From User Perceptions to Technical Improvement: Enabling People Who Stutter to Better Use Speech Recognition

Consumer speech recognition systems do not work as well for many people with speech differences, such as stuttering, relative to the rest of the general population. However, what is not clear is the degree to which these systems do not work, how they can be improved, or how much people want to use them. In this paper, we first address these questions using results from a 61-person survey from people who stutter and find participants want to use speech recognition but are frequently cut off, misunderstood, or speech predictions do not represent intent. In a second study, where 91 people who…Apple Machine Learning Research

Robust Hybrid Learning With Expert Augmentation

Hybrid modelling reduces the misspecification of expert models by combining them with machine learning (ML) components learned from data. Similarly to many ML algorithms, hybrid model performance guarantees are limited to the training distribution. Leveraging the insight that the expert model is usually valid even outside the training domain, we overcome this limitation by introducing a hybrid data augmentation strategy termed textit{expert augmentation}. Based on a probabilistic formalization of hybrid modelling, we demonstrate that expert augmentation, which can be incorporated into…Apple Machine Learning Research

MAST: Masked Augmentation Subspace Training for Generalizable Self-Supervised Priors

Recent Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) methods are able to learn feature representations that are invariant to different data augmentations, which can then be transferred to downstream tasks of interest. However, different downstream tasks require different invariances for their best performance, so the optimal choice of augmentations for SSL depends on the target task. In this paper, we aim to learn self-supervised features that generalize well across a variety of downstream tasks (e.g., object classification, detection and instance segmentation) without knowing any task information…Apple Machine Learning Research

Diffusion Probabilistic Fields

Diffusion probabilistic models have quickly become a major approach for generative modeling of images, 3D geometry, video and other domains. However, to adapt diffusion generative modeling to these domains the denoising network needs to be carefully designed for each domain independently, oftentimes under the assumption that data lives in an Euclidean grid. In this paper we introduce Diffusion Probabilistic Fields (DPF), a diffusion model that can learn distributions over continuous functions defined over metric spaces, commonly known as fields. We extend the formulation of diffusion…Apple Machine Learning Research

More Speaking or More Speakers?

Self-training (ST) and self-supervised learning (SSL) methods have demonstrated strong improvements in automatic speech recognition (ASR). In spite of these advances, to the best of our knowledge, there is no analysis of how the composition of the labelled and unlabelled datasets used in these methods affects the results. In this work we aim to analyse the effect of number of speakers in the training data on a recent SSL algorithm (wav2vec 2.0), and a recent ST algorithm (slimIPL). We perform a systematic analysis on both labeled and unlabeled data by varying the number of speakers while…Apple Machine Learning Research

Improvements to Embedding-Matching Acoustic-to-Word ASR Using Multiple-Hypothesis Pronunciation-Based Embeddings

In embedding-matching acoustic-to-word (A2W) ASR, every word in the vocabulary is represented by a fixed-dimension embedding vector that can be added or removed independently of the rest of the system. The approach is potentially an elegant solution for the dynamic out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words problem, where speaker- and context-dependent named entities like contact names must be incorporated into the ASR on-the-fly for every speech utterance at testing time. Challenges still remain, however, in improving the overall accuracy of embedding-matching A2W. In this paper, we contribute two methods…Apple Machine Learning Research

HEiMDaL: Highly Efficient Method for Detection and Localization of wake-words

Streaming keyword spotting is a widely used solution for activating voice assistants. Deep Neural Networks with Hidden Markov Model (DNN-HMM) based methods have proven to be efficient and widely adopted in this space, primarily because of the ability to detect and identify the start and end of the wake-up word at low compute cost. However, such hybrid systems suffer from loss metric mismatch when the DNN and HMM are trained independently. Sequence discriminative training cannot fully mitigate the loss-metric mismatch due to the inherent Markovian style of the operation. We propose an low…Apple Machine Learning Research

Audio-to-Intent Using Acoustic-Textual Subword Representations from End-to-End ASR

Accurate prediction of the user intent to interact with a voice assistant (VA) on a device (e.g. a smartphone) is critical for achieving naturalistic, engaging, and privacy-centric interactions with the VA. To this end, we present a novel approach to predict the user intention (whether the user is speaking to the device or not) directly from acoustic and textual information encoded at subword tokens which are obtained via an end-to-end (E2E) ASR model. Modeling directly the subword tokens, compared to modeling of the phonemes and/or full words, has at least two advantages: (i) it provides a…Apple Machine Learning Research

Neural Transducer Training: Reduced Memory Consumption with Sample-wise Computation

The neural transducer is an end-to-end model for automatic speech recognition (ASR). While the model is well-suited for streaming ASR, the training process remains challenging. During training, the memory requirements may quickly exceed the capacity of state-of-the-art GPUs, limiting batch size and sequence lengths. In this work, we analyze the time and space complexity of a typical transducer training setup. We propose a memory-efficient training method that computes the transducer loss and gradients sample by sample. We present optimizations to increase the efficiency and parallelism of the…Apple Machine Learning Research

Continuous Pseudo-Labeling from the Start

Self-training (ST), or pseudo-labeling has sparked significant interest in the automatic speech recognition (ASR) community recently because of its success in harnessing unlabeled data. Unlike prior semi-supervised learning approaches that relied on iteratively regenerating pseudo-labels (PLs) from a trained model and using them to train a new model, recent state-of-the-art methods perform ‘continuous training’ where PLs are generated using a very recent version of the model being trained. Nevertheless, these approaches still rely on bootstrapping the ST using an initial supervised learning…Apple Machine Learning Research