Scaling Large Language Model (LLM) training with Amazon EC2 Trn1 UltraClusters

Scaling Large Language Model (LLM) training with Amazon EC2 Trn1 UltraClusters

Modern model pre-training often calls for larger cluster deployment to reduce time and cost. At the server level, such training workloads demand faster compute and increased memory allocation. As models grow to hundreds of billions of parameters, they require a distributed training mechanism that spans multiple nodes (instances).

In October 2022, we launched Amazon EC2 Trn1 Instances, powered by AWS Trainium, which is the second generation machine learning accelerator designed by AWS. Trn1 instances are purpose built for high-performance deep learning model training while offering up to 50% cost-to-train savings over comparable GPU-based instances. In order to bring down training time from weeks to days, or days to hours, and distribute a large model’s training job, we can use an EC2 Trn1 UltraCluster, which consists of densely packed, co-located racks of Trn1 compute instances all interconnected by non-blocking petabyte scale networking. It is our largest UltraCluster to date, offering 6 exaflops of compute power on demand with up to 30,000 Trainium chips.

In this post, we use a Hugging Face BERT-Large model pre-training workload as a simple example to explain how to useTrn1 UltraClusters.

Trn1 UltraClusters

A Trn1 UltraCluster is a placement group of Trn1 instances in a data center. As part of a single cluster run, you can spin up a cluster of Trn1 instances with Trainium accelerators. The following diagram shows an example.

Trn1 Ultracluster

UltraClusters of Trn1 instances are co-located in a data center, and interconnected using Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), which is a petabyte scale, non-blocking network interface, with up to 800 Gbps networking bandwidth, which is twice the bandwidth supported by AWS P4d instances (1.6 Tbps, four times greater with the upcoming Trn1n instances). These EFA interfaces help run model training workloads that use Neuron Collective Communication Libraries at scale. Trn1 UltraClusters also include co-located network attached storage services like Amazon FSx for Lustre to enable high throughput access to large datasets, ensuring clusters operate efficiently. Trn1 UltraClusters can host up to 30,000 Trainium devices and deliver up to 6 exaflops of compute in a single cluster. EC2 Trn1 UltraClusters deliver up to 6 exaflops of compute, literally an on-demand supercomputer, with a pay-as-you-go usage model. In this post, we use some HPC tools like Slurm to ramp an UltraCluster and manage workloads.

Solution overview

AWS offers a wide variety of services for distributed model training or inferencing workloads at scale, including AWS Batch, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), and UltraClusters. This post focuses on model training in an UltraCluster. Our solution uses the AWS ParallelCluster management tool to create the necessary infrastructure and environment to spin up a Trn1 UltraCluster. The infrastructure consists of a head node and multiple Trn1 compute nodes within a virtual private cloud (VPC). We use Slurm as the cluster management and job scheduling system. The following diagram illustrates our solution architecture.

Solution overiew

For more details and how to deploy this solution, see Train a model on AWS Trn1 ParallelCluster.

Let’s look at some important steps of this solution:

  1. Create a VPC and subnets.
  2. Configure the compute fleet.
  3. Create the cluster.
  4. Inspect the cluster.
  5. Launch your training job.


To follow along with this post, a broad familiarity with core AWS services such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is implied, and basic familiarity with deep learning and PyTorch would be helpful.

Create VPC and subnets

An easy way to create the VPC and subnets is through the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) console. Complete instructions can be found on GitHub. After the VPC and subnets are installed, you need to configure the instances in the compute fleet. Briefly, this is made possible by an installation script specified by CustomActions in the YAML file used for creating the ParallelCluster (see Create ParallelCluster). A ParallelCluster requires a VPC that has two subnets and a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway, as shown in the preceding architecture diagram. This VPC has to reside in the Availability Zones where Trn1 instances are available. Also, in this VPC, you need to have a public subnet and a private subnet to hold the head node and Trn1 compute nodes, respectively. You also need a NAT gateway internet access, such that Trn1 compute nodes can download AWS Neuron packages. In general, the compute nodes will receive updates for the OS packages, Neuron driver and runtime, and EFA driver for multi-instance training.

As for the head node, in addition to the aforementioned components for the compute nodes, it also receives the PyTorch-NeuronX and NeuronX compiler, which enables the model compilation process in XLA devices such as Trainium.

Configure the compute fleet

In the YAML file for creating the Trn1 UltraCluster, InstanceType is specified as trn1.32xlarge. MaxCount and MinCount are used to indicate your compute fleet size range. You may use MinCount to keep some or all Trn1 instances available at all time. MinCount may be set to zero so that if there is no running job, the Trn1 instances are released from this cluster.

Trn1 may also be deployed in an UltraCluster with multiple queues. In the following example, there is only one queue being set up for Slurm job submission:

InstanceType: trn1.32xlarge
MaxCount: 16
MinCount: 0
Name: queue1-i1

If you need more than one queue, you can specify multiple InstanceType, each with its own MaxCount, MinCount, and Name:

InstanceType: trn1.32xlarge
MaxCount: 8
MinCount: 0
Name: queue-0
InstanceType: trn1.32xlarge
MaxCount: 8
MinCount: 0
Name: queue-1

Here, two queues are set up, so that user has the flexibility to choose the resources for their Slurm job.

Create the cluster

To launch a Trn1 UltraCluster, use the following pcluster command from where your ParallelCluster tool is installed:

pcluster create-cluster --cluster-configuration <YAML FILE NAME> -n <CLUSTER NAME> 

We use the following options in this command:

  • --cluster-configuration – This option expects a YAML file that describes the cluster configuration
  • -n (or --cluster-name) – The name of this cluster

This command creates a Trn1 cluster in your AWS account. You can check the progress of cluster creation on the AWS CloudFormation console. For more information, refer to Using the AWS CloudFormation console.

Alternatively, you can use the following command to see the status of your request:

pcluster describe-cluster -n <CLUSTER NAME>

and the command will indicate the status, for example:

"creationTime": "2023-01-09T03:26:17.235Z",
"headNode": {
"launchTime": "2023-01-09T03:29:23.000Z",
"instanceId": "XXXXX",
"publicIpAddress": "XX.XX.XXX.XXX",
"instanceType": "c5.4xlarge",
"state": "running",
"privateIpAddress": "XX.XX.XX.XXX"
"version": "3.3.0",
"clusterConfiguration": {
"url": "XXXX....“
"tags": [
"value": "3.2.1",
"key": "parallelcluster:version"
"value": "PC16Trn1",
"key": "parallelcluster:cluster-name"
"cloudFormationStackStatus": "CREATE_IN_PROGRESS",
"clusterName": "PC16Trn1",
"computeFleetStatus": "UNKNOWN",
"cloudformationStackArn": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:...:stack/PC16Trn1/...",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2023-01-09T03:26:17.235Z",
"region": "us-west-2",
"clusterStatus": "CREATE_IN_PROGRESS",
"scheduler": {
"type": "slurm"

The following are parameters of interest from the output:

  • instanceId – This is the instance ID of the head node, which will be listed on the Amazon EC2 console
  • computeFleetStatus – This attribute indicates readiness of the compute nodes
  • Tags – This attribute indicates the version of pcluster tool used to create this cluster

Inspect the cluster

You can use the aforementioned pcluster describe-cluster command to check the cluster. After the cluster is created, you will observe the following in the output:

"clusterStatus": "CREATE_COMPLETE"

At this point, you may SSH into the head node (identified by instance ID on the Amazon EC2 console). The following is a logical diagram of the cluster.

Logical diagram of cluster

After you SSH into the head node, you can verify the compute fleet and their status with a Slurm command such as sinfo to view the node information for the system. The following is an example output:

compute1*     up         infinite      16       alloc     compute1-st-queue1-i1-[1-16]

This indicates that there is one queue as shown by a single partition. There are 16 nodes available, and resources are allocated. From the head node, you can SSH into any given compute node:

ssh compute1-st-queue1-i1-16

Use exit to get back to the head node.

Likewise, you can SSH into a compute node from another compute node. Each compute node has Neuron tools installed, such as neuron-top. You can invoke neuron-top during the training script run to inspect NeuronCore utilization at each node.

Launch your training job

We use the Hugging Face BERT-Large Pretraining Tutorial as an example to run on this cluster. After the training data and scripts are downloaded to the cluster, we use the Slurm controller to manage and orchestrate our workload. We submit the training job with the sbatch command. The shell script invokes the Python script via the neuron_parallel_compile API to compile the model into graphs without a full training run. See the following code:

sbatch --exclusive --nodes=16 
--wrap "srun neuron_parallel_compile ./"

We use the following options in this command:

  • --exclusive – This job will use all nodes and will not share nodes with other jobs while running the current job.
  • --nodes – The number of nodes for this job.
  • --wrap – This defines a command string that is run by the Slurm controller. In this case, it simply compiles the model in parallel using all nodes.

After the model is compiled successfully, you may start the full training job with the following command:

sbatch  --exclusive --nodes=16 
--wrap "srun ./"

This command will launch the training job for the Hugging Face BERT-Large model. With 16 Trn1.32xlarge nodes, you can expect it to complete in less than 8 hours.

At this point, you can use a Slurm command such as squeue to inspect the submitted job. An example output is as follows:

3        compute1      wrap     ubuntu   R     45:27    16        compute1-st-queue1-i1-[1-16]

This output shows the job is running (R) on 16 compute nodes.

As the job is running, outputs are captured and appended in a Slurm log file. From the head node‘s terminal, you can inspect it in real time.

tail -f slurm-3.out

Also, in the same directory as the Slurm log file, there is a corresponding directory for this job. This directory includes the following (for example):

-rw-rw-r— 1 ubuntu ubuntu 3772 Jan 10 21:41 results.json
-rw-rw-r— 1 ubuntu ubuntu 4160336620 Jan 10 21:42
-rw-rw-r— 1 ubuntu ubuntu 106712 Jan 10 21:43 log_ph1_bf16_1_2
-rw-rw-r— 1 ubuntu ubuntu 429325 Jan 10 21:58 log_ph1_bf16_0_2

This directory is accessible to all compute nodes. results.json captures the metadata of this particular job run, such as the model’s configuration, batch size, total steps, gradient accumulation steps, and training dataset name. The model checkpoint and output log per each compute node are also captured in this directory.

Consider scalability of the cluster

In a Trn1 UltraCluster, multiple interconnected Trn1 instances run a large model training workload in parallel and reduce total computation time or time to convergence. There are two measures of scalability of a cluster: strong scaling and weak scaling. Typically, for model training, the need is to speed up the training run, because usage cost is determined by sample throughput for rounds of gradient updates. Strong scaling refers to the scenario where the total problem size stays the same as the number of processors increases, strong scaling is an important measure of scalability for model training. In evaluating strong scaling, (i.e the impact of parallelization), we want to keep global batch size the same and see how much time it takes to convergence. In such scenario, we need to adjust gradient accumulation micro-step according to number of compute nodes. This is achieved with the following in the training shell script


On the other hand, if you want to evaluate how many more workloads can be run at a fixed time by adding more nodes, use weak scaling to measure scalability. In weak scaling, the problem size increases at the same rate as the number of NeuronCoress, thereby keeping the amount of work per NeuronCores the same. To evaluate weak scaling, or the effect of adding more nodes on the increased workload, simply remove the above line from the training script, and keep the number of steps for gradient accumulation constant with a default value (32) provided in the training script.

Evaluate your results

We provide some benchmark results in the Neuron performance page to demonstrate the effect of scaling. The data demonstrates the benefit of using multiple instances to parallelize the training job for many different large models to train at scale.

Clean up your infrastructure

To delete all the infrastructure of this UltraCluster, use the pcluster command to delete the cluster and its resources:

pcluster delete-cluster -n <CLUSTER NAME>


In this post, we discussed how scaling your training job across an Trn1-UltraCluster, which is powered by Trainium accelerators in AWS, reduces the time to train a model. We also provided a link to the Neuron samples repository, which contains instructions on how to deploy a distributed training job for a BERT-Large model. Trn1-UltraCluster runs distributed training workloads to train ultra-large deep learning models at scale. A distributed training setup results in much faster model convergence as compared to training on a single Trn1 instance.

To learn more about how to get started with Trainium-powered Trn1 instances, visit the Neuron documentation.

About the Authors

K.C. Tung is a Senior Solution Architect in AWS Annapurna Labs. He specializes in large deep learning model training and deployment at scale in cloud. He has a Ph.D. in molecular biophysics from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. He has spoken at AWS Summits and AWS Reinvent. Today he helps customers to train and deploy large PyTorch and TensorFlow models in AWS cloud. He is the author of two books: Learn TensorFlow Enterprise and TensorFlow 2 Pocket Reference.

Jeffrey Huynh is a Principal Engineer in AWS Annapurna Labs. He is passionate about helping customers run their training and inference workloads on Trainium and Inferentia accelerator devices using AWS Neuron SDK. He is a Caltech/Stanford alumni with degrees in Physics and EE. He enjoys running, tennis, cooking, and reading about science and technology.

Shruti Koparkar is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at AWS. She helps customers explore, evaluate, and adopt EC2 accelerated computing infrastructure for their machine learning needs.

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New expanded data format support in Amazon Kendra

New expanded data format support in Amazon Kendra

Enterprises across the globe are looking to utilize multiple data sources to implement a unified search experience for their employees and end customers. Considering the large volume of data that needs to be examined and indexed, the retrieval speed, solution scalability, and search performance become key factors to consider when choosing an enterprise intelligent search solution. Additionally, these unique data sources comprise structured and unstructured content repositories—including various file types—which may cause compatibility issues.

Amazon Kendra is a highly accurate and intelligent search service that enables users to search for answers to their questions from your unstructured and structured data using natural language processing and advanced search algorithms. It returns specific answers to questions, giving users an experience that’s close to interacting with a human expert.

Today, Amazon Kendra launched seven additional data format support options for you to use. This allows you to easily integrate your existing data sources as is and perform intelligent search across multiple content repositories.

In this post, we discuss the new supported data formats and how to use them.

New supported data formats

Previously, Amazon Kendra supported documents that included structured text in the form of frequently asked questions and answers, as well as unstructured text in the form of HTML files, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, Microsoft Word documents, plain text documents, and PDFs.

With this launch, Amazon Kendra now offers support for seven additional data formats:

  • Rich Text Format (RTF)
  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
  • Markdown (MD)
  • Comma separated values (CSV)
  • Microsoft Excel (MS Excel)
  • Extensible Markup Language (XML)
  • Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT)

Amazon Kendra users can ingest these documents with different data formats to their index in the following two ways:

Solution overview

In the following sections, we walk through the steps for adding documents from a data source and performing a search on those documents.

The following diagram shows our solution architecture.

For testing this solution for any of the supported formats, you need to use your own data. You can test by uploading documents of the same or different formats to the S3 bucket.

Create an Amazon Kendra index

For instructions on creating your Amazon Kendra index, refer to Creating an index.

You can skip this step if you have a pre-existing index to use for this demo.

Upload documents to an S3 bucket and ingest to the index using the S3 connector

Complete the following steps to connect an S3 bucket to your index:

  1. Create an S3 bucket to store your documents.
  2. Create a folder named sample-data.
  3. Upload the documents that you want to test to the folder.
  4. On the Amazon Kendra console, go to your index and choose Data sources.
  5. Choose Add data source.
  6. Under Available data sources, select S3 and choose Add Connector.
  7. Enter a name for your connector (such as Demo_S3_connector) and choose Next.
  8. Choose Browse S3 and choose the S3 bucket where you uploaded the documents.
  9. For IAM Role, create a new role.
  10. For Set sync run schedule, select Run on demand.
  11. Choose Next.
  12. On the Review and create page, choose Add data source.
  13. After the creation process is complete, choose Sync Now.

Now that you have ingested some documents, you can navigate to the built-in search console to test queries.

Search your documents with the Amazon Kendra search console

On the Amazon Kendra console, choose Search indexed content in the navigation pane.

The following are examples of the results from the search for different document types:

  • RTF – Input data in RTF format uploaded to the S3 bucket and sync the data source:

The following screenshot shows the search results.

  • JSON – Input data in JSON format uploaded to the S3 bucket and sync the data source:

The following screenshot shows the search results.

  • Markdown – Input data in MD format uploaded to the S3 bucket and sync the data source:

The following screenshot shows the search results.

  • CSV – Input data in CSV format uploaded to the S3 bucket and sync the data source:

The following screenshot shows the search results.

  • Excel – Input data in Excel format uploaded to the S3 bucket and sync the data source:

The following screenshot shows the search results.

  • XML – Input data in XML format uploaded to the S3 bucket and sync the data source:

The following screenshot shows the search results.

  • XSLT – Input data in XSLT format uploaded to the S3 bucket and sync the data source:

The following screenshot shows the search results.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future costs, clean up the resources you created as part of this solution using the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Kendra console, choose Indexes in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose the index that contains the data source to delete.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Data sources.
  4. Choose the data source to remove, then choose Delete.

When you delete a data source, Amazon Kendra removes all the stored information about the data source. Amazon Kendra removes all the document data stored in the index, and all run histories and metrics associated with the data source. Deleting a data source does not remove the original documents from your storage.

  1. On the Amazon Kendra console, choose Indexes in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose the index to delete, then choose Delete.

Refer to Deleting an index and data source for more details.

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, choose Buckets in the navigation pane.
  2. Select the bucket you want to delete, then choose Delete.
  3. Enter the name of the bucket to confirm deletion, then choose Delete bucket.

If the bucket contains any objects, you’ll receive an error alert. Empty the bucket before deleting it by choosing the link in the error message and following the instructions on the Empty bucket page. Then return to the Delete bucket page and delete the bucket.

  1. To verify that you’ve deleted the bucket, open the Buckets page and enter the name of the bucket that you deleted. If the bucket can’t be found, your deletion was successful.

Refer to Deleting a bucket page for more details.


In this post, we discussed the new data formats that Amazon Kendra now supports. In addition, we discussed how to use Amazon Kendra to ingest and perform a search on these new document types stored in an S3 bucket. To learn more about the different data formats supported, refer to Types of documents.

We introduced you to the basics, but there are many additional features that we didn’t cover in this post, such as the following:

  • You can enable user-based access control for your Amazon Kendra index and restrict access to users and groups that you configure.
  • You can map additional fields to Amazon Kendra index attributes and enable them for faceting, search, and display in the search results.
  • You can integrate different third-party data source connectors like Service Now and Salesforce with the Custom Document Enrichment (CDE) capability in Amazon Kendra to perform additional attribute mapping logic and even custom content transformation during ingestion. For the complete list of supported connectors, refer to Connectors.

To learn about these possibilities and more, refer to the Amazon Kendra Developer Guide.

About the authors

Rishabh Yadav is a Partner Solutions architect at AWS with an extensive background in DevOps and Security offerings at AWS. He works with the ASEAN partners to provide guidance on enterprise cloud adoption and architecture reviews along with building AWS practice through the implementation of Well-Architected Framework. Outside of work, he likes to spend his time in the sports field and FPS gaming.

Kruthi Jayasimha Rao is a Partner Solutions Architect with a focus in AI and ML. She provides technical guidance to AWS Partners in following best practices to build secure, resilient, and highly available solutions in the AWS Cloud.

Keerthi Kumar Kallur is a Software Development Engineer at AWS. He has been with the AWS Kendra team since past 2 years and worked on various features as well as customers. In his spare time, he likes to do outdoor activities such as hiking, sports such as volleyball.

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Implementing MLOps practices with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart pre-trained models

Implementing MLOps practices with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart pre-trained models

Amazon SageMaker JumpStart is the machine learning (ML) hub of SageMaker that offers over 350 built-in algorithms, pre-trained models, and pre-built solution templates to help you get started with ML fast. JumpStart provides one-click access to a wide variety of pre-trained models for common ML tasks such as object detection, text classification, summarization, text generation and much more. SageMaker Jumpstart also provides pretrained foundation models like Stability AI’s Stable Diffusion text-to-image model, BLOOM, Cohere’s Generate, Amazon’s AlexaTM and more. You can fine-tune and deploy JumpStart models using the UI in Amazon SageMaker Studio or using the SageMaker Python SDK extension for JumpStart APIs. JumpStart APIs unlock the usage of JumpStart capabilities in your workflows, and integrate with tools such as the model registry that are part of MLOps pipelines and anywhere else you’re interacting with SageMaker via SDK.

This post focuses on how we can implement MLOps with JumpStart models using JumpStart APIs, Amazon SageMaker Pipelines, and Amazon SageMaker Projects. We show how to build an end-to-end CI/CD pipeline for data preprocessing and fine-tuning ML models, registering model artifacts to the SageMaker model registry, and automating model deployment with a manual approval to stage and production. We demonstrate a customer churn classification example using the LightGBM model from Jumpstart.

MLOps pattern with JumpStart

As companies adopt machine learning across their organizations, building, training, and deploying ML models manually become bottlenecks for innovation. Establishing MLOps patterns allows you to create repeatable workflows for all stages of the ML lifecycle and are key to transitioning from the manual experimentation phase to production. MLOps helps companies innovate faster by boosting productivity of data science and ML teams in creating and deploying models with high accuracy.

Real-world data and business use cases change rapidly, and setting up MLOPs patterns with Jumpstart allows you to retrain, evaluate, version, and deploy models across environments quickly. In the initial phases of experimenting with Jumpstart models, you can use Studio notebooks to retrieve, fine-tune, deploy, and test models. Once you determine that that the model, dataset, and hyperparameters are the right fit for the business use case, the next step is to create an automatic workflow to preprocess data and fine-tune the model, register it with the model registry, and deploy the model to staging and production. In the next section, we demonstrate how you can use SageMaker Pipelines and SageMaker Projects to set up MLOps.

Integrate JumpStart with SageMaker Pipelines and SageMaker Projects

Jumpstart models can be integrated with SageMaker Pipelines and SageMaker Projects to create the CI/CD infrastructure and automate all the steps involved in model development lifecycle. SageMaker Pipelines is a native workflow orchestration tool for building ML pipelines that take advantage of direct SageMaker integration. SageMaker Projects provides MLOps templates that automatically provision underlying resources needed to enable CI/CD capabilities for your ML development lifecycle.

Building, training, tuning, and deploying Jumpstart models with SageMaker Pipelines and SageMaker Projects allows you to iterate faster and build repeatable mechanisms. Each step in the pipeline can keep track of the lineage, and intermediate steps can be cached for quickly rerunning the pipeline. With projects, dependency management, code repository management, build reproducibility, and artifact sharing is simple to set up. You can use a number of built-in templates or create your own custom template. SageMaker projects are provisioned using AWS Service Catalog products.

Solution overview

In this section, we first create a pipeline.yaml file for the customer churn example with all the steps to preprocess the data and retrieve, fine-tune, and register the model to the model registry. We then use a pre-built MLOps template to bootstrap the ML workflow and provision a CI/CD pipeline with sample code. After we create the template, we modify the sample code created from the template to use the pipeline.yaml created for our use case. The code samples for this example is available on GitHub.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The pipeline includes the following steps:

  1. Preprocess the datasets in the format required by JumpStart based on the type of ML problem and split data into train and validation datasets.
  2. Perform the training step to fine-tune the pre-trained model using transfer learning.
  3. Create the model.
  4. Register the model.

The next sections walk through creating each step of the pipeline and running the entire pipeline. Each step in the pipeline keeps track of the lineage, and intermediate steps can be cached for quickly rerunning the pipeline. The complete pipeline and sample code are available on GitHub.


To implement this solution, you must have an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that allows connection to SageMaker and Amazon S3. For more information about IAM role permissions, see Policies and permissions in IAM.

Import statements and declare parameters and constants

In this step, we download the dataset from a public S3 bucket and upload it to the private S3 bucket that we use for our training. We are also setting SageMaker and S3 client objects, and the steps to upload the dataset to an S3 bucket and provide this S3 bucket to our training job. The complete import statements and code are available on GitHub.

sm_client = boto3.client("sagemaker")
sess = sagemaker.Session()
region = boto3.Session().region_name
bucket = sess.default_bucket()
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
local_path = "churn.txt"
s3 = boto3.client("s3")
s3.download_file(f"sagemaker-sample-files", "datasets/tabular/synthetic/churn.txt", local_path)
base_uri = f"s3://{bucket}/churn"
input_data_uri = sagemaker.s3.S3Uploader.upload(

Define the data processing script and processing step

Here, we provide a Python script to do data processing on the custom datasets, and curate the training, validation, and test splits to be used for model fine tuning. The file used for our example is located on GitHub.

In this step, we instantiate the processor. Because the processing script is written in Pandas, we use a SKLearnProcessor. The Pipelines ProcessingStep function takes the following arguments: the processor, the input S3 locations for raw datasets, and the output S3 locations to save processed datasets. See the following code:

# Processing step for feature engineering
framework_version = "0.23-1"
sklearn_processor = SKLearnProcessor(

step_process = ProcessingStep(
    name="JumpstartDataProcessing",  # choose any name
        ProcessingInput(source=input_data_uri, destination="/opt/ml/processing/input"),
        ProcessingOutput(output_name="train", source="/opt/ml/processing/train", destination=f"s3://{bucket}/output/train"),
        ProcessingOutput(output_name="validation", source="/opt/ml/processing/validation",destination=f"s3://{bucket}/output/validation"),
        ProcessingOutput(output_name="test", source="/opt/ml/processing/test",destination=f"s3://{bucket}/output/test"),
    code=os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ""),

Define the pipeline step for fine-tuning

Next, we provide the pipeline steps to retrieve the model and the training script to deploy the fine-tuned model. Model artifacts for Jumpstart are stored as tarballs in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. Each model is versioned and contains a unique ID that can be used to retrieve the model URI. You need the following to retrieve the URI:

  • model_id – A unique identifier for the JumpStart model.
  • model_version – The version of the specifications for the model. To use the latest version, enter *. This is a required parameter.

Select a model_id and version from the pre-trained models table, as well as a model scope. In this case, you begin by using “training” as the model scope. Use the utility functions to retrieve the URI of each of the three components you need to continue. Select the instance type; for this model we can use a GPU or a non-GPU instance. The model in this example uses an ml.m5.4xlarge instance type. See the following code:

# Estimator Instance count and instance type.
instance_count = 1
instance_type = "ml.m5.4xlarge"
model_id, model_version = "lightgbm-classification-model", "*"
training_instance_type = "ml.m5.4xlarge"
# Retrieve the docker image
train_image_uri = image_uris.retrieve(
# Retrieve the training script
train_source_uri = script_uris.retrieve(model_id=model_id, model_version=model_version, script_scope="training")
# Retrieve the pre-trained model tarball to further fine-tune
train_model_uri = model_uris.retrieve(model_id=model_id, model_version=model_version, model_scope="training")

#Set S3 URIs
training_dataset_s3_path = f"s3://{bucket}/output/"
output_prefix = "jumpstart-example-tabular-training"
s3_output_location = f"s3://{bucket}/{output_prefix}/output"
# Get the default JumpStart hyperparameters
default_hyperparameters = hyperparameters.retrieve_default(

Next, use the model resource URIs to create an Estimator and train it on a custom training dataset. You must specify the S3 path of your custom training dataset. The Estimator class requires an entry_point parameter. JumpStart uses The training job fails to run if this value is not set. While the model is fitting to your training dataset, you can see console output that reflects the progress the training job is making. This gives more context about the training job, including the script. Then, we instantiate the fine-tuning step using a SageMaker LightGBM classification estimator and the Pipelines TrainingStep function.

ic_estimator = Estimator(
xgb_input_content_type = None

training_step = TrainingStep(
        "train": TrainingInput(
        "validation": TrainingInput(

Define the pipeline step to retrieve the inference container and script for the model

To deploy the fine-tuned model artifacts to a SageMaker endpoint, we need an inference script and an inference container. We then initialize a SageMaker Model that can be deployed to an Endpoint. We pass the inference script as the entry point for our model.

deploy_image_uri = image_uris.retrieve(
model = Model(
    source_dir= Inference_dir,,

Define the pipeline steps for the model registry

The following code registers the model within the SageMaker model registry using the Pipelines model step. You can set the approval status to Approved or PendingManualApproval. PendingManualApproval requires a manual approval in the Studio IDE.

step_register = RegisterModel(
inference_instances=["ml.t2.medium", "ml.m5.4xlarge"],

Define the pipeline

After defining all of the component steps, you can assemble them into a Pipelines object. You don’t need to specify the order of the pipeline because Pipelines automatically infers the order sequence based on the dependencies between the steps. See the following code:

# Create a unique pipeline name with flow export name
pipeline_name = "sm-jumpstart-churn-prediction-pipeline"

# Combine pipeline steps
pipeline_steps = [step_process,training_step,step_register]

pipeline = Pipeline(
parameters=[processing_instance_count,instance_type, instance_count,input_data],

Launch a deployment template with SageMaker Projects

After you create the pipeline steps, we can launch an MLOps project template from the Studio console, as shown in the following screenshot.

On the projects page, you can launch a preconfigured SageMaker MLOps template. For this example, we choose MLOps template for model building, training, and deployment.

This template creates the following architecture.

The following AWS services and resources are created:

  • Two repositories are added to AWS CodeCommit:
    • The first repository provides the code to create a multi-step model building pipeline along with a build specification file, used by AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild to run the pipeline automatically.
    • The second repository contains code and configuration files for model deployment. This repo also uses CodePipeline and CodeBuild, which run an AWS CloudFormation template to create model endpoints for staging and production.
  • Two CodePipeline pipelines:
    • The ModelBuild pipeline automatically triggers and runs the pipeline from end to end whenever a new commit is made to the ModelBuild CodeCommit repository.
    • The ModelDeploy pipeline automatically triggers whenever a new model version is added to the SageMaker model registry and the status is marked as Approved. Models that are registered with Pending or Rejected statuses aren’t deployed.
  • An S3 bucket is created for output model artifacts generated from the pipeline.

Modify the sample code for a custom use case

To modify the sample code from the launched template, we first need to clone the CodeCommit repositories to our local Studio instance. From the list of projects, choose the one that was just created. On the Repositories tab, you can choose the hyperlinks to locally clone the CodeCommit repos.

After you clone the repositories in the previous step, you can modify the seed code that was created from the template. You can create a customized pipeline.yaml file with the required steps. For this example, we can customize the pipeline by navigating to the pipelines folder in the ModelBuild repository. In the pipelines directory, you can find the abalone folder that contains the seed pipeline code. Replace the contents of the abalone directory with the scripts present in the GitHub folder. Rename the abalone directory to customer_churn.

We also have to modify the path inside codebuild-buildspec.yml, as shown in the sample repository:

run-pipeline --module-name pipelines.customer_churn.pipeline 

The ModelDeploy folder has the CloudFormation templates for the deployment pipeline. As a new model is available in the model registry, it’s deployed to the staging endpoint. After a manual approval, the model is then deployed to production. Committing the changes to CodeCommit triggers a new pipeline run. You can directly commit from the Studio IDE.

The build phase registers a model to the model registry. When a new model is available, the staging deployment process is triggered. After staging is successfully deployed, a manual approval is required to deploy the model to a production endpoint. The following screenshot shows the pipeline steps.

After a manual approval is provided, we can see that the production endpoint has been successfully created. At this point, the production endpoint is ready for inference.

Clean up

To avoid ongoing charges, delete the inference endpoints and endpoint configurations via the SageMaker console. You can also clean up the resources by deleting the CloudFormation stack.


Jumpstart provides hundreds of pre-trained models for common ML tasks, including computer vision and natural language processing uses cases. In this post, we showed how you can productionize JumpStart’s features with end-to-end CI/CD using SageMaker Pipelines and SageMaker Projects. We’ve shown how you can create a pipeline with steps for data preprocessing, and training and registering a model. We’ve also demonstrated how changes to the source code can trigger an entire model building and deployment process with the necessary approval process. This pattern can be extended to any other JumpStart models and solutions.

About the authors

Vivek Gangasani is a Senior Machine Learning Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He works with Machine Learning Startups to build and deploy AI/ML applications on AWS. He is currently focused on delivering solutions for MLOps, ML Inference and low-code ML. He has worked on projects in different domains, including Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision.

Rahul Sureka is an Enterprise Solution Architect at AWS based out of India. Rahul has more than 22 years of experience in architecting and leading large business transformation programs across multiple industry segments. His areas of interests are data and analytics, streaming, and AI/ML applications.

Davide Gallitelli is a Specialist Solutions Architect for AI/ML in the EMEA region. He is based in Brussels and works closely with customers throughout Benelux. He has been a developer since he was very young, starting to code at the age of 7. He started learning AI/ML at university, and has fallen in love with it since then.

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Building AI chatbots using Amazon Lex and Amazon Kendra for filtering query results based on user context

Building AI chatbots using Amazon Lex and Amazon Kendra for filtering query results based on user context

Amazon Kendra is an intelligent search service powered by machine learning (ML). It indexes the documents stored in a wide range of repositories and finds the most relevant document based on the keywords or natural language questions the user has searched for. In some scenarios, you need the search results to be filtered based on the context of the user making the search. Additional refinement is needed to find the documents specific to that user or user group as the top search result.

In this blog post, we focus on retrieving custom search results that apply to a specific user or user group. For instance, faculty in an educational institution belongs to different departments, and if a professor belonging to the computer science department signs in to the application and searches with the keywords “faculty courses,” then documents relevant to the same department come up as the top results, based on data source availability.

Solution overview

To solve this problem, you can identify one or more unique metadata information that is associated with the documents being indexed and searched. When the user signs in to an Amazon Lex chatbot, user context information can be derived from Amazon Cognito. The Amazon Lex chatbot can be integrated into Amazon Kendra using a direct integration or via an AWS Lambda function. The use of the AWS Lambda function will provide you with fine-grained control of the Amazon Kendra API calls. This will allow you to pass contextual information from the Amazon Lex chatbot to Amazon Kendra to fine-tune the search queries.

In Amazon Kendra, you provide document metadata attributes using custom attributes. To customize the document metadata during the ingestion process, refer to the Amazon Kendra Developer Guide. After completing the document metadata generation and indexing steps, you need to focus on refining the search results using the metadata attributes. Based on this, for example, you can ensure that users from the computer science department will get search results ranked according to their relevance to the department. That is, if there’s a document relevant to that department, it should be on the top of the search-result list preceding any other document without department information or nonmatching department.

Let’s now explore how to build this solution in more detail.

Solution walkthrough

Architecture diagram for proposed solution

Figure 1: Architecture diagram of proposed solution

The sample architecture used in this blog to demonstrate the use case is shown in Figure 1. You will set up an Amazon Kendra document index that consumes data from an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. You will set up a simple chatbot using Amazon Lex that will connect to the Amazon Kendra index via an AWS Lambda function. Users will rely on Amazon Cognito to authenticate and gain access to the Amazon Lex chatbot user interface. For the purposes of the demo, you will have two different users in Amazon Cognito belonging to two different departments. Using this setup, when you sign in using User 1 in Department A, search results will be filtered documents belonging to Department A and vice versa for Department B users.


Before you can try to integrate the Amazon Lex chatbot with an Amazon Kendra index, you need to set up the basic building blocks for the solution. At a high level, you need to perform the following steps to enable this demo:

  1. Set up an S3 bucket data source with the appropriate documents and folder structure. For instructions on creating S3 buckets, please refer to AWS Documentation – Creating a bucket. Store the required document metadata along with the documents statically in the S3 bucket. To understand how to store document metadata for your documents in the S3 bucket, please refer to AWS Documentation – Amazon S3 document metadata. A sample metadata file could look like the one below:
    "DocumentId": "Faculty Certification Course-Computer Science",
    "Attributes": {
        "_category": "dosanddonts",
        "department": "Computer Science",
        "document_type": "job aid"
    "Title": "Faculty Certification Course-Computer Science",
    "ContentType": "PDF"
  1. Set up an Amazon Kendra index by following the AWS documentation – Creating an index.
  2. Add the S3 bucket as a data source to your index by following the AWS Documentation – Using an Amazon S3 data source. Ensure that Amazon Kendra is aware of the metadata information and allows the department information to be faceted.
  3. You need to ensure the custom attributes in the Amazon Kendra index are set to be facetable, searchable, and displayable. You can do this in the Amazon Kendra console, by going to Data management and choosing Facet definition. To do this using the AWS command line interface (AWS CLI), you can leverage the kendra update-index command.
  4. Set up an Amazon Cognito user pool with two users. Associate a custom attribute with the user to capture their department values.
  5. Build a simple Amazon Lex v2 chatbot with required intents, slots, and utterances to drive the use case. In this blog, we will not provide detailed guidance on setting up the basic bot as the focus of the blog is to understand how to send user context information from the front end to the Amazon Kendra index. For details on creating a simple Amazon Lex bot, refer to the Building bots documentation. For the rest of the blog, it is assumed that the Amazon Lex chatbot has the following:
    • Intent – SearchCourses
    • Utterance – “What courses are available in {subject_types}?”
    • Slot – elective_year (can have values – elective, nonelective)
  6. You need to create a chatbot interface that the user will use to authenticate and interact with the chatbot. You can use the Sample Amazon Lex Web Interface (lex-web-ui) provided by AWS to get started. This will simplify the process of testing the integrations as it already integrates Amazon Cognito for user authentication and passes the required contextual information and Amazon Cognito JWT identity token to the backend Amazon Lex chatbot.

Once the basic building blocks are in place, your next step will be to create the AWS Lambda function that will tie together the Amazon Lex chatbot intent fulfillment with the Amazon Kendra index. The rest of this blog will specifically focus on this step and provide details on how to achieve this integration.

Integrating Amazon Lex with Amazon Kendra to pass user context

Now that the prerequisites are in place, you can start working on integrating your Amazon Lex chatbot with the Amazon Kendra index. As part of the integration, you will need to perform the following tasks:

  • Write an AWS Lambda function that will be attached to your Amazon Lex chatbot. In this Lambda function, you will parse the incoming input event to extract the user information, such as the user ID and additional attributes for the user from the Amazon Cognito identity token that is passed in as part of the session attributes in the event object.
  • Once all the information to form the Amazon Kendra query is in place, you submit a query to the Amazon Kendra index, including all the custom attributes that you want to use to scope down the search results view.
  • Finally, once the Amazon Kendra query returns the results, you generate a proper Amazon Lex response object to send the search results response back to the user.
  • Associate the AWS Lambda function with the Amazon Lex chatbot so that whenever the chatbot receives a query from the user, it triggers the AWS Lambda function.

Let’s look at these steps in more detail below.

Extracting user context in AWS Lambda function

The first thing you need to do is code and set up the Lambda function that can act as a bridge between the Amazon Lex chatbot intent and the Amazon Kendra index. The input event format documentation provides the full input Javascript Object Notation (JSON) input event structure. If the authentication system provides the user ID as an HTTP POST request to Amazon Lex, then the value will be available in the “userId” key of the JSON object. When the authentication is performed using Amazon Cognito, the “sessionState”.”sessionAttributes”.”idtokenjwt” key will contain a JSON Web Token (JWT) token object. If you are programming the AWS Lambda function in Python, the two lines of code to read the attributes from the event object will be as follows:

userid = event[‘userId’]
token = event[‘sessionState’][‘sessionAttributes’][‘idtokenjwt’]

The JWT token is encoded. Once you’ve decoded the JWT token, you will be able to read the value of the custom attribute associated with the Amazon Cognito user. Refer to How can I decode and verify the signature of an Amazon Cognito JSON Web Token to understand how to decode the JWT token, verify it, and retrieve the custom values. Once you have the claims from the token, you can extract the custom attribute, like “department” in Python, as follows:

userDept = claims[‘custom:department’]

When using a third-party identity provider (IDP) to authenticate against the chatbot, you need to ensure that the IDP sends an token with required attributes. The token should include required data for the custom attributes, such as department, group memberships, etc. This will be passed to the Amazon Lex chatbot in the session context variables. If you are using the lex-web-ui as the chatbot interface, then refer to the credential management section of the lex-web-ui readme documentation to understand how Amazon Cognito is integrated with lex-web-ui. To understand how you can integrate third-party identity providers with an Amazon Cognito identity pool, refer to the documentation on Identity pools (federated identities) external identity providers.

For the query topic from the user, you can extract from the event object by reading the value of the slots identified by Amazon Lex. The actual value of the slot can be read from the attribute with the key “sessionState”.”intent”.”slots”.”slot name”.”value”.”interpretedValue” based on the identified data type. In the example in this blog, using Python, you could use the following lines of code to read the query values:

slotValue = event['sessionState']['intent']['slots']['elective_year']['value']['interpretedValue']

As described in the documentation for input event format, the slots value is an object that can have multiple entries of different data types. The data type for any given value will be indicated by “'sessionState”.”intent”.”slots”.”slot name”.”shape”. If the attribute is empty or missing, then the datatype is a string. In the example in this blog, using Python, you could use the following lines of code to read the query values:

slotType = event['sessionState']['intent']['slots']['elective_year']['shape']

Once you know the data format for the slot, you can interpret the value of ‘slotValue’ based on the data type identified in ‘slotType’.

Query Amazon Kendra index from AWS Lambda

Now that you’ve managed to extract all the relevant information from the input event object, you need to construct an Amazon Kendra query within the Lambda. Amazon Kendra lets you filter queries via specific attributes. When you submit a query to Amazon Kendra using the Query API, you can provide a document attribute as an attribute filter so that your users’ search results will be based on values matching that filter. Filters can be logically combined when you need to query on a hierarchy of attributes. A sample-filtered query will look as follows:

    QueryText = query,
    IndexId = index,
    AttributeFilter = {
        Filter Conditions Object

To understand filtering queries in Amazon Kendra in more detail, you can refer to AWS documentation – Filtering queries. Based on the above query, search results from Amazon Kendra will be scoped to include documents where the metadata attribute for “document” matches the value for the filter provided. In Python, this will look as follows:

response = kendra.query(
    QueryText = slotValue, 
    IndexId = index_id, 
    QueryResultTypeFilter = ‘ANSWER’, 
    AttributeFilter = {‘AndAllFilters’:
            {‘EqualsTo’: {‘Key’: ‘department’, ‘Value’: {‘StringValue’: userDept}}}

As highlighted earlier, please refer to Amazon Kendra Query API documentation to understand all the various attributes that can be provided into the query, including complex filter conditions for filtering the user search.

Handle Amazon Kendra response in AWS Lambda function

Upon a successful query within the Amazon Kendra index, you will receive a JSON object back as a response from the Query API. The full structure of the response object, including all its attributes details, are listed in the Amazon Kendra Query API documentation. You can read the “TotalNumberOfResults” to check the total number of results returned for the query you submitted. Do note that the SDK will only let you retrieve up to a maximum of 100 items. The query results are returned in the “ResultItems” attribute as an array of “QueryResultItem” objects. From the “QueryResultItem”, the attributes of immediate interest are “DocumentTitle”, “DocumentExcerpt”, and “DocumentURI”. In Python, you can use the below code to extract these values from the first “ResultItems” in the Amazon Kendra response:

docTitle = response[‘ResultItems’][0][‘DocumentTitle’]['Text’]
docURI = response[‘ResultItems’][0][‘DocumentURI’]
docTitle = response[‘ResultItems’][0][‘DocumentExcerpt’]['Text’]

Ideally, you should check the value of “TotalNumberOfResults” and iterate through the “ResultItems” array to retrieve all the results of interest. You need to then pack it properly into a valid AWS Lambda response object to be sent to the Amazon Lex chatbot. The structure of the expected Amazon Lex v2 chatbot response is documented in the Response format section. At a minimum, you need to populate the following attributes in the response object before returning it to the chatbot:

  • sessionState object – The mandatory attribute in this object is “dialogAction”. This will be used to define what state/action the chatbot should transition to next. If this is the end of the conversation because you’ve retrieved all the required results and are ready to present, then you will set it to close. You need to indicate which intent in the chatbot your response is related to and what the fulfillment state is that the chatbot needs to transition into. This can be done as follows:
response = {
                'sessionState': {
                    'activeContexts': [],
                    'dialogAction': {
                        'type': 'Close'
                    'intent': {
                        'name': ‘SearchCourses,
                        'slots': ‘elective_year’,
                        'state': ‘Fulfilled’
  • messages object – You need to submit your search results back into the chatbot by populating the messages object in the response based on the values you’ve extracted from the Amazon Kendra query. You can use the following code as an example to accomplish this:
                    'messages': {
                        'contentType': 'PlainText',
                        'content': docTitle

Hooking up the AWS Lambda function with Amazon Lex chatbot

At this point, you have a complete AWS Lambda function in place that can extract the user context from the incoming event, perform a filtered query against Amazon Kendra based on user context, and respond back to the Amazon Lex chatbot. The next step is to configure the Amazon Lex chatbot to use this AWS Lambda function as part of the intent fulfillment process. You can accomplish this by following the documented steps at Attaching a Lambda function to a bot alias. At this point, you now have a fully functioning Amazon Lex chatbot integrated with the Amazon Kendra index that can perform contextual queries based on the user interacting with the chatbot.

In our example, we have 2 users, User1 and User 2. User 1 is from the computer science department and User 2 is from the civil engineering department. Based on their contextual information related to department, Figure 2 will depict how the same conversation can result in different results in a side-by-side screenshot of two chatbot interactions:

User 1 chat messages example User 2 chat messages example

Figure 2: Side-by-side comparison of multiple user chat sessions


If you followed along the example setup, then you should clean up any resources you created to avoid additional charges in the long run. To perform a cleanup of the resources, you need to:

  1. Delete the Amazon Kendra index and associated Amazon S3 data source
  2. Delete the Amazon Lex chatbot
  3. Empty the S3 bucket
  4. Delete the S3 bucket
  5. Delete the Lambda function by following the Clean up section.
  6. Delete the lex-web-ui resources by deleting the associated AWS CloudFormation stack
  7. Delete the Amazon Cognito resources


Amazon Kendra is a highly accurate enterprise search service. Combining its natural language processing feature with an intelligent chatbot creates a solution that is robust for any use case needing custom outputs based on user context. Here we considered a sample use case of an organization with multiple departments, but this mechanism can be applied to any other relevant use cases with minimal changes.

Ready to get started? The Accenture AWS Business Group (AABG) helps customers accelerate their pace of digital innovation and realize incremental business value from cloud adoption and transformation. Connect with our team at to learn how to build intelligent chatbot solutions for your customers.

About the Author

Rohit Satyanarayana is a Partner Solutions Architect at AWS in Singapore and is part of the AWS GSI team working with Accenture globally. His hobbies are reading fantasy and science fiction, watching movies and listening to music.

Leo An is a Senior Solutions Architect who has demonstrated the ability to design and deliver cost-effective, high-performance infrastructure solutions in a private and public cloud. He enjoys helping customers in using cloud technologies to address their business challenges and is specialized in machine learning and is focused on helping customers leverage AI/ML for their business outcomes.

Hemalatha Katari is a Solution Architect at Accenture. She is part of rapid prototyping team within the Accenture AWS Business Group (AABG). She helps organizations migrate and run their businesses in AWS cloud. She enjoys growing ornamental indoor plants and loves going for long nature trail walks.

Sruthi Mamidipalli is an AWS solutions architect at Accenture, where she is helping clients with successful adoption of cloud native architecture. Outside of work, she loves gardening, cooking, and spending time with her toddler.

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Measure the Business Impact of Amazon Personalize Recommendations

Measure the Business Impact of Amazon Personalize Recommendations

We’re excited to announce that Amazon Personalize now lets you measure how your personalized recommendations can help you achieve your business goals. After specifying the metrics that you want to track, you can identify which campaigns and recommenders are most impactful and understand the impact of recommendations on your business metrics.

All customers want to track the metric that is most important for their business. For example, an online shopping application may want to track two metrics: the click-through rate (CTR) for recommendations and the total number of purchases. A video-on-demand platform that has carousels with different recommenders providing recommendations may wish to compare the CTR or watch duration. You can also monitor the total revenue or margin of a specified event type, for example when a user purchases an item. This new capability lets you measure the impact of Amazon Personalize campaigns and recommenders, as well as interactions generated by third-party solutions.

In this post, we demonstrate how to track your metrics and evaluate the impact of your Personalize recommendations in an e-commerce use case.

Solution overview

Previously, to understand the effect of personalized recommendations, you had to manually orchestrate workflows to capture business metrics data, and then present them in meaningful representations to draw comparisons. Now, Amazon Personalize has eliminated this operational overhead by allowing you to define and monitor the metrics that you wish to track. Amazon Personalize can send performance data to Amazon CloudWatch for visualization and monitoring, or alternatively into an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket where you can access metrics and integrate them into other business intelligence tools. This lets you effectively measure how events and recommendations impact business objectives, and observe the outcome of any event that you wish you monitor.

To measure the impact of recommendations, you define a “metric attribution,” which is a list of event types that you want to report on using either the Amazon Personalize console or APIs. For each event type, you simply define the metric and function that you want to calculate (sum or sample count), and Amazon Personalize performs the calculation, sending the generated reports to CloudWatch or Amazon S3.

The following diagram shows how you can track metrics from a single recommender or campaign:

Figure 1. Feature Overview: The interactions dataset is used to train a recommender or campaign. Then, when users interact with recommended items, these interactions are sent to Amazon Personalize and attributed to the corresponding recommender or campaign. Next, these metrics are exported to Amazon S3 and CloudWatch so that you can monitor them and compare the metrics of each recommender or campaign.

Metric attributions also let you provide an eventAttributionSource, for each interaction, which specifies the scenario that the user was experiencing when they interacted with an item. The following diagram shows how you can track metrics from two different recommenders using the Amazon Personalize metric attribution.

Figure 2. Measuring the business impact of recommendations in two scenarios: The interactions dataset is used to train two recommenders or campaigns, in this case designated “Blue” and “Orange”. Then, when users interact with the recommended items, these interactions are sent to Amazon Personalize and attributed to the corresponding recommender, campaign, or scenario to which the user was exposed when they interacted with the item. Next, these metrics are exported to Amazon S3 and CloudWatch so that you can monitor them and compare the metrics of each recommender or campaign.

In this example, we walk through the process of defining metrics attributions for your interaction data in Amazon Personalize. First, you import your data, and create two attribution metrics to measure the business impact of the recommendations. Then, you create two retail recommenders – it’s the same process if you’re using custom recommendation solution – and send events to track using the metrics. To get started, you only need the interactions dataset. However, since one of the metrics we track in this example is margin, we also show you how to import the items dataset. A code sample for this use case is available on GitHub.


You can use the AWS Console or supported APIs to create recommendations using Amazon Personalize, for example using the AWS Command Line Interface or AWS SDK for Python.

To calculate and report the impact of recommendations, you first need to set up some AWS resources.

You must create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that Amazon Personalize will assume with a relevant assume role policy document. You must also attach policies to let Amazon Personalize access data from an S3 bucket and to send data to CloudWatch. For more information, see Giving Amazon Personalize access to your Amazon S3 bucket and Giving Amazon Personalize access to CloudWatch.

Then, you must create some Amazon Personalize resources. Create your dataset group, load your data, and train recommenders. For full instructions, see Getting started.

  1. Create a dataset group. You can use metric attributions in domain dataset groups and custom dataset groups.
  2. Create an Interactions dataset using the following schema:
    { "type": "record", 
    "name": "Interactions",
     "namespace": "com.amazonaws.personalize.schema", 
    "fields": [ 
            "name": "USER_ID",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "ITEM_ID",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "TIMESTAMP",
            "type": "long"
            "name": "EVENT_TYPE",
            "type": "string"
     "version": "1.0" 

  3. Create an Items dataset using the following schema:
        "type": "record",
        "name": "Items",
        "namespace": "com.amazonaws.personalize.schema",
        "fields": [
                "name": "ITEM_ID",
                "type": "string"
                "name": "PRICE",
                "type": "float"
                "name": "CATEGORY_L1",
                "type": ["string"],
                "categorical": True
                "name": "CATEGORY_L2",
                "type": ["string"],
                "categorical": True
                "name": "MARGIN",
                "type": "double"
    "version": "1.0"

Before importing our data to Amazon Personalize, we will define the metrics attribution.

Creating Metric Attributions

To begin generating metrics, you specify the list of events for which you’d like to gather metrics. For each of the event types chosen, you define the function that Amazon Personalize will apply as it collects data – the two functions available are  SUM(DatasetType.COLUMN_NAME) and SAMPLECOUNT(), where DatasetType can be the INTERACTIONS or ITEMS dataset. Amazon Personalize can send metrics data to CloudWatch for visualization and monitoring, or alternatively export it to an S3 bucket.

After you create a metric attribution and record events or import incremental bulk data, you’ll incur some monthly CloudWatch cost per metric. For information about CloudWatch pricing, see the CloudWatch pricing page. To stop sending metrics to CloudWatch, delete the metric attribution.

In this example, we’ll create two metric attributions:

  1. Count the total number of “View” events using the SAMPLECOUNT(). This function only requires the INTERACTIONS dataset.
  2. Calculate the total margin when purchase events occur using the SUM(DatasetType.COLUMN_NAME) In this case, the DatasetType is ITEMS and the column is MARGIN because we’re tracking the margin for the item when it was purchased. The Purchase event is recorded in the INTERACTIONS dataset. Note that, in order for the margin to be triggered by the purchase event, you would be sending a purchase event for each individual unit of each item purchased, even if they’re repeats – for example, two shirts of the same type. If your users can purchase multiples of each item when they checkout, and you’re only sending one purchase event for all of them, then a different metric will be more appropriate.

The function to calculate sample count is available only for the INTERACTIONS dataset. However, total margin requires you to have the ITEMS dataset and to configure the calculation. For each of them we specify the eventType that we’ll track, the function used, and give it a metricName that will identify the metrics once we export them. For this example, we’ve given them the names “countViews” and “sumMargin”.

The code sample is in Python.

import boto3 
personalize = boto3.client('personalize')

metrics_list = [{
        "eventType": "View",
        "expression": "SAMPLECOUNT()",
        "metricName": "countViews"
        "eventType": "Purchase",
        "expression": "SUM(ITEMS.MARGIN)",
        "metricName": "sumMargin"

We also define where the data will be exported. In this case to an S3 bucket.

output_config = {
    "roleArn": role_arn,
    "s3DataDestination": {
    "path": path_to_bucket    

Then we generate the metric attribution.

response = personalize.create_metric_attribution(
name = metric_attribution_name,
datasetGroupArn = dataset_group_arn,
metricsOutputConfig = output_config,
metrics = metrics_list
metric_attribution_arn = response['metricAttributionArn']

You must give a name to the metric attribution, as well as indicate the dataset group from which the metrics will be attributed using the datasetGroupArn, and the metricsOutputConfig and metrics objects we created previously.

Now with the metric attribution created, you can proceed with the dataset import job which will load our items and interactions datasets from our S3 bucket into the dataset groups that we previously configured.

For information on how to modify or delete an existing metric attribution, see Managing a metric attribution.

Importing Data and creating Recommenders

First, import the interaction data to Amazon Personalize from Amazon S3. For this example, we use the following data file. We generated the synthetic data based on the code in the Retail Demo Store project. Refer to the GitHub repository to learn more about the synthetic data and potential uses.

Then, create a recommender. In this example, we create two recommenders:

  1. “Recommended for you” recommender. This type of recommender creates personalized recommendations for items based on a user that you specify.
  2. Customers who viewed X also viewed. This type of recommender creates recommendations for items that customers also viewed based on an item that you specify.

Send events to Amazon Personalize and attribute them to the recommenders

To send interactions to Amazon Personalize, you must create an Event Tracker.

For each event, Amazon Personalize can record the eventAttributionSource. It can be inferred from the recommendationId or you can specify it explicitly and identify it in reports in the EVENT_ATTRIBUTION_SOURCE column. An eventAttributionSource can be a recommender, scenario, or third-party-managed part of the page where interactions occurred.

  • If you provide a recommendationId, then Amazon Personalize automatically infers the source campaign or recommender.
  • If you provide both attributes, then Amazon Personalize uses only the source.
  • If you don’t provide a source or a recommendationId, then Amazon Personalize labels the source SOURCE_NAME_UNDEFINED in reports.

The following code shows how to provide an eventAttributionSource for an event in a PutEvents operation.

response = personalize_events.put_events(
trackingId = 'eventTrackerId',
userId= 'userId',
sessionId = 'sessionId123',
eventList = [{
'eventId': event_id,
'eventType': event_type,
'itemId': item_id,
'metricAttribution': {"eventAttributionSource": attribution_source},
'sentAt': timestamp_in_unix_format
print (response)

Viewing your Metrics

Amazon Personalize sends the metrics to Amazon CloudWatch or Amazon S3:

For all bulk data, if you provide an Amazon S3 bucket when you create your metric attribution, you can choose to publish metric reports to your Amazon S3 bucket. You need to do this each time you create a dataset import job for interactions data.

import boto3

personalize = boto3.client('personalize')

response = personalize.create_dataset_import_job(
    jobName = 'YourImportJob',
    datasetArn = 'dataset_arn',
    dataSource = {'dataLocation':'s3://bucket/file.csv'},
    roleArn = 'role_arn',
    importMode = 'INCREMENTAL',
    publishAttributionMetricsToS3 = True

print (response)

When importing your data, select the correct import mode INCREMENTAL or FULL and instruct Amazon Personalize to publish the metrics by setting publishAttributionMetricsToS3 to True. For more information on publishing metric reports to Amazon S3, see Publishing metrics to Amazon S3.

For PutEvents data sent via the Event Tracker and for incremental bulk data imports, Amazon Personalize automatically sends metrics to CloudWatch. You can view data from the previous 2 weeks in Amazon CloudWatch – older data is ignored.

You can graph a metric directly in the CloudWatch console by specifying the name that you gave the metric when you created the metric attribution as the search term. For more information on how you can view these metrics in CloudWatch, see Viewing metrics in CloudWatch.

Figure 3: An example of comparing two CTRs from two recommenders viewed in the CloudWatch Console.

Importing and publishing metrics to Amazon S3

When you upload your data to Amazon Personalize via a dataset import job, and you have provided a path to your Amazon S3 bucket in your metric attribution, you can view your metrics in Amazon S3 when the job completes.

Each time that you publish metrics, Amazon Personalize creates a new file in your Amazon S3 bucket. The file name specifies the import method and date. The field EVENT_ATTRIBUTION_SOURCE specifies the event source, i.e., under which scenario the interaction took place. Amazon Personalize lets you specify the EVENT_ATTRIBUTION_SOURCE explicitly using this field, this can be a third-party recommender. For more information, see Publishing metrics to Amazon S3.


Adding metrics attribution let you track the effect that recommendations have on business metrics. You create these metrics by adding a metric attribution to your dataset group and selecting the events that you want to track, as well as the function to count the events or aggregate a dataset field. Afterward, you can see the metrics in which you’re interested in CloudWatch or in the exported file in Amazon S3.

For more information about Amazon Personalize, see What Is Amazon Personalize?

About the authors

Anna Grüebler is a Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS focusing on in Artificial Intelligence. She has more than 10 years of experience helping customers develop and deploy machine learning applications. Her passion is taking new technologies and putting them in the hands of everyone, and solving difficult problems leveraging the advantages of using AI in the cloud.

Gabrielle Dompreh is Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. She enjoys learning about the new innovations of machine learning and helping customers leverage their full capability with well-architected solutions.

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Configure an AWS DeepRacer environment for training and log analysis using the AWS CDK

Configure an AWS DeepRacer environment for training and log analysis using the AWS CDK

This post is co-written by Zdenko Estok, Cloud Architect at Accenture and Sakar Selimcan, DeepRacer SME at Accenture.

With the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for a vast majority of industries (ranging from healthcare to insurance, from manufacturing to marketing), the primary focus shifts to efficiency when building and training models at scale. The creation of a scalable and hassle-free data science environment is key. It can take a considerable amount of time to launch and configure an environment tailored for a specific use case and even harder to onboard colleagues to collaborate.

According to Accenture, companies that manage to efficiently scale AI and ML can achieve nearly triple the return on their investments. Still, not all companies meet their expected returns on their AI/ML journey. Toolkits to automate the infrastructure become essential for horizontal scaling of AI/ML efforts within a corporation.

AWS DeepRacer is a simple and fun way to get started with reinforcement learning (RL), an ML technique where an agent discovers the optimal actions to take in a given environment. In our case, that would be an AWS DeepRacer vehicle, trying to race fast around a track. You can get started with RL quickly with hands-on tutorials that guide you through the basics of training RL models and test them in an exciting, autonomous car racing experience.

This post shows how companies can use infrastructure as code (IaC) with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) to accelerate the creation and replication of highly transferable infrastructure and easily compete for AWS DeepRacer events at scale.

“IaC combined with a managed Jupyter environment gave us best of both worlds: repeatable, highly transferable data science environments for us to onboard our AWS DeepRacer competitors to focus on what they do the best: train fast models fast.”

– Selimcan Sakar, AWS DeepRacer SME at Accenture.

Solution overview

Orchestrating all the necessary services takes a considerable amount of time when it comes to creating a scalable template that can be applied for multiple use cases. In the past, AWS CloudFormation templates have been created to automate the creation of these services. With the advancements in automation and configuring with increasing levels of abstraction to set up different environments with IaC tools, the AWS CDK is being widely adopted across various enterprises. The AWS CDK is an open-source software development framework to define your cloud application resources. It uses the familiarity and expressive power of programming languages for modeling your applications, while provisioning resources in a safe and repeatable manner.

In this post, we enable the provisioning of different components required for performing log analysis using Amazon SageMaker on AWS DeepRacer via AWS CDK constructs.

Although the analysis graph provided within in the DeepRacer console if effective and straightforward regarding the rewards granted and progress achieved, it doesn’t give insight into how fast the car moves through the waypoints, or what kind of a line the car prefers around the track. This is where advanced log analysis comes into play. Our advanced log analysis aims to bring efficiency in training retrospectively to understand which reward functions and action spaces work better than the others when training multiple models, and whether a model is overfitting, so that racers can train smarter and achieve better results with less training.

Our solution describes an AWS DeepRacer environment configuration using the AWS CDK to accelerate the journey of users experimenting with SageMaker log analysis and reinforcement learning on AWS for an AWS DeepRacer event.

An administrator can run the AWS CDK script provided in the GitHub repo via the AWS Management Console or in the terminal after loading the code in their environment. The steps are as follows:

  1. Open AWS Cloud9 on the console.
  2. Load the AWS CDK module from GitHub into the AWS Cloud9 environment.
  3. Configure the AWS CDK module as described in this post.
  4. Open the cdk.context.json file and inspect all the parameters.
  5. Modify the parameters as needed and run the AWS CDK command with the intended persona to launch the configured environment suited for that persona.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.


With the help of the AWS CDK, we can version control our provisioned resources and have a highly transportable environment that complies with enterprise-level best practices.


In order to provision ML environments with the AWS CDK, complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Have access to an AWS account and permissions within the Region to deploy the necessary resources for different personas. Make sure you have the credentials and permissions to deploy the AWS CDK stack into your account.
  2. We recommend following certain best practices that are highlighted through the concepts detailed in the following resources:
  3. Clone the GitHub repo into your environment.

Deploy the portfolio into your account

In this deployment, we use AWS Cloud9 to create a data science environment using the AWS CDK.

  1. Navigate to the AWS Cloud9 console.
  2. Specify your environment type, instance type, and platform.

  1. Specify your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role, VPC, and subnet.

  1. In your AWS Cloud9 environment, create a new folder called DeepRacer.
  2. Run the following command to install the AWS CDK, and make sure you have the right dependencies to deploy the portfolio:
npm install -g aws-cdk
  1. To verify that the AWS CDK has been installed and to access the docs, run the following command in your terminal (it should redirect you to the AWS CDK documentation):
cdk docs
  1. Now we can clone the AWS DeepRacer repository from GitHub.
  2. Open the cloned repo in AWS Cloud9:
cd DeepRacer_cdk

After you review the content in the DeepRacer_cdk directory, there will be a file called package.json with all the required modules and dependencies defined. This is where you can define your resources in a module.

  1. Next, install all required modules and dependencies for the AWS CDK app:
npm install

cdk synth

This will synthesize the corresponding CloudFormation template.

  1. To run the deployment, either change the context.json file with parameter names or explicitly define them during runtime:
cdk deploy

The following components are created for AWS DeepRacer log analysis based on running the script:

  • An IAM role for the SageMaker notebook with a managed policy
  • A SageMaker notebook instance with the instance type either explicitly added as a cdk context parameter or default value stored in the context.json file
  • A VPC with CIDR as specified in the context.json file along with four public subnets configured
  • A new security group for the Sagemaker notebook instance allowing communication within the VPC
  • A SageMaker lifecycle policy with a bash script that is preloading the content of another GitHub repository, which contains the files we use for running the log analysis on the AWS DeepRacer models

  1. You can run the AWS CDK stack as follows:
$ cdk deploy
  1. Go to the AWS CloudFormation console in the Region where the stack is deployed to verify the resources.

Now users can start using those services to work with log analysis and deep RL model training on SageMaker for AWS DeepRacer.

Module testing

You can run also some unit tests before deploying the stack to verify that you accidently didn’t remove any required resources. The unit tests are located in DeepRacer/test/deep_racer.test.ts and can be run with the following code:

npm run test

Generate diagrams using cdk-dia

To generate diagrams, complete the following steps:

  1. Install graphviz using your operating system tools:
npm -g cdk-dia

This installs the cdk-dia application.

  1. Now run the following code:

A graphical representation of your AWS CDK stack will be stored in .png format.

After you run the preceding steps, you should see be able see the creation process of the notebook instance with status Pending. When the status of the notebook instance is InService (as shown in the following screenshot), you can proceed with the next steps.

  1. Choose Open Jupyter to start running the Python script for performing the log analysis.

For additional details on log analysis using AWS DeepRacer and associated visualizations, refer to Using log analysis to drive experiments and win the AWS DeepRacer F1 ProAm Race.

Clean up

To avoid ongoing charges, complete the following steps:

  1. Use cdk destroy to delete the resources created via the AWS CDK.
  2. On the AWS CloudFormation console, delete the CloudFormation stack.


AWS DeepRacer events are a great way to raise interest and increase ML knowledge across all pillars and levels of an organization. In this post, we shared how you can configure a dynamic AWS DeepRacer environment and set up selective services to accelerate the journey of users on the AWS platform. We discussed how to create services Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instance, IAM roles, SageMaker notebook lifecycle configuration with best practices, a VPC, and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances based on identifying the context using the AWS CDK and scaling for different users using AWS DeepRacer.

Configure the CDK environment and run the advanced log analysis notebook to bring efficiency in running the module. Assist racers to achieve better results in less time and gain granular insights into reward functions and action.


More information is available at the following resources:

  1. Automate Amazon SageMaker Studio setup using AWS CDK
  2. AWS SageMaker CDK API reference

About the Authors

 Zdenko Estok works as a cloud architect and DevOps engineer at Accenture. He works with AABG to develop and implement innovative cloud solutions, and specializes in infrastructure as code and cloud security. Zdenko likes to bike to the office and enjoys pleasant walks in nature.

Selimcan “Can” Sakar is a cloud first developer and solution architect at Accenture with a focus on artificial intelligence and a passion for watching models converge.

Shikhar Kwatra is an AI/ML specialist solutions architect at Amazon Web Services, working with a leading Global System Integrator. Shikhar aids in architecting, building, and maintaining cost-efficient, scalable cloud environments for the organization, and supports the GSI partner in building strategic industry solutions on AWS. Shikhar enjoys playing guitar, composing music, and practicing mindfulness in his spare time.

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Identifying defense coverage schemes in NFL’s Next Gen Stats

Identifying defense coverage schemes in NFL’s Next Gen Stats

This post is co-written with Jonathan Jung, Mike Band, Michael Chi, and Thompson Bliss at the National Football League.

A coverage scheme refers to the rules and responsibilities of each football defender tasked with stopping an offensive pass. It is at the core of understanding and analyzing any football defensive strategy. Classifying the coverage scheme for every pass play will provide insights of the football game to teams, broadcasters, and fans alike. For instance, it can reveal the preferences of play callers, allow deeper understanding of how respective coaches and teams continuously adjust their strategies based on their opponent’s strengths, and enable the development of new defensive-oriented analytics such as uniqueness of coverages (Seth et al.). However, manual identification of these coverages on a per-play basis is both laborious and difficult because it requires football specialists to carefully inspect the game footage. There is a need for an automated coverage classification model that can scale effectively and efficiently to reduce cost and turnaround time.

The NFL’s Next Gen Stats captures real-time location, speed, and more for every player and play of NFL football games, and derives various advanced stats covering different aspects of the game. Through a collaboration between the Next Gen Stats team and the Amazon ML Solutions Lab, we have developed the machine learning (ML)-powered stat of coverage classification that accurately identifies the defense coverage scheme based on the player tracking data. The coverage classification model is trained using Amazon SageMaker, and the stat has been launched for the 2022 NFL season.

In this post, we deep dive into the technical details of this ML model. We describe how we designed an accurate, explainable ML model to make coverage classification from player tracking data, followed by our quantitative evaluation and model explanation results.

Problem formulation and challenges

We define the defensive coverage classification as a multi-class classification task, with three types of man coverage (where each defensive player covers a certain offensive player) and five types of zone coverage (each defensive player covers a certain area on the field). These eight classes are visually depicted in the following figure: Cover 0 Man, Cover 1 Man, Cover 2 Man, Cover 2 Zone, Cover 3 Zone, Cover 4 Zone, Cover 6 Zone, and Prevent (also zone coverage). Circles in blue are the defensive players laid out in a particular type of coverage; circles in red are the offensive players. A full list of the player acronyms is provided in the appendix at the end of this post.

Eight coverages considered in the post

The following visualization shows an example play, with the location of all offensive and defensive players at the start of the play (left) and in the middle of the same play (right). To make the correct coverage identification, a multitude of information over time must be accounted for, including the way defenders lined up before the snap and the adjustments to offensive player movement once the ball is snapped. This poses the challenge for the model to capture spatial-temporal, and often subtle movement and interaction among the players.

Two frames of an example play showing player locations

Another key challenge faced by our partnership is the inherent ambiguity around the deployed coverage schemes. Beyond the eight commonly known coverage schemes, we identified adjustments in more specific coverage calls that lead to ambiguity among the eight general classes for both manual charting and model classification. We tackle these challenges using improved training strategies and model explanation. We describe our approaches in detail in the following section.

Explainable coverage classification framework

We illustrate our overall framework in the following figure, with the input of player tracking data and coverage labels starting at the top of the figure.

Overall framework for coverage classification

Feature engineering

Game tracking data is captured at 10 frames per second, including the player location, speed, acceleration, and orientation. Our feature engineering constructs sequences of play features as the input for model digestion. For a given frame, our features are inspired by the 2020 Big Data Bowl Kaggle Zoo solution (Gordeev et al.): we construct an image for each time step with the defensive players at the rows and offensive players at the columns. The pixel of the image therefore represents the features for the intersecting pair of players. Different from Gordeev et al., we extract a sequence of the frame representations, which effectively generates a mini-video to characterize the play.

The following figure visualizes how the features evolve over time in correspondence to two snapshots of an example play. For visual clarity, we only show four features out of all the ones we extracted. “LOS” in the figure stands for the line of scrimmage, and the x-axis refers to the horizontal direction to the right of the football field. Notice how the feature values, indicated by the colorbar, evolve over time in correspondence to the player movement. Altogether, we construct two sets of features as follows:

  • Defender features consisting of the defender position, speed, acceleration, and orientation, on the x-axis (horizontal direction to the right of the football field) and y-axis (vertical direction to the top of the football field)
  • Defender-offense relative features consisting of the same attributes, but calculated as the difference between the defensive and offensive players

Extracted features evolve over time corresponding to the player movement in the example play

CNN module

We utilize a convolutional neural network (CNN) to model the complex player interactions similar to the Open Source Football (Baldwin et al.) and Big Data Bowl Kaggle Zoo solution (Gordeev et al.). The image obtained from feature engineering facilitated the modeling of each play frame through a CNN. We modified the convolutional (Conv) block utilized by the Zoo solution (Gordeev et al.) with a branching structure that is comprised of a shallow one-layer CNN and a deep three-layer CNN. The convolution layer utilizes a 1×1 kernel internally: having the kernel look at each player pair individually ensures that the model is invariant to the player ordering. For simplicity, we order the players based on their NFL ID for all play samples. We obtain the frame embeddings as the output of the CNN module.

Temporal modeling

Within the short play period lasting just a few seconds, it contains rich temporal dynamics as key indicators to identify the coverage. The frame-based CNN modeling, as used in the Zoo solution (Gordeev et al.), has not accounted for the temporal progression. To tackle this challenge, we design a self-attention module (Vaswani et al.), stacked on top of the CNN, for temporal modeling. During training, it learns to aggregate the individual frames by weighing them differently (Alammar et al.). We will compare it with a more conventional, bidirectional LSTM approach in the quantitative evaluation. The learned attention embeddings as the output are then averaged to obtain the embedding of the whole play. Finally, a fully connected layer is connected to determine the coverage class of the play.

Model ensemble and label smoothing

Ambiguity among the eight coverage schemes and their imbalanced distribution make the clear separation among coverages challenging. We utilize the model ensemble to tackle these challenges during model training. Our study finds that a voting-based ensemble, one of the most simplistic ensemble methods, actually outperforms more complex approaches. In this method, each base model has the same CNN-attention architecture and is trained independently from different random seeds. The final classification takes the average over the outputs from all base models.

We further incorporate label smoothing (Müller et al.) into the cross-entropy loss to handle the potential noise in manual charting labels. Label smoothing steers the annotated coverage class slightly towards the remaining classes. The idea is to encourage the model to adapt to the inherent coverage ambiguity instead of overfitting to any biased annotations.

Quantitative evaluation

We utilize 2018–2020 season data for model training and validation, and 2021 season data for model evaluation. Each season consists of around 17,000 plays. We perform a five-fold cross-validation to select the best model during training, and perform hyperparameter optimization to select the best settings on multiple model architecture and training parameters.

To evaluate the model performance, we compute the coverage accuracy, F1 score, top-2 accuracy, and accuracy of the easier man vs. zone task. The CNN-based Zoo model used in Baldwin et al. is the most relevant for coverage classification and we use it as the baseline. In addition, we consider improved versions of the baseline that incorporate the temporal modeling components for comparative study: a CNN-LSTM model that utilizes a bi-directional LSTM to perform the temporal modeling, and a single CNN-attention model without the ensemble and label smoothing components. The results are shown in the following table.

Model Test Accuracy 8 Coverages (%) Top-2 Accuracy 8 Coverages (%) F1 Score 8 Coverages Test Accuracy Man vs. Zone (%)
Baseline: Zoo model 68.8±0.4 87.7±0.1 65.8±0.4 88.4±0.4
CNN-LSTM 86.5±0.1 93.9±0.1 84.9±0.2 94.6±0.2
CNN-attention 87.7±0.2 94.7±0.2 85.9±0.2 94.6±0.2
Ours: Ensemble of 5 CNN-attention models 88.9±0.1 97.6±0.1 87.4±0.2 95.4±0.1

We observe that incorporation of the temporal modeling module significantly improves the baseline Zoo model that was based on a single frame. Compared to the strong baseline of the CNN-LSTM model, our proposed modeling components including the self-attention module, model ensemble, and labeling smoothing combined provide significant performance improvement. The final model is performant as demonstrated by the evaluation measures. In addition, we identify very high top-2 accuracy and a significant gap to the top-1 accuracy. This can be attributed to the coverage ambiguity: when the top classification is incorrect, the 2nd guess often matches human annotation.

Model explanations and results

To shed light on the coverage ambiguity and understand what the model utilized to arrive at a given conclusion, we perform analysis using model explanations. It consists of two parts: global explanations that analyze all learned embeddings jointly, and local explanations that zoom into individual plays to analyze the most important signals captured by the model.

Global explanations

In this stage, we analyze the learned play embeddings from the coverage classification model globally to discover any patterns that require manual review. We utilize t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) (Maaten et al.) that projects the play embeddings into 2D space such as a pair of similar embeddings have high probability on their distribution. We experiment with the internal parameters to extract stable 2D projections. The embeddings from stratified samples of 9,000 plays are visualized in following figure (left), with each dot representing a certain play. We find that the majority of each coverage scheme are well separated, demonstrating the classification capability gained by the model. We observe two important patterns and investigate them further.

Some plays are mixed into other coverage types, as shown in the following figure (right). These plays could potentially be mislabeled and deserve manual inspection. We design a K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classifier to automatically identify these plays and send them for expert review. The results show that most of them were indeed labeled incorrectly.

t-SNE visualization of play embeddings and identified plays for manual review

Next, we observe several overlapping regions among the coverage types, manifesting coverage ambiguity in certain scenarios. As an example, in the following figure, we separate Cover 3 Zone (green cluster on the left) and Cover 1 Man (blue cluster in the middle). These are two different single-high coverage concepts, where the main distinction is man vs. zone coverage. We design an algorithm that automatically identifies the ambiguity between these two classes as the overlapping region of the clusters. The result is visualized as the red dots in the following right figure, with 10 randomly sampled plays marked with a black “x” for manual review. Our analysis reveals that most of the play examples in this region involve some sort of pattern matching. In these plays, the coverage responsibilities are contingent upon how the offensive receivers’ routes are distributed, and adjustments can make the play look like a mix of zone and man coverages. One such adjustment we identified applies to Cover 3 Zone, when the cornerback (CB) to one side is locked into man coverage (“Man Everywhere he Goes” or MEG) and the other has a traditional zone drop.

Overlapping region between Cover 3 Zone and Cover 1 Man

Instance explanations

In the second stage, instance explanations zoom into the individual play of interest, and extract frame-by-frame player interaction highlights that contribute the most to the identified coverage scheme. This is achieved through the Guided GradCAM algorithm (Ramprasaath et al.). We utilize the instance explanations on low-confidence model predictions.

For the play we illustrated in the beginning of the post, the model predicted Cover 3 Zone with 44.5% probability and Cover 1 Man with 31.3% probability. We generate the explanation results for both classes as shown in the following figure. The line thickness annotates the interaction strength that contributes to the model’s identification.

The top plot for Cover 3 Zone explanation comes right after the ball snap. The CB on the offense’s right has the strongest interaction lines, because he is facing the QB and stays in place. He ends up squaring off and matching with the receiver on his side, who threatens him deep.

The bottom plot for Cover 1 Man explanation comes a moment later, as the play action fake is happening. One of the strongest interactions is with the CB to the offense’s left, who is dropping with the WR. Play footage reveals that he keeps his eyes on the QB before flipping around and running with the WR who is threatening him deep. The SS on the offense’s right also has a strong interaction with the TE on his side, as he starts to shuffle as the TE breaks inside. He ends up following him across the formation, but the TE starts to block him, indicating the play was likely a run-pass option. This explains the uncertainty of the model’s classification: the TE is sticking with the SS by design, creating biases in the data.

Model explanation for Cover 3 Zone comes right after the ball snap

Model explanation for Cover 1 Man comes a moment later, as the play action fake is happening


The Amazon ML Solutions Lab and NFL’s Next Gen Stats team jointly developed the defense coverage classification stat that was recently launched for the 2022 NFL football season. This post presented the ML technical details of this stat, including the modeling of the fast temporal progression, training strategies to handle the coverage class ambiguity, and comprehensive model explanations to speed up expert review on both global and instance levels.

The solution makes live defensive coverage tendencies and splits available to broadcasters in-game for the first time ever. Likewise, the model enables the NFL to improve its analysis of post-game results and better identify key matchups leading up to games.

If you’d like help accelerating your use of ML, please contact the Amazon ML Solutions Lab program.


Player position acronyms
Defensive positions
W “Will” Linebacker, or the weak side LB
M “Mike” Linebacker, or the middle LB
S “Sam” Linebacker, or the strong side LB
CB Cornerback
DE Defensive End
DT Defensive Tackle
NT Nose Tackle
FS Free Safety
SS Strong Safety
S Safety
LB Linebacker
ILB Inside Linebacker
OLB Outside Linebacker
MLB Middle Linebacker
Offensive positions
X Usually the number 1 wide receiver in an offense, they align on the LOS. In trips formations, this receiver is often aligned isolated on the backside.
Y Usually the starting tight end, this player will often align in-line and to the opposite side as the X.
Z Usually more of a slot receiver, this player will often align off the line of scrimmage and on the same side of the field as the tight end.
H Traditionally a fullback, this player is more often a third wide receiver or a second tight end in the modern league. They can align all over the formation, but are almost always off the line of scrimmage. Depending on the team, this player could also be designated as an F.
T The featured running back. Other than empty formations, this player will align in the backfield and be a threat to receive the handoff.
QB Quarterback
C Center
G Guard
RB Running Back
FB Fullback
WR Wide Receiver
TE Tight End
LG Left Guard
RG Right Guard
T Tackle
LT Left Tackle
RT Right Tackle


About the Authors

Huan Song is an applied scientist at Amazon Machine Learning Solutions Lab, where he works on delivering custom ML solutions for high-impact customer use cases from a variety of industry verticals. His research interests are graph neural networks, computer vision, time series analysis and their industrial applications.

Mohamad Al Jazaery is an applied scientist at Amazon Machine Learning Solutions Lab. He helps AWS customers identify and build ML solutions to address their business challenges in areas such as logistics, personalization and recommendations, computer vision, fraud prevention, forecasting and supply chain optimization. Prior to AWS, he obtained his MCS from West Virginia University and worked as computer vision researcher at Midea. Outside of work, he enjoys soccer and video games.

Haibo Ding is a senior applied scientist at Amazon Machine Learning Solutions Lab. He is broadly interested in Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. His research focuses on developing new explainable machine learning models, with the goal of making them more efficient and trustworthy for real-world problems. He obtained his Ph.D. from University of Utah and worked as a senior research scientist at Bosch Research North America before joining Amazon. Apart from work, he enjoys hiking, running, and spending time with his family.

Lin Lee Cheong is an applied science manager with the Amazon ML Solutions Lab team at AWS. She works with strategic AWS customers to explore and apply artificial intelligence and machine learning to discover new insights and solve complex problems. She received her Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Outside of work, she enjoys reading and hiking.

Jonathan Jung is a Senior Software Engineer at the National Football League. He has been with the Next Gen Stats team for the last seven years helping to build out the platform from streaming the raw data, building out microservices to process the data, to building API’s that exposes the processed data. He has collaborated with the Amazon Machine Learning Solutions Lab in providing clean data for them to work with as well as providing domain knowledge about the data itself. Outside of work, he enjoys cycling in Los Angeles and hiking in the Sierras.

Mike Band is a Senior Manager of Research and Analytics for Next Gen Stats at the National Football League. Since joining the team in 2018, he has been responsible for ideation, development, and communication of key stats and insights derived from player-tracking data for fans, NFL broadcast partners, and the 32 clubs alike. Mike brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the team with a master’s degree in analytics from the University of Chicago, a bachelor’s degree in sport management from the University of Florida, and experience in both the scouting department of the Minnesota Vikings and the recruiting department of Florida Gator Football.

Michael Chi is a Senior Director of Technology overseeing Next Gen Stats and Data Engineering at the National Football League. He has a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Michael first joined the NFL in 2007 and has primarily focused on technology and platforms for football statistics. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family outdoors.

Thompson Bliss is a Manager, Football Operations, Data Scientist at the National Football League. He started at the NFL in February 2020 as a Data Scientist and was promoted to his current role in December 2021. He completed his master’s degree in Data Science at Columbia University in the City of New York in December 2019. He received a Bachelor of Science in Physics and Astronomy with minors in Mathematics and Computer Science at University of Wisconsin – Madison in 2018.

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Detect signatures on documents or images using the signatures feature in Amazon Textract

Detect signatures on documents or images using the signatures feature in Amazon Textract

Amazon Textract is a machine learning (ML) service that automatically extracts text, handwriting, and data from any document or image. AnalyzeDocument Signatures is a feature within Amazon Textract that offers the ability to automatically detect signatures on any document. This can reduce the need for human review, custom code, or ML experience.

In this post, we discuss the benefits of the AnalyzeDocument Signatures feature and how the AnalyzeDocument Signatures API helps detect signatures in documents. We also walk through how to use the feature through the Amazon Textract console and provide code examples to use the API and process the response with the Amazon Textract response parser library. Lastly, we share some best practices for using this feature.

Benefits of the Signatures feature

Our customers from insurance, mortgage, legal, and tax industries face the challenge of processing huge volumes of paper-based documents while adhering to regulatory and compliance requirements that require signatures in documents. You may need to ensure that specific forms such as loan applications or claims submitted by your end clients contain signatures before you start processing the application. For certain document processing workflows, you may need to go a step further to extract and compare the signatures for verification.

Historically, customers generally route the documents to a human reviewer to detect signatures. Using human reviewers to detect signatures tends to require a significant amount of time and resources. It can also lead to inefficiencies in the document processing workflow, resulting in longer turnaround times and a poor end-user experience.

The AnalyzeDocument Signatures feature allows you to automatically detect handwritten signatures, electronic signatures, and initials on documents. This can help you build an automated scalable solution with less reliance on costly and time-consuming manual processing. Not only can you use this feature to verify whether the document is signed, but you can also validate if a particular field in the form is signed using the location details of the detected signatures. You can also use location information to redact personally identifiable information (PII) in a document.

How AnalyzeDocument Signatures detects signatures in documents

The AnalyzeDocument API has four feature types: Forms, Tables, Queries, and Signatures. When Amazon Textract processes documents, the results are returned in an array of Block objects. The Signatures feature can be used by itself or in combination with other feature types. When used by itself, the Signatures feature type provides a JSON response that includes the location and confidence scores of the detected signatures and raw text (words and lines) from the documents. The Signatures feature combined with other feature types, such as Forms and Tables, can help draw useful insights. In cases where the feature is used with Forms and Tables, the response shows the signature as part of key value pair or a table cell. For example, the response for the following form contains the key as Signature of Lender and the value as the Block object.

How to use the Signatures feature on the Amazon Textract console

Before we get started with the API and code samples, let’s review the Amazon Textract console. After you upload the document to the Amazon Textract console, select Signature detection in the Configure document section and choose Apply configuration.

The following screenshot shows an example of a paystub on the Signatures tab for the Analyze Document API on the Amazon Textract console.

The feature detects and presents the signature with its corresponding page and confidence score.

Code examples

You can use the Signatures feature to detect signatures on different types of documents, such as checks, loan application forms, claims forms, paystubs, mortgage documents, bank statements, lease agreements, and contracts. In this section, we discuss some of these documents and show how to invoke the AnalyzeDocument API with the Signatures parameter to detect signatures.

The input document can either be in a byte array format or located in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. For documents in a byte array format, you can submit image bytes to an Amazon Textract API operation by using the bytes property. Signatures as a feature type is supported by the AnalyzeDocument API for synchronous document processing and StartDocumentAnalysis for asynchronous processing of documents.

In the following example, we detect signatures on an employment verification letter.

We use the following sample Python code:

import boto3
import json

#create a Textract Client
textract = boto3.client('textract')
documentName = image_filename

response = None
with open(image_filename, 'rb') as document:
    imageBytes = bytearray(

# Call Textract AnalyzeDocument by passing a document from local disk
response = textract.analyze_document(
    Document={'Bytes': imageBytes},

Let’s analyze the response we get from the AnalyzeDocument API. The following response has been trimmed to only show the relevant parts. The response has a BlockType of SIGNATURE that shows the confidence score, ID for the block, and bounding box details:

'BlockType': 'SIGNATURE',
   'Confidence': 38.468597412109375,
   'Geometry': {'BoundingBox': {'Width': 0.15083004534244537,
     'Height': 0.019236255437135696,
     'Left': 0.11393339931964874,
     'Top': 0.8885205388069153},
    'Polygon': [{'X': 0.11394496262073517, 'Y': 0.8885205388069153},
     {'X': 0.2647634446620941, 'Y': 0.8887625932693481},
     {'X': 0.264753133058548, 'Y': 0.9077568054199219},
     {'X': 0.11393339931964874, 'Y': 0.907513439655304}]},
   'Id': '609f749c-5e79-4dd4-abcc-ad47c6ebf777'}]

We use the following code to print the ID and location in a tabulated format:

#print detected text
from tabulate import tabulate
d = []
for item in response["Blocks"]:
    if item["BlockType"] == "SIGNATURE":

print(tabulate(d, headers=["Id", "Geometry"],tablefmt="grid",maxcolwidths=[None, 100]))

The following screenshot shows our results.

More details and the complete code is available in the notebook on the GitHub repo.

For documents that have legible signatures in key value formats, we can use the Textract response parser to extract just the signature fields by searching for the key and the corresponding value to those keys:

from trp import Document
doc = Document(response)
d = []

for page in doc.pages:
    # Search fields by key
    print("nSearch Fields:")
    key = "Signature"
    fields = page.form.searchFieldsByKey(key)
    for field in fields:
        d.append([field.key, field.value])        

print(tabulate(d, headers=["Key", "Value"]))

The preceding code returns the following results:

Search Fields:
Key                        		Value
-------------------------  		--------------
8. Signature of Applicant 	Paulo Santos
26. Signature of Employer 	Richard Roe
3. Signature of Lender     	Carlos Salazar

Note that in order to transcribe the signatures in this way, the signatures must be legible.

Best practices for using the Signatures feature

Consider the following best practices when using this feature:

  • For real-time responses, use the synchronous operation of the AnalyzeDocument API. For use cases where you don’t need the response in real time, such as batch processing, we suggest using the asynchronous operation of the API.
  • The Signatures feature works best when there are up to three signatures on a page. When there are more than three signatures on a page, it’s best to split the page into sections and feed each of the sections separately to the API.
  • Use the confidence scores provided with the detected signatures to route the documents for human review when the scores don’t meet your required threshold. The confidence score is not a measure of accuracy, but an estimate of the model’s confidence in its prediction. You should select a confidence score that makes the most sense for your use case.


In this post, we provided an overview of the Signatures feature of Amazon Textract to automatically detect signatures on documents, such as paystubs, rental lease agreements, and contracts. AnalyzeDocument Signatures reduces the need for human reviewers and helps you reduce costs, save time, and build scalable solutions for document processing.

To get started, log on to the Amazon Textract console to try out the feature. To learn more about Amazon Textract capabilities, refer to Amazon Textract, the Amazon Textract Developer Guide, or Textract Resources.

About the Authors

Maran Chandrasekaran is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, working with our enterprise customers. Outside of work, he loves to travel and ride his motorcycle in Texas Hill Country.

Shibin Michaelraj is a Sr. Product Manager with the AWS Textract team. He is focused on building AI/ML-based products for AWS customers.

Suprakash Dutta is a Sr. Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He focuses on digital transformation strategy, application modernization and migration, data analytics, and machine learning. He is part of the AI/ML community at AWS and designs intelligent document processing solutions.

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