transcription and translation of speech, which suffers from an absence of sufficient parallel data resources. We show that under such data-deficient circumstances, the unlabeled data can significantly vary in domain from the supervised data, which results in…Apple Machine Learning Research
Generalization on the Unseen, Logic Reasoning and Degree Curriculum
This paper considers the learning of logical (Boolean) functions with focus on the generalization on the unseen (GOTU) setting, a strong case of out-of-distribution generalization. This is motivated by the fact that the rich combinatorial nature of data in certain reasoning tasks (e.g., arithmetic/logic) makes representative data sampling challenging, and learning successfully under GOTU gives a first vignette of an ‘extrapolating’ or ‘reasoning’ learner. We then study how different network architectures trained by (S)GD perform under GOTU and provide both theoretical and experimental evidence…Apple Machine Learning Research
State Spaces Aren’t Enough: Machine Translation Needs Attention
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Structured State Spaces for Sequences (S4) is a recently proposed sequence model with successful applications in various tasks, e.g., vision, language modeling, and audio. Thanks to its mathematical formulation, it compresses its input to a single hidden state and is able to capture long-range dependencies while avoiding the need for an attention mechanism. In this work, we apply S4 to Machine Translation (MT) and evaluate several encoder-decoder variants on WMT’14 and WMT’16. In contrast with the success in language modeling, we find that S4 lags behind the Transformer…Apple Machine Learning Research
Modeling Spoken Information Queries for Virtual Assistants: Open Problems, Challenges and Opportunities
Virtual assistants are becoming increasingly important speech-driven Information Retrieval platforms that assist users with various tasks. We discuss open problems and challenges with respect to modeling spoken information queries for virtual assistants, and list opportunities where Information Retrieval methods and research can be applied to improve the quality of virtual assistant speech recognition. We discuss how query domain classification, knowledge graphs and user interaction data, and query personalization can be helpful in improving the accurate recognition of spoken information…Apple Machine Learning Research
Self-Supervised Temporal Analysis of Spatiotemporal Data
*=Equal Contributors
There exists a correlation between geospatial activity temporal patterns and type of land use. A novel self-supervised approach is proposed to survey landscape based on activity time series, where time series signal is transformed to frequency domain and compressed into embeddings by a contractive autoencoder, which preserve cyclic temporal patterns observed in time series. The embeddings are input to segmentation neural network for binary classification. Experiments show that the temporal embeddings are effective in classifying residential area and commercial area.Apple Machine Learning Research
Considerations for Distribution Shift Robustness in Health
*=Equal Contributors
This paper was accepted at the workshop “Trustworthy Machine Learning for Healthcare Workshop” at the conference ICLR 2023.
When analyzing robustness of predictive models under distribution shift, many works focus on tackling generalization in the presence of spurious correlations. In this case, one typically makes use of covariates or environment indicators to enforce independencies in learned models to guarantee generalization under various distribution shifts. In this work, we analyze a class of distribution shifts, where such independencies are not desirable, as…Apple Machine Learning Research
AutoFocusFormer: Image Segmentation off the Grid
Real world images often have highly imbalanced content density. Some areas are very uniform, e.g., large patches of blue sky, while other areas are scattered with many small objects. Yet, the commonly used successive grid downsampling strategy in convolutional deep networks treats all areas equally. Hence, small objects are represented in very few spatial locations, leading to worse results in tasks such as segmentation. Intuitively, retaining more pixels representing small objects during downsampling helps to preserve important information. To achieve this, we propose AutoFocusFormer (AFF), a…Apple Machine Learning Research
Learning to Detect Novel and Fine-Grained Acoustic Sequences Using Pretrained Audio Representations
This work investigates pre-trained audio representations for few shot Sound Event Detection. We specifically address the task of few shot detection of novel acoustic sequences, or sound events with semantically meaningful temporal structure, without assuming access to non-target audio. We develop procedures for pre-training suitable representations, and methods which transfer them to our few shot learning scenario. Our experiments evaluate the general purpose utility of our pre-trained representations on AudioSet, and the utility of proposed few shot methods via tasks constructed from…Apple Machine Learning Research