Use Snowflake as a data source to train ML models with Amazon SageMaker

Use Snowflake as a data source to train ML models with Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed machine learning (ML) service. With SageMaker, data scientists and developers can quickly and easily build and train ML models, and then directly deploy them into a production-ready hosted environment. Sagemaker provides an integrated Jupyter authoring notebook instance for easy access to your data sources for exploration and analysis, so you don’t have to manage servers. It also provides common ML algorithms that are optimized to run efficiently against extremely large data in a distributed environment.

SageMaker requires that the training data for an ML model be present either in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) or Amazon FSx for Lustre (for more information, refer to Access Training Data). In order to train a model using data stored outside of the three supported storage services, the data first needs to be ingested into one of these services (typically Amazon S3). This requires building a data pipeline (using tools such as Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler) to move data into Amazon S3. However, this approach may create a data management challenge in terms of managing the lifecycle of this data storage medium, crafting access controls, data auditing, and so on, all for the purpose of staging training data for the duration of the training job. In such situations, it may be desirable to have the data accessible to SageMaker in the ephemeral storage media attached to the ephemeral training instances without the intermediate storage of data in Amazon S3.

This post shows a way to do this using Snowflake as the data source and by downloading the data directly from Snowflake into a SageMaker Training job instance.

Solution overview

We use the California Housing Dataset as a training dataset for this post and train an ML model to predict the median house value for each district. We add this data to Snowflake as a new table. We create a custom training container that downloads data directly from the Snowflake table into the training instance rather than first downloading the data into an S3 bucket. After the data is downloaded into the training instance, the custom training script performs data preparation tasks and then trains the ML model using the XGBoost Estimator. All code for this post is available in the GitHub repo.

SageMaker Snowflake Architecture

Figure 1: Architecture

The following figure represents the high-level architecture of the proposed solution to use Snowflake as a data source to train ML models with SageMaker.

The workflow steps are as follows:

  1. Set up a SageMaker notebook and an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with appropriate permissions to allow SageMaker to access Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), Secrets Manager, and other services within your AWS account.
  2. Store your Snowflake account credentials in AWS Secrets Manager.
  3. Ingest the data in a table in your Snowflake account.
  4. Create a custom container image for ML model training and push it to Amazon ECR.
  5. Launch a SageMaker Training job for training the ML model. The training instance retrieves Snowflake credentials from Secrets Manager and then uses these credentials to download the dataset from Snowflake directly. This is the step that eliminates the need for data to be first downloaded into an S3 bucket.
  6. The trained ML model is stored in an S3 bucket.


To implement the solution provided in this post, you should have an AWS account, a Snowflake account and familiarity with SageMaker.

Set up a SageMaker Notebook and IAM role

We use AWS CloudFormation to create a SageMaker notebook called aws-aiml-blogpost-sagemaker-snowflake-example and an IAM role called SageMakerSnowFlakeExample. Choose Launch Stack for the Region you want to deploy resources to.

AWS Region Link
us-east-1 (N. Virginia)
us-east-2 (Ohio)
us-west-1 (N. California)
us-west-2 (Oregon)
eu-west-1 (Dublin)
ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo)

Store Snowflake credentials in Secrets Manager

Store your Snowflake credentials as a secret in Secrets Manager. For instructions on how to create a secret, refer to Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret.

  1. Name the secret snowflake_credentials. This is required because the code in snowflake-load-dataset.ipynb expects the secret to be called that.
  2. Create the secret as a key-value pair with two keys:
    • username – Your Snowflake user name.
    • password – The password associated with your Snowflake user name.

Ingest the data in a table in your Snowflake account

To ingest the data, complete the following steps:

  1. On the SageMaker console, choose Notebooks in the navigation pane.
  2. Select the notebook aws-aiml-blogpost-sagemaker-snowflake-example and choose Open JupyterLab.

    Figure 2: Open JupyterLab

    Figure 2: Open JupyterLab

  3. Choose snowflake-load-dataset.ipynb to open it in JupyterLab. This notebook will ingest the California Housing Dataset to a Snowflake table.
  4. In the notebook, edit the contents of the following cell to replace the placeholder values with the one matching your snowflake account:
    sf_account_id = "your-snowflake-account-id"

  5. On the Run menu, choose Run All Cells to run the code in this notebook. This will download the dataset locally into the notebook and then ingest it into the Snowflake table.

    Figure 3: Notebook Run All Cells

    Figure 3: Notebook Run All Cells

The following code snippet in the notebook ingests the dataset into Snowflake. See the snowflake-load-dataset.ipynb notebook for the full code.

# connect to Snowflake Table schema
conn.cursor().execute(f"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {schema}")
conn.cursor().execute(f"USE SCHEMA {schema}")

create_table_sql = f"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {db}.{schema}.{table}n ("

california_housing.rename(columns=str.upper, inplace=True)
# iterating through the columns
for col in california_housing.columns:
    column_name = col.upper()

if (california_housing[col] == "int" or california_housing[col] == "int64"):
    create_table_sql = create_table_sql + column_name + " int"
elif california_housing[col] == "object":
    create_table_sql = create_table_sql + column_name + " varchar(16777216)"
elif california_housing[col] == "datetime64[ns]":
    create_table_sql = create_table_sql + column_name + " datetime"
elif california_housing[col] == "float64":
    create_table_sql = create_table_sql + column_name + " float8"
elif california_housing[col] == "bool":
    create_table_sql = create_table_sql + column_name + " boolean"
    create_table_sql = create_table_sql + column_name + " varchar(16777216)"

# Deciding next steps. Either column is not the last column (add comma) else end create_tbl_statement
if california_housing[col].name != california_housing.columns[-1]:
    create_table_sql = create_table_sql + ",n"
    create_table_sql = create_table_sql + ")"

# execute the SQL statement to create the table
conn.cursor().execute('TRUNCATE TABLE IF EXISTS ' + snowflake_table)
  1. Close the notebook after all cells run without any error. Your data is now available in Snowflake. The following screenshot shows the california_housing table created in Snowflake.

    Figure 4: Snowflake Table

    Figure 4: Snowflake Table

Run the sagemaker-snowflake-example.ipynb notebook

This notebook creates a custom training container with a Snowflake connection, extracts data from Snowflake into the training instance’s ephemeral storage without staging it in Amazon S3, and performs Distributed Data Parallel (DDP) XGBoost model training on the data. DDP training is not required for model training on such a small dataset; it is included here for illustration of yet another recently released SageMaker feature.

Figure 5: Open SageMaker Snowflake Example Notebook

Figure 5: Open SageMaker Snowflake Example Notebook

Create a custom container for training

We now create a custom container for the ML model training job. Note that root access is required for creating a Docker container. This SageMaker notebook was deployed with root access enabled. If your enterprise organization policies don’t allow root access to cloud resources, you may want to use the following Docker file and shell scripts to build a Docker container elsewhere (for example, your laptop) and then push it to Amazon ECR. We use the container based on the SageMaker XGBoost container image with the following additions:

  • The Snowflake Connector for Python to download the data from the Snowflake table to the training instance.
  • A Python script to connect to Secrets Manager to retrieve Snowflake credentials.

Using the Snowflake connector and Python script ensures that users who use this container image for ML model training don’t have to write this code as part of their training script and can use this functionality that is already available to them.

The following is the Dockerfile for the training container:

# Build an image that can be used for training in Amazon SageMaker, we use
# the SageMaker XGBoost as the base image as it contains support for distributed
# training.


RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends 
   && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip

# Here we get snowflake-connector python package.
# pip leaves the install caches populated which uses a 
# significant amount of space. These optimizations save a fair 
# amount of space in the image, which reduces start up time.
RUN pip --no-cache-dir install snowflake-connector-python==2.8.3  

# Include python script for retrieving Snowflake credentials 
# from AWS SecretsManager

The container image is built and pushed to Amazon ECR. This image is used for training the ML model.

Train the ML model using a SageMaker Training job

After we successfully create the container image and push it to Amazon ECR, we can start using it for model training.

  1. We create a set of Python scripts to download the data from Snowflake using the Snowflake Connector for Python, prepare the data and then use the XGBoost Regressor to train the ML model. It is the step of downloading the data directly to the training instance that avoids having to use Amazon S3 as the intermediate storage for training data.
  2. We facilitate Distributed Data Parallel training by having the training code download a random subset of the data such that each training instance downloads an equal amount of data from Snowflake. For example, if there are two training nodes, then each node downloads a random sample of 50% of the rows in the Snowflake table.See the following code:
    Read the HOUSING table (this is the california housing dataset  used by this example)
    import pandas as pd
    import snowflake.connector
    def data_pull(ctx: snowflake.connector.SnowflakeConnection, table: str, hosts: int) -> pd.DataFrame:
        # Query Snowflake HOUSING table for number of table records
        sql_cnt = f"select count(*) from {table};"
        df_cnt = pd.read_sql(sql_cnt, ctx)
        # Retrieve the total number of table records from dataframe
        for index, row in df_cnt.iterrows():
            num_of_records = row.astype(int)
            list_num_of_rec = num_of_records.tolist()
        tot_num_records = list_num_of_rec[0]
        record_percent = str(round(100/hosts))
        print(f"going to download a random {record_percent}% sample of the data")
        # Query Snowflake HOUSING table
        sql = f"select * from {table} sample ({record_percent});"
        # Get the dataset into Pandas
        df = pd.read_sql(sql, ctx)
        print(f"read data into a dataframe of shape {df.shape}")
        # Prepare the data for ML
        print(f"final shape of dataframe to be used for training {df.shape}")
        return df

  3. We then provide the training script to the SageMaker SDK Estimator along with the source directory so that all the scripts we create can be provided to the training container when the training job is run using the method:
    custom_img_uri = f"{account_id}.dkr.ecr.{region}{custom_img_name}:{custom_img_tag}"
    # Create Sagemaker Estimator
    xgb_script_mode_estimator = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(
        image_uri = custom_img_uri,
        output_path="s3://{}/{}/output".format(bucket, prefix),
        subnets = subnet_ids,
    # start the training job

    For more information, refer to Prepare a Scikit-Learn Training Script.

  4. After the model training is complete, the trained model is available as a model.tar.gz file in the default SageMaker bucket for the Region:
print(f"the trained model is available in Amazon S3 -> {xgb_script_mode_estimator.model_data}")

You can now deploy the trained model for getting inference on new data! For instructions, refer to Create your endpoint and deploy your model.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources. You can do this by deleting the CloudFormation template used to create the IAM role and SageMaker notebook.

Figure 6: Cleaning Up

You will have to delete the Snowflake resources manually from the Snowflake console.


In this post, we showed how to download data stored in a Snowflake table to a SageMaker Training job instance and train an XGBoost model using a custom training container. This approach allows us to directly integrate Snowflake as a data source with a SageMaker notebook without having the data staged in Amazon S3.

We encourage you to learn more by exploring the Amazon SageMaker Python SDK and building a solution using the sample implementation provided in this post and a dataset relevant to your business. If you have questions or suggestions, leave a comment.

About the authors

Amit Arora is an AI and ML specialist architect at Amazon Web Services, helping enterprise customers use cloud-based machine learning services to rapidly scale their innovations. He is also an adjunct lecturer in the MS data science and analytics program at Georgetown University in Washington D.C.

Divya Muralidharan is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. She is passionate about helping enterprise customers solve business problems with technology. She has a Masters in Computer Science from Rochester Institute of Technology. Outside of office, she spends time cooking, singing, and growing plants.

Sergey Ermolin is a Principal AIML Solutions Architect at AWS. Previously, he was a software solutions architect for deep learning, analytics, and big data technologies at Intel. A Silicon Valley veteran with a passion for machine learning and artificial intelligence, Sergey has been interested in neural networks since pre-GPU days, when he used them to predict aging behavior of quartz crystals and cesium atomic clocks at Hewlett-Packard. Sergey holds an MSEE and a CS certificate from Stanford and a BS degree in physics and mechanical engineering from California State University, Sacramento. Outside of work, Sergey enjoys wine-making, skiing, biking, sailing, and scuba-diving. Sergey is also a volunteer pilot for Angel Flight.

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How Marubeni is optimizing market decisions using AWS machine learning and analytics

How Marubeni is optimizing market decisions using AWS machine learning and analytics

This post is co-authored with Hernan Figueroa, Sr. Manager Data Science at Marubeni Power International.

Marubeni Power International Inc (MPII) owns and invests in power business platforms in the Americas. An important vertical for MPII is asset management for renewable energy and energy storage assets, which are critical to reduce the carbon intensity of our power infrastructure. Working with renewable power assets requires predictive and responsive digital solutions, because renewable energy generation and electricity market conditions are continuously changing. MPII is using a machine learning (ML) bid optimization engine to inform upstream decision-making processes in power asset management and trading. This solution helps market analysts design and perform data-driven bidding strategies optimized for power asset profitability.

In this post, you will learn how Marubeni is optimizing market decisions by using the broad set of AWS analytics and ML services, to build a robust and cost-effective Power Bid Optimization solution.

Solution overview

Electricity markets enable trading power and energy to balance power supply and demand in the electric grid and to cover different electric grid reliability needs. Market participants, such as MPII asset operators, are constantly bidding power and energy quantities into these electricity markets to obtain profits from their power assets. A market participant can submit bids to different markets simultaneously to increase the profitability of an asset, but it needs to consider asset power limits and response speeds as well as other asset operational constraints and the interoperability of those markets.

MPII’s bid optimization engine solution uses ML models to generate optimal bids for participation in different markets. The most common bids are day-ahead energy bids, which should be submitted 1 day in advance of the actual trading day, and real-time energy bids, which should be submitted 75 minutes before the trading hour. The solution orchestrates the dynamic bidding and operation of a power asset and requires using optimization and predictive capabilities available in its ML models.

The Power Bid Optimization solution includes multiple components that play specific roles. Let’s walk through the components involved and their respective business function.

Data collection and ingestion

The data collection and ingestion layer connects to all upstream data sources and loads the data into the data lake. Electricity market bidding requires at least four types of input:

  • Electricity demand forecasts
  • Weather forecasts
  • Market price history
  • Power price forecasts

These data sources are accessed exclusively through APIs. Therefore, the ingestion components need to be able to manage authentication, data sourcing in pull mode, data preprocessing, and data storage. Because the data is being fetched hourly, a mechanism is also required to orchestrate and schedule ingestion jobs.

Data preparation

As with most ML use cases, data preparation plays a critical role. Data comes from disparate sources in a number of formats. Before it’s ready to be consumed for ML model training, it must go through some of the following steps:

  • Consolidate hourly datasets based on time of arrival. A complete dataset must include all sources.
  • Augment the quality of the data by using techniques such as standardization, normalization, or interpolation.

At the end of this process, the curated data is staged and made available for further consumption.

Model training and deployment

The next step consists of training and deploying a model capable of predicting optimal market bids for buying and selling energy. To minimize the risk of underperformance, Marubeni used the ensemble modeling technique. Ensemble modeling consists of combining multiple ML models to enhance prediction performance. Marubeni ensembles the outputs of external and internal prediction models with a weighted average to take advantage of the strength of all models. Marubeni’s internal models are based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architectures, which are well documented and easy to implement and customize in TensorFlow. Amazon SageMaker supports TensorFlow deployments and many other ML environments. The external model is proprietary, and its description cannot be included in this post.

In Marubeni’s use case, the bidding models perform numerical optimization to maximize the revenue using a modified version of the objective functions used in the publication Opportunities for Energy Storage in CAISO.

SageMaker enables Marubeni to run ML and numerical optimization algorithms in a single environment. This is critical, because during the internal model training, the output of the numerical optimization is used as part of the prediction loss function. For more information on how to address numerical optimization use cases, refer to Solving numerical optimization problems like scheduling, routing, and allocation with Amazon SageMaker Processing.

We then deploy those models through inference endpoints. As fresh data is ingested periodically, the models need to be retrained because they become stale over time. The architecture section later in this post provides more details on the models’ lifecycle.

Power bid data generation

On an hourly basis, the solution predicts the optimal quantities and prices at which power should be offered on the market—also called bids. Quantities are measured in MW and prices are measured in $/MW. Bids are generated for multiple combinations of predicted and perceived market conditions. The following table shows an example of the final bid curve output for operating hour 17 at an illustrative trading node near Marubeni’s Los Angeles office.

Date Hour Market Location MW Price
11/7/2022 17 RT Energy LCIENEGA_6_N001 0 $0
11/7/2022 17 RT Energy LCIENEGA_6_N001 1.65 $80.79
11/7/2022 17 RT Energy LCIENEGA_6_N001 5.15 $105.34
11/7/2022 17 RT Energy LCIENEGA_6_N001 8 $230.15

This example represents our willingness to bid 1.65 MW of power if the power price is at least $80.79, 5.15 MW if the power price is at least $105.34, and 8 MW if the power price is at least $230.15.

Independent system operators (ISOs) oversee electricity markets in the US and are responsible for awarding and rejecting bids to maintain electric grid reliability in the most economical way. California Independent System Operator (CAISO) operates electricity markets in California and publishes market results every hour prior to the next bidding window. By cross-referencing current market conditions with their equivalent on the curve, analysts are able to infer optimal revenue. The Power Bid Optimization solution updates future bids using new incoming market information and new model predictive outputs

AWS architecture overview

The solution architecture illustrated in the following figure implements all the layers presented earlier. It uses the following AWS services as part of the solution:

  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to store the following data:
    • Pricing, weather, and load forecast data from various sources.
    • Consolidated and augmented data ready to be used for model training.
    • Output bid curves refreshed hourly.
  • Amazon SageMaker to train, test, and deploy models to serve optimized bids through inference endpoints.
  • AWS Step Functions to orchestrate both the data and ML pipelines. We use two state machines:
    • One state machine to orchestrate data collection and ensure that all sources have been ingested.
    • One state machine to orchestrate the ML pipeline as well as the optimized bidding generation workflow.
  • AWS Lambda to implement ingestion, preprocessing, and postprocessing functionality:
    • Three functions to ingest input data feeds, with one function per source.
    • One function to consolidate and prepare the data for training.
    • One function that generates the price forecast by calling the model’s endpoint deployed within SageMaker.
  • Amazon Athena to provide developers and business analysts SQL access to the generated data for analysis and troubleshooting.
  • Amazon EventBridge to trigger the data ingestion and ML pipeline on a schedule and in response to events.

Solution Architecture Diagram
In the following sections, we discuss the workflow in more detail.

Data collection and preparation

Every hour, the data preparation Step Functions state machine is invoked. It calls each of the data ingestion Lambda functions in parallel, and waits for all four to complete. The data collection functions call their respective source API and retrieve data for the past hour. Each function then stores the received data into their respective S3 bucket.

These functions share a common implementation baseline that provides building blocks for standard data manipulation such as normalization or indexation. To achieve this, we use Lambda layers and AWS Chalice, as described in Using AWS Lambda Layers with AWS Chalice. This ensures all developers are using the same base libraries to build new data preparation logics and speeds up implementation.

Data Ingestion and Preparation State Machine

After all four sources have been ingested and stored, the state machine triggers the data preparation Lambda function. Power price, weather, and load forecast data is received in JSON and character delimited files. Each record part of each file carries a timestamp that is used to consolidate data feeds into one dataset covering a time frame of 1 hour.

This construct provides a fully event-driven workflow. Training data preparation is initiated as soon as all the expected data is ingested.

ML pipeline

After data preparation, the new datasets are stored into Amazon S3. An EventBridge rule triggers the ML pipeline through a Step Functions state machine. The state machine drives two processes:

  • Check if the bid curve generation model is current
  • Automatically trigger model retraining when performance degrades or models are older than a certain amount of days

If the age of the currently deployed model is older than the latest dataset by a certain threshold—say 7 days—the Step Functions state machine kicks off the SageMaker pipeline that trains, tests, and deploys a new inference endpoint. If the models are still up to date, the workflow skips the ML pipeline and moves on to the bid generation step. Regardless of the state of the model, a new bid curve is generated upon delivery of a new hourly dataset. The following diagram illustrates this workflow. By default, the StartPipelineExecution action is asynchronous. We can have the state machine wait for the end of the pipeline before invoking the bids generation step by using the ‘Wait-for callback‘ option.

Bid Curve Generation State Machine

Step Functions Wait For Callback Option

To reduce cost and time to market in building a pilot solution, Marubeni used Amazon SageMaker Serverless Inference. This ensures that the underlying infrastructure used for training and deployment incurs charges only when needed. This also makes the process of building the pipeline easier because developers no longer need to manage the infrastructure. This is a great option for workloads that have idle periods between traffic spurts. As the solution matures and transitions into production, Marubeni will review their design and adopt a configuration more suited for predictable and steady usage.

Bids generation and data querying

The bids generation Lambda function periodically invokes the inference endpoint to generate hourly predictions and stores the output into Amazon S3.

Developers and business analysts can then explore the data using Athena and Microsoft Power BI for visualization. The data can also be made available via API to downstream business applications. In the pilot phase, operators visually consult the bid curve to support their power transaction activities on markets. However, Marubeni is considering automating this process in the future, and this solution provides the necessary foundations to do so.


This solution enabled Marubeni to fully automate their data processing and ingestion pipelines as well as reduce their predictive and optimization models’ deployment time from hours to minutes. Bid curves are now automatically generated and kept up to date as market conditions change. They also realized an 80% cost reduction when switching from a provisioned inference endpoint to a serverless endpoint.

MPII’s forecasting solution is one of the recent digital transformation initiatives Marubeni Corporation is launching in the power sector. MPII plans to build additional digital solutions to support new power business platforms. MPII can rely on AWS services to support their digital transformation strategy across many use cases.

We can focus on managing the value chain for new business platforms, knowing that AWS is managing the underlying digital infrastructure of our solutions.

– Hernan Figueroa, Sr. Manager Data Science at Marubeni Power International.

For more information on how AWS is helping energy organizations in their digital transformation and sustainability initiatives, refer to AWS Energy.

Marubeni Power International is a subsidiary of Marubeni Corporation. Marubeni Corporation is a major Japanese trading and investment business conglomerate.  Marubeni Power International mission is to develop new business platforms, assess new energy trends and technologies and manage Marubeni’s power portfolio in the Americas. If you would like to know more about Marubeni Power, check out

About the Authors

Hernan Figueroa leads the digital transformation initiatives at Marubeni Power International. His team applies data science and digital technologies to support Marubeni Power growth strategies. Before joining Marubeni, Hernan was a Data Scientist at Columbia University. He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and a B.S. in Computer Engineering.

Lino Brescia is a Principal Account Executive based in NYC. He has over 25 years of technology experience and has joined AWS in 2018. He manages global enterprise customers as they transform their business with AWS cloud services and perform large-scale migrations.

Narcisse Zekpa is a Sr. Solutions Architect based in Boston. He helps customers in the Northeast U.S. accelerate their business transformation through innovative, and scalable solutions, on the AWS Cloud. When Narcisse is not building, he enjoys spending time with his family, traveling, cooking, playing basketball, and running.

Pedram Jahangiri is an Enterprise Solution Architect with AWS, with a PhD in Electrical Engineering. He has 10+ years experience in the energy and IT industry. Pedram has many years of hands-on experience in all aspects of Advanced Analytics for building quantitative and large-scale solutions for enterprises by leveraging cloud technologies.

Sarah Childers is an Account Manager based in Washington DC. She is a former science educator turned cloud enthusiast focused on supporting customers through their cloud journey. Sarah enjoys working alongside a motivated team that encourages diversified ideas to best equip customers with the most innovative and comprehensive solutions.

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Portfolio optimization through multidimensional action optimization using Amazon SageMaker RL

Portfolio optimization through multidimensional action optimization using Amazon SageMaker RL

Reinforcement learning (RL) encompasses a class of machine learning (ML) techniques that can be used to solve sequential decision-making problems. RL techniques have found widespread applications in numerous domains, including financial services, autonomous navigation, industrial control, and e-commerce. The objective of an RL problem is to train an agent that, given an observation from its environment, will choose the optimal action that maximizes cumulative reward. Solving a business problem with RL involves specifying the agent’s environment, the space of actions, the structure of observations, and the right reward function for the target business outcome. In policy-based RL methods, the outcome of model training is often a policy, which defines a probability distribution over the actions given an observation. The optimal policy will maximize the cumulative returns obtained by the agent.

In constrained decision-making problems, the agent is tasked with choosing the optimal actions under constraints. A distinct class of such problems exists wherein, depending on the state, the agent may be only allowed to choose from a subset of all actions. The remaining actions are inadmissible.

For example, consider an autonomous car that has 10 possible speed levels. This car may only be allowed to choose from a subset of its speed levels when traversing a residential neighborhood. Here, the constraint on the speed levels is determined by the location of the car. Such parameterized constraints on the actions are common in many real-world problems. Solving such problems with RL requires incorporating the constraints in the training process. Action masking is an approach to solve RL problems that involve inadmissibility constraints in a sample efficient manner. As the name suggests, it involves masking any inadmissible actions by setting their sampling probability to zero. The following figure depicts the RL cycle with action masking. It consists of an agent, the constraints that determine the action masks, the masks, state transitions, and the observed rewards.

In this post, we describe how to implement action masking with Amazon SageMaker RL using parametric action spaces in Ray RLlib. We describe an example problem that involves discrete multidimensional action spaces and multiple constraints. To access the complete notebook for this post, see the SageMaker notebook example on GitHub.

Use case overview

We consider an example portfolio optimization problem in which an investor trades multiple asset types to maximize their total portfolio value. The portfolio consists of three different asset types, and a cash balance that simply refers to money you have in your bank account. During each investment period, the agent has to choose the quantity of each asset type that they buy or sell. The agent uses the available cash balance to finance any asset purchases. There are also transactions costs associated with each asset buy/sell action. The market price of each asset is assumed to vary across time. The prices are sampled randomly but modeled to show distinct behavior with different levels of volatility. The price ranges for the three asset classes are shown in the following figure.

The set of admissible actions for the agent are determined by parameters such as the current total portfolio value, current cash balance, the number of each types of assets held, and their current market value. For this problem, we enforce the following constraints on possible actions:

  • C1 – The agent can’t sell more units of any asset type than what they currently own. For example, if the agent has 100 units of Asset 3 at time k in their portfolio, then it can’t sell 120 units of that asset at that time.
  • C2 – Asset 3 is considered highly volatile by investors. The agent is not allowed to buy Asset 3 if the total value of their holdings in Asset 3 is above a third of their total portfolio value.
  • C3 – Consumers of the RL model have a moderate risk preference and consider Asset 2 a conservative buy. As a result, the agent is not allowed to buy Asset 2 when the total value of Asset 2 holdings cross two-thirds of the total portfolio value.
  • C4 – The agent can’t buy any assets if its current cash balance is less than $1 USD.

Set up the environment

To start, provision a SageMaker notebook instance via Amazon SageMaker Studio. For more information, see Use Amazon SageMaker Notebook instances.

Next, we implement the portfolio trading problem in a custom Open AI Gym environment and train an RL agent using SageMaker RL. A Gym environment provides an interface for the RL agent to interact with its environment, and to generate rewards and observations. The environment for the portfolio trading is located in the module. We use the __init__ method to define and initialize some environment parameters. This includes transaction costs associated with asset buy/sell actions, mean value of the asset prices, price variances, and more. We also define the observation and action spaces in the __init__ method. See the following code:

def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs): 

        self.buy_price=np.array([0.03, 0.045, 0.035]) # transaction cost per unit bought for three asset classes
        self.sell_price=np.array([0.025, 0.035, 0.03]) # transaction cost per unit sold for three asset classes[40,35,48])                         # Mean initial asset price
        self.var=np.array([4,2,7])                           # Variance of asset prices
        self.tvec=np.arange(20)                              # Length of each episode=20
        self.sig[0,:][0]+0.4*self.tvec+4*np.cos(2*math.pi*self.tvec/16)  #Functions used to model mean asset prices over time
        low,high= map(np.array,zip(*state_bounds.values()))  # Minimum and maximum values for the state variables         
        self.action_space = Tuple([Discrete(11),Discrete(11),Discrete(11)])  #Action space consisting of three discrete actions
                                     "trading_state":Box(low,high,dtype=np.float32)})  # Dictionary space consisting of trading state 
                                                                                       # and action mask

Because the agent trades three assets at any given time, the actions taken by the agent are represented using a three-dimensional action vector. The three discrete actions that make up the action vector represent the trades in each asset classes and can each take 11 possible values. The 11 discrete values encode different sell, buy, and hold actions, as shown in the following figure. For example, choosing a1=3 translates to the agent selling 20 units of the asset type 1. Assets are bought and sold in multiples of 10.

The observation space has a dictionary structure with two elements. These represent the current trading state and the current action mask values. The trading state is a 7×1 vector consisting of the quantities of each assets currently held by the agent, current cash balance, and the current market value of each of the three assets. The action mask is a 3×11 matrix with mask values corresponding to each possible action. The environment calculates the mask values at every time using an update_mask() method. Actions that violate any of the constraints C1:C4 are assigned a zero mask. The value of mask is set to be 1 for admissible actions. See the following code:

def update_mask(self):
        self.action_mask=[np.array([1.0]*x.n) for x in self.action_space.spaces]  # Set all masks to 1 
        if self.balance<1:                                                        # If balance < 1, set buy masks to zero (C4)
            for jj in range(len(self.action_mask)):
        self.action_mask[2][6:]=[0.0]*5 if (self.prices[2]*self.assets[2]/self.total_assets)>1.0/3.0 else [1.0]*5  #(C3)
        self.action_mask[1][6:]=[0.0]*5 if (self.prices[1]*self.assets[1]/self.total_assets)>2.0/3.0 else [1.0]*5  #(C2)
        for k in range(3):
            self.action_mask[k][:5]=[0.0]*(5-cap)+[1.0]*cap                                          # (C1)

At the beginning of each episode, a reset() method is called to reinitialize the trading state, observations, and other parameters. The agent starts each training episode with $1,000 USD in cash balance and zero holdings in assets. Each episode consists of 20 investment periods.

 def reset(self):
        self.assets=np.zeros(3,dtype=np.float32) # Assets owned at the beginning
        self.balance=1000                               # Initial cash balance
        self.prices=[np.random.normal(mu,var) for mu,var in zip(,self.var)]  # Sampling market prices for the assets
        self.state=np.hstack([self.assets, self.balance, self.prices])        # Initial state
        self.total_assets=self.balance               # Total portfolio value
        self.update_mask()                         # Updating action mask values
            "action_mask":list(np.float32(self.action_mask)),    # Initial state  
        return reset_state

At the beginning of every investment period, the agent samples an action based on the latest observations it recorded and updates its portfolio. This is modeled using a step() method. After the portfolio is updated, we recalculate the state. The action mask is also updated by calling the update_mask() method.

def step(self, action):    
        for index, a in enumerate (action):
            print("action is ",a)
            print("price is ",self.prices[index])
            quant=abs(a-5)                                              # Number of assets traded/10
            if a<5:                                                     # Condition: Asset sale ?
                if 10*quant*self.sell_price[index]>self.balance:        # Condition: sale cost > Balance ? 
                self.assets[index]-=10*quant                               # Asset update
                self.balance=self.balance+10*quant*(self.prices[index]-self.sell_price[index]) # Balance update
            if a>5:
                if 10*quant*(self.buy_price[index]+self.prices[index])>self.balance:          # Condition: Buy cost > Balance ?
                self.assets[index]+=10*quant                               # Asset update
                self.balance=self.balance-10*quant*(self.prices[index]+self.sell_price[index]) # Balance update
        self.prices=np.array([np.random.normal(mu,var) for mu,var in zip(self.sig[:,self.t_step],self.var)]) # New asset prices
        self.state=np.hstack([self.assets,self.balance, self.prices])                                        # New state,self.prices)                                       # Total portfolio value
        self.update_mask()                                                                                   # Mask update
            "action_mask": list(np.float32(self.action_mask)),
        if self.t_step==len(self.tvec)-1:
            reward=self.total_assets        # reward = Total portfolio value at the end of the episode
        done=True if self.t_step==len(self.tvec)-1 else False
        return obs, reward, done, {}

The reward function is defined as the final total portfolio value and calculated at the end of each episode, which happens after 20 investment periods.

Masking model

At each time step, the environment returns the dictionary state and the ML model representing the policy samples an action based on this state. A parametric action model facilitates sampling only the unmasked (mask ≠ 0) actions. Here we describe the parametric actions model that enables action masking:

class ParametricActionsModel(TFModelV2):
    def __init__(self, obs_space, action_space, num_outputs,
        model_config, name, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ParametricActionsModel, self).__init__(obs_space,
            action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name, *args, **kwargs)
        self.true_obs_shape = (7,)

        self.action_embed_model = FullyConnectedNetwork(Box(np.finfo(np.float32).min,np.finfo(np.float32).max,shape=self.true_obs_shape),
                                                       )             # action embedding model
    def forward(self, input_dict, state, seq_lens):
        action_mask= tf.cast(tf.concat(input_dict["obs"]["action_mask"], axis=1), tf.float32)  # action mask values
        action_embedding,_ = self.action_embed_model({"obs":input_dict["obs"]["trading_state"]}) # action embeddings
        logit_mod = tf.maximum(tf.math.log(action_mask),tf.float32.min)                          # moidfiers to action logits
        return (action_embedding+logit_mod), state
    def value_function(self):
        return self.action_embed_model.value_function()

Actions are sampled by the model through a Softmax function using the logits given by an action embedding model. This model is defined in the __init__ method. The masking behavior itself is implemented in the forward() method. Here, we separate the actions masks and trading state from the dictionary state retrieved from the environment. The action embeddings are then obtained by passing the trading state to the action embedding network. Next, we modify the value of embeddings of each action by adding logit_mod to the logits. Notice that logit_mod is a function of the logarithm of the action mask. For actions with mask =1, the logarithm of mask will be zero, which leaves their embeddings unperturbed. On the other hand, when mask=0, the logarithm of mask → −∞. Because Softmax(x) →0 as x→ −∞, this makes sure that masked actions aren’t sampled by the agent.

Let’s test if the mask is working as expected. We initiate a ray trainer object and mask some of the actions and see if the trainer is sampling only the unmasked actions:

import ray
import ray.rllib.agents.ppo as ppo
from ray.tune.registry import register_env
from trading import mytradingenv
from mask_model import register_actor_mask_model
import numpy as np


register_env("customtradingmodel", lambda env_config:mytradingenv(env_config))

TestEnvConfig = {

        "model": {
            "custom_model": "trading_mask"        # Define the custom masking model in the config                  

agent1 = ppo.PPOTrainer(config=TestEnvConfig,env="customtradingmodel")
env = agent1.env_creator('customtradingmodel')

The output in the following screenshot shows the initial action mask array.

Now we modify the mask vectors so that for a1, all choices except action 8 (buy 30 units of Asset 1); for a2 everything except action 5 (hold Asset 2 at current numbers); and for a3, everything except actions 1 and 2 (sell 40 or 30 units of Asset 3) are masked:

state["action_mask"]=[np.zeros([11],dtype=np.float32) for _ in range(3)]

Now that we have modified the action mask array, we try and sample a new action.

The agent samples only those actions that are unmasked. This verifies that action masking is working as expected.


Now that the environment and parametric actions model are defined, we train an agent to solve the portfolio optimization problem using SageMaker RL. We train an RL agent to learn the optimal policy to maximize the reward under the constraints C1:C4. We use the proximal policy optimization (PPO) algorithm in SageMaker RL to train the RL agent for 500,000 episodes. The following training configuration shows how we specify the agent to use the trading_mask as a custom_model to be used:

    def get_experiment_config(self):
        return {
            "training": {
                   "env": "mytradingmodel",
                   "run": "PPO",                     # Use PPO algorithm
                   "stop":{"episodes_total":500000}, # 500k training episodes
                   "config": {
                      "use_pytorch": False,
                      "gamma": 0.99,
                      "kl_coeff": 1.0,
                      "num_sgd_iter": 20,
                      "lr": 0.0001,
                      "sgd_minibatch_size": 1000,
                      "train_batch_size": 25000,
                      "monitor": True,  
                      "model": {
                          "custom_model": "trading_mask"  # Use custom action masking model                        
                      "num_workers": (self.num_cpus-1),
                      "num_gpus": self.num_gpus,
                      "batch_mode": "truncate_episodes",
                     "checkpoint_freq": 1, 

The agent starts with $1,000 USD in initial cash balance. The mean reward per episode is plotted as a function of training time, as shown in the following chart. Recall that we use the final total portfolio value as reward. At the end of 20 investment periods, we observe that the mean value of the agent’s portfolio is over $3,000 USD.

Clean up

We didn’t provision any infrastructure beyond the use of a SageMaker notebook instance. If you’re using a SageMaker notebook instance via Studio, you can shut it down by following the instructions in Shut Down an Open Notebook.


In this post, we discussed how you can implement action masking to enforce constraints in RL model training. By masking inadmissible actions, we enable the agent to sample only valid actions and learn the optimal policy in a sample efficient manner. We introduced a portfolio optimization problem wherein the agent is tasked with maximizing their portfolio value by trading three asset types under multiple constraints. We demonstrated how to implement multi-dimensional action masking for this problem using Ray RLlib. We trained an RL agent for solving the constrained portfolio optimization problem using SageMaker RL.

Now that you know how to perform action masking using SageMaker RL and Ray RLlib on portfolio optimization, you can try it on other RL problems that involve inadmissible actions. You can also adapt the action masking code developed in this post for simpler problems involving one-dimensional action space. We encourage you to apply the approach developed here to your RL use cases and let us know if you have any questions or feedback.

Additional references

For additional information and related content, see the following resources:

About the Authors

Dilshad Raihan Akkam Veettil is a Data Scientist with AWS Professional Services, where he engages with customers across industries to solve their business challenges through the use of machine learning and cloud computing. He holds a PhD in Aerospace Engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station. In his leisure time, he enjoys watching football and reading.

Paul Budnarain is an Applied Scientist in Amazon’s Inventory Forecasting Systems (IFS) group, and is based out of Los Angeles,California.

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Hosting YOLOv8 PyTorch models on Amazon SageMaker Endpoints

Hosting YOLOv8 PyTorch models on Amazon SageMaker Endpoints

Deploying models at scale can be a cumbersome task for many data scientists and machine learning engineers. However, Amazon SageMaker endpoints provide a simple solution for deploying and scaling your machine learning (ML) model inferences. Our last blog post and GitHub repo on hosting a YOLOv5 TensorFlowModel on Amazon SageMaker Endpoints sparked a lot of interest from our readers. Many readers were also interested in learning how to host the YOLOv5 model using PyTorch. To address this issue and with the recent release of the YOLOv8 model from Ultralytics, we present this post on how to host a YOLOv8 PyTorchModel on SageMaker endpoints. The YOLOv8 model, distributed under the GNU GPL3 license, is a popular object detection model known for its runtime efficiency as well as detection accuracy. Amazon SageMaker endpoints provide an easily scalable and cost-optimized solution for model deployment.

Solution overview

The following image outlines the AWS services used to host the YOLOv8 model using a SageMaker endpoint and invoke the endpoint as a user. The solution uses AWS CloudFormation to automate the creation of a SageMaker instance and clone our GitHub repository to the instance. The SageMaker notebook accesses and downloads a YOLOv8 PyTorch model and stores the custom inference code along with the model in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. The steps within the notebook highlight the creation of the SageMaker endpoint that hosts the YOLOv8 PyTorch model and the custom inference code. The notebook also demonstrates how to test the endpoint and plot the results. The solution consists of the following steps:

  1. We have created a GitHub repository with two notebooks 1_DeployEndpoint.ipynb and 2_TestEndpoint.ipynb, under the sm-notebook/ directory.
  2. AWS CloudFormation template runs, creates a SageMaker Notebook instance, and then clones the GitHub repository.
  3. The notebook 1_DeployEndpoint.ipynb is used to download the YOLOv8 model.
  4. The YOLOv8 model and inference code are stored as model.tar.gz in Amazon S3.
  5. A SageMaker endpoint is created by hosting the model.tar.gz.
  6. The notebook 2_TestEndpoint.ipynb is used to test the endpoint and gather results.


AWS Account with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles that provides access to:

  • AWS CloudFormation
  • Amazon SageMaker
  • Amazon S3

1. Host YOLOv8 on a SageMaker endpoint

Ultralytics has multiple YOLOv8 models with different capabilities. They are subdivided into the following:

  • Object Detection (,,,,,
  • Segmentation (,,,,
  • Classification (,,,,

In this blog, we focus on object detection using PyTorch model. In order to host the YOLOv8 model and the custom inference code on SageMaker endpoint, they need to be compressed together into a single model.tar.gz with the following structure:

        ├─ code/
        │    ├──
        │    └── requirements.txt

The model weights file must be outside the code/ directory and the main inference python script, which contains the functions needed for loading the model, parsing the input, running the inference, and post-processing the output, should reside under code/ directory. Further details on are presented in the following section.

1.1. Custom inference code

Depending on your pipeline and code workflow, inputs to and outputs from SageMaker endpoints can vary. In this post, we present a workflow for passing a numpy array to the endpoint and processing. However, the inputs to the endpoint can be json or text as well. Depending on your workflow, you must modify the functions in to accommodate different inputs and outputs. In addition, with the recent release of YOLOv8, the Ultralytics team released their Python API, which allows us to install the YOLO library directly through requirements.txt and import the model in

1.1.1. Contents of code/

import numpy as np
import torch, os, json, io, cv2, time
from ultralytics import YOLO

def model_fn(model_dir):
    print("Executing model_fn from ...")
    env = os.environ
    model = YOLO("/opt/ml/model/code/" + env['YOLOV8_MODEL'])
    return model

def input_fn(request_body, request_content_type):
    print("Executing input_fn from ...")
    if request_content_type:
        jpg_original = np.load(io.BytesIO(request_body),
        jpg_as_np = np.frombuffer(jpg_original, 
        img = cv2.imdecode(jpg_as_np, flags=-1)
        raise Exception("Unsupported content type: " + request_content_type)
    return img

def predict_fn(input_data, model):
    print("Executing predict_fn from ...")
    device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
    with torch.no_grad():
        result = model(input_data)
    return result

def output_fn(prediction_output, content_type):
    print("Executing output_fn from ...")
    infer = {}
    for result in prediction_output:
        if result.boxes:
            infer['boxes'] = result.boxes.numpy().data.tolist()
        if result.masks:
            infer['masks'] = result.masks.numpy().data.tolist()
        if result.probs:
            infer['probs'] = result.probs.numpy().data.tolist()
    return json.dumps(infer)

1.1.2. Contents of code/requirements.txt:


Once all the file contents for model.tar.gz are finalized, run the following command to create a tar ball:

$ tar -czvf model.tar.gz code/

1.2. Host model.tar.gz to SageMaker endpoint:

This involves a few steps wherein the model.tar.gz is first uploaded to the S3 bucket. The uploaded artifact is used to create a SageMaker PyTorchModel. And finally, this PyTorchModel is used to deploy the model to a SageMaker Endpoint.

1.2.1. Upload model and inference code to S3:

from sagemaker import s3

bucket = "s3://NAME_OF_BUCKET"
prefix = "yolov8/demo-custom-endpoint"
model_data = s3.S3Uploader.upload("model.tar.gz", bucket + "/" + prefix)

1.2.2. Create SageMaker PyTorchModel:

from sagemaker.pytorch import PyTorchModel

model_name = ''

model = PyTorchModel(entry_point='',
                     env={'TS_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE':'20000000', 'YOLOV8_MODEL': model_name},

1.2.3. Compile and host the model to an endpoint:

from sagemaker.deserializers import JSONDeserializer

INSTANCE_TYPE = 'ml.m5.4xlarge'
ENDPOINT_NAME = 'yolov8-pytorch-' + str(datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f'))

predictor = model.deploy(initial_instance_count=1,

2. Test the SageMaker endpoint

Once the endpoint is successfully hosted, it can be used to run inference. In this step, we will first read an image, convert it to bytes and run inference by passing the bytes as an input to the endpoint. The results generated would have either bounding boxes or masks or confidence scores based on the type of YOLOv8 model used for hosting. The output can be plotted accordingly.

2.1.1. Generate inference results and plot output:

import cv2, random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

orig_image = cv2.imread('bus.jpg')

image_height, image_width, _ = orig_image.shape
model_height, model_width = 300, 300
x_ratio = image_width/model_width
y_ratio = image_height/model_height

resized_image = cv2.resize(orig_image, (model_height, model_width))
payload = cv2.imencode('.jpg', resized_image)[1].tobytes()
result = predictor.predict(payload)

if 'boxes' in result:
    for idx,(x1,y1,x2,y2,conf,lbl) in enumerate(result['boxes']):
        # Draw Bounding Boxes
        x1, x2 = int(x_ratio*x1), int(x_ratio*x2)
        y1, y2 = int(y_ratio*y1), int(y_ratio*y2)
        color = (random.randint(10,255), random.randint(10,255), random.randint(10,255))
        cv2.rectangle(orig_image, (x1,y1), (x2,y2), color, 4)
        cv2.putText(orig_image, f"Class: {int(lbl)}", (x1,y1-40), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, color, 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
        cv2.putText(orig_image, f"Conf: {int(conf*100)}", (x1,y1-10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, color, 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
        if 'masks' in result:
            # Draw Masks
            mask = cv2.resize(np.asarray(result['masks'][idx]), dsize=(image_width, image_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
            for c in range(3):
                orig_image[:,:,c] = np.where(mask>0.5, orig_image[:,:,c]*(0.5)+0.5*color[c], orig_image[:,:,c])

if 'probs' in result:
    # Find Class
    lbl = result['probs'].index(max(result['probs']))
    color = (random.randint(10,255), random.randint(10,255), random.randint(10,255))
    cv2.putText(orig_image, f"Class: {int(lbl)}", (20,20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, color, 2, cv2.LINE_AA)

plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(orig_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))

2.1.2. Results:

The output of object detection and segmentation YOLOv8 models is shown in the following images:

3. Clean up

Deleting the CloudFormation stack would remove all the resources that were originally created. However, the CloudFormation is not currently configured to automatically remove the endpoint, endpoint configuration, and the model. If the hosted endpoint is not being used, it is a good practice to remove it to save costs. It can be done as follows:

import boto3

sm_client = boto3.client(service_name="sagemaker")

response = sm_client.describe_endpoint_config(EndpointConfigName=endpoint_name)
endpoint_config_name = response['EndpointConfigName']

# Delete Endpoint

# Delete Endpoint Configuration

# Delete Model
for prod_var in response['ProductionVariants']:
    model_name = prod_var['ModelName']


In this post, we demonstrated how to host a pre-trained YOLOv8 PyTorchModel on a SageMaker endpoint and test the inference results by invoking the endpoint. The detailed code is available on GitHub, and the template CloudFormation stack is available on GitHub as well.

To learn more about SageMaker endpoints, please check out Create your endpoint and deploy your model and Use PyTorch with Amazon SageMaker, which highlights using PyTorchModel on SageMaker. The process can be automated using CloudFormation support for SageMaker.

About the authors

Kevin Song is a Data Scientist at AWS Professional Services. He holds a PhD in Biophysics and has more than five years of industry experience in building computer vision and machine learning solutions.

Romil Shah is an IoT Edge Data Scientist at AWS Professional Services. Romil has more than six years of industry experience in computer vision, machine learning, and IoT edge devices. He is involved in helping customers optimize and deploy their machine learning models for edge devices in an industrial setup.

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Four approaches to manage Python packages in Amazon SageMaker Studio notebooks

Four approaches to manage Python packages in Amazon SageMaker Studio notebooks

This post presents and compares options and recommended practices on how to manage Python packages and virtual environments in Amazon SageMaker Studio notebooks. A public GitHub repo provides hands-on examples for each of the presented approaches.

Amazon SageMaker Studio is a web-based, integrated development environment (IDE) for machine learning (ML) that lets you build, train, debug, deploy, and monitor your ML models. Studio provides all the tools you need to take your models from data preparation to experimentation to production while boosting your productivity.

Studio notebooks are collaborative Jupyter notebooks that you can launch quickly because you don’t need to set up compute instances and file storage beforehand. When you open a notebook in Studio, you are prompted to set up your environment by choosing a SageMaker image, a kernel, an instance type, and, optionally, a lifecycle configuration script that runs on image startup.

For more details on Studio notebook concepts and other aspects of the architecture, refer to Dive deep into Amazon SageMaker Studio Notebooks architecture.

Studio notebooks are designed to support you in all phases of your ML development, for example, ideation, experimentation, and operationalization of an ML workflow. Studio comes with pre-built images that include the latest Amazon SageMaker Python SDK and, depending on the image type, other specific packages and resources, such as Spark, MXNet, or PyTorch framework libraries, and their required dependencies. Each image can host one or multiple kernels, which can be different virtual environments for development.

To ensure the best fit for your development process and phases, access to specific or latest ML frameworks, or to fulfil data access and governance requirements, you can customize the pre-built notebook environments or create new environments using your own images and kernels.

This post considers the following approaches for customizing Studio environments by managing packages and creating Python virtual environments in Studio notebooks:

  • Use a custom Studio KernelGateway app image
  • Use Studio notebook lifecycle configurations
  • Use the Studio Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) volume to persist Conda environments
  • Use pip install

Studio KernelGateway apps and notebooks kernels

One of the main differences of Studio notebooks architecture compared to SageMaker notebook instances is that Studio notebook kernels run in a Docker container, called a SageMaker image container, rather than hosted directly on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, which is the case with SageMaker notebook instances.

The following diagram shows the relations between KernelGateway, notebook kernels, and SageMaker images. (For more information, see Use Amazon SageMaker Studio Notebooks.)

Because of this difference, there are some specifics of how you create and manage virtual environments in Studio notebooks, for example usage of Conda environments or persistence of ML development environments between kernel restarts.

The following sections explain each of four environment customization approaches in detail, provide hands-on examples, and recommend use cases for each option.


To get started with the examples and try the customization approaches on your own, you need an active SageMaker domain and at least one user profile in the domain. If you don’t have a domain, refer to the instructions in Onboard to Amazon SageMaker Domain.

Studio KernelGateway custom app images

A Studio KernelGateway app image is a Docker container that identifies the kernels, language packages, and other dependencies required to run a Jupyter notebook in Studio. You use these images to create environments that you then run Jupyter notebooks on. Studio provides many built-in images for you to use.

If you need different functionality, specific frameworks, or library packages, you can bring your own custom images (BYOI) to Studio.

You can create app images and image versions, attach image versions to your domain, and make an app available for all domain users or for specific user profiles. You can manage app images via the SageMaker console, the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3), and the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). The custom image needs to be stored in an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) repository.

The main benefits of this approach are a high level of version control and reproducibility of an ML runtime environment and immediate availability of library packages because they’re installed in the image. You can implement comprehensive tests, governance, security guardrails, and CI/CD automation to produce custom app images. Having snapshots of development environments facilitates and enforces your organization’s guardrails and security practices.

The provided notebook implements an app image creation process for Conda-based environments. The notebook demonstrates how you can create multi-environment images so the users of the app can have a selection of kernels they can run their notebooks on.

Configure a custom app image

You must run this notebook as a SageMaker notebook instance to allow using Docker locally and run Docker commands in the notebook. Alternatively to using notebook instances or shell scripts, you can use the Studio Image Build CLI to work with Docker in Studio. The Studio Image Build CLI lets you build SageMaker-compatible Docker images directly from your Studio environments by using AWS CodeBuild.

If you don’t have a SageMaker notebook instance, follow the instructions in Create an Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instance to get started.

You must also ensure that the execution role you use for a notebook instance has the required permissions for Amazon ECR and SageMaker domain operations:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:ecr:<REGION>:<ACCOUNT ID>:repository/<YOUR REPOSITORY NAME>"

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:sagemaker:<REGION>:<ACCOUNT ID>:domain/<YOUR DOMAIN ID>"

To create a custom image with two kernels, each with their own Conda virtual environment, the notebook implements the following steps:

  1. Define the Conda environments. The Conda environment must have a Jupyter kernel package installed, for example, ipykernel for Python kernel.
  2. Define a Dockerfile. Consider the custom SageMaker image specifications when creating your own image.
  3. Build a Docker image compatible with Studio and push the image into the ECR repository.
  4. Create a SageMaker image with the Docker image from the ECR repository and create an initial image version. Every time you update the image in Amazon ECR, a new image version must be created.
  5. Update an existing SageMaker domain to use this image. For this operation, the execution role needs the UpdateDomain permission. The image is immediately available to all user profiles of the domain. If you want to make the image available only for a specific user profile, you can use the UpdateUserProfile API call instead of UpdateDomain.
  6. Launch the custom image in Studio. Start a new notebook and choose the new image on the image selection drop-down menu.

Studio automatically recognizes the Conda environments in your image as corresponding kernels in the kernel selection drop-down menu in the Set up notebook environment widget.

Refer to these sample notebooks for more examples and use cases on custom app image implementation.

Clean up

To avoid charges, you must stop the active SageMaker notebook instances. For instructions, refer to Clean up.

Implement an automated image authoring process

As already mentioned, you can use the Studio Image Build CLI to implement an automated CI/CD process of app image creation and deployment with CodeBuild and sm-docker CLI. It abstracts the setup of your Docker build environments by automatically setting up the underlying services and workflow necessary for building Docker images.

Recommended use cases

The custom app image approach is a good fit for the following scenarios when using a Studio notebook environment:

  • Stable and controlled environments for production or sensitive development use
  • Environments without internet access, where you want to pre-package all needed resources and libraries into the image
  • High environment reuse ratio and low rate of changes in the environments
  • High scale of data science operations, dozens or hundreds of developers or teams who need access to standardized custom environments
  • Use libraries that can’t be configured on the SageMaker first-party images
  • Requirements to use custom images for a different OS or different programming language
  • Centralized governance and environment development using automated CI/CD pipelines

Limitations of this approach

This approach requires a multi-step image creation process including tests, which might be overkill for smaller or very dynamic environments. Furthermore, consider the following limitations of the approach:

  • An upfront effort is needed to add new packages or create new versions of an image. As mitigation, you can customize the existing custom image with pip, even if it’s not persistent.
  • Attaching a new custom image or adding a new version to the domain requires the UpdateDomain permission, which isn’t normally attached to the user profile execution role. We recommend using an automated pipeline with a dedicated execution role to perform this operation or give the permission to update a domain to a dedicated admin user or role.
  • A high manual effort for image authoring is involved. We recommend implementing an automated pipeline if you produce and update custom images frequently.
  • If you use Conda environments, you might encounter issues with it in Docker environment. For an example, refer to Activating a Conda environment in your Dockerfile. Not all Conda commands may work in the notebook virtual environment. However, this Studio customization approach is not limited to Conda-based environments.
  • You can’t manually switch between Conda environments in the notebook; you must switch kernels in the notebook environment setup widget.

Also consider that there are default quotas of 30 custom images per domain and 5 images per user profile. These are soft limits and can be increased.

The next sections describe more lightweight approaches that may be a better fit for other use cases.

Studio notebook lifecycle configurations

Studio lifecycle configurations define a shell script that runs at each restart of the kernel gateway application and can install the required packages. The main benefit is that a data scientist can choose which script to run to customize the container with new packages. This option doesn’t require rebuilding the container and in most cases doesn’t require a custom image at all because you can customize the pre-built ones.

Set up a lifecycle configuration process

This process takes around 5 minutes to complete. The post demonstrates how to use the lifecycle configurations via the SageMaker console. The provided notebook shows how to implement the same programmatically using Boto3.

  1. On the SageMaker console, choose Lifecycle configurations in the navigation pane.
  2. On the Studio tab, choose Create configuration.

The first step to create the lifecycle configuration is to select the type.

  1. For this use case of installing dependencies each time a Jupyter kernel gateway app is created, choose Jupyter kernel gateway app and choose Next.
  2. For Name, enter a name for the configuration.
  3. In the Scripts section, define the script to be run when the kernel starts. For this example, the PyArrow library will be installed with the following script:
    # This script installs a single pip package on a SageMaker Studio Kernel Application
    set -eux
    pip install --upgrade $PACKAGE

  4. Choose Create Configuration.

Now that the configuration has been created, it needs to be attached to a domain or user profile. When attached to the domain, all user profiles in that domain inherit it, whereas when attached to a user profile, it is scoped to that specific profile. For this walkthrough, we use the Studio domain route.

  1. Choose Domains in the navigation pane and open your existing domain.
  2. On the Environment tab, in the Lifecycle configurations for personal Studio apps section, choose Attach.
  3. For Source, select Existing configuration.
  4. Select the lifecycle configuration you created and choose Attach to domain.

Now that all the configuration is done, it’s time to test the script within Studio.

  1. Launch Studio and on the Launcher tab, locate the Notebooks and compute resources section, and choose Change environment to select the lifecycle configuration you created.
  2. For Start-up script, choose the lifecycle configuration you created, then choose Select.
  3. Choose Create notebook.

You can also set the Lifecycle configuration to be run by default in the Lifecycle configurations for personal Studio apps section of the Domain page.

Within the new notebook, the dependencies installed in the startup script will be available.

Recommended use cases

This approach is lightweight but also powerful because it allows you to control the setup of your notebook environment via shell scripts. The use cases that best fit this approach are the following:

  • Integrating package installations in the notebook lifecycle configuration that must run at each kernel start.
  • Environments without internet access. Use lifecycle configurations to set up an environment to access local or security artifact and package repositories, such as AWS CodeArtifact.
  • If you already use lifecycle configurations, you can extend them to include package install.
  • Installation of a few additional packages on top of built-in or custom app images.
  • When you need a shorter time to market than with custom app images.

Limitations of this approach

The main limitations are a high effort to manage lifecycle configuration scripts at scale and slow installation of packages. Depending on how many packages are installed and how large they are, the lifecycle script might even timeout. There are also limited options for ad hoc script customization by users, such as data scientists or ML engineers, due to permissions of the user profile execution role.

Refer to SageMaker Studio Lifecycle Configuration Samples for more samples and use cases.

Persist Conda environments to the Studio EFS volume

SageMaker domains and Studio use an EFS volume as a persistent storage layer. You can save your Conda environments on this EFS volume. These environments are persistent between kernel, app, or Studio restart. Studio automatically picks up all environments as KernelGateway kernels.

This is a straightforward process for a data scientist, but there is a 1-minute delay for the environment to appear in the list of selectable kernels. There also might be issues with using environments for kernel gateway apps that have different compute requirements, for example a CPU-based environment on a GPU-based app.

Refer to Custom Conda environments on SageMaker Studio for detailed instructions. The post’s GitHub repo also contains a notebook with the step-by-step guide.

Create persistent Conda environments on a Studio EFS volume

This walkthrough should take around 10 minutes.

  1. On Studio, choose Home in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Open Launcher.
  3. Within the Launcher, locate the Notebooks and compute resources section.
  4. Check that the SageMaker image selected is a Conda-supported first-party kernel image such as “Data Science.”
  5. Choose Open image terminal to open a terminal window with a new kernel.

A message displays saying “Starting image terminal…” and after a few moments, the new terminal will open in a new tab.

  1. Within the terminal, run the following commands:
    mkdir -p ~/.conda/envs
    conda create --yes -p ~/.conda/envs/custom
    conda activate ~/.conda/envs/custom
    conda install -y ipykernel
    conda config --add envs_dirs ~/.conda/envs

These commands will take about 3 minutes to run and will create a directory on the EFS volume to store the Conda environments, create the new Conda environment and activate it, install the ipykernel dependencies (without this dependency this solution will not work), and finally create a Conda configuration file (.condarc), which contains the reference to the new Conda environment directory. Because this is a new Conda environment, no additional dependencies are installed. To install other dependencies, you can modify the conda install line or wait for the following commands to finish and install any additional dependencies while inside the Conda environment.

  1. For this example, we install the NumPy library by running the following command in the terminal window:
    conda install -y numpy
    python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.version.version)"

Now that the Conda environment is created and the dependencies are installed, you can create a notebook that uses this Conda environment persisted on Amazon EFS.

  1. On the Studio Launcher, choose Create notebook.
  2. From the new notebook, choose the “Python 3 (Data Science)” kernel.
  3. For Kernel, choose the newly created Conda environment, then choose Select.

If at first there is no option for the new Conda environment, this could be because it takes a few minutes to propagate.

Back within the notebook, the kernel name will have changed in the top right-hand corner, and within a cell you can test that the dependencies installed are available.

Recommended use cases

The following use cases are the best fit for this approach:

  • Environments without internet access, with all dependencies pre-installed in the persisted Conda environments
  • Ad hoc environments that need persistence between kernel sessions
  • Testing of custom SageMaker images in Studio before creating a Docker image and pushing to Amazon ECR

Limitations of this approach

Although this approach has practical uses, consider the following limitations:

  • There might be performance issues with Amazon EFS on many small files, which is very common when managing Python packages.
  • It may be challenging to share persistent environments between Studio user profiles.
  • It may be challenging to reuse persistent environments.
  • It may be challenging to address management at scale.
  • The approach works only with specific Conda-based first-party SageMaker images, for example “Data Science,” “Data Science 2.0,” and “Data Science 3.0.” For a list of all available images, refer to Available Amazon SageMaker Images.

Pip install

You can install packages directly into the default Conda environment or the default Python environment.

Create a or requirements.txt file with all required dependencies and run %pip install .-r requirement.txt. You have to run this command every time you restart the kernel or recreate an app.

This approach is recommended for ad hoc experimentation because these environments are not persistent.

For more details about using the pip install command and limitations, refer to Install External Libraries and Kernels in Amazon SageMaker Studio.

Recommended use cases

This approach is a standard way to install packages to customize your notebook environment. The recommended use cases are limited to non-production use for ad hoc experimentation in a notebook:

  • Ad hoc experimentation in Studio notebooks
  • Non-productive and non-sensitive environments, sandbox environments
  • Environments with internet access

Limitations of this approach

The main limitations of this approach are:

  • Some enterprise environments block all egress and ingress internet connections and you can’t use pip install to pull Python packages or need to configure an offline mode
  • Lower reproducibility of environments
  • Need to wait until packages are downloaded and installed
  • No persistence between image restarts


SageMaker Studio offers a broad range of possible customization of development environments. Each user role such as a data scientist; an ML, MLOps, or DevOps engineer; and an administrator can choose the most suitable approach based on their needs, place in the development cycle, and enterprise guardrails.

The following table summarizes the presented approaches along with their preferred use cases and main limitations.

Approach Persistence Best Fit Use Cases Limitations
Bring your own image Permanent, transferrable between user profiles and domains
  • Need for a stable, reproduceable, shareable, and centrally managed ML runtime
  • Reuse the same image for Studio development, and SageMaker processing and training jobs
  • Enterprise ML runtime golden images with built-in security controls and guardrails
  • Multi-step manual authoring process or needs an automated build and test pipeline
Lifecycle configurations Permanent, transferrable between user profiles and domains
  • Need for a centrally managed, reproduceable, and shareable environment
  • Need for installation of a few additional packages on top of an existing environment
  • Time limit for environment installation
  • Effort and challenges for managing at scale
Conda environments on the Studio EFS volume Permanent, not transferrable between user profiles or domains
  • Fast experimentation in a notebook with a need for persistence, reuse, and reproducibility of environments
  • Single-user self-managed environments
  • Works only with some kernels
  • Performance issues with many small files
  • Can’t share environments between users
Pip install Transient, no persistence between image or Studio restarts, not transferrable between user profiles or domains
  • Fast experimentation in a notebook
  • Single-user self-managed environments
  • Non-productive environments
  • Low reproducibility of environments
  • Potentially long package download and installation times
  • No persistence

It’s still Day 1. The real-world virtual environment and Python management is far more complex than these four approaches, but this post helps you with the first steps for developing your own use case.

You can find more use cases, details, and hands-on examples in the following resources:

About the authors

Yevgeniy Ilyin is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS). He has over 20 years of experience working at all levels of software development and solutions architecture and has used programming languages from COBOL and Assembler to .NET, Java, and Python. He develops and codes cloud native solutions with a focus on big data, analytics, and data engineering.

Alex Grace is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) who looks after Fintech Digital Native Businesses. Based in London, Alex works with a few of the UK’s leading Fintechs and enjoys supporting their use of AWS to solve business problems and fuel future growth. Previously, Alex has worked as a software developer and tech lead at Fintech startups in London and has more recently been specialising in AWS’ machine learning solutions.

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AI/ML-driven actionable insights and themes for Amazon third-party sellers using AWS

AI/ML-driven actionable insights and themes for Amazon third-party sellers using AWS

The Amazon International Seller Growth (ISG) team runs the CSBA (Customer Service by Amazon) program that supports over 200,000 third-party Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN) sellers. Amazon call centers facilitate hundreds of thousands of phone calls, chats, and emails going between the consumers and Amazon MFN sellers. The large volume of contacts creates a challenge for CSBA to extract key information from the transcripts that helps sellers promptly address customer needs and improve customer experience. Therefore, it’s critical to automatically discover insights from these transcripts, perform theme detection to analyze multiple customer conversations, and automatically present a set of themes that indicate the top reasons for customer contact, so that the customer problems are addressed in the right way and as soon as possible.

This post presents a solution that uses a workflow and AWS AI and machine learning (ML) services to provide actionable insights based on those transcripts. We use multiple AWS AI/ML services, such as Contact Lens for Amazon Connect and Amazon SageMaker, and utilize a combined architecture. This solution is tested with ISG using a small volume of data samples. In this post, we discuss the thought process, building this solution, and the outcome from the test. We believe the lessons learned and our journey presented here may help you on your own journey.

Operational landscape and business workflow

The following figure shows the recommended operational landscape with stakeholders and business workflow for ISG so that sellers can stay close to their customers anytime, anywhere. The consumer contacts Customer Service through a contact center platform and engages with the Customer Service Associate (CSA). Then the transcripts of contacts become available to CSBA to extract actionable insights through millions of customer contacts for the sellers, and the data is stored in the Seller Data Lake. Sellers use the Amazon Seller Central portal to access the analytics outcomes and take action to quickly and effectively address customer problems.

Solution overview

The following diagram shows the architecture reflecting the workflow operations into AI/ML and ETL (extract, transform, and load) services.

solution architecture

The workflow steps are as follows:

  1. We use Amazon Connect as a cloud contact center for consumer-CSA interactions. Contact Lens for Amazon Connect generates call and chat transcripts; derives contact summary, analytics, categorization of associate-customer interaction, and issue detection; and measures customer sentiments.
  2. Contact Lens then stores analytics data into an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket for long-term retention.
  3. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams collects and transfers the high-throughput analytics data, processed by AWS Lambda, and injects and stores the data into an intermediate S3 bucket. At this stage, the data contains call and chat transcripts, sentiment scores, detected issues, and categories.
  4. It triggers the Lambda functions to ingest the data stream, extract the requested data fields, and trigger inference of custom ML analyses by AWS AI/ML services, on top of Contact Lens results.In this analysis, Contact Lens provides accurate sentiment scores measuring customer satisfaction on consumer-CSA interactions. Contact Lens rules help us categorize known issues in the contact center. At this stage, ISG wanted to provide additional insights to the seller by detecting the theme through discovering previously unknown issues in seller-specific calls, performed resolutions, and specific key phrases. Here, a non-deep learning model was trained and run on SageMaker, the details of which will be explained in the following section.
  5. After the AI/ML-based analytics, all actionable insights are generated and then stored in the Seller Data Lake. The insights are shared on the Seller Central Portal for the international sellers to pinpoint the root cause and take prompt action.

In the following sections, we dive deeper into the AI/ML solution and its components.

Data labeling

In this section, we describe our approach for data labeling to identify the contact reason and resolution, and our methodology for keywords extraction for the sellers to perform root cause analysis.

Contact reason and resolution labeling

To detect the contact reason from transcripts by ML, we utilized seven Standardized Issue Codes (SICs) as the data labels from the sample data provided by ISG team:

  • Contacted seller to request cancelation
  • Tracking shows delivered but shipment not received
  • Shipment undeliverable
  • Shipment not delivered past delivery date
  • Shipment in transit to customer
  • Request Return Mailing Label (RML)
  • Item non-returnable

The contact reason labels can be further extended by adding the previously unknown issues to the seller; however, those issues had not been defined in the SIC. Unlike the contact reason, the contact resolution doesn’t have a label associated with the transcripts. The resolution categories were specified by the ISG team, and the resolutions needed to be labeled based on these categories. Therefore, we utilized Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth to create or update labels for each contact.

Ground Truth provides a data labeling service that makes it easy to label data, and gives you the option to use human annotators through Amazon Mechanical Turk, third-party vendors, or your own private workforce. For this solution, the ISG team defined for categories for contact resolution in over 140 transcript documents, which were labeled by Amazon Mechanical Turk contractors:

  • Full refund – 69 records
  • Contact seller – 52 records
  • Partial refund – 15 records
  • Other – 4 records

It only took a couple of hours for the contractors to complete the multi-label text classification contact center resolution labeling for the 140 documents, and have them reviewed by the customer. In the next step, we build the multi-class classification models, then predict the contact reason and resolution from the new call and chat transcripts coming from the customer service.

Keywords for the root cause analysis

Another challenge is to extract the keywords from the transcripts that can guide the MFN sellers on specific actions. For this example, the seller needs to capture the key information such as product information, critical timeline, problem details, and refund offered by the CSA, which may not be clear. Here we built a custom key phrases extraction model in SageMaker using the RAKE (Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction) algorithm, following the process shown in the following figure. RAKE is a domain-independent keyword extraction algorithm that determines key phrases by analyzing the frequency of word appearance and its co-occurrence with other words in the text.

keywords extraction process

After the standard document preprocessing, RAKE detects the most relevant key words and phrases from the transcript documents. The output is listed as follows:

[('im amazons chat helper .. im', 0.08224299065420558),

('jun 23 .. could', 0.041588785046728964), <== timeline

('original payment method please', 0.04112149532710279), <== resolution: refund

('amazon gift card balance', 0.04112149532710279), <== resolution: refund

('previous conversation .. let', 0.04018691588785046),

('faulty pieces would like', 0.036448598130841114), <== call reason: faulty piece

('nice day !:)..', 0.025233644859813078),

('dual fuel gas', 0.025233644859813078), <== call reason: product info

('customer service hub', 0.025233644859813078),

('5 business days', 0.025233644859813078), <== timeline

('try .. got', 0.02476635514018691),

('right place ..', 0.023364485981308407),

('item .. let', 0.023364485981308407),

('youd like help', 0.02242990654205607),

('think would help', 0.02242990654205607),

('search help pages', 0.02242990654205607),

('gbc1793w ). order', 0.02242990654205607), <== call reason: product info

('moment .. ok', 0.021962616822429903),

('charcoal combo grill', 0.021028037383177565), <== call reason: product info

('call back ..', 0.021028037383177565),

('yes please anything', 0.020093457943925228),

('chat ..', 0.014953271028037382),

('would love', 0.014018691588785043),

('looks like', 0.014018691588785043),

('bent pieces', 0.013084112149532708), <== call reason: faulty details

This method captured key phrases with high relevance scores on the critical information such as timeline (“June 23”), refund resolution (“Amazon gift card,” “in 5 business days”), product information (“charcoal combo grill,” “dual fuel gas,” “gbc1793w”) and problem details (“faulty piece,” “bent pieces”). These insights not only tell the seller that this customer has been taken care of by getting a refund, but also guide the seller to further investigate the gas grill product defect and avoid having similar issues for other customers.

Text classification model training

Contact Lens generated transcripts, contact summary, and sentiments for call and chat samples collected from ISG Customer Service. Throughout the testing, the transcription and sentiment scores were accurate as expected. Along with known issues, the ISG team also looks for detecting unknown issues from transcripts to meet the seller-specific needs such as delivery problems, product defects, the resolutions provided by the contact, and issues or key phrases leading to a return or refund.

To address this challenge, we extended our tests through custom models on SageMaker. Our experience pointed to “bag-of-words” based, more conventional (non-deep learning) models using SageMaker based on the size of the dataset and samples.

We performed the contact reason classification modeling following the three steps on SageMaker as shown in the following figure.

text classification process

The steps are as follows:

  1. Preprocessing – We used the NLTK library to lower the cases; remove punctuation, tags, markups, and white space trailing; and filter single letters, numeric values, and customized lists of stop words.
  2. Vectorization – We used the TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) method to convert the processed document into a matrix of TF-IDF features. The method quantifies the importance and relevance of words and phrases in a document with a collection of documents (corpus), then generates the features in numeric values to represent how important a word is to the document in the corpus. For this solution, we tested with specifying 750 and 1,500 features.
  3. Multi-class classification – We generated a seven-class classification model using a vectorized feature list and SIC labels. We utilized 90% of the samples for training and 10% for validation.

We tested three algorithms aiming to obtain the best-performing model:

  • First, we used the SageMaker Linear Learner algorithm with default hyperparameters and performed 10 epochs, and reached 71% accuracy for the testing set.
  • Next, we used the SageMaker built-in XGBoost algorithm, and ran automatic hyperparameter optimization (HPO) tuning on four parameters (eta, alpha, min_child_weight, max_depth), which gave us 71% accuracy for the testing set.
  • Finally, we worked with AutoGluon’s AutoML framework on SageMaker, which performs automatic modeling and hyperparameter selection with multiple models ensembling and multiple layers stacking. The framework trained 13 models and generated the final ensemble model yielding 74% accuracy for the testing set. We also tested by increasing the number of TF-IDF vectorizer features to 1,500; with the AutoGluon model, the classification accuracy on testing set can be further improved to 82%.

For our model training through AutoGluon, we used the MultilabelPredictor method from the AutoGluon library. This predictor performs multi-label prediction for tabular data. We used the sample notebook from AWS samples on GitHub. We used the same notebook by starting with importing AutoGluon libraries and defining the class for MultilabelPredictor(). To save space, we don’t show those lines in the following code snippet; you can copy/paste that part from the sample notebook. We employed the training in the file train.csv in our S3 bucket (your_path_to_s3/train.csv), specified the column used for label, and performed model training through MultilabelPredictor.

train_data = TabularDataset(‘your_path_to_s3/train.csv’)
subsample_size = 106                                                    # the sample size for training
train_data = train_data.sample(n=subsample_size, random_state=0)
labels = [‘label’]                                                      # column to predict based on the others
problem_types = ['multiclass']                                          # type of each prediction problem
save_path = ‘your_save_path_to_results’                                 # the path to your s3 bucket for results to store
time_limit = 60                                                         # number of seconds to train the TabularPredictor for each label

multi_predictor = MultilabelPredictor(labels=labels, problem_types=problem_types, path=save_path), time_limit=time_limit)

The following table lists the AI/ML services and models, and summarizes the accuracy.

. Transcripts Feature Linear Learner XGB with HPO AutoGluon
Validation set 11 750 0.91 0.82 0.82
Validation set 11 1500 0.82 0.82 0.91
Testing set 34 750 0.71 0.71 0.74
Testing set 34 1500 0.65 0.65 0.82

The following charts summarize the accuracy for the sample set based on amount of features.

text classification 750 feature text classification 1500 feature

In the following charts, we observed that the models of the decision tree with a gradient boosting machine, such as LGB, XGBoost, and Random Forest, were better choices for this type of problem for both the 750-feature models and 1,500-feature models. The neural net model is ranked lower among the 13 models, which confirmed our expectation that deep learning might not be suitable for our case.

model score time to train


With AWS AI/ML services, we can provide accurate and efficient contact reason and contact resolution detection and other actionable insights for Amazon International Seller Growth. MFN sellers can use these insights to better understand consumer problems, and take effective actions to resolve Amazon consumers’ issues, while also optimizing their process and costs.

You can tailor the solution for your contact center by developing your own custom model in SageMaker, and feeding the call and chat transcripts for training and inference. You could also apply this solution for general theme detection to analyze customer conversations in your contact center.

About the Authors

YunfeiYunfei Bai is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. With the background in AI/ML, Data Science and Analytics, Yunfei helps customers adopt AWS services to deliver business results. He designs AI/ML and Data Analytics solutions that overcome complex technical challenges and drive strategic objectives. Yunfei is a PhD in Electronic and Electrical Engineering . Outside of work, Yunfei enjoys reading and music.

BurakBurak Gozluklu is a Principal ML Specialist Solutions Architect located in Boston, MA. Burak has +15 years of industry experience in simulation modeling, data science and ML technology. He helps global customers adopting AWS technologies and especially, AI/ML solutions to achieve their business objectives. Burak has a PhD in Aerospace Eng. from METU, MS in Systems Engineering and post-doc on system dynamics from MIT in Cambridge, MA. Burak is passionate about yoga and meditation.

ChelseaChelsea Cai is a Senior Product Manager at Amazon’s International Seller Growth (ISG) organization, where she works for Customer Service by Amazon service (CSBA) helping 3P sellers improve their customer service/CX through Amazon CS technology and worldwide organizations. In her spare time, she likes philosophy, psychology, swimming, hiking, good food, and spending time with her family and friends.

AbhishekAbhishek Kumar is a Senior Product Manager at Amazon’s International Seller Growth (ISG) organization, where he develops software platforms and applications to help global 3P sellers manage their Amazon business. In his free time, Abhishek enjoys traveling, learning Italian, and exploring European cultures and cuisines with his extended Italian family.

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Announcing the Yammer connector for Amazon Kendra

Announcing the Yammer connector for Amazon Kendra

Yammer is a social networking platform designed for open and dynamic communications and collaborations within organizations. It allows you to build communities of interest, gather ideas and feedback, and keep everyone informed. It’s available via browser or mobile app, and provides a variety of common social networking features such as private and public communities, news feeds, groups of interest, instant messaging, and more. Each of these features create a huge amount of unstructured data collected over time and stored in multiple repositories. Searching through these fragmented repositories provides an enormous challenge to users, which is where Amazon Kendra comes in.

Amazon Kendra is a highly accurate and simple-to-use intelligent search service powered by machine learning (ML). Amazon Kendra offers a suite of data source connectors to simplify the process of ingesting and indexing your content, wherever it resides. Valuable data in organizations is stored in both structured and unstructured repositories. An enterprise search solution should be able to pull together data across several structured and unstructured repositories to index and search on.

We’re excited to announce that you can now use the Amazon Kendra connector for Yammer to search information stored in Yammer. In this post, we show how to index information stored in Yammer and use Amazon Kendra intelligent search to find answers to your questions accurately and quickly. In addition, the ML-powered intelligent search can accurately find information from unstructured documents containing natural language narrative content, for which keyword search isn’t very effective.

Solution overview

With Amazon Kendra, you can configure multiple data sources to provide a central place to index and search across your document repository. For our solution, we demonstrate how to index a Yammer repository using the Amazon Kendra connector for Yammer. The solution consists of the following steps:

  1. Configure the Yammer app API connector on Azure and get the connection details.
  2. Create an Amazon Kendra index.
  3. Create a Yammer data source.
  4. Run a sample query to get information.


To try out the Amazon Kendra connector for Yammer, you need the following:

Configure the Yammer app API connector and gather connection details

Before we set up the Yammer data source, we need a few details about your Yammer repository. Let’s

gather those in advance.

  1. Log in to the Azure portal using your global admin user account and choose Next.
  2. Enter your password and choose Sign in.
  3. On the Azure welcome page, choose App registrations.

Alternatively, you can search for “App Registrations” in the search bar.

  1. Choose New registration.
  2. Enter a name for the app (for example, my-yammer-connector) and choose Register.
  3. Note down the tenant ID (you need it when setting up the data source for Amazon Kendra).
  4. Next to Client credentials, choose Add a certificate or secret.
  5. Enter a description (for example, Yammer Connector Client Credentials).
  6. Choose an expiration period (for this post, 6 months).
  7. Choose Add.
  8. Save the client ID and secret ID for AWS Secrets Manager configuration.
  9. In the navigation pane, choose API permissions.

This is where you can add or remove admin permissions.

  1. Choose Add a permission and choose Yammer for Request API permissions.
  2. Choose Delegated permissions and select user_impersonation.
  3. Choose Add permissions.

Now the Yammer connector application is configured in the Azure portal. Let’s switch over to the Amazon Kendra console to complete our setup.

Create an Amazon Kendra index

You can create an Amazon Kendra index or use an existing index. For this post, we create a new index called my-yammer-index. For instructions, refer to Creating an index.

Create a Yammer data source

Complete the following steps to create your data source:

  1. On the Amazon Kendra console, choose Data sources in the navigation pane.
  2. Under Microsoft Yammer connector, choose Add connector.
  3. For Data source name, enter a name (for example, my-yammer-datasource).
  4. Enter an optional description.
  5. Choose Next.

You have the choice of creating credentials in Secrets Manager in advance. For this post, we create a secret on-demand.

  1. Configure a Secrets Manager secret with the user name, password, client ID, and secret ID you collected earlier.
  2. Choose Save.
  3. For IAM role, choose Create a new role.
  4. For Role name, choose AmazonKendra-my-yammer-iam-role.
  5. Choose Next.
  6. In the Configure sync settings section, you can optionally configure contents to sync, communities to include, and date since.
  7. Choose Sync mode and Sync run schedule.

You can choose how you want to update your index when your data source content changes. Amazon Kendra provides three types of sync modes:

  • Full sync – Amazon Kendra will sync all contents in all entities, regardless of the previous sync status
  • New or modified content sync – Amazon Kendra will only sync new or modified content
  • New, modified, or deleted content sync – Amazon Kendra will only sync new, modified, or deleted content
  1. For this post, select Full sync.
  2. For Frequency, choose Run on demand
  3. Choose Next.
  4. You can optionally set field mappings and Amazon Kendra associates data fields with the index.
  5. Choose Next.
  6. Review and choose Add data source.
  7. Choose Sync now.

The sync takes between minutes to hours based on the size of the repository Amazon Kendra is indexing.

Test the solution

Now that you have ingested the content from Yammer into your Amazon Kendra index, you can test some queries.

  1. On the Amazon Kendra console, navigate to your index and choose Search indexed content.
  2. Enter a sample search query and test out your search results (your query will vary based on the contents of your account).

The Yammer connector also crawls local identity information from Yammer. When a document is indexed into Amazon Kendra, a corresponding Access Control List (ACL) is ingested for most documents.

The ACL specifies which user names and group names are allowed or denied access to the document. Documents without an ACL are public documents. You can use this feature to narrow down your query by user.

You can use the user ID (email) to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. When you issue a query, Amazon Kendra checks the user and group information and runs the query. All the documents relevant to the query that the user has access to, including public documents, are returned.

  1. To use this feature, go back to the search results page.
  2. Expand Test query with user name or groups and choose Apply user name or groups.

For Yammer, we don’t import groups, we just import user names. User names are email IDs in this case.

  1. Enter the user ID (email) of your user and choose Apply.

The following screenshot shows the updated search results.

When fronting Amazon Kendra with an application such as an application built using Experience Builder, you can pass the user identity (in the form of the email ID) to Amazon Kendra to ensure that each user only sees content specific to their user ID. Alternately, you can use AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) to control user context being passed to Amazon Kendra to limit queries by user.

Congratulations! You have successfully used Amazon Kendra to surface answers and insights based on the content indexed from your Yammer account.


This solution has the following limitations:

  • Only the export API is available to fetch all communities. API support for fetching event details, votes about polls, and update messages is not available as of this writing.
  • Deleted entities such as messages, attachments, communities, and users are not crawled in change log crawl mode. You need to run another full crawl to get the updated information on deletion of all the entities.
  • For communities, the following are not part of indexing:
    • Community insight details
    • Community information
    • Related communities for that community
    • Files uploaded directly into the community without any attachment to a message
  • Yammer has rate limits that govern the speed of ingestion. For more information, refer to Limits in Yammer.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future costs, clean up the resources you created as part of this solution. If you created a new Amazon Kendra index while testing this solution, delete it. If you only added a new data source using the Amazon Kendra connector for Yammer, delete that data source.


With the Yammer connector for Amazon Kendra, organizations can tap into the repository of information stored in their account securely using intelligent search powered by Amazon Kendra.

To learn about these possibilities and more, refer to the Amazon Kendra Developer Guide. For more information on how you can create, modify, or delete metadata and content when ingesting your data from Yammer, refer to Enriching your documents during ingestion and Enrich your content and metadata to enhance your search experience with custom document enrichment in Amazon Kendra.

About the authors

 Senthil Ramachandran is an Enterprise Solutions Architect at AWS, supporting customers in the US North East. He is primarily focused on Cloud adoption and Digital Transformation in Financial Services Industry. Senthil’s area of interest is AI, especially Deep Learning and Machine Learning. He focuses on application automations with continuous learning and improving human enterprise experience. Senthil enjoys watching Autosport, Soccer and spending time with his family.

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Training large language models on Amazon SageMaker: Best practices

Training large language models on Amazon SageMaker: Best practices

Language models are statistical methods predicting the succession of tokens in sequences, using natural text. Large language models (LLMs) are neural network-based language models with hundreds of millions (BERT) to over a trillion parameters (MiCS), and whose size makes single-GPU training impractical. LLMs’ generative abilities make them popular for text synthesis, summarization, machine translation, and more.

The size of an LLM and its training data is a double-edged sword: it brings modeling quality, but entails infrastructure challenges. The model itself is often too big to fit in memory of a single GPU device or on the multiple devices of a multi-GPU instance. These factors require training an LLM over large clusters of accelerated machine learning (ML) instances. In the past few years, numerous customers have been using the AWS Cloud for LLM training.

In this post, we dive into tips and best practices for successful LLM training on Amazon SageMaker Training. SageMaker Training is a managed batch ML compute service that reduces the time and cost to train and tune models at scale without the need to manage infrastructure. Within one launch command, Amazon SageMaker launches a fully functional, ephemeral compute cluster running the task of your choice, and with enhanced ML features such as metastore, managed I/O, and distribution. The post covers all the phases of an LLM training workload and describes associated infrastructure features and best practices. Some of the best practices in this post refer specifically to ml.p4d.24xlarge instances, but most are applicable to any instance type. These best practices allow you to train LLMs on SageMaker in the scale of dozens to hundreds of millions of parameters.

Regarding the scope of this post, note the following:

  • We don’t cover neural network scientific design and associated optimizations. Amazon.Science features numerous scientific publications, including and not limited to LLMs.
  • Although this post focuses on LLMs, most of its best practices are relevant for any kind of large-model training, including computer vision and multi-modal models, such as Stable Diffusion.

Best practices

We discuss the following best practices in this post:

  • Compute – SageMaker Training is a great API to launch CPU dataset preparation jobs and thousand-scale GPU jobs.
  • Storage – We see data loading and checkpointing done in two ways, depending on skills and preferences: with an Amazon FSx Lustre file system, or Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) only.
  • Parallelism – Your choice of distributed training library is crucial for appropriate use of the GPUs. We recommend using a cloud-optimized library, such as SageMaker sharded data parallelism, but self-managed and open-source libraries can also work.
  • Networking – Make sure EFA and NVIDIA GPUDirectRDMA are enabled, for fast inter-machine communication.
  • Resiliency – At scale, hardware failures can happen. We recommend checkpointing regularly. Every few hours is common.

Region selection

Instance type and desired capacity is a determining factor for Region selection. For the Regions supported by SageMaker and the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance types that are available in each Region, see Amazon SageMaker Pricing. In this post, we assume the training instance type to be a SageMaker-managed ml.p4d.24xlarge.

We recommend working with your AWS account team or contacting AWS Sales to determine the appropriate Region for your LLM workload.

Data preparation

LLM developers train their models on large datasets of naturally occurring text. Popular examples of such data sources include Common Crawl and The Pile. Naturally occurring text may contain biases, inaccuracies, grammatical errors, and syntax variations. An LLM’s eventual quality significantly depends on the selection and curation of the training data. LLM training data preparation is an active area of research and innovation in the LLM industry. The preparation of a natural language processing (NLP) dataset abounds with share-nothing parallelism opportunities. In other words, there are steps that can be applied to units of works—source files, paragraphs, sentences, words—without requiring inter-worker synchronization.

The SageMaker jobs APIs, namely SageMaker Training and SageMaker Processing, excel for this type of tasks. They enable developers to run an arbitrary Docker container over a fleet of multiple machines. In the case of the SageMaker Training API, the computing fleet can be heterogeneous. Numerous distributed computing frameworks have been used on SageMaker, including Dask, Ray, and also PySpark, which have a dedicated AWS-managed container and SDK in SageMaker Processing.

When you launch a job with multiple machines, SageMaker Training and Processing run your code one time per machine. You don’t need to use a particular distributed computing framework to write a distributed application: you can write the code of your choice, which will run one time per machine, to realize share-nothing parallelism. You can also write or install the inter-node communication logic of your choice.

Data loading

There are multiple ways to store the training data and move it from its storage to the accelerated compute nodes. In this section, we discuss the options and best practices for data loading.

SageMaker storage and loading options

A typical LLM dataset size is in the hundreds of millions of text tokens, representing a few hundred gigabytes. SageMaker-managed clusters of ml.p4d.24xlarge instances propose several options for dataset storage and loading:

  • On-node NVMe SSD – ml.P4d.24xlarge instances are equipped with 8TB NVMe, available under /opt/ml/input/data/<channel> if you use SageMaker File mode, and at /tmp. If you’re seeking the simplicity and performance of a local read, you can copy your data to the NVMe SSD. The copy can either be done by SageMaker File mode, or by your own code, for example using multi-processed Boto3 or S5cmd.
  • FSx for Lustre – On-node NVMe SSDs are limited in size, and require ingestion from Amazon S3 at each job or warm cluster creation. If you’re looking to scale to larger datasets while maintaining low-latency random access, you can use FSx for Lustre. Amazon FSx is an open-source parallel file system, popular in high-performance computing (HPC). FSx for Lustre uses distributed file storage (stripping) and physically separates file metadata from file content to achieve high-performance read/writes.
  • SageMaker FastFile Mode – FastFile Mode (FFM) is a SageMaker-only feature that presents remote S3 objects in SageMaker-managed compute instances under a POSIX-compliant interface, and streams them only upon reading, using FUSE. FFM reads results in S3 calls that stream remote files block by block. As a best practice to avoid errors related to Amazon S3 traffic, FFM developers should aim to keep the underlying number of S3 calls reasonable, for example by reading files sequentially and with a controlled amount of parallelism.
  • Self-managed data loading – Of course, you may also decide to implement your own, fully custom data loading logic, using proprietary or open-source code. Some reasons to use self-managed data loading are to facilitate a migration by reusing already-developed code, to implement custom error handling logic, or to have more control on underlying performance and sharding. Examples of libraries you may use for self-managed data loading include torchdata.datapipes (previously AWS PyTorch S3 Plugin) and Webdataset. The AWS Python SDK Boto3 may also be combined with Torch Dataset classes to create custom data loading code. Custom data loading classes also enable the creative use of SageMaker Training heterogeneous clusters, to finely adapt the CPU and GPU balance to a given workload.

For more information about those options and how to choose them, refer to Choose the best data source for your Amazon SageMaker training job.

Best practices for large-scale interaction with Amazon S3

Amazon S3 is capable of handling LLM workloads, both for data reading and checkpointing. It supports a request rate of 3,500 PUT/COPY/POST/DELETE or 5,500 GET/HEAD requests per second per prefix in a bucket. However, this rate is not necessarily available by default. Instead, as the request rate for a prefix grows, Amazon S3 automatically scales to handle the increased rate. For more information, refer to Why am I getting 503 Slow Down errors from Amazon S3 when the requests are within the supported request rate per prefix.

If you expect high-frequency Amazon S3 interaction, we recommend the following best practices:

  • Try to read and write from multiple S3 buckets and prefixes. For example, you can partition training data and checkpoints across different prefixes.
  • Check Amazon S3 metrics in Amazon CloudWatch to track request rates.
  • Try to minimize the amount of simultaneous PUT/GET:
    • Have fewer processes using Amazon S3 at the same time. For example, if eight processes per nodes need to checkpoint to Amazon S3, you can reduce PUT traffic by a factor of 8 by checkpointing hierarchically: first within-node, then from the node to Amazon S3.
    • Read multiple training records from a single file or S3 GET, instead of using an S3 GET for every training record.
    • If you use Amazon S3 via SageMaker FFM, SageMaker FFM makes S3 calls to fetch files chunk by chunk. To limit the Amazon S3 traffic generated by FFM, we encourage you to read files sequentially and limit the number files opened in parallel.

If you have a Developer, Business, or Enterprise Support plan, you can open a technical support case about S3 503 Slow Down errors. But first make sure you have followed the best practices, and get the request IDs for the failed requests.

Training parallelism

LLMs commonly have dozens to hundreds of billions of parameters, making them too big to fit within a single NVIDIA GPU card. LLM practitioners have developed several open-source libraries facilitating the distributed computation of LLM training, including FSDP, DeepSpeed and Megatron. You can run those libraries in SageMaker Training, but you can also use SageMaker distributed training libraries, which have been optimized for the AWS Cloud and provide a simpler developer experience. Developers have two choices for distributed training of their LLM on SageMaker: distributed libraries or self-managed.

SageMaker distributed libraries

To provide you with improved distributed training performance and usability, SageMaker Training proposes several proprietary extensions to scale TensorFlow and PyTorch training code. LLM training is often conducted in a 3D-parallelism fashion:

  • Data parallelism splits and feeds the training mini-batches to multiple identical replicas of the model, to increase processing speed
  • Pipeline parallelism attributes various layers of the model to different GPUs or even instances, in order to scale model size beyond a single GPU and a single server
  • Tensor parallelism splits a single layer into multiple GPUs, usually within the same server, to scale individual layers to sizes exceeding a single GPU

In the following example, a 6-layer model is trained on a cluster of k*3 servers with 8*k*3 GPUs (8 GPUs per server). Data parallelism degree is k, pipeline parallelism 6, and tensor parallelism 4. Each GPU in the cluster contains one-fourth of a model layer, and a full model is partitioned over three servers (24 GPUs in total).

diagram of a 3D-parallel neural network training

The following are specifically relevant for LLMs:

  • SageMaker distributed model parallel – This library uses graph partitioning to produce intelligent model partitioning optimized for speed or memory. SageMaker distributed model parallel exposes the latest and greatest large-model training optimization, including data parallelism, pipeline parallelism, tensor parallelism, optimizer state sharding, activation checkpointing, and offloading. With the SageMaker distributed model parallel library, we documented a 175-billion parameter model training over 920 NVIDIA A100 GPUs. For more information, refer to Train 175+ billion parameter NLP models with model parallel additions and Hugging Face on Amazon SageMaker.
  • SageMaker sharded data parallel – In MiCS: Near-linear Scaling for Training Gigantic Model on Public Cloud, Zhang et al. introduce a low-communication model parallel strategy that partitions models over a data parallel group only, instead of the whole cluster. With MiCS, AWS scientists were able to achieve 176 teraflops per GPU (56.4% of the theoretical peak) for training a 210-layer 1.06-trillion-parameter model on EC2 P4de instances. MiCS is now available for SageMaker Training customers as SageMaker sharded data parallel.

SageMaker distributed training libraries provide high performance and a simpler developer experience. In particular, developers don’t need to write and maintain a custom parallel process launcher or use a framework-specific launch tool, because the parallel launcher is built into the job launch SDK.


With SageMaker Training, you have the freedom to use the framework and scientific paradigm of your choice. In particular, if you want to manage distributed training yourself, you have two options to write your custom code:

  • Use an AWS Deep Learning Container (DLC) – AWS develops and maintains DLCs, providing AWS-optimized Docker-based environments for top open-source ML frameworks. SageMaker Training has a unique integration allowing to you pull and run AWS DLCs with external, user-defined entry point. For LLM training in particular, AWS DLCs for TensorFlow, PyTorch, Hugging Face, and MXNet are particularly relevant. Using a framework DLC allows you to use framework-native parallelism, such as PyTorch Distributed, without having to develop and manage your own Docker images. Additionally, our DLCs feature an MPI integration, which allows you to launch parallel code easily.
  • Write a custom SageMaker-compatible Docker image – You can bring your own (BYO) image (see Use Your Own Training Algorithms and Amazon SageMaker Custom Training containers), either starting from scratch or extending an existing DLC image. When using a custom image for LLM training on SageMaker, it’s particularly important to verify the following:
    • Your image contains EFA with appropriate settings (discussed more later in this post)
    • Your image contains an NVIDIA NCCL communication library, enabled with GPUDirectRDMA

Customers have been able to use a number of self-managed distributed training libraries, including DeepSpeed.


Given the distributed nature of an LLM training job, inter-machine communication is critical to the feasibility, performance, and costs of the workload. In this section, we present key features for inter-machine communication and conclude with tips for installation and tuning.

Elastic Fabric Adapter

In order to accelerate ML applications, and improve performances by achieving flexibility, scalability, and elasticity provided by the cloud, you can take advantage of Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) with SageMaker. In our experience, using EFA is a requirement to get satisfactory multi-node LLM training performance.

An EFA device is a network interface attached to EC2 instances managed by SageMaker during the run of the training jobs. EFA is available on specific families of instances, including the P4d. EFA networks are capable of achieving several hundreds of Gbps of throughput.

Associated to EFA, AWS has introduced the Scalable Reliable Datagram (SRD), an ethernet-based transport inspired by the InfiniBand Reliable Datagram, evolved with relaxed packet ordering constraint. For more information about EFA and SRD, refer to In the search for performance, there’s more than one way to build a network, the video How EFA works and why we don’t use infiniband in the cloud, and the research paper A Cloud-Optimized Transport Protocol for Elastic and Scalable HPC from Shalev et al.

You can add EFA integration on compatible instances to SageMaker existing Docker containers, or custom containers that can be used for training ML models using SageMaker jobs. For more information, refer to Run Training with EFA. EFA is exposed via the open-source Libfabric communication package. However, LLM developers rarely directly program it with Libfabric, and usually instead rely on the NVIDIA Collective Communications Library (NCCL).


In distributed ML, EFA is most often used with the NVIDIA Collective Communications Library (NCCL). NCCL is an NVIDIA-developed open-source library implementing inter-GPU communication algorithms. Inter-GPU communication is a cornerstone of LLM training that catalyzes scalability and performance. It is so critical to DL training that the NCCL is often directly integrated as a communication backend in deep learning training libraries, so that LLM developers use it—sometimes without noticing—from their preferred Python DL development framework. To use the NCCL on EFA, LLM developers use the AWS-developed AWS OFI NCCL plugin, which maps NCCL calls to the Libfabric interface used by EFA. We recommend using the latest version of AWS OFI NCCL to benefit from recent improvements.

To verify that the NCCL uses EFA, you should set the environment variable NCCL_DEBUG to INFO, and check in the logs that EFA is loaded by the NCCL:

NCCL INFO NET/OFI Selected Provider is efa
NCCL INFO Using network AWS Libfabric

For more information about the NCCL and EFA configuration, refer to Test your EFA and NCCL configuration. You can further customize the NCCL with several environment variables. Note that effective in NCCL 2.12 and above, AWS contributed an automated communication algorithm selection logic for EFA networks (NCCL_ALGO can be left unset).


With the P4d instance type, we introduced GPUDirect RDMA (GDR) over EFA fabric. It enables network interface cards (NICs) to directly access GPU memory, making remote GPU-to-GPU communication across NVIDIA GPU-based EC2 instances faster, reducing orchestration overhead on CPUs and user applications. GDR is used under the hood by the NCCL, when feasible.

GDR usage appears in inter-GPU communication when the log level is set to INFO, as in the following code:

NCCL INFO Channel 00 : 9[101d0] -> 0[101c0] [receive] via NET/AWS Libfabric/1/GDRDMA
NCCL INFO Channel 00 : 1[101d0] -> 8[101c0] [send] via NET/AWS Libfabric/1/GDRDMA

Using EFA in AWS Deep Learning Containers

AWS maintains Deep Learning Containers (DLCs), many of which come with AWS-managed Dockerfiles and built containing EFA, AWS OFI NCCL, and NCCL. The following GitHub repos offer examples with PyTorch and TensorFlow. You don’t need to install those libraries yourself.

Using EFA in your own SageMaker Training container

If you create your own SageMaker Training container and want to use the NCCL over EFA for accelerated inter-node communication, you need to install EFA, NCCL, and AWS OFI NCCL. For more information, refer to Run Training with EFA. Additionally, you should set the following environment variables in your container or in your entry point code:

  • FI_PROVIDER="efa" specifies the fabric interface provider
  • NCCL_PROTO=simple instructs the NCCL to use a simple protocol for communication (currently, the EFA provider doesn’t support LL protocols; enabling them could lead to data corruption)
  • FI_EFA_USE_DEVICE_RDMA=1 uses the device’s RDMA functionality for one-sided and two-sided transfer


Managing the lifecycle and workload of dozens to hundreds of compute instances requires orchestration software. In this section, we offer best practices for LLM orchestration

Within-job orchestration

Developers must write both server-side training code and client-side launcher code in most distributed frameworks. Training code runs on training machines, whereas client-side launcher code launches the distributed workload from a client machine. There is little standardization today, for example:

  • In PyTorch, developers can launch multi-machine tasks using torchrun, torchx, torch.distributed.launch (deprecation path), or torch.multiprocessing.spawn
  • DeepSpeed proposes its own deepspeed CLI launcher and also supports MPI launch
  • MPI is a popular parallel computing framework that has the benefit of being ML-agnostic and reasonably tenured, and therefore stable and documented, and is increasingly seen in distributed ML workloads

In a SageMaker Training cluster, the training container is launched one time on each machine. Consequently, you have three options:

  • Native launcher – You can use as an entry point the native launcher of a particular DL framework, for example a torchrun call, which will itself spawn multiple local process and establish communications across instances.
  • SageMaker MPI integration – You can use SageMaker MPI integration, available in our AWS DLC, or self-installable via sagemaker-training-toolkit, to directly run your entry point code N times per machine. This has the benefit of avoiding the use of intermediary, framework-specific launcher scripts in your own code.
  • SageMaker distributed libraries – If you use the SageMaker distributed libraries, you can focus on the training code and don’t have to write launcher code at all! SageMaker distributed launcher code is built into the SageMaker SDK.

Inter-job orchestration

LLM projects often consist of multiple jobs: parameter search, scaling experiments, recovery from errors, and more. In order to start, stop, and parallelize training tasks, it’s important to use a job orchestrator. SageMaker Training is a serverless ML job orchestrator that provisions transient compute instances immediately upon request. You pay only for what you use, and clusters get decommissioned as soon as your code ends. With SageMaker Training Warm Pools, you have the option to define a time-to-live on training clusters, in order to reuse the same infrastructure across jobs. This reduces iteration time and inter-job placement variability. SageMaker jobs can be launched from a variety of programming languages, including Python and CLI.

There is a SageMaker-specific Python SDK called the SageMaker Python SDK and implemented via the sagemaker Python library, but its use is optional.

Increasing quotas for training jobs with a large and long training cluster

SageMaker has default quotas on resources, designed to prevent unintentional usage and costs. To train an LLM using a big cluster of high-end instances running for a long time, you’ll likely need to increase the quotas in the following table.

Quota name Default value
Longest run time for a training job 432,000 seconds
Number of instances across all training jobs 4
Maximum number of instances per training job 20
ml.p4d.24xlarge for training job usage 0
ml.p4d.24xlarge for training warm pool usage 0

See AWS service quotas how to view your quota values and request a quota increase. On-Demand, Spot Instance, and training warm pools quotas are tracked and modified separately.

If you decide to keep the SageMaker Profiler activated, be aware that every training job launches a SageMaker Processing job, each consuming one ml.m5.2xlarge instance. Confirm that your SageMaker Processing quotas are high enough to accommodate the expected training job concurrency. For example, if you want to launch 50 Profiler-enabled training jobs running concurrently, you’ll need to raise the ml.m5.2xlarge for processing job usage limit to 50.

Additionally, to launch a long-running job, you’ll need to explicitly set the Estimator max_run parameter to the desired maximum duration for the training job in seconds, up to the quota value of the longest runtime for a training job.

Monitoring and resiliency

Hardware failure is extremely rare at the scale of a single instance and becomes more and more frequent as the number of instances used simultaneously increases. At typical LLM scale—hundreds to thousands of GPUs used 24/7 for weeks to months—hardware failures are near-certain to happen. Therefore, an LLM workload must implement appropriate monitoring and resiliency mechanisms. Firstly, it’s important to closely monitor LLM infrastructure, to limit the impact of failures and optimize the use of compute resources. SageMaker Training proposes several features for this purpose:

  • Logs are automatically sent to CloudWatch Logs. Logs include your training script stdout and stderr. In MPI-based distributed training, all MPI workers send their logs to the leader process.
  • System resource utilization metrics like memory, CPU usage, and GPU usage, are automatically sent to CloudWatch.
  • You can define custom training metrics that will be sent to CloudWatch. The metrics are captured from logs based on regular expressions you set. Third-party experiment packages like the AWS Partner offering Weights & Biases can be used with SageMaker Training (for an example, see Optimizing CIFAR-10 Hyperparameters with W&B and SageMaker).
  • SageMaker Profiler allows you to inspect infrastructure usage and get optimization recommendations.
  • Amazon EventBridge and AWS Lambda allow you to create automated client logic reacting to events such as job failures, successes, S3 file uploads, and more.
  • SageMaker SSH Helper is a community-maintained open-source library allowing to you connect to training job hosts through SSH. It can be helpful to inspect and troubleshoot code runs on specific nodes.

In addition to monitoring, SageMaker also brings equipment for job resiliency:

  • Cluster health checks – Before your job starts, SageMaker runs GPU health checks and verifies NCCL communication on GPU instances, replacing any faulty instances if necessary in order to ensure your training script starts running on a healthy cluster of instances. Health checks are currently enabled for P and G GPU-based instance types.
  • Built-in retries and cluster update – You can configure SageMaker to automatically retry training jobs that fails with a SageMaker internal server error (ISE). As part of retrying a job, SageMaker will replace any instances that encountered unrecoverable GPU errors with fresh instances, reboot all healthy instances, and start the job again. This results in faster restarts and workload completion. Cluster update is currently enabled for P and G GPU-based instance types. You can add in your own applicative retry mechanism around the client code that submits the job, to handle other types of launch errors, such as like exceeding your account quota.
  • Automated checkpoint to Amazon S3 – This helps you checkpoint your progress and reload a past state on new jobs.

To benefit from node-level replacement, your code must error. Collectives may hang, instead of erroring, when a node fails. Therefore, to have prompt remediation, properly set a timeout on your collectives and have the code throw an error when it is reached.

Some customers set up a monitoring client to monitor and act in case of job hangs or applicative convergence stopping, by monitoring CloudWatch logs and metrics for abnormal patterns like no logs written or 0% GPU usage to hint for a hang, convergence stopping, and auto stop/retry the job.

Deep dive on checkpointing

The SageMaker checkpoint feature copies everything you write on /opt/ml/checkpoints back to Amazon S3 as the URI specified in the checkpoint_s3_uri SDK parameter. When a job starts or restarts, everything written at that URI is sent back to all the machines, at /opt/ml/checkpoints. This is convenient if you want all nodes to have access to all checkpoints, but at scale—when you have many machines or many historical checkpoints, it can lead to long download times and too high traffic on Amazon S3. Additionally, in tensor and pipeline parallelism, the workers need only a fraction of the checkpointed model, not all of it. If you face those limitations, we recommend the following options:

  • Checkpointing to FSx for Lustre – Thanks to high-performance random I/O, you can define the sharding and file attribution scheme of your choice
  • Self-managed Amazon S3 checkpointing – For examples of Python functions that can be used to save and read checkpoints in a non-blocking fashion, refer to Saving Checkpoints

We strongly suggest checkpointing your model every few hours, for example 1–3 hours, depending on associated overhead and costs.

Front end and user management

User management is a key usability strength of SageMaker compared to legacy shared HPC infrastructure. SageMaker Training permissions are ruled by several AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) abstractions:

  • Principals—users and systems—are given permission to launch resources
  • Training jobs carry roles themselves, which allow them to have permissions of their own, for example regarding data access and service invocation

Additionally, in 2022 we added SageMaker Role Manager to facilitate the creation of persona-driven permissions.


With SageMaker Training, you can reduce costs and increase iteration speed on your large-model training workload. We have documented success stories in numerous posts and case studies, including:

If you’re looking to improve your LLM time-to-market while reducing your costs, take a look at the SageMaker Training API and let us know what you build!

Special thanks to Amr Ragab, Rashika Kheria, Zmnako Awrahman, Arun Nagarajan, Gal Oshri for their helpful reviews and teachings.

About the Authors

Anastasia Tzeveleka is a Machine Learning and AI Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. She works with customers in EMEA and helps them architect machine learning solutions at scale using AWS services. She has worked on projects in different domains including Natural Language Processing (NLP), MLOps and Low Code No Code tools.

Gili Nachum is a senior AI/ML Specialist Solutions Architect who works as part of the EMEA Amazon Machine Learning team. Gili is passionate about the challenges of training deep learning models, and how machine learning is changing the world as we know it. In his spare time, Gili enjoy playing table tennis.

Olivier Cruchant is a Principal Machine Learning Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS, based in France. Olivier helps AWS customers – from small startups to large enterprises – develop and deploy production-grade machine learning applications. In his spare time, he enjoys reading research papers and exploring the wilderness with friends and family.

Bruno Pistone is an AI/ML Specialist Solutions Architect for AWS based in Milan. He works with customers of any size on helping them to to deeply understand their technical needs and design AI and Machine Learning solutions that make the best use of the AWS Cloud and the Amazon Machine Learning stack. His field of expertice are Machine Learning end to end, Machine Learning Industrialization and MLOps. He enjoys spending time with his friends and exploring new places, as well as travelling to new destinations.

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