Run automatic model tuning with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

In December 2020, AWS announced the general availability of Amazon SageMaker JumpStart, a capability of Amazon SageMaker that helps you quickly and easily get started with machine learning (ML). In March 2022, we also announced the support for APIs in JumpStart. JumpStart provides one-click fine-tuning and deployment of a wide variety of pre-trained models across popular ML tasks, as well as a selection of end-to-end solutions that solve common business problems. These features remove the heavy lifting from each step of the ML process, making it simpler to develop high-quality models and reducing time to deployment.

In this post, we demonstrate how to run automatic model tuning with JumpStart.

SageMaker automatic model tuning

Traditionally, ML engineers implement a trial and error method to find the right set of hyperparameters. Trial and error involves running multiple jobs sequentially or in parallel while provisioning the resources needed to run the experiment.

With SageMaker automatic model tuning, ML engineers and data scientists can offload the time-consuming task of optimizing their model and let SageMaker run the experimentation. SageMaker takes advantage of the elasticity of the AWS platform to efficiently and concurrently run multiple training simulations on a dataset and find the best hyperparameters for a model.

SageMaker automatic model tuning finds the best version of a model by running many training jobs on your dataset using the algorithm and ranges of hyperparameters that you specify. It then chooses the hyperparameter values that result in a model that performs the best, as measured by a metric that you choose.

Automatic model tuning uses either a Bayesian (default) or a random search strategy to find the best values for hyperparameters. Bayesian search treats hyperparameter tuning like a regression problem. When choosing the best hyperparameters for the next training job, it considers everything that it knows about the problem so far and allows the algorithm to exploit the best-known results.

In this post, we use the default Bayesian search strategy to demonstrate the steps involved in running automatic model tuning with JumpStart using the LightGBM model.

JumpStart currently supports 10 example notebooks with automatic model tuning. It also supports four popular algorithms for tabular data modeling. The tasks and links to their sample notebooks are summarized in the following table.

Task Pre-trained Models Supports Custom Dataset Frameworks Supported Example Notebooks
Image Classification yes yes PyTorch, TensorFlow Introduction to JumpStart – Image Classification
Object Detection yes yes PyTorch, TensorFlow, MXNet Introduction to JumpStart – Object Detection
Semantic Segmentation yes yes MXNet Introduction to JumpStart – Semantic Segmentation
Text Classification yes yes TensorFlow Introduction to JumpStart – Text Classification
Sentence Pair Classification yes yes TensorFlow, Hugging Face Introduction to JumpStart – Sentence Pair Classification
Question Answering yes yes PyTorch Introduction to JumpStart – Question Answering
Tabular Classification yes yes LightGBM, CatBoost, XGBoost, Linear Learner Introduction to JumpStart – Tabular Classification – LightGBM, CatBoost
Introduction to JumpStart – Tabular Classification – XGBoost, Linear Learner
Tabular Regression yes yes LightGBM, CatBoost, XGBoost, Linear Learner Introduction to JumpStart – Tabular Regression – LightGBM, CatBoost
Introduction to JumpStart – Tabular Regression – XGBoost, Linear Learner

Solution overview

This technical workflow gives an overview of the different Amazon Sagemaker features and steps needed to automatically tune a JumpStart model.

In the following sections, we provide a step-by-step walkthrough of how to run automatic model tuning with JumpStart using the LightGBM algorithm. We provide an accompanying notebook for this walkthrough.

We walk through the following high-level steps:

  1. Retrieve the JumpStart pre-trained model and images container.
  2. Set static hyperparameters.
  3. Define the tunable hyperparameter ranges.
  4. Initialize the automatic model tuning.
  5. Run the tuning job.
  6. Deploy the best model to an endpoint.

Retrieve the JumpStart pre-trained model and images container

In this section, we choose the LightGBM classification model for fine-tuning. We use the ml.m5.xlarge instance type on which the model is run. We then retrieve the training Docker container, the training algorithm source, and the pre-trained model. See the following code:

training_instance_type = "ml.m5.xlarge"

# Retrieve the docker image
train_image_uri = image_uris.retrieve(
# Retrieve the training script
train_source_uri = script_uris.retrieve(
    model_id=train_model_id, model_version=train_model_version, script_scope=train_scope
# Retrieve the pre-trained model tarball to further fine-tune
train_model_uri = model_uris.retrieve(
    model_id=train_model_id, model_version=train_model_version, model_scope=train_scope

Set static hyperparameters

We now retrieve the default hyperparameters for this LightGBM model, as preconfigured by JumpStart. We also override the num_boost_round hyperparameter with a custom value.

# Retrieve the default hyper-parameters for fine-tuning the model
hyperparameters = hyperparameters.retrieve_default(
    model_id=train_model_id, model_version=train_model_version
# [Optional] Override default hyperparameters with custom values

Define the tunable hyperparameter ranges

Next we define the hyperparameter ranges to be optimized by automatic model tuning. We define the hyperparameter name as expected by the model and then the ranges of values to be tried for this hyperparameter. Automatic model tuning draws samples (equal to the max_jobs parameter) from the space of hyperparameters, using a technique called Bayesian search. For each drawn hyperparameter sample, the tuner creates a training job to evaluate the model with that configuration. See the following code:

hyperparameter_ranges = {
    "learning_rate": ContinuousParameter(1e-4, 1, scaling_type="Logarithmic"),
    "num_boost_round": IntegerParameter(2, 30),
    "early_stopping_rounds": IntegerParameter(2, 30),
    "num_leaves": IntegerParameter(10, 50),
    "feature_fraction": ContinuousParameter(0, 1),
    "bagging_fraction": ContinuousParameter(0, 1),
    "bagging_freq": IntegerParameter(1, 10),
    "max_depth": IntegerParameter(5, 30),
    "min_data_in_leaf": IntegerParameter(5, 50),

Initialize the automatic model tuning

We start by creating an Estimator object with all the required assets that define the training job, such as the pre-trained model, the training image, and the training script. We then define a HyperparameterTuner object to interact with SageMaker hyperparameter tuning APIs.

The HyperparameterTuner accepts as parameters the Estimator object, the target metric based on which the best set of hyperparameters is decided, the total number of training jobs (max_jobs) to start for the hyperparameter tuning job, and the maximum parallel training jobs to run (max_parallel_jobs). Training jobs are run with the LightGBM algorithm, and the hyperparameter values that has the minimal mlogloss metric is chosen. For more information about configuring automatic model tuning, see Best Practices for Hyperparameter Tuning.

# Create SageMaker Estimator instance
tabular_estimator = Estimator(

tuner = HyperparameterTuner(
    metric_definitions=[{"Name": "multi_logloss", "Regex": "multi_logloss: ([0-9\.]+)"}],

In the preceding code, we tell the tuner to run at most 10 experiments (max_jobs) and only two concurrent experiments at a time (max_parallel_jobs). Both of these parameters keep your cost and training time under control.

Run the tuning job

To launch the SageMaker tuning job, we call the fit method of the hyperparameter tuner object and pass the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) path of the training data:{"training": training_dataset_s3_path}, logs=True)

While automatic model tuning searches for the best hyperparameters, you can monitor their progress either on the SageMaker console or on Amazon CloudWatch. When training is complete, the best model’s fine-tuned artifacts are uploaded to the Amazon S3 output location specified in the training configuration.

Deploy the best model to an endpoint

When the tuning job is complete, the best model has been selected and stored in Amazon S3. We now can deploy that model by calling the deploy method of the HyperparameterTuner object and passing the needed parameters, such as the number of instances to be used for the created endpoint, their type, the image to be deployed, and the script to run:


We can now test the created endpoint by making inference requests. You can follow the rest of the process in the accompanying notebook.


With automatic model tuning in SageMaker, you can find the best version of your model by running training jobs on the provided dataset with one of the supported algorithms. Automatic model tuning allows you to reduce the time to tune a model by automatically searching for the best hyperparameter configuration within the hyperparameter ranges that you specify.

In this post, we showed the value of running automatic model tuning on a JumpStart pre-trained model using SageMaker APIs. We used the LightGBM algorithm and defined a maximum of 10 training jobs. We also provided links to example notebooks showcasing the ML frameworks that support JumpStart model optimization.

For more details on how to optimize a JumpStart model with automatic model tuning, refer to our example notebook.

About the Author

Doug Mbaya is a Senior Partner  Solution architect with a focus in data and analytics. Doug works closely with AWS partners, helping them integrate data and analytics solution in the cloud.

Kruthi Jayasimha Rao is a Partner Solutions Architect in the Scale-PSA team. Kruthi conducts technical validations for Partners enabling them progress in the Partner Path.

Giannis Mitropoulos is a Software Development Engineer for SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning.

Dr. Ashish Khetan is a Senior Applied Scientist with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart and Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms and helps develop machine learning algorithms. He is an active researcher in machine learning and statistical inference and has published many papers in NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, JMLR, and ACL conferences.

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Image classification and object detection using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels and Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

In the last decade, computer vision use cases have been a growing trend, especially in industries like insurance, automotive, ecommerce, energy, retail, manufacturing, and others. Customers are building computer vision machine learning (ML) models to bring operational efficiencies and automation to their processes. Such models help automate the classification of images or detection of objects of interest in images that are specific and unique to your business.

To simplify the ML model building process, we introduced Amazon SageMaker JumpStart in December 2020. JumpStart helps you quickly and easily get started with ML. It provides one-click deployment and fine-tuning of a wide variety of pre-trained models, as well as a selection of end-to-end solutions. This removes the heavy lifting from each step of the ML process, making it easier to develop high-quality models and reducing time to deployment. However, it requires you to have some prior knowledge to help in model selection from a catalog of over 200 pre-trained computer vision models. You then have to benchmark the model performance with different hyperparameter settings and select the best model to be deployed in production.

To simplify this experience and allow developers with little to no ML expertise to build custom computer vision models, we’re releasing a new example notebook within JumpStart that uses Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels, a fully managed service to build custom computer vision models. Rekognition Custom Labels builds off of the pre-trained models in Amazon Rekognition, which are already trained on tens of millions of images across many categories. Instead of thousands of images, you can get started with a small set of training images (a few hundred or less) that are specific to your use case. Rekognition Custom Labels abstracts away the complexity involved in building a custom model. It automatically inspects the training data, selects the right ML algorithms, selects the instance type, trains multiple candidate models with different hyperparameters, and outputs the best trained model. Rekognition Custom Labels also provides an easy-to-use interface from the AWS Management Console for the entire ML workflow, including labeling images, training, deploying a model, and visualizing the test results.

This example notebook within JumpStart using Rekognition Custom Labels solves any image classification or object detection computer vision ML task, making it easy for customers familiar with Amazon SageMaker to build a computer vision solution that best fits your use case, requirements, and skillset.

In this post, we provide step-by-step directions to use this example notebook within JumpStart. The notebook demonstrates how to easily use Rekognition Custom Labels existing training and inference APIs to create an image classification model, a multi-label classification model, and an object detection model. To make it easy for you to get started, we have provided example datasets for each model.

Train and deploy a computer vision model using Rekognition Custom Labels

In this section, we locate the desired notebook in JumpStart, and demonstrate how to train and run inference on the deployed endpoint.

Let’s start from the Amazon SageMaker Studio Launcher.

  1. On the Studio Launcher, choose Go to SageMaker JumpStart.

    The JumpStart landing page has sections for carousels for solutions, text models, and vision models. It also has a search bar.
  2. In the search bar, enter Rekognition Custom Labels and choose the Rekognition Custom Labels for Vision notebook.

    The notebook opens in read-only mode.
  3. Choose Import Notebook to import the notebook into your environment.

The notebook provides a step-by-step guide for training and running inference using Rekognition Custom Labels from the JumpStart console. It provides the following four sample datasets to demonstrate single- and multi-label image classification and object detection.

    • Single-label image classification – This dataset demonstrates how to classify images as belonging to one of a set of predefined labels. For example, real estate companies can use Rekognition Custom Labels to categorize their images of living rooms, backyards, bedrooms, and other household locations. The following is a sample image from this dataset, which is included as part of the notebook.
    • Multi-label image classification – This dataset demonstrates how to classify images into multiple categories, such as the color, size, texture, and type of a flower. For example, plant growers can use Rekognition Custom Labels to distinguish between different types of flowers and if they are healthy, damaged, or infected. The following image is an example from this dataset.
    • Object detection – This dataset demonstrates object localization to locate parts used in production or manufacturing lines. For example, in the electronics industry, Rekognition Custom Labels can help count the number of capacitors on a circuit board. The following image is an example from this dataset.
    • Brand and logo detection – This dataset demonstrates locating logos or brands in an image. For example, in the media industry, an object detection model can help identify the location of sponsor logos in photographs. The following is a sample image from this dataset.
  1. Follow the steps in the notebook by running each cell.

This notebook demonstrates how you can use a single notebook to address both image classification and object detection use cases via the Rekognition Custom label APIs.

As you proceed with the notebook, you have the option to select one of the aforementioned sample datasets. We encourage you to try running the notebook for each of the datasets.


In this post, we showed you how to use the Rekognition Custom Labels APIs to build an image classification or an object detection computer vision model to classify and identify objects in images that are specific to your business needs. To train a model, you can get started by providing tens to hundreds of labeled images instead of thousands. Rekognition Custom Labels simplifies the model training by taking care of parameter choices such as such as machine type, algorithm type, or algorithm-specific hyperparameters (including the number of layers in the network, learning rate, and batch size). Rekognition Custom Labels also simplifies hosting of a trained model and provides a simple operation for performing inference with a trained model.

Rekognition Custom Labels provides an easy-to-use console experience for the training process, model management, and visualization of dataset images. We encourage you learn more about Rekognition Custom Labels and try it out with your business-specific datasets.

To get started, you can navigate to the Rekognition Custom Labels example notebook in SageMaker JumpStart.

About the Authors

Pashmeen Mistry is the Senior Product Manager for Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels. Outside of work, Pashmeen enjoys adventurous hikes, photography, and spending time with his family.

Abhishek Gupta is the Senior AI Services Solution Architect at AWS. He helps customers design and implement computer vision solutions.

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Intelligently search your Jira projects with Amazon Kendra Jira cloud connector

Organizations use agile project management platforms such as Atlassian Jira to enable teams to collaborate to plan, track, and ship deliverables. Jira captures organizational knowledge about the workings of the deliverables in the issues and comments logged during project implementation. However, making this knowledge easily and securely available to users is challenging due to it being fragmented across issues belonging to different projects and sprints. Additionally, because different stakeholders such as developers, test engineers, and project managers contribute to the same issue by logging it and then adding attachments and comments, traditional keyword-based search is rendered ineffective when searching for information in Jira projects.

You can now use the Amazon Kendra Jira cloud connector to index issues, comments, and attachments in your Jira projects, and search this content using Amazon Kendra intelligent search, powered by machine learning (ML).

This post shows how to use the Amazon Kendra Jira cloud connector to configure a Jira cloud instance as a data source for an Amazon Kendra index, and intelligently search the contents of the projects in it. We use an example of Jira projects where team members collaborate by creating issues and adding information to them in the form of descriptions, comments, and attachments throughout the issue lifecycle.

Solution overview

A Jira instance has one or more projects, where each project has team members working on issues in that project. Each team member has set of permissions about the operations they can perform with respect to different issues in the project they belong to. Team members can create new issues, or add more information to the issues in the form of attachments and comments, as well as change the status of an issue from its opening to closure throughout the issue lifecycle defined for that project. A project manager creates sprints, assigns issues to specific sprints, and assigns owners to issues. During the course of the project, the knowledge captured in these issues keeps evolving.

In our solution, we configure a Jira cloud instance as a data source to an Amazon Kendra search index using the Amazon Kendra Jira connector. Based on the configuration, when the data source is synchronized, the connector crawls and indexes the content from the projects in the Jira instance. Optionally, you can configure it to index the content based on the change log. The connector also collects and ingests access control list (ACL) information for each issue, comment, and attachment. The ACL information is used for user context filtering, where search results for a query are filtered by what a user has authorized access to.


To try out the Amazon Kendra connector for Jira using this post as a reference, you need the following:

Jira instance configuration

This section describes the Jira configuration used to demonstrate how to configure an Amazon Kendra data source using the Jira connector, ingest the data from the Jira projects into the Amazon Kendra index, and make search queries. You can use your own Jira instance for which you have admin access or create a new project and carry out the steps to try out the Amazon Kendra connector for Jira.

In our example Jira instance, we created two projects to demonstrate that the search queries made by users return results from only the projects to which they have access. We used data from the following public domain projects to simulate the use case of real-life software development projects:

The following is a screenshot of our Kanban-style board for project 1.

Create an API token for the Jira instance

To get the API token needed to configure the Amazon Kendra Jira connector, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to
  2. Choose Create API token.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, enter a label for your token and choose Create.
  4. Choose Copy and enter the token on a temporary notepad.

You can’t copy this token again, and you need it to configure the Amazon Kendra Jira connector.

Configure the data source using the Amazon Kendra connector for Jira

To add a data source to your Amazon Kendra index using the Jira connector, you can use an existing index or create a new index. Then complete the following steps. For more information on this topic, refer to Amazon Kendra Developer Guide.

  1. On the Amazon Kendra console, open your index and choose Data sources in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Add data source.
  3. Under Jira, choose Add connector.
  4. In the Specify data source details section, enter the details of your data source and choose Next.
  5. In the Define access and security section, for Jira Account URL, enter the URL of your Jira cloud instance.
  6. Under Authentication, you have two options:
    1. Choose Create to add a new secret using the Jira API token you copied from your Jira instance and use the email address used to log in to Jira as the Jira ID. (This is the option we choose for this post.)
    2. Use an existing AWS Secrets Manager secret that has the API token for the Jira instance you want the connector to access.
  7. For IAM role, choose Create a new role or choose an existing IAM role configured with appropriate IAM policies to access the Secrets Manager secret, Amazon Kendra index, and data source.
  8. Choose Next.
  9. In the Configure sync settings section, provide information about your sync scope and run schedule.
  10. Choose Next.
  11. In the Set field mappings section, you can optionally configure the field mappings, or how the Jira field names are mapped to Amazon Kendra attributes or facets.
  12. Choose Next.
  13. Review your settings and confirm to add the data source.
  14. After the data source is added, choose Data sources in the navigation pane, select the newly added data source, and choose Sync now to start data source synchronization with the Amazon Kendra index.
    The sync process can take about 10–15 minutes. Let’s now enable access control for the Amazon Kendra index.
  15. In the navigation pane, choose your index.
  16. In the middle pane, choose the User access control tab.
  17. Choose Edit settings and change the settings to look like the following screenshot.
  18. Choose Next and then choose Update.

Perform intelligent search with Amazon Kendra

Before you try searching on the Amazon Kendra console or using the API, make sure that the data source sync is complete. To check, view the data sources and verify if the last sync was successful.

  1. To start your search, on the Amazon Kendra console, choose Search indexed content in the navigation pane.
    You’re redirected to the Amazon Kendra Search console.
  2. Expand Test query with an access token and choose Apply token.
  3. For Username, enter the email address associated with your Jira account.
  4. Choose Apply.

Now we’re ready to search our index. Let’s use the query “where does boto3 store security tokens?”

In this case, Kendra provides a suggested answer from one of the cards in our Kanban project on Jira.

Note that this is also a suggested answer pointing to an issue discussing AWS security tokens and Boto3. You may also build search experience with multiple data sources including SDK documentation and wikis with Amazon Kendra, and present results and related links accordingly. The following screenshot shows another search query made against the same index.

Note that when we apply a different access token (associate the search with a different user), the search results are restricted to projects that this user has access to.

Lastly, we can also use filters relevant to Jira in our search. First, we navigate to our index’s Facet definition page and check Facetable for j_status, j_assignee, and j_project_name. For every search, we can then filter by these fields, as shown in the following screenshot.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future costs, clean up the resources you created as part of this solution. If you created a new Amazon Kendra index while testing this solution, delete it. If you only added a new data source using the Amazon Kendra connector for Jira, delete that data source.


With the Amazon Kendra Jira connector, your organization can make invaluable knowledge in your Jira projects available to your users securely using intelligent search powered by Amazon Kendra.

To learn more about the Amazon Kendra Jira connector, refer to the Amazon Kendra Jira connector section of the Amazon Kendra Developer Guide.

For more information on other Amazon Kendra built-in connectors to popular data sources, refer to Unravel the knowledge in Slack workspaces with intelligent search using the Amazon Kendra Slack connector and Search for knowledge in Quip documents with intelligent search using the Quip connector for Amazon Kendra.

About the Authors

Shreyas Subramanian is an AI/ML specialist Solutions Architect, and helps customers by using Machine Learning to solve their business challenges on the AWS Cloud.

Abhinav JawadekarAbhinav Jawadekar is a Principal Solutions Architect focused on Amazon Kendra in the AI/ML language services team at AWS. Abhinav works with AWS customers and partners to help them build intelligent search solutions on AWS.

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The Intel®3D Athlete Tracking (3DAT) scalable architecture deploys pose estimation models using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon EKS

This blog post is co-written by Jonathan Lee, Nelson Leung, Paul Min, and Troy Squillaci from Intel. 

In Part 1 of this post, we discussed how Intel®3DAT collaborated with AWS Machine Learning Professional Services (MLPS) to build a scalable AI SaaS application. 3DAT uses computer vision and AI to recognize, track, and analyze over 1,000 biomechanics data points from standard video. It allows customers to create rich and powerful biomechanics-driven products, such as web and mobile applications with detailed performance data and three-dimensional visualizations.

In Part 2 of this post, we dive deeper into each stage of the architecture. We explore the AWS services used to meet the 3DAT design requirements, including Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), in order to scalably deploy the necessary pose estimation models for this software as a service (SaaS) application.

Architecture overview

The primary goal of the MLPS team was to productionalize the 2D and 3D pose estimation model pipelines and create a functional and scalable application. The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The complete architecture is broken down into five major components:

  • User application interface layers
  • Database
  • Workflow orchestration
  • Scalable pose estimation inference generation
  • Operational monitoring

Let’s go into detail on each component, their interactions, and the rationale behind the design choices.

User application interface layers

The following diagram shows the application interface layers that provide user access and control of the application and its resources.

These access points support different use cases based on different customer personas. For example, an application user can submit a job via the CLI, whereas a developer can build an application using the Python SDK and embed pose estimation intelligence into their applications. The CLI and SDK are built as modular components—both layers are wrappers of the API layer, which is built using Amazon API Gateway to resolve the API calls and associated AWS Lambda functions, which take care of the backend logic associated with each API call. These layers were a crucial component for the Intel OTG team because it opens up a broad base of customers that can effectively use this SaaS application.

API layer

The solution has a core set of nine APIs, which correspond to the types of objects that operate on this platform. Each API has a Python file that defines the API actions that can be run. The creation of new objects is automatically assigned an object ID sequentially. The attributes of these objects are stored and tracked in the Amazon Aurora Serverless database using this ID. Therefore, the API actions tie back to functions that are defined in a central file that contains the backend logic for querying the Aurora database. This backend logic uses the Boto3 Amazon RDS DataService client to access the database cluster.

The one exception is the /job API, which has a create_job method that handles video submission for creating a new processing job. This method starts the AWS Step Functions workflow logic for running the job. By passing in a job_id, this method uses the Boto3 Step Functions client to call the start_execution method for a specified stateMachineARN (Amazon Resource Name).

The eight object APIs have the methods and similar access pattern as summarized in the following table.

Method Type Function Name Description
GET list_[object_name]s Selects all objects of this type from the database and displays.
POST create_[object] Inserts a new object record with required inputs into the database.
GET get_[object] Selects object attributes based on the object ID from the database and displays.
PUT update_[object] Updates an existing object record with the required inputs.
DELETE delete_[object] Deletes an existing object record from the database based on object ID.

The details of the nine APIs are as follows:

  1. /user – A user is the identity of someone authorized to submit jobs to this application. The creation of a user requires a user name, user email, and group ID that the user belongs to.
  2. /user_group – A user group is a collection of users. Every user group is mapped to one project and one pipeline parameter set. To have different tiers (in terms of infrastructural resources and pipeline parameters), users are divided into user groups. Each user can belong to only one user group. The creation of a user group requires a project ID, pipeline parameter set ID, user group name, and user group description. Note that user groups are different from user roles defined in the AWS account. The latter is used to provide different level of access based on their access roles (for example admin).
  3. /project – A project is used to group different sets of infrastructural resources together. A project is associated with a single project_cluster_url (Aurora cluster) for recording users, jobs, and other metadata, a project_queue_arn (Kinesis Data Streams ARN), and a compute runtime environment (currently controlled via Cortex) used for running inference on the frame batches or postprocessing on the videos. Each user group is associated to one project, and this mechanism is how different tiers are enabled in terms of latency and compute power for different groups of users. The creation of a project requires a project name, project cluster URL, and project queue ARN.
  4. /pipeline – A pipeline is associated with a single configuration for a sequence of processing containers that perform video processing in the Amazon EKS inference generation cluster coordinated by Cortex (see the section on video processing inference generation for more details). Typically, this consists of three containers: preprocessing and decoding, object detection, and pose estimation. For example, the decode and object detection step are the same for the 2D and 3D pipelines, but swapping out the last container using either HRNet or 3DMPPE results in the parameter set for 2D vs. 3D processing pipelines. You can create new configurations to define possible pipelines that can be used for processing, and it requires as input a new Python file in the Cortex repo that details the sequence of model endpoints call that define that pipeline (see the section on video processing inference generation). The pipeline endpoint is the Cortex endpoint that is called to process a single frame. The creation of a pipeline requires a pipeline name, pipeline description, and pipeline endpoint.
  5. /pipeline_parameter_set – A pipeline parameter set is a flexible JSON collection of multiple parameters (a pipeline configuration runtime) for a particular pipeline, and is added to provide flexibility for future customization when multiple pipeline configuration runtimes are required. User groups can be associated with a particular pipeline parameter set, and its purpose is to have different groups of parameters per user group and per pipeline. This was an important forward-looking addition for Intel OTG to build in customization that supports portability as different customers, particularly ISVs, start using the application.
  6. /pipeline_parameters – A single collection of pipeline parameters is an instantiation of a pipeline parameter set. This makes it a 1:many mapping of a pipeline parameter set to pipeline parameters. This API requires a pipeline ID to associate with the set of pipeline parameters that enables the creation of a pipeline for a 1:1 mapping of pipeline parameters to the pipeline. The other inputs required by this API are a pipeline parameter set ID, pipeline parameters value, and pipeline parameters name.
  7. /video – A video object is used to define individual videos that make up a .zip package submitted during a job. This file is broken up into multiple videos after submission. A video is related to the job_id for the job where the .zip package is submitted, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) paths for the location of the raw separated videos and the postprocessing results of each video. The video object also contains a video progress percentage, which is consistently updated during processing of individual frame batches of that video, as well as a video status flag for complete or not complete. The creation of a video requires a job ID, video path, video results path, video progress percentage, and video status.
  8. /frame_batch – A frame_batch object is a mini-batch of frames created by sampling a single video. Separating a video into regular-sized frame batches provides a lever to tune latency and increases parallelization and throughput. This is the granular unit that is run through Kinesis Data Streams for inference. A creation of a frame batch requires a video ID, frame batch start number, frame batch end number, frame batch input path, frame batch results path, and frame batch status.
  9. /job – This interaction API is used for file submission to start a processing job. This API has a different function from other object APIs because it’s the direct path to interact with the video processing backend Step Functions workflow coordination and Amazon EKS cluster. This API requires a user ID, project ID, pipeline ID, pipeline parameter set ID, job parameters, and job status. In the job parameters, an input file path is specified, which is the location in Amazon S3 where the .zip package of videos to be processed is located. File upload is handled with the upload_handler method, which generates a presigned S3 URL for the user to place a file. A WORKFLOW_STATEMACHINE_ARN is an environment variable that is passed to the create_job API to specify where a video .zip package with an input file path is submitted to start a job.

The following table summarizes the API’s functions.

Method Type Function Description
GET list_jobs Selects all jobs from the database and displays.
POST create_ job Inserts a new job record with user ID, project ID, pipeline ID, pipeline parameter set ID, job results path, job parameters, and job status.
GET get_ job Selects job attributes based on job ID from the database and displays.
GET upload_handler Generates a presigned S3 URL as the location for the .zip file upload. Requires an S3 bucket name and expects an application/zip file type.

Python SDK layer

Building upon the APIs, the team created a Python SDK client library as a wrapper to make it easier for developers to access the API methods. They used the open-source Poetry, which handles Python packaging and dependency management. They created a file that contains functions wrapping each of the APIs using the Python requests library to handle API requests and exceptions.

For developers to launch the Intel 3DAT SDK, they need to install and build the Poetry package. Then, they can add a simple Python import of intel_3dat_sdk to any Python code.

To use the client, you can create an instance of the client, specifying the API endpoint:

client = intel_3dat_sdk.client(endpoint_url="API Endpoint Here")

You can then use the client to call the individual methods such as the create_pipeline method (see the following code), taking in the proper arguments such as pipeline name and pipeline description.

    "pipeline_name": "pipeline_1",
    "pipeline_description": "first instance of a pipeline"

CLI layer

Similarly, the team built on the APIs to create a command line interface for users who want to access the API methods with a straightforward interface without needing to write Python code. They used the open-source Python package Click (Command Line Interface Creation Kit). The benefits of this framework are the arbitrary nesting of commands, automatic help page generation, and support of lazy loading of subcommands at runtime. In the same file as in the SDK, each SDK client method was wrapped using Click and the required method arguments were converted to command line flags. The flag inputs are then used when calling the SDK command.

To launch the CLI, you can use the CLI configure command. You’re prompted for the endpoint URL:

$ intel-cli configure 
Endpoint url:

Now you can use the CLI to call different commands related to the API methods, for example:

$ intel-cli list-users 

        “user_id”: 1,
        “group_id”: 1,
        “user_name”: “Intel User”,


As a database, this application uses Aurora Serverless to store metadata associated with each of the APIs with MYSQL as the database engine. Choosing the Aurora Serverless database service adheres to the design principle to minimize infrastructural overhead by utilizing serverless AWS services when possible. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

The serverless engine mode meets the intermittent usage pattern because this application scales up to new customers and workloads are still uncertain. When launching a database endpoint, a specific DB instance size isn’t required, only a minimum and maximum range for cluster capacity. Aurora Serverless handles the appropriate provisioning of a router fleet and distributes the workload amongst the resources. Aurora Serverless automatically performs backup retention for a minimum of 1 day up to 35 days. The team optimized for safety by setting the default to the maximum value of 35.

In addition, the team used the Data API to handle access to the Aurora Serverless cluster, which doesn’t require a persistent connection, and instead provides a secure HTTP endpoint and integration with AWS SDKs. This feature uses AWS Secrets Manager to store the database credentials so there is no need to explicitly pass credentials. CREATE TABLE scripts were written in .sql files for each of the nine tables that correspond to the nine APIs. Because this database contained all the metadata and state of objects in the system, the API methods were run using the appropriate SQL commands (for example select * from Job for the list_jobs API) and passed to the execute_statement method from the Amazon RDS client in the Data API.

Workflow orchestration

The functional backbone of the application was handled using Step Functions to coordinate the workflow, as shown in the following diagram.

The state machine consisted of a sequence of four Lambda functions, which starts when a job is submitted using the create_job method from the job API. The user ID, project ID, pipeline ID, pipeline parameter set ID, job results path, job parameters, and job status are required for job creation. You can first upload a .zip package of video files using the upload_handler method from the job API to generate a presigned S3 URL. During job submission, the input file path is passed via the job parameters, to specify the location of the file. This starts the run of the workflow state machine, triggering four main steps:

  • Initializer Lambda function
  • Submitter Lambda function
  • Completion Check Lambda function
  • Collector Lambda function

Initializer Lambda function

The main function of the Initializer is to separate the .zip package into individual video files and prepare them for the Submitter. First, the .zip file is downloaded, and then each individual file, including video files, is unzipped and extracted. The videos, preferably in .mp4 format, are uploaded back into an S3 bucket. Using the create_video method in the video API, a video object is created with the video path as input. This inserts data on each video into the Aurora database. Any other file types, such as JSON files, are considered metadata and similarly uploaded, but no video object is created. A list of the names of files and video files extracted is passed to the next step.

Submitter Lambda function

The Submitter function takes the video files that were extracted by the Initializer and creates mini-batches of video frames as images. Most current computer vision models in production have been trained on images so even when video is processed, they’re first separated into image frames before model inference. This current solution using a state-of-the-art pose estimation model is no different—the frame batches from the Submitter are passed to Kinesis Data Streams to initiate the inference generation step.

First, the video file is downloaded by the Lambda function. The frame rate and number of frames is calculated using the FileVideoStream module from the processing library. The frames are extracted and grouped according to a specified mini-batch size, which is one of the key tunable parameters of this pipeline. Using the Python pickle library, the data is serialized and uploaded to Amazon S3. Subsequently, a frame batch object is created and the metadata entry is created in the Aurora database. This Lambda function was built using a Dockerfile with dependencies on opencv-python, numpy, and imutils libraries.

Completion Check Lambda function

The Completion Check function continues to query the Aurora database to see, for each video in the .zip package for this current job, how many frame batches are in the COMPLETED status. When all frame batches for all videos are complete, then this check process is complete.

Collector Lambda function

The Collector function takes the outputs of the inferences that were performed on each frame during the Consumer stage and combines them across a frame batch and across a video. The combined merged data is then upload to an S3 bucket. The function then invokes the Cortex postprocessing API for a particular ML pipeline in order to perform any postprocessing computations, and adds the aggregated results by video to the output bucket. Many of these metrics are calculated across frames, such as speed, acceleration, and joint angle, so this calculation needs to be performed on the aggregated data. The main outputs include body key points data (aggregated into CSV format), BMA calculations (such as acceleration), and visual overlay of key points added to each frame in an image file.

Scalable pose estimation inference generation

The processing engine that powers the scaling of ML inference happens in this stage. It involves three main pieces, each with have their own concurrency levers that can be tuned for latency tradeoffs (see the following diagram).

This architecture allows for experimentation in testing latency gains, as well as flexibility for the future when workloads may change with different mixes of end-user segments that access the application.

Kinesis Data Streams

The team chose Kinesis Data Streams because it’s typically used to handle streaming data, and in this case is a good fit because it can handle frame batches in a similar way to provide scalability and parallelization. In the Submitter Lambda function, the Kinesis Boto3 client is used, with the put_record method passing in the metadata associated with a single frame batch, such as the frame batch ID, frame batch starting frame, frame batch ending frame, image shape, frame rate, and video ID.

We defined various job queue and Kinesis data stream configurations to set levels of throughput that tie back to the priority level of different user groups. Access to different levels of processing power is linked by passing a project queue ARN when creating a new project using the project API. Every user group is then linked to a particular project during user group creation. Three default stream configurations are defined in the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) infrastructure template:

  • StandardJobStreamShardCount
  • PriorityPriorityJobStreamShardCount
  • High priority HighPriorityJobStreamShardCount

The team used a few different levers to differentiate the processing power of each stream or tune the latency of the system, as summarized in the following table.

Lever Description Default value
Shard A shard is native to Kinesis Data Streams; it’s the base unit of throughput for ingestion. The default is 1MB/sec, which equates to 1,000 data records per second. 2
KinesisBatchSize The maximum number of records that Kinesis Data Streams retrieves in a single batch before invoking the consumer Lambda function. 1
KinesisParallelizationFactor The number of batches to process from each shard concurrently. 1
Enhanced fan-out Data consumers who have enhanced fan-out activated have a dedicated ingestion throughput per consumer (such as the default 1MB/sec) instead of sharing throughput across consumers. Off

Consumer Lambda function

From the perspective of Kinesis Data Streams, a data consumer is an AWS service that retrieves data from a data stream shard as data is generated in a stream. This application uses a Consumer Lambda function, which is invoked when messages are passed from the data stream queues. Each Consumer function processes one frame batch by performing the following steps. First, a call is made to the Cortex processor API synchronously, which is the endpoint that hosts the model inference pipeline (see the next section regarding Amazon EKS with Cortex for more details). The results are stored in Amazon S3, and an update is made to the database by changing the status of the processed frame batch to Complete. Error handling is built in to manage the Cortex API call with a retry loop to handle any 504 errors from the Cortex cluster, with number of retries set to 5.

Amazon EKS with Cortex for ML inference

The team used Amazon EKS, a managed Kubernetes service in AWS, as the compute engine for ML inference. A design choice was made to use Amazon EKS to host ML endpoints, giving the flexibility of running upstream Kubernetes with the option of clusters both fully managed in AWS via AWS Fargate, or on-premises hardware via Amazon EKS Anywhere. This was a critical piece of functionality desired by Intel OTG, which provided the option to hook up this application to specialized on-premises hardware, for example.

The three ML models that were the building blocks for constructing the inference pipelines were a custom Yolo model (for object detection), a custom HRNet model (for 2D pose estimation), and a 3DMPPE model (for 3D pose estimation) (see the previous ML section for more details). They used the open-source Cortex library to handle deployment and management of ML inference pipeline endpoints, and launching and deployment of the Amazon EKS clusters. Each of these models were packaged up into Docker containers—model files were stored in Amazon S3 and model images were stored in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR)—and deployed as Cortex Realtime APIs. Versions of the model containers that run on CPU and GPU were created to provide flexibility for the type of compute hardware. In the future, if additional models or model pipelines need to be added, they can simply create additional Cortex Realtime APIs.

They then constructed inference pipelines by composing together the Cortex Realtime model APIs into Cortex Realtime pipeline APIs. A single Realtime pipeline API consisted of calling a sequence of Realtime model APIs. The Consumer Lambda functions treated a pipeline API as a black box, using a single API call to retrieve the final inference output for an image. Two pipelines were created: a 2D pipeline and a 3D pipeline.

The 2D pipeline combines a decoding preprocessing step, object detection using a custom Yolo model to locate the athlete and produce bounding boxes, and finally a custom HRNet model for creating 2D key points for pose estimation.

The 3D pipeline combines a decoding preprocessing step, object detection using a custom Yolo model to locate the athlete and produce bounding boxes, and finally a 3DMPPE model for creating 3D key points for pose estimation.

After generating inferences on a batch of frames, each pipeline also includes a separate postprocessing Realtime Cortex endpoint that generates three main outputs:

  • Aggregated body key points data into a single CSV file
  • BMA calculations (such as acceleration)
  • Visual overlay of key points added to each frame in an image file

The Collector Lambda function submits the appropriate metadata associated with a particular video, such as the frame IDs and S3 locations of the pose estimation inference outputs, to the endpoint to generate these postprocessing outputs.

Cortex is designed to be integrated with Amazon EKS, and only requires a cluster configuration file and a simple command to launch a Kubernetes cluster:

cortex cluster up –config cluster_config_file.yaml

Another lever for performance tuning was the instance configuration for the compute clusters. Three tiers were created with varying mixes of M5 and G4dn instances, codified as .yaml files with specifications such as cluster name, Region, and instance configuration and mix. M5 instances are lower-cost CPU-based and G4dn are higher cost GPU-based to provide some cost/performance tradeoffs.

Operational monitoring

To maintain operational logging standards, all Lambda functions include code to record and ingest logs via Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. For example, every frame batch processed from the Submitter Lambda function is logged with the timestamp, name of action, and Lambda function response JSON and saved to Amazon S3. The following diagram illustrates this step in the architecture.


Deployment is handled using AWS SAM, an open-source framework for building serverless applications in AWS. AWS SAM enables infrastructure design, including functions, APIs, databases, and event source mappings to be codified and easily deployed in new AWS environments. During deployment, the AWS SAM syntax is translated into AWS CloudFormation to handle the infrastructure provisioning.

A template.yaml file contains the infrastructure specifications along with tunable parameters, such as Kinesis Data Streams latency levers detailed in the preceding sections. A samconfig.toml file contains deployment parameters such as stack name, S3 bucket name where application files like Lambda function code is stored, and resource tags for tracking cost. A shell script with the simple commands is all that is required to build and deploy the entire template:

sam build -t template.yaml
sam deploy --config-env “env_name” --profile “profile_name”

User work flow

To sum up, after the infrastructure has been deployed, you can follow this workflow to get started:

  1. Create an Intel 3DAT client using the client library.
  2. Use the API to create a new instance of a pipeline corresponding to the type of processing that is required, such as one for 3D pose estimation.
  3. Create a new instance of a project, passing in the cluster ARN and Kinesis queue ARN.
  4. Create a new instance of a pipeline parameter set.
  5. Create a new instance of pipeline parameters that map to the pipeline parameter set.
  6. Create a new user group that is associated with a project ID and a pipeline parameter set ID.
  7. Create a new user that is associated with the user group.
  8. Upload a .zip file of videos to Amazon S3 using a presigned S3 URL generated by the upload function in the job API.
  9. Submit a create_job API call, with job parameters that specify location of the video files. This starts the processing job.


The application is now live and ready to be tested with athletes and coaches alike. Intel OTG is excited to make innovative pose estimation technology using computer vision accessible for a variety of users, from developers to athletes to software vendor partners.

The AWS team is passionate about helping customers like Intel OTG accelerate their ML journey, from the ideation and discovery stage with ML Solutions Lab to the hardening and deployment stage with AWS ML ProServe. We will all be watching closely at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics this summer to envision all the progress that ML can unlock in sports.

Get started today! Explore your use case with the services mentioned in this post and many others on the AWS Management Console.

About the Authors

Han Man is a Senior Manager- Machine Learning & AI at AWS based in San Diego, CA. He has a PhD in engineering from Northwestern University and has several years of experience as a management consultant advising clients in manufacturing, financial services, and energy. Today he is passionately working with customers from a variety of industries to develop and implement machine learning & AI solutions on AWS. He enjoys following the NBA and playing basketball in his spare time.

Iman Kamyabi is an ML Engineer with AWS Professional Services. He has worked with a wide range of AWS customers to champion best practices in setting up repeatable and reliable ML pipelines.

Jonathan Lee is the Director of Sports Performance Technology, Olympic Technology Group at Intel. He studied the application of machine learning to health as an undergrad at UCLA and during his graduate work at University of Oxford. His career has focused on algorithm and sensor development for health and human performance. He now leads the 3D Athlete Tracking project at Intel.

Nelson Leung is the Platform Architect in the Sports Performance CoE at Intel, where he defines end-to-end architecture for cutting-edge products that enhance athlete performance. He also leads the implementation, deployment and productization of these machine learning solutions at scale to different Intel partners.

Troy Squillaci is a DecSecOps engineer at Intel where he delivers professional software solutions to customers through DevOps best practices. He enjoys integrating AI solutions into scalable platforms in a variety of domains.

Paul Min is an Associate Solutions Architect Intern at Amazon Web Services (AWS), where he helps customers across different industry verticals advance their mission and accelerate their cloud adoption. Previously at Intel, he worked as a Software Engineering Intern to help develop the 3D Athlete Tracking Cloud SDK. Outside of work, Paul enjoys playing golf and can be heard singing.

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Moderate, classify, and process documents using Amazon Rekognition and Amazon Textract

Many companies are overwhelmed by the abundant volume of documents they have to process, organize, and classify to serve their customers better. Examples of such can be loan applications, tax filing, and billing. Such documents are more commonly received in image formats and are mostly multi-paged and in low-quality format. To be more competitive and cost-efficient, and to stay secure and compliant at the same time, these companies must evolve their document processing capabilities to reduce processing times and improve classification accuracy in an automated and scalable way. These companies face the following challenges in processing documents:

  • Performing moderation on the documents to detect inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive content
  • Manual document classification, which is adopted by smaller companies, is time-consuming, error-prone, and expensive
  • OCR techniques with rules-based systems aren’t intelligent enough and can’t adopt to changes in document format
  • Companies that adopt machine learning (ML) approaches often don’t have resources to scale their model to handle spikes in incoming document volume

This post tackles these challenges and provides an architecture that efficiently solves these problems. We show how you can use Amazon Rekognition and Amazon Textract to optimize and reduce human efforts in processing documents. Amazon Rekognition identifies moderation labels in your document and classify them using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels. Amazon Textract extracts text from your documents.

In this post, we cover building two ML pipelines (training and inference) to process documents without the need for any manual effort or custom code. The high-level steps in the inference pipeline include:

  1. Perform moderation on uploaded documents using Amazon Rekognition.
  2. Classify documents into different categories such as W-2s, invoices, bank statements, and pay stubs using Rekognition Custom Labels.
  3. Extract text from documents such as printed text, handwriting, forms, and tables using Amazon Textract.

Solution overview

This solution uses the following AI services, serverless technologies, and managed services to implement a scalable and cost-effective architecture:

  • Amazon DynamoDB – A key-value and document database that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale.
  • Amazon EventBridge – A serverless event bus to build event-driven applications at scale using events generated from your applications, integrated software as a service (SaaS) applications, and AWS services.
  • AWS Lambda – A serverless compute service that lets you run code in response to triggers such as changes in data, shifts in system state, or user actions.
  • Amazon Rekognition – Uses ML to identify objects, people, text, scenes, and activities in images and videos, as well as detect any inappropriate content.
  • Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels – Uses AutoML for computer vision and transfer learning to help you train custom models to identify the objects and scenes in images that are specific to your business needs.
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) – Serves as an object store for your documents and allows for central management with fine-tuned access controls.
  • Amazon Step Functions – A serverless function orchestrator that makes it easy to sequence Lambda functions and multiple services into business-critical applications.
  • Amazon Textract – Uses ML to extract text and data from scanned documents in PDF, JPEG, or PNG formats.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of the inference pipeline.

Inference Pipeline ArchitectureOur workflow includes the following steps:

  1. User uploads documents into the input S3 bucket.
  2. The upload triggers an Amazon S3 Event Notification to deliver real-time events directly to EventBridge. The Amazon S3 events that match the “object created” filter defined for an EventBridge rule starts the Step Functions workflow.
  3. The Step Functions workflow triggers a series of Lambda functions, which perform the following tasks:
    1. The first function performs preprocessing tasks and makes API calls to Amazon Rekognition:
      • If the incoming documents are in image format (such as JPG or PNG), the function calls the Amazon Rekognition API and provide the documents as S3 objects. However, if the document is in PDF format, the function streams the image bytes when calling the Amazon Rekognition API.
      • If a document contains multiple pages, the function splits the document into individual pages and saves them in an intermediate folder in the output S3 bucket before processing them individually.
      • When the preprocessing tasks are complete, the function makes an API call to Amazon Rekognition to detect inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive content, and makes another API call to the trained Rekognition Custom Labels model to classify documents.
    2. The second function makes an API call to Amazon Textract to initiate a job for extracting text from the input document and storing it in the output S3 bucket.
    3. The third function stores document metadata such as moderation label, document classification, classification confidence, Amazon Textract job ID, and file path into an DynamoDB table.

You can adjust the workflow as per your requirement, for example you can add a natural language processing (NLP) capability in this workflow using Amazon Comprehend to gain insights into the extracted text.

Training pipeline

Before we deploy this architecture, we train a custom model to classify documents into different categories using Rekognition Custom Labels. In the training pipeline, we label the documents using Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth. We then use the labeled documents to train a model with Rekognition Custom Labels. In this example, we use an Amazon SageMaker notebook to perform these steps, but you can also annotate images using the Rekognition Custom Labels console. For instructions, refer to Labeling images.

Training Pipeline Architecture


To train the model, we use the following public datasets containing W2s and invoices:

You can use another dataset relevant for your industry.

The following table summarizes the dataset splits between training and testing.

Class Training set Test set
Invoices 352 75
W-2s 86 16
Total 438 91

Deploy the training pipeline with AWS CloudFormation

You deploy an AWS CloudFormation template to provision the necessary AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and components of the training pipeline, including a SageMaker notebook instance.

  1. Launch the following CloudFormation template in the US East (N. Virginia) Region:
  2. For Stack name, enter a name, such as document-processing-training-pipeline.
  3. Choose Next.
    Training CFN Stack
  4. In the Capabilities and transforms section, select the check box to acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
  5. Choose Create stack.
    Training CFN Stack

The stack details page should show the status of the stack as CREATE_IN_PROGRESS. It can take up to 5 minutes for the status to change to CREATE_COMPLETE. When it’s complete, you can view the outputs on the Outputs tab.

  1. After the stack is launched successfully, open the SageMaker console and choose Notebook instances in the navigation name.
  2. Look for an instance with the DocProcessingNotebookInstance- prefix and wait until its status is InService.
  3. Under Actions, choose Open Jupyter.
    Open Jupyter Notebook

Run the example notebook

To run your notebook, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose the Rekognition_Custom_Labels example notebook.
    Choose Notebook Jupyter
  2. Choose Run to run the cells in the example notebook in order.
    Run cells Jupyter

The notebook demonstrates the entire lifecycle of preparing training and test images, labeling them, creating manifest files, training a model, and running the trained model with Rekognition Custom Labels. Alternatively, you can train and run the model using the Rekognition Custom Labels console. For instructions, refer to Training a model (Console).

The notebook is self-explanatory; you can follow the steps to complete training the model.

  1. Make a note of the ProjectVersionArn to provide for the inference pipeline in a later step.

For SageMaker notebook instances, you’re charged for the instance type you choose, based on the duration of use. If you’re finished training the model, you can stop the notebook instance to avoid cost of idle resources.

Deploy the inference pipeline with AWS CloudFormation

To deploy the inference pipeline, complete the following steps:

  1. Launch the following CloudFormation template in the US East (N. Virginia) Region:
  2. For Stack name, enter a name, such as document-processing-inference-pipeline.
  3. For DynamoDBTableName, enter a unique DynamoDB table name; for example, document-processing-table.
  4. For InputBucketName, enter a unique name for the S3 bucket the stack creates; for example, document-processing-input-bucket.

The input documents are uploaded to this bucket before they’re processed. Use only lowercase characters and no spaces when you create the name of the input bucket. Furthermore, this operation creates a new S3 bucket, so don’t use the name of an existing bucket. For more information, see Rules for Bucket Naming.

  1. For OutputBucketName, enter a unique name for your output bucket; for example, document-processing-output-bucket.

This bucket stores the output documents after they’re processed. It also stores pages of multi-page PDF input documents after they’re split by Lambda function. Follow the same naming rules as your input bucket.

  1. For RekognitionCustomLabelModelARN, enter the ProjectVersionArn value you noted from the Jupyter notebook.
  2. Choose Next.
    Inference CFN Stack
  3. On the Configure stack options page, set any additional parameters for the stack, including tags.
  4. Choose Next.
  5. In the Capabilities and transforms section, select the check box to acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
  6. Choose Create stack.

The stack details page should show the status of the stack as CREATE_IN_PROGRESS. It can take up to 5 minutes for the status to change to CREATE_COMPLETE. When it’s complete, you can view the outputs on the Outputs tab.

Process a document through the pipeline

We’ve deployed both training and inference pipelines, and are now ready to use the solution and process a document.

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, open the input bucket.
  2. Upload a sample document into the S3 folder.

This starts the workflow. The process populates the DynamoDB table with document classification and moderation labels. The output from Amazon Textract is delivered to the output S3 bucket in the TextractOutput folder.

We submitted a few different sample documents to the workflow and received the following information populated in the DynamoDB table.

Metadata storage in DynamoDB

If you don’t see items in the DynamoDB table or documents uploaded in the output S3 bucket, check the Amazon CloudWatch Logs for the corresponding Lambda function and look for potential errors that caused the failure.

Clean up

Complete the following steps to clean up resources deployed for this solution:

  1. On the CloudFormation console, choose Stacks.
  2. Select the stacks deployed for this solution.
  3. Choose Delete.

These steps don’t delete the S3 buckets, DynamoDB table, and the trained Rekognition Custom Labels model. You continue to incur storage charges if they’re not deleted. You should delete these resources directly via their respective service consoles if you no longer need them.


In this post, we presented a scalable, secure, and automated approach to moderate, classify, and process documents. Companies across multiple industries can use this solution to improve their business and serve their customers better. It allows for faster document processing and higher accuracy, and reduces the complexity of data extraction. It also provides better security and compliance with personal data legislation by reducing the human workforce involved in processing incoming documents.

For more information, see the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels guide, Amazon Rekognition developer guide and Amazon Textract developer guide. If you’re new to Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels, try it out using our Free Tier, which lasts 3 months and includes 10 free training hours per month and 4 free inference hours per month. Amazon Rekognition free tier includes processing 5,000 images per month for 12 months. Amazon Textract free tier also lasts for three months and includes 1,000 pages per month for Detect Document Text API.

About the Authors

Jay Rao is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS. He enjoys providing technical and strategic guidance to customers and helping them design and implement solutions on AWS.

Uchenna Egbe is an Associate Solutions Architect at AWS. He spends his free time researching about herbs, teas, superfoods, and how he can incorporate them into his daily diet.

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Achieve in-vehicle comfort using personalized machine learning and Amazon SageMaker

This blog post is co-written by Rudra Hota and Esaias Pech from Continental AG.

Many drivers have had the experience of trying to adjust temperature settings in their vehicle while attempting to keep their eyes on the road. Whether the previous driver preferred a warmer cabin temperature, or you’re now wearing warmer clothing, or the sun just emerged from the clouds, multiple conditions can make a driver uncomfortable and force their attention to the vehicle temperature dial. Wouldn’t it be convenient if your vehicle’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system could learn your individual preferences, and automatically make these adjustments for you?

Continental AG, a German multinational automotive technology conglomerate and Tier 1 supplier of automotive parts and technology, recently embarked on an initiative to develop in-vehicle human machine interface (HMI) capabilities enabled by machine learning (ML) technologies that will deliver personalization features for its OEM (original equipment manufacturer) automotive customers.

To help bring that vision to life, Continental Automotive Systems partnered with the Amazon Machine Learning Solutions Lab to develop personalization algorithms that learn from user behavior and automatically adjust the temperature for the driver to experience optimal in-vehicle thermal comfort. This is a challenging task to accomplish because people have different thermal preferences, and these preferences can also vary significantly depending on external environmental factors and multiple thermal loads affecting the temperature of the vehicle. The multi-contextual personalization system developed during the ML Solutions Lab engagement uses Amazon SageMaker, and is a first step on a broader journey by Continental AG toward transforming the automotive driving experience using ML to create and deliver an innovative suite of on-board personalization features for drivers.

Exploring the data

To prototype this solution, Continental Automotive Systems collected several hours of real-world data using a test vehicle equipped with multiple sensors that measured, among other things, the outside temperature, cabin temperature and humidity, and sunlight. Subjects were asked to adjust the temperature as they drove the test vehicle and record their level of comfort on a 7-point scale, where 0 indicates thermal comfort and -3/+3 indicate very cold/hot, respectively. The following figure shows an example session with nine sensor measurements, the temperature setting (hvac_set), and comfort status (comfort). 

Because subjects were asked to explore the temperature range, they didn’t remain at a steady-state for long. Consequently, if we look at the correlation matrix across all timepoints from all sessions, there isn’t a clear relationship between the sensor readings and the set temperature (hvac_set). To learn a cleaner relationship, we detected and extracted the steady-state periods, defined as the periods of thermal comfort during which the sensor readings are stable within some threshold. We then used these steady-state periods to regenerate the correlation plot. By doing so, the amount of clothing worn (clothing) and cloudiness (cloudiness) or degree of darkness (light_voltage) reveal themselves as well-correlated variables. (Note that light_voltage is actually a measure of the voltage required to control ambient light and headlights, so higher values mean it’s darker outside.) Intuitively, as clothing increases, the temperature is set lower in order to achieve comfort, and as cloudiness and light_voltage increase, the temperature is set higher.

The following table shows the correlation between set temperature (hvac_set) and sensor readings, for all data (left) and steady-states only (right).

In the following figure, steady-states are detected (bottom; value=1.0) during periods of thermal comfort (top), and when sensor measurements are relatively stable.

Given this finding, we chose to focus on clothing and solar load (collapsing cloudiness and light_voltage into a single variable, and inverting the sign such that higher values mean more sunlight) as the primary input variables to the ML model. Given that only a small amount of real-world data was collected for this prototype, we decided to first develop this modeling approach using a simulated environment, where we could generate as much data as we want and more robustly evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

For this data exploration, as well as the simulation and modeling described in later sections, we used SageMaker. With SageMaker, we could securely access the provided data stored on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and quickly explore it within fully managed Jupyter notebooks via one-click notebook instances. Next, we used a pre-loaded data science environment within our notebooks (complete with ML frameworks like PyTorch and MXNet) to prototype and implement the model and simulator, which are described in the next sections.

Simulating in-vehicle temperature dynamics

Our aim with the simulator was to capture the key variables and dynamics governing thermal comfort. Our assumption was if our chosen model was sophisticated enough to learn the relevant relationships within this environment, it could also learn the true relationships in the real-world data (an assumption that is validated by the real-world experimentation at the end of the post).

The simulation scheme we devised is pictured in the following figure. Crucially, as will be the case in production, this is a closed loop system where the temperature-adjusting behavior affects the cabin temperature, which then indirectly affects the temperature-setting behavior. Both exogenous factors (orange) and endogenous factors (green) play a role, and exponential temporal dynamics determine how these impact the cabin air temperature, near-skin temperature, and ultimately the set temperature.

The interactions across these variables through time allow for a complex and dynamic system that we can use to generate sessions. Moreover, we found that our system could be tuned to mimic real-world sessions, which gives us confidence that we captured the relevant variables and dynamics. In the following figure, the simulator (solid) is able to mimic real-world (dashed) dynamics.

Building a contextual, personalized model

Before setting about building our personalization system, we first established some baselines of increasing complexity. The simplest baseline (“non-personalized baseline”) is to use the average temperature setting as the prediction. A slightly more sophisticated baseline uses the average temperature per person as the prediction for that person (“personalized baseline”). Finally, we have a trained baseline (“non-personalized model”) that learns from user behavior in an undifferentiated way. It learns about situations that are generally true (such as the more clothing a driver or passenger is wearing, the lower the temperature should be to achieve comfort), but doesn’t learn any of the personal preferences. This model can be used for new or guest users who don’t have any data.

In building the personalization system, we wanted to leverage the commonalities across users, as well as the differences among them. In that regard, we adopted a two-step approach. First, we trained a neural network using all data in an undifferentiated way. The inputs included both the exogenous variables as well as demographic information. Second, we fine-tuned the final layer of the neural network for each person, using just their data.

In addition to making sense intuitively, this approach (“personalized model”) outperformed all of the baselines, as measured by the mean-squared error (MSE) between the predicted and actual temperature setting in the steady-state periods. This approach was also more accurate than similar setups, like training from scratch per person without the initial pre-training or fine-tuning all parameters, rather than just the final layer. It was computationally more efficient than these approaches, because only the final layers need to be trained and stored per person, rather than having an entirely distinct model per person. For both stages, we detected and used just the steady-state periods for training, because these have a clearer relationship between the sensor readings and the temperature to set to achieve comfort. Steady-state detection was done using only sensor measurements, because the comfort variable won’t actually be available in production. We also experimented with temporal sequence modeling using the entire time series, but found that performance was consistently worse with this approach.

The following table shows the personalized model beats baselines on simulated data, in terms of MSE.

Model MSE
(lower is better)
Non-personalized baseline 9.681
Personalized baseline 7.270
Non-personalized model 1.518
Personalized model 0.555

For the simulated data, we could also evaluate the model as if it were in production, by replacing the manual control of the temperature with the automatic control of the model (model-as-controller). With this setup, we can simulate sessions with each model as the controller and evaluate how often the user is in a comfortable state with this automatic control, where a comfort ratio of 1.0 indicates that the user is perfectly comfortable throughout the whole session. As with the MSE metric, the personalized model outperforms the non-personalized baseline (see the following table). Moreover, the personalized model outperforms manual control, because the automated system responds immediately to changing conditions, whereas the persona takes some time to react.

Model Comfort Ratio
(higher is better)
Manual control .575
Non-personalized model .531
Personalized model .700

Having established our modeling approach on the simulated data, we returned to the real-world data to see if we could beat the baselines. As before, we pre-trained the model on all data and then fine-tuned the last layer of the model for the two participants with greater than seven steady-state periods (one participant was excluded because they seldom adjusted the temperature setting). Once again, the personalized model beat the baselines (see the following table), reinforcing the conclusion that the personalized model is best.

Model MSE
(lower is better)
Non-personalized baseline 60.885
Personalized baseline 69.902
Non-personalized model 24.823
Personalized model 18.059


In this post, we demonstrated how to apply machine learning to achieve personalized in-vehicle thermal comfort. With the simulation environment that was developed, we were able to prototype and evaluate different modeling approaches, which were then successfully applied to real-world data.

Naturally, to scale this solution to production roll-out, more real-world data is needed, and we can use the simulation environment to generate estimates on the amount of data needed for collection. In addition, for the system to perform end to end, ancillary modules are needed to identify the driver (and other occupants) and load their personalized profiles, including detecting the type of clothing on the individuals. These modules will require their own data and ML pipelines and, like the thermal comfort system, can use a cloud-edge architecture, where model training workloads are run in the cloud, while inference and minor updates can be performed at the edge in a privacy-preserving way.

This setup—with smart, ML-powered personalization applications delivered within the vehicle through a hybrid cloud and edge communication architecture—is a powerful paradigm, which can be replicated to bring ever-increasing intelligence at scale to the automotive driving experience.

About the Authors

Joshua Levy is a Senior Applied Scientist in the Amazon Machine Learning Solutions lab, where he helps customers design and build AI/ML solutions to solve key business problems.

Yifu Hu is an Applied Scientist in the Amazon Machine Learning Solutions lab, where he helps design creative ML solutions to address customers’ business problems in various industries.

Shane Rai is a Sr. ML Strategist at the Amazon Machine Learning Solutions Lab. He works with customers across a diverse spectrum of industries to solve their most pressing and innovative business needs using AWS’s breadth of cloud-based AI/ML services.

Boris Aronchik is a Manager in the Amazon AI Machine Learning Solutions Lab, where he leads a team of ML scientists and engineers to help AWS customers realize business goals leveraging AI/ML solutions.

Jennifer Zhu is an Applied Scientist from the Amazon AI Machine Learning Solutions Lab. She works with AWS’s customers to build AI/ML solutions for their high-priority business needs.

Ivan Sosnovik is an Applied Scientist in the Amazon Machine Learning Solutions Lab. He develops ML solutions to help customers to achieve their business goals.

Rudra N. Hota is an Artificial Intelligence Engineer at Holistic Engineering and Technologies at Continental Automotive Systems. With expertise in the field of Computer vision and machine learning, he is working with diverse teams to collaboratively define problem statements and explore fitting solutions.

Esaias Pech is a Software Engineering Manager in the Continental Engineering Services group, where he gets the opportunity to work with Automotive OEMs on Displays, Driver Monitoring Cameras and Infotainment High Performance Computers to improve User Experience in the next generation of vehicles.

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Create video subtitles with Amazon Transcribe using this no-code workflow

Subtitle creation on video content poses challenges no matter how big or small the organization. To address those challenges, Amazon Transcribe has a helpful feature that enables subtitle creation directly within the service. There is no machine learning (ML) or code writing required to get started. This post walks you through setting up a no-code workflow for creating video subtitles using Amazon Transcribe within your Amazon Web Services account.

Subtitles vs. closed captions

The terms subtitles and closed captions are commonly used interchangeably, and both refer to spoken text displayed on the screen. However, a primary difference between subtitles and closed captions (based on industry and accessibility definitions) is that closed captions contain both the transcription of the spoken word as well as a description of background music or sounds occurring within the audio track for a richer accessibility experience. This post only focuses on the creation of transcribed spoken word subtitle files using automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology that don’t contain speaker identification, sound effects, or music descriptions. Amazon Transcribe supports the industry standard SubRip Text (*.srt) and Web Video Text Tracks (*.vtt) formats for subtitle creation.

The following image shows an example of subtitles toggled on within a web video player.

Example of subtitles toggled on within a web video player

Subtitles benefit video creators by extending both the reach and inclusivity of their video content. By displaying the spoken audio portion of a video on the screen, subtitles make audio/video content accessible to a larger audience, including those that are non-native language speakers and those that are in an environment where sound is inaudible.

Although the benefits of subtitles are clear, video creators have traditionally faced obstacles in the creation of subtitles. Obstacles arise due to the time-consuming and resource-intensive requirements of the traditional creation process that heavily rely on manual effort. Traditional subtitling methods are manual and can take days to weeks to complete, and therefore may not be compatible with all production schedules. Likewise, many companies utilize manual transcription services, but these processes often don’t scale and are expensive to maintain. Amazon Transcribe makes it easy for you to convert speech to text using ML-based technologies and helps video creators address these issues.

Solution overview

This post walks through a no-code workflow for generating subtitles using Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon Transcribe.

Amazon S3 is object storage built to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere. This post walks through the process to create an S3 bucket and upload an audio file. When users store data in Amazon S3, they work with resources known as buckets and objects. A bucket is a container for objects. An object is a file and any metadata that describes that file.

Amazon Transcribe is an ASR service that uses fully managed and continuously trained ML models to convert audio/video files to text. Amazon Transcribe inputs and outputs are stored in Amazon S3. Amazon Transcribe takes audio data, either a media file in an Amazon S3 bucket or a media stream, and converts it to text data. Amazon Transcribe allows you to ingest audio input, produce easy-to-read transcripts with a high degree of accuracy, customize your output for domain specific vocabulary using custom language models (CLM) and custom vocabularies, and filter content to ensure customer privacy. Customers can choose to use Amazon Transcribe for a variety of business applications, including transcription of voice-based customer service calls, generation of subtitles on audio/video content, and conduct (text based) content analysis on audio/video content. For this post, we demonstrate creating a transcription job and reviewing the job output.

If you prefer a video walkthrough, refer to the Amazon Transcribe video snacks episode Creating video subtitles without writing any code.


To walk through the solution, you must have the following prerequisites:

If you don’t already have a sample audio/video file, you can create one using a video recording application on your computer or smartphone. Make sure you’re speaking clearly into the microphone to ensure the highest level of transcription quality when recording. Another option is to find a freely available download featuring spoken word, such as a podcast, or the video walkthrough provided in this post, that can be ingested by Amazon Transcribe. The recorded or downloaded file needs to be accessible on your desktop for upload to your AWS account.

Before you get started, review the Amazon Transcribe and Amazon S3 pricing pages for service pricing.

Create the S3 buckets

For this post, we create two S3 buckets to keep the input and output separated.

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, choose Create bucket.
  2. Give each bucket a globally unique name.
  3. Use the default settings to ensure compliance with the policies of your organization.
  4. Enable bucket versioning and default server-side encryption (recommended).
  5. Choose Create bucket.

The following screenshot shows the configuration for the input bucket.

Amazon Transcribe Create Bucket

The S3 bucket for input is now ready to have the audio/video file uploaded. At the time of this publication, the maximum input size for Amazon Transcribe is 2 GB. If the video file exceeds that amount or is in a format that is not natively supported by Amazon Transcribe, consider using AWS Elemental MediaConvert to create an audio-only output. This is beneficial because audio files are typically much smaller than video files and Amazon Transcribe only requires the audio track, and not the video track, to generate transcriptions and subtitles.

Upload the source file to the S3 bucket

To upload your source file, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, select your input bucket.
  2. Choose Upload.
  3. Choose the file from your desktop.
  4. Accept the default storage class and encryption settings or modify them based on the policies of your organization.
  5. Choose Upload.
    Amazon S3 Upload Screen

Create a transcription job

With the input file ready in Amazon S3, we now create a transcription job in Amazon Transcribe.

  1. On the Amazon Transcribe console, choose Transcription jobs in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create job.

This walkthrough largely uses default options; however, you should choose the configuration best suited to the requirements of your organization.

  1. For Name, enter in a name for this job and resulting file.
  2. For Language settings, select Specific language.
  3. For Language, choose the source language of the input file.
  4. For Model type¸ select General model.

We use the general model for this demo, but we encourage you to explore training and using custom language models for improved accuracy for specific use cases such as industry-specific terms or acronyms. For a deeper dive into custom language models, watch the Amazon Transcribe video snack Using Custom Language Models (CLM) to supercharge transcription accuracy.

  1. For Input file location on S3, choose Browse S3.
  2. Choose the input bucket and audio/video file to be transcribed.
  3. For Output data location type info, select Customer specified S3 bucket.
  4. For Output file destination on S3, choose Browse S3.
  5. Choose the newly created output bucket.

The Subtitle file format section provides the two most essential options of this entire post. You can select the *.srt and *.vtt formatted outputs as part of the Amazon Transcribe transcription job. At the time of this writing, selecting one or both doesn’t add any additional cost to the Amazon Transcribe job.

  1. For this post, select both SRT and VTT.
    Job settings under Specify job details
  2. For Specify the start index, choose 0 or 1.
    Specify the start index under Output data

This value refers to the starting number of the first subtitle in sequence. If you’re unsure which value to choose, 1 is the most common.
Specify Start Index

  1. When the settings are in place, choose Next.
  2. Configure any optional settings as per your needs.

Amazon Transcribe presents options for audio identification for channels or speakers, alternative results, PII redaction, vocabulary filtering, and custom vocabulary. For this particular post, you can skip these configuration options. For a deeper dive into job configuration options, watch the Amazon Transcribe video snacks episodes for custom vocabulary, custom language models, and vocabulary filtering.

  1. Choose Create job.
    Amazon Transcribe Job Configuration

Review the job output

The transcription job to create your video subtitles starts. The job status, as shown in the following screenshot, is displayed in the job details panel. When the job is complete, choose the output data location to locate the newly created subtitles in the S3 bucket.

Amazon Transcribe Output Example

Subtitles are identified by the *.srt or *.vtt extensions. When you select the object in the S3 bucket, you have the option to download the file.

Amazon Transcribe Destination Bucket

Because these subtitles are in plain text format, any text editor can view and edit the resulting transcription. Comparing the *.srt and *.vtt files reveals many similarities, with subtle differences.

The following is an example of *.srt format:

00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:04,440
Transcribing audio can be complex, time consuming and expensive.

00:00:04,600 --> 00:00:07,250
You either need to hire someone to do it manually,

00:00:07,490 --> 00:00:10,790
implement applications that are difficult to maintain, or use

00:00:10,790 --> 00:00:13,920
hard to integrate services that yield poor results.

00:00:14,540 --> 00:00:17,290
Amazon Transcribe takes a huge leap forward.

The following is an example of *.vtt format:


00:00:00.240 --> 00:00:04.440
Transcribing audio can be complex, time consuming and expensive.

00:00:04.600 --> 00:00:07.250
You either need to hire someone to do it manually,

00:00:07.490 --> 00:00:10.790
implement applications that are difficult to maintain, or use

00:00:10.790 --> 00:00:13.920
hard to integrate services that yield poor results.

00:00:14.540 --> 00:00:17.290
Amazon Transcribe takes a huge leap forward.

The numbers indicate the order the subtitle is displayed. The timecode indicates when the subtitle is displayed. The text is the subtitle text itself.

Any changes or revisions are now possible directly within the text editor and remain compatible when saved with the *.srt or *.vtt extension. You can also preview changes on the video platform itself, inside a video editing application, or within a video player.

VLC is a popular open-source and cross-platform video player that supports *.srt and *.vtt subtitles. To automatically play subtitles over a video within VLC, place both the original video and the subtitle file in the same directory with the exact same file name before the file extension.

Directory configuration for original and sub title file

Now when you open the video file within VLC, the subtitle file should automatically detect and play back within the video player window.

Subtitles while playing the video file

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, empty and delete the S3 buckets used for input and output. Ensure that you have all necessary files stored as this will permanently remove all objects contained within the buckets. On the Transcribe console, select and delete any jobs that are no longer needed.


You have now created a complete end-to-end subtitle creation workflow to augment and accelerate your video subtitle creation process, and all without writing any code. In a manner of minutes, you created S3 storage buckets, uploaded a file to Amazon S3, and used Amazon Transcribe for subtitle creation. You can then download the resulting *.srt and *.vtt subtitle files for review, and upload them to the destination platform.

This workflow focused on audio/video subtitles created using the automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology in Amazon Transcribe specifically for video workflows. This workflow alone is not a substitute for a human-based closed captioning process, which is able to meet higher standards for accessibility, including speaker identification, sound effects, music description, and copyediting review for accuracy. You can utilize the text editing method described in this post to add these elements after the initial Amazon Transcribe job is complete. Furthermore, for more advanced browser-based subtitle creation, preview, and copyediting, you can explore deploying the Content Localization on AWS solution that is vetted by AWS Solution Architects and includes an implementation guide. This solution offers additional features such as in-browser preview and editing of subtitles, subtitle translation powered by Amazon Translate, and computer vision capabilities offered by Amazon Rekognition.

If you enjoyed this demonstration of Amazon Transcribe’s capability to create subtitles, consider taking a deeper dive into additional features and capabilities to accelerate your audio/video workflows. For additional details and code samples to support automating and scaling subtitle creation, refer to Creating video subtitles. Good luck in your exploration and developing your subtitle creation workflow.

About the Author

Jason O’Malley is a Sr. Partner Solutions Architect at AWS supporting partners architecting media, communications, and technology industry solutions. Before joining AWS, Jason spent 13 years in the media and entertainment industry at companies including Conan O’Brien’s Team Coco, WarnerMedia, and Media.Monks. Jason started his career in television production and post-production before building media workloads on AWS. When Jason isn’t creating solutions for partners and customers, he can be found adventuring with his wife and son, or reading about sustainability.

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