This month, Amazon announced the 11 focus areas of the 2019 Amazon Research Awards.Read More
Bringing the Power of Neural Networks to the Problem of Search
Using machine learning to train information retrieval models — such as Internet search engines — is difficult because it requires so much manually annotated data. Of course, training most machine learning systems requires manually annotated data, but because information retrieval models must handle such a wide variety of queries, they require a lot of data. Consequently, most information retrieval systems rely primarily on mechanisms other than machine learning.Read More
Amazon Mentors Help UMass Graduate Students Make Concrete Advances on Vital Machine Learning Problems
Earlier this month, Varun Sharma and Akshit Tyagi, two master’s students from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, began summer internships at Amazon, where, like many other scientists in training, they will be working on Alexa’s spoken-language-understanding systems.Read More
How to do fast, accurate multi-category classification
Many of today’s most useful AI systems are multilabel classifiers: they map input data into multiple categories at once. An object recognizer, for instance, might classify a given image as containing sky, sea, and boats but not desert or clouds.Read More
Active learning: Algorithmically selecting training data to improve Alexa’s natural-language understanding
Alexa’s ability to respond to customer requests is largely the result of machine learning models trained on annotated data. The models are fed sample texts such as “Play the Prince song 1999” or “Play River by Joni Mitchell”. In each text, labels are attached to particular words — SongName for “1999” and “River”, for instance, and ArtistName for Prince and Joni Mitchell. By analyzing annotated data, the system learns to classify unannotated data on its own.Read More
Adapting Alexa to Regional Language Variations
As Alexa expands into new countries, she usually has to be trained on new languages. But sometimes, she has to be re-trained on languages she’s already learned. British English, American English, and Indian English, for instance, are different enough that for each of them, we trained a new machine learning model from scratch.Read More
Teaching Alexa to Follow Conversations
n order to engage customers in longer, more productive conversations, Alexa needs to solve the problem of reference resolution. If Alexa says, “‘Believer’ is by Imagine Dragons”, for instance, and the customer replies, “Play their latest album”, Alexa should be able to deduce that “their” refers to Imagine Dragons.Read More
Amazon Unveils Novel Alexa Dialog Modeling for Natural, Cross-Skill Conversations
Today, customer exchanges with Alexa are generally either one-shot requests, like “Alexa, what’s the weather?”, or interactions that require multiple requests to complete more complex tasks.Read More
Using adversarial training to recognize speakers’ emotions
A person’s tone of voice can tell you a lot about how they’re feeling. Not surprisingly, emotion recognition is an increasingly popular conversational-AI research topic.Read More
Should Alexa read “2/3” as “two-thirds” or “February Third”?: The science of text normalization
Text normalization is an important process in conversational AI. If an Alexa customer says, “book me a table at 5:00 p.m.”, the automatic speech recognizer will transcribe the time as “five p m”. Before a skill can handle this request, “five p m” will need to be converted to “5:00PM”. Once Alexa has processed the request, it needs to synthesize the response — say, “Is 6:30 p.m. okay?” Here, 6:30PM will be converted to “six thirty p m” for the text-to-speech synthesizer. We call the process of converting “5:00PM” to “five p m” text normalization and its counterpart — converting “five p m” to “5:00PM” — inverse text normalization.Read More