Object detection with Detectron2 on Amazon SageMaker

Deep learning is at the forefront of most machine learning (ML) implementations across a broad set of business verticals. Driven by the highly flexible nature of neural networks, the boundary of what is possible has been pushed to a point where neural networks can outperform humans in a variety of tasks, such as object detection tasks in the context of computer vision (CV) problems.

Object detection, which is one type of CV task, has many applications in various fields like medicine, retail, or agriculture. For example, retail businesses want to be able to detect stock keeping units (SKUs) in store shelf images to analyze buyer trends or identify when product restock is necessary. Object detection models allow you to implement these diverse use cases and automate your in-store operations.

In this post, we discuss Detectron2, an object detection and segmentation framework released by Facebook AI Research (FAIR), and its implementation on Amazon SageMaker to solve a dense object detection task for retail. This post includes an associated sample notebook, which you can run to demonstrate all the features discussed in this post. For more information, see the GitHub repository.

Toolsets used in this solution

To implement this solution, we use Detectron2, PyTorch, SageMaker, and the public SKU-110K dataset.


Detectron2 is a ground-up rewrite of Detectron that started with maskrcnn-benchmark. The platform is now implemented in PyTorch. With a new, more modular design, Detectron2 is flexible and extensible, and provides fast training on single or multiple GPU servers. Detectron2 includes high-quality implementations of state-of-the-art object detection algorithms, including DensePose, panoptic feature pyramid networks, and numerous variants of the pioneering Mask R-CNN model family also developed by FAIR. Its extensible design makes it easy to implement cutting-edge research projects without having to fork the entire code     base.


PyTorch is an open-source, deep learning framework that makes it easy to develop ML models and deploy them to production. With PyTorch’s TorchScript, developers can seamlessly transition between eager mode, which performs computations immediately for easy development, and graph mode, which creates computational graphs for efficient implementations in production environments. PyTorch also offers distributed training, deep integration into Python, and a rich ecosystem of tools and libraries, which makes it popular with researchers and engineers.

An example of that rich ecosystem of tools is TorchServe, a recently released model-serving framework for PyTorch that helps deploy trained models at scale without having to write custom code. TorchServe is built and maintained by AWS in collaboration with Facebook and is available as part of the PyTorch open-source project. For more information, see the TorchServe GitHub repo and Model Server for PyTorch Documentation.

Amazon SageMaker

SageMaker is a fully managed service that provides every developer and data scientist with the ability to build, train, and deploy ML models quickly. SageMaker removes the heavy lifting from each step of the ML process to make it easier to develop high-quality models.


For our use case, we use the SKU-110 dataset introduced by Goldman et al. in the paper “Precise Detection in Densely Packed Scenes” (Proceedings of 2019 conference on Computer Vision and Patter Recognition). This dataset contains 11,762 images of store shelves from around the world. Researchers use this dataset to test object detection algorithms on dense scenes. The term density here refers to the number of objects per image. The average number of items per image is 147.4, which is 19 times more than the COCO dataset. Moreover, the images contain multiple identical objects grouped together that are challenging to separate. The dataset contains bounding box annotation on SKUs. The categories of product aren’t distinguished because the bounding box labels only indicate the presence or absence of an item.

Introduction to Detectron2

Detectron2 is FAIR’s next generation software system that implements state-of-the-art object detection algorithms. It’s a ground-up rewrite of the previous version, Detectron, and it originates from maskrcnn-benchmark. The following screenshot is an example of the high-level structure of the Detectron2 repo, which will make more sense when we explore configuration files and network architectures later in this post.

For more information about the general layout of computer vision and deep learning architectures, see A Survey of the Recent Architectures of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.

Additionally, if this is your first introduction to Detectron2, see the official documentation to learn more about the feature-rich capabilities of Detectron2. For the remainder of this post, we solely focus on implementation details pertaining to deploying Detectron2-powered object detection on SageMaker rather than discussing the underlying computer vision-specific theory.

Update the SageMaker role

To build custom training and serving containers, you need to attach additional Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) permissions to your SageMaker AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. You can use an AWS-authored policy (such as AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser) or create your own custom policy. For more information, see How Amazon SageMaker Works with IAM.

Update the dataset

Detectron2 includes a set of utilities for data loading and visualization. However, you need to register your custom dataset to use Detectron2’s data utilities. You can do this by using the function register_dataset in the catalog.py file from the GitHub repo. This function iterates on the training, validation, and test sets. At each iteration, it calls the function aws_file_mode, which returns a list of annotations given the path to the folder that contains the images and the path to the augmented manifest file that contains the annotations. Augmented manifest files are the output format of Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth bounding box jobs. You can reuse the code associated with this post on your own data labeled for object detection with Ground Truth.

Let’s prepare the SKU-110K dataset so that training, validation, and test images are in dedicated folders, and the annotations are in augmented manifest file format. First, import the required packages, define the S3 bucket, and set up the SageMaker session:

from pathlib import Path
from urllib import request
import tarfile
from typing import Sequence, Mapping, Optional
from tqdm import tqdm
from datetime import datetime
import tempfile
import json

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import boto3
import sagemaker

bucket = "my-bucket" # TODO: replace with your bucker
prefix_data = "detectron2/data"
prefix_model = "detectron2/training_artefacts"
prefix_code = "detectron2/model"
prefix_predictions = "detectron2/predictions"
local_folder = "cache"

sm_session = sagemaker.Session(default_bucket=bucket)
role = sagemaker.get_execution_role()

Then, download the dataset:

sku_dataset = ("SKU110K_fixed", "http://trax-geometry.s3.amazonaws.com/cvpr_challenge/SKU110K_fixed.tar.gz")

if not (Path(local_folder) / sku_dataset[0]).exists():
    compressed_file = tarfile.open(fileobj=request.urlopen(sku_dataset[1]), mode="r|gz")
    print(f"Using the data in `{local_folder}` folder")
path_images = Path(local_folder) / sku_dataset[0] / "images"
assert path_images.exists(), f"{path_images} not found"

prefix_to_channel = {
    "train": "training",
    "val": "validation",
    "test": "test",
for channel_name in prefix_to_channel.values():
    if not (path_images.parent / channel_name).exists():
        (path_images.parent / channel_name).mkdir()

for path_img in path_images.iterdir():
    for prefix in prefix_to_channel:
        if path_img.name.startswith(prefix):
            path_img.replace(path_images.parent / prefix_to_channel[prefix] / path_img.name)

Next, upload the image files to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using the utilities from the SageMaker Python SDK:

channel_to_s3_imgs = {}

for channel_name in prefix_to_channel.values():
    inputs = sm_session.upload_data(
        path=str(path_images.parent / channel_name),
    print(f"{channel_name} images uploaded to {inputs}")
    channel_to_s3_imgs[channel_name] = inputs

SKU-110k annotations are stored in CSV files. The following function converts the annotations to JSON lines (refer to the GitHub repo to see the implementation):

def create_annotation_channel(
    channel_id: str, path_to_annotation: Path, bucket_name: str, data_prefix: str,
    img_annotation_to_ignore: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None
) -> Sequence[Mapping]:
    r"""Change format from original to augmented manifest files

    channel_id : str
        name of the channel, i.e. training, validation or test
    path_to_annotation : Path
        path to annotation file
    bucket_name : str
        bucket where the data are uploaded
    data_prefix : str
        bucket prefix
    img_annotation_to_ignore : Optional[Sequence[str]]
        annotation from these images are ignore because the corresponding images are corrupted, default to None

        List of json lines, each lines contains the annotations for a single. This recreates the
        format of augmented manifest files that are generated by Amazon SageMaker GroundTruth
        labeling jobs

channel_to_annotation_path = {
    "training": Path(local_folder) / sku_dataset[0] / "annotations" / "annotations_train.csv",
    "validation": Path(local_folder) / sku_dataset[0] / "annotations" / "annotations_val.csv",
    "test": Path(local_folder) / sku_dataset[0] / "annotations" / "annotations_test.csv",
channel_to_annotation = {}

for channel in channel_to_annotation_path:
    annotations = create_annotation_channel(
    print(f"Number of {channel} annotations: {len(annotations)}")
    channel_to_annotation[channel] = annotations

Finally, upload the manifest files to Amazon S3:

def upload_annotations(p_annotations, p_channel: str):
    rsc_bucket = boto3.resource("s3").Bucket(bucket)
    json_lines = [json.dumps(elem) for elem in p_annotations]
    to_write = "n".join(json_lines)

    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w") as fid:
        rsc_bucket.upload_file(fid.name, f"{prefix_data}/annotations/{p_channel}.manifest")

for channel_id, annotations in channel_to_annotation.items():
    upload_annotations(annotations, channel_id)

Visualize the dataset

Detectron2 provides toolsets to inspect datasets. You can visualize the dataset input images and their ground truth bounding boxes. First, you need to add the dataset to the Detectron2 catalog:

import random
from typing import Sequence, Mapping
import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from detectron2.data import DatasetCatalog, MetadataCatalog
from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer
# custom code
from datasets.catalog import register_dataset, DataSetMeta

ds_name = "sku110k"
metadata = DataSetMeta(name=ds_name, classes=["SKU",])
channel_to_ds = {"test": ("data/test/", "data/test.manifest")}
    metadata=metadata, label_name="sku", channel_to_dataset=channel_to_ds,

You can now plot annotations on an image as follows:

dataset_samples: Sequence[Mapping] = DatasetCatalog.get(f"{ds_name}_test")
sample = random.choice(dataset_samples)
fname = sample["file_name"]
img = cv2.imread(fname)
visualizer = Visualizer(
    img[:, :, ::-1], metadata=MetadataCatalog.get(f"{ds_name}_test"), scale=1.0
out = visualizer.draw_dataset_dict(sample)


The following picture shows an example of ground truth bounding boxes on a test image.

Distributed training on Detectron2

You can use Docker containers with SageMaker to train Detectron2 models. In this post, we describe how you can run distributed Detectron2 training jobs for a larger number of iterations across multiple nodes and GPU devices on a SageMaker training cluster.

The process includes the following steps:

  1. Create a training script capable of running and coordinating training tasks in a distributed environment.
  2. Prepare a custom Docker container with configured training runtime and training scripts.
  3. Build and push the training container to Amazon ECR.
  4. Initialize training jobs via the SageMaker Python SDK.

Prepare the training script for the distributed cluster

The sku-100k folder contains the source code that we use to train the custom Detectron2 model. The script training.py is the entry point of the training process. The following sections of the script are worth discussing in detail:

  • __main__ guard – The SageMaker Python SDK runs the code inside the main guard when used for training. The train function is called with the script arguments.
  • _parse_args() – This function parses arguments from the command line and from the SageMaker environments. For example, you can choose which model to train among Faster-RCNN and RetinaNet. The SageMaker environment variables define the input channel locations and where the model artifacts are stored. The number of GPUs and the number of hosts define the properties of the training cluster.
  • train() – We use the Detectron2 launch utility to start training on multiple nodes.
  • _train_impl()– This is the actual training script, which is run on all processes and GPU devices. This function runs the following steps:
    • Register the custom dataset to Detectron2’s catalog.
    • Create the configuration node for training.
    • Fit the training dataset to the chosen object detection architecture.
    • Save the training artifacts and run the evaluation on the test set if the current node is the primary.

Prepare the training container

We build a custom container with the specific Detectron2 training runtime environment. As a base image, we use the latest SageMaker PyTorch container and further extend it with Detectron2 requirements. We first need to make sure that we have access to the public Amazon ECR (to pull the base PyTorch image) and our account registry (to push the custom container). The following example code shows how to log in to both registries prior to building and pushing your custom containers:

# loging to Sagemaker ECR with Deep Learning Containers
!aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 763104351884.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
# loging to your private ECR
!aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <YOUR-ACCOUNT-ID>.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com

After you successfully authenticate with Amazon ECR, you can build the Docker image for training. This Dockerfile runs the following instructions:

  1. Define the base container.
  2. Install the required dependencies for Detectron2.
  3. Copy the training script and the utilities to the container.
  4. Build Detectron2 from source.

Build and push the custom training container

We provide a simple bash script to build a local training container and push it to your account registry. If needed, you can specify a different image name, tag, or Dockerfile. The following code is a short snippet of the Dockerfile:

# Build an image of Detectron2 that can do distributing training on Amazon Sagemaker  using Sagemaker PyTorch container as base image
# from https://github.com/aws/sagemaker-pytorch-container
ARG REGION=us-east-1

FROM 763104351884.dkr.ecr.${REGION}.amazonaws.com/pytorch-training:1.6.0-gpu-py36-cu101-ubuntu16.04

############# Detectron2 pre-built binaries Pytorch default install ############
RUN pip install --upgrade torch==1.6.0+cu101 torchvision==0.7.0+cu101 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html

############# Detectron2 section ##############
RUN pip install  
   --no-cache-dir pycocotools~=2.0.0 
   --no-cache-dir detectron2 -f  https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/detectron2/wheels/cu101/torch1.6/index.html

# Build D2 only for Volta architecture - V100 chips (ml.p3 AWS instances)

# Set a fixed model cache directory. Detectron2 requirement

############# SageMaker section ##############

COPY container_training/sku-110k /opt/ml/code
WORKDIR /opt/ml/code



# Starts PyTorch distributed framework
ENTRYPOINT ["bash", "-m", "start_with_right_hostname.sh"]

Schedule the training job

You’re now ready to schedule your distributed training job. First, you need to do several common imports and configurations, which are described in detail in our companion notebook. Second, it’s important to specify which metrics you want to track during the training, which you can do by creating a JSON file with the appropriate regular expressions for each metric of interest. See the following example code:

metrics = [
    {"Name": "training:loss", "Regex": "total_loss: ([0-9\.]+)",},
    {"Name": "training:loss_cls", "Regex": "loss_cls: ([0-9\.]+)",},
    {"Name": "training:loss_box_reg", "Regex": "loss_box_reg: ([0-9\.]+)",},
    {"Name": "training:loss_rpn_cls", "Regex": "loss_rpn_cls: ([0-9\.]+)",},
    {"Name": "training:loss_rpn_loc", "Regex": "loss_rpn_loc: ([0-9\.]+)",},
    {"Name": "validation:loss", "Regex": "total_val_loss: ([0-9\.]+)",},
    {"Name": "validation:loss_cls", "Regex": "val_loss_cls: ([0-9\.]+)",},
    {"Name": "validation:loss_box_reg", "Regex": "val_loss_box_reg: ([0-9\.]+)",},
    {"Name": "validation:loss_rpn_cls", "Regex": "val_loss_rpn_cls: ([0-9\.]+)",},
    {"Name": "validation:loss_rpn_loc", "Regex": "val_loss_rpn_loc: ([0-9\.]+)",},

Finally, you create the estimator to start the distributed training job by calling the fit method:

training_instance = "ml.p3.8xlarge"
od_algorithm = "faster_rcnn" # choose one in ("faster_rcnn", "retinanet")

d2_estimator = Estimator(
    base_job_name=f"detectron2-{od_algorithm.replace('_', '-')}",

        "training": training_channel,
        "validation": validation_channel,
        "test": test_channel,
        "annotation": annotation_channel,
    wait=training_instance == "local",

Benchmark the training job performance

This set of steps allows you to scale the training performance as needed without changing a single line of code. You just have to pick your training instance and the size of your cluster. Detectron2 automatically adapts to the training cluster size by using the launch utility. The following table compares the training runtime in seconds of jobs running for 3,000 iterations.

Faster-RCNN (seconds) RetinaNet (seconds)
ml.p3.2xlarge – 1 node 2,685 2,636
ml.p3.8xlarge – 1 node 774 742
ml.p3.16xlarge – 1 node 439 400
ml.p3.16xlarge – 2 nodes 338 311

The training time reduces on both Faster-RCNN and RetinaNet with the total number of GPUs. The distribution efficiency is approximately of 85% and 75% when passing from an instance with a single GPU to instances with four and eight GPUs, respectively.

Deploy the trained model to a remote endpoint

To deploy your trained model remotely, you need to prepare, build, and push a custom serving container and deploy this custom container for serving via the SageMaker SDK.

Build and push the custom serving container

We use the SageMaker inference container as a base image. This image includes a pre-installed PyTorch model server to host your PyTorch model, so no additional configuration or installation is required. For more information about the Docker files and shell scripts to push and build the containers, see the GitHub repo.

For this post, we build Detectron2 for the Volta and Turing chip architectures. Volta architecture is used to run SageMaker batch transform on P3 instance types. If you need real-time prediction, you should use G4 instance types because they provide optimal price-performance compromise. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) G4 instances provide the latest generation NVIDIA T4 GPUs, AWS custom Intel Cascade Lake CPUs, up to 100 Gbps of networking throughput, and up to 1.8 TB of local NVMe storage and direct access to GPU libraries such as CUDA and CuDNN.

Run batch transform jobs on the test set

The SageMaker Python SDK gives a simple way of running inference on a batch of images. You can get the predictions on the SKU-110K test set by running the following code:

model = PyTorchModel(
    name = "d2-sku110k-model",
    sagemaker_session = sm_session,
transformer = model.transformer(
    instance_type="ml.p3.2xlarge", # "ml.p2.xlarge"

The batch transform saves the predictions to an S3 bucket. You can evaluate your trained models by comparing the predictions to the ground truth. We use the pycocotools library to compute the metrics that official competitions use to evaluate object detection algorithms. The authors who published the SKU-110k dataset took into account three measures in their paper “Precise Detection in Densely Packed Scenes” (Goldman et al.):

  • Average Precision (AP) at 0.5:0.95 Intersection over Union (IoU)
  • AP at 75% IoU, i.e. AP75
  • Average Recall (AR) at 0.5:0.95 IoU

You can refer to the COCO website for the whole list of metrics that characterize the performance of an object detector on the COCO dataset. The following table compares the results from the paper to those obtained on SageMaker with Detectron2.

    AP AP75 AR
From paper by Goldman et al. RetinaNet 0.46 0.39 0.53
Faster-RCNN 0.04 0.01 0.05
Custom Method 0.49 0.56 0.55
Detectron2 on Amazon SageMaker RetinaNet 0.47 0.54 0.55
Faster-RCNN 0.49 0.53 0.55

We use SageMaker hyperparameter tuning jobs to optimize the hyperparameters of the object detectors. Faster-RCNN has the same performance in terms of AP and AR compared with the model proposed by Goldman et al. that is specifically conceived for object detection in dense scenes. Our Faster-RCNN loses three points on the AP75. However, this may be an acceptable performance decrease according to the business use case. Moreover, the advantage of our solution is that is doesn’t require any custom implementation because it only relies on Detecron2 modules. This proves that you can use Detectron2 to train at scale with SageMaker object detectors that compete with state-of-the-art solutions in challenging contexts such as dense scenes.


This post only scratches the surface of what is possible when deploying Detectron2 on the SageMaker platform. We hope that you found this introductory use case useful and we look forward to seeing what you build on AWS with this new tool in your ML toolset!

About the Authors

Vadim Dabravolski is Sr. AI/ML Architect at AWS. Areas of interest include distributed computations and data engineering, computer vision, and NLP algorithms. When not at work, he is catching up on his reading list (anything around business, technology, politics, and culture) and jogging in NYC boroughs.



Paolo Irrera is a Data Scientist at the Amazon Machine Learning Solutions Lab where he helps customers address business problems with ML and cloud capabilities. He holds a PhD in Computer Vision from Telecom ParisTech, Paris.


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Save the date for the AWS Machine Learning Summit: June 2, 2021

On June 2, 2021, don’t miss the opportunity to hear from some of the brightest minds in machine learning (ML) at the free virtual AWS Machine Learning Summit. Machine learning is one of the most disruptive technologies we will encounter in our generation. It’s improving customer experience, creating more efficiencies in operations, and spurring new innovations and discoveries like helping researchers discover new vaccines and aiding autonomous drones to sail our world’s oceans. But we’re just scratching the surface about what is possible. This Summit, which is open to all and free to attend, brings together industry luminaries, AWS customers, and leading ML experts to share the latest in machine learning. You’ll learn about the latest science breakthroughs in ML, how ML is impacting business, best practices in building ML, and how to get started now without prior ML expertise.

Hear from ML leaders from across AWS, Amazon, and the industry, including Swami Sivasubramanian, VP of AI and Machine Learning, AWS; Bratin Saha, VP of Machine Learning, AWS; and Yoelle Maarek, VP of Research, Alexa Shopping, who will share a keynote on how we’re applying customer-obsessed science to advance ML. Andrew Ng, founder and CEO of Landing AI and founder of deeplearning.ai, will join Swami Sivasubramanian in a fireside chat about the future of ML, the skills that are fundamental for the next generation of ML practitioners, and how we can bridge the gap from proof of concept to production in ML. You’ll also get an inside look at trends in deep learning and natural language in a powerhouse fireside chat with Amazon distinguished scientists Alex Smola and Bernhard Schölkopf, and Alexa AI senior principal scientist Dilek Hakkani-Tur.

Pick from over 30 session across four tracks, which all offer something for anyone who is interested in ML. Advanced practitioners and data scientists can learn about scientific breakthroughs and dive deep into the tools for building ML. Business and technical leaders can learn from their peers about implementing organization-wide ML initiatives. And developers can learn how to perform ML without needing any experience.

The science of machine learning

Advanced practitioners will get a technical deep dive into the groundbreaking work that ML scientists within AWS, Amazon, and beyond are doing to advance the science of ML in areas including computer vision, natural language processing, bias, and more. Speakers include two Amazon Scholars, Michael Kearns and Kathleen McKeown. Kearns a professor in the Computer and Information Science department at the University of Pennsylvania, where he holds the National Center Chair. He is co-author of the book “The Ethical Algorithm: The Science of Socially Aware Algorithm Design,” and joined Amazon as a scholar June 2020. McKeown is the Henry and Gertrude Rothschild professor of computer science at Columbia University, and the founding director of the school’s Data Science Institute. She joined Amazon as a scholar in 2019.

The impact of machine learning

Business leaders will learn from AWS customers that are leading the way in ML adoption. Customers including 3M, AstraZeneca, Vanguard, and Latent Space will share how they’re applying ML to create efficiencies, deliver new revenue streams, and launch entirely new products and business models. You’ll get best practices for scaling ML in an organization and showing impact.

How machine learning is done

Data scientists and ML developers will get practical deep dives into tools that can speed up the entire ML lifecycle, from building to training to deploying ML models. Sessions include how to choose the right algorithms, more accurate and speedy data prep, model explainability, and more.

Machine learning: no expertise required

If you’re a developer who wants to apply ML and AI to a use case but doesn’t have the expertise, this track is for you. Learn how to use AWS AI services and other tools to get started with your ML project right away, for use cases including contact center intelligence, personalization, intelligent document processing, business metrics analysis, computer vision, and more.

For more details, visit the website.

About the Author

Laura Jones is a product marketing lead for AWS AI/ML where she focuses on sharing the stories of AWS’s customers and educating organizations on the impact of machine learning. As a Florida native living and surviving in rainy Seattle, she enjoys coffee, attempting to ski and enjoying the great outdoors.

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Use computer vision to detect crop disease through image analysis with Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels

Currently, many diseases affect farming and lead to significant economic losses due to reduction of yield and loss of quality produce. In many cases, the health condition of a crop or a plant is often assessed by the condition of its leaves. For farmers, it is crucial to identify these symptoms early. Early identification is key to controlling diseases before they spread too far. However, manually identifying if a leaf is infected, the type of the infection, and the required disease control solution is a hard problem to solve. Current methods can be error prone and very costly. This is where an automated machine learning (ML) solution for computer vision (CV) can help. Typically, building complex machine learning models require hundreds of thousands of labeled images, along with expertise in data science. In this post, we showcase how you can build an end-to-end disease detection, identification, and resolution recommendation solution using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels.

Amazon Rekognition is a fully managed service that provides CV capabilities for analyzing images and video at scale, using deep learning technology without requiring ML expertise. Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels, an automated ML feature of Amazon Rekognition, lets you quickly train custom CV models specific to your business needs, simply by bringing labeled images.

Solution overview

We create a custom model to detect the plant leaf disease. To create our custom model, we follow these steps:

  1. Create a project in Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels.
  2. Create a dataset with images containing multiple types of plant leaf diseases.
  3. Train the model and evaluate the performance.
  4. Test the new custom model using the automatically generated API endpoint.

Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels lets you manage the ML model training process on the Amazon Rekognition console, which simplifies the end-to-end model development and inference process.

Creating your project

To create your plant leaf disease detection project, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Rekognition console, choose Custom Labels.
  2. Choose Get Started.
  3. For Project name, enter plant-leaf-disease-detection.
  4. Choose Create project.

You can also create a project on the Projects page. You can access the Projects page via the navigation pane.

Creating your dataset

To create your leaf disease detection model, you first need to create a dataset to train the model with. For this post, our dataset is composed of three categories of plant leaf disease images: bacterial leaf blight, brown spots, and leaf smut.

The following images show examples of bacterial leaf blight.

The following images show examples of brown spots.

The following images show examples of leaf smut.

We sourced our images from UCI, Citation (Prajapati HB, Shah JP, Dabhi VK. Detection and classification of rice plant diseases. Intelligent Decision Technologies. 2017 Jan 1;11(3):357-73, doi: 10.3233/IDT-170301) (Dua, D. and Graff, C. (2019). UCI Machine Learning Repository [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml]. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science.)

To create your dataset, complete the following steps:

  1. Create an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.

For this post, I create an S3 bucket called plan-leaf-disease-data.

  1. Create three folders inside this bucket called Bacterial-Leaf-Blight, Brown-Spot, and Leaf-Smut to store images of each disease category.

  1. Upload each category of image files in their respective bucket.
  2. On the Amazon Rekognition console, under Datasets, choose Create dataset.
  3. Select Import images from Amazon S3 bucket.

  1. For S3 folder location, enter the S3 bucket path.
  2. For automatic labeling, select Automatically attach a label to my images based on the folder they’re stored in.

This creates data labeling of the images as folder names.

You can now see the generated S3 bucket permissions policy.

  1. Copy the JSON policy.

  1. Navigate to the S3 bucket.
  2. On the Permission tab, under Bucket policy, choose Edit.
  3. Enter the JSON policy you copied.
  4. Chose Save changes.

  1. Choose Submit.

You can see that image labeling is organized based on the folder name.

Training your model

After you label your images, you’re ready to train your model.

  1. Choose Train Model.
  2. For Choose project, choose your project plant-leaf-disease-detection.
  3. For Choose training dataset, choose your dataset plant-leaf-disease-dataset.

As part of model training, Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels requires a labeled test dataset. Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels uses the test dataset to verify how well your trained model predicts the correct labels and generates evaluation metrics. Images in the test dataset are not used to train your model and should represent the same types of images you use with your model to analyze.

  1. For Create test set, select how you want to create your test dataset.

Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels provides three options:

  • Choose an existing test dataset
  • Create a new test dataset
  • Split training dataset

For this post, we select Split training dataset and let Amazon Rekognition hold back 20% of the images for testing and use the remaining 80% of the images to train the model.

Our model took approximately 1 hour to train. The training time required for your model depends on many factors, including the number of images provided in the dataset and the complexity of the model.

When training is complete, Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels outputs key quality metrics, including F1 score, precision, recall, and the assumed threshold for each label. For more information about metrics, see Metrics for Evaluating Your Model.

Our evaluation results show that our model has a precision of 1.0 for Bacterial-Leaf-Blight and Brown-Spot, which means that no objects were mistakenly identified (false positives) in our test set. Our model also didn’t miss any objects in our test set (false negatives), which is reflected in our recall score of 1. You can often use the F1 score as an overall quality score because it takes both precision and recall into account. Finally, we see that our assumed threshold to generate the F1 score, precision, and recall metrics each category is 0.62, 0.69, and 0.54 for Bacterial-Leaf-Blight, Brown-Spot, and Leaf-Smut, respectively. By default, our model returns predictions above this assumed threshold.

We can also choose View test results to see how our model performed on each test image. The following screenshot shows an example of a correctly identified image of bacterial leaf blight during the model testing (true positive).

Testing your model

Your plant disease detection model is now ready for use. Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels provides the API calls for starting, using, and stopping your model; you don’t need to manage any infrastructure. For more information, see Starting or Stopping an Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels Model (Console).

In addition to using the API, you can also use the Custom Labels Demonstration. This CloudFormation template enables you to set up a custom, password-protected UI where you can start and stop your models and run demonstration inferences.

Once deployed, the application can be accessed using a web browser using the address specified in url output from the CloudFormation stack created during deployment of the solution.

  1. Choose Start the model.

  1. Provide the inference unit required. For this example, let’s give a value of 1.

You’re charged for the amount of time, in minutes, that the model is running. For more information, see Inference hours.

It might take a while to start.

  1. Choose the model name.

  1. Choose Upload.

A window opens for you to choose the plant leaf image from your local drive.

The model detects the disease in the uploaded leaf image along with confidence score. It also gives the pest control recommendation based on the type of disease.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring unnecessary charges, delete the resources used in this walkthrough when not in use. For instructions, see the following:


In this post, we showed you how to create an object detection model with Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels. This feature makes it easy to train a custom model that can detect an object class without needing to specify other objects or losing accuracy in its results.

For more information about using custom labels, see What Is Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels?

About the Authors

Dhiraj Thakur is a Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. He works with AWS customers and partners to provide guidance on enterprise cloud adoption, migration, and strategy. He is passionate about technology and enjoys building and experimenting in the analytics and AI/ML space.



Sameer Goel is a Solutions Architect in Seattle, who drives customer success by building prototypes on cutting-edge initiatives. Prior to joining AWS, Sameer graduated with a master’s degree from NEU Boston, with a concentration in data science. He enjoys building and experimenting with AI/ML projects on Raspberry Pi.

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Join AWS at NVIDIA GTC 21, April 12–16

Starting Monday, April 12, 2021, the NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC) is offering online sessions for you to learn AWS best practices to accomplish your machine learning (ML), virtual workstations, high performance computing (HPC), and Internet of Things (IoT) goals faster and more easily.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances powered by NVIDIA GPUs deliver the scalable performance needed for fast ML training, cost-effective ML inference, flexible remote virtual workstations, and powerful HPC computations. At the edge, you can use AWS IoT Greengrass and Amazon SageMaker Neo to extend a wide range of AWS Cloud services and ML inference to NVIDIA-based edge devices so the devices can act locally on the data they generate.

AWS is a Global Diamond Sponsor of the conference.

Available sessions

ML infrastructure:

ML with Amazon SageMaker:

ML deep dive:

High performance computing:

Internet of Things:

Edge computing with AWS Wavelength:


Computer vision with AWS Panorama:

Game tech:

Visit AWS at NVIDIA GTC 21 for more details and register for free for access to this content during the week of April 12, 2021. See you there!

About the Author

Geoff Murase is a Senior Product Marketing Manager for AWS EC2 accelerated computing instances, helping customers meet their compute needs by providing access to hardware-based compute accelerators such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) or Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). In his spare time, he enjoys playing basketball and biking with his family.

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Build a CI/CD pipeline for deploying custom machine learning models using AWS services

Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed service that provides every developer and data scientist with the ability to build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models quickly. SageMaker removes the heavy lifting from each step of the ML process to make it easier to develop high-quality ML artifacts. AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications. It provides shorthand syntax to express functions, APIs, databases, event source mappings, steps in AWS Step Functions, and more.

Generally, ML workflows orchestrate and automate sequences of ML tasks. A workflow includes data collection, training, testing, human evaluation of the ML model, and deployment of the models for inference.

For continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, AWS recently released Amazon SageMaker Pipelines, the first purpose-built, easy-to-use CI/CD service for ML. Pipelines is a native workflow orchestration tool for building ML pipelines that takes advantage of direct SageMaker integration. For more information, see Building, automating, managing, and scaling ML workflows using Amazon SageMaker Pipelines.

In this post, I show you an extensible way to automate and deploy custom ML models using service integrations between Amazon SageMaker, Step Functions, and AWS SAM using a CI/CD pipeline.

To build this pipeline, you also need to be familiar with the following AWS services:

  • AWS CodeBuild – A fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy
  • AWS CodePipeline – A fully managed continuous delivery service that helps you automate your release pipelines
  • Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) – A container registry
  • AWS Lambda – A service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You pay only for the compute time you consume
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) – An object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance
  • AWS Step Functions – A serverless function orchestrator that makes it easy to sequence AWS Lambda functions and multiple AWS services

Solution overview

The solution has two main sections:

  • Use AWS SAM to create a Step Functions workflow with SageMaker – Step Functions recently announced native service integrations with SageMaker. You can use this feature to train ML models, deploy ML models, test results, and expose an inference endpoint. This feature also provides a way to wait for human approval before the state transitions can progress towards the final ML model inference endpoint’s configuration and deployment.
  • Deploy the model with a CI/CD pipeline – One of the requirements of SageMaker is that the source code of custom models needs to be stored as a Docker image in an image registry such as Amazon ECR. SageMaker then references this Docker image for training and inference. For this post, we create a CI/CD pipeline using CodePipeline and CodeBuild to build, tag, and upload the Docker image to Amazon ECR and then start the Step Functions workflow to train and deploy the custom ML model on SageMaker, which references this tagged Docker image.

The following diagram describes the general overview of the MLOps CI/CD pipeline.

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. The data scientist works on developing custom ML model code using their local notebook or a SageMaker notebook. They commit and push changes to a source code repository.
  2. A webhook on the code repository triggers a CodePipeline build in the AWS Cloud.
  3. CodePipeline downloads the source code and starts the build process.
  4. CodeBuild downloads the necessary source files and starts running commands to build and tag a local Docker container image.
  5. CodeBuild pushes the container image to Amazon ECR. The container image is tagged with a unique label derived from the repository commit hash.
  6. CodePipeline invokes Step Functions and passes the container image URI and the unique container image tag as parameters to Step Functions.
  7. Step Functions starts a workflow by initially calling the SageMaker training job and passing the necessary parameters.
  8. SageMaker downloads the necessary container image and starts the training job. When the job is complete, Step Functions directs SageMaker to create a model and store the model in the S3 bucket.
  9. Step Functions starts a SageMaker batch transform job on the test data provided in the S3 bucket.
  10. When the batch transform job is complete, Step Functions sends an email to the user using Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). This email includes the details of the batch transform job and links to the test data prediction outcome stored in the S3 bucket. After sending the email, Step Function enters a manual wait phase.
  11. The email sent by Amazon SNS has links to either accept or reject the test results. The recipient can manually look at the test data prediction outcomes in the S3 bucket. If they’re not satisfied with the results, they can reject the changes to cancel the Step Functions workflow.
  12. If the recipient accepts the changes, an Amazon API Gateway endpoint invokes a Lambda function with an embedded token that references the waiting Step Functions step.
  13. The Lambda function calls Step Functions to continue the workflow.
  14. Step Functions resumes the workflow.
  15. Step Functions creates a SageMaker endpoint config and a SageMaker inference endpoint.
  16. When the workflow is successful, Step Functions sends an email with a link to the final SageMaker inference endpoint.

Use AWS SAM to create a Step Functions workflow with SageMaker

In this first section, you visualize the Step Functions ML workflow easily in Visual Studio Code and deploy it to the AWS environment using AWS SAM. You use some of the new features and service integrations such as support in AWS SAM for AWS Step Functions, native support in Step Functions for SageMaker integrations, and support in Step Functions to visualize workflows directly in VS Code.


Before getting started, make sure you complete the following prerequisites:

Deploy the application template

To get started, follow the instructions on GitHub to complete the application setup. Alternatively, you can switch to the terminal and enter the following command:

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/sam-sf-sagemaker-workflow.git

The directory structure should be as follows:

. sam-sf-sagemaker-workflow
|– cfn
|—- sam-template.yaml
| — functions
| —- api_sagemaker_endpoint
| —- create_and_email_accept_reject_links
| —- respond_to_links
| —- update_sagemakerEndpoint_API
| — scripts
| — statemachine
| —- mlops.asl.json

The code has been broken down into subfolders with the main AWS SAM template residing in path cfn/sam-template.yaml.

The Step Functions workflows are stored in the folder statemachine/mlops.asl.json, and any other Lambda functions used are stored in functions folder.

To start with the AWS SAM template, run the following bash scripts from the root folder:

#Create S3 buckets if required before executing the commands.
S3_BUCKET=bucket-mlops #bucket to store AWS SAM template
S3_BUCKET_MODEL=ml-models   #bucket to store ML models
STACK_NAME=sam-sf-sagemaker-workflow   #Name of the AWS SAM stack
sam build  -t cfn/sam-template.yaml    #AWS SAM build 
sam deploy --template-file .aws-sam/build/template.yaml 
--stack-name ${STACK_NAME} --force-upload 
--s3-bucket ${S3_BUCKET} --s3-prefix sam 
--parameter-overrides S3ModelBucket=${S3_BUCKET_MODEL} 
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

The sam build command builds all the functions and creates the final AWS CloudFormation template. The sam deploy command uploads the necessary files to the S3 bucket and starts creating or updating the CloudFormation template to create the necessary AWS infrastructure.

When the template has finished successfully, go to the CloudFormation console. On the Outputs tab, copy the MLOpsStateMachineArn value to use later.

The following diagram shows the workflow carried out in Step Functions, using VS Code integrations with Step Functions.

The following JSON based snippet of Amazon States Language describes the workflow visualized in the preceding diagram.

    "Comment": "This Step Function starts machine learning pipeline, once the custom model has been uploaded to ECR. Two parameters are expected by Step Functions are git commitID and the sagemaker ECR custom container URI",
    "StartAt": "SageMaker Create Training Job",
    "States": {
        "SageMaker Create Training Job": {
            "Type": "Task",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sagemaker:createTrainingJob.sync",
            "Parameters": {
                "TrainingJobName.$": "$.commitID",
                "ResourceConfig": {
                    "InstanceCount": 1,
                    "InstanceType": "ml.c4.2xlarge",
                    "VolumeSizeInGB": 20
                "HyperParameters": {
                    "mode": "batch_skipgram",
                    "epochs": "5",
                    "min_count": "5",
                    "sampling_threshold": "0.0001",
                    "learning_rate": "0.025",
                    "window_size": "5",
                    "vector_dim": "300",
                    "negative_samples": "5",
                    "batch_size": "11"
                "AlgorithmSpecification": {
                    "TrainingImage.$": "$.imageUri",
                    "TrainingInputMode": "File"
                "OutputDataConfig": {
                    "S3OutputPath": "s3://${S3ModelBucket}/output"
                "StoppingCondition": {
                    "MaxRuntimeInSeconds": 100000
                "RoleArn": "${SagemakerRoleArn}",
                "InputDataConfig": [
                        "ChannelName": "training",
                        "DataSource": {
                            "S3DataSource": {
                                "S3DataType": "S3Prefix",
                                "S3Uri": "s3://${S3ModelBucket}/iris.csv",
                                "S3DataDistributionType": "FullyReplicated"
            "Retry": [
                    "ErrorEquals": [
                    "IntervalSeconds": 1,
                    "MaxAttempts": 1,
                    "BackoffRate": 1.1
                    "ErrorEquals": [
                    "IntervalSeconds": 60,
                    "MaxAttempts": 1,
                    "BackoffRate": 1
            "Catch": [
                    "ErrorEquals": [
                    "ResultPath": "$.cause",
                    "Next": "FailState"
            "Next": "SageMaker Create Model"
        "SageMaker Create Model": {
            "Type": "Task",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sagemaker:createModel",
            "Parameters": {
                "ExecutionRoleArn": "${SagemakerRoleArn}",
                "ModelName.$": "$.TrainingJobName",
                "PrimaryContainer": {
                    "ModelDataUrl.$": "$.ModelArtifacts.S3ModelArtifacts",
                    "Image.$": "$.AlgorithmSpecification.TrainingImage"
            "ResultPath": "$.taskresult",
            "Next": "SageMaker Create Transform Job",
            "Catch": [
                "ErrorEquals": ["States.ALL" ],
                "Next": "FailState"
        "SageMaker Create Transform Job": {
            "Type": "Task",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sagemaker:createTransformJob.sync",
            "Parameters": {
                "ModelName.$": "$.TrainingJobName",
                "TransformInput": {
                    "SplitType": "Line",
                    "CompressionType": "None",
                    "ContentType": "text/csv",
                    "DataSource": {
                        "S3DataSource": {
                            "S3DataType": "S3Prefix",
                            "S3Uri": "s3://${S3ModelBucket}/iris.csv"
                "TransformOutput": {
                    "S3OutputPath.$": "States.Format('s3://${S3ModelBucket}/transform_output/{}/iris.csv', $.TrainingJobName)" ,
                    "AssembleWith": "Line",
                    "Accept": "text/csv"
                "DataProcessing": {
                    "InputFilter": "$[1:]"
                "TransformResources": {
                    "InstanceCount": 1,
                    "InstanceType": "ml.m4.xlarge"
                "TransformJobName.$": "$.TrainingJobName"
            "ResultPath": "$.result",
            "Next": "Send Approve/Reject Email Request",
            "Catch": [
                "ErrorEquals": [
                "Next": "FailState"
        "Send Approve/Reject Email Request": {
            "Type": "Task",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke.waitForTaskToken",
            "Parameters": {
                "FunctionName": "${CreateAndEmailLinkFnName}",
                "Payload": {
            "ResultPath": "$.output",
            "Next": "Sagemaker Create Endpoint Config",
            "Catch": [
                    "ErrorEquals": [ "rejected" ],
                    "ResultPath": "$.output",
                    "Next": "FailState"
        "Sagemaker Create Endpoint Config": {
            "Type": "Task",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sagemaker:createEndpointConfig",
            "Parameters": {
                "EndpointConfigName.$": "$.TrainingJobName",
                "ProductionVariants": [
                        "InitialInstanceCount": 1,
                        "InitialVariantWeight": 1,
                        "InstanceType": "ml.t2.medium",
                        "ModelName.$": "$.TrainingJobName",
                        "VariantName": "AllTraffic"
            "ResultPath": "$.result",
            "Next": "Sagemaker Create Endpoint",
            "Catch": [
                  "ErrorEquals": [
                  "Next": "FailState"
        "Sagemaker Create Endpoint": {
            "Type": "Task",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sagemaker:createEndpoint",
            "Parameters": {
                "EndpointName.$": "$.TrainingJobName",
                "EndpointConfigName.$": "$.TrainingJobName"
            "Next": "Send Email With API Endpoint",
            "Catch": [
                  "ErrorEquals": [
                  "Next": "FailState"
        "Send Email With API Endpoint": {
            "Type": "Task",
            "Resource": "${UpdateSagemakerEndpointAPI}",
            "Catch": [
                  "ErrorEquals": [
                  "Next": "FailState"
             "Next": "SuccessState"
        "SuccessState": {
            "Type": "Succeed"            
        "FailState": {
            "Type": "Fail"          

Step Functions process to create the SageMaker workflow

In this section, we discuss the detailed steps involved in creating the SageMaker workflow using Step Functions.

Step Functions uses the commit ID passed by CodePipeline as a unique identifier to create a SageMaker training job. The training job can sometimes take a long time to complete; to wait for the job, you use .sync while specifying the resource section of the SageMaker training job.

When the training job is complete, Step Functions creates a model and saves the model in an S3 bucket.

Step Functions then uses a batch transform step to evaluate and test the model, based on batch data initially provided by the data scientist in an S3 bucket. When the evaluation step is complete, the output is stored in an S3 bucket.

Step Functions then enters a manual approval stage. To create this state, you use callback URLs. To implement this state in Step Functions, use .waitForTaskToken while calling a Lambda resource and pass a token to the Lambda function.

The Lambda function uses Amazon SNS or Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) to send an email to the subscribed party. You need to add your email address to the SNS topic to receive the accept/reject email while testing.

You receive an email, as in the following screenshot, with links to the data stored in the S3 bucket. This data has been batch transformed using the custom ML model created in the earlier step by SageMaker. You can choose Accept or Reject based on your findings.

If you choose Reject, Step Functions stops running the workflow. If you’re satisfied with the results, choose Accept, which triggers the API link. This link passes the embedded token and type to the API Gateway or Lambda endpoint as request parameters to progress to the next Step Functions step.

See the following Python code:

import json
import boto3
sf = boto3.client('stepfunctions')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    type= event.get('queryStringParameters').get('type')
    token= event.get('queryStringParameters').get('token')    
    if type =='success':


    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps('Responded to Step Function')

Step Functions then creates the final unique SageMaker endpoint configuration and inference endpoint. You can achieve this in Lambda code using special resource values, as shown in the following screenshot.

When the SageMaker endpoint is ready, an email is sent to the subscriber with a link to the API of the SageMaker inference endpoint.

Deploy the model with a CI/CD pipeline

In this section, you use the CI/CD pipeline to deploy a custom ML model.

The pipeline starts its run as soon as it detects updates to the source code of the custom model. The pipeline downloads the source code from the repository, builds and tags the Docker image, and uploads the Docker image to Amazon ECR. After uploading the Docker image, the pipeline triggers the Step Functions workflow to train and deploy the custom model to SageMaker. Finally, the pipeline sends an email to the specified users with details about the SageMaker inference endpoint.

We use Scikit Bring Your Own Container to build a custom container image and use the iris dataset to train and test the model.

When your Step Functions workflow is ready, build your full pipeline using the code provided in the GitHub repo.

After you download the code from the repo, the directory structure should look like the following:

. codepipeline-ecr-build-sf-execution
| — cfn
| —- params.json
| —- pipeline-cfn.yaml
| — container
| —- descision_trees
| —- local_test
| —- .dockerignore
| —- Dockerfile
| — scripts

In the params.json file in folder /cfn, provide in your GitHub token, repo name, the ARN of the Step Function state machine you created earlier.

You now create the necessary services and resources for the CI/CD pipeline. To create the CloudFormation stack, run the following code:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name codepipeline-ecr-build-sf-execution --template-body file://cfn/pipeline-cfn.yaml  --parameters file://cfn/params.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Alternatively, to update the stack, run the following code:

aws cloudformation update-stack --stack-name codepipeline-ecr-build-sf-execution --template-body file://cfn/pipeline-cfn.yaml  --parameters file://cfn/params.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

The CloudFormation template deploys a CodePipeline pipeline into your AWS account. The pipeline starts running as soon as code changes are committed to the repo. After the source code is downloaded by the pipeline stage, CodeBuild creates a Docker image and tags it with the commit ID and current timestamp before pushing the image to Amazon ECR. CodePipeline moves to the next stage to trigger a Step Functions step (which you created earlier).

When Step Functions is complete, a final email is generated with a link to the API Gateway URL that references the newly created SageMaker inference endpoint.

Test the workflow

To test your workflow, complete the following steps:

  1. Start the CodePipeline build by committing a code change to the codepipeline-ecr-build-sf-execution/container folder.
  2. On the CodePipeline console, check that the pipeline is transitioning through the different stages as expected.

When the pipeline reaches its final state, it starts the Step Functions workflow, which sends an email for approval.

  1. Approve the email to continue the Step Functions workflow.

When the SageMaker endpoint is ready, you should receive another email with a link to the API inference endpoint.

To test the iris dataset, you can try sending a single data point to the inference endpoint.

  1. Copy the inference endpoint link from the email and assign it to the bash variable INFERENCE_ENDPOINT as shown in the following code, then use the

curl --location --request POST ${INFERENCE_ENDPOINT}  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{  "data": "4.5,1.3,0.3,0.3"
{"result": "setosa"}

curl --location --request POST ${INFERENCE_ENDPOINT}  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
  "data": "5.9,3,5.1,1.8"
{"result": "virginica"}

By sending different data, we get different sets of inference results back.

Clean up

To avoid ongoing charges, delete the resources created in the previous steps by deleting the CloudFormation templates. Additionally, on the SageMaker console, delete any unused models, endpoint configurations, and inference endpoints.


This post demonstrated how to create an ML pipeline for custom SageMaker ML models using some of the latest AWS service integrations.

You can extend this ML pipeline further by adding a layer of authentication and encryption while sending approval links. You can also add more steps to CodePipeline or Step Functions as deemed necessary for your project’s workflow.

The sample files are available in the GitHub repo. To explore related features of SageMaker and further reading, see the following:

About the Author

Sachin Doshi is a Senior Application Architect working in the AWS Professional Services team. He is based out of New York metropolitan area. Sachin helps customers optimize their applications using cloud native AWS services.

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