How LotteON built a personalized recommendation system using Amazon SageMaker and MLOps

How LotteON built a personalized recommendation system using Amazon SageMaker and MLOps

This post is co-written with HyeKyung Yang, Jieun Lim, and SeungBum Shim from LotteON.

LotteON aims to be a platform that not only sells products, but also provides a personalized recommendation experience tailored to your preferred lifestyle. LotteON operates various specialty stores, including fashion, beauty, luxury, and kids, and strives to provide a personalized shopping experience across all aspects of customers’ lifestyles.

To enhance the shopping experience of LotteON’s customers, the recommendation service development team is continuously improving the recommendation service to provide customers with the products they are looking for or may be interested in at the right time.

In this post, we share how LotteON improved their recommendation service using Amazon SageMaker and machine learning operations (MLOps).

Problem definition

Traditionally, the recommendation service was mainly provided by identifying the relationship between products and providing products that were highly relevant to the product selected by the customer. However, it was necessary to upgrade the recommendation service to analyze each customer’s taste and meet their needs. Therefore, we decided to introduce a deep learning-based recommendation algorithm that can identify not only linear relationships in the data, but also more complex relationships. For this reason, we built the MLOps architecture to manage the created models and provide real-time services.

Another requirement was to build a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline that can be integrated with GitLab, a code repository used by existing recommendation platforms, to add newly developed recommendation models and create a structure that can continuously improve the quality of recommendation services through periodic retraining and redistribution of models.

In the following sections, we introduce the MLOps platform that we built to provide high-quality recommendations to our customers and the overall process of inferring a deep learning-based recommendation algorithm (Neural Collaborative Filtering) in real time and introducing it to LotteON.

Solution architecture

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture for serving Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) algorithm-based recommendation models as MLOps. The main AWS services used are SageMaker, Amazon EMR, AWS CodeBuild, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon EventBridge, AWS Lambda, and Amazon API Gateway. We’ve combined several AWS services using Amazon SageMaker Pipelines and designed the architecture with the following components in mind:

  • Data preprocessing
  • Automated model training and deployment
  • Real-time inference through model serving
  • CI/CD structure

MLOps Architecture

The preceding architecture shows the MLOps data flow, which consists of three decoupled passes:

  • Code preparation and data preprocessing (blue)
  • Training pipeline and model deployment (green)
  • Real-time recommendation inference (brown)

Code preparation and data preprocessing

The preparation and preprocessing phase consists of the following steps:

  1. The data scientist publishes the deployment code containing the model and the training pipeline to GitLab, which is used by LotteON, and Jenkins uploads the code to Amazon S3.
  2. The EMR preprocessing batch runs through Airflow according to the specified schedule. The preprocessing data is loaded into MongoDB, which is used as a feature store along with Amazon S3.

Training pipeline and model deployment

The model training and deployment phase consists of the following steps:

  1. After the training data is uploaded to Amazon S3, CodeBuild runs based on the rules specified in EventBridge.
  2. The SageMaker pipeline predefined in CodeBuild runs, and sequentially runs steps such as preprocessing including provisioning, model training, and model registration.
  3. When training is complete (through the Lambda step), the deployed model is updated to the SageMaker endpoint.

Real-time recommendation inference

The inference phase consists of the following steps:

  1. The client application makes an inference request to the API gateway.
  2. The API gateway sends the request to Lambda, which makes an inference request to the model in the SageMaker endpoint to request a list of recommendations.
  3. Lambda receives the list of recommendations and provides them to the API gateway.
  4. The API gateway provides the list of recommendations to the client application using the Recommendation API.

Recommendation model using NCF

NCF is an algorithm based on a paper presented at the International World Wide Web Conference in 2017. It is an algorithm that covers the limitations of linear matrix factorization, which is often used in existing recommendation systems, with collaborative filtering based on the neural net. By adding non-linearity through the neural net, the authors were able to model a more complex relationship between users and items. The data for NCF is interaction data where users react to items, and the overall structure of the model is shown in the following figure (source:

NCF Model

Although NCF has a simple model architecture, it has shown a good performance, which is why we chose it to be the prototype for our MLOps platform. For more information about the model, refer to the paper Neural Collaborative Filtering.

In the following sections, we discuss how this solution helped us build the aforementioned MLOps components:

  • Data preprocessing
  • Automating model training and deployment
  • Real-time inference through model serving
  • CI/CD structure

MLOps component 1: Data preprocessing

For NCF, we used user-item interaction data, which requires significant resources to process the raw data collected at the application and transform it into a form suitable for learning. With Amazon EMR, which provides fully managed environments like Apache Hadoop and Spark, we were able to process data faster.

The data preprocessing batches were created by writing a shell script to run Amazon EMR through AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands, which we registered to Airflow to run at specific intervals. When the preprocessing batch was complete, the training/test data needed for training was partitioned based on runtime and stored in Amazon S3. The following is an example of the AWS CLI command to run Amazon EMR:

aws emr create-cluster --release-label emr-6.0.0 
    --name "CLUSTER_NAME" 
    --applications Name=Hadoop Name=Hive Name=Spark 
    --tags 'Name=EMR-DATA-PREP' 'Owner=MODEL' 'Service=LOTTEON' 
    --ec2-attributes '{"KeyName":"keyname","InstanceProfile":"DefaultRole","ServiceAccessSecurityGroup":"sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx","SubnetId":"subnet- xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ","EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup":"sg- xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ","EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup":"sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx "}' 
--instance-groups '[{"InstanceCount":1,"InstanceGroupType":"MASTER","InstanceType":"r5.xlarge","Name":"Master Instance Group"},{"InstanceCount":2,"InstanceGroupType":"CORE","InstanceType":"r5.xlarge","Name":"Core Instance Group"},{"InstanceCount":2,"BidPrice":"OnDemandPrice","InstanceGroupType":"TASK","InstanceType":"r5.xlarge","Name":"Task Instance Group"}]' 
    --service-role EMR_DefaultRole 
    --region ap-northeast-2 
    --steps Type=CUSTOM_JAR,Name=DATA_PREP,ActionOnFailure=CONTINUE,Jar=s3://ap-northeast-2.elasticmapreduce/libs/script-runner/script-runner.jar,Args=["s3://bucket/prefix/"]  

MLOps component 2: Automated training and deployment of models

In this section, we discuss the components of the model training and deployment pipeline.

Event-based pipeline automation

After the preprocessing batch was complete and the training/test data was stored in Amazon S3, this event invoked CodeBuild and ran the training pipeline in SageMaker. In the process, the version of the result file of the preprocessing batch was recorded, enabling dynamic control of the version and management of the pipeline run history. We used EventBridge, Lambda, and CodeBuild to connect the data preprocessing steps run by Amazon EMR and the SageMaker learning pipeline on an event-based basis.

EventBridge is a serverless service that implements rules to receive events and direct them to destinations, based on the event patterns and destinations you establish. The initial role of EventBridge in our configuration was to invoke a Lambda function on the S3 object creation event when the preprocessing batch stored the training dataset in Amazon S3. The Lambda function dynamically modified the buildspec.yml file, which is indispensable when CodeBuild runs. These modifications encompassed the path, version, and partition information of the data that needed training, which is crucial for carrying out the training pipeline. The subsequent role of EventBridge was to dispatch events, instigated by the alteration of the buildspec.yml file, leading to running CodeBuild.

CodeBuild was responsible for building the source code where the SageMaker pipeline was defined. Throughout this process, it referred to the buildspec.yml file and ran processes such as cloning the source code and installing the libraries needed to build from the path defined in the file. The Project Build tab on the CodeBuild console allowed us to review the build’s success and failure history, along with a real-time log of the SageMaker pipeline’s performance.

SageMaker pipeline for training

SageMaker Pipelines helps you define the steps required for ML services, such as preprocessing, training, and deployment, using the SDK. Each step is visualized within SageMaker Studio, which is very helpful for managing models, and you can also manage the history of trained models and endpoints that can serve the models. You can also set up steps by attaching conditional statements to the results of the steps, so you can adopt only models with good retraining results or prepare for learning failures. Our pipeline contained the following high-level steps:

  • Model training
  • Model registration
  • Model creation
  • Model deployment

Each step is visualized in the pipeline in Amazon SageMaker Studio, and you can also see the results or progress of each step in real time, as shown in the following screenshot.

SageMaker Pipeline

Let’s walk through the steps from model training to deployment, using some code examples.

Train the model

First, you define a PyTorch Estimator to use for training and a training step. This requires you to have the training code (for example, ready in advance and pass the location of the code as an argument of the source_dir. The training step runs the training code you pass as an argument of the entry_point. By default, the training is done by launching the container in the instance you specify, so you’ll need to pass in the path to the training Docker image for the training environment you’ve developed. However, if you specify the framework for your estimator here, you can pass in the version of the framework and Python version to use, and it will automatically fetch the version-appropriate container image from Amazon ECR.

When you’re done defining your PyTorch Estimator, you need to define the steps involved in training it. You can do this by passing the PyTorch Estimator you defined earlier as an argument and the location of the input data. When you pass in the location of the input data, the SageMaker training job will download the train and test data to a specific path in the container using the format /opt/ml/input/data/<channel_name> (for example, /opt/ml/input/data/train).

In addition, when defining a PyTorch Estimator, you can use metric definitions to monitor the learning metrics generated while the model is being trained with Amazon CloudWatch. You can also specify the path where the results of the model artifacts after training are stored by specifying estimator_output_path, and you can use the parameters required for model training by specifying model_hyperparameters. See the following code:

from sagemaker.pytorch import PyTorch
        {'Name': 'HR', 'Regex': 'HR=(.*?);'},
        {'Name': 'NDCG', 'Regex': 'NDCG=(.*?);'},
        {'Name': 'Loss', 'Regex': 'Loss=(.*?);'}
estimator_output_path = f's3://{bucket}/{prefix}'
model_hyperparameter = {'epochs': 10, 
                    'lr': 0.001,
                    'batch_size': 256,
                    'top_k' : 10,
                    'dropout' : 0.3,
                    'factor_num' : 32,
                    'num_layers' : 3
s3_code_uri = 's3://code_location/source.tar.gz'

host_estimator = PyTorch(
    source_dir = s3_code_uri, 
    output_path = estimator_output_path, 
    session = pipeline_session,
    metric_definitions = metric_definitions

from sagemaker.inputs import TrainingInput
from sagemaker.workflow.steps import TrainingStep
data_loc = f's3://{bucket}/{prefix}'
step_train = TrainingStep(
    name= "NCF-Training",
        "train": TrainingInput(s3_data=data_loc),
        "test": TrainingInput(s3_data=data_loc),        

Create a model package group

The next step is to create a model package group to manage your trained models. By registering trained models in model packages, you can manage them by version, as shown in the following screenshot. This information allows you to reference previous versions of your models at any time. This process only needs to be done one time when you first train a model, and you can continue to add and update models as long as they declare the same group name.

Model Packages

See the following code:

import boto3
model_package_group_name = 'NCF'
sm_client = boto3.client("sagemaker")
model_package_group_input_dict = {
    "ModelPackageGroupName" : model_package_group_name,
    "ModelPackageGroupDescription" : "Model Package Group"
response = sm_client.list_model_package_groups(NameContains=model_package_group_name)
if len(response['ModelPackageGroupSummaryList']) == 0:
create_model_pacakge_group_response = sm_client.create_model_package_group(**model_package_group_input_dict)

Add a trained model to a model package group

The next step is to add a trained model to the model package group you created. In the following code, when you declare the Model class, you get the result of the previous model training step, which creates a dependency between the steps. A step with a declared dependency can only be run if the previous step succeeds. However, you can use the DependsOn option to declare a dependency between steps even if the data is not causally related.

After the trained model is registered in the model package group, you can use this information to manage and track future model versions, create a real-time SageMaker endpoint, run a batch transform job, and more.

from sagemaker.workflow.model_step import ModelStep
from sagemaker.model import Model

inference_image_uri = ''
model = Model(
    model_data =,

register_model_step_args = model.register(

step_model_registration = ModelStep(

Create a SageMaker model

To create a real-time endpoint, an endpoint configuration and model is required. To create a model, you need two basic elements: an S3 address where the model’s artifacts are stored, and the path to the inference Docker image that will run the model’s artifacts.

When creating a SageMaker model, you must pay attention to the following steps:

  • Provide the result of the model training step,, which will be converted to the S3 path where the model artifact is stored, as an argument of the model_data.
  • Because you specified the PyTorchModel class, framework_version, and py_version, you use this information to get the path to the inference Docker image through Amazon ECR. This is the inference Docker image that is used for model deployment. Make sure to enter the same PyTorch framework, Python version, and other details that you used to train the model. This means keeping the same PyTorch and Python versions for training and inference.
  • Provide the as the entry point script to handle invocations.

This step will set a dependency on the model package registration step you defined via the DependsOn option.

from sagemaker.pytorch.model import PyTorchModel
from sagemaker.workflow.model_step import ModelStep

model_name = 'NCF-MODEL'
s3_code_uri = 's3://code_location/source.tar.gz'

model_inference = PyTorchModel(
        name = model_name,
        model_data =, 
image_uri= image_uri,
        entry_point= '',
        source_dir = s3_code_uri,
step_model_create = ModelStep(
    step_args=model_inference.create(instance_type = 'ml.p3.2xlarge'),

Create a SageMaker endpoint

Now you need to define an endpoint configuration based on the created model, which will create an endpoint when deployed. Because the SageMaker Python SDK doesn’t support the step related to deployment (as of this writing), you can use Lambda to register that step. Pass the necessary arguments to Lambda, such as instance_type, and use that information to create the endpoint configuration first. Because you’re calling the endpoint based on endpoint_name, you need to make sure that variable is defined with a unique name. In the following Lambda function code, based on the endpoint_name, you update the model if the endpoint exists, and deploy a new one if it doesn’t:

import json
import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    sm_client = boto3.client("sagemaker")
    model_name = event["model_name"]
    endpoint_config_name = event["endpoint_config_name"]
    endpoint_name = event["endpoint_name"]
    instance_type = event["instance_type"]
    create_endpoint_config_response = sm_client.create_endpoint_config(
                "InstanceType": instance_type,
                "InitialVariantWeight": 1,
                "InitialInstanceCount": 1,
                "ModelName": model_name,
                "VariantName": "AllTraffic",
    print(f"create_endpoint_config_response: {create_endpoint_config_response}")
    existing_endpoints = sm_client.list_endpoints(NameContains=endpoint_name)['Endpoints']
    if len(existing_endpoints["Endpoints"]) > 0:
            EndpointName=endpoint_name, EndpointConfigName=endpoint_config_name
            EndpointName=endpoint_name, EndpointConfigName=endpoint_config_name
    return {"statusCode": 200, "body": json.dumps("Endpoint Created Successfully")}

To get the Lambda function into a step in the SageMaker pipeline, you can use the SDK associated with the Lambda function. By passing the location of the Lambda function source as an argument of the function, you can automatically register and use the function. In conjunction with this, you can define LambdaStep and pass it the required arguments. See the following code:

from sagemaker.lambda_helper import Lambda
from sagemaker.workflow.lambda_step import (LambdaStep, LambdaOutput, LambdaOutputTypeEnum)
endpoint_name = 'NCF-ENDPOINT'
endpoint_config_name = 'NCF-CONF'
deploy_script_path = 's3://code_location/'
deploy_model_func = Lambda(
output_param_1 = LambdaOutput(output_name="statusCode", output_type=LambdaOutputTypeEnum.String)
output_param_2 = LambdaOutput(output_name="body", output_type=LambdaOutputTypeEnum.String)

step_deploy_lambda = LambdaStep(
        "endpoint_config_name": endpoint_config_name,
        "endpoint_name": endpoint_name,
        "instance_type": 'ml.p3.2xlarge',       
    outputs=[output_param_1, output_param_2]

Create a SageMaker pipeline

Now you can create a pipeline using the steps you defined. You can do this by defining a name for the pipeline and passing in the steps to be used in the pipeline as arguments. After that, you can run the defined pipeline through the start function. See the following code:

from sagemaker.workflow.pipeline import Pipeline
pipeline_name = 'NCF-pipeline'
pipeline = Pipeline(
    steps=[step_train, step_model_registration, step_model_create, step_deploy_lambda],


After this process is complete, an endpoint is created with the trained model and is ready for use based on the deep learning-based model.

MLOps component 3: Real-time inference with model serving

Now let’s see how to invoke the model in real time from the created endpoint, which can also be accessed using the SageMaker SDK. The following code is an example of getting real-time inference values for input values from an endpoint deployed via the invoke_endpoint function. The features you pass as arguments to the body are passed as input to the endpoint, which returns the inference results in real time.

import boto3
sagemaker_runtime = boto3.client("sagemaker-runtime")
response = sagemaker_runtime.invoke_endpoint(
                    Body=bytes("'features': '{"user": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "item": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]}'}")

When we configured the inference function, we had it return the items in the order that the user is most likely to like among the items passed in. The preceding example returns items from 1–25 in order of likelihood of being liked by the user at index 0.

We added business logic to the feature, configured it in Lambda, and connected it with an API gateway to implement the API’s ability to return recommended items in real time. We then conducted performance testing of the online service. We load tested it with Locust using five g4dn.2xlarge instances and found that it could be reliably served in an environment with 1,000 TPS.

MLOps component 4: CI/CD structure

A CI/CD structure is a fundamental part of DevOps, and is also an important part of organizing an MLOps environment. AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, and AWS CodePipeline collectively provide all the functionality you need for CI/CD, from code shaping to deployment, build, and batch management. The services are not only linked to the same code series, but also to other services such as GitHub and Jenkins, so if you have an existing CI/CD structure, you can use them separately to fill in the gaps. Therefore, we expanded our CI/CD structure by linking only the CodeBuild configuration described earlier to our existing CI/CD pipeline.

We linked our SageMaker notebooks with GitLab for code management, and when we were done, we replicated them to Amazon S3 via Jenkins. After that, we set the S3 path to the default repository path of the NCF CodeBuild project as described earlier, so that we could build the project with CodeBuild.


So far, we’ve seen the end-to-end process of configuring an MLOps environment using AWS services and providing real-time inference services based on deep learning models. By configuring an MLOps environment, we’ve created a foundation for providing high-quality services based on various algorithms to our customers. We’ve also created an environment where we can quickly proceed with prototype development and deployment. The NCF we developed with the prototyping algorithm was also able to achieve good results when it was put into service. In the future, the MLOps platform can help us quickly develop and experiment with models that match LotteON data to provide our customers with a progressively higher-quality recommendation experience.

Using SageMaker in conjunction with various AWS services has given us many advantages in developing and operating our services. As model developers, we didn’t have to worry about configuring the environment settings for frequently used packages and deep learning-related frameworks because the environment settings were configured for each library, and we felt that the connectivity and scalability between AWS services using AWS CLI commands and related SDKs were great. Additionally, as a service operator, it was good to track and monitor the services we were running because CloudWatch connected the logging and monitoring of each service.

You can also check out the NCF and MLOps configuration for hands-on practice on our GitHub repo (Korean).

We hope this post will help you configure your MLOps environment and provide real-time services using AWS services.

About the Authors

SeungBum Shim is a data engineer in the Lotte E-commerce Recommendation Platform Development Team, responsible for discovering ways to use and improve recommendation-related products through LotteON data analysis, and developing MLOps pipelines and ML/DL recommendation models.

HyeKyung Yang is a research engineer in the Lotte E-commerce Recommendation Platform Development Team and is in charge of developing ML/DL recommendation models by analyzing and utilizing various data and developing a dynamic A/B test environment.

Jieun Lim is a data engineer in the Lotte E-commerce Recommendation Platform Development Team and is in charge of operating LotteON’s personalized recommendation system and developing personalized recommendation models and dynamic A/B test environments.

Jesam Kim is an AWS Solutions Architect and helps enterprise customers adopt and troubleshoot cloud technologies and provides architectural design and technical support to address their business needs and challenges, especially in AIML areas such as recommendation services and generative AI.

Gonsoo Moon is an AWS AI/ML Specialist Solutions Architect and provides AI/ML technical support. His main role is to collaborate with customers to solve their AI/ML problems based on various use cases and production experience in AI/ML.

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Build a serverless exam generator application from your own lecture content using Amazon Bedrock

Build a serverless exam generator application from your own lecture content using Amazon Bedrock

Crafting new questions for exams and quizzes can be tedious and time-consuming for educators. The time required varies based on factors like subject matter, question types, experience level, and class level. Multiple-choice questions require substantial time to generate quality distractors and ensure a single unambiguous answer, and composing effective true-false questions demands careful effort to avoid vagueness and assess deeper understanding. Creating high-quality assessment questions of any format necessitates meticulous attention to detail from educators in order to produce fair and valid student evaluations. To streamline this cumbersome process, we propose an automated exam generation solution based on Amazon Bedrock.

In this post, we explore how to build an application that generates tests tailored to your own lecture content. We cover the technical implementation using the Anthropic Claude large language model (LLM) on Amazon Bedrock and AWS Lambda deployed with the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). This solution enables educators to instantly create curriculum-aligned assessments with minimal effort. Students can take personalized quizzes and get immediate feedback on their performance. This solution simplifies the exam creation process while benefiting both teachers and learners.

Amazon Bedrock

Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models (FMs) from leading artificial intelligence (AI) companies like AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Mistral AI, Stability AI, and Amazon using a single API, along with a broad set of capabilities you need to build generative AI applications with security, privacy, and responsible AI. In this post, we focus on a text generation use case, and can choose from Amazon Titan Text G1 and other models on Amazon Bedrock, including Anthropic Claude, AI21 Labs Jurassic, Meta Llama 2, and Cohere Command.

With the ability to scale up to 200,000-token context windows, Anthropic Claude v2.1 on Amazon Bedrock is our preferred choice for this post. It is typically helpful when working with lengthy documents such as entire books. When we talk about tokens, we refer to the smallest individual “atoms” of a language model, and can varyingly correspond to words, subwords, characters, or even bytes (in the case of Unicode). For Anthropic Claude on Amazon Bedrock, the average token is about 3.5 English characters. The 200,000 tokens supported by Anthropic Claude v2.1 on Amazon Bedrock would be equivalent to roughly 150,000 words or over 500 pages of documents.

This post demonstrates how to use advanced prompt engineering to control an LLM’s behavior and responses. It shows how to randomly generate questions and answers from lecture files, implemented as a simple serverless application.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the application architecture. We distinguish two paths: the educator path (1) and the learner path (2).

As first-time users, both educator and learner need to complete the sign-up process, which is done by two separate Amazon Cognito user pools. For the educator, when the sign-up is complete, Amazon Cognito invokes the Lambda function called CognitoPostSignupFn to subscribe the educator to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic. The educator must approve the subscription to this topic in order to be notified by email with the scorecard of each learner who will be taking the generated exam.

Figure 1: Architectural diagram of the exam generator application

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. The educator opens the landing page for generating an exam under the domain gen-exam.<your-domain-name> through Amazon Route 53, which redirects the request to the Application Load Balancer (ALB).

1.1 The ALB communicates with Amazon Cognito to authenticate the educator on the educator user pool.

1.2 The educator uploads a lecture as a PDF file into the exam generation front-end.

1.3 The Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) container running on AWS Fargate uploads the file to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) in the Examgen bucket under the prefix exams.

1.4 The S3 bucket is configured using event notification. Whenever a new file is uploaded, a PutObject is activated to send the file to the ExamGenFn Lambda function.

1.5 The Lambda function ExamGenFn invokes the Anthropic Claude v2.1 model on Amazon Bedrock to generate exam questions and answers as a JSON file.

1.6 The Amazon Bedrock API returns the output Q&A JSON file to the Lambda function.

1.7 The ExamGenFn Lambda function saves the output file to the same S3 bucket under the prefix Questions-bank. (You can choose to save it to a different S3 bucket.)

1.8 The ExamGenFn Lambda function sends an email notification to the educator through the SNS topic to notify that the exam has been generated.

  1. The learner opens the landing page to take the exam under the domain take-exam.<your-domain-name> through Route 53, which redirects the request to the ALB.

2.1 The ALB communicates with Amazon Cognito to authenticate the learner on the learner user pool.

2.2 The learner accesses the frontend and selects a test to take.

2.3 The container image sends the REST API request to Amazon API Gateway (using the GET method).

2.4 API Gateway communicates with the TakeExamFn Lambda function as a proxy.

2.5 The Lambda TakeExamFn function retrieves from S3 bucket under the prefix Questions-bank the available exam in JSON format.

2.6 The JSON file is returned to API Gateway.

2.7 API Gateway transmits the JSON file to the ECS container in the front-end.

2.8 The container presents the exam as a UI using the Streamlit framework. The learner then takes the exams. When the learner is finished and submits their answers, the ECS container performs a comparison between the answers provided and the correct answers, and then shows the score results to the learner.

2.9 The ECS container stores the scorecard in an Amazon DynamoDB table.

2.10 The Lambda DynamoDBTriggerFn function detects the new scorecard record on the DynamoDB table and sends an email notification to the educator with the learner’s scorecard.

This is an event-driven architecture made up of individual AWS services that are loosely integrated with each other, with each service handling a specific function. It uses AWS serverless technologies, allowing you build and run your application without having to manage your own servers. All server management is done by AWS, providing many benefits such as automatic scaling and built-in high availability, letting you take your idea to production quickly.


In this section, we go through the prerequisite steps to complete before you can set up this solution.

Enable model access through Amazon Bedrock

You can add access to a model from the Amazon Bedrock console. For this walkthrough, you need to request access to the Anthropic Claude model on Amazon Bedrock. For more information, see Model access.

Install the necessary packages

You need to install the following:

Register a DNS domain and create certificates

If you don’t already have a DNS domain registered, you need to create one in order to not expose the DNS of your ALB. For instructions, refer to Registering a new domain.

You also need to request two public certificates, one for each front-end: gen-exam.<your-domain-name> and take-exam.<your-domain-name>. Refer to Requesting a public certificate to request a public certificate on AWS Certificate Manager.

Save the values for genCertificateArn and takeCertificateArn.

If you want to build the app in a development environment without using your own domain, you can uncomment the following section in the sam template:

# un-comment if you need to test with HTTP traffic and no certifcate
#  ExamGenALBHTTPListener:
#    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
#    Properties:
#      LoadBalancerArn: !Ref ExamGenALB
#      Protocol: HTTP
#      Port: 80
#      DefaultActions:
#        - Type: forward
#          TargetGroupArn: !Ref ExamGenTG

Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Prompting

Before we embark on constructing the app, let’s delve into prompt engineering. We use Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Prompting, which allows the model to break down complex reasoning into smaller, more manageable steps. By providing the AI with intermediate prompts that guide its reasoning process step by step, CoT prompting enables the model to tackle sophisticated reasoning tasks. Guiding the AI through an analytical chain of thought in this way allows it to develop complex reasoning capabilities that would otherwise be beyond its unaided abilities.

In the ExamGenFn Lambda function, we use the following prompt to guide the model through reasoning steps. You can change the prompt and give it different personas and instructions, and see how it behaves.

template_instruction = f"""Human: 
You are a teacher during examination time and you are responsible for creating exam questions from the student study book.
Before creating the questions
- Analyze the book found between <exam_book> </exam_book> tags, to identify distinct chapters, sections, or themes for question generation.
- For true/false questions, select statements that can be clearly identified as true or false based on the book's content.
- For MCQs, develop questions that challenge the understanding of the material, ensuring one correct answer and {n_mcq_options-1} distractors that are relevant but incorrect.
- Randomize the selection of pages or topics for each run to generate a new set of questions, ensuring no two sets are identical.
Please provide the questions in this format exactly for MCQ:
- The output should be like     
"question": "What is the colour of the car in the book?",
"options": ["Blue", "Green", "Yellow", "Grey"],
"correct_answer": "Yellow"
For True/False:
- the output should be like     
"question": "is the sky Blue?",
"options": ["True", "False"],
"correct_answer": "True"
Generate {n_tfq} true/false and {n_mcq} multiple-choice questions (MCQs) ensuring each question pertains to different pages or topics within the book. For MCQs, provide [n_mcq_options] options for each question. Focus on creating unique questions that cover a broad spectrum of the book's content, avoiding repetition and ensuring a diverse examination of the material. Use the following guidelines:
1. True/False Questions:
- Craft each true/false question based on factual statements or key concepts from the book.
- Ensure each question spans a wide range of topics to cover the book comprehensively.
2. Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):
- Formulate each MCQ to assess understanding of significant themes, events, or facts.
- Include {n_mcq_options} options per MCQ, making sure one is correct and the others are plausible but incorrect.
- Diversify the content areas and pages/topics for each MCQ to avoid overlap and repetition. 

Build the exam generator application

The application presented in this post is available in the following GitHub repo with the building blocks code. Let’s start with a git pull on the repo.

We recommend using temporary credentials with the AWS CLI to make programmatic requests for AWS resources using the AWS CLI.

Build the front-end using Streamlit and Docker

You build two containers, one for generating exams and one for taking exams. Let’s start with building the generating exam Docker image:

  1. Go to the following path in the repo and build your Docker image:
user@exam-gen ~ % cd exam-gen-ai-blog/frontend/generate-exam-fe

user@exam-gen generate-exam-fe % docker build -t <your-image-name>:tag .
  1. Authenticate the Docker CLI to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR):
aws ecr get-login-password --region <your-region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <your-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<your-region>
  1. Create a new repository in Amazon ECR:
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name <your-repository-name>
  1. Tag your Docker image with the ECR repository URI:
docker tag <your-image-name>:tag your-account-id.dkr.ecr.<your-region><your-ecr-repository>:tag
  1. Push your tagged Docker image to your ECR repository:
docker push <your-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<your-region><your-ecr-repository>:tag
  1. Navigate to this path in the repo to build your Docker image for taking the exam:
user@exam-gen ~ % cd exam-gen-ai-blog/frontend/take-exam-fe
  1. Because the authentication and the ECR repo are already done, run directly the following command:
user@exam-gen take-exam-fe % docker build -t <your-image-name>:tag .

docker tag <your-image-name>:tag your-account-id.dkr.ecr.<your-region><your-ecr-repository>:tag

docker push <your-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<your-region><your-ecr-repository>:tag
  1. Copy the values for GenExamImageUri and TakeExamImageUri.

Now that you have both containers ready to run, let’s build the rest of the components using AWS SAM.

Build solution components with AWS SAM

AWS SAM consists of two parts:

  • AWS SAM template specification – An open source framework that you can use to define your serverless application infrastructure on AWS
  • AWS SAM CLI – A command line tool that you can use with AWS SAM templates and supported third-party integrations to build and run your serverless applications

For further information, refer to Using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM).

  1. Go to the home directory user@exam-gen ~ % cd exam-gen-ai-blog and run the sam build command.

Before you run sam deploy, be aware of the following:

  • The ECS containers are deployed on Fargate, which needs a VPC with two subnets in different Availability Zones. We use the default VPC for simplicity. You can create your own VPC or use an existing one in your AWS account and update the sam template. To list your VPC IDs and subnets within a selected VPC ID, run the following commands to extract your VpcId and your two SubnetId:
aws ec2 describe-vpcs
aws ec2 describe-subnets
  • GenExamCallbackURL (for generating exam) and TakeExamCallbackURL (for taking exam) are used by Amazon Cognito. They are URLs where the user is redirected to after a successful sign-in.
  1. Now let’s deploy the sam template:
sam deploy --stack-name <your-stack-name> --guided 
 --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM 
        #Shows you resources changes to be deployed and require a 'Y' to initiate deploy
        Confirm changes before deploy [Y/n]: n
        #SAM needs permission to be able to create roles to connect to the resources in your template
        Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation [Y/n]: y
        #Preserves the state of previously provisioned resources when an operation fails
        Disable rollback [Y/n]: n
        Save arguments to configuration file [Y/n]: n

        Looking for resources needed for deployment:
        Creating the required resources...

        Successfully created!

You can follow the creation on the AWS CloudFormation console.

This following video demonstrates running the sam build and sam deploy commands.

Figure 2: SAM build and SAM deploy execution

  1. The final step is to get the DNS names for the deployed ALB, map them to the certificate domains names in Route 53, and add them as a CNAME record.

Test the solution

You can use your browser to test the solution.

  1. Navigate to gen-exam.<your-domain-name>.

You’ll receive an email with a confirmation code.

  1. Enter the verification code and choose Confirm account.

Once verified, you will land on a page to generate your quiz.

  1. Choose the amount of multiple choice and true/false questions you want to generate, then choose Browse files to upload an input file.

For this example, we use the whitepaper AWS Cloud Adoption Framework: Security Perspective as our input file. We generate four multiple-choice questions and one true/false question.

  1. Confirm your subscription to the SNS topic (you’ll receive an email).

Then you’ll receive an email confirming the exam has been generated.

  1. Switch to take-exam.<your-domain-name>, and you’ll find the exam on the dropdown menu.
  1. Choose the exam, then choose Load quiz.

  1. Then you can take the exam and choose Submit to display the results.

The educator will receive an email with the scorecard of the learner.

You have just built a simple application that randomly generates questions and answers from uploaded documents. Learners can take the generated exams and educators can receive scorecards via email when tests are complete. The integration with the DynamoDB table allows you to store the responses on a long-term basis.

Expanding the solution

There are many possibilities to build on top of this and create a fully featured learning and testing application. One area of expansion is uploading multiple documents at once. As of this writing, users can only upload one document at a time, but support for bulk uploads would improve efficiency and make it easier to work with large sets of source materials. Educators could be empowered to gather and upload content from various documents and websites as source material for questions. This provides greater flexibility compared to using a single document. Moreover, with a data store, they could view and analyze learner answers via a scorecard interface to track progress over time.

Clean up

It’s important to clean up your resources in the following order:

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, empty the bucket by deleting any files and folders.
  1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, delete the stack.


In this post, we showed how to build a generative AI application powered by Amazon Bedrock that creates exam questions using lecture documents as input to support educators with an automated tool to continuously modernize quiz material and improve learners’ skills. Learners will be able to take the freshly generated exam and get the score results. With the capabilities of Amazon Bedrock and the AWS SAM, you can increase educators’ productivity and foster student success.

For more information on working with generative AI on AWS for education use cases, refer to Generative AI in education: Building AI solutions using course lecture content.

About the Authors

Merieme Ezzaouia is a Solutions Architect at AWS dedicated to the public sector. She helps customers in education and sports turn their concepts into tangible solutions, develop new services, and foster innovation. Beyond work, Merieme’s passions include gardening, traveling the world, and reading.

Mohammed Reda is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He helps UK schools, universities, and EdTech companies adopt cloud technologies, improve their educational offerings, and innovate on AWS. Outside of work, Mohammed enjoys running and watching cooking shows.

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Accelerate NLP inference with ONNX Runtime on AWS Graviton processors

Accelerate NLP inference with ONNX Runtime on AWS Graviton processors

ONNX is an open source machine learning (ML) framework that provides interoperability across a wide range of frameworks, operating systems, and hardware platforms. ONNX Runtime is the runtime engine used for model inference and training with ONNX.

AWS Graviton3 processors are optimized for ML workloads, including support for bfloat16, Scalable Vector Extension (SVE), and Matrix Multiplication (MMLA) instructions. Bfloat16 accelerated SGEMM kernels and int8 MMLA accelerated Quantized GEMM (QGEMM) kernels in ONNX have improved inference performance by up to 65% for fp32 inference and up to 30% for int8 quantized inference for several natural language processing (NLP) models on AWS Graviton3-based Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. Starting version v1.17.0, the ONNX Runtime supports these optimized kernels.

In this post, we show how to run ONNX Runtime inference on AWS Graviton3-based EC2 instances and how to configure them to use optimized GEMM kernels. We also demonstrate the resulting speedup through benchmarking.

Optimized GEMM kernels

ONNX Runtime supports the Microsoft Linear Algebra Subroutine (MLAS) backend as the default Execution Provider (EP) for deep learning operators. AWS Graviton3-based EC2 instances (c7g, m7g, r7g, c7gn, and Hpc7g instances) support bfloat16 format and MMLA instructions for the deep learning operator acceleration. These instructions improve the SIMD hardware utilization and reduce the end-to-end inference latency by up to 1.65 times compared to the armv8 DOT product instruction-based kernels.

The AWS team implemented MLAS kernels for bfloat16 fast math and int8 quantized General Matrix Multiply (GEMM) using BFMMLA, SMMLA, and UMMLA instructions, which have higher matrix multiplication throughput compared to DOT instructions. The bfloat16 support allows efficient deployment of models trained using bfloat16, fp32, and automatic mixed precision (AMP) without the need for quantization. As shown in the following diagrams, the optimized GEMM kernels are integrated into the ONNX Runtime CPU EP as MLAS kernels.

The first figure illustrates the ONNX software stack, highlighting (in orange) the components optimized for inference performance improvement on the AWS Graviton3 platform.


The following diagram illustrates the ONNX Runtime EP flow, highlighting (in orange) the components optimized for inference performance improvement on the AWS Graviton3 platform.


Enable the optimizations

The optimizations are part of the ONNX Runtime 1.17.0 release, and are available starting with onnxruntime-1.17.0 python wheels and conda-1.17.0 packages. Optimized int8 kernels are enabled by default, and will be picked up automatically for AWS Graviton3 Processors. Bfloat16 fast math kernels, on the other hand, are not enabled by default and need the following session options in ONNX Runtime to enable them:

# For C++ applications

SessionOptions so; 
so.config_options.AddConfigEntry( kOrtSessionOptionsMlasGemmFastMathArm64Bfloat16, "1");

# For Python applications

sess_options = onnxruntime.SessionOptions()
sess_options.add_session_config_entry("mlas.enable_gemm_fastmath_arm64_bfloat16", "1")

Benchmark results

We started with measuring the inference throughput, in queries per second, for the fp32 model without any of our optimizations (using ONNX Runtime 1.16.0), which is marked at 1.0 with the red dotted line in the following graph. Then we compared the improvements from bfloat16 fast math kernels from ONNX Runtime 1.17.1 for the same fp32 model inference. The normalized results are plotted in the graph. You can see that for the BERT, RoBERTa, and GPT2 models, the throughput improvement is up to 65%. Similar improvements are observed for the inference latency.


Similar to the preceding fp32 inference comparison graph, we started with measuring the inference throughput, in queries per second, for the int8 quantized model without any of our optimizations (using ONNX Runtime 1.16.0), which is marked at 1.0 with the red dotted line in the following graph. Then we compared the improvements from the optimized MMLA kernels from ONNX Runtime 1.17.1 for the same model inference. The normalized results are plotted in the graph. You can see that for the BERT, RoBERTa, and GPT2 models, the throughput improvement is up to 30%. Similar improvements are observed for the inference latency.


Benchmark setup

We used an AWS Graviton3-based c7g.4xl EC2 instance with Ubuntu 22.04 based AMI to demonstrate the performance improvements with the optimized GEMM kernels from ONNX Runtime. The instance and the AMI details are mentioned in the following snippet:

Instance: c7g.4xl instance
Region: us-west-2
AMI: ami-0a24e6e101933d294 (Ubuntu 22.04/Jammy with 6.5.0-1014-aws kernel)

The ONNX Runtime repo provides inference benchmarking scripts for transformers-based language models. The scripts support a wide range of models, frameworks, and formats. We picked PyTorch-based BERT, RoBERTa, and GPT models to cover the common language tasks like text classification, sentiment analysis, and predicting the masked word. The models cover both encoder and decoder transformers architecture.

The following code lists the steps to run inference for the fp32 model with bfloat16 fast math mode and int8 quantized mode using the ONNX Runtime benchmarking script. The script downloads the models, exports them to ONNX format, quantizes them into int8 for int8 inference, and runs inference for different sequence lengths and batch sizes. Upon successful completion of the script, it will print the inference throughput in queries/sec (QPS) and latency in msec along with the system configuration. Refer to the ONNX Runtime Benchmarking script for more details.

# Install Python
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip

# Upgrade pip3 to the latest version
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

# Install onnx and onnx runtime
# NOTE: We used 1.17.1 instead of 1.17.0 as it was the latest
# version available while collecting data for this post
python3 -m pip install onnx==1.15.0 onnxruntime==1.17.1

# Install the dependencies
python3 -m pip install transformers==4.38.1 torch==2.2.1 psutil==5.9.8

# Clone onnxruntime repo to get the benchmarking scripts
git clone --recursive
cd onnxruntime
git checkout 430a086f22684ad0020819dc3e7712f36fe9f016
cd onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers

# To run bert-large fp32 inference with bfloat16 fast math mode
python3 -m bert-large-uncased -p fp32 --enable_arm64_bfloat16_fastmath_mlas_gemm

# To run bert-base  fp32 inference with bfloat16 fast math mode
python3 -m bert-base-cased -p fp32 --enable_arm64_bfloat16_fastmath_mlas_gemm

# To run roberta-base  fp32 inference with bfloat16 fast math mode
python3 -m roberta-base -p fp32 --enable_arm64_bfloat16_fastmath_mlas_gemm

# To run gpt2  fp32 inference with bfloat16 fast math mode
python3 -m gpt2 -p fp32 --enable_arm64_bfloat16_fastmath_mlas_gemm

# To run bert-large int8 quantized inference
python3 -m bert-large-uncased -p int8

# To run bert-base int8 quantized inference
python3 -m bert-base-cased -p int8

# To run roberta-base int8 quantized inference
python3 -m roberta-base -p int8

# To run gpt2 int8 quantized inference
python3 -m gpt2 -p int8


In this post, we discussed how to run ONNX Runtime inference on an AWS Graviton3-based EC2 instance and how to configure the instance to use optimized GEMM kernels. We also demonstrated the resulting speedups. We hope that you will give it a try!

If you find use cases where similar performance gains are not observed on AWS Graviton, please open an issue on the AWS Graviton Technical Guide GitHub to let us know about it.

About the Author

Sunita Nadampalli is a Software Development Manager at AWS. She leads Graviton software performance optimizations for Machine Learning and HPC workloads. She is passionate about open source software development and delivering high-performance and sustainable software solutions with Arm SoCs.

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Learn how Amazon Ads created a generative AI-powered image generation capability using Amazon SageMaker

Learn how Amazon Ads created a generative AI-powered image generation capability using Amazon SageMaker

Amazon Ads helps advertisers and brands achieve their business goals by developing innovative solutions that reach millions of Amazon customers at every stage of their journey. At Amazon Ads, we believe that what makes advertising effective is delivering relevant ads in the right context and at the right moment within the consumer buying journey. With that goal, Amazon Ads has used artificial intelligence (AI), applied science, and analytics to help its customers drive desired business outcomes for nearly two decades.

In a March 2023 survey, Amazon Ads found that among advertisers who were unable to build successful campaigns, nearly 75 percent cited building the creative content as one of their biggest challenges. To help advertisers more seamlessly address this challenge, Amazon Ads rolled out an image generation capability that quickly and easily develops lifestyle imagery, which helps advertisers bring their brand stories to life. This blog post shares more about how generative AI solutions from Amazon Ads help brands create more visually rich consumer experiences.

In this blog post, we describe the architectural and operational details of how Amazon Ads implemented its generative AI-powered image creation solution on AWS. Before diving deeper into the solution, we start by highlighting the creative experience of an advertiser enabled by generative AI. Next, we present the solution architecture and process flows for machine learning (ML) model building, deployment, and inferencing. We end with lessons learned.

Advertiser creative experience

When building ad creative, advertisers prefer to customize the creative in a way that makes it relevant to their desired audiences. For example, an advertiser might have static images of their product against a white background. From an advertiser point of view, the process is handled in three steps:

  1. Image generation converts product-only images into rich, contextually relevant images using generative AI. The approach preserves the original product features, requiring no technical expertise.
  2. Anyone with access to the Amazon Ads console can create custom brand images without needing technical or design expertise.
  3. Advertisers can create multiple contextually relevant and engaging product images with no additional cost.

A benefit of the image-generation solution is the automatic creation of relevant product images based on product selection only, with no additional input required from the advertisers. While there are options to enhance background imagery such as prompts, themes, and custom product images, they are not necessary to generate compelling creative. If advertisers do not supply this information, the model will infer it based on information from their product listing on

An example screenshot from Amazon Ads generator where a product with various background.

Figure 1. An example from the image generation solution showing a hydro flask with various backgrounds.

Solution overview

Figure 2 shows a simplified solution architecture for inferencing and model deployment. The steps for the model development and deployment are shown in blue circles and depicted by roman-numerals (i,ii, … iv.) whereas inferencing steps are in orange with Hindu-Arabic numbers (1,2,… 8.).

AWS solution architecture showing the architecture for the Amazon Ads solution.

Figure 2. Solution architecture for inferencing and model deployment.

Amazon SageMaker is at the center of model development and deployment. The team used Amazon SageMaker JumpStart to rapidly prototype and iterate under their desired conditions (step i). Acting as a model hub, JumpStart provided a large selection of foundation models and the team quickly ran their benchmarks on candidate models. After selecting candidate large language models (LLMs), the science teams can proceed with the remaining steps by adding more customization. Amazon Ads applied scientists use SageMaker Studio as the web-based interface to work with SageMaker (step ii). SageMaker has the appropriate access policies to view some intermediary model results, which can be used for further experimentation (step iii).

The Amazon Ads team manually reviewed images at scale through a human-in-the-loop process where the team ensured that the application provides high quality and responsible images. To do that, the team deployed testing endpoints using SageMaker and generated a large number of images spanning various scenarios and conditions (step iv). Here, Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth allowed ML engineers to easily build the human-in-the-loop workflow (step v). The workflow allowed the Amazon Ads team to experiment with different foundation models and configurations through blind A/B testing to ensure that feedback to the generated images is unbiased. After the chosen model is ready to be moved into production, the model is deployed (step vi) using the team’s own in-house Model Lifecycle Manager tool. Under the hood, this tool uses artifacts generated by SageMaker (step vii) which is then deployed into the production AWS account (step viii), using SageMaker SDKs .

Regarding the inference, customers using Amazon Ads now have a new API to receive these generated images. The Amazon API Gateway receives the PUT request (step 1). The request is then processed by AWS Lambda, which uses AWS Step Functions to orchestrate the process (step 2). The product image is fetched from an image repository, which is a part of an existing solution predating this creative feature. The next step is to process customer text prompts and customize the image through content ingestion guardrails. Amazon Comprehend is used to detect undesired context in the text prompt, whereas Amazon Rekognition processes images for content moderation purposes (step 3). If the inputs pass the inspection, then the text continues as a prompt, while the image is processed by removing the background (step 4). Then, the deployed text-to-image model is used for image generation using the prompt and the processed image (step 5). The image is then uploaded into an Amazon Simple Storage Services (Amazon S3) bucket for images and the metadata about the image is stored in an Amazon DynamoDB table (step 6). This whole process starting from step 2 is orchestrated by AWS Step Functions. Finally, the Lambda function receives the image and meta-data (step 7) which are then sent to the Amazon Ads client service through the API Gateway (step 8).


This post presented the technical solution for the Amazon Ads generative AI-powered image generation solution, which advertisers can use to create customized brand images without needing a dedicated design team. Advertisers have a series of features to generate and customize images such as writing text prompts, selecting different themes, swapping the featured product, or uploading a new image of the product from their device or asset library allowing them to create impactful images for advertising their products.

The architecture uses modular microservices with separate components for model development, registry, model lifecycle management (which is an orchestration and step function-based solution to process advertiser inputs), select the appropriate model, and track the job throughout the service, and a customer facing API. Here, Amazon SageMaker is at the center of the solution, starting from JumpStart to final SageMaker deployment.

If you plan to build your generative AI application on Amazon SageMaker, the fastest way is with SageMaker JumpStart. Watch this presentation to learn how you can start your project with JumpStart.

About the Authors

Anita Lacea is the Single-Threaded Leader of generative AI image ads at Amazon, enabling advertisers to create visually stunning ads with the click of a button. Anita pairs her broad expertise across the hardware and software industry with the latest innovations in generative AI to develop performant and cost-optimized solutions for her customers, revolutionizing the way businesses connect with their audiences. She is passionate about traditional visual arts and is an exhibiting printmaker.

Burak Gozluklu is a Principal AI/ML Specialist Solutions Architect located in Boston, MA. He helps strategic customers adopt AWS technologies and specifically Generative AI solutions to achieve their business objectives. Burak has a PhD in Aerospace Engineering from METU, an MS in Systems Engineering, and a post-doc in system dynamics from MIT in Cambridge, MA. Burak is still a research affiliate in MIT. Burak is passionate about yoga and meditation.

Christopher de Beer is a senior software development engineer at Amazon located in Edinburgh, UK. With a background in visual design. He works on creative building products for advertising, focusing on video generation, helping advertisers to reach their customers through visual communication. Building products that automate creative production, using traditional as well as generative techniques, to reduce friction and delight customers. Outside of his work as an engineer Christopher is passionate about Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and interface design.

Yashal Shakti Kanungo is an Applied Scientist III at Amazon Ads. His focus is on generative foundational models that take a variety of user inputs and generate text, images, and videos. It’s a blend of research and applied science, constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in generative AI. Over the years, he has researched and deployed a variety of these models in production across the online advertising spectrum ranging from ad sourcing, click-prediction, headline generation, image generation, and more.

Sravan Sripada is a Senior Applied Scientist at Amazon located in Seattle, WA. His primary focus lies in developing generative AI models that enable advertisers to create engaging ad creatives (images, video, etc.) with minimal effort. Previously, he worked on utilizing machine learning for preventing fraud and abuse on the Amazon store platform. When not at work, He is passionate about engaging in outdoor activities and dedicating time to meditation.

Cathy Willcock is a Principal Technical Business Development Manager located in Seattle, WA. Cathy leads the AWS technical account team  supporting Amazon Ads adoption of AWS cloud technologies. Her team works across Amazon Ads enabling discovery, testing, design, analysis, and deployments of AWS services at scale, with a particular focus on innovation to shape the landscape across the AdTech and MarTech industry. Cathy has led engineering,  product, and marketing  teams and is an inventor of ground-to-air calling (1-800-RINGSKY).

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RAG architecture with Voyage AI embedding models on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart and Anthropic Claude 3 models

RAG architecture with Voyage AI embedding models on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart and Anthropic Claude 3 models

This post is a guest post co-written with Tengyu Ma and Wen Phan from Voyage AI.

Organizations today have access to vast amounts of data, much of it proprietary, which holds the potential to unlock valuable insights when used effectively in generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a powerful technique designed to tap into this reservoir of information. By dynamically pulling relevant data from these extensive databases during the response generation process, RAG enables AI models to produce more accurate, relevant, and contextually rich outputs.

Embedding models are crucial components in the RAG architecture, serving as the foundation for effectively identifying and retrieving the most relevant information from a large dataset. These models convert large volumes of text into compact, numerical representations, allowing the system to quickly sift through and match query-related data with unprecedented precision. By facilitating a more efficient and accurate retrieval process, embedding models make sure that the generative component of RAG is fed with the most pertinent information.

In this post, we provide an overview of the state-of-the-art embedding models by Voyage AI and show a RAG implementation with Voyage AI’s text embedding model on Amazon SageMaker Jumpstart, Anthropic’s Claude 3 model on Amazon Bedrock, and Amazon OpenSearch Service. Voyage AI’s embedding models are the preferred embedding models for Anthropic. In addition to general-purpose embedding models, Voyage AI offers domain-specific embedding models that are tuned to a particular domain.

RAG architecture and embedding models

RAG is the predominant design pattern for enterprise chatbots where a retrieval system fetches validated sources and documents that are pertinent to the query and inputs them to a large language model (LLM) to generate a response. It combines the generative capabilities of models with the informational breadth found in vast databases, enabling the model to pull relevant external documents to enhance its responses. This results in outputs that are not only contextually rich but also factually accurate, significantly boosting the reliability and utility of LLMs across diverse applications.

Let’s briefly review RAG using the following figure.

RAG systems are empowered by semantic search using dense-vector representations of the documents called embeddings. These vectors are stored in a vector store, where they can be efficiently retrieved later. At query time, a query is also converted into a vector and then used to find and retrieve similar documents stored in the vector store via a k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) search against the document vector representations. Finally, the retrieved documents along with the query are used to prompt the generative model, often resulting in higher-quality responses and fewer hallucinations.

Embedding models are neural network models that transform queries and documents into embeddings. The retrieval quality is solely decided by how the data is represented as vectors, and the effectiveness of embedding models is evaluated based on their accuracy in retrieving relevant information. Therefore, the retrieval quality of the embedding models is highly correlated with the quality of the RAG system responses—to make your RAG more successful, you should consider improving your embeddings. Check out this blog for a detailed explanation.

Voyage AI’s general-purpose and domain-specific embedding models

Voyage AI develops cutting-edge embedding models with state-of-the-art retrieval accuracy. voyage-large-2 is Voyage’s most powerful generalist embedding model, outperforming popular competing models. Voyage also offers voyage-2, a base generalist embedding model optimized for latency and quality. The following table summarizes the Voyage embedding models currently available on SageMaker JumpStart.

Voyage AI Model SageMaker JumpStart Model ID Description
voyage-2 voyage-2-embedding General-purpose embedding model optimized for a balance between cost, latency, and retrieval quality
voyage-large-2 voyage-large-2-embedding General-purpose embedding model optimized for retrieval quality
voyage-code-2 voyage-code-2-embedding Domain-specific embedding model optimized for code retrieval (17% better than alternatives)

In addition to general-purpose embedding models, Voyage AI offers domain-specific ones that are tuned to a particular domain. These domain-specific embedding models are trained on massive domain-specific datasets, allowing them to deeply understand and excel in that domain. For example, Voyage’s code embedding model (voyage-code-2) outperforms general-purpose embedding models on code-related data documents, achieving about a 15% improvement over the next best model. This performance gap over the next best general-purpose embedding improves even more for datasets requiring deeper code understanding. See voyage-code-2: Elevate Your Code Retrieval for voyage-code-2 details. More recently, Voyage released a legal embedding model (voyage-law-2) that is optimized for legal retrieval and tops the MTEB leaderboard for legal retrieval. See Domain-Specific Embeddings and Retrieval: Legal Edition (voyage-law-2) for voyage-law-2 details. Voyage AI plans to continue releasing additional domain-specific embedding models in the near future, including finance, healthcare, and multi-language. For a list of all available Voyage AI embedding models, see Embeddings.

Voyage AI offers API endpoints for embedding models, making it seamless to integrate with other components of your RAG stack. The Voyage AI embedding models are available on AWS Marketplace and deployable as Amazon SageMaker endpoints within your account and VPC, eliminating security and compliance concerns. As part of SageMaker JumpStart, you can deploy Voyage AI embedding models with a few clicks and start running your RAG stack on AWS.

Solution overview

In this RAG solution, we use Voyage AI embedding models deployed with SageMaker JumpStart to demonstrate an example using the Apple 2022 annual report (SEC Form 10-K) as the corpus to retrieve from. Specifically, we deploy the SageMaker model package of the voyage-large-2 model. For the LLM, we use the Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet model on Amazon Bedrock. We use OpenSearch Service as the vector store. You can also follow along with the notebook. The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

SageMaker JumpStart is the machine learning (ML) hub of SageMaker that offers one-click access to over 350 open source and third-party models. These models can be discovered and deployed through the Amazon SageMaker Studio UI or using the SageMaker Python SDK. SageMaker JumpStart provides notebooks to customize and deploy foundation models into your VPC.

Anthropic’s Claude 3 models are the next generation of state-of-the-art models from Anthropic. For the vast majority of workloads, Sonnet is faster on inputs and outputs than Anthropic’s Claude 2 and 2.1 models, with higher levels of intelligence. Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models (FMs) from leading AI companies like Anthropic through an API, making it straightforward to build generative AI applications. To follow along, be sure to request model access to Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet on Amazon Bedrock.

Amazon OpenSearch Service is a managed service that makes it straightforward to deploy, operate, and scale OpenSearch, a popular open source, distributed search analytics suite derived from Elasticsearch. OpenSearch provides the ability to do vector search via the k-NN search.


To follow along, you need to create an OpenSearch Service domain. For the purposes of this walkthrough, the Easy create option is fine. Keep the Enable fine-grained access control option selected. Select Create master user and provide a user name and password. After the domain has been created, the domain details will have the domain endpoint, which you’ll need—along with the user name and password—to access your OpenSearch instance. You don’t need to worry about creating an index or inserting data. We use the OpenSearch Python client to work with our vector store in the walkthrough.

Deploy Embedding model endpoint

To use voyage-large-2, you need to subscribe to the SageMaker model package in AWS Marketplace. For instructions, see Subscribe to the model package. Choosing the model card in the SageMaker JumpStart UI will also bring you to the model listing page on AWS Marketplace.

After you’re subscribed, you can initialize and deploy the embedding model as a SageMaker endpoint as follows:

# Set embedding endpoint configuration
(embedding_model_id, embedding_model_version, embedding_instance_type) = (
    "ml.g5.xlarge",  # See AWS Marketplace model package for supported instance types

# Instantiate embedding model from JumpStart
from sagemaker.jumpstart.model import JumpStartModel

embedding_model = JumpStartModel(

# Deploy model as inference endpoint. This can take several minutes to deploy (5 to 10 minutes)
embedding_endpoint = embedding_model.deploy()

Vectorize Documents

With the embedding endpoint deployed, you can index your documents for retrieval.

Transform and chunk documents

You need a list of strings to invoke the deployed voyage-large-2 model. For many documents, like our example annual report, each string is a semantically meaningful chunk of text. There are several ways you can load and chunk documents for vectorization. The code in this section is just one example; feel free to use what suits your data source and files.

In this walkthrough, we load and chunk the source PDF file with the LangChain PyPDFLoader (which uses pypdf) and recursive character text splitter:

from langchain_community.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader
from langchain_text_splitters import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter

loader = PyPDFLoader("apple-10k-2022.pdf")
document_chunks = loader.load_and_split(

In practice, selecting the text splitting chunk size and overlap requires some experimentation. The are many techniques for appropriately chunking documents for high-quality retrieval, but that is beyond the scope of this post.

Generate document embeddings

You can now vectorize your documents—or more precisely, your document chunks. See the following code:

# Set batch size
In [ ]:
# Vectorize chunks in batches
index_list = []
for i in range(0, len(chunk_list), BATCH_SIZE):
    docs_playload = {
        "input": chunk_list[i:i + BATCH_SIZE],
        "input_type": "document",
        "truncation": "true",

    embed_docs_response = embedding_endpoint.predict(json.dumps(docs_playload))

    doc_embeddings_list = [d["embedding"] for d in embed_docs_response["data"]]
    index_list += [
        {"document": document, "embedding": embedding} 
        for document, embedding in zip(chunk_list[i:i + BATCH_SIZE], doc_embeddings_list)

Create a vector store index

The next step is to populate your OpenSearch vector search index with the document embeddings using the OpenSearch Python client:

# Populate index with document, embedding, and ID
for id, i in zip(range(0, len(index_list)), index_list):
    index_response = opensearch_client.index(
            "document": i["document"],
            "embedding": i["embedding"],

Retrieve relevant documents

With your indexed vector store, you can now use embeddings to find relevant documents to your query:

# Set number of documents to retrieve
TOP_K = 3
In [ ]:
# Set vector search payload
vector_search_payload = {
    "size": TOP_K,
    "query": {"knn": {"embedding": {"vector": query_embedding, "k": TOP_K}}},
In [ ]:
vector_search_response =

The following is a formatted semantic search result of the top three most-relevant document chunks, indicating the index ID, similarity score, and the first several characters of the chunk:

ID: 4
Score: 0.7956404
Document: under Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (15 U.S.C. 7262(b)) by the registered public accounting firm that prepared or issued its audit report. ☒
Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act).
Yes  ☐ 	No  ☒
The aggregate market value of the voting and non-voting stock held by non-affiliates of the Registrant, as of March 25, 2022, the last business day of the Registrant’s most recently completed second fiscal quarter, was approximately $2,830,067,000,000. Solely for purposes of this disclosure, shares of common stock held by executive officers and directors of the Registrant as of such date have been excluded because such persons may be deemed to be affiliates. This determination of executive officers and directors as affiliates is not necessarily a conclusive determination for any other purposes.  15,908,118,000 shares of common stock were issued and outstanding as of October 14, 2022.
ID: 5
Score: 0.7367379
Document: 15,908,118,000 shares of common stock were issued and outstanding as of October 14, 2022.
Portions of the Registrant’s definitive proxy statement relating to its 2023 annual meeting of shareholders are incorporated by reference into Part III of this Annual Report on Form 10-K where indicated. The Registrant’s definitive proxy statement will be filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission within 120 days after the end of the fiscal year to which this report relates.
ID: 178
Score: 0.7263324
Document: Note 3 – Financial Instruments
Cash, Cash Equivalents and Marketable Securities
The following tables show the Company’ s cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities by significant investment category as of September 24, 2022 and September 25, 2021 (in millions):
Adjusted Cost
Unrealized Gains
Unrealized Losses
Fair Value
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Current Marketable Securities
Non-Current Marketable Securities
Cash $ 18,546 $ — $ — $ 18,546 $ 18,546 $ — $ —
Level 1 :
Money market funds 2,929 — — 2,929 2,929 — —
Mutual funds 274 — (47) 227 — 227 —
Subtotal 3,203 — (47) 3,156 2,929 227 —
Level 2 :
U.S. Treasury securities 25,134 — (1,725) 23,409 338 5,091 17,980
U.S. agency securities 5,823 — (655) 5,168 — 240 4,928
Non-U.S. government securities 16,948 2 (1,201) 15,749 — 8,806 6,943  	Certificates of deposit and time deposits 2,067 — — 2,067 1,805 262 —
Commercial paper 718 — — 718 28 690 —
Corporate debt securities 87,148 9 (7,707) 79,450 — 9,023 70,427

The top retrieved document chunk (ID 4 with a score of 0.7956404) contains a statement that provides a direct answer to our query:

The aggregate market value of the voting and non-voting stock held by non-affiliates of the Registrant, as of March 25, 2022, the last business day of the Registrant’s most recently completed second fiscal quarter, was approximately $2,830,067,000,000.

This additional context will enable Claude to provide a response that answers your query.

Generate a retrieval augmented response

You can now prompt Claude to use the retrieved documents to answer your query:

# Create retrieval-augmented prompt
rag_prompt = f"""Human:

Answer the QUERY using the CONTEXT text provided below. Keep your answer
grounded in the facts of the CONTEXT. If the CONTEXT doesn’t contain the
facts to answer the QUERY just respond with "I do not have enough context
to respond to this query.".

QUERY: {query}

CONTEXT: {context}


Next initialize the Amazon Bedrock client to invoke Anthropic’s Claude3 Sonnet model in us-east-1.

# List available LLMs on Amazon Bedrock
bedrock_client = boto3.client('bedrock', region_name='us-east-1')
bedrock_fm = bedrock_client.list_foundation_models()
print([(m["modelId"], m["modelName"]) for m in bedrock_fm["modelSummaries"]])
In [ ]:
# Set Bedrock LLM model ID
LLM_MODEL_ID = "anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0"
In [ ]:
bedrock_runtime_client = boto3.client('bedrock-runtime', region_name='us-east-1')
In [ ]:
# Invoke LLM inference
    llm_rag_response = bedrock_runtime_client.invoke_model(
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error:
    print("Client error")
    raise error

Claude produces a correct response that answers the query using the context provided:

According to the context provided, "The aggregate market value of the voting and non-voting stock held by non-affiliates of the Registrant, as of March 25, 2022, the last business day of the Registrant's most recently completed second fiscal quarter, was approximately $2,830,067,000,000."

Generate a response without retrieved documents

For comparison, let’s see how Claude will respond to a query directly—without any additional context. Specifically, we ask “What is the aggregate market value of the voting and non-voting stock held by non-affiliates of the Registrant, as of March 25, 2022?”

The following is Claude’s response:

Unfortunately, without access to the specific financial filings or reports for the company you are asking about, I do not have enough information to determine the aggregate market value of the voting and non-voting stock held by non-affiliates as of March 25, 2022.

Public companies are required to disclose this information in their annual reports and other SEC filings, but I do not have access to those documents for the particular company or "Registrant" you are referring to. The aggregate market value calculation takes into account things like the number of outstanding shares, recent stock prices, and which shareholders are considered affiliates versus non-affiliates.

Unless you are able to provide the company's name and the specific report containing this data point, I cannot lookup or calculate that aggregate market value figure. My role is to provide helpful information to you, but I do not have a way to access each public company's proprietary financial data directly. Please let me know if you can share more details about the company in question.

Claude indicates it does not have enough context, especially because the query didn’t explicitly indicate the registrant (the company).

Clean up

If you’ve been following along, don’t forget to delete the SageMaker endpoint and delete the OpenSearch Service domain when you’re done so you don’t incur unnecessary costs:



Embeddings are at the heart of a RAG system, and Voyage AI offers the best general-purpose and domain-specific embedding models today. Get started or level up your existing RAG stack on AWS today with Voyage AI embedding models—it’s seamless with SageMaker JumpStart. You can try the notebook in this post yourself. Learn more about Voyage AI and follow them on X (Twitter) or LinkedIn for updates!

About the Authors

Tengyu Ma is CEO and Co-Founder of Voyage AI and an assistant professor of computer science at Stanford University. His research interests broadly include topics in machine learning, algorithms and their theory, such as deep learning, (deep) reinforcement learning, pre-training / foundation models, robustness, non-convex optimization, distributed optimization, and high-dimensional statistics. Tengyu earned his PhD from Princeton University and has worked at Facebook and Google as visiting scientists.

Wen Phan is Head of Product at Voyage AI and has spent the last decade developing and commercializing AI and data products for enterprises. He has worked with hundreds of users and organizations around the world to apply AI and data to their use cases in financial services, healthcare, defense, and technology, to name a few. Wen holds a B.S. in electrical engineering and M.S. in analytics and decision sciences. Personally, he enjoys spinning hip-hop records, dining out, and spending time with his wife and two kids — oh, and guzzling cookies and cream milkshakes, too!

Vivek Gangasani is an AI/ML Solutions Architect working with Generative AI startups on AWS. He helps world leading AI startups train, host and operationalize LLMs to build innovative Generative AI solutions. Currently, he is focused on developing strategies for fine-tuning and optimizing the inference performance at scale for LLMs. In his free time, Vivek enjoys hiking, watching movies and trying different cuisines.

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Incorporate offline and online human – machine workflows into your generative AI applications on AWS

Incorporate offline and online human – machine workflows into your generative AI applications on AWS

Recent advances in artificial intelligence have led to the emergence of generative AI that can produce human-like novel content such as images, text, and audio. These models are pre-trained on massive datasets and, to sometimes fine-tuned with smaller sets of more task specific data. An important aspect of developing effective generative AI application is Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). RLHF is a technique that combines rewards and comparisons, with human feedback to pre-train or fine-tune a machine learning (ML) model. Using evaluations and critiques of its outputs, a generative model can continue to refine and improve its performance. The interplay between Generative AI and human input paves the way for more accurate and responsible applications. You can learn how to improve your LLMs with RLHF on Amazon SageMaker, see Improving your LLMs with RLHF on Amazon SageMaker.

Athough RLHF is the predominant technique for incorporating human involvement, it is not the only available human in the loop technique. RLHF is an offline, asynchronous technique, where humans provide feedback on the generated outputs, based on input prompts. Humans can also add value by intervening into an existing communication happening between generative AI and users. For instance, as decided by AI or desired by the user, a human can be called into an existing conversation and take over the discussion.

In this post, we introduce a solution for integrating a “near-real-time human workflow” where humans are prompted by the generative AI system to take action when a situation or issue arises. This can also be a ruled-based method that can determine where, when and how your expert teams can be part of generative AI – user conversations. The entire conversation in this use case, starting with generative AI and then bringing in human agents who take over, is logged so that the interaction can be used as part of the knowledge base. Together with RLHF, near-real-time human-in-the-loop methods enable the development of responsible and effective generative AI applications.

This blog post uses RLHF as an offline human-in-the-loop approach and the near-real-time human intervention as an online approach. We present the solution and provide an example by simulating a case where the tier one AWS experts are notified to help customers using a chat-bot. We use an Amazon Titan model on Amazon Bedrock to find the sentiment of the customer using a Q&A bot and then notifying about negative sentiment to a human to take the appropriate actions. We also have another expert group providing feedback using Amazon SageMaker GroundTruth on completion quality for the RLHF based training. We used this feedback to finetune the model deployed on Amazon Bedrock to power the chat-bot. We provide LangChain and AWS SDK code-snippets, architecture and discussions to guide you on this important topic.

SageMaker GroudTruth

SageMaker Ground Truth offers the most comprehensive set of human-in-the-loop capabilities, allowing you to harness the power of human feedback across the ML lifecycle to improve the accuracy and relevancy of models. You can complete a variety of human-in-the-loop tasks with SageMaker Ground Truth, from data generation and annotation to model review, customization, and evaluation, through either a self-service or an AWS-managed offering.

Amazon Bedrock

Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models (FMs) from leading AI companies like AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Mistral AI, Stability AI, and Amazon with a single API, along with a broad set of capabilities you need to build generative AI applications with security, privacy, and responsible AI. With Amazon Bedrock, you can easily experiment with and evaluate top FMs for your use case, privately customize them with your data using techniques such as fine-tuning and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), and build agents that run tasks using your enterprise systems and data sources. Because Amazon Bedrock is serverless, you don’t have to manage any infrastructure, and you can securely integrate and deploy generative AI capabilities into your applications using the AWS services you are already familiar with.

Example use-case

In this use case, we work with a generative AI powered Q&A bot, which answers questions about SageMaker. We built the RAG solution as detailed in the following GitHub repo and used SageMaker documentation as the knowledge base. You can build such chatbots following the same process. The interface of the Q&A looks like the following screenshot. Amazon SageMaker Sample and used Amazon SageMaker documentation as the knowledge base. You can easily build such chatbots following the same process. Eventually, the interface of the Q&A looks like in Figure 1.

UI and the Chatbot example application to test human-workflow scenario.

Figure 1. UI and the Chatbot example application to test human-workflow scenario.

In this scenario, we incorporate two human workflows to increase customer satisfaction. The first is to send the interactions to human experts to assess and provide scores. This is an offline process that is part of the RLHF. A second real-time human workflow is initiated as decided by the LLM. We use a simple notification workflow in this post, but you can use any real-time human workflow to take over the AI-human conversation.

Solution overview

The solution consists of three main modules:

  • Near real-time human engagement workflow
  • Offline human feedback workflow for RLHF
  • Fine-tuning and deployment for RLHF

The RLHF and real-time human engagement workflows are independent. Therefore, you can use either or both based on your needs. In both scenarios, fine-tuning is a common final step to incorporate these learnings into LLMs. In the following sections, we provide the details about incorporating these steps one by one and divide the solution into related sections for you to choose and deploy.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture and workflow.

Solutions architecture for human-machine workflow modules

Figure 2. Solutions architecture for human-machine workflow modules



Our solution is an add-on to an existing Generative AI application. In our example, we used a Q&A chatbot for SageMaker as explained in the previous section. However, you can also bring your own application. The blog post assumes that you have expert teams or workforce who performs reviews or join workflows.

Build a near real-time human engagement workflow workflow

This section presents how an LLM can invoke a human workflow to perform a predefined activity. We use AWS Step Functions which is a serverless workflow orchestration service that you can use for human-machine workflows. In our case, we call the human experts into action, in real time, but you can build any workflow following the tutorial Deploying an Example Human Approval Project.

Decision workflow to trigger real time human engagement

In this scenario, the customer interacts with the Q&A bot (Step-1 in the previous architecture diagram), and if the interaction shows strong negative sentiment, it will invoke a pre-existing human workflow (Step-2 in Figure 2). In our case, it is a simple email notification (Step-3 in Figure 2) but you can extend this interaction such as including the experts into the chat-zone to take over the conversation and more (Step-4 in Figure 2).

Before we dive deep into the solution, it is important to discuss the workflow logic. The following figure shows the details of the decision workflow. The interaction starts with a customer communication. Here, before the LLM provides an answer to the customer request, the prompt-chain starts with an internal prompt asking the LLM to go over the customer response and look for clear negative sentiment. This prompt and internal sentiment analysis are not visible to customer. This is an internal chain before proceeding with the next steps of which responses may be reflected to the customer based on your preference. If the sentiment is negative, the next step is to trigger a pre-built engagement human-workflow while the chatbot informs the customer about the extra support coming to help. Otherwise, if the sentiment is neutral or positive, the normal response to the customer request will be provided.

This workflow is a demonstrative example and you can add to or modify it as you prefer. For example, you can make any other decision check, not limited to sentiment. You can also prepare your own response to the customer with the right prompting the chain so that you can implement your designed customer experience. Here, our simple example demonstrates how you can easily build such prompt in chains and engage external existing workflows, in our case, it is a human-workflow using Amazon Bedrock. We also use the same LLM to respond to this internal sentiment prompt check for simplicity. However, you can include different LLMs, which might have been fine-tuned for specific tasks, such as sentiment analysis, so that you rely on a different LLM for the Q&A chatbot experience. Adding more serial steps into chains increases the latency because now the customer query or request is being processed more than once.

Real-time (online) human workflow triggered by LLM.

Figure 3. Real-time (online) human workflow triggered by LLM.

Implementing the decision workflow with Amazon Bedrock

To implement the decision workflow, we used Amazon Bedrock and its LangChain integrations. The prompt chain is run through SequentialChain from LangChain. Because our human workflow is orchestrated with Step Functions, we also use LangChain’s StepFunction library.

  1. First, define the LLM and prompt template:
    prompt = PromptTemplate(
    llm = Bedrock(model_id="amazon.titan-tg1-large")
    llmchain_toxic = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt,output_key="response")

  2. Then you feed the response from the first LLM to the next LLM through an LLM chain, where the second instruct is to find the sentiment of the response. We also instruct the LLM to provide 0 as positive and 1 as negative response.
    templateResponseSentiment="""Find the sentiment of below sentence, respond 0 if positive and respond 1 if negative
    {response} """
    prompt_sentiment= PromptTemplate( input_variables=["response"], template = templateResponseSentiment)
    llmchain_sentiment= LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt_sentiment,output_key="sentiment")
    from langchain.chains import SequentialChain
    overall_chain = SequentialChain(chains=[llmchain_toxic, llmchain_sentiment], input_variables=["text"],output_variables=["response", "sentiment"],verbose=True)

  3. Run a sequential chain to find the sentiment:
    response= overall_chain({ "text": "Can you code for me for SageMaker" })
    print("response payload " + str(response))
    print("n response sentiment: " + response['sentiment'])

  4. If the sentiment is negative, the model doesn’t provide the response back to customer, instead it invokes a workflow that will notify a human in loop:
    if "1" in response_sentiment['sentiment'] : # 1 represents negative sentiment
    print('triggered workflow, check email of the human on notification and add to workflow anything else you may want')
    lambda_client = boto3.client('lambda')
    #create input - send the response from LLM and detected sentiment
    lambda_payload1="{"response": "" + response['text'] +"","response_sentiment": " + ""1"}"
    lambda_client.invoke(FunctionName='triggerWorkflow', InvocationType='Event', Payload=lambda_payload1)

If you choose to have your human experts join a chat with the users, you can add these interactions of your expert teams to your knowledge base. This way, when the same or similar issue is raised, the chatbot can use these in their answers. In this post, we did not show this method, but you can create a knowledge base in Amazon Bedrock to use these human-to-human interactions for future conversations in your chatbot.

Build an offline human feedback workflow

In this scenario, we assume that the chat transcripts are stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket in JSON format, a typical chat transcript format, for the human experts to provide annotations and labels on each LLM response. The transcripts are sent for a labeling task performed by a labeling workforce using Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth. However, in some cases, it’s impossible to label all the transcripts due to resource limitations. In these cases, you may want to randomly sample the transcripts or use a pattern that can be sent to the labeling workforce based on your business case.

Pre-annotation Lambda function
The process starts with an AWS Lambda function. The pre-annotation Lambda function is invoked based on chron job or based on an event or on-demand. Here, we use the on-demand option. SageMaker Ground Truth sends the Lambda function a JSON-formatted request to provide details about the labeling job and the data object. More information can be found here. Following is the code snippet for the pre-processing Lambda function:

import json
def lambda_handler(event, context):
return {
"taskInput": event['dataObject']

# JSON formatted request

"version": "2018-10-16",
"labelingJobArn": <labelingJobArn>
"dataObject" : {
"source-ref": <s3Uri where dataset containing the chabot responses are stored>

Custom workflow for SageMaker Ground Truth
The remaining part of sending the examples, UI, and storing the results of the feedback are performed by SageMaker Ground Truth and invoked by the pre-annotation Lambda function. We use the labeling job with the custom template option in SageMaker Ground Truth. The workflow allows labelers to rate the relevance of an answer to a question from 1–5, with 5 being the most relevant. Here, we assumed a conventional RLHF workflow where the labeling workforce provides the score based on their expectation from the LLM in this situation. The following code shows an example:

<script src=""></script>
categories="['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']"
header="How relevant is the below answer to the question: {{ task.input.source }}"
{{ task.input.source }}
<full-instructions header="Conversation Relevance Instructions">
<h2>How relevant is the below answer to the given question?</h2>
How relevant is the below answer to the question: {{ task.input.source }}

In our scenario, we used the following UI for our labeling workers to score the complete response given for the prompt. This provides feedback on the answer to a question given by the chatbot, marking it as 1–5, with 5 being most the relevant answer to the question.

Two examples from RLHF feedback UI.Two examples from RLHF feedback UI.

Figure 4. Two examples from RLHF feedback UI.

Post annotation Lambda function
When all workers complete the labeling task, SageMaker Ground Truth invokes the post-annotation Lambda function with a pointer to the dataset object and the workers’ annotations. This post-processing Lambda function is generally used for annotation consolidation, which has SageMaker Ground Truth create a  manifest file and uploads it to an S3 bucket for persistently storing consolidated annotations. The following code shows the postprocessing Lambda function:

import json
import boto3
from urllib.parse import urlparse

def lambda_handler(event, context):
consolidated_labels = []

parsed_url = urlparse(event['payload']['s3Uri']);
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
textFile = s3.get_object(Bucket = parsed_url.netloc, Key = parsed_url.path[1:])
filecont = textFile['Body'].read()
annotations = json.loads(filecont);

for dataset in annotations:
for annotation in dataset['annotations']:
new_annotation = json.loads(annotation['annotationData']['content'])
label = {
'datasetObjectId': dataset['datasetObjectId'],
'consolidatedAnnotation' : {
'content': {
event['labelAttributeName']: {
'workerId': annotation['workerId'],
'result': new_annotation,
'labeledContent': dataset['dataObject']

return consolidated_labels

You can use the output manifest file to further fine-tune your LLM model, as detailed in the next section. The following code is a snippet of the created manifest file:


{"source":"what is amazon SageMaker?,AWS SageMaker is a machine learning service that allows you to train and deploy machine learning models in the cloud.","RHLF-custom-feedback":{"workerId":"","result":{"relevance":{"label":"5 - Highly Relevant"}},"labeledContent":{"content":"what is amazon SageMaker?,AWS SageMaker is a machine learning service that allows you to train and deploy machine learning models in the cloud."}},"RHLF-custom-feedback-metadata":{"type":"groundtruth/custom","job-name":"rhlf-custom-feedback","human-annotated":"yes","creation-date":"2023-08-09T02:46:05.852000"}}

Fine-tune the LLM using RLHF

To demonstrate RLHF in both near real-time and offline workflows, we collected 50 human-annotated samples using SageMaker Ground Truth. The data is used for RLHF training on a Flan-T5 XL model by PEFT/LoRA with 8-bit quantization:

from peft import LoraConfig

lora_config = LoraConfig(
target_modules=["q", "v"],

The training uses the learning rate 1e-5 for 10 epochs, and the batch size = 1 to use one sample at a time.


config = PPOConfig(

ppo_trainer = PPOTrainer(config=config,

Because there are only 50 human-annotated samples collected from SageMaker Ground Truth, it is not sufficient to train a reward model for reinforcement learning. Therefore, we decided to take the annotated evaluation score for each sample and use them as the reward value in the reinforcement learning process. This should be close enough to the reward value generated from a reward model. Our experiment showed that this method is effective for a small training set. You can see the curve of the training process in the following chart.

reward/mean chart

Figure 5. Reward/mean chart

After the training, we replaced the Flan-T5 foundation model in the AWS support chatbot with the RLHF trained model. In the following examples, you can observe that the response quality after RLHF is improved and the answers are more comprehensive and contain more useful information:

  • Question: How does SageMaker protect my data?
    Response before RLHF: SageMaker stores code in ML storage volumes
    Response after RLHF: SageMaker stores code in ML storage volumes, secured by security groups and optionally encrypted at rest.
  • Question: What is Amazon SageMaker?
    Response before RLHF: AWS SageMaker is a machine learning service that allows you to train and deploy machine learning models in the cloud.
    Response after RLHF: A fully managed service to prepare data and build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models for any use case with fully managed infrastructure, tools, and workflows.

Clean up

To clean up your resources, first start by stopping and deactivating any active human workflow or fine-tuning jobs. Removing the prompt chaining is a good start for de-coupling the workflows from your existing application. Then, continue by deleting the resources for the real-time human workflow manually. Finally, delete the RLHF resources. If you created a new Q&A chatbot application, then first stop and then delete the resources used for the Q&A chatbot part of the blogpost.


This post presented solutions for incorporating both offline and online human workflows into generative AI applications on AWS. The offline human feedback workflow uses SageMaker Ground Truth to collect human evaluations on chatbot responses. These evaluations are used to provide reward signals for fine-tuning the chatbot’s underlying language model with RLHF. The online human workflow uses LangChain and Step Functions to invoke real-time human intervention based on sentiment analysis of the chatbot responses. This allows human experts to seamlessly take over or step into conversations when the AI reaches its limits. This capability is important for implementations that require using your existing expert teams in critical, sensitive, or determined topics and themes. Together, these human-in-the-loop techniques, offline RLHF workflows, and online real-time workflows enable you to develop responsible and robust generative AI applications.

The provided solutions integrate multiple AWS services, like Amazon Bedrock, SageMaker, SageMaker Ground Truth, Lambda, Amazon S3, and Step Functions. By following the architectures, code snippets, and examples discussed in this post, you can start incorporating human oversight into your own generative AI applications on AWS. This paves the way towards higher-quality completions and building trustworthy AI solutions that complement and collaborate with human intelligence.

Building generative AI applications is effortless with Amazon Bedrock. We recommend starting your experiments following this Quick Start with Bedrock.

About the Authors

Tulip Gupta is a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. She works with Amazon media and entertainment (M&E) customers to design, build, and deploy technology solutions on AWS, and has a particular interest in Gen AI and machine learning focussed on M&E. She assists customers in adopting best practices while deploying solutions in AWS. Linkedin

BurakBurak Gozluku is a Principal AI/ML Specialist Solutions Architect located in Boston, MA. He helps strategic customers adopt AWS technologies and specifically Generative AI solutions to achieve their business objectives. Burak has a PhD in Aerospace Engineering from METU, an MS in Systems Engineering, and a post-doc in system dynamics from MIT in Cambridge, MA. Burak is still a research affiliate in MIT. Burak is passionate about yoga and meditation.

YunfeiYunfei bai is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. With a background in AI/ML, data science, and analytics, Yunfei helps customers adopt AWS services to deliver business results. He designs AI/ML and data analytics solutions that overcome complex technical challenges and drive strategic objectives. Yunfei has a PhD in Electronic and Electrical Engineering. Outside of work, Yunfei enjoys reading and music.

RachnaRachna Chadha is a Principal Solution Architect AI/ML in Strategic Accounts at AWS. Rachna is an optimist who believes that ethical and responsible use of AI can improve society in future and bring economical and social prosperity. In her spare time, Rachna likes spending time with her family, hiking and listening to music.

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Build generative AI applications with Amazon Titan Text Premier, Amazon Bedrock, and AWS CDK

Build generative AI applications with Amazon Titan Text Premier, Amazon Bedrock, and AWS CDK

Amazon Titan Text Premier, the latest addition to the Amazon Titan family of large language models (LLMs), is now generally available in Amazon Bedrock. Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models (FMs) from leading artificial intelligence (AI) companies like AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Stability AI, and Amazon through a single API, along with a broad set of capabilities to build generative AI applications with security, privacy, and responsible AI.

Amazon Titan Text Premier is an advanced, high-performance, and cost-effective LLM engineered to deliver superior performance for enterprise-grade text generation applications, including optimized performance for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and agents. The model is built from the ground up following safe, secure, and trustworthy responsible AI practices, and excels in delivering exceptional generative AI text capabilities at scale.

Exclusive to Amazon Bedrock, Amazon Titan Text models support a wide range of text-related tasks, including summarization, text generation, classification, question-answering, and information extraction. With Amazon Titan Text Premier, you can unlock new levels of efficiency and productivity for your text generation needs.

In this post, we explore building and deploying two sample applications powered by Amazon Titan Text Premier. To accelerate development and deployment, we use the open source AWS Generative AI CDK Constructs (launched by Werner Vogels at AWS re:Invent 2023). AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) constructs accelerate application development by providing developers with reusable infrastructure patterns you can seamlessly incorporate into your applications, freeing you to focus on what differentiates your application.

Document Explorer sample application

The Document Explorer sample generative AI application can help you quickly understand how to build end-to-end generative AI applications on AWS. It includes examples of key components needed in generative AI applications, such as:

  • Data ingestion pipeline – Ingests documents, converts them to text, and stores them in a knowledge base for retrieval. This enables use cases like RAG to tailor generative AI applications to your data.
  • Document summarization – Summarizes PDF documents using Amazon Titan Premier through Amazon Bedrock.
  • Question answering – Answers natural language questions by retrieving relevant documents from the knowledge base and using LLMs like Amazon Titan Premier through Amazon Bedrock.

Follow the steps in the README to clone and deploy the application in your account. The application deploys all the required infrastructure, as shown in the following architecture diagram.

After you deploy the application, upload a sample PDF file to the input Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket by choosing Select Document in the navigation pane. For example, you can download Amazon’s Annual Letters to Shareholders from 1997–2023 and upload using the web interface. On the Amazon S3 console, you can see that the files you uploaded are now found in the S3 bucket whose name begins with persistencestack-inputassets.

After you have uploaded a file, open a document to see it rendered in the browser.

Choose Q&A in the navigation pane, and choose your preferred model (for this example, Amazon Titan Premier). You can now ask a question against the document you uploaded.

The following diagram illustrates a sample workflow in Document Explorer.

Don’t forget to delete the AWS CloudFormation stacks to avoid unexpected charges. First make sure to remove all data from the S3 buckets, specifically anything in the buckets whose names begin with persistencestack. Then run the following command from a terminal:

cdk destroy -all

Amazon Bedrock Agent and Custom Knowledge Base sample application

The Amazon Bedrock Agent and Custom Knowledge Base sample generative AI application is a chat assistant designed to answer questions about literature using RAG from a selection of books from Project Gutenberg.

This app deploys an Amazon Bedrock agent that can consult an Amazon Bedrock knowledge base backed by Amazon OpenSearch Serverless as a vector store. An S3 bucket is created to store the books for the knowledge base.

Follow the steps in the README to clone the sample application in your account. The following diagram illustrates the deployed solution architecture.

Update the file defining which foundation model to use when creating the agent:

const agent = new bedrock.Agent(this, 'Agent', {
      foundationModel: bedrock.BedrockFoundationModel.AMAZON_TITAN_PREMIER_V1_0
      instruction: 'You are a helpful and friendly agent that answers questions about literature.',
      knowledgeBases: [kb],

Follow the steps in the README to deploy the code sample in your account and ingest the example documents.

Navigate to the Agents page on the Amazon Bedrock console in your AWS Region and find your newly created agent. The AgentId can be found in the CloudFormation stack outputs section.

Now you can ask some questions. You may need to tell the agent what book you want to ask about or refresh the session when asking about different books. The following are some examples of questions you may ask:

  • What are the most popular books in the library?
  • Who is Mr. Bingley quite taken with at the ball in Meryton?

The following screenshot shows an example of the workflow.

Don’t forget to delete the CloudFormation stack to avoid unexpected charges. Remove all the data from the S3 buckets, then run the following command from a terminal:

cdk destroy


Amazon Titan Text Premier is available today in the US East (N. Virginia) Region. Custom fine-tuning for Amazon Titan Text Premier is also available today in preview in the US East (N. Virginia) Region. Check the full Region list for future updates.

To learn more about the Amazon Titan family of models, visit the Amazon Titan product page. For pricing details, review Amazon Bedrock Pricing. Visit the AWS Generative AI CDK Constructs GitHub repository for more details on available constructs and additional documentation. For practical examples to get started, check out the AWS samples repository.

About the authors

Alain Krok is a Senior Solutions Architect with a passion for emerging technologies. His past experience includes designing and implementing IIoT solutions for the oil and gas industry and working on robotics projects. He enjoys pushing the limits and indulging in extreme sports when he is not designing software.

Laith Al-Saadoon is a Principal Prototyping Architect on the Prototyping and Cloud Engineering (PACE) team. He builds prototypes and solutions using generative AI, machine learning, data analytics, IoT & edge computing, and full-stack development to solve real-world customer challenges. In his personal time, Laith enjoys the outdoors–fishing, photography, drone flights, and hiking.

Justin Lewis leads the Emerging Technology Accelerator at AWS. Justin and his team help customers build with emerging technologies like generative AI by providing open source software examples to inspire their own innovation. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and son.

Anupam Dewan is a Senior Solutions Architect with a passion for Generative AI and its applications in real life. He and his team enable Amazon Builders who build customer facing application using generative AI. He lives in Seattle area, and outside of work loves to go on hiking and enjoy nature.

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Evaluation of generative AI techniques for clinical report summarization

Evaluation of generative AI techniques for clinical report summarization

In part 1 of this blog series, we discussed how a large language model (LLM) available on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart can be fine-tuned for the task of radiology report impression generation. Since then, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has introduced new services such as Amazon Bedrock. This is a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models (FMs) from leading artificial intelligence (AI) companies like AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Stability AI, and Amazon through a single API.

Amazon Bedrock also comes with a broad set of capabilities required to build generative AI applications with security, privacy, and responsible AI. It’s serverless, so you don’t have to manage any infrastructure. You can securely integrate and deploy generative AI capabilities into your applications using the AWS services you are already familiar with. In this part of the blog series, we review techniques of prompt engineering and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) that can be employed to accomplish the task of clinical report summarization by using Amazon Bedrock.

When summarizing healthcare texts, pre-trained LLMs do not always achieve optimal performance. LLMs can handle complex tasks like math problems and commonsense reasoning, but they are not inherently capable of performing domain-specific complex tasks. They require guidance and optimization to extend their capabilities and broaden the range of domain-specific tasks they can perform effectively. It can be achieved through the use of proper guided prompts. Prompt engineering helps to effectively design and improve prompts to get better results on different tasks with LLMs. There are many prompt engineering techniques.

In this post, we provide a comparison of results obtained by two such techniques: zero-shot and few-shot prompting. We also explore the utility of the RAG prompt engineering technique as it applies to the task of summarization. Evaluating LLMs is an undervalued part of the machine learning (ML) pipeline. It is time-consuming but, at the same time, critical. We benchmark the results with a metric used for evaluating summarization tasks in the field of natural language processing (NLP) called Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation (ROUGE). These metrics will assess how well a machine-generated summary compares to one or more reference summaries.

Solution overview

In this post, we start with exploring a few of the prompt engineering techniques that will help assess the capabilities and limitations of LLMs for healthcare-specific summarization tasks. For more complex, clinical knowledge-intensive tasks, it’s possible to build a language model–based system that accesses external knowledge sources to complete the tasks. This enables more factual consistency, improves the reliability of the generated responses, and helps to mitigate the propensity that LLMs have to be confidently wrong, called hallucination.

Pre-trained language models

In this post, we experimented with Anthropic’s Claude 3 Sonnet model, which is available on Amazon Bedrock. This model is used for the clinical summarization tasks where we evaluate the few-shot and zero-shot prompting techniques. This post then seeks to assess whether prompt engineering is more performant for clinical NLP tasks compared to the RAG pattern and fine-tuning.


The MIMIC Chest X-ray (MIMIC-CXR) Database v2.0.0 is a large publicly available dataset of chest radiographs in DICOM format with free-text radiology reports. We used the MIMIC CXR dataset, which can be accessed through a data use agreement. This requires user registration and the completion of a credentialing process.

During routine clinical care clinicians trained in interpreting imaging studies (radiologists) will summarize their findings for a particular study in a free-text note. Radiology reports for the images were identified and extracted from the hospital’s electronic health records (EHR) system. The reports were de-identified using a rule-based approach to remove any protected health information.

Because we used only the radiology report text data, we downloaded just one compressed report file ( from the MIMIC-CXR website. For evaluation, the 2,000 reports (referred to as the ‘dev1’ dataset) from a subset of this dataset and the 2,000 radiology reports (referred to as ‘dev2’) from the chest X-ray collection from the Indiana University hospital network were used.

Techniques and experimentation

Prompt design is the technique of creating the most effective prompt for an LLM with a clear objective. Crafting a successful prompt requires a deeper understanding of the context, it’s the subtle art of asking the right questions to elicit the desired answers. Different LLMs may interpret the same prompt differently, and some may have specific keywords with particular meanings. Also, depending on the task, domain-specific knowledge is crucial in prompt creation. Finding the perfect prompt often involves a trial-and-error process.

Prompt structure

Prompts can specify the desired output format, provide prior knowledge, or guide the LLM through a complex task. A prompt has three main types of content: input, context, and examples. The first of these specifies the information for which the model needs to generate a response. Inputs can take various forms, such as questions, tasks, or entities. The latter two are optional parts of a prompt. Context is providing relevant background to ensure the model understands the task or query, such as the schema of a database in the example of natural language querying. Examples can be something like adding an excerpt of a JSON file in the prompt to coerce the LLM to output the response in that specific format. Combined, these components of a prompt customize the response format and behavior of the model.

Prompt templates are predefined recipes for generating prompts for language models. Different templates can be used to express the same concept. Hence, it is essential to carefully design the templates to maximize the capability of a language model. A prompt task is defined by prompt engineering. Once the prompt template is defined, the model generates multiple tokens that can fill a prompt template. For instance, “Generate radiology report impressions based on the following findings and output it within <impression> tags.” In this case, a model can fill the <impression> with tokens.

Zero-shot prompting

Zero-shot prompting means providing a prompt to a LLM without any (zero) examples. With a single prompt and no examples, the model should still generate the desired result. This technique makes LLMs useful for many tasks. We have applied zero-shot technique to generate impressions from the findings section of a radiology report.

In clinical use cases, numerous medical concepts need to be extracted from clinical notes. Meanwhile, very few annotated datasets are available. It’s important to experiment with different prompt templates to get better results. An example zero-shot prompt used in this work is shown in Figure 1.

Zero-shot prompting

Figure 1 – Zero-shot prompting

Few-shot prompting

The few-shot prompting technique is used to increase performance compared to the zero-shot technique. Large, pre-trained models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in solving an abundance of tasks by being provided only a few examples as context. This is known as in-context learning, through which a model learns a task from a few provided examples, specifically during prompting and without tuning the model parameters. In the healthcare domain, this bears great potential to vastly expand the capabilities of existing AI models.

Few shot prompting

Figure 2 – Few-shot prompting

Few-shot prompting uses a small set of input-output examples to train the model for specific tasks. The benefit of this technique is that it doesn’t require large amounts of labeled data (examples) and performs reasonably well by providing guidance to large language models.
In this work, five examples of findings and impressions were provided to the model for few-shot learning as shown in Figure 2.

Retrieval Augmented Generation pattern

The RAG pattern builds on prompt engineering. Instead of a user providing relevant data, an application intercepts the user’s input. The application searches across a data repository to retrieve content relevant to the question or input. The application feeds this relevant data to the LLM to generate the content. A modern healthcare data strategy enables the curation and indexing of enterprise data. The data can then be searched and used as context for prompts or questions, assisting an LLM in generating responses.

To implement our RAG system, we utilized a dataset of 95,000 radiology report findings-impressions pairs as the knowledge source. This dataset was uploaded to Amazon Simple Service (Amazon S3) data source and then ingested using Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock. We used the Amazon Titan Text Embeddings model on Amazon Bedrock to generate vector embeddings.

Embeddings are numerical representations of real-world objects that ML systems use to understand complex knowledge domains like humans do. The output vector representations were stored in a newly created vector store for efficient retrieval from the Amazon OpenSearch Serverless vector search collection. This leads to a public vector search collection and vector index setup with the required fields and necessary configurations. With the infrastructure in place, we set up a prompt template and use RetrieveandGenerate API for vector similarity search. Then, we use the Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet model for impressions generation. Together, these components enabled both precise document retrieval and high-quality conditional text generation from the findings-to-impressions dataset.

The following reference architecture diagram in Figure 3 illustrates the fully managed RAG pattern with Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock on AWS. The fully managed RAG provided by Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock converts user queries into embeddings, searches the knowledge base, obtains relevant results, augments the prompt, and then invokes an LLM (Claude 3 Sonnet) to generate the response.

Retrieval Augmented Generation pattern

Figure 3 – Retrieval Augmented Generation pattern


You need to have the following to run this demo application:

  • An AWS account
  • Basic understanding of how to navigate Amazon SageMaker Studio
  • Basic understanding of how to download a repo from GitHub
  • Basic knowledge of running a command on a terminal

Key steps in implementation

Following are key details of each technique

Zero-shot prompting

prompt_zero_shot = """Human: Generate radiology report impressions based on the following findings and output it within &amp;lt;impression&amp;gt; tags. Findings: {} Assistant:"""

Few-shot prompting

examples_string = '' for ex in examples: examples_string += f"""H:{ex['findings']}
prompt_few_shot = """Human: Generate radiology report impressions based on the following findings. Findings: {}
Here are a few examples: """ + examples_string + """ 

Implementation of Retrieval Augmented Generation

  1. Load the reports into the Amazon Bedrock knowledge base by connecting to the S3 bucket (data source).
  2. The knowledge base will split them into smaller chunks (based on the strategy selected), generate embeddings, and store them in the associated vector store. For detailed steps, refer to the Amazon Bedrock User Guide. We used Amazon Titan Embeddings G1 – Text embedding model for converting the reports data to embeddings.
  3. Once the knowledge base is up and running, locate the knowledge base id and generate model Amazon Resource Number (ARN) for Claude 3 Sonnet model using the following code:
kb_id = "XXXXXXXXXX" #Replace it with the knowledge base id for your knowledge base
model_id = "anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0"
model_arn = f'arn:aws:bedrock:{region_id}::foundation-model/{model_id}'
  1. Set up the Amazon Bedrock runtime client using the latest version of AWS SDK for Python (Boto3).
bedrock_config = Config(connect_timeout=120, read_timeout=120, retries={'max_attempts': 0})
bedrock_client = boto3.client('bedrock-runtime')
bedrock_agent_client = boto3.client("bedrock-agent-runtime", config=bedrock_config)
boto3_session = boto3.session.Session()
region_name = boto3_session.region_name
  1. Use the RetrieveAndGenerate API to retrieve the most relevant report from the knowledge base and generate an impression.
return bedrock_agent_client.retrieve_and_generate(
            'text': input
            'knowledgeBaseConfiguration': {
                'generationConfiguration': {
                    'promptTemplate': {
                    'textPromptTemplate': promptTemplate
                'knowledgeBaseId': kbId,
                'modelArn': model_arn,
                'retrievalConfiguration': {
                    'vectorSearchConfiguration': {
                        'numberOfResults': 3,
                        'overrideSearchType': 'HYBRID'
            'type': 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE'
  1. Use the following prompt template along with query (findings) and retrieval results to generate impressions with the Claude 3 Sonnet LLM.
promptTemplate = f"""
You have to generate radiology report impressions based on the following findings. Your job is to generate impression using only information from the search results.
Return only a single sentence and do not return the findings given.
Findings: $query$
Here are the search results in numbered order:
$search_results$ """


Performance analysis

The performance of zero-shot, few-shot, and RAG techniques is evaluated using the ROUGE score. For more details on the definition of various forms of this score, please refer to part 1 of this blog.

The following table depicts the evaluation results for the dev1 and dev2 datasets. The evaluation result on dev1 (2,000 findings from the MIMIC CXR Radiology Report) shows that the zero-shot prompting performance was the poorest, whereas the RAG approach for report summarization performed the best. The use of the RAG technique led to substantial gains in performance, improving the aggregated average ROUGE1 and ROUGE2 scores by approximately 18 and 16 percentage points, respectively, compared to the zero-shot prompting method. An approximately 8 percentage point improvement is observed in aggregated ROUGE1 and ROUGE2 scores over the few-shot prompting technique.

Model Technique Dataset: dev1 Dataset: dev2
Claude 3 Zero-shot 0.242 0.118 0.202 0.218 0.210 0.095 0.185 0.194
Claude 3 Few-shot 0.349 0.204 0.309 0.312 0.439 0.273 0.351 0.355
Claude 3 RAG 0.427 0.275 0.387 0.387 0.438 0.309 0.43 0.43

For dev2, an improvement of approximately 23 and 21 percentage points is observed in ROUGE1 and ROUGE2 scores of the RAG-based technique over zero-shot prompting. Overall, RAG led to an improvement of approximately 17 percentage points and 24 percentage points in ROUGELsum scores for the dev1 and dev2 datasets, respectively. The distribution of ROUGE scores attained by RAG technique for dev1 and dev2 datasets is shown in the following graphs.

dev1 Dev2
Dataset: dev1 Dataset: dev2

It is worth noting that RAG attains consistent average ROUGELSum for both test datasets (dev1=.387 and dev2=.43). This is in contrast to the average ROUGELSum for these two test datasets (dev1=.5708 and dev2=.4525) attained with the fine-tuned FLAN-T5 XL model presented in part 1 of this blog series. Dev1 is a subset of the MIMIC dataset, samples from which have been used as context. With the RAG approach, the median ROUGELsum is observed to be almost similar for both datasets dev2 and dev1.

Overall, RAG is observed to attain good ROUGE scores but falls short of the impressive performance of the fine-tuned FLAN-T5 XL model presented in part 1 of this blog series.


To avoid incurring future charges, delete all the resources you deployed as part of the tutorial.


In this post, we presented how various generative AI techniques can be applied for healthcare-specific tasks. We saw incremental improvement in results for domain-specific tasks as we evaluated and compared prompting techniques and the RAG pattern. We also see how fine-tuning the model to healthcare-specific data is comparatively better, as demonstrated in part 1 of the blog series. We expect to see significant improvements with increased data at scale, more thoroughly cleaned data, and alignment to human preference through instruction tuning or explicit optimization for preferences.

Limitations: This work demonstrates a proof of concept. As we analyzed deeper, hallucinations were observed occasionally.

About the authors

Ekta Walia Bhullar, PhD, is a senior AI/ML consultant with AWS Healthcare and Life Sciences (HCLS) professional services business unit. She has extensive experience in the application of AI/ML within the healthcare domain, especially in radiology. Outside of work, when not discussing AI in radiology, she likes to run and hike.

Priya Padate is a Senior Partner Solutions Architect with extensive expertise in Healthcare and Life Sciences at AWS. Priya drives go-to-market strategies with partners and drives solution development to accelerate AI/ML-based development. She is passionate about using technology to transform the healthcare industry to drive better patient care outcomes.

Dr. Adewale Akinfaderin is a senior data scientist in healthcare and life sciences at AWS. His expertise is in reproducible and end-to-end AI/ML methods, practical implementations, and helping global healthcare customers formulate and develop scalable solutions to interdisciplinary problems. He has two graduate degrees in physics and a doctorate in engineering.

Srushti Kotak is an Associate Data and ML Engineer at AWS Professional Services. She has a strong data science and deep learning background with experience in developing machine learning solutions, including generative AI solutions, to help customers solve their business challenges. In her spare time, Srushti loves to dance, travel, and spend time with friends and family.

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AWS DeepRacer enables builders of all skill levels to upskill and get started with machine learning

AWS DeepRacer enables builders of all skill levels to upskill and get started with machine learning

In today’s technological landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are becoming increasingly accessible, enabling builders of all skill levels to harness their power. As more companies adopt AI solutions, there’s a growing need to upskill both technical and non-technical teams in responsibly expanding AI usage. Getting hands-on experience is crucial for understanding and applying ML concepts to automate tasks like content generation, language translation, and image classification. And that’s where AWS DeepRacer comes into play—a fun and exciting way to learn ML fundamentals.

Launched in 2019, DeepRacer is a fully managed service that enables builders of all skill levels to learn and perform model training and evaluation tasks such as defining a reward function, setting up the training parameters, and configuring a training job that can be evaluated and monitored for model performance in a simulated environment. By exploring the AWS DeepRacer ML training lifecycle, you’ll practice model training, evaluation, and deployment of ML models onto a 1/18th scale autonomous race car, using a human-in-the-loop experience. The model training and evaluation experience enables builders to familiarize themselves with similar concepts applicable in training and fine-tuning foundation models (FMs) that power generative AI applications.

AWS DeepRacer also offers a global racing league for competing alongside a community of ML enthusiasts, earning rewards and recognition while showcasing your ML skills. Through the AWS DeepRacer League, we have educated over 550,000 developers, crowned five AWS DeepRacer champions, recognized over 100 monthly virtual circuit winners, and rewarded over 10,000 participants worldwide with Amazon gift cards, cash prizes, and paid trips to AWS re:Invent to compete for the annual AWS DeepRacer Championship Cup.

The excitement around AWS DeepRacer extends far beyond just individual learners. To celebrate Women’s History Month, JPMorgan Chase & Co. recently hosted the “World’s Largest Global Women’s AWS DeepRacer League,” providing employees with a thrilling opportunity to gain hands-on ML experience through virtual autonomous vehicle racing. This event not only fostered a spirit of friendly competition but also celebrated empowerment and innovation in AI and ML. By embracing AWS DeepRacer, JPMorgan Chase showcased its commitment to democratizing ML knowledge and nurturing a culture of continuous learning, empowering its talented teams to drive the company’s AI transformation.

“I am super proud of the group, the firm and the TIF (Take it Forward) team. . . I couldn’t be more proud of a group of individuals being so self-motivated.  The sky is the limit from here!  Deep Racer is proof that learning can be fun.”

Ebele Kemery, Head of JPMorgan Chase Tech, Data and AI Learning.

Initiatives like these demonstrate the far-reaching impact of AWS DeepRacer in bringing ML education to the forefront, inspiring learners of all backgrounds to embrace the future of intelligent technologies.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or curious business professional, AWS DeepRacer provides a fun and exciting way to get started with AI. You’ll gain practical skills applicable to real-world ML and generative AI use cases. So get rolling with machine learning today!

About the authors

Ange Krueger is a principal AWS technologist. She leads product portfolio advancements and technological agility within the global financial sector. Utilizing over 200 AWS cloud services including leading AWS Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Generative AI offerings, she delivers innovation, transformation, and scalable solutions that precisely address the complex demands of our global customers. Through a collaborative approach and a laser focus on customer-centric outcomes, Ange enhances customer experiences to achieve optimized business performance. Her commitment to continual improvement and customer obsession is unwavering, as she works to empower our clients with resilient, cloud-based financial services solutions.

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Transform customer engagement with no-code LLM fine-tuning using Amazon SageMaker Canvas and SageMaker JumpStart

Transform customer engagement with no-code LLM fine-tuning using Amazon SageMaker Canvas and SageMaker JumpStart

Fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) creates tailored customer experiences that align with a brand’s unique voice. Amazon SageMaker Canvas and Amazon SageMaker JumpStart democratize this process, offering no-code solutions and pre-trained models that enable businesses to fine-tune LLMs without deep technical expertise, helping organizations move faster with fewer technical resources.

SageMaker Canvas provides an intuitive point-and-click interface for business users to fine-tune LLMs without writing code. It works both with SageMaker JumpStart and Amazon Bedrock models, giving you the flexibility to choose the foundation model (FM) for your needs.

This post demonstrates how SageMaker Canvas allows you to fine-tune and deploy LLMs. For businesses invested in the Amazon SageMaker ecosystem, using SageMaker Canvas with SageMaker JumpStart models provides continuity in operations and granular control over deployment options through SageMaker’s wide range of instance types and configurations. For information on using SageMaker Canvas with Amazon Bedrock models, see Fine-tune and deploy language models with Amazon SageMaker Canvas and Amazon Bedrock.

Fine-tuning LLMs on company-specific data provides consistent messaging across customer touchpoints. SageMaker Canvas lets you create personalized customer experiences, driving growth without extensive technical expertise. In addition, your data is not used to improve the base models, is not shared with third-party model providers, and stays entirely within your secure AWS environment.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

In the following sections, we show you how to fine-tune a model by preparing your dataset, creating a new model, importing the dataset, and selecting an FM. We also demonstrate how to analyze and test the model, and then deploy the model via SageMaker, focusing on how the fine-tuning process can help align the model’s responses with your company’s desired tone and style.


First-time users need an AWS account and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with SageMaker and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) access.

To follow along with this post, complete the prerequisite steps:

  1. Create a SageMaker domain, which is a collaborative machine learning (ML) environment with shared file systems, users, and configurations.
  2. Confirm that your SageMaker IAM role and domain roles have the necessary permissions.
  3. On the domain details page, view the user profiles.
  4. Choose Launch by your profile, and choose Canvas.

Prepare your dataset

SageMaker Canvas requires a prompt/completion pair file in CSV format because it does supervised fine-tuning. This allows SageMaker Canvas to learn how to answer specific inputs with properly formatted and adapted outputs.

Download the following CSV dataset of question-answer pairs.

Create a new model

SageMaker Canvas allows simultaneous fine-tuning of multiple models, enabling you to compare and choose the best one from a leaderboard after fine-tuning. For this post, we compare Falcon-7B with Falcon-40B.

Complete the following steps to create your model:

  1. In SageMaker Canvas, choose My models in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose New model.
  3. For Model name, enter a name (for example, MyModel).
  4. For Problem type¸ select Fine-tune foundation model.
  5. Choose Create.

The next step is to import your dataset into SageMaker Canvas.

  1. Create a dataset named QA-Pairs.
  2. Upload the prepared CSV file or select it from an S3 bucket.
  3. Choose the dataset.

SageMaker Canvas automatically scans it for any formatting issues. In this case, SageMaker Canvas detects an extra newline at the end of the CSV file, which can cause problems.

  1. To address this issue, choose Remove invalid characters.
  2. Choose Select dataset.

Select a foundation model

After you upload your dataset, select an FM and fine-tune it with your dataset. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Fine-tune tab, on the Select base models menu¸ choose one or more models you may be interested in, such as Falcon-7B and Falcon-40B.
  2. For Select input column, choose question.
  3. For Select output column, choose answer.
  4. Choose Fine-tune.

Optionally, you can configure hyperparameters, as shown in the following screenshot.

Wait 2–5 hours for SageMaker to finish fine-tuning your models. As part of this process, SageMaker Autopilot splits your dataset automatically into an 80/20 split for training and validation, respectively. You can optionally change this split configuration in the advanced model building configurations.

SageMaker training uses ephemeral compute instances to efficiently train ML models at scale, without the need for long-running infrastructure. SageMaker logs all training jobs by default, making it straightforward to monitor progress and debug issues. Training logs are available through the SageMaker console and Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

Analyze the model

After fine-tuning, review your new model’s stats, including:

  • Training loss – The penalty for next-word prediction mistakes during training. Lower values mean better performance.
  • Training perplexity – Measures the model’s surprise when encountering text during training. Lower perplexity indicates higher confidence.
  • Validation loss and validation perplexity – Similar to the training metrics, but measured during the validation stage.

To get a detailed report on your custom model’s performance across dimensions like toxicity and accuracy, choose Generate evaluation report (based on the AWS open source Foundation Model Evaluations Library). Then choose Download report.

The graph’s curve reveals if you overtrained your model. If the perplexity and loss curves plateau after a certain number of epochs, the model stopped learning at that point. Use this insight to adjust the epochs in a future model version using the Configure model settings.

The following is a portion of the report, which gives you an overall toxicity score for the fine-tuned model. The report includes explanations of what the scores mean.

A dataset consisting of ~320K question-passage-answer triplets. The questions are factual naturally-occurring questions. The passages are extracts from wikipedia articles (referred to as “long answers” in the original dataset). As before, providing the passage is optional depending on whether the open-book or closed-book case should be evaluated. We sampled 100 records out of 4289 in the full dataset.Prompt Template: Respond to the following question with a short answer: $model_input

Toxicity detector model: UnitaryAI Detoxify-unbiased

Toxicity Score
A binary score from 0 (no toxicity detected) to 1 (toxicity detected) for the class: toxicity

Average Score: 0.0027243031983380205

Now that we have confirmed that the model has close to 0 toxicity detected according to the available toxicity models, let’s check out the model leaderboard to compare how Falcon-40B and Falcon-7B perform on dimensions like loss and perplexity.

On an order of magnitude, the two models performed about the same along these metrics on the provided data. Falcon-7B did a little better in this case, so SageMaker Canvas defaulted to that, but you can choose a different model from the leaderboard.

Let’s stick with Falcon-7B, because it performed slightly better and will run on more cost-efficient infrastructure.

Test the models

Although metrics and the report already provide insights into the performances of the models you’ve fine-tuned, you should always test your models by generating some predictions before putting them in production. For that, SageMaker Canvas allows you to use these models without leaving the application. To do that, SageMaker Canvas deploys for you an endpoint with the fine-tuned model, and shuts it down automatically after 2 hours of inactivity to avoid unintended costs.

To test the models, complete the following steps. Keep in mind that although fine-tuning can improve response style, it may not be a complete solution for providing factual accuracy. For factual accuracy, consider Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) architectures and continued pre-training.

  1. Choose Test in Ready-to-Use Models and wait 15–30 minutes for your test endpoint to be deployed.

When the deployment is complete, you’ll be redirected to the SageMaker Canvas playground, with your model pre-selected.

  1. 2. Choose Compare and select the FM used for your custom model.
  2. Enter a phrase directly from your training dataset, to make sure the custom model at least does better at such a question and is consistent with the level of verbosity provided in the fine-tuning data.

For this example, we enter the question, “What is the significance of the memory hierarchy in modern computer architectures?”

The fine-tuned Falcon-7B model responded succinctly, like you would expect from an FAQ document:

The memory hierarchy in modern computer architectures is the organization of memory storage within a computer system. The memory hierarchy is important because it determines how memory is accessed and used.

In contrast to the fine-tuned Falcon-7B, the base Falcon-7B model responded verbosely and with an odd beginning:

1 Answer | Add Yours [sic]

The memory hierarchy is the structure of the memory system in a computer system. It is a hierarchy because there are different levels of memory. The memory hierarchy is important because it determines how fast a computer can access memory.

The memory hierarchy is made up of levels of memory. The first level of memory is the main memory. This is the memory that is used for the data that is currently being processed. It is also used for the instructions that are currently being processed. The main memory is very fast and is able to access data very quickly.

The second level of memory is the cache memory. This is a level of memory that is much faster than the main memory. It is used to store data that is frequently accessed. It is also used to store instructions that are frequently accessed. The cache memory is much faster than the main memory.

The third level of memory is the disk memory. This is a level of memory that is much slower than the main memory and the cache memory. It is used to store data that is infrequently accessed. It is also used to store instructions that are infrequently accessed. The disk memory is much slower than the main memory and the cache memory.

The fourth level of memory is the secondary storage. This is a level of memory that is used to store data that is infrequently accessed. It is also used to store instructions that are infrequently accessed.

Let’s say you as a business user want to collaborate with your ML team on this model. You can send the model to your SageMaker model registry so the ML team can interact with the fine-tuned model in Amazon SageMaker Studio, as shown in the following screenshot.

Under the Add to Model Registry option, you can also see a View Notebook option. SageMaker Canvas offers a Python Jupyter notebook detailing your fine-tuning job, alleviating concerns about vendor lock-in associated with no-code tools and enabling detail sharing with data science teams for further validation and deployment.

Deploy the model with SageMaker

For production use, especially if you’re considering providing access to dozens or even thousands of employees by embedding the model into an application, you can deploy the model as an API endpoint. Complete the following steps to deploy your model:

  1. On the SageMaker console, choose Inference in the navigation pane, then choose Models.
  2. Locate the model with the prefix canvas-llm-finetuned- and timestamp.
  3. Open the model details and note three things:
    1. Model data location – A link to download the .tar file from Amazon S3, containing the model artifacts (the files created during the training of the model).
    2. Container image – With this and the model artifacts, you can run inference virtually anywhere. You can access the image using Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), which allows you to store, manage, and deploy Docker container images.
    3. Training job – Stats from the SageMaker Canvas fine-tuning job, showing instance type, memory, CPU use, and logs.

Alternatively, you can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI):


aws sagemaker list-models


The most recently created model will be at the top of the list. Make a note of the model name and the model ARN.

To start using your model, you must create an endpoint.

  1. 4. On the left navigation pane in the SageMaker console, under Inference, choose Endpoints.
  2. Choose Create endpoint.
  3. For Endpoint name, enter a name (for example, My-Falcon-Endpoint).
  4. Create a new endpoint configuration (for this post, we call it my-fine-tuned-model-endpoint-config).
  5. Keep the default Type of endpoint, which is Provisioned. Other options are not supported for SageMaker JumpStart LLMs.
  6. Under Variants, choose Create production variant.
  7. Choose the model that starts with canvas-llm-finetuned-, then choose Save.
  8. In the details of the newly created production variant, scroll to the right to Edit the production variant and change the instance type to ml.g5.xlarge (see screenshot).
  9. Finally, Create endpoint configuration and Create endpoint.

As described in Deploy Falcon-40B with large model inference DLCs on Amazon SageMaker, Falcon works only on GPU instances. You should choose the instance type and size according to the size of the model to be deployed and what will give you the required performance at minimum cost.

Alternatively, you can use the AWS CLI:


aws sagemaker create-endpoint-config 
--endpoint-config-name $config_name 
--production-variants VariantName="cool-variant",ModelName="canvas-llm-finetuned-2024-01-16-20-11-13-119791",InstanceType="ml.g5.xlarge",InitialInstanceCount=1

aws sagemaker create-endpoint 
--endpoint-name "my-fine-tuned-model-endpoint" 
--endpoint-config-name $config_name

Use the model

You can access your fine-tuned LLM through the SageMaker API, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs.

Enrich your existing software as a service (SaaS), software platforms, web portals, or mobile apps with your fine-tuned LLM using the API or SDKs. These let you send prompts to the SageMaker endpoint using your preferred programming language. Here’s an example:

import boto3
import json

# Create a SageMaker runtime client
sagemaker_runtime = boto3.client('sagemaker-runtime')

# Specify your endpoint name
endpoint_name = 'my-fine-tuned-model-endpoint'

def query_falcon_llm(question):
    Function to query the fine-tuned Falcon LLM endpoint with a specific question.
    :param question: str, the question to ask the LLM.
    :return: str, the answer from the LLM.
    # Define the prompt
    prompt = f"You are a helpful Assistant. You answer questions in the style of technical answers everything about GPUs and Machine Learning. User: {question}n Assistant:"

    # Define the payload with hyperparameters
    payload = {
        "inputs": prompt,
        "parameters": {
            "do_sample": True,
            "top_p": 0.7,
            "temperature": 0.5,
            "max_new_tokens": 1024,
            "repetition_penalty": 1.03,
            "stop": ["nUser:", "###"]

    # JSONify the payload
    payload_json = json.dumps(payload)

    # Call the SageMaker endpoint
    response = sagemaker_runtime.invoke_endpoint(EndpointName=endpoint_name,

    # Decode the response
    response_body = json.loads(response['Body'].read().decode())

    # Extract and format the answer
    assistant_response = response_body[0]["generated_text"][len(prompt):]
    assistant_response = assistant_response.replace("nUser:", "").replace("###", "").strip()

    return assistant_response

# Example usage
question = " What is the significance of the memory hierarchy in modern computer architectures?"
answer = query_falcon_llm(question)
print(f"Question: {question}nAnswer: {answer}")


For examples of invoking models on SageMaker, refer to the following GitHub repository. This repository provides a ready-to-use code base that lets you experiment with various LLMs and deploy a versatile chatbot architecture within your AWS account. You now have the skills to use this with your custom model.

Another repository that may spark your imagination is Amazon SageMaker Generative AI, which can help you get started on a number of other use cases.

Clean up

When you’re done testing this setup, delete your SageMaker endpoint to avoid incurring unnecessary costs:


aws sagemaker delete-endpoint --endpoint-name "your-endpoint-name"


After you finish your work in SageMaker Canvas, you can either log out or set the application to automatically delete the workspace instance, which stops billing for the instance.


In this post, we showed you how SageMaker Canvas with SageMaker JumpStart models enable you to fine-tune LLMs to match your company’s tone and style with minimal effort. By fine-tuning an LLM on company-specific data, you can create a language model that speaks in your brand’s voice.

Fine-tuning is just one tool in the AI toolbox and may not be the best or the complete solution for every use case. We encourage you to explore various approaches, such as prompting, RAG architecture, continued pre-training, postprocessing, and fact-checking, in combination with fine-tuning to create effective AI solutions that meet your specific needs.

Although we used examples based on a sample dataset, this post showcased these tools’ capabilities and potential applications in real-world scenarios. The process is straightforward and applicable to various datasets, such as your organization’s FAQs, provided they are in CSV format.

Take what you learned and start brainstorming ways to use language models in your organization while considering the trade-offs and benefits of different approaches. For further inspiration, see Overcoming common contact center challenges with generative AI and Amazon SageMaker Canvas and New LLM capabilities in Amazon SageMaker Canvas, with Bain & Company.

About the Author

Yann Stoneman headshot -- white male in 30s with slight beard and glasses smilingYann Stoneman is a Solutions Architect at AWS focused on machine learning and serverless application development. With a background in software engineering and a blend of arts and tech education from Juilliard and Columbia, Yann brings a creative approach to AI challenges. He actively shares his expertise through his YouTube channel, blog posts, and presentations.

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