Low-Resource Adaptation of Open-Domain Generative Chatbots

Recent work building open-domain chatbots has demonstrated that increasing model size improves performance. On the other hand, latency and connectivity considerations dictate the move of digital assistants on the device. Giving a digital assistant like Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant the ability to discuss just about anything leads to the need for reducing the chatbot model size such that it fits on the user’s device. We demonstrate that low parameter models can simultaneously retain their general knowledge conversational abilities while improving in a specific domain. Additionally, we…Apple Machine Learning Research

End-to-End Speech Translation for Code Switched Speech

Code switching (CS) refers to the phenomenon of interchangeably using words and phrases from different languages. CS can pose significant accuracy challenges to NLP, due to the often monolingual nature of the underlying systems. In this work, we focus on CS in the context of English/Spanish conversations for the task of speech translation (ST), generating and evaluating both transcript and translation. To evaluate model performance on this task, we create a novel ST corpus derived from existing public data sets. We explore various ST architectures across two dimensions: cascaded (transcribe…Apple Machine Learning Research

Vocal Effort Modeling in Neural TTS for Improving the Intelligibility of Synthetic Speech in Noise

We present a neural text-to-speech (TTS) method that models natural vocal effort variation to improve the intelligibility of synthetic speech in the presence of noise. The method consists of first measuring the spectral tilt of unlabeled conventional speech data, and then conditioning a neural TTS model with normalized spectral tilt among other prosodic factors. Changing the spectral tilt parameter and keeping other prosodic factors unchanged enables effective vocal effort control at synthesis time independent of other prosodic factors. By extrapolation of the spectral tilt values beyond what…Apple Machine Learning Research

Differentiable K-Means Clustering Layer for Neural Network Compression

Deep neural network (DNN) model compression for efficient on-device inference is becoming increasingly important to reduce memory requirements and keep user data on-device. To this end, we propose a novel differentiable k-means clustering layer (DKM) and its application to train-time weight clustering-based DNN model compression. DKM casts k-means clustering as an attention problem and enables joint optimization of the DNN parameters and clustering centroids. Unlike prior works that rely on additional regularizers and parameters, DKM-based compression keeps the original loss function and model…Apple Machine Learning Research

Enabling Hand Gesture Customization on Wrist-Worn Devices

We present a framework for gesture customization requiring minimal examples from users, all without degrading the performance of existing gesture sets. To achieve this, we first deployed a large-scale study (N=500+) to collect data and train an accelerometer-gyroscope recognition model with a cross-user accuracy of 95.7% and a false-positive rate of 0.6 per hour when tested on everyday non-gesture data. Next, we design a few-shot learning framework which derives a lightweight model from our pre-trained model, enabling knowledge transfer without performance degradation. We validate our approach…Apple Machine Learning Research

Learning Compressed Embeddings for On-Device Inference

In deep learning, embeddings are widely used to represent categorical entities such as words, apps, and movies. An embedding layer maps each entity to a unique vector, causing the layer’s memory requirement to be proportional to the number of entities. In the recommendation domain, a given category can have hundreds of thousands of entities, and its embedding layer can take gigabytes of memory. The scale of these networks makes them difficult to deploy in resource constrained environments, such as smartphones. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for reducing the size of an embedding…Apple Machine Learning Research

Towards Complete Icon Labeling in Mobile Applications

Accurately recognizing icon types in mobile applications is integral to many tasks, including accessibility improvement, UI design search, and conversational agents. Existing research focuses on recognizing the most frequent icon types, but these technologies fail when encountering an unrecognized low-frequency icon. In this paper, we work towards complete coverage of icons in the wild. After annotating a large-scale icon dataset (327,879 icons) from iPhone apps, we found a highly uneven distribution: 98 common icon types covered 92.8% of icons, while 7.2% of icons were covered by more than…Apple Machine Learning Research

Understanding Screen Relationships from Screenshots of Smartphone Applications

All graphical user interfaces are comprised of one or more screens that may be shown to the user depending on their interactions. Identifying different screens of an app and understanding the type of changes that happen on the screens is a challenging task that can be applied in many areas including automatic app crawling, playback of app automation macros and large scale app dataset analysis. For example, an automated app crawler needs to understand if the screen it is currently viewing is the same as any previous screen that it has encountered, so it can focus its efforts on portions of the…Apple Machine Learning Research