Feedback Effect in User Interaction with Intelligent Assistants: Delayed Engagement, Adaption and Drop-out

With the growing popularity of intelligent assistants (IAs), evaluating IA quality becomes an increasingly active field of research. This paper identifies and quantifies the feedback effect, a novel component in IA-user interactions: how the capabilities and limitations of the IA influence user behavior over time. First, we demonstrate that unhelpful responses from the IA cause users to delay or reduce subsequent interactions in the short term via an observational study. Next, we expand the time horizon to examine behavior changes and show that as users discover the limitations of the IA’s…Apple Machine Learning Research

MobileOne: An Improved One millisecond Mobile Backbone

Efficient neural network backbones for mobile devices are often optimized for metrics such as FLOPs or parameter count. However, these metrics may not correlate well with latency of the network when deployed on a mobile device. Therefore, we perform extensive analysis of different metrics by deploying several mobile-friendly networks on a mobile device. We identify and analyze architectural and optimization bottlenecks in recent efficient neural networks and provide ways to mitigate these bottlenecks. To this end, we design an efficient backbone MobileOne, with variants achieving an inference…Apple Machine Learning Research

APE: Aligning Pretrained Encoders to Quickly Learn Aligned Multimodal Representations

This paper was accepted at the workshop “Has It Trained Yet?” at NeurIPS.
Recent advances in learning aligned multimodal representations have been primarily driven by training large neural networks on massive, noisy paired-modality datasets. In this work, we ask whether it is possible to achieve similar results with substantially less training time and data. We achieve this by taking advantage of existing pretrained unimodal encoders and careful curation of alignment data relevant to the downstream task of interest. We study a natural approach to aligning existing encoders via small auxiliary…Apple Machine Learning Research

TRACT: Denoising Diffusion Models with Transitive Closure Time-Distillation

Denoising Diffusion models have demonstrated their proficiency for generative sampling. However, generating good samples often requires many iterations. Consequently, techniques such as binary time-distillation (BTD) have been proposed to reduce the number of network calls for a fixed architecture. In this paper, we introduce TRAnsitive Closure Time-distillation (TRACT), a new method that extends BTD. For single step diffusion,TRACT improves FID by up to 2.4x on the same architecture, and achieves new single-step Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models (DDIM) state-of-the-art FID (7.4 for…Apple Machine Learning Research

Variable Attention Masking for Configurable Transformer Transducer Speech Recognition

This work studies the use of attention masking in transformer transducer based speech recognition for building a single configurable model for different deployment scenarios. We present a comprehensive set of experiments comparing fixed masking, where the same attention mask is applied at every frame, with chunked masking, where the attention mask for each frame is determined by chunk boundaries, in terms of recognition accuracy and latency. We then explore the use of variable masking, where the attention masks are sampled from a target distribution at training time, to build models that can…Apple Machine Learning Research

Self Supervision Does Not Help Natural Language Supervision at Scale

Self supervision and natural language supervision have emerged as two exciting ways to train general purpose image encoders which excel at a variety of downstream tasks. Recent works such as M3AE [31] and SLIP [64] have suggested that these approaches can be effectively combined, but most notably their results use small (100M samples) that is commonly used for these approaches. Here we investigate whether a similar approach can be effective when trained with a much larger amount of data. We find…Apple Machine Learning Research

Pre-trained Model Representations and their Robustness against Noise for Speech Emotion Analysis

Pre-trained model representations have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in speech recognition, natural language processing, and other applications. Speech models, such as Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and Hidden units BERT (HuBERT), have enabled generating lexical and acoustic representations to benefit speech recognition applications. We investigated the use of pre-trained model representations for estimating dimensional emotions, such as activation, valence, and dominance, from speech. We observed that while valence may rely heavily on lexical…Apple Machine Learning Research

RGI: Robust GAN-inversion for Mask-free Image Inpainting and Unsupervised Pixel-wise Anomaly Detection

Generative adversarial networks (GANs), trained on a large-scale image dataset, can be a good approximator of the natural image manifold. GAN-inversion, using a pre-trained generator as a deep generative prior, is a promising tool for image restoration under corruptions. However, the performance of GAN-inversion can be limited by a lack of robustness to unknown gross corruptions, i.e., the restored image might easily deviate from the ground truth. In this paper, we propose a Robust GAN-inversion (RGI) method with a provable robustness guarantee to achieve image restoration under unknown…Apple Machine Learning Research

I See What You Hear: A Vision-inspired Method to Localize Words

This paper explores the possibility of using visual object detection techniques for word localization in speech data. Object detection has been thoroughly studied in the contemporary literature for visual data. Noting that an audio can be interpreted as a 1-dimensional image, object localization techniques can be fundamentally useful for word localization. Building upon this idea, we propose a lightweight solution for word detection and localization. We use bounding box regression for word localization, which enables our model to detect the occurrence, offset, and duration of keywords in a…Apple Machine Learning Research

PAEDID: Patch Autoencoder-based Deep Image Decomposition for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

Unsupervised pixel-level defective region segmentation is an important task in image-based anomaly detection for various industrial applications. The state-of-the-art methods have their own advantages and limitations: matrix-decomposition-based methods are robust to noise but lack complex background image modeling capability; representation-based methods are good at defective region localization but lack accuracy in defective region shape contour extraction; reconstruction-based methods detected defective region match well with the ground truth defective region shape contour but are noisy. To…Apple Machine Learning Research