Hyperparameter optimization for fine-tuning pre-trained transformer models from Hugging Face

Large attention-based transformer models have obtained massive gains on natural language processing (NLP). However, training these gigantic networks from scratch requires a tremendous amount of data and compute. For smaller NLP datasets, a simple yet effective strategy is to use a pre-trained transformer, usually trained in an unsupervised fashion on very large datasets, and fine-tune it on the dataset of interest. Hugging Face maintains a large model zoo of these pre-trained transformers and makes them easily accessible even for novice users.

However, fine-tuning these models still requires expert knowledge, because they’re quite sensitive to their hyperparameters, such as learning rate or batch size. In this post, we show how to optimize these hyperparameters with the open-source framework Syne Tune for distributed hyperparameter optimization (HPO). Syne Tune allows us to find a better hyperparameter configuration that achieves a relative improvement between 1-4% compared to default hyperparameters on popular GLUE benchmark datasets. The choice of the pre-trained model itself can also be considered a hyperparameter and therefore be automatically selected by Syne Tune. On a text classification problem, this leads to an additional boost in accuracy of approximately 5% compared to the default model. However, we can automate more decisions a user needs to make; we demonstrate this by also exposing the type of instance as a hyperparameter that we later use to deploy the model. By selecting the right instance type, we can find configurations that optimally trade off cost and latency.

For an introduction to Syne Tune please refer to Run distributed hyperparameter and neural architecture tuning jobs with Syne Tune.

Hyperparameter optimization with Syne Tune

We will use the GLUE benchmark suite, which consists of nine datasets for natural language understanding tasks, such as textual entailment recognition or sentiment analysis. For that, we adapt Hugging Face’s run_glue.py training script. GLUE datasets come with a predefined training and evaluation set with labels as well as a hold-out test set without labels. Therefore, we split the training set into a training and validation sets (70%/30% split) and use the evaluation set as our holdout test dataset. Furthermore, we add another callback function to Hugging Face’s Trainer API that reports the validation performance after each epoch back to Syne Tune. See the following code:

import transformers

from syne_tune.report import Reporter

class SyneTuneReporter(transformers.trainer_callback.TrainerCallback):

    def __init__(self):
        self.report = Reporter()

    def on_evaluate(self, args, state, control, **kwargs):
        results = kwargs['metrics'].copy()
        results['step'] = state.global_step
        results['epoch'] = int(state.epoch)

We start with optimizing typical training hyperparameters: the learning rate, warmup ratio to increase the learning rate, and the batch size for fine-tuning a pretrained BERT (bert-base-cased) model, which is the default model in the Hugging Face example. See the following code:

config_space = dict()
config_space['learning_rate'] = loguniform(1e-6, 1e-4)
config_space['per_device_train_batch_size'] =  randint(16, 48)
config_space['warmup_ratio'] = uniform(0, 0.5)

As our HPO method, we use ASHA, which samples hyperparameter configurations uniformly at random and iteratively stops the evaluation of poorly performing configurations. Although more sophisticated methods utilize a probabilistic model of the objective function, such as BO or MoBster exists, we use ASHA for this post because it comes without any assumptions on the search space.

In the following figure, we compare the relative improvement in test error over Hugging Faces’ default hyperparameter configuration.

For simplicity, we limit the comparison to MRPC, COLA, and STSB, but we also observe similar improvements also for other GLUE datasets. For each dataset, we run ASHA on a single ml.g4dn.xlarge Amazon SageMaker instance with a runtime budget of 1,800 seconds, which corresponds to approximately 13, 7, and 9 full function evaluations on these datasets, respectively. To account for the intrinsic randomness of the training process, for example caused by the mini-batch sampling, we run both ASHA and the default configuration for five repetitions with an independent seed for the random number generator and report the average and standard deviation of the relative improvement across the repetitions. We can see that, across all datasets, we can in fact improve predictive performance by 1-3% relative to the performance of the carefully selected default configuration.

Automate selecting the pre-trained model

We can use HPO to not only find hyperparameters, but also automatically select the right pre-trained model. Why do we want to do this? Because no a single model outperforms across all datasets, we have to select the right model for a specific dataset. To demonstrate this, we evaluate a range of popular transformer models from Hugging Face. For each dataset, we rank each model by its test performance. The ranking across datasets (see the following Figure) changes and not one single model that scores the highest on every dataset. As reference we also show the absolute test performance of each model and dataset in the following figure.

To automatically select the right model, we can cast the choice of the model as categorical parameters and add this to our hyperparameter search space:

config_space['model_name_or_path'] = choice(['bert-base-cased', 'bert-base-uncased', 'distilbert-base-uncased', 'distilbert-base-cased', 'roberta-base', 'albert-base-v2', 'distilroberta-base', 'xlnet-base-cased', 'albert-base-v1'])

Although the search space is now larger, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s harder to optimize. The following figure shows the test error of the best observed configuration (based on the validation error) on the MRPC dataset of ASHA over time when we search in the original space (blue line) (with a BERT-base-cased pre-trained model) or in the new augmented search space (orange line). Given the same budget, ASHA is able to find a much better performing hyperparameter configuration in the extended search space than in the smaller space.

Automate selecting the instance type

In practice, we might not just care about optimizing predictive performance. We might also care about other objectives, such as training time, (dollar) cost, latency, or fairness metrics. We also need to make other choices beyond the hyperparameters of the model, for example selecting the instance type.

Although the instance type doesn’t influence predictive performance, it strongly impacts the (dollar) cost, training runtime, and latency. The latter becomes particularly important when the model is deployed. We can phrase HPO as a multi-objective optimization problem, where we aim to optimize multiple objectives simultaneously. However, no single solution optimizes all metrics at the same time. Instead, we aim to find a set of configurations that optimally trade off one objective vs. the other. This is called the Pareto set.

To analyze this setting further, we add the choice of the instance type as an additional categorical hyperparameter to our search space:

config_space['st_instance_type'] = choice(['ml.g4dn.xlarge', 'ml.g4dn.2xlarge', 'ml.p2.xlarge', 'ml.g4dn.4xlarge', 'ml.g4dn.8xlarge', 'ml.p3.2xlarge'])

We use MO-ASHA, which adapts ASHA to the multi-objective scenario by using non-dominated sorting. In each iteration, MO-ASHA also selects for each configuration also the type of instance we want to evaluate it on. To run HPO on a heterogeneous set of instances, Syne Tune provides the SageMaker backend. With this backend, each trial is evaluated as an independent SageMaker training job on its own instance. The number of workers defines how many SageMaker jobs we run in parallel at a given time. The optimizer itself, MO-ASHA in our case, runs either on the local machine, a Sagemaker notebook or on a separate SageMaker training job. See the following code:

backend = SageMakerBackend(
        # instance-type given here are override by Syne Tune with values sampled from `st_instance_type`.

The following figures show the latency vs test error on the left and latency vs cost on the right for random configurations sampled by MO-ASHA (we limit the axis for visibility) on the MRPC dataset after running it for 10,800 seconds on four workers. Color indicates the instance type. The dashed black line represents the Pareto set, meaning the set of points that dominate all other points in at least one objective.

We can observe a trade-off between latency and test error, meaning the best configuration with the lowest test error doesn’t achieve the lowest latency. Based on your preference, you can select a hyperparameter configuration that sacrifices on test performance but comes with a smaller latency. We also see the trade off between latency and cost. By using a smaller ml.g4dn.xlarge instance, for example, we only marginally increase latency, but pay a fourth of the cost of an ml.g4dn.8xlarge instance.


In this post, we discussed hyperparameter optimization for fine-tuning pre-trained transformer models from Hugging Face based on Syne Tune. We saw that by optimizing hyperparameters such as learning rate, batch size, and the warm-up ratio, we can improve upon the carefully chosen default configuration. We can also extend this by automatically selecting the pre-trained model via hyperparameter optimization.

With the help of Syne Tune’s SageMaker backend, we can treat the instance type as an hyperparameter. Although the instance type doesn’t affect performance, it has a significant impact on the latency and cost. Therefore, by casting HPO as a multi-objective optimization problem, we’re able to find a set of configurations that optimally trade off one objective vs. the other. If you want to try this out yourself, check out our example notebook.

About the Authors

Aaron Klein is an Applied Scientist at AWS.

Matthias Seeger is a Principal Applied Scientist at AWS.

David Salinas is a Sr Applied Scientist at AWS.

Emily Webber joined AWS just after SageMaker launched, and has been trying to tell the world about it ever since! Outside of building new ML experiences for customers, Emily enjoys meditating and studying Tibetan Buddhism.

Cedric Archambeau is a Principal Applied Scientist at AWS and Fellow of the European Lab for Learning and Intelligent Systems.

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Diagnose model performance before deployment for Amazon Fraud Detector

With the growth in adoption of online applications and the rising number of internet users, digital fraud is on the rise year over year. Amazon Fraud Detector provides a fully managed service to help you better identify potentially fraudulent online activities using advanced machine learning (ML) techniques, and more than 20 years of fraud detection expertise from Amazon.

To help you catch fraud faster across multiple use cases, Amazon Fraud Detector offers specific models with tailored algorithms, enrichments, and feature transformations. The model training is fully automated and hassle-free, and you can follow the instructions in the user guide or related blog posts to get started. However, with trained models, you need to decide whether the model is ready for deployment. This requires certain knowledge in ML, statistics, and fraud detection, and it may be helpful to know some typical approaches.

This post will help you to diagnose model performance and pick the right model for deployment. We walk through the metrics provided by Amazon Fraud Detector, help you diagnose potential issues, and provide suggestions to improve model performance. The approaches are applicable to both Online Fraud Insights (OFI) and Transaction Fraud Insights (TFI) model templates.

Solution overview

This post provides an end-to-end process to diagnose your model performance. It first introduces all the model metrics shown on the Amazon Fraud Detector console, including AUC, score distribution, confusion matrix, ROC curve, and model variable importance. Then we present a three-step approach to diagnose model performance using different metrics. Finally, we provide suggestions to improve model performance for typical issues.


Before diving deep into your Amazon Fraud Detector model, you need to complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Create an AWS account.
  2. Create an event dataset for model training.
  3. Upload your data to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or ingest your event data into Amazon Fraud Detector.
  4. Build an Amazon Fraud Detector model.

Interpret model metrics

After model training is complete, Amazon Fraud Detector evaluates your model using part of the modeling data that wasn’t used in model training. It returns the evaluation metrics on the Model version page for that model. Those metrics reflect the model performance you can expect on real data after deploying to production.

The following screenshot shows example model performance returned by Amazon Fraud Detector. You can choose different thresholds on score distribution (left), and the confusion matrix (right) is updated accordingly.

You can use the following findings to check performance and decide on strategy rules:

  • AUC (area under the curve) – The overall performance of this model. A model with AUC of 0.50 is no better than a coin flip because it represents random chance, whereas a “perfect” model will have a score of 1.0. The higher AUC, the better your model can distinguish between frauds and legitimates.
  • Score distribution – A histogram of model score distributions assuming an example population of 100,000 events. Amazon Fraud Detector generates model scores between 0–1000, where the lower the score, the lower the fraud risk. Better separation between legitimate (green) and fraud (blue) populations typically indicates a better model. For more details, see Model scores.
  • Confusion matrix – A table that describes model performance for the selected given score threshold, including true positive, true negative, false positive, false negative, true positive rate (TPR), and false positive rate (FPR). The count on the table assumes an example population of 100,0000 events. For more details, see Model performance metrics.
  • ROC (Receiver Operator Characteristic) curve – A plot that illustrates the diagnostic ability of the model, as shown in the following screenshot. It plots the true positive rate as a function of false positive rate over all possible model score thresholds. View this chart by choosing Advanced Metrics. If you have trained multiple versions of one model, you can select different FPR thresholds to check the performance change.
  • Model variable importance – The rank of model variables based on their contribution to the generated model, as shown in the following screenshot. The model variable with the highest value is more important to the model than the other model variables in the dataset for that model version, and is listed at the top by default. For more details, see Model variable importance.

Diagnose model performance

Before deploying your model into production, you should use the metrics Amazon Fraud Detector returned to understand the model performance and diagnose the possible issues. The common problems of ML models can be divided into two main categories: data-related issues and model-related issues. Amazon Fraud Detector has taken care of the model-related issues by carefully using validation and testing sets to evaluate and tune your model on the backend. You can complete the following steps to validate if your model is ready for deployment or has possible data-related issues:

  1. Check overall model performance (AUC and score distribution).
  2. Review business requirements (confusion matrix and table).
  3. Check model variable importance.

Check overall model performance: AUC and score distribution

More accurate prediction of future events is always the primary goal of a predictive model. The AUC returned by Amazon Fraud Detector is calculated on a properly sampled test set not used in training. In general, a model with an AUC greater than 0.9 is considered to be a good model.

If you observe a model with performance less than 0.8, it usually means the model has room for improvement (we discuss common issues for low model performance later in this post). Note that the definition of “good” performance highly depends on your business and the baseline model. You can still follow the steps in this post to improve your Amazon Fraud Detector model even though its AUC is greater than 0.8.

On the other hand, if the AUC is over 0.99, it means the model can almost perfectly separate the fraud and legitimate events on the test set. This is sometimes a “too good to be true” scenario (we discuss common issues for very high model performance later in this post).

Besides the overall AUC, the score distribution can also tell you how well the model is fitted. Ideally, you should see the bulk of legitimate and fraud located on the two ends of the scale, which indicates the model score can accurately rank the events on the test set.

In the following example, the score distribution has an AUC of 0.96.

If the legitimate and fraud distribution overlapped or concentrated in the center, it probably means the model doesn’t perform well on distinguishing fraud events from legitimate events, which might indicate historical data distribution changed or that you need more data or features.

The following is an example of score distribution with an AUC of 0.64.

If you can find a split point that can almost perfectly split fraud and legitimate events, there is a high chance that the model has a label leakage issue or the fraud patterns are too easy to detect, which should catch your attention.

In the following example, the score distribution has an AUC of 1.0.

Review business requirements: Confusion matrix and table

Although AUC is a convenient indicator of model performance, it may not directly translate to your business requirement. Amazon Fraud Detector also provides metrics such as fraud capture rate (true positive rate), percentage of legitimate events that are incorrectly predicted as fraud (false positive rate), and more, which are more commonly used as business requirements. After you train a model with a reasonably good AUC, you need to compare the model with your business requirement with those metrics.

The confusion matrix and table provide you with an interface to review the impact and check if it meets your business needs. Note that the numbers depend on the model threshold, where events with scores larger than then threshold are classified as fraud and events with scores lower than the threshold are classified as legit. You can choose which threshold to use depending on your business requirements.

For example, if your goal is to capture 73% of frauds, then (as shown in the example below) you can choose a threshold such as 855, which allows you to capture 73% of all fraud. However, the model will also mis-classify 3% legitimate events to be fraudulent. If this FPR is acceptable for your business, then the model is good for deployment. Otherwise, you need to improve the model performance.

Another example is if the cost for blocking or challenging a legitimate customer is extremely high, then you want a low FPR and high precision. In that case, you can choose a threshold of 950, as shown in the following example, which will miss-classify 1% of legitimate customers as fraud, and 80% of identified fraud will actually be fraudulent.

In addition, you can choose multiple thresholds and assign different outcomes, such as block, investigate, pass. If you can’t find proper thresholds and rules that satisfy all your business requirements, you should consider training your model with more data and attributes.

Check model variable importance

The Model variable importance pane displays how each variable contributes to your model. If one variable has a significantly higher importance value than the others, it might indicate label leakage or that the fraud patterns are too easy to detect. Note that the variable importance is aggregated back to your input variables. If you observe slightly higher importance of IP_ADDRESS, CARD_BIN, EMAIL_ADDRESS, PHONE_NUMBER, BILLING_ZIP, or SHIPPING_ZIP, it might because of the power of enrichment.

The following example shows model variable importance with a potential label leakage using investigation_status.

Model variable importance also gives you hints of what additional variables could potentially bring lift to the model. For example, if you observe low AUC and seller-related features show high importance, you might consider collecting more order features such as SELLER_CATEGORY, SELLER_ADDRESS, and SELLER_ACTIVE_YEARS, and add those variables to your model.

Common issues for low model performance

In this section, we discuss common issues you may encounter regarding low model performance.

Historical data distribution changed

Historical data distribution drift happens when you have a big business change or a data collection issue. For example, if you recently launched your product in a new market, the IP_ADDRESS, EMAIL, and ADDRESS related features could be completely different, and the fraud modus operandi could also change. Amazon Fraud Detector uses EVENT_TIMESTAMP to split data and evaluate your model on the appropriate subset of events in your dataset. If your historical data distribution changes significantly, the evaluation set could be very different from the training data, and the reported model performance could be low.

You can check the potential data distribution change issue by exploring your historical data:

  1. Use the Amazon Fraud Detector Data Profiler tool to check if the fraud rate and the missing rate of the label changed over time.
  2. Check if the variable distribution over time changed significantly, especially for features with high variable importance.
  3. Check the variable distribution over time by target variables. If you observe significantly more fraud events from one category in recent data, you might want to check if the change is reasonable using your business judgments.

If you find the missing rate of the label is very high or the fraud rate consistently dropped during the most recent dates, it might be an indicator of labels not fully matured. You should exclude the most recent data or wait longer to collect the accurate labels, and then retrain your model.

If you observe a sharp spike of fraud rate and variables on specific dates, you might want to double-check if it is an outlier or data collection issue. In that case, you should delete those events and retrain the model.

If you find the outdated data can’t represent your current and future business, you should exclude the old period of data from training. If you’re using stored events in Amazon Fraud Detector, you can simply retrain a new version and select the proper date range while configuring the training job. That may also indicate that the fraud modus operandi in your business changes relatively quickly over time. After model deployment, you may need to re-train your model frequently.

Improper variable type mapping

Amazon Fraud Detector enriches and transforms the data based on the variable types. It’s important that you map your variables to the correct type so that Amazon Fraud Detector model can take the maximum value of your data. For example, if you map IP to the CATEGORICAL type instead of IP_ADDRESS, you don’t get the IP-related enrichments in the backend.

In general, Amazon Fraud Detector suggests the following actions:

  1. Map your variables to specific types, such as IP_ADDRESS, EMAIL_ADDRESS, CARD_BIN, and PHONE_NUMBER, so that Amazon Fraud Detector can extract and enrich additional information.
  2. If you can’t find the specific variable type, map it to one of the three generic types: NUMERIC, CATEGORICAL, or FREE_FORM_TEXT.
  3. If a variable is in text form and has high cardinality, such as a customer review or product description, you should map it to the FREE_FORM_TEXT variable type so that Amazon Fraud Detector extracts text features and embeddings on the backend for you. For example, if you map url_string to FREE_FORM_TEXT, it’s able to tokenize the URL and extract information to feed into the downstream model, which will help it learn more hidden patterns from the URL.

If you find any of your variable types are mapped incorrectly in variable configuration, you can change your variable type and then retrain the model.

Insufficient data or features

Amazon Fraud Detector requires at least 10,000 records to train an Online Fraud Insights (OFI) or Transaction Fraud Insights (TFI) model, with at least 400 of those records identified as fraudulent. TFI also requires that both fraudulent records and legitimate records come from at least 100 different entities each to ensure the diversity of the dataset. Additionally, Amazon Fraud Detector requires the modeling data to have at least two variables. Those are the minimum data requirements to build a useful Amazon Fraud Detector model. However, using more records and variables usually helps the ML models better learn the underlying patterns from your data. When you observe a low AUC or can’t find thresholds that meet your business requirement, you should consider retraining your model with more data or add new features to your model. Usually, we find EMAIL_ADDRESS, IP, PAYMENT_TYPE, BILLING_ADDRESS, SHIPPING_ADDRESS, and DEVICE related variables are important in fraud detection.

Another possible cause is that some of your variables contain too many missing values. To see if that is happening, check the model training messages and refer to Troubleshoot training data issues for suggestions.

Common issues for very high model performance

In this section, we discuss common issues related to very high model performance.

Label leakage

Label leakage occurs when the training datasets use information that would not be expected to be available at prediction time. It overestimates the model’s utility when run in a production environment.

High AUC (close to 1), perfectly separated score distribution, and significantly higher variable importance of one variable could be indicators of potential label leakage issues. You can also check the correlation between the features and the label using the Data Profiler. The Feature and label correlation plot shows the correlation between each feature and the label. If one feature has over 0.99 correlation with the label, you should check if the feature is used properly based on business judgments. For example, to build a risk model to approve or decline a loan application, you shouldn’t use the features like AMOUNT_PAID, because the payments happen after the underwriting process. If a variable isn’t available at the time you make prediction, you should remove that variable from model configuration and retrain a new model.

The following example shows the correlation between each variable and label. investigation_status has a high correlation (close to 1) with the label, so you should double-check if there is a label leakage issue.

Simple fraud patterns

When the fraud patterns in your data are simple, you might also observe very high model performance. For example, suppose all the fraud events in the modeling data come through the same Internal Service Provider; it’s straightforward for the model to pick the IP-related variables and return a “perfect” model with high importance of IP.

Simple fraud patterns don’t always indicate a data issue. It could be true that the fraud modus operandi in your business is easy to capture. However, before making a conclusion, you need to make sure the labels used in model training are accurate, and the modeling data covers as many fraud patterns as possible. For example, if you label your fraud events based on rules, such as labeling all applications from a specific BILLING_ZIP plus PRODUCT_CATEGORY as fraud, the model can easily catch those frauds by simulating the rules and achieving a high AUC.

You can check the label distribution across different categories or bins of each feature using the Data Profiler. For example, if you observe that most fraud events come from one or a few product categories, it might be an indicator of simple fraud patterns, and you need to confirm that it’s not a data collection or process mistake. If the feature is like CUSTOMER_ID, you should exclude the feature in model training.

The following example shows label distribution across different categories of product_category. All fraud comes from two product categories.

Improper data sampling

Improper data sampling may happen when you sampled and only sent part of your data to Amazon Fraud Detector. If the data isn’t sampled properly and isn’t representative of the traffic in production, the reported model performance will be inaccurate and the model could be useless for production prediction. For example, if all fraud events in the modeling data are sampled from Asia and all legit events are sampled from the US, the model might learn to separate fraud and legit based on BILLING_COUNTRY. In that case, the model is not generic to be applied to other populations.

Usually, we suggest sending all the latest events without sampling. Based on the data size and fraud rate, Amazon Fraud Detector does sampling before model training for you. If your data is too large (over 100 GB) and you decide to sample and send only a subset, you should randomly sample your data and make sure the sample is representative of the entire population. For TFI, you should sample your data by entity, which means if one entity is sampled, you should include all its history so that the entity level aggregates are calculated correctly. Note that if you only send a subset of data to Amazon Fraud Detector, the real-time aggregates during inference might be inaccurate if the previous events of the entities aren’t sent.

Another improper data sampling could be only using a short period of data, like one day’s data, to build the model. The data might be biased, especially if your business or fraud attacks have seasonality. We usually recommend including at least two cycles’ (such as 2 weeks or 2 months) worth of data in the modeling to ensure the diversity of fraud types.


After diagnosing and resolving all the potential issues, you should get a useful Amazon Fraud Detector model and be confident about its performance. For the next step, you can create a detector with the model and your business rules, and be ready to deploy it to production for a shadow mode evaluation.


How to exclude variables for model training

After the deep dive, you might identify a variable leak target information, and want to exclude it from model training. You can retrain a model version excluding the variables you don’t want by completing the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Fraud Detector console, in the navigation pane, choose Models.
  2. On the Models page, choose the model you want to retrain.
  3. On the Actions menu, choose Train new version.
  4. Select the date range you want to use and choose Next.
  5. On the Configure training page, deselect the variable you don’t want to use in model training.
  6. Specify your fraud labels and legitimate labels and how you want Amazon Fraud Detector to use unlabeled events, then choose Next.
  7. Review the model configuration and choose Create and train model.

How to change event variable type

Variables represent data elements used in fraud prevention. In Amazon Fraud Detector, all variables are global and are shared across all events and models, which means one variable could be used in multiple events. For example, IP could be associated with sign-in events, and it could also be associated with transaction events. Naturally, Amazon Fraud Detector locked the variable type and data type once a variable is created. To delete an existing variable, you need to first delete all associated event types and models. You can check the resources associated with the specific variable by navigating to Amazon Fraud Detector, choosing Variables in the navigation pane, and choosing the variable name and Associated resources.

Delete the variable and all associated event types

To delete the variable, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Fraud Detector console, in the navigation pane, choose Variables.
  2. Choose the variable you want to delete.
  3. Choose Associated resources to view a list of all the event types used this variable.
    You need to delete those associated event types before deleting the variable.
  4. Choose the event types in the list to go to the associated event type page.
  5. Choose Stored events to check if any data is stored under this event type.
  6. If there are events stored in Amazon Fraud Detector, choose Delete stored events to delete the stored events.
    When the delete job is complete, the message “The stored events for this event type were successfully deleted” appears.
  7. Choose Associated resources.
    If detectors and models are associated with this event type, you need to delete those resources first.
  8. If detectors are associated, complete the following steps to delete all associated detectors:
    1. Choose the detector to go to the Detector details page.
    2. In the Model versions pane, choose the detector’s version.
    3. On the detector version page, choose Actions.
    4. If the detector version is active, choose Deactivate, choose Deactivate this detector version without replacing it with a different version, and choose Deactivate detector version.
    5. After the detector version is deactivated, choose Actions and then Delete.
    6. Repeat these steps to delete all detector versions.
    7. On the Detector details page, choose Associated rules.
    8. Choose the rule to delete.
    9. Choose Actions and Delete rule version.
    10. Enter the rule name to confirm and choose Delete version.
    11. Repeat these steps to delete all associated rules.
    12. After all detector versions and associated rules are deleted, go to the Detector details page, choose Actions, and choose Delete detector.
    13. Enter the detector’s name and choose Delete detector.
    14. Repeat these steps to delete the next detector.
  9. If any models are associated with the event type, complete the following steps to delete them:
    1. Choose the name of the model.
    2. In the Model versions pane, choose the version.
    3. If the model status is Active, choose Actions and Undeploy model version.
    4. Enter undeploy to confirm and choose Undeploy model version.
      The status changes to Undeploying. The process takes a few minutes to complete.
    5. After the status becomes Ready to deploy, choose Actions and Delete.
    6. Repeat these steps to delete all model versions.
    7. On the Model details page, choose Actions and Delete model.
    8. Enter the name of the model and choose Delete model.
    9. Repeat these steps to delete the next model.
  10. After all associated detectors and models are deleted, choose Actions and Delete event type on the Event details page.
  11. Enter the name of the event type and choose Delete event type.
  12. In the navigation pane, choose Variables, and choose the variable you want to delete.
  13. Repeat the earlier steps to delete all event types associated with the variable.
  14. On the Variable details page, choose Actions and Delete.
  15. Enter the name of the variable and choose Delete variable.

Create a new variable with the correct variable type

After you have deleted the variable and all associated event types, stored events, models, and detectors from Amazon Fraud Detector, you can create a new variable of the same name and map it to the correct variable type.

  1. On the Amazon Fraud Detector console, in the navigation pane, choose Variables.
  2. Choose Create.
  3. Enter the variable name you want to modify (the one you deleted earlier).
  4. Select the correct variable type you want to change to.
  5. Choose Create variable.

Upload data and retrain the model

After you update the variable type, you can upload the data again and train a new model. For instructions, refer to Detect online transaction fraud with new Amazon Fraud Detector features.

How to add new variables to an existing event type

To add new variables to the existing event type, complete the following steps:

  1. Add the new variables to the previous training CVS file.
  2. Upload the new training data file to an S3 bucket. Note the Amazon S3 location of your training file (for example, s3://bucketname/path/to/some/object.csv) and your role name.
  3. On the Amazon Fraud Detector console, in the navigation pane, choose Events.
  4. On the Event types page, choose the name of the event type you want to add variables.
  5. On the Event type details page, choose Actions, then Add variables.
  6. Under Choose how to define this event’s variables, choose Select variables from a training dataset.
  7. For IAM role, select an existing IAM role or create a new role to access data in Amazon S3.
  8. For Data location, enter the S3 location of the new training file and choose Upload.
    The new variables not present in the existing event type should show up in the list.
  9. Choose Add variables.

Now, the new variables have been added to the existing event type. If you’re using stored events in Amazon Fraud Detector, the new variables of the stored events are still missing. You need to import the training data with the new variables to Amazon Fraud Detector and then retrain a new model version. When uploading the new training data with the same EVENT_ID and EVENT_TIMESTAMP, the new event variables overwrite the previous event variables stored in Amazon Fraud Detector.

About the Authors

Julia Xu is a Research Scientist with Amazon Fraud Detector. She is passionate about solving customer challenges using Machine Learning techniques. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, painting, and exploring new coffee shops.

Hao Zhou is a Research Scientist with Amazon Fraud Detector. He holds a PhD in electrical engineering from Northwestern University, USA. He is passionate about applying machine learning techniques to combat fraud and abuse.

Abhishek Ravi is a Senior Product Manager with Amazon Fraud Detector. He is passionate about leveraging technical capabilities to build products that delight customers.

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Create audio for content in multiple languages with the same TTS voice persona in Amazon Polly

Amazon Polly is a leading cloud-based service that converts text into lifelike speech. Following the adoption of Neural Text-to-Speech (NTTS), we have continuously expanded our portfolio of available voices in order to provide a wide selection of distinct speakers in supported languages. Today, we are pleased to announce four new additions: Pedro speaking US Spanish, Daniel speaking German, Liam speaking Canadian French, and Arthur speaking British English. As with all the Neural voices in our portfolio, these voices offer fluent, native pronunciation in their target languages. However, what is unique about these four voices is that they are all based on the same voice persona.

Pedro, Daniel, Liam and Arthur were modeled on an existing US English Matthew voice. While customers continue to appreciate Matthew for his naturalness and professional-sounding quality, the voice has so far exclusively served English-speaking traffic. Now, using deep-learning methods, we decoupled language and speaker identity, which allowed us to preserve native-like fluency across many languages without having to obtain multilingual data from the same speaker. In practice, this means that we transferred the vocal characteristics of the US English Matthew voice to US Spanish, German, Canadian French, and British English, opening up new opportunities for Amazon Polly customers.

Having a similar-sounding voice available in five locales unlocks great potential for business growth. First of all, customers with a global footprint can create a consistent user experience across languages and regions. For example, an interactive voice response (IVR) system that supports multiple languages can now serve different customer segments without changing the feel of the brand. The same goes for all other TTS use cases, such as voicing news articles, education materials, or podcasts.

Secondly, the voices are a good fit for Amazon Polly customers who are looking for a native pronunciation of foreign phrases in any of the five supported languages.

Thirdly, releasing Pedro, Daniel, Liam, and Arthur serves our customers who like Amazon Polly NTTS in US Spanish, German, Canadian French, and British English but are looking for a high-quality masculine voice—they can use these voices to create audio for monolingual content and expect top quality that is on par with other NTTS voices in these languages.

Lastly, the technology we have developed to create the new male NTTS voices can also be used for Brand Voices. Thanks to this, Brand Voice customers can not only enjoy a unique NTTS voice that is tailored to their brand, but also keep a consistent experience while serving an international audience.

Example use case

Let’s explore an example use case to demonstrate what this means in practice. Amazon Polly customers familiar with Matthew can still use this voice in the usual way by choosing Matthew on the Amazon Polly console and entering any text they want to hear spoken in US English. In the following scenario, we generate audio samples for an IVR system (“For English, please press one”):

Thanks to this release, you can now expand the use case to deliver a consistent audio experience in different languages. All the new voices are natural-sounding and maintain a native-like accent.

  • To generate speech in British English, choose Arthur (“For English, please press one”):

  • To use a US Spanish speaker, choose Pedro (“Para español, por favor marque dos”):

  • Daniel offers support in German (“Für Deutsch drücken Sie bitte die Drei”):

  • You can synthesize text in Canadian French by choosing Liam (“Pour le français, veuillez appuyer sur le quatre”):

Note that apart from speaking with a different accent, the UK English Arthur voice will localize the input text differently than the US English Matthew voice. For example, “1/2/22” will be read by Arthur as “the 1st of February 2022,” whereas Matthew will read it as “January 2nd 2022.”

Now let’s combine these prompts:


Pedro, Daniel, Liam, and Arthur are available as Neural TTS voices only, so in order to enjoy them, you need to use the Neural engine in one of the AWS Regions supporting NTTS. These are high-quality monolingual voices in their target languages. The fact that their personas are consistent across languages is an additional benefit, which we hope will delight customers working with content in multiple languages. For more details, review our full list of Amazon Polly text-to-speech voices , Neural TTS pricing, service limits, and FAQs, and visit our pricing page.

About the Authors

Patryk Wainaina is a Language Engineer working on text-to-speech for English, German, and Spanish. With a background in speech and language processing, his interests lie in machine learning as applied to TTS front-end solutions, particularly in low-resource settings. In his free time, he enjoys listening to electronic music and learning new languages.

Marta Smolarek is a Senior Program Manager in the Amazon Text-to-Speech team, where she is focused on the Contact Center TTS use case. She defines Go-to-Market initiatives, uses customer feedback to build the product roadmap and coordinates TTS voice launches. Outside of work, she loves to go camping with her family.

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New built-in Amazon SageMaker algorithms for tabular data modeling: LightGBM, CatBoost, AutoGluon-Tabular, and TabTransformer

Amazon SageMaker provides a suite of built-in algorithms, pre-trained models, and pre-built solution templates to help data scientists and machine learning (ML) practitioners get started on training and deploying ML models quickly. You can use these algorithms and models for both supervised and unsupervised learning. They can process various types of input data, including tabular, image, and text.

Starting today, SageMaker provides four new built-in tabular data modeling algorithms: LightGBM, CatBoost, AutoGluon-Tabular, and TabTransformer. You can use these popular, state-of-the-art algorithms for both tabular classification and regression tasks. They’re available through the built-in algorithms on the SageMaker console as well as through the Amazon SageMaker JumpStart UI inside Amazon SageMaker Studio.

The following is the list of the four new built-in algorithms, with links to their documentation, example notebooks, and source.

Documentation Example Notebooks Source
LightGBM Algorithm Regression, Classification LightGBM
CatBoost Algorithm Regression, Classification CatBoost
AutoGluon-Tabular Algorithm Regression, Classification AutoGluon-Tabular
TabTransformer Algorithm Regression, Classification TabTransformer

In the following sections, we provide a brief technical description of each algorithm, and examples of how to train a model via the SageMaker SDK or SageMaker Jumpstart.


LightGBM is a popular and efficient open-source implementation of the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT) algorithm. GBDT is a supervised learning algorithm that attempts to accurately predict a target variable by combining an ensemble of estimates from a set of simpler and weaker models. LightGBM uses additional techniques to significantly improve the efficiency and scalability of conventional GBDT.


CatBoost is a popular and high-performance open-source implementation of the GBDT algorithm. Two critical algorithmic advances are introduced in CatBoost: the implementation of ordered boosting, a permutation-driven alternative to the classic algorithm, and an innovative algorithm for processing categorical features. Both techniques were created to fight a prediction shift caused by a special kind of target leakage present in all currently existing implementations of gradient boosting algorithms.


AutoGluon-Tabular is an open-source AutoML project developed and maintained by Amazon that performs advanced data processing, deep learning, and multi-layer stack ensembling. It automatically recognizes the data type in each column for robust data preprocessing, including special handling of text fields. AutoGluon fits various models ranging from off-the-shelf boosted trees to customized neural network models. These models are ensembled in a novel way: models are stacked in multiple layers and trained in a layer-wise manner that guarantees raw data can be translated into high-quality predictions within a given time constraint. Over-fitting is mitigated throughout this process by splitting the data in various ways with careful tracking of out-of-fold examples. AutoGluon is optimized for performance, and its out-of-the-box usage has achieved several top-3 and top-10 positions in data science competitions.


TabTransformer is a novel deep tabular data modelling architecture for supervised learning. The TabTransformer is built upon self-attention based Transformers. The Transformer layers transform the embeddings of categorical features into robust contextual embeddings to achieve higher prediction accuracy. Furthermore, the contextual embeddings learned from TabTransformer are highly robust against both missing and noisy data features, and provide better interpretability. This model is the product of recent Amazon Science research (paper and official blog post here) and has been widely adopted by the ML community, with various third-party implementations (KerasAutoGluon,) and social media features such as tweetstowardsdatascience, medium, and Kaggle.

Benefits of SageMaker built-in algorithms

When selecting an algorithm for your particular type of problem and data, using a SageMaker built-in algorithm is the easiest option, because doing so comes with the following major benefits:

  • The built-in algorithms require no coding to start running experiments. The only inputs you need to provide are the data, hyperparameters, and compute resources. This allows you to run experiments more quickly, with less overhead for tracking results and code changes.
  • The built-in algorithms come with parallelization across multiple compute instances and GPU support right out of the box for all applicable algorithms (some algorithms may not be included due to inherent limitations). If you have a lot of data with which to train your model, most built-in algorithms can easily scale to meet the demand. Even if you already have a pre-trained model, it may still be easier to use its corollary in SageMaker and input the hyperparameters you already know rather than port it over and write a training script yourself.
  • You are the owner of the resulting model artifacts. You can take that model and deploy it on SageMaker for several different inference patterns (check out all the available deployment types) and easy endpoint scaling and management, or you can deploy it wherever else you need it.

Let’s now see how to train one of these built-in algorithms.

Train a built-in algorithm using the SageMaker SDK

To train a selected model, we need to get that model’s URI, as well as that of the training script and the container image used for training. Thankfully, these three inputs depend solely on the model name, version (for a list of the available models, see JumpStart Available Model Table), and the type of instance you want to train on. This is demonstrated in the following code snippet:

from sagemaker import image_uris, model_uris, script_uris

train_model_id, train_model_version, train_scope = "lightgbm-classification-model", "*", "training"
training_instance_type = "ml.m5.xlarge"

# Retrieve the docker image
train_image_uri = image_uris.retrieve(
# Retrieve the training script
train_source_uri = script_uris.retrieve(
    model_id=train_model_id, model_version=train_model_version, script_scope=train_scope
# Retrieve the model artifact; in the tabular case, the model is not pre-trained 
train_model_uri = model_uris.retrieve(
    model_id=train_model_id, model_version=train_model_version, model_scope=train_scope

The train_model_id changes to lightgbm-regression-model if we’re dealing with a regression problem. The IDs for all the other models introduced in this post are listed in the following table.

Model Problem Type Model ID
LightGBM Classification lightgbm-classification-model
. Regression lightgbm-regression-model
CatBoost Classification catboost-classification-model
. Regression catboost-regression-model
AutoGluon-Tabular Classification autogluon-classification-ensemble
. Regression autogluon-regression-ensemble
TabTransformer Classification pytorch-tabtransformerclassification-model
. Regression pytorch-tabtransformerregression-model

We then define where our input is on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). We’re using a public sample dataset for this example. We also define where we want our output to go, and retrieve the default list of hyperparameters needed to train the selected model. You can change their value to your liking.

import sagemaker
from sagemaker import hyperparameters

sess = sagemaker.Session()
region = sess.boto_session.region_name

# URI of sample training dataset
training_dataset_s3_path = f"s3:///jumpstart-cache-prod-{region}/training-datasets/tabular_multiclass/"

# URI for output artifacts 
output_bucket = sess.default_bucket()
s3_output_location = f"s3://{output_bucket}/jumpstart-example-tabular-training/output"

# Retrieve the default hyper-parameters for training
hyperparameters = hyperparameters.retrieve_default(
    model_id=train_model_id, model_version=train_model_version

# [Optional] Override default hyperparameters with custom values
] = "500"  # The same hyperparameter is named as "iterations" for CatBoost

Finally, we instantiate a SageMaker Estimator with all the retrieved inputs and launch the training job with .fit, passing it our training dataset URI. The entry_point script provided is named transfer_learning.py (the same for other tasks and algorithms), and the input data channel passed to .fit must be named training.

from sagemaker.estimator import Estimator
from sagemaker.utils import name_from_base

# Unique training job name
training_job_name = name_from_base(f"built-in-example-{model_id}")

# Create SageMaker Estimator instance
tc_estimator = Estimator(

# Launch a SageMaker Training job by passing s3 path of the training data
tc_estimator.fit({"training": training_dataset_s3_path}, logs=True)

Note that you can train built-in algorithms with SageMaker automatic model tuning to select the optimal hyperparameters and further improve model performance.

Train a built-in algorithm using SageMaker JumpStart

You can also train any these built-in algorithms with a few clicks via the SageMaker JumpStart UI. JumpStart is a SageMaker feature that allows you to train and deploy built-in algorithms and pre-trained models from various ML frameworks and model hubs through a graphical interface. It also allows you to deploy fully fledged ML solutions that string together ML models and various other AWS services to solve a targeted use case.

For more information, refer to Run text classification with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart using TensorFlow Hub and Hugging Face models.


In this post, we announced the launch of four powerful new built-in algorithms for ML on tabular datasets now available on SageMaker. We provided a technical description of what these algorithms are, as well as an example training job for LightGBM using the SageMaker SDK.

Bring your own dataset and try these new algorithms on SageMaker, and check out the sample notebooks to use built-in algorithms available on GitHub.

About the Authors

Dr. Xin Huang is an Applied Scientist for Amazon SageMaker JumpStart and Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms. He focuses on developing scalable machine learning algorithms. His research interests are in the area of natural language processing, explainable deep learning on tabular data, and robust analysis of non-parametric space-time clustering. He has published many papers in ACL, ICDM, KDD conferences, and Royal Statistical Society: Series A journal.

Dr. Ashish Khetan is a Senior Applied Scientist with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart and Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms and helps develop machine learning algorithms. He is an active researcher in machine learning and statistical inference and has published many papers in NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, JMLR, ACL, and EMNLP conferences.

João Moura is an AI/ML Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He is mostly focused on NLP use-cases and helping customers optimize Deep Learning model training and deployment. He is also an active proponent of low-code ML solutions and ML-specialized hardware.

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Semantic segmentation data labeling and model training using Amazon SageMaker

In computer vision, semantic segmentation is the task of classifying every pixel in an image with a class from a known set of labels such that pixels with the same label share certain characteristics. It generates a segmentation mask of the input images. For example, the following images show a segmentation mask of the cat label.

In November 2018, Amazon SageMaker announced the launch of the SageMaker semantic segmentation algorithm. With this algorithm, you can train your models with a public dataset or your own dataset. Popular image segmentation datasets include the Common Objects in Context (COCO) dataset and PASCAL Visual Object Classes (PASCAL VOC), but the classes of their labels are limited and you may want to train a model on target objects that aren’t included in the public datasets. In this case, you can use Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth to label your own dataset.

In this post, I demonstrate the following solutions:

  • Using Ground Truth to label a semantic segmentation dataset
  • Transforming the results from Ground Truth to the required input format for the SageMaker built-in semantic segmentation algorithm
  • Using the semantic segmentation algorithm to train a model and perform inference

Semantic segmentation data labeling

To build a machine learning model for semantic segmentation, we need to label a dataset at the pixel level. Ground Truth gives you the option to use human annotators through Amazon Mechanical Turk, third-party vendors, or your own private workforce. To learn more about workforces, refer to Create and Manage Workforces. If you don’t want to manage the labeling workforce on your own, Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Plus is another great option as a new turnkey data labeling service that enables you to create high-quality training datasets quickly and reduces costs by up to 40%. For this post, I show you how to manually label the dataset with the Ground Truth auto-segment feature and crowdsource labeling with a Mechanical Turk workforce.

Manual labeling with Ground Truth

In December 2019, Ground Truth added an auto-segment feature to the semantic segmentation labeling user interface to increase labeling throughput and improve accuracy. For more information, refer to Auto-segmenting objects when performing semantic segmentation labeling with Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth. With this new feature, you can accelerate your labeling process on segmentation tasks. Instead of drawing a tightly fitting polygon or using the brush tool to capture an object in an image, you only draw four points: at the top-most, bottom-most, left-most, and right-most points of the object. Ground Truth takes these four points as input and uses the Deep Extreme Cut (DEXTR) algorithm to produce a tightly fitting mask around the object. For a tutorial using Ground Truth for image semantic segmentation labeling, refer to Image Semantic Segmentation. The following is an example of how the auto-segmentation tool generates a segmentation mask automatically after you choose the four extreme points of an object.

Crowdsourcing labeling with a Mechanical Turk workforce

If you have a large dataset and you don’t want to manually label hundreds or thousands of images yourself, you can use Mechanical Turk, which provides an on-demand, scalable, human workforce to complete jobs that humans can do better than computers. Mechanical Turk software formalizes job offers to the thousands of workers willing to do piecemeal work at their convenience. The software also retrieves the work performed and compiles it for you, the requester, who pays the workers for satisfactory work (only). To get started with Mechanical Turk, refer to Introduction to Amazon Mechanical Turk.

Create a labeling job

The following is an example of a Mechanical Turk labeling job for a sea turtle dataset. The sea turtle dataset is from the Kaggle competition Sea Turtle Face Detection, and I selected 300 images of the dataset for demonstration purposes. Sea turtle isn’t a common class in public datasets so it can represent a situation that requires labeling a massive dataset.

  1. On the SageMaker console, choose Labeling jobs in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create labeling job.
  3. Enter a name for your job.
  4. For Input data setup, select Automated data setup.
    This generates a manifest of input data.
  5. For S3 location for input datasets, enter the path for the dataset.
  6. For Task category, choose Image.
  7. For Task selection, select Semantic segmentation.
  8. For Worker types, select Amazon Mechanical Turk.
  9. Configure your settings for task timeout, task expiration time, and price per task.
  10. Add a label (for this post, sea turtle), and provide labeling instructions.
  11. Choose Create.

After you set up the labeling job, you can check the labeling progress on the SageMaker console. When it’s marked as complete, you can choose the job to check the results and use them for the next steps.

Dataset transformation

After you get the output from Ground Truth, you can use SageMaker built-in algorithms to train a model on this dataset. First, you need to prepare the labeled dataset as the requested input interface for the SageMaker semantic segmentation algorithm.

Requested input data channels

SageMaker semantic segmentation expects your training dataset to be stored on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). The dataset in Amazon S3 is expected to be presented in two channels, one for train and one for validation, using four directories, two for images and two for annotations. Annotations are expected to be uncompressed PNG images. The dataset might also have a label map that describes how the annotation mappings are established. If not, the algorithm uses a default. For inference, an endpoint accepts images with an image/jpeg content type. The following is the required structure of the data channels:

    |- train
                 | - image1.jpg
                 | - image2.jpg
    |- validation
                 | - image3.jpg
                 | - image4.jpg
    |- train_annotation
                 | - image1.png
                 | - image2.png
    |- validation_annotation
                 | - image3.png
                 | - image4.png
    |- label_map
                 | - train_label_map.json
                 | - validation_label_map.json

Every JPG image in the train and validation directories has a corresponding PNG label image with the same name in the train_annotation and validation_annotation directories. This naming convention helps the algorithm associate a label with its corresponding image during training. The train, train_annotation, validation, and validation_annotation channels are mandatory. The annotations are single-channel PNG images. The format works as long as the metadata (modes) in the image helps the algorithm read the annotation images into a single-channel 8-bit unsigned integer.

Output from the Ground Truth labeling job

The outputs generated from the Ground Truth labeling job have the following folder structure:

    |- activelearning
    |- annotation-tool
    |- annotations
                 | - consolidated-annotation
                                   | - consolidation-request                               
                                   | - consolidation-response
                                   | - output
			                                  | -0_2022-02-10T17:40:03.294994.png
                                              | -0_2022-02-10T17:41:04.530266.png
                 | - intermediate
                 | - worker-response
    |- intermediate
    |- manifests
                 | - output
                                | - output.manifest

The segmentation masks are saved in s3://turtle2022/labelturtles/annotations/consolidated-annotation/output. Each annotation image is a .png file named after the index of the source image and the time when this image labeling was completed. For example, the following are the source image (Image_1.jpg) and its segmentation mask generated by the Mechanical Turk workforce (0_2022-02-10T17:41:04.724225.png). Notice that the index of the mask is different than the number in the source image name.

The output manifest from the labeling job is in the /manifests/output/output.manifest file. It’s a JSON file, and each line records a mapping between the source image and its label and other metadata. The following JSON line records a mapping between the shown source image and its annotation:


The source image is called Image_1.jpg, and the annotation’s name is 0_2022-02-10T17:41: 04.724225.png. To prepare the data as the required data channel formats of the SageMaker semantic segmentation algorithm, we need to change the annotation name so that it has the same name as the source JPG images. And we also need to split the dataset into train and validation directories for source images and the annotations.

Transform the output from a Ground Truth labeling job to the requested input format

To transform the output, complete the following steps:

  1. Download all the files from the labeling job from Amazon S3 to a local directory:
    !aws s3 cp s3://turtle2022/ Seaturtles --recursive

  2. Read the manifest file and change the names of the annotation to the same names as the source images:
    import os
    import re
    file = open(manifest_path, "r") 
    for i in range(len(txt)):
        string = txt[i]
            im_name = re.search(S3_name+'(.+)'+'.jpg', string).group(1)
            annotation_name = re.search('output/(.+?)"', string).group(1)
            os.rename(annotation_name, im_png)
        except AttributeError:

  3. Split the train and validation datasets:
    import numpy as np
    from random import sample
    # Prints list of random items of given length
    test_name = list(set(im_list) - set(train_name))

  4. Make a directory in the required format for the semantic segmentation algorithm data channels:

  5. Move the train and validation images and their annotations to the created directories.
    1. For images, use the following code:
      for i in range(len(train_name)):

    2. For annotations, use the following code:
      for i in range(len(test_name)):

  6. Upload the train and validation datasets and their annotation datasets to Amazon S3:
    !aws s3 cp train s3://turtle2022/train/ --recursive
    !aws s3 cp train_annotation s3://turtle2022/train_annotation/ --recursive
    !aws s3 cp validation s3://turtle2022/validation/ --recursive
    !aws s3 cp validation_annotation s3://turtle2022/validation_annotation/ --recursive

SageMaker semantic segmentation model training

In this section, we walk through the steps to train your semantic segmentation model.

Follow the sample notebook and set up data channels

You can follow the instructions in Semantic Segmentation algorithm is now available in Amazon SageMaker to implement the semantic segmentation algorithm to your labeled dataset. This sample notebook shows an end-to-end example introducing the algorithm. In the notebook, you learn how to train and host a semantic segmentation model using the fully convolutional network (FCN) algorithm using the Pascal VOC dataset for training. Because I don’t plan to train a model from the Pascal VOC dataset, I skipped Step 3 (data preparation) in this notebook. Instead, I directly created train_channel, train_annotation_channe, validation_channel, and validation_annotation_channel using the S3 locations where I stored my images and annotations:


Adjust hyperparameters for your own dataset in SageMaker estimator

I followed the notebook and created a SageMaker estimator object (ss_estimator) to train my segmentation algorithm. One thing we need to customize for the new dataset is in ss_estimator.set_hyperparameters: we need to change num_classes=21 to num_classes=2 (turtle and background), and I also changed epochs=10 to epochs=30 because 10 is only for demo purposes. Then I used the p3.2xlarge instance for model training by setting instance_type="ml.p3.2xlarge". The training completed in 8 minutes. The best MIoU (Mean Intersection over Union) of 0.846 is achieved at epoch 11 with a pix_acc (the percent of pixels in your image that are classified correctly) of 0.925, which is a pretty good result for this small dataset.

Model inference results

I hosted the model on a low-cost ml.c5.xlarge instance:

training_job_name = 'ss-notebook-demo-2022-02-12-03-37-27-151'
ss_estimator = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator.attach(training_job_name)
ss_predictor = ss_estimator.deploy(initial_instance_count=1, instance_type="ml.c5.xlarge")

Finally, I prepared a test set of 10 turtle images to see the inference result of the trained segmentation model:

import os

path = "testturtle/"
files = os.listdir(path)

for file in files:
    if file.endswith(('.jpg', '.png', 'jpeg')):
        img_path = path + file

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, colnum, figsize=(20, 10))

for i in range(len(img_path_list)):
    img = mpimg.imread(img_path_list[i])
    with open(img_path_list[i], "rb") as imfile:
        imbytes = imfile.read()
    cls_mask = ss_predictor.predict(imbytes)
    axs[int(i/colnum),i%colnum].imshow(img, cmap='gray') 
    axs[int(i/colnum),i%colnum].imshow(np.ma.masked_equal(cls_mask,0), cmap='jet', alpha=0.8)

The following images show the results.

The segmentation masks of the sea turtles look accurate and I’m happy with this result trained on a 300-image dataset labeled by Mechanical Turk workers. You can also explore other available networks such as pyramid-scene-parsing network (PSP) or DeepLab-V3 in the sample notebook with your dataset.

Clean up

Delete the endpoint when you’re finished with it to avoid incurring continued costs:



In this post, I showed how to customize semantic segmentation data labeling and model training using SageMaker. First, you can set up a labeling job with the auto-segmentation tool or use a Mechanical Turk workforce (as well as other options). If you have more than 5,000 objects, you can also use automated data labeling. Then you transform the outputs from your Ground Truth labeling job to the required input formats for SageMaker built-in semantic segmentation training. After that, you can use an accelerated computing instance (such as p2 or p3) to train a semantic segmentation model with the following notebook and deploy the model to a more cost-effective instance (such as ml.c5.xlarge). Lastly, you can review the inference results on your test dataset with a few lines of code.

Get started with SageMaker semantic segmentation data labeling and model training with your favorite dataset!

About the Author

Kara Yang is a Data Scientist in AWS Professional Services. She is passionate about helping customers achieve their business goals with AWS cloud services. She has helped organizations build ML solutions across multiple industries such as manufacturing, automotive, environmental sustainability and aerospace.

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Deep demand forecasting with Amazon SageMaker

Every business needs the ability to predict the future accurately in order to make better decisions and give the company a competitive advantage. With historical data, businesses can understand trends, make predictions of what might happen and when, and incorporate that information into their future plans, from product demand to inventory planning and staffing. If a forecast is too high, companies may over-invest in products and staff, which results in wasted investment. If the forecast is too low, companies may under-invest, which leads to a shortfall in raw materials and inventory, creating a poor customer experience.

Time series forecasting is a technique that predicts future time series data based on historical data. Time series forecasting is useful in multiple fields, including retail, finance, logistics, and healthcare. Demand forecasting uses historical time series data in order to make future estimations in relation to customer demand over a specific period and streamline the supply-demand decision-making process across businesses. Demand forecasting use cases include predicting ticket sales in the transportation industry, stock prices, number of hospital visits, number of customer representatives to hire for multiple locations in the next month, product sales across multiple regions in the next quarter, cloud server usage for the next day for a video streaming service, electricity consumption for multiple regions over the next week, number of IoT devices and sensors such as energy consumption, and more.

Time series data is categorized as univariate and multi-variate. For example, the total electricity consumption for a single household is a univariate time series over a period of time. When multiple univariate time series are stacked on each other, it’s called a multi-variate time series. For example, the total electricity consumption of 10 different (but correlated) households in a single neighborhood make up a multi-variate time series dataset.

The traditional approaches for time series forecasting include auto regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) for univariate time series data and vector autoregression (VAR) for multi-variate time series data. These methods often require tedious data preprocessing and features generation prior to model training. These challenges are addressed by deep learning (DL) methods by automating the feature generation step prior to model training, such as incorporating various data normalization, lags, different time scales, some categorical data, dealing with missing values, and more, with better prediction power and fast GPU-enabled training and deployment.

In this post, we show you how to deploy a demand forecasting solution using Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. We walk you through an end-to-end solution for a demand forecasting task using three state-of-the-art time series algorithms: LSTNet, Prophet, and SageMaker DeepAR, which are available in GluonTS and Amazon SageMaker. The input data is a multi-variate time series that includes hourly electricity consumption of 321 users from 2012–2014. Next, each algorithm takes the historical multi-variate and correlated time series data to train and produce accurate predictions (multi-variate values) over a prediction interval. For each of the time series algorithms, we have two outputs: a trained model on the hourly electricity consumption data and a SageMaker endpoint that can predict the future (multi-variate) values given a prediction interval.

Alternatively, if you are looking for a fully managed service to deliver highly accurate forecasts, without writing code, we recommend checking out Amazon Forecast. Amazon Forecast is a time-series forecasting service based on machine learning (ML) and built for business metrics analysis. Based on the same technology used at Amazon.com, Amazon Forecast uses machine learning to combine time series data with additional variables to build forecasts.

Solution overview

The following diagram shows the architecture for the end-to-end training and deployment process.

The solution workflow is as follows:

  1. The input data for training is located in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
  2. The provided SageMaker notebook gets the input data and launches the following steps.
  3. For each of the LSTNet, Prophet, and SageMaker DeepAR algorithms, train a model and evaluate its results using SageMaker.
  4. Deploy the trained model and create a SageMaker endpoint, which is an HTTPS endpoint that is capable of producing predictions.
  5. Monitor the model training and deployment via Amazon CloudWatch.
  6. The input data for inferencing is located in an S3 bucket. From the SageMaker notebook, send the requests to the SageMaker endpoint and make predictions.


To try out the solution in your own account, make sure that you have the following in place:

When the Studio instance is ready, you can launch Studio and access JumpStart. JumpStart features aren’t available in SageMaker notebook instances, and you can’t access them through SageMaker APIs or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Launch the solution

To launch the solution, complete the following steps:

  1. Open JumpStart by using the JumpStart launcher in the Get Started section or by choosing the JumpStart icon in the left sidebar.
  2. In the Solutions section, choose Demand Forecasting to open the solution in another Studio tab.
  1. On the Demand Forecasting tab, choose Launch to deploy the solution resources.
  1. Another tab opens showing the deploy status and the generated artifacts. When the deployment is finished, an Open Notebook button appears. Choose Open Notebook to open the solution notebook in Studio.

In the following sections, we walk you through the steps of the deep demand forecasting solution.

Data preparation and visualization

The dataset we use here is the multi-variate time series electricity consumptions data taken from Dua, D. and Graff, C. (2019). UCI Machine Learning Repository, Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science. We use a cleaned version of the data containing 321 time series with 1-hour frequency, starting from January 1, 2012 with 26,304 time-steps. We have also provided the exchange rate dataset in case you want to try with other datasets as well.

We have provided utilities for creating the dataframe from train and test data. The training data includes hourly electricity consumption values (for the 321 households) from 2012-01-01 00:00:00 to 2014-05-26 19:00:00, and the test data contains values from 2012-01-01 00:00:00 to 2014-06-02 19:00:00 (7 more days of hourly data compared to the training data). To train a time series forecasting model, the CONTEXT_LENGTH defines the length of each input time series, and PREDICTION_LENGTH defines the length of each output time series.

Because the CONTEXT_LENGTH and PREDICTION_LENGTH are set to 168 (7 days) and 24 (next 1 day), we plot the last 7 days of the training data and its subsequent 1 day of the testing data for demonstration purposes. The plotted training data and testing data are from 2014-05-19 20:00:00 to 2014-05-26 19:00:00, and from 2014-05-26 20:00:00 to 2014-05-27 02:00:00, respectively. For demonstration purposes, we only plot the 11 time series out of the 321 total, as shown in the following figure.

Train the models

This section demonstrates training an LSTNet model using GluonTS, a Prophet model using GluonTS, and a SageMaker DeepAR model with and without hyperparameter optimization (HPO). For each of these, we first trained the model without HPO, then we trained the model with HPO. We demonstrate how model performance increases with HPO by showing the comparison metrics, namely RRSE (Root Relative Squared Error), MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error), and sMAPE (symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error). For HPO, we use the RRSE as the evaluation metric for all the three algorithms.

Train an optimal LSTNet model using GluonTS

LSTNet is a deep learning model that incorporates traditional auto-regressive linear models in parallel to the non-linear neural network part, which makes the non-linear deep learning model more robust for time series that violate scale changes. For information on the mathematics behind LSTNet, see Modeling Long- and Short-Term Temporal Patterns with Deep Neural Networks.

We first train a LSTNet model without HPO. With the hyperparameters defined, we can run the training job. We use GluonTS with MXNet as the backend deep learning framework to define and train our LSTNet model. SageMaker makes it do this with the framework estimators, which have the deep learning frameworks already set up. Here, we create a SageMaker MXNet estimator and pass in our model training script, hyperparameters, as well as the number and type of training instances we want.

Next, we train an optimal LSTNet model with HPO and further improve the model performance with SageMaker automatic model tuning. SageMaker automatic model tuning, also known as hyperparameter tuning, finds the best version of a model by running many training jobs on your dataset using the algorithm and ranges of hyperparameters that you specify. It then chooses the hyperparameter values that result in a model that performs the best, as measured by a metric that you choose. The best model and its corresponding hyperparameters are selected on the validation data from 2014-05-26 20:00:00 to 2014-06-01 19:00:00 (corresponding to 6 days). Next, we deploy the best model in an endpoint that we can query for prediction. Finally, the best model is evaluated on the holdout test data from 2014-06-01 20:00:00 to 2014-06-02 19:00:00 (corresponding to the next 1 day). The following table compares model performance.

Metrics LSTNet without HPO LSTNet with HPO
RRSE 0.555 0.506
MAPE 0.318 0.301
sMAPE 0.337 0.323
Training Time (minutes) 10.780 57.242
Inference Time (seconds) 5.202 5.340

Except for the training and inference time, for RRSE, MAPE, and sMAPE, smaller values indicate better predictive performance. Therefore, we can observe the performance of the model trained with HPO is significantly better than the one trained without HPO.

Train an optimal Prophet model using GluonTS with HPO

Prophet is an algorithm for forecasting time series data based on an additive model where non-linear trends are fit with yearly, weekly, and daily seasonality, plus holiday effects. It works best with time series that have strong seasonal effects and several seasons of historical data. Prophet is robust to missing data and shifts in the trend, and typically handles outliers well. For implementation of Prophet algorithm, we use the GluonTS version, which is a thin wrapper for calling the fbprophet package. First, we train a Prophet model without HPO using SageMaker Estimator. Next, we train an optimal Prophet model with with SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning (HPO) and further improve the model performance.

Metrics Prophet without HPO Prophet with HPO
RRSE 0.183 0.147
MAPE 0.288 0.278
sMAPE 0.278 0.289
Training Time (minutes) 45.633
Inference Time (seconds) 44.813 45.327

The metric values with HPO tuning are smaller than those without HPO tuning on the same test data. This indicates that HPO tuning further improves the model performance.

Train an optimal SageMaker DeepAR model with HPO

The SageMaker DeepAR forecasting algorithm is a supervised learning algorithm for forecasting scalar (one-dimensional) time series using recurrent neural networks (RNN). Classical forecasting methods, such as autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) or exponential smoothing (ETS), fit a single model to each individual time series. They then use that model to extrapolate the time series into the future.

In many applications, however, you have many similar time series across a set of cross-sectional units. For example, you might have time series groupings for demand for different products, server loads, and requests for webpages. For this type of application, you can benefit from training a single model jointly over all of the time series. DeepAR takes this approach. When your dataset contains hundreds of related time series, DeepAR outperforms the standard ARIMA and ETS methods. You can also use the trained model to generate forecasts for new time series that are similar to the ones it has been trained on. For information on the mathematics behind DeepAR, see DeepAR: Probabilistic Forecasting with Autoregressive Recurrent Networks.

Similar to the settings in the previous models, we first train a DeepAR model without HPO. Next, we train an optimal DeepAR model with HPO. Then we deploy the best model in an endpoint that we can query for prediction. The following table compares model performance.

Metrics DeepAR without HPO DeepAR with HPO
RRSE 0.136 0.098
MAPE 0.087 0.099
sMAPE 0.104 0.116
Training Time (minutes) 24.048 210.530
Inference Time (seconds) 68.411 72.829

The metrics values with HPO tuning are smaller than those without HPO tuning on the same test data. This indicates that HPO tuning further improves the model performance.

Evaluate model performance of all three algorithms on the same holdout test data

In this section, we compare the model performance from the three models trained from HPO. Based on the input data, the comparisons could vary for different input datasets. The following table that compares the three algorithms for the sample electricity input data used in this post.

Metrics LSTNet with HPO Prophet with HPO DeepAR with HPO
RRSE 0.506 0.147 0.098
MAPE 0.302 0.278 0.099
sMAPE 0.323 0.289 0.116
Training Time (minutes) 57.242 45.633 210.530
Inference Time (seconds) 5.340 45.327 72.829

The following figures visualize these results.

The following figure is another way to visualize the results.

The training and test data (ground truth) are shown as the black solid line (separated by the red vertical line) in the plot. The predictions from different forecasting algorithms are shown as dash lines. The closer the dash line comes to the black solid line, the more accurate the predictions are.

Clean up

When you’re finished with this solution, make sure that you delete all unwanted AWS resources to avoid incurring unintended charges. The solution notebook provides cleanup code. On the solution tab, you can also choose Delete all resources in the Delete solution section.


In this post, we introduced an end-to-end solution for a demand forecasting task using three state-of-the-art time series algorithms: LSTNet, Prophet, and SageMaker DeepAR, which are available in GluonTS and SageMaker. We discussed three training approaches: training an optimal LSTNet model using GluonTS, training an optimal Prophet model using GluonTS, and training an optimal SageMaker DeepAR model with HPO. For each of these, we first trained the model without HPO, and then trained the model with HPO. We demonstrated how the model performance increases with HPO by comparing metrics, namely RRSE, MAPE, and sMAPE.

In this post, we used the electricity data as our input dataset. However, you can change the input and bring your own data to an S3 bucket. You can use that data to train the models and get different performance results and choose the best algorithm accordingly.

On the SageMaker console, open Studio and launch the solution in JumpStart to get started, or you can check out the solution’s GitHub repository to review the code and more information.

About the Authors

Alak Eswaradass is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS based in Chicago, Illinois. She is passionate about helping customers design cloud architectures utilizing AWS services to solve business challenges. She has a Master’s degree in computer science engineering. Before joining AWS, she worked for different healthcare organizations, and she has in-depth experience architecting complex systems, technology innovation, and research. She hangs out with her daughters and explores the outdoors in her free time.

Dr. Xin Huang is an Applied Scientist for Amazon SageMaker JumpStart and Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms. He focuses on developing scalable machine learning algorithms. His research interests are in the area of natural language processing, explainable deep learning on tabular data, and robust analysis of non-parametric space-time clustering.

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