Fine-tune Code Llama on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Fine-tune Code Llama on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Today, we are excited to announce the capability to fine-tune Code Llama models by Meta using Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. The Code Llama family of large language models (LLMs) is a collection of pre-trained and fine-tuned code generation models ranging in scale from 7 billion to 70 billion parameters. Fine-tuned Code Llama models provide better accuracy and explainability over the base Code Llama models, as evident on its testing against HumanEval and MBPP datasets. You can fine-tune and deploy Code Llama models with SageMaker JumpStart using the Amazon SageMaker Studio UI with a few clicks or using the SageMaker Python SDK. Fine-tuning of Llama models is based on the scripts provided in the llama-recipes GitHub repo from Meta using PyTorch FSDP, PEFT/LoRA, and Int8 quantization techniques.

In this post, we walk through how to fine-tune Code Llama pre-trained models via SageMaker JumpStart through a one-click UI and SDK experience available in the following GitHub repository.

What is SageMaker JumpStart

With SageMaker JumpStart, machine learning (ML) practitioners can choose from a broad selection of publicly available foundation models. ML practitioners can deploy foundation models to dedicated Amazon SageMaker instances from a network isolated environment and customize models using SageMaker for model training and deployment.

What is Code Llama

Code Llama is a code-specialized version of Llama 2 that was created by further training Llama 2 on its code-specific datasets and sampling more data from that same dataset for longer. Code Llama features enhanced coding capabilities. It can generate code and natural language about code, from both code and natural language prompts (for example, “Write me a function that outputs the Fibonacci sequence”). You can also use it for code completion and debugging. It supports many of the most popular programming languages used today, including Python, C++, Java, PHP, Typescript (JavaScript), C#, Bash, and more.

Why fine-tune Code Llama models

Meta published Code Llama performance benchmarks on HumanEval and MBPP for common coding languages such as Python, Java, and JavaScript. The performance of Code Llama Python models on HumanEval demonstrated varying performance across different coding languages and tasks ranging from 38% on 7B Python model to 57% on 70B Python models. In addition, fine-tuned Code Llama models on SQL programming language have shown better results, as evident in SQL evaluation benchmarks. These published benchmarks highlight the potential benefits of fine-tuning Code Llama models, enabling better performance, customization, and adaptation to specific coding domains and tasks.

No-code fine-tuning via the SageMaker Studio UI

To start fine-tuning your Llama models using SageMaker Studio, complete the following steps:

  1. On the SageMaker Studio console, choose JumpStart in the navigation pane.

You will find listings of over 350 models ranging from open source and proprietary models.

  1. Search for Code Llama models.

If you don’t see Code Llama models, you can update your SageMaker Studio version by shutting down and restarting. For more information about version updates, refer to Shut down and Update Studio Apps. You can also find other model variants by choosing Explore all Code Generation Models or searching for Code Llama in the search box.

SageMaker JumpStart currently supports instruction fine-tuning for Code Llama models. The following screenshot shows the fine-tuning page for the Code Llama 2 70B model.

  1. For Training dataset location, you can point to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket containing the training and validation datasets for fine-tuning.
  2. Set your deployment configuration, hyperparameters, and security settings for fine-tuning.
  3. Choose Train to start the fine-tuning job on a SageMaker ML instance.

We discuss the dataset format you need prepare for instruction fine-tuning in the next section.

  1. After the model is fine-tuned, you can deploy it using the model page on SageMaker JumpStart.

The option to deploy the fine-tuned model will appear when fine-tuning is finished, as shown in the following screenshot.

Fine-tune via the SageMaker Python SDK

In this section, we demonstrate how to fine-tune Code LIama models using the SageMaker Python SDK on an instruction-formatted dataset. Specifically, the model is fine-tuned for a set of natural language processing (NLP) tasks described using instructions. This helps improve the model’s performance for unseen tasks with zero-shot prompts.

Complete the following steps to complete your fine-tuning job. You can get the entire fine-tuning code from the GitHub repository.

First, let’s look at the dataset format required for the instruction fine-tuning. The training data should be formatted in a JSON lines (.jsonl) format, where each line is a dictionary representing a data sample. All training data must be in a single folder. However, it can be saved in multiple .jsonl files. The following is a sample in JSON lines format:

	'system_prompt': 'a chat',
	'question': 'Please focus on the efficiency of this problem and provide code in python:nYou are given two strings `s` and `t` consisting of only lowercase English letters.nnReturn _the minimum number of characters that need to be appended to the end of_ `s` _so that_ `t` _becomes a **subsequence** of_ `s`.nnA **subsequence** is a string that can be derived from another string by deleting some or no characters without changing the order of the remaining characters.nn**Example 1:**nn**Input:** s = "coaching ", t = "coding "n**Output:** 4n**Explanation:** Append the characters "ding " to the end of s so that s = "coachingding ".nNow, t is a subsequence of s ( "**co**aching**ding** ").nIt can be shown that appending any 3 characters to the end of s will never make t a subsequence.nn**Example 2:**nn**Input:** s = "abcde ", t = "a "n**Output:** 0n**Explanation:** t is already a subsequence of s ( "**a**bcde ").nn**Example 3:**nn**Input:** s = "z ", t = "abcde "n**Output:** 5n**Explanation:** Append the characters "abcde " to the end of s so that s = "zabcde ".nNow, t is a subsequence of s ( "z**abcde** ").nIt can be shown that appending any 4 characters to the end of s will never make t a subsequence.nn**Constraints:**nn* `1 <= s.length, t.length <= 105`n* `s` and `t` consist only of lowercase English letters.',
	'response': '### Explanationn The algorithm maintains two pointers, `i` and `j`, to iterate through the given strings `s` and `t`. The pointer `i` iterates through the string `s` and the pointer `j` iterates through the string `t`. While iterating through `s`, if we find a character that matches the current character in `t`, we increment the `j` pointer. This is because the matched character can be a part of the subsequence we are looking for. The iteration stops when either `i` reaches the end of `s` or `j` reaches the end of `t`.nnAt the end, we subtract the index `j` from the length of `t`. This gives us the minimum number of characters that need to be appended to the end of `s` so that `t` becomes a subsequence of `s`.nn### Pseudocode:n```nMIN-ADDITION(s, t)n s_len = LENGTH(s)n t_len = LENGTH(t)n i = 1n j = 1n WHILE i <= s_len AND j <= t_lenn IF s[i] == t[j]n j = j + 1n ENDIFn i = i + 1n ENDWHILEn RETURN t_len - j + 1nENDMIN-ADDITIONn```nn### Coden```pythonndef min_addition(s: str, t: str) -> int:n s_len = len(s)n t_len = len(t)n i, j = 0, 0n while i < s_len and j < t_len:n if s[i] == t[j]:n j += 1n i += 1n return t_len - jn```n'

The training folder can contain a template.json file describing the input and output formats. The following is an example template:

    "prompt": "{system_prompt} ### Input: {question}",
    "completion": "{response}"

To match the template, each sample in the JSON lines files must include system_prompt, question, and response fields. In this demonstration, we use the Dolphin Coder dataset from Hugging Face.

After you prepare the dataset and upload it to the S3 bucket, you can start fine-tuning using the following code:

from sagemaker.jumpstart.estimator import JumpStartEstimator

model_id = "meta-textgeneration-llama-codellama-7b" 
model_version = "*"
train_data_location = f"s3://{your_own_bucket_hosting_training_data}/" # training data in s3 bucket

estimator = JumpStartEstimator(
    hyperparameters= hyperparameters,
        "accept_eula": "false"
    },  # please change `accept_eula` to be `true` to accept EULA.
){"training": train_data_location})

You can deploy the fine-tuned model directly from the estimator, as shown in the following code. For details, see the notebook in the GitHub repository.

finetuned_predictor = estimator.deploy()

Fine-tuning techniques

Language models such as Llama are more than 10 GB or even 100 GB in size. Fine-tuning such large models requires instances with significantly high CUDA memory. Furthermore, training these models can be very slow due to the size of the model. Therefore, for efficient fine-tuning, we use the following optimizations:

  • Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) – This is a type of parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) for efficient fine-tuning of large models. With this method, you freeze the whole model and only add a small set of adjustable parameters or layers into the model. For instance, instead of training all 7 billion parameters for Llama 2 7B, you can fine-tune less than 1% of the parameters. This helps in significant reduction of the memory requirement because you only need to store gradients, optimizer states, and other training-related information for only 1% of the parameters. Furthermore, this helps in reduction of training time as well as the cost. For more details on this method, refer to LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models.
  • Int8 quantization – Even with optimizations such as LoRA, models such as Llama 70B are still too big to train. To decrease the memory footprint during training, you can use Int8 quantization during training. Quantization typically reduces the precision of floating point data types. Although this decreases the memory required to store model weights, it degrades the performance due to loss of information. Int8 quantization uses only a quarter precision but doesn’t incur degradation of performance because it doesn’t simply drop the bits. It rounds the data from one type to the another. To learn about Int8 quantization, refer to LLM.int8(): 8-bit Matrix Multiplication for Transformers at Scale.
  • Fully Sharded Data Parallel (FSDP) – This is a type of data-parallel training algorithm that shards the model’s parameters across data parallel workers and can optionally offload part of the training computation to the CPUs. Although the parameters are sharded across different GPUs, computation of each microbatch is local to the GPU worker. It shards parameters more uniformly and achieves optimized performance via communication and computation overlapping during training.

The following table summarizes the details of each model with different settings.

Model Default Setting LORA + FSDP LORA + No FSDP Int8 Quantization + LORA + No FSDP
Code Llama 2 7B LORA + FSDP Yes Yes Yes
Code Llama 2 13B LORA + FSDP Yes Yes Yes
Code Llama 2 34B INT8 + LORA + NO FSDP No No Yes
Code Llama 2 70B INT8 + LORA + NO FSDP No No Yes

Fine-tuning of Llama models is based on scripts provided by the following GitHub repo.

Supported hyperparameters for training

Code Llama 2 fine-tuning supports a number of hyperparameters, each of which can impact the memory requirement, training speed, and performance of the fine-tuned model:

  • epoch – The number of passes that the fine-tuning algorithm takes through the training dataset. Must be an integer greater than 1. Default is 5.
  • learning_rate – The rate at which the model weights are updated after working through each batch of training examples. Must be a positive float greater than 0. Default is 1e-4.
  • instruction_tuned – Whether to instruction-train the model or not. Must be True or False. Default is False.
  • per_device_train_batch_size – The batch size per GPU core/CPU for training. Must be a positive integer. Default is 4.
  • per_device_eval_batch_size – The batch size per GPU core/CPU for evaluation. Must be a positive integer. Default is 1.
  • max_train_samples – For debugging purposes or quicker training, truncate the number of training examples to this value. Value -1 means using all of the training samples. Must be a positive integer or -1. Default is -1.
  • max_val_samples – For debugging purposes or quicker training, truncate the number of validation examples to this value. Value -1 means using all of the validation samples. Must be a positive integer or -1. Default is -1.
  • max_input_length – Maximum total input sequence length after tokenization. Sequences longer than this will be truncated. If -1, max_input_length is set to the minimum of 1024 and the maximum model length defined by the tokenizer. If set to a positive value, max_input_length is set to the minimum of the provided value and the model_max_length defined by the tokenizer. Must be a positive integer or -1. Default is -1.
  • validation_split_ratio – If validation channel is none, the ratio of the train-validation split from the train data must be between 0–1. Default is 0.2.
  • train_data_split_seed – If validation data is not present, this fixes the random splitting of the input training data to training and validation data used by the algorithm. Must be an integer. Default is 0.
  • preprocessing_num_workers – The number of processes to use for preprocessing. If None, the main process is used for preprocessing. Default is None.
  • lora_r – Lora R. Must be a positive integer. Default is 8.
  • lora_alpha – Lora Alpha. Must be a positive integer. Default is 32
  • lora_dropout – Lora Dropout. must be a positive float between 0 and 1. Default is 0.05.
  • int8_quantization – If True, the model is loaded with 8-bit precision for training. Default for 7B and 13B is False. Default for 70B is True.
  • enable_fsdp – If True, training uses FSDP. Default for 7B and 13B is True. Default for 70B is False. Note that int8_quantization is not supported with FSDP.

When choosing the hyperparameters, consider the following:

  • Setting int8_quantization=True decreases the memory requirement and leads to faster training.
  • Decreasing per_device_train_batch_size and max_input_length reduces the memory requirement and therefore can be run on smaller instances. However, setting very low values may increase the training time.
  • If you’re not using Int8 quantization (int8_quantization=False), use FSDP (enable_fsdp=True) for faster and efficient training.

Supported instance types for training

The following table summarizes the supported instance types for training different models.

Model Default Instance Type Supported Instance Types
Code Llama 2 7B ml.g5.12xlarge






Code Llama 2 13B ml.g5.12xlarge





Code Llama 2 70B ml.g5.48xlarge



When choosing the instance type, consider the following:

  • G5 instances provide the most efficient training among the instance types supported. Therefore, if you have G5 instances available, you should use them.
  • Training time largely depends on the amount of the number of GPUs and the CUDA memory available. Therefore, training on instances with the same number of GPUs (for example, ml.g5.2xlarge and ml.g5.4xlarge) is roughly the same. Therefore, you can use the cheaper instance for training (ml.g5.2xlarge).
  • When using p3 instances, training will be done with 32-bit precision because bfloat16 is not supported on these instances. Therefore, the training job will consume double the amount of CUDA memory when training on p3 instances compared to g5 instances.

To learn about the cost of training per instance, refer to Amazon EC2 G5 Instances.


Evaluation is an important step to assess the performance of fine-tuned models. We present both qualitative and quantitative evaluations to show improvement of fine-tuned models over non-fine-tuned ones. In qualitative evaluation, we show an example response from both fine-tuned and non-fine-tuned models. In quantitative evaluation, we use HumanEval, a test suite developed by OpenAI to generate Python code to test the abilities of producing correct and accurate results. The HumanEval repository is under MIT license. We fine-tuned Python variants of all Code LIama models over different sizes (Code LIama Python 7B, 13B, 34B, and 70B on the Dolphin Coder dataset), and present the evaluation results in the following sections.

Qualitatively evaluation

With your fine-tuned model deployed, you can start using the endpoint to generate code. In the following example, we present responses from both base and fine-tuned Code LIama 34B Python variants on a test sample in the Dolphin Coder dataset:

alpaca_format = """{system_prompt}

### Input:

### Response:n"""

system="You are a coding AI"
prompt = """Please explain the reasoning behind the following solution and 
provide code in python: Given a string `s`, return the longest palindromic 
substring in `s`. **Example 1:** **Input:** s = "babad " **Output:** "bab " 
**Explanation:** "aba " is also a valid answer. **Example 2:** 
**Input:** s = "cbbd " **Output:** "bb " 
**Constraints:** * `1 <= s.length <= 1000` * `s` consist of only digits 
and English letters."""

payload = json.dumps({
    "inputText": alpaca_format.format(system_prompt=system, question=prompt),
    "textGenerationConfig": {
    "maxTokenCount": 2048,

finetuned_response = finetuned_predictor.predict(payload)

The fine-tuned Code Llama model, in addition to providing the code for the preceding query, generates a detailed explanation of the approach and a pseudo code.

Code Llama 34b Python Non-Fine-Tuned Response:

### Code
def longestPalindrome(s):
    # Fill this in.
    longest = ""
    for i in range(len(s)):
        for j in range(len(s), i, -1):
            if len(longest) >= j-i:
            elif s[i:j] == s[i:j][::-1]:
                longest = s[i:j]
    return longest

# axyzzyx
- []

Code Llama 34B Python Fine-Tuned Response

### Explanation
The algorithm uses dynamic programming to find the longest palindromic substring. 
It initializes a 2D boolean table `dp` with the same dimensions as the input string `s`. 
The `dp[i][j]` value is set to `true` if the substring from index `i` to index `j` is a palindrome.

The algorithm then iterates through the string in a nested loop, starting from the first character to the last. 
It checks if the substring from index `i` to index `j` is a palindrome. 
If it is, it sets the `dp[i][j]` value to `true`. 
If the substring is of length 2 or 3, it sets the `dp[i][j]` value to `true` as well.

After the nested loop, the algorithm iterates through the `dp` table to find the longest palindromic substring. 
It keeps track of the maximum length and the starting and ending indices of the substring.

Finally, the algorithm returns the substring from the starting index to the ending index.

### Code
def longestPalindrome(s: str) -> str:
    n = len(s)
    dp = [[False] * n for _ in range(n)]

    for i in range(n):
        dp[i][i] = True
        if i + 1 < n:
            dp[i][i + 1] = s[i] == s[i + 1]

    max_len = 1
    start = 0
    end = 0

    for i in range(n - 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, n):
            if j - i == 1 or dp[i + 1][j - 1]:
                dp[i][j] = s[i] == s[j]
                if j - i + 1 > max_len:
                    max_len = j - i + 1
                    start = i
                    end = j

    return s[start:end + 1]

Ground Truth

### Explanation 
1. Initialize `start` and `maxLength` for result substring. 
2. Iterate through the given string `s` using the index `i`. 
3. For each index `i`, create two pointers `l` and `r` starting at `i`. 
4. Check if there's a consecutive sequence of identical characters, increment the right pointer `r` until the end of the sequence is reached. 
5. Update the index `i` to the current value of `r`. 
6. Expand the pointers `l` and `r` outwards to find the longest palindromic substring, checking that characters on both sides are equal. 
7. If the current length of the substring is greater than `maxLength`, update `start` and `maxLength`. 
8. Return the longest palindromic substring using the `start` and `maxLength`. 

### Code 
def longest_palindromic_substring(s: str) → str:
    n = len(s)
    if n == 0:
        return ""
    start, max_length = 0, 1
    for i in range(n):
        l, r = i, i
        while r < n - 1 and s[r] == s[r + 1]:
            r += 1
            i = r
        while l > 0 and r < n - 1 and s[l - 1] == s[r + 1]:
            l -= 1
            r += 1
        length = r - l + 1
        if length > max_length:
            start, max_length = l, length
    return s[start:start + max_length]

Interestingly, our fine-tuned version of Code Llama 34B Python provides a dynamic programming-based solution to the longest palindromic substring, which is different from the solution provided in the ground truth from the selected test example. Our fine-tuned model reasons and explains the dynamic programming-based solution in detail. On the other hand, the non-fine-tuned model hallucinates potential outputs right after the print statement (shown in the left cell) because the output axyzzyx is not the longest palindrome in the given string. In terms of time complexity, the dynamic programming solution is generally better than the initial approach. The dynamic programming solution has a time complexity of O(n^2), where n is the length of the input string. This is more efficient than the initial solution from the non-fine-tuned model, which also had a quadratic time complexity of O(n^2) but with a less optimized approach.

This looks promising! Remember, we only fine-tuned the Code LIama Python variant with 10% of the Dolphin Coder dataset. There is a lot more to explore!

Despite of thorough instructions in the response, we still need examine the correctness of the Python code provided in the solution. Next, we use an evaluation framework called Human Eval to run integration tests on the generated response from Code LIama to systematically examine its quality.

Quantitative evaluation with HumanEval

HumanEval is an evaluation harness for evaluating an LLM’s problem-solving capabilities on Python-based coding problems, as described in the paper Evaluating Large Language Models Trained on Code. Specifically, it consists of 164 original Python-based programming problems that assess a language model’s ability to generate code based on provided information like function signature, docstring, body, and unit tests.

For each Python-based programming question, we send it to a Code LIama model deployed on a SageMaker endpoint to get k responses. Next, we run each of the k responses on the integration tests in the HumanEval repository. If any response of the k responses passes the integration tests, we count that test case succeed; otherwise, failed. Then we repeat the process to calculate the ratio of successful cases as the final evaluation score named pass@k. Following standard practice, we set k as 1 in our evaluation, to only generate one response per question and test whether it passes the integration test.

The following is a sample code to use HumanEval repository. You can access the dataset and generate a single response using a SageMaker endpoint. For details, see the notebook in the GitHub repository.

%pip3 install human_eval
import json
from human_eval.evaluation import evaluate_functional_correctness
from import write_jsonl, read_problems
from tqdm import tqdm
problems = read_problems()

num_samples_per_task = 1 # value k: number of responses for each question
samples = [
    dict(task_id=task_id, completion=generate_one_completion(problems[task_id]["prompt"]))
    for task_id in tqdm(problems)
    for _ in range(num_samples_per_task)
write_jsonl("samples.jsonl", samples)


The following table shows the improvements of the fine-tuned Code LIama Python models over the non-fine-tuned models across different model sizes. To ensure correctness, we also deploy the non-fine-tuned Code LIama models in SageMaker endpoints and run through Human Eval evaluations. The pass@1 numbers (the first row in the following table) match the reported numbers in the Code Llama research paper. The inference parameters are consistently set as "parameters": {"max_new_tokens": 384, "temperature": 0.2}.

As we can see from the results, all the fine-tuned Code LIama Python variants show significant improvement over the non-fine-tuned models. In particular, Code LIama Python 70B outperforms the non-fine-tuned model by approximately 12%.

. 7B Python 13B Python 34B 34B Python 70B Python
Pre-trained model performance (pass@1) 38.4 43.3 48.8 53.7 57.3
Fine-tuned model performance (pass@1) 45.12 45.12 59.1 61.5 69.5

Now you can try fine-tuning Code LIama models on your own dataset.

Clean up

If you decide that you no longer want to keep the SageMaker endpoint running, you can delete it using AWS SDK for Python (Boto3), AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or SageMaker console. For more information, see Delete Endpoints and Resources. Additionally, you can shut down the SageMaker Studio resources that are no longer required.


In this post, we discussed fine-tuning Meta’s Code Llama 2 models using SageMaker JumpStart. We showed that you can use the SageMaker JumpStart console in SageMaker Studio or the SageMaker Python SDK to fine-tune and deploy these models. We also discussed the fine-tuning technique, instance types, and supported hyperparameters. In addition, we outlined recommendations for optimized training based on various tests we carried out. As we can see from these results of fine-tuning three models over two datasets, fine-tuning improves summarization compared to non-fine-tuned models. As a next step, you can try fine-tuning these models on your own dataset using the code provided in the GitHub repository to test and benchmark the results for your use cases.

About the Authors

Dr. Xin Huang is a Senior Applied Scientist for Amazon SageMaker JumpStart and Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms. He focuses on developing scalable machine learning algorithms. His research interests are in the area of natural language processing, explainable deep learning on tabular data, and robust analysis of non-parametric space-time clustering. He has published many papers in ACL, ICDM, KDD conferences, and Royal Statistical Society: Series A.

Vishaal Yalamanchali is a Startup Solutions Architect working with early-stage generative AI, robotics, and autonomous vehicle companies. Vishaal works with his customers to deliver cutting-edge ML solutions and is personally interested in reinforcement learning, LLM evaluation, and code generation. Prior to AWS, Vishaal was an undergraduate at UCI, focused on bioinformatics and intelligent systems.

Meenakshisundaram Thandavarayan works for AWS as an AI/ ML Specialist. He has a passion to design, create, and promote human-centered data and analytics experiences. Meena focuses on developing sustainable systems that deliver measurable, competitive advantages for strategic customers of AWS. Meena is a connector and design thinker, and strives to drive businesses to new ways of working through innovation, incubation, and democratization.

Dr. Ashish Khetan is a Senior Applied Scientist with Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms and helps develop machine learning algorithms. He got his PhD from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He is an active researcher in machine learning and statistical inference, and has published many papers in NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, JMLR, ACL, and EMNLP conferences.

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Transform one-on-one customer interactions: Build speech-capable order processing agents with AWS and generative AI

Transform one-on-one customer interactions: Build speech-capable order processing agents with AWS and generative AI

In today’s landscape of one-on-one customer interactions for placing orders, the prevailing practice continues to rely on human attendants, even in settings like drive-thru coffee shops and fast-food establishments. This traditional approach poses several challenges: it heavily depends on manual processes, struggles to efficiently scale with increasing customer demands, introduces the potential for human errors, and operates within specific hours of availability. Additionally, in competitive markets, businesses adhering solely to manual processes might find it challenging to deliver efficient and competitive service. Despite technological advancements, the human-centric model remains deeply ingrained in order processing, leading to these limitations.

The prospect of utilizing technology for one-on-one order processing assistance has been available for some time. However, existing solutions can often fall into two categories: rule-based systems that demand substantial time and effort for setup and upkeep, or rigid systems that lack the flexibility required for human-like interactions with customers. As a result, businesses and organizations face challenges in swiftly and efficiently implementing such solutions. Fortunately, with the advent of generative AI and large language models (LLMs), it’s now possible to create automated systems that can handle natural language efficiently, and with an accelerated on-ramping timeline.

Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models (FMs) from leading AI companies like AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Stability AI, and Amazon via a single API, along with a broad set of capabilities you need to build generative AI applications with security, privacy, and responsible AI. In addition to Amazon Bedrock, you can use other AWS services like Amazon SageMaker JumpStart and Amazon Lex to create fully automated and easily adaptable generative AI order processing agents.

In this post, we show you how to build a speech-capable order processing agent using Amazon Lex, Amazon Bedrock, and AWS Lambda.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates our solution architecture.

The workflow consists of the following steps:

  1. A customer places the order using Amazon Lex.
  2. The Amazon Lex bot interprets the customer’s intents and triggers a DialogCodeHook.
  3. A Lambda function pulls the appropriate prompt template from the Lambda layer and formats model prompts by adding the customer input in the associated prompt template.
  4. The RequestValidation prompt verifies the order with the menu item and lets the customer know via Amazon Lex if there’s something they want to order that isn’t part of the menu and will provide recommendations. The prompt also performs a preliminary validation for order completeness.
  5. The ObjectCreator prompt converts the natural language requests into a data structure (JSON format).
  6. The customer validator Lambda function verifies the required attributes for the order and confirms if all necessary information is present to process the order.
  7. A customer Lambda function takes the data structure as an input for processing the order and passes the order total back to the orchestrating Lambda function.
  8. The orchestrating Lambda function calls the Amazon Bedrock LLM endpoint to generate a final order summary including the order total from the customer database system (for example, Amazon DynamoDB).
  9. The order summary is communicated back to the customer via Amazon Lex. After the customer confirms the order, the order will be processed.


This post assumes that you have an active AWS account and familiarity with the following concepts and services:

Also, in order to access Amazon Bedrock from the Lambda functions, you need to make sure the Lambda runtime has the following libraries:

  • boto3>=1.28.57
  • awscli>=1.29.57
  • botocore>=1.31.57

This can be done with a Lambda layer or by using a specific AMI with the required libraries.

Furthermore, these libraries are required when calling the Amazon Bedrock API from Amazon SageMaker Studio. This can be done by running a cell with the following code:

%pip install --no-build-isolation --force-reinstall 

Finally, you create the following policy and later attach it to any role accessing Amazon Bedrock:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Statement1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "bedrock:*",
            "Resource": "*"

Create a DynamoDB table

In our specific scenario, we’ve created a DynamoDB table as our customer database system, but you could also use Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). Complete the following steps to provision your DynamoDB table (or customize the settings as needed for your use case):

  1. On the DynamoDB console, choose Tables in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create table.

  1. For Table name, enter a name (for example, ItemDetails).
  2. For Partition key, enter a key (for this post, we use Item).
  3. For Sort key, enter a key (for this post, we use Size).
  4. Choose Create table.

Now you can load the data into the DynamoDB table. For this post, we use a CSV file. You can load the data to the DynamoDB table using Python code in a SageMaker notebook.

First, we need to set up a profile named dev.

  1. Open a new terminal in SageMaker Studio and run the following command:
aws configure --profile dev

This command will prompt you to enter your AWS access key ID, secret access key, default AWS Region, and output format.

  1. Return to the SageMaker notebook and write a Python code to set up a connection to DynamoDB using the Boto3 library in Python. This code snippet creates a session using a specific AWS profile named dev and then creates a DynamoDB client using that session. The following is the code sample to load the data:
%pip install boto3
import boto3
import csv

# Create a session using a profile named 'dev'
session = boto3.Session(profile_name='dev')

# Create a DynamoDB resource using the session
dynamodb = session.resource('dynamodb')

# Specify your DynamoDB table name
table_name = 'your_table_name'
table = dynamodb.Table(table_name)

# Specify the path to your CSV file
csv_file_path = 'path/to/your/file.csv'

# Read CSV file and put items into DynamoDB
with open(csv_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as csvfile:
    csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
    # Skip the header row
    next(csvreader, None)

    for row in csvreader:
        # Extract values from the CSV row
        item = {
            'Item': row[0],  # Adjust the index based on your CSV structure
            'Size': row[1],
            'Price': row[2]
        # Put item into DynamoDB
        response = table.put_item(Item=item)
        print(f"Item added: {response}")
print(f"CSV data has been loaded into the DynamoDB table: {table_name}")

Alternatively, you can use NoSQL Workbench or other tools to quickly load the data to your DynamoDB table.

The following is a screenshot after the sample data is inserted into the table.

Create templates in a SageMaker notebook using the Amazon Bedrock invocation API

To create our prompt template for this use case, we use Amazon Bedrock. You can access Amazon Bedrock from the AWS Management Console and via API invocations. In our case, we access Amazon Bedrock via API from the convenience of a SageMaker Studio notebook to create not only our prompt template, but our complete API invocation code that we can later use on our Lambda function.

  1. On the SageMaker console, access an existing SageMaker Studio domain or create a new one to access Amazon Bedrock from a SageMaker notebook.

  1. After you create the SageMaker domain and user, choose the user and choose Launch and Studio. This will open a JupyterLab environment.
  2. When the JupyterLab environment is ready, open a new notebook and begin importing the necessary libraries.

There are many FMs available via the Amazon Bedrock Python SDK. In this case, we use Claude V2, a powerful foundational model developed by Anthropic.

The order processing agent needs a few different templates. This can change depending on the use case, but we have designed a general workflow that can apply to multiple settings. For this use case, the Amazon Bedrock LLM template will accomplish the following:

  • Validate the customer intent
  • Validate the request
  • Create the order data structure
  • Pass a summary of the order to the customer
  1. To invoke the model, create a bedrock-runtime object from Boto3.

#Model api request parameters
modelId = 'anthropic.claude-v2' # change this to use a different version from the model provider
accept = 'application/json'
contentType = 'application/json'

import boto3
import json
bedrock = boto3.client(service_name='bedrock-runtime')

Let’s start by working on the intent validator prompt template. This is an iterative process, but thanks to Anthropic’s prompt engineering guide, you can quickly create a prompt that can accomplish the task.

  1. Create the first prompt template along with a utility function that will help prepare the body for the API invocations.

The following is the code for prompt_template_intent_validator.txt:

"{"prompt": "Human: I will give you some instructions to complete my request.\n<instructions>Given the Conversation between Human and Assistant, you need to identify the intent that the human wants to accomplish and respond appropriately. The valid intents are: Greeting,Place Order, Complain, Speak to Someone. Always put your response to the Human within the Response tags. Also add an XML tag to your output identifying the human intent.\nHere are some examples:\n<example><Conversation> H: hi there.\n\nA: Hi, how can I help you today?\n\nH: Yes. I would like a medium mocha please</Conversation>\n\nA:<intent>Place Order</intent><Response>\nGot it.</Response></example>\n<example><Conversation> H: hello\n\nA: Hi, how can I help you today?\n\nH: my coffee does not taste well can you please re-make it?</Conversation>\n\nA:<intent>Complain</intent><Response>\nOh, I am sorry to hear that. Let me get someone to help you.</Response></example>\n<example><Conversation> H: hi\n\nA: Hi, how can I help you today?\n\nH: I would like to speak to someone else please</Conversation>\n\nA:<intent>Speak to Someone</intent><Response>\nSure, let me get someone to help you.</Response></example>\n<example><Conversation> H: howdy\n\nA: Hi, how can I help you today?\n\nH:can I get a large americano with sugar and 2 mochas with no whipped cream</Conversation>\n\nA:<intent>Place Order</intent><Response>\nSure thing! Please give me a moment.</Response></example>\n<example><Conversation> H: hi\n\n</Conversation>\n\nA:<intent>Greeting</intent><Response>\nHi there, how can I help you today?</Response></example>\n</instructions>\n\nPlease complete this request according to the instructions and examples provided above:<request><Conversation>REPLACEME</Conversation></request>\n\nAssistant:\n", "max_tokens_to_sample": 250, "temperature": 1, "top_k": 250, "top_p": 0.75, "stop_sequences": ["\n\nHuman:", "\n\nhuman:", "\n\nCustomer:", "\n\ncustomer:"]}"

  1. Save this template into a file in order to upload to Amazon S3 and call from the Lambda function when needed. Save the templates as JSON serialized strings in a text file. The previous screenshot shows the code sample to accomplish this as well.
  2. Repeat the same steps with the other templates.

The following are some screenshots of the other templates and the results when calling Amazon Bedrock with some of them.

The following is the code for prompt_template_request_validator.txt:

"{"prompt": "Human: I will give you some instructions to complete my request.\n<instructions>Given the context do the following steps: 1. verify that the items in the input are valid. If customer provided an invalid item, recommend replacing it with a valid one. 2. verify that the customer has provided all the information marked as required. If the customer missed a required information, ask the customer for that information. 3. When the order is complete, provide a summary of the order and ask for confirmation always using this phrase: 'is this correct?' 4. If the customer confirms the order, Do not ask for confirmation again, just say the phrase inside the brackets [Great, Give me a moment while I try to process your order]</instructions>\n<context>\nThe VALID MENU ITEMS are: [latte, frappe, mocha, espresso, cappuccino, romano, americano].\nThe VALID OPTIONS are: [splenda, stevia, raw sugar, honey, whipped cream, sugar, oat milk, soy milk, regular milk, skimmed milk, whole milk, 2 percent milk, almond milk].\nThe required information is: size. Size can be: small, medium, large.\nHere are some examples: <example>H: I would like a medium latte with 1 Splenda and a small romano with no sugar please.\n\nA: <Validation>:\nThe Human is ordering a medium latte with one splenda. Latte is a valid menu item and splenda is a valid option. The Human is also ordering a small romano with no sugar. Romano is a valid menu item.</Validation>\n<Response>\nOk, I got: \n\t-Medium Latte with 1 Splenda and.\n\t-Small Romano with no Sugar.\nIs this correct?</Response>\n\nH: yep.\n\nA:\n<Response>\nGreat, Give me a moment while I try to process your order</example>\n\n<example>H: I would like a cappuccino and a mocha please.\n\nA: <Validation>:\nThe Human is ordering a cappuccino and a mocha. Both are valid menu items. The Human did not provide the size for the cappuccino. The human did not provide the size for the mocha. I will ask the Human for the required missing information.</Validation>\n<Response>\nSure thing, but can you please let me know the size for the Cappuccino and the size for the Mocha? We have Small, Medium, or Large.</Response></example>\n\n<example>H: I would like a small cappuccino and a large lemonade please.\n\nA: <Validation>:\nThe Human is ordering a small cappuccino and a large lemonade. Cappuccino is a valid menu item. Lemonade is not a valid menu item. I will suggest the Human a replacement from our valid menu items.</Validation>\n<Response>\nSorry, we don't have Lemonades, would you like to order something else instead? Perhaps a Frappe or a Latte?</Response></example>\n\n<example>H: Can I get a medium frappuccino with sugar please?\n\nA: <Validation>:\n The Human is ordering a Frappuccino. Frappuccino is not a valid menu item. I will suggest a replacement from the valid menu items in my context.</Validation>\n<Response>\nI am so sorry, but Frappuccino is not in our menu, do you want a frappe or a cappuccino instead? perhaps something else?</Response></example>\n\n<example>H: I want two large americanos and a small latte please.\n\nA: <Validation>:\n The Human is ordering 2 Large Americanos, and a Small Latte. Americano is a valid menu item. Latte is a valid menu item.</Validation>\n<Response>\nOk, I got: \n\t-2 Large Americanos and.\n\t-Small Latte.\nIs this correct?</Response>\n\nH: looks correct, yes.\n\nA:\n<Response>\nGreat, Give me a moment while I try to process your order.</Response></example>\n\n</Context>\n\nPlease complete this request according to the instructions and examples provided above:<request>REPLACEME</request>\n\nAssistant:\n", "max_tokens_to_sample": 250, "temperature": 0.3, "top_k": 250, "top_p": 0.75, "stop_sequences": ["\n\nHuman:", "\n\nhuman:", "\n\nCustomer:", "\n\ncustomer:"]}"

The following is our response from Amazon Bedrock using this template.

The following is the code for prompt_template_object_creator.txt:

"{"prompt": "Human: I will give you some instructions to complete my request.\n<instructions>Given the Conversation between Human and Assistant, you need to create a json object in Response with the appropriate attributes.\nHere are some examples:\n<example><Conversation> H: I want a latte.\n\nA:\nCan I have the size?\n\nH: Medium.\n\nA: So, a medium latte.\nIs this Correct?\n\nH: Yes.</Conversation>\n\nA:<Response>{\"1\":{\"item\":\"latte\",\"size\":\"medium\",\"addOns\":[]}}</Response></example>\n<example><Conversation> H: I want a large frappe and 2 small americanos with sugar.\n\nA: Okay, let me confirm:\n\n1 large frappe\n\n2 small americanos with sugar\n\nIs this correct?\n\nH: Yes.</Conversation>\n\nA:<Response>{\"1\":{\"item\":\"frappe\",\"size\":\"large\",\"addOns\":[]},\"2\":{\"item\":\"americano\",\"size\":\"small\",\"addOns\":[\"sugar\"]},\"3\":{\"item\":\"americano\",\"size\":\"small\",\"addOns\":[\"sugar\"]}}</Response>\n</example>\n<example><Conversation> H: I want a medium americano.\n\nA: Okay, let me confirm:\n\n1 medium americano\n\nIs this correct?\n\nH: Yes.</Conversation>\n\nA:<Response>{\"1\":{\"item\":\"americano\",\"size\":\"medium\",\"addOns\":[]}}</Response></example>\n<example><Conversation> H: I want a large latte with oatmilk.\n\nA: Okay, let me confirm:\n\nLarge latte with oatmilk\n\nIs this correct?\n\nH: Yes.</Conversation>\n\nA:<Response>{\"1\":{\"item\":\"latte\",\"size\":\"large\",\"addOns\":[\"oatmilk\"]}}</Response></example>\n<example><Conversation> H: I want a small mocha with no whipped cream please.\n\nA: Okay, let me confirm:\n\nSmall mocha with no whipped cream\n\nIs this correct?\n\nH: Yes.</Conversation>\n\nA:<Response>{\"1\":{\"item\":\"mocha\",\"size\":\"small\",\"addOns\":[\"no whipped cream\"]}}</Response>\n\n</example></instructions>\n\nPlease complete this request according to the instructions and examples provided above:<request><Conversation>REPLACEME</Conversation></request>\n\nAssistant:\n", "max_tokens_to_sample": 250, "temperature": 0.3, "top_k": 250, "top_p": 0.75, "stop_sequences": ["\n\nHuman:", "\n\nhuman:", "\n\nCustomer:", "\n\ncustomer:"]}"

The following is the code for prompt_template_order_summary.txt:

"{"prompt": "Human: I will give you some instructions to complete my request.\n<instructions>Given the Conversation between Human and Assistant, you need to create a summary of the order with bullet points and include the order total.\nHere are some examples:\n<example><Conversation> H: I want a large frappe and 2 small americanos with sugar.\n\nA: Okay, let me confirm:\n\n1 large frappe\n\n2 small americanos with sugar\n\nIs this correct?\n\nH: Yes.</Conversation>\n\n<OrderTotal>10.50</OrderTotal>\n\nA:<Response>\nHere is a summary of your order along with the total:\n\n1 large frappe\n\n2 small americanos with sugar.\nYour Order total is $10.50</Response></example>\n<example><Conversation> H: I want a medium americano.\n\nA: Okay, let me confirm:\n\n1 medium americano\n\nIs this correct?\n\nH: Yes.</Conversation>\n\n<OrderTotal>3.50</OrderTotal>\n\nA:<Response>\nHere is a summary of your order along with the total:\n\n1 medium americano.\nYour Order total is $3.50</Response></example>\n<example><Conversation> H: I want a large latte with oat milk.\n\nA: Okay, let me confirm:\n\nLarge latte with oat milk\n\nIs this correct?\n\nH: Yes.</Conversation>\n\n<OrderTotal>6.75</OrderTotal>\n\nA:<Response>\nHere is a summary of your order along with the total:\n\nLarge latte with oat milk.\nYour Order total is $6.75</Response></example>\n<example><Conversation> H: I want a small mocha with no whipped cream please.\n\nA: Okay, let me confirm:\n\nSmall mocha with no whipped cream\n\nIs this correct?\n\nH: Yes.</Conversation>\n\n<OrderTotal>4.25</OrderTotal>\n\nA:<Response>\nHere is a summary of your order along with the total:\n\nSmall mocha with no whipped cream.\nYour Order total is $6.75</Response>\n\n</example>\n</instructions>\n\nPlease complete this request according to the instructions and examples provided above:<request><Conversation>REPLACEME</Conversation>\n\n<OrderTotal>REPLACETOTAL</OrderTotal></request>\n\nAssistant:\n", "max_tokens_to_sample": 250, "temperature": 0.3, "top_k": 250, "top_p": 0.75, "stop_sequences": ["\n\nHuman:", "\n\nhuman:", "\n\nCustomer:", "\n\ncustomer:", "[Conversation]"]}"

As you can see, we have used our prompt templates to validate menu items, identify missing required information, create a data structure, and summarize the order. The foundational models available on Amazon Bedrock are very powerful, so you could accomplish even more tasks via these templates.

You have completed engineering the prompts and saved the templates to text files. You can now begin creating the Amazon Lex bot and the associated Lambda functions.

Create a Lambda layer with the prompt templates

Complete the following steps to create your Lambda layer:

  1. In SageMaker Studio, create a new folder with a subfolder named python.
  2. Copy your prompt files to the python folder.

  1. You can add the ZIP library to your notebook instance by running the following command.
!conda install -y -c conda-forge zip

  1. Now, run the following command to create the ZIP file for uploading to the Lambda layer.
!zip -r prompt_templates_layer/.

  1. After you create the ZIP file, you can download the file. Go to Lambda, create a new layer by uploading the file directly or by uploading to Amazon S3 first.
  2. Then attach this new layer to the orchestration Lambda function.

Now your prompt template files are locally stored in your Lambda runtime environment. This will speed up the process during your bot runs.

Create a Lambda layer with the required libraries

Complete the following steps to create your Lambda layer with the required librarues:

  1. Open an AWS Cloud9 instance environment, create a folder with a subfolder called python.
  2. Open a terminal inside the python folder.
  3. Run the following commands from the terminal:
pip install “boto3>=1.28.57” -t .
pip install “awscli>=1.29.57" -t .
pip install “botocore>=1.31.57” -t .
  1. Run cd .. and position yourself inside your new folder where you also have the python subfolder.
  2. Run the following command:
zip -r
  1. After you create the ZIP file, you can download the file. Go to Lambda, create a new layer by uploading the file directly or by uploading to Amazon S3 first.
  2. Then attach this new layer to the orchestration Lambda function.

Create the bot in Amazon Lex v2

For this use case, we build an Amazon Lex bot that can provide an input/output interface for the architecture in order to call Amazon Bedrock using voice or text from any interface. Because the LLM will handle the conversation piece of this order processing agent, and Lambda will orchestrate the workflow, you can create a bot with three intents and no slots.

  1. On the Amazon Lex console, create a new bot with the method Create a blank bot.

Now you can add an intent with any appropriate initial utterance for the end-users to start the conversation with the bot. We use simple greetings and add an initial bot response so end-users can provide their requests. When creating the bot, make sure to use a Lambda code hook with the intents; this will trigger a Lambda function that will orchestrate the workflow between the customer, Amazon Lex, and the LLM.

  1. Add your first intent, which triggers the workflow and uses the intent validation prompt template to call Amazon Bedrock and identify what the customer is trying to accomplish. Add a few simple utterances for end-users to start conversation.

You don’t need to use any slots or initial reading in any of the bot intents. In fact, you don’t need to add utterances to the second or third intents. That is because the LLM will guide Lambda throughout the process.

  1. Add a confirmation prompt. You can customize this message in the Lambda function later.

  1. Under Code hooks, select Use a Lambda function for initialization and validation.

  1. Create a second intent with no utterance and no initial response. This is the PlaceOrder intent.

When the LLM identifies that the customer is trying to place an order, the Lambda function will trigger this intent and validate the customer request against the menu, and make sure that no required information is missing. Remember that all of this is on the prompt templates, so you can adapt this workflow for any use case by changing the prompt templates.

  1. Don’t add any slots, but add a confirmation prompt and decline response.

  1. Select Use a Lambda function for initialization and validation.

  1. Create a third intent named ProcessOrder with no sample utterances and no slots.
  2. Add an initial response, a confirmation prompt, and a decline response.

After the LLM has validated the customer request, the Lambda function triggers the third and last intent to process the order. Here, Lambda will use the object creator template to generate the order JSON data structure to query the DynamoDB table, and then use the order summary template to summarize the whole order along with the total so Amazon Lex can pass it to the customer.

  1. Select Use a Lambda function for initialization and validation. This can use any Lambda function to process the order after the customer has given the final confirmation.

  1. After you create all three intents, go to the Visual builder for the ValidateIntent, add a go-to intent step, and connect the output of the positive confirmation to that step.
  2. After you add the go-to intent, edit it and choose the PlaceOrder intent as the intent name.

  1. Similarly, to go the Visual builder for the PlaceOrder intent and connect the output of the positive confirmation to the ProcessOrder go-to intent. No editing is required for the ProcessOrder intent.
  2. You now need to create the Lambda function that orchestrates Amazon Lex and calls the DynamoDB table, as detailed in the following section.

Create a Lambda function to orchestrate the Amazon Lex bot

You can now build the Lambda function that orchestrates the Amazon Lex bot and workflow. Complete the following steps:

  1. Create a Lambda function with the standard execution policy and let Lambda create a role for you.
  2. In the code window of your function, add a few utility functions that will help: format the prompts by adding the lex context to the template, call the Amazon Bedrock LLM API, extract the desired text from the responses, and more. See the following code:
import json
import re
import boto3
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()

bedrock = boto3.client(service_name='bedrock-runtime')
def CreatingCustomPromptFromLambdaLayer(object_key,replace_items):
    folder_path = '/opt/order_processing_agent_prompt_templates/python/'
        file_path = folder_path + object_key
        with open(file_path, "r") as file1:
            raw_template =
            # Modify the template with the custom input prompt
            #template['inputs'][0].insert(1, {"role": "user", "content": '### Input:n' + user_request})
            for key,value in replace_items.items():
                value = json.dumps(json.dumps(value).replace('"','')).replace('"','')
                raw_template = raw_template.replace(key,value)
            modified_prompt = raw_template

            return modified_prompt
    except Exception as e:
        return {
            'statusCode': 500,
            'body': f'An error occurred: {str(e)}'
def CreatingCustomPrompt(object_key,replace_items):
    logger.debug('replace_items is: {}'.format(replace_items))
    #retrieve user request from intent_request
    #we first propmt the model with current order
    bucket_name = 'your-bucket-name'
    #object_key = 'prompt_template_order_processing.txt'
        s3 = boto3.client('s3')
        # Retrieve the existing template from S3
        response = s3.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=object_key)
        raw_template = response['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')
        raw_template = json.loads(raw_template)
        logger.debug('raw template is {}'.format(raw_template))
        #template_json = json.loads(raw_template)
        #logger.debug('template_json is {}'.format(template_json))
        #template = json.dumps(template_json)
        #logger.debug('template is {}'.format(template))

        # Modify the template with the custom input prompt
        #template['inputs'][0].insert(1, {"role": "user", "content": '### Input:n' + user_request})
        for key,value in replace_items.items():
            raw_template = raw_template.replace(key,value)
            logger.debug("Replacing: {} nwith: {}".format(key,value))
        modified_prompt = json.dumps(raw_template)
        logger.debug("Modified template: {}".format(modified_prompt))
        logger.debug("Modified template type is: {}".format(print(type(modified_prompt))))
        #modified_template_json = json.loads(modified_prompt)
        #logger.debug("Modified template json: {}".format(modified_template_json))
        return modified_prompt
    except Exception as e:
        return {
            'statusCode': 500,
            'body': f'An error occurred: {str(e)}'
def validate_intent(intent_request):
    logger.debug('starting validate_intent: {}'.format(intent_request))
    #retrieve user request from intent_request
    user_request = 'Human: ' + intent_request['inputTranscript'].lower()
    #getting current context variable
    current_session_attributes =  intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes']
    if len(current_session_attributes) > 0:
        full_context = current_session_attributes['fullContext'] + '\n\n' + user_request
        dialog_context = current_session_attributes['dialogContext'] + '\n\n' + user_request
        full_context = user_request
        dialog_context = user_request
    #Preparing validation prompt by adding context to prompt template
    object_key = 'prompt_template_intent_validator.txt'
    #replace_items = {"REPLACEME":full_context}
    #replace_items = {"REPLACEME":dialog_context}
    replace_items = {"REPLACEME":dialog_context}
    #validation_prompt = CreatingCustomPrompt(object_key,replace_items)
    validation_prompt = CreatingCustomPromptFromLambdaLayer(object_key,replace_items)

    #Prompting model for request validation
    intent_validation_completion = prompt_bedrock(validation_prompt)
    intent_validation_completion = re.sub(r'["]','',intent_validation_completion)

    #extracting response from response completion and removing some special characters
    validation_response = extract_response(intent_validation_completion)
    validation_intent = extract_intent(intent_validation_completion)

    #business logic depending on intents
    if validation_intent == 'Place Order':
        return validate_request(intent_request)
    elif validation_intent in ['Complain','Speak to Someone']:
        ##adding session attributes to keep current context
        full_context = full_context + '\n\n' + intent_validation_completion
        dialog_context = dialog_context + '\n\nAssistant: ' + validation_response
        intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes']['fullContext'] = full_context
        intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes']['dialogContext'] = dialog_context
        intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes']['customerIntent'] = validation_intent
        return close(intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes'],intent_request['sessionState']['intent']['name'],'Fulfilled','Close',validation_response)
    if validation_intent == 'Greeting':
        ##adding session attributes to keep current context
        full_context = full_context + '\n\n' + intent_validation_completion
        dialog_context = dialog_context + '\n\nAssistant: ' + validation_response
        intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes']['fullContext'] = full_context
        intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes']['dialogContext'] = dialog_context
        intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes']['customerIntent'] = validation_intent
        return close(intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes'],intent_request['sessionState']['intent']['name'],'InProgress','ConfirmIntent',validation_response)

def validate_request(intent_request):
    logger.debug('starting validate_request: {}'.format(intent_request))
    #retrieve user request from intent_request
    user_request = 'Human: ' + intent_request['inputTranscript'].lower()
    #getting current context variable
    current_session_attributes =  intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes']
    if len(current_session_attributes) > 0:
        full_context = current_session_attributes['fullContext'] + '\n\n' + user_request
        dialog_context = current_session_attributes['dialogContext'] + '\n\n' + user_request
        full_context = user_request
        dialog_context = user_request
    #Preparing validation prompt by adding context to prompt template
    object_key = 'prompt_template_request_validator.txt'
    replace_items = {"REPLACEME":dialog_context}
    #validation_prompt = CreatingCustomPrompt(object_key,replace_items)
    validation_prompt = CreatingCustomPromptFromLambdaLayer(object_key,replace_items)

    #Prompting model for request validation
    request_validation_completion = prompt_bedrock(validation_prompt)
    request_validation_completion = re.sub(r'["]','',request_validation_completion)

    #extracting response from response completion and removing some special characters
    validation_response = extract_response(request_validation_completion)

    ##adding session attributes to keep current context
    full_context = full_context + '\n\n' + request_validation_completion
    dialog_context = dialog_context + '\n\nAssistant: ' + validation_response
    intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes']['fullContext'] = full_context
    intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes']['dialogContext'] = dialog_context
    return close(intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes'],'PlaceOrder','InProgress','ConfirmIntent',validation_response)
def process_order(intent_request):
    logger.debug('starting process_order: {}'.format(intent_request))

     #retrieve user request from intent_request
    user_request = 'Human: ' + intent_request['inputTranscript'].lower()
    #getting current context variable
    current_session_attributes =  intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes']
    if len(current_session_attributes) > 0:
        full_context = current_session_attributes['fullContext'] + '\n\n' + user_request
        dialog_context = current_session_attributes['dialogContext'] + '\n\n' + user_request
        full_context = user_request
        dialog_context = user_request
    #   Preparing object creator prompt by adding context to prompt template
    object_key = 'prompt_template_object_creator.txt'
    replace_items = {"REPLACEME":dialog_context}
    #object_creator_prompt = CreatingCustomPrompt(object_key,replace_items)
    object_creator_prompt = CreatingCustomPromptFromLambdaLayer(object_key,replace_items)
    #Prompting model for object creation
    object_creation_completion = prompt_bedrock(object_creator_prompt)
    #extracting response from response completion
    object_creation_response = extract_response(object_creation_completion)
    inputParams = json.loads(object_creation_response)
    inputParams = json.dumps(json.dumps(inputParams))
    logger.debug('inputParams is: {}'.format(inputParams))
    client = boto3.client('lambda')
    response = client.invoke(FunctionName = 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:<AccountNumber>:function:aws-blog-order-validator',InvocationType = 'RequestResponse',Payload = inputParams)
    responseFromChild = json.load(response['Payload'])
    validationResult = responseFromChild['statusCode']
    if validationResult == 205:
        order_validation_error = responseFromChild['validator_response']
        return close(intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes'],'PlaceOrder','InProgress','ConfirmIntent',order_validation_error)
    #invokes Order Processing lambda to query DynamoDB table and returns order total
    response = client.invoke(FunctionName = 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1: <AccountNumber>:function:aws-blog-order-processing',InvocationType = 'RequestResponse',Payload = inputParams)
    responseFromChild = json.load(response['Payload'])
    orderTotal = responseFromChild['body']
    ###Prompting the model to summarize the order along with order total
    object_key = 'prompt_template_order_summary.txt'
    replace_items = {"REPLACEME":dialog_context,"REPLACETOTAL":orderTotal}
    #order_summary_prompt = CreatingCustomPrompt(object_key,replace_items)
    order_summary_prompt = CreatingCustomPromptFromLambdaLayer(object_key,replace_items)
    order_summary_completion = prompt_bedrock(order_summary_prompt)
    #extracting response from response completion
    order_summary_response = extract_response(order_summary_completion)  
    order_summary_response = order_summary_response + '. Shall I finalize processing your order?'
    ##adding session attributes to keep current context
    full_context = full_context + '\n\n' + order_summary_completion
    dialog_context = dialog_context + '\n\nAssistant: ' + order_summary_response
    intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes']['fullContext'] = full_context
    intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes']['dialogContext'] = dialog_context
    return close(intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes'],'ProcessOrder','InProgress','ConfirmIntent',order_summary_response)

""" --- Main handler and Workflow functions --- """

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    Route the incoming request based on intent.
    The JSON body of the request is provided in the event slot.
    logger.debug('event is: {}'.format(event))

    return dispatch(event)

def dispatch(intent_request):
    Called when the user specifies an intent for this bot. If intent is not valid then returns error name
    logger.debug('intent_request is: {}'.format(intent_request))
    intent_name = intent_request['sessionState']['intent']['name']
    confirmation_state = intent_request['sessionState']['intent']['confirmationState']
    # Dispatch to your bot's intent handlers
    if intent_name == 'ValidateIntent' and confirmation_state == 'None':
        return validate_intent(intent_request)
    if intent_name == 'PlaceOrder' and confirmation_state == 'None':
        return validate_request(intent_request)
    elif intent_name == 'PlaceOrder' and confirmation_state == 'Confirmed':
        return process_order(intent_request)
    elif intent_name == 'PlaceOrder' and confirmation_state == 'Denied':
        return close(intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes'],intent_request['sessionState']['intent']['name'],'Fulfilled','Close','Got it. Let me know if I can help you with something else.')
    elif intent_name == 'PlaceOrder' and confirmation_state not in ['Denied','Confirmed','None']:
        return close(intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes'],intent_request['sessionState']['intent']['name'],'Fulfilled','Close','Sorry. I am having trouble completing the request. Let me get someone to help you.')
        logger.debug('exiting intent {} here'.format(intent_request['sessionState']['intent']['name']))
    elif intent_name == 'ProcessOrder' and confirmation_state == 'None':
        return validate_request(intent_request)
    elif intent_name == 'ProcessOrder' and confirmation_state == 'Confirmed':
        return close(intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes'],intent_request['sessionState']['intent']['name'],'Fulfilled','Close','Perfect! Your order has been processed. Please proceed to payment.')
    elif intent_name == 'ProcessOrder' and confirmation_state == 'Denied':
        return close(intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes'],intent_request['sessionState']['intent']['name'],'Fulfilled','Close','Got it. Let me know if I can help you with something else.')
    elif intent_name == 'ProcessOrder' and confirmation_state not in ['Denied','Confirmed','None']:
        return close(intent_request['sessionState']['sessionAttributes'],intent_request['sessionState']['intent']['name'],'Fulfilled','Close','Sorry. I am having trouble completing the request. Let me get someone to help you.')
        logger.debug('exiting intent {} here'.format(intent_request['sessionState']['intent']['name']))
    raise Exception('Intent with name ' + intent_name + ' not supported')
def prompt_bedrock(formatted_template):
    logger.debug('prompt bedrock input is:'.format(formatted_template))
    body = json.loads(formatted_template)

    modelId = 'anthropic.claude-v2' # change this to use a different version from the model provider
    accept = 'application/json'
    contentType = 'application/json'

    response = bedrock.invoke_model(body=body, modelId=modelId, accept=accept, contentType=contentType)
    response_body = json.loads(response.get('body').read())
    response_completion = response_body.get('completion')
    logger.debug('response is: {}'.format(response_completion))

    return response_completion

#function to extract text between the <Response> and </Response> tags within model completion
def extract_response(response_completion):
    if '<Response>' in response_completion:
        customer_response = response_completion.replace('<Response>','||').replace('</Response>','').split('||')[1]
        logger.debug('modified response is: {}'.format(response_completion))

        return customer_response
        logger.debug('modified response is: {}'.format(response_completion))

        return response_completion
#function to extract text between the <Response> and </Response> tags within model completion
def extract_intent(response_completion):
    if '<intent>' in response_completion:
        customer_intent = response_completion.replace('<intent>','||').replace('</intent>','||').split('||')[1]
        return customer_intent
        return customer_intent
def close(session_attributes, intent, fulfillment_state, action_type, message):
    #This function prepares the response in the appropiate format for Lex V2

    response = {
        "sessionState": {
            "dialogAction": {
                "type": action_type
            "intent": {
    return response
  1. Attach the Lambda layer you created earlier to this function.
  2. Additionally, attach the layer to the prompt templates you created.
  3. In the Lambda execution role, attach the policy to access Amazon Bedrock, which was created earlier.

The Lambda execution role should have the following permissions.

Attach the Orchestration Lambda function to the Amazon Lex bot

  1. After you create the function in the previous section, return to the Amazon Lex console and navigate to your bot.
  2. Under Languages in the navigation pane, choose English.
  3. For Source, choose your order processing bot.
  4. For Lambda function version or alias, choose $LATEST.
  5. Choose Save.

Create assisting Lambda functions

Complete the following steps to create additional Lambda functions:

  1. Create a Lambda function to query the DynamoDB table that you created earlier:
import json
import boto3
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()
# Initialize the DynamoDB client
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = dynamodb.Table('your-table-name')

def calculate_grand_total(input_data):
    # Initialize the total price
    total_price = 0
        # Loop through each item in the input JSON
        for item_id, item_data in input_data.items():
            item_name = item_data['item'].lower()  # Convert item name to lowercase
            item_size = item_data['size'].lower()  # Convert item size to lowercase
            # Query the DynamoDB table for the item based on Item and Size
            response = table.get_item(
                Key={'Item': item_name,
                    'Size': item_size}
            # Check if the item was found in the table
            if 'Item' in response:
                item = response['Item']
                price = float(item['Price'])
                total_price += price  # Add the item's price to the total
        return total_price
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception('An error occurred: {}'.format(str(e)))

def lambda_handler(event, context):
        # Parse the input JSON from the Lambda event
        input_json = json.loads(event)

        # Calculate the grand total
        grand_total = calculate_grand_total(input_json)
        # Return the grand total in the response
        return {'statusCode': 200,'body': json.dumps(grand_total)}
    except Exception as e:
        return {
            'statusCode': 500,
            'body': json.dumps('An error occurred: {}'.format(str(e)))
  1. Navigate to the Configuration tab in the Lambda function and choose Permissions.
  2. Attach a resource-based policy statement allowing the order processing Lambda function to invoke this function.

  1. Navigate to the IAM execution role for this Lambda function and add a policy to access the DynamoDB table.

  1. Create another Lambda function to validate if all required attributes were passed from the customer. In the following example, we validate if the size attribute is captured for an order:
import json
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # Define customer orders from the input event
    customer_orders = json.loads(event)

    # Initialize a list to collect error messages
    order_errors = {}
    missing_size = []
    error_messages = []
    # Iterate through each order in customer_orders
    for order_id, order in customer_orders.items():
        if "size" not in order or order["size"] == "":
            order_errors['size'] = missing_size
    if order_errors:
        items_missing_size = order_errors['size']
        error_message = f"could you please provide the size for the following items: {', '.join(items_missing_size)}?"

    # Prepare the response message
    if error_messages:
        response_message = "n".join(error_messages)
        return {
        'statusCode': 205,
        'validator_response': response_message
        response_message = "Order is validated successfully"
        return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'validator_response': response_message
  1. Navigate to the Configuration tab in the Lambda function and choose Permissions.
  2. Attach a resource-based policy statement allowing the order processing Lambda function to invoke this function.

Test the solution

Now we can test the solution with example orders that customers place via Amazon Lex.

For our first example, the customer asked for a frappuccino, which is not on the menu. The model validates with the help of order validator template and suggests some recommendations based on the menu. After the customer confirms their order, they are notified of the order total and order summary. The order will be processed based on the customer’s final confirmation.

In our next example, the customer is ordering for large cappuccino and then modifying the size from large to medium. The model captures all necessary changes and requests the customer to confirm the order. The model presents the order total and order summary, and processes the order based on the customer’s final confirmation.

For our final example, the customer placed an order for multiple items and the size is missing for a couple of items. The model and Lambda function will verify if all required attributes are present to process the order and then ask the customer to provide the missing information. After the customer provides the missing information (in this case, the size of the coffee), they’re shown the order total and order summary. The order will be processed based on the customer’s final confirmation.

LLM limitations

LLM outputs are stochastic by nature, which means that the results from our LLM can vary in format, or even in the form of untruthful content (hallucinations). Therefore, developers need to rely on a good error handling logic throughout their code in order to handle these scenarios and avoid a degraded end-user experience.

Clean up

If you no longer need this solution, you can delete the following resources:

  • Lambda functions
  • Amazon Lex box
  • DynamoDB table
  • S3 bucket

Additionally, shut down the SageMaker Studio instance if the application is no longer required.

Cost assessment

For pricing information for the main services used by this solution, see the following:

Note that you can use Claude v2 without the need for provisioning, so overall costs remain at a minimum. To further reduce costs, you can configure the DynamoDB table with the on-demand setting.


This post demonstrated how to build a speech-enabled AI order processing agent using Amazon Lex, Amazon Bedrock, and other AWS services. We showed how prompt engineering with a powerful generative AI model like Claude can enable robust natural language understanding and conversation flows for order processing without the need for extensive training data.

The solution architecture uses serverless components like Lambda, Amazon S3, and DynamoDB to enable a flexible and scalable implementation. Storing the prompt templates in Amazon S3 allows you to customize the solution for different use cases.

Next steps could include expanding the agent’s capabilities to handle a wider range of customer requests and edge cases. The prompt templates provide a way to iteratively improve the agent’s skills. Additional customizations could involve integrating the order data with backend systems like inventory, CRM, or POS. Lastly, the agent could be made available across various customer touchpoints like mobile apps, drive-thru, kiosks, and more using the multi-channel capabilities of Amazon Lex.

To learn more, refer to the following related resources:

About the Authors

Moumita Dutta is a Partner Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services. In her role, she collaborates closely with partners to develop scalable and reusable assets that streamline cloud deployments and enhance operational efficiency. She is a member of AI/ML community and a Generative AI expert at AWS. In her leisure, she enjoys gardening and cycling.

Fernando Lammoglia is a Partner Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, working closely with AWS partners in spearheading the development and adoption of cutting-edge AI solutions across business units. A strategic leader with expertise in cloud architecture, generative AI, machine learning, and data analytics. He specializes in executing go-to-market strategies and delivering impactful AI solutions aligned with organizational goals. On his free time he loves to spend time with his family and travel to other countries.

Mitul Patel is a Senior Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services. In his role as a cloud technology enabler, he works with customers to understand their goals and challenges, and provides prescriptive guidance to achieve their objective with AWS offerings. He is a member of AI/ML community and a Generative AI ambassador at AWS. In his free time, he enjoys hiking and playing soccer.

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Federated learning on AWS using FedML, Amazon EKS, and Amazon SageMaker

Federated learning on AWS using FedML, Amazon EKS, and Amazon SageMaker

This post is co-written with Chaoyang He, Al Nevarez and Salman Avestimehr from FedML.

Many organizations are implementing machine learning (ML) to enhance their business decision-making through automation and the use of large distributed datasets. With increased access to data, ML has the potential to provide unparalleled business insights and opportunities. However, the sharing of raw, non-sanitized sensitive information across different locations poses significant security and privacy risks, especially in regulated industries such as healthcare.

To address this issue, federated learning (FL) is a decentralized and collaborative ML training technique that offers data privacy while maintaining accuracy and fidelity. Unlike traditional ML training, FL training occurs within an isolated client location using an independent secure session. The client only shares its output model parameters with a centralized server, known as the training coordinator or aggregation server, and not the actual data used to train the model. This approach alleviates many data privacy concerns while enabling effective collaboration on model training.

Although FL is a step towards achieving better data privacy and security, it’s not a guaranteed solution. Insecure networks lacking access control and encryption can still expose sensitive information to attackers. Additionally, locally trained information can expose private data if reconstructed through an inference attack. To mitigate these risks, the FL model uses personalized training algorithms and effective masking and parameterization before sharing information with the training coordinator. Strong network controls at local and centralized locations can further reduce inference and exfiltration risks.

In this post, we share an FL approach using FedML, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), and Amazon SageMaker to improve patient outcomes while addressing data privacy and security concerns.

The need for federated learning in healthcare

Healthcare relies heavily on distributed data sources to make accurate predictions and assessments about patient care. Limiting the available data sources to protect privacy negatively affects result accuracy and, ultimately, the quality of patient care. Therefore, ML creates challenges for AWS customers who need to ensure privacy and security across distributed entities without compromising patient outcomes.

Healthcare organizations must navigate strict compliance regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States, while implementing FL solutions. Ensuring data privacy, security, and compliance becomes even more critical in healthcare, requiring robust encryption, access controls, auditing mechanisms, and secure communication protocols. Additionally, healthcare datasets often contain complex and heterogeneous data types, making data standardization and interoperability a challenge in FL settings.

Use case overview

The use case outlined in this post is of heart disease data in different organizations, on which an ML model will run classification algorithms to predict heart disease in the patient. Because this data is across organizations, we use federated learning to collate the findings.

The Heart Disease dataset from the University of California Irvine’s Machine Learning Repository is a widely used dataset for cardiovascular research and predictive modeling. It consists of 303 samples, each representing a patient, and contains a combination of clinical and demographic attributes, as well as the presence or absence of heart disease.

This multivariate dataset has 76 attributes in the patient information, out of which 14 attributes are most commonly used for developing and evaluating ML algorithms to predict the presence of heart disease based on the given attributes.

FedML framework

There is a wide selection of FL frameworks, but we decided to use the FedML framework for this use case because it is open source and supports several FL paradigms. FedML provides a popular open source library, MLOps platform, and application ecosystem for FL. These facilitate the development and deployment of FL solutions. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools, libraries, and algorithms that enable researchers and practitioners to implement and experiment with FL algorithms in a distributed environment. FedML addresses the challenges of data privacy, communication, and model aggregation in FL, offering a user-friendly interface and customizable components. With its focus on collaboration and knowledge sharing, FedML aims to accelerate the adoption of FL and drive innovation in this emerging field. The FedML framework is model agnostic, including recently added support for large language models (LLMs). For more information, refer to Releasing FedLLM: Build Your Own Large Language Models on Proprietary Data using the FedML Platform.

FedML Octopus

System hierarchy and heterogeneity is a key challenge in real-life FL use cases, where different data silos may have different infrastructure with CPU and GPUs. In such scenarios, you can use FedML Octopus.

FedML Octopus is the industrial-grade platform of cross-silo FL for cross-organization and cross-account training. Coupled with FedML MLOps, it enables developers or organizations to conduct open collaboration from anywhere at any scale in a secure manner. FedML Octopus runs a distributed training paradigm inside each data silo and uses synchronous or asynchronous trainings.


FedML MLOps enables local development of code that can later be deployed anywhere using FedML frameworks. Before initiating training, you must create a FedML account, as well as create and upload the server and client packages in FedML Octopus. For more details, refer to steps and Introducing FedML Octopus: scaling federated learning into production with simplified MLOps.

Solution overview

We deploy FedML into multiple EKS clusters integrated with SageMaker for experiment tracking. We use Amazon EKS Blueprints for Terraform to deploy the required infrastructure. EKS Blueprints helps compose complete EKS clusters that are fully bootstrapped with the operational software that is needed to deploy and operate workloads. With EKS Blueprints, the configuration for the desired state of EKS environment, such as the control plane, worker nodes, and Kubernetes add-ons, is described as an infrastructure as code (IaC) blueprint. After a blueprint is configured, it can be used to create consistent environments across multiple AWS accounts and Regions using continuous deployment automation.

The content shared in this post reflects real-life situations and experiences, but it’s important to note that the deployment of these situations in different locations may vary. Although we utilize a single AWS account with separate VPCs, it’s crucial to understand that individual circumstances and configurations may differ. Therefore, the information provided should be used as a general guide and may require adaptation based on specific requirements and local conditions.

The following diagram illustrates our solution architecture.

In addition to the tracking provided by FedML MLOps for each training run, we use Amazon SageMaker Experiments to track the performance of each client model and the centralized (aggregator) model.

SageMaker Experiments is a capability of SageMaker that lets you create, manage, analyze, and compare your ML experiments. By recording experiment details, parameters, and results, researchers can accurately reproduce and validate their work. It allows for effective comparison and analysis of different approaches, leading to informed decision-making. Additionally, tracking experiments facilitates iterative improvement by providing insights into the progression of models and enabling researchers to learn from previous iterations, ultimately accelerating the development of more effective solutions.

We send the following to SageMaker Experiments for each run:

  • Model evaluation metrics – Training loss and Area Under the Curve (AUC)
  • Hyperparameters – Epoch, learning rate, batch size, optimizer, and weight decay


To follow along with this post, you should have the following prerequisites:

Deploy the solution

To begin, clone the repository hosting the sample code locally:

git clone

Then deploy the use case infrastructure using the following commands:

terraform init
terraform apply

The Terraform template may take 20–30 minutes to fully deploy. After it’s deployed, follow the steps in the next sections to run the FL application.

Create an MLOps deployment package

As a part of the FedML documentation, we need to create the client and server packages, which the MLOps platform will distribute to the server and clients to begin training.

To create these packages, run the following script found in the root directory:

. ./

This will create the respective packages in the following directory in the project’s root directory:


Upload the packages to the FedML MLOps platform

Complete the following steps to upload the packages:

  1. On the FedML UI, choose My Applications in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose New Application.
  3. Upload the client and server packages from your workstation.
  4. You can also adjust the hyperparameters or create new ones.

Trigger federated training

To run federated training, complete the following steps:

  1. On the FedML UI, choose Project List in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create a new project.
  3. Enter a group name and a project name, then choose OK.
  4. Choose the newly created project and choose Create new run to trigger a training run.
  5. Select the edge client devices and the central aggregator server for this training run.
  6. Choose the application that you created in the previous steps.
  7. Update any of the hyperparameters or use the default settings.
  8. Choose Start to start training.
  9. Choose the Training Status tab and wait for the training run to complete. You can also navigate to the tabs available.
  10. When training is complete, choose the System tab to see the training time durations on your edge servers and aggregation events.

View results and experiment details

When the training is complete, you can view the results using FedML and SageMaker.

On the FedML UI, on the Models tab, you can see the aggregator and client model. You can also download these models from the website.

You can also log in to Amazon SageMaker Studio and choose Experiments in the navigation pane.

The following screenshot shows the logged experiments.

Experiment tracking code

In this section, we explore the code that integrates SageMaker experiment tracking with the FL framework training.

In an editor of your choice, open the following folder to see the edits to the code to inject SageMaker experiment tracking code as a part of the training:


For tracking the training, we create a SageMaker experiment with parameters and metrics logged using the log_parameter and log_metric command as outlined in the following code sample.

An entry in the config/fedml_config.yaml file declares the experiment prefix, which is referenced in the code to create unique experiment names: sm_experiment_name: "fed-heart-disease". You can update this to any value of your choice.

For example, see the following code for the, which is used by each client to train the model on their own dataset:

# Add this code before the for loop on epochs
# We are passing the experiment prefix & client-rank from the config
# to the function to create a unique name
experiment_name = unique_name_from_base(args.sm_experiment_name + "-client-" + str(args.rank))
print(f"Sagemaker Experiment Name: {experiment_name}")

For each client run, the experiment details are tracked using the following code in

# create an experiment and start a new run
with Run(experiment_name=experiment_name, run_name=run_name, sagemaker_session=Session()) as run:
{ "Train Data Size": str(len(train_data.dataset)),
"device": "cpu",
"center": args.rank,
"batch-size": args.batch_size,
"client-optimizer" : args.client_optimizer,
"weight-decay": args.weight_decay
run.log_metric(name="Validation:AUC", value=epoch_auc)
run.log_metric(name="Training:Loss", value=epoch_loss)

Similarly, you can use the code in to run a test on local data after updating the model weights. The details are logged after each communication run with the clients.

# create an experiment and start a new run
with Run(experiment_name=experiment_name, run_name=run_name, sagemaker_session=Session()) as run:
{ "Train Data Size": str(len(test_data_local_dict[i])),
"device": "cpu",
"round": i,
"batch-size": args.batch_size,
"client-optimizer" : args.client_optimizer,
"weight-decay": args.weight_decay
run.log_metric(name="Test:AUC", value=test_auc_metrics)
run.log_metric(name="Test:Loss", value=test_loss_metrics)

Clean up

When you’re done with the solution, make sure to clean up the resources used to ensure efficient resource utilization and cost management, and avoid unnecessary expenses and resource wastage. Active tidying up the environment, such as deleting unused instances, stopping unnecessary services, and removing temporary data, contributes to a clean and organized infrastructure. You can use the following code to clean up your resources:

terraform destroy -target=module.m_fedml_edge_server.module.eks_blueprints_kubernetes_addons -auto-approve
terraform destroy -target=module.m_fedml_edge_client_1.module.eks_blueprints_kubernetes_addons -auto-approve
terraform destroy -target=module.m_fedml_edge_client_2.module.eks_blueprints_kubernetes_addons -auto-approve

terraform destroy -target=module.m_fedml_edge_client_1.module.eks -auto-approve
terraform destroy -target=module.m_fedml_edge_client_2.module.eks -auto-approve
terraform destroy -target=module.m_fedml_edge_server.module.eks -auto-approve

terraform destroy


By using Amazon EKS as the infrastructure and FedML as the framework for FL, we are able to provide a scalable and managed environment for training and deploying shared models while respecting data privacy. With the decentralized nature of FL, organizations can collaborate securely, unlock the potential of distributed data, and improve ML models without compromising data privacy.

As always, AWS welcomes your feedback. Please leave your thoughts and questions in the comments section.

About the Authors

Randy DeFauwRandy DeFauw is a Senior Principal Solutions Architect at AWS. He holds an MSEE from the University of Michigan, where he worked on computer vision for autonomous vehicles. He also holds an MBA from Colorado State University. Randy has held a variety of positions in the technology space, ranging from software engineering to product management. He entered the big data space in 2013 and continues to explore that area. He is actively working on projects in the ML space and has presented at numerous conferences, including Strata and GlueCon.

Arnab Sinha is a Senior Solutions Architect for AWS, acting as Field CTO to help organizations design and build scalable solutions supporting business outcomes across data center migrations, digital transformation and application modernization, big data, and machine learning. He has supported customers across a variety of industries, including energy, retail, manufacturing, healthcare, and life sciences. Arnab holds all AWS Certifications, including the ML Specialty Certification. Prior to joining AWS, Arnab was a technology leader and previously held architect and engineering leadership roles.

Prachi Kulkarni is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. Her specialization is machine learning, and she is actively working on designing solutions using various AWS ML, big data, and analytics offerings. Prachi has experience in multiple domains, including healthcare, benefits, retail, and education, and has worked in a range of positions in product engineering and architecture, management, and customer success.

Tamer Sherif is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS, with a diverse background in the technology and enterprise consulting services realm, spanning over 17 years as a Solutions Architect. With a focus on infrastructure, Tamer’s expertise covers a broad spectrum of industry verticals, including commercial, healthcare, automotive, public sector, manufacturing, oil and gas, media services, and more. His proficiency extends to various domains, such as cloud architecture, edge computing, networking, storage, virtualization, business productivity, and technical leadership.

Hans Nesbitt is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS based out of Southern California. He works with customers across the western US to craft highly scalable, flexible, and resilient cloud architectures. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, cooking, and playing guitar.

Chaoyang He is Co-founder and CTO of FedML, Inc., a startup running for a community building open and collaborative AI from anywhere at any scale. His research focuses on distributed and federated machine learning algorithms, systems, and applications. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Southern California.

Al Nevarez is Director of Product Management at FedML. Before FedML, he was a group product manager at Google, and a senior manager of data science at LinkedIn. He has several data product-related patents, and he studied engineering at Stanford University.

Salman Avestimehr is Co-founder and CEO of FedML. He has been a Dean’s Professor at USC, Director of the USC-Amazon Center on Trustworthy AI, and an Amazon Scholar in Alexa AI. He is an expert on federated and decentralized machine learning, information theory, security, and privacy. He is a Fellow of IEEE and received his PhD in EECS from UC Berkeley.

Samir Lad is an accomplished enterprise technologist with AWS who works closely with customers’ C-level executives. As a former C-suite executive who has driven transformations across multiple Fortune 100 companies, Samir shares his invaluable experiences to help his clients succeed in their own transformation journey.

Stephen Kraemer is a Board and CxO advisor and former executive at AWS. Stephen advocates culture and leadership as the foundations of success. He professes security and innovation the drivers of cloud transformation enabling highly competitive, data-driven organizations.

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Enable data sharing through federated learning: A policy approach for chief digital officers

Enable data sharing through federated learning: A policy approach for chief digital officers

This is a guest blog post written by Nitin Kumar, a Lead Data Scientist at T and T Consulting Services, Inc.

In this post, we discuss the value and potential impact of federated learning in the healthcare field. This approach can help heart stroke patients, doctors, and researchers with faster diagnosis, enriched decision-making, and more informed, inclusive research work on stroke-related health issues, using a cloud-native approach with AWS services for lightweight lift and straightforward adoption.

Diagnosis challenges with heart strokes

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that each year in the US, more than 795,000 people suffer from their first stroke, and about 25% of them experience recurrent attacks. It is the number five cause of death according to the American Stroke Association and a leading cause of disability in the US. Therefore, it’s crucial to have prompt diagnosis and treatment to reduce brain damage and other complications in acute stroke patients.

CTs and MRIs are the gold standard in imaging technologies for classifying different sub-types of strokes and are crucial during preliminary assessment of patients, determining the root cause, and treatment. One critical challenge here, especially in the case of acute stroke, is the time of imaging diagnosis, which on average ranges from 30 minutes up to an hour and can be much longer depending on emergency department crowding.

Doctors and medical staff need quick and accurate image diagnosis to evaluate a patient’s condition and propose treatment options. In Dr. Werner Vogels’s own words at AWS re:Invent 2023, “every second that a person has a stroke counts.” Stroke victims can lose around 1.9 billion neurons every second they are not being treated.

Medical data restrictions

You can use machine learning (ML) to assist doctors and researchers in diagnosis tasks, thereby speeding up the process. However, the datasets needed to build the ML models and give reliable results are sitting in silos across different healthcare systems and organizations. This isolated legacy data has the potential for massive impact if cumulated. So why hasn’t it been used yet?

There are multiple challenges when working with medical domain datasets and building ML solutions, including patient privacy, security of personal data, and certain bureaucratic and policy restrictions. Additionally, research institutions have been tightening their data sharing practices. These obstacles also prevent international research teams from working together on diverse and rich datasets, which could save lives and prevent disabilities that can result from heart strokes, among other benefits.

Policies and regulations like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) put guardrails on sharing data from the medical domain, especially patient data. Additionally, the datasets at individual institutes, organizations, and hospitals are often too small, are unbalanced, or have biased distribution, leading to model generalization constraints.

Federated learning: An introduction

Federated learning (FL) is a decentralized form of ML—a dynamic engineering approach. In this decentralized ML approach, the ML model is shared between organizations for training on proprietary data subsets, unlike traditional centralized ML training, where the model generally trains on aggregated datasets. The data stays protected behind the organization’s firewalls or VPC, while the model with its metadata is shared.

In the training phase, a global FL model is disseminated and synchronized between unit organizations for training on individual datasets, and a local trained model is returned. The final global model is available to use to make predictions for everyone among the participants, and can also be used as a base for further training to build local custom models for participating organizations. It can further be extended to benefit other institutes. This approach can significantly reduce the cybersecurity requirements for data in transit by removing the need for data to transit outside of the organization’s boundaries at all.

The following diagram illustrates an example architecture.

In the following sections, we discuss how federated learning can help.

Federation learning to save the day (and save lives)

For good artificial intelligence (AI), you need good data.

Legacy systems, which are frequently found in the federal domain, pose significant data processing challenges before you can derive any intelligence or merge them with newer datasets. This is an obstacle in providing valuable intelligence to leaders. It can lead to inaccurate decision-making because the proportion of legacy data is sometimes much more valuable compared to the newer small dataset. You want to resolve this bottleneck effectively and without workloads of manual consolidation and integration efforts (including cumbersome mapping processes) for legacy and newer datasets sitting across hospitals and institutes, which can take many months—if not years, in many cases. The legacy data is quite valuable because it holds important contextual information needed for accurate decision-making and well-informed model training, leading to reliable AI in the real world. Duration of data informs on long-term variations and patterns in the dataset that would otherwise go undetected and lead to biased and ill-informed predictions.

Breaking down these data silos to unite the untapped potential of the scattered data can save and transform many lives. It can also accelerate the research related to secondary health issues arising from heart strokes. This solution can help you share insights from data isolated between institutes due to policy and other reasons, whether you are a hospital, a research institute, or other health data-focused organizations. It can enable informed decisions on research direction and diagnosis. Additionally, it results in a centralized repository of intelligence via a secure, private, and global knowledge base.

Federated learning has many benefits in general and specifically for medical data settings.

Security and Privacy features:

  • Keeps sensitive data away from the internet and still uses it for ML, and harnesses its intelligence with differential privacy
  • Enables you to build, train, and deploy unbiased and robust models across not just machines but also networks, without any data security hazards
  • Overcomes the hurdles with multiple vendors managing the data
  • Eliminates the need for cross-site data sharing and global governance
  • Preserves privacy with differential privacy and offers secure multi-party computation with local training

Performance Improvements:

  • Addresses the small sample size problem in the medical imaging space and costly labeling processes
  • Balances the distribution of the data
  • Enables you to incorporate most traditional ML and deep learning (DL) methods
  • Uses pooled image sets to help improve statistical power, overcoming the sample size limitation of individual institutions

Resilience Benefits:

  • If any one party decides to leave, it won’t hinder the training
  • A new hospital or institute can join at any time; it’s not reliant on any specific dataset with any node organization
  • There is no need for extensive data engineering pipelines for the legacy data scattered across widespread geographical locations

These features can help bring the walls down between institutions hosting isolated datasets on similar domains. The solution can become a force multiplier by harnessing the unified powers of distributed datasets and improving efficiency by radically transforming the scalability aspect without the heavy infrastructure lift. This approach helps ML reach its full potential, becoming proficient at the clinical level and not just research.

Federated learning has comparable performance to regular ML, as shown in the following experiment by NVidia Clara (on Medical Modal ARchive (MMAR) using the BRATS2018 dataset). Here, FL achieved a comparable segmentation performance compared to training with centralized data: over 80% with approximately 600 epochs while training a multi-modal, multi-class brain tumor segmentation task.

Federated learning has been tested recently in a few medical sub-fields for use cases including patient similarity learning, patient representation learning, phenotyping, and predictive modeling.

Application blueprint: Federated learning makes it possible and straightforward

To get started with FL, you can choose from many high-quality datasets. For example, datasets with brain images include ABIDE (Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange initiative), ADNI (Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative), RSNA (Radiological Society of North America) Brain CT, BraTS (Multimodal Brain Tumor Image Segmentation Benchmark) updated regularly for the Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge under UPenn (University of Pennsylvania), UK BioBank (covered in the following NIH paper), and IXI. Similarly for heart images, you can choose from several publicly available options, including ACDC (Automatic Cardiac Diagnosis Challenge), which is a cardiac MRI assessment dataset with full annotation mentioned by the National Library of Medicine in the following paper, and M&M (Multi-Center, Multi-Vendor, and Multi-Disease) Cardiac Segmentation Challenge mentioned in the following IEEE paper.

The following images show a probabilistic lesion overlap map for the primary lesions from the ATLAS R1.1 dataset. (Strokes are one of the most common causes of brain lesions according to Cleveland Clinic.)

For Electronic Health Records (EHR) data, a few datasets are available that follow the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard. This standard helps you build straightforward pilots by removing certain challenges with heterogenous, non-normalized datasets, allowing for seamless and secure exchange, sharing, and integration of datasets. The FHIR enables maximum interoperability. Dataset examples include MIMIC-IV (Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care). Other good-quality datasets that aren’t currently FHIR but can be easily converted include Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Public Use Files (PUF) and eICU Collaborative Research Database from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). There are also other resources becoming available that offer FHIR-based datasets.

The lifecycle for implementing FL can include the following steps: task initialization, selection, configuration, model training, client/server communication, scheduling and optimization, versioning, testing, deployment, and termination. There are many time-intensive steps that go into preparing medical imaging data for traditional ML, as described in the following paper. Domain knowledge might be needed in some scenarios to preprocess raw patient data, especially due to its sensitive and private nature. These can be consolidated and sometimes eliminated for FL, saving crucial time for training and providing faster results.


FL tools and libraries have grown with widespread support, making it straightforward to use FL without a heavy overhead lift. There are a lot of good resources and framework options available to get started. You can refer to the following extensive list of the most popular frameworks and tools in the FL domain, including PySyft, FedML, Flower, OpenFL, FATE, TensorFlow Federated, and NVFlare. It provides a beginner’s list of projects to get started quickly and build upon.

You can implement a cloud-native approach with Amazon SageMaker that seamlessly works with AWS VPC peering, keeping each node’s training in a private subnet in their respective VPC and enabling communication via private IPv4 addresses. Furthermore, model hosting on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart can help by exposing the endpoint API without sharing model weights.

It also takes away potential high-level compute challenges with on-premises hardware with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) resources. You can implement the FL client and servers on AWS with SageMaker notebooks and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), maintain regulated access to the data and model with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles, and use AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) for client-side security. You can also build your own custom system for FL using Amazon EC2.

For a detailed overview of implementing FL with the Flower framework on SageMaker, and a discussion of its difference from distributed training, refer to Machine learning with decentralized training data using federated learning on Amazon SageMaker.

The following figures illustrate the architecture of transfer learning in FL.

Addressing FL data challenges

Federated learning comes with its own data challenges, including privacy and security, but they are straightforward to address. First, you need to address the data heterogeneity problem with medical imaging data arising from data being stored across different sites and participating organizations, known as a domain shift problem (also referred to as client shift in an FL system), as highlighted by Guan and Liu in the following paper. This can lead to a difference in convergence of the global model.

Other components for consideration include ensuring data quality and uniformity at the source, incorporating expert knowledge into the learning process to inspire confidence in the system among medical professionals, and achieving model precision. For more information about some of the potential challenges you may face during implementation, refer to the following paper.

AWS helps you resolve these challenges with features like the flexible compute of Amazon EC2 and pre-built Docker images in SageMaker for straightforward deployment. You can resolve client-side problems like unbalanced data and computation resources for each node organization. You can address server-side learning problems like poisoning attacks from malicious parties with Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), security groups, and other security standards, preventing client corruption and implementing AWS anomaly detection services.

AWS also helps in addressing real-world implementation challenges, which can include integration challenges, compatibility issues with current or legacy hospital systems, and user adoption hurdles, by offering flexible, easy-to-use, and effortless lift tech solutions.

With AWS services, you can enable large-scale FL-based research and clinical implementation and deployment, which can consist of various sites across the world.

Recent policies on interoperability highlight the need for federated learning

Many laws recently passed by the government include a focus on data interoperability, bolstering the need for cross-organizational interoperability of data for intelligence. This can be fulfilled by using FL, including frameworks like the TEFCA (Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement) and the expanded USCID (United States Core Data for Interoperability).

The proposed idea also contributes towards the CDC’s capture and distribution initiative CDC Moving Forward. The following quote from the GovCIO article Data Sharing and AI Top Federal Health Agency Priorities in 2024 also echoes a similar theme: “These capabilities can also support the public in an equitable way, meeting patients where they are and unlocking critical access to these services. Much of this work comes down to the data.”

This can help medical institutes and agencies around the country (and across the globe) with data silos. They can benefit from seamless and secure integration and data interoperability, making medical data usable for impactful ML-based predictions and pattern recognition. You can start with images, but the approach is applicable to all EHR as well. The goal is to find the best approach for data stakeholders, with a cloud-native pipeline to normalize and standardize the data or directly use it for FL.

Let’s explore an example use case. Heart stroke imaging data and scans are scattered around the country and the world, sitting in isolated silos in institutes, universities, and hospitals, and separated by bureaucratic, geographical, and political boundaries. There is no single aggregated source and no easy way for medical professionals (non-programmers) to extract insights from it. At the same time, it’s not feasible to train ML and DL models on this data, which could help medical professionals make faster, more accurate decisions in critical times when heart scans can take hours to come in while the patient’s life could be hanging in the balance.

Other known use cases include POTS (Purchasing Online Tracking System) at NIH (National Institutes of Health) and cybersecurity for scattered and tiered intelligence solution needs at COMCOMs/MAJCOMs locations around the globe.


Federated learning holds great promise for legacy healthcare data analytics and intelligence. It’s straightforward to implement a cloud-native solution with AWS services, and FL is especially helpful for medical organizations with legacy data and technical challenges. FL can have a potential impact on the entire treatment cycle, and now even more so with the focus on data interoperability from large federal organizations and government leaders.

This solution can help you avoid reinventing the wheel and use the latest technology to take a leap from legacy systems and be at the forefront in this ever-evolving world of AI. You can also become a leader for best practices and an efficient approach to data interoperability within and across agencies and institutes in the health domain and beyond. If you are an institute or agency with data silos scattered around the country, you can benefit from this seamless and secure integration.

The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post. It is each customers’ responsibility to determine whether they are subject to HIPAA, and if so, how best to comply with HIPAA and its implementing regulations. Before using AWS in connection with protected health information, customers must enter an AWS Business Associate Addendum (BAA) and follow its configuration requirements.

About the Author

Nitin Kumar (MS, CMU) is a Lead Data Scientist at T and T Consulting Services, Inc. He has extensive experience with R&D prototyping, health informatics, public sector data, and data interoperability. He applies his knowledge of cutting-edge research methods to the federal sector to deliver innovative technical papers, POCs, and MVPs. He has worked with multiple federal agencies to advance their data and AI goals. Nitin’s other focus areas include natural language processing (NLP), data pipelines, and generative AI.

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The journey of PGA TOUR’s generative AI virtual assistant, from concept to development to prototype

The journey of PGA TOUR’s generative AI virtual assistant, from concept to development to prototype

This is a guest post co-written with Scott Gutterman from the PGA TOUR.

Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) has enabled new possibilities for building intelligent systems. Recent improvements in Generative AI based large language models (LLMs) have enabled their use in a variety of applications surrounding information retrieval. Given the data sources, LLMs provided tools that would allow us to build a Q&A chatbot in weeks, rather than what may have taken years previously, and likely with worse performance. We formulated a Retrieval-Augmented-Generation (RAG) solution that would allow the PGA TOUR to create a prototype for a future fan engagement platform that could make its data accessible to fans in an interactive fashion in a conversational format.

Using structured data to answer questions requires a way to effectively extract data that’s relevant to a user’s query. We formulated a text-to-SQL approach where by a user’s natural language query is converted to a SQL statement using an LLM. The SQL is run by Amazon Athena to return the relevant data. This data is again provided to an LLM, which is asked to answer the user’s query given the data.

Using text data requires an index that can be used to search and provide relevant context to an LLM to answer a user query. To enable quick information retrieval, we use Amazon Kendra as the index for these documents. When users ask questions, our virtual assistant rapidly searches through the Amazon Kendra index to find relevant information. Amazon Kendra uses natural language processing (NLP) to understand user queries and find the most relevant documents. The relevant information is then provided to the LLM for final response generation. Our final solution is a combination of these text-to-SQL and text-RAG approaches.

In this post we highlight how the AWS Generative AI Innovation Center collaborated with the AWS Professional Services and PGA TOUR to develop a prototype virtual assistant using Amazon Bedrock that could enable fans to extract information about any event, player, hole or shot level details in a seamless interactive manner. Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models (FMs) from leading AI companies like AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Stability AI, and Amazon via a single API, along with a broad set of capabilities you need to build generative AI applications with security, privacy, and responsible AI.

Development: Getting the data ready

As with any data-driven project, performance will only ever be as good as the data. We processed the data to enable the LLM to be able to effectively query and retrieve relevant data.

For the tabular competition data, we focused on a subset of data relevant to the greatest number of user queries and labelled the columns intuitively, such that they would be easier for LLMs to understand. We also created some auxiliary columns to help the LLM understand concepts it might otherwise struggle with. For example, if a golfer shoots one shot less than par (such as makes it in the hole in 3 shots on a par 4 or in 4 shots on a par 5), it is commonly called a birdie. If a user asks, “How many birdies did player X make in last year?”, just having the score and par in the table is not sufficient. As a result, we added columns to indicate common golf terms, such as bogey, birdie, and eagle. In addition, we linked the Competition data with a separate video collection, by joining a column for a video_id, which would allow our app to pull the video associated with a particular shot in the Competition data. We also enabled joining text data to the tabular data, for example adding biographies for each player as a text column. The following figures shows the step-by-step procedure of how a query is processed for the text-to-SQL pipeline. The numbers indicate the series of step to answer a query.

In the following figure we demonstrate our end-to-end pipeline. We use AWS Lambda as our orchestration function responsible for interacting with various data sources, LLMs and error correction based on the user query. Steps 1-8 are similar to what is shown in the proceeding figure. There are slight changes for the unstructured data, which we discuss next.

Text data requires unique processing steps that chunk (or segment) long documents into parts digestible by the LLM, while maintaining topic coherence. We experimented with several approaches and settled on a page-level chunking scheme that aligned well with the format of the Media Guides. We used Amazon Kendra, which is a managed service that takes care of indexing documents, without requiring specification of embeddings, while providing an easy API for retrieval. The following figure illustrates this architecture.

The unified, scalable pipeline we developed allows the PGA TOUR to scale to their full history of data, some of which goes back to the 1800s. It enables future applications that can take live on the course context to create rich real-time experiences.

Development: Evaluating LLMs and developing generative AI applications

We carefully tested and evaluated the first- and third-party LLMs available in Amazon Bedrock to choose the model that is best suited for our pipeline and use case. We selected Anthropic’s Claude v2 and Claude Instant on Amazon Bedrock. For our final structured and unstructured data pipeline, we observe Anthropic’s Claude 2 on Amazon Bedrock generated better overall results for our final data pipeline.

Prompting is a critical aspect of getting LLMs to output text as desired. We spent considerable time experimenting with different prompts for each of the tasks. For example, for the text-to-SQL pipeline we had several fallback prompts, with increasing specificity and gradually simplified table schemas. If a SQL query was invalid and resulted in an error from Athena, we developed an error correction prompt that would pass the error and incorrect SQL to the LLM and ask it to fix it. The final prompt in the text-to-SQL pipeline asks the LLM to take the Athena output, which can be provided in Markdown or CSV format, and provide an answer to the user. For the unstructured text, we developed general prompts to use the context retrieved from Amazon Kendra to answer the user question. The prompt included instructions to use only the information retrieved from Amazon Kendra and not rely on data from the LLM pre-training.

Latency is often a concern with generative AI applications, and it is also the case here. It is especially a concern for text-to-SQL, which requires an initial SQL generation LLM invocation, followed by a response generation LLM invocation. If we’re using a large LLM, such as Anthropic’s Claude V2, this effectively doubles the latency of just one LLM invocation. We experimented with several configurations of large and smaller LLMs to evaluate run time as well as correctness. The following table shows an example for one question is shown below that demonstrates the latency, as well as the generated responses with Anthropic’s Claude V2 and Claude Instant on Amazon Bedrock.


In our application, we used a Lambda function to orchestrate the prompt choices and communication between Amazon Athena, Amazon Kendra, and Amazon Bedrock. The virtual assistant features a conversational interface, built with React and the Cloudscape Design System, that uses text and videos to engage with users.

Our virtual assistant can field a wide range of questions about PGA TOUR events, players, statistics, history, and more. For example, when asked about Tony Finau’s longest drives at the Shriners Children’s Open (one of the Signature events of the PGA TOUR), the assistant can query structured data to pull his shot level data. It can extract the exact distance in yards, the round number and the hole during which he achieved this record using the text-to-SQL pipeline. The assistant then interprets this numerical data to generate a final response. The following table contains some example responses.

Question Response
What was the longest drive hit by Tony Finau in the Shriners Children’s Open? The longest drive hit by Tony Finau in the Shriners Childrens Open was 382 yards, which he hit during the first round on hole number 4 in 2018.
What was the longest drive hit by Collin Morikawa in the Shriners Children’s Open? Collin Morikawa’s longest drive at the Shriners Childrens Open was 334 yards. This occurred in 2019 during the first round on hole number 15.
Did anyone make an ace at the 2022 Shriners Children’s Open? Yes, Adam Hadwin made a hole-in-one on hole 14 during round 3 of the 2022 Shriners Children’s Open

The following explainer video highlights a few examples of interacting with the virtual assistant.

In initial testing, our PGA TOUR virtual assistant has shown great promise in improving fan experiences. By blending AI technologies like text-to-SQL, semantic search, and natural language generation, the assistant delivers informative, engaging responses. Fans are empowered to effortlessly access data and narratives that were previously hard to find.

What does the future hold?

As we continue development, we will expand the range of questions our virtual assistant can handle. This will require extensive testing, through collaboration between AWS and the PGA TOUR. Over time, we aim to evolve the assistant into a personalized, omni-channel experience accessible across web, mobile, and voice interfaces.

The establishment of a cloud-based generative AI assistant lets the PGA TOUR present its vast data source to multiple internal and external stakeholders. As the sports generative AI landscape evolves, it enables the creation of new content. For example, you can use AI and machine learning (ML) to surface content fans want to see as they’re watching an event, or as production teams are looking for shots from previous tournaments that match a current event. For example, if Max Homa is getting ready to take his final shot at the PGA TOUR Championship from a spot 20 feet from the pin, the PGA TOUR can use AI and ML to identify and present clips, with AI-generated commentary, of him attempting a similar shot five times previously. This kind of access and data allows a production team to immediately add value to the broadcast or allow a fan to customize the type of data that they want to see.

“The PGA TOUR is the industry leader in using cutting-edge technology to improve the fan experience. AI is at the forefront of our technology stack, where it is enabling us to create a more engaging and interactive environment for fans. This is the beginning of our generative AI journey in collaboration with the AWS Generative AI Innovation Center for a transformational end-to-end customer experience. We are working to leverage Amazon Bedrock and our propriety data to create an interactive experience for PGA TOUR fans to find information of interest about an event, player, stats, or other content in an interactive fashion.”
– Scott Gutterman, SVP of Broadcast and Digital Properties at PGA TOUR.


The project we discussed in this post exemplifies how structured and unstructured data sources can be fused using AI to create next-generation virtual assistants. For sports organizations, this technology enables more immersive fan engagement and unlocks internal efficiencies. The data intelligence we surface helps PGA TOUR stakeholders like players, coaches, officials, partners, and media make informed decisions faster. Beyond sports, our methodology can be replicated across any industry. The same principles apply to building assistants that engage customers, employees, students, patients, and other end-users. With thoughtful design and testing, virtually any organization can benefit from an AI system that contextualizes their structured databases, documents, images, videos, and other content.

If you’re interested in implementing similar functionalities, consider using Agents for Amazon Bedrock and Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock as an alternative, fully AWS-managed solution. This approach could further investigate providing intelligent automation and data search abilities through customizable agents. These agents could potentially transform user application interactions to be more natural, efficient, and effective.

About the authors

Scott Gutterman is the SVP of Digital Operations for the PGA TOUR. He is responsible for the TOUR’s overall digital operations, product development and is driving their GenAI strategy.

Ahsan Ali is an Applied Scientist at the Amazon Generative AI Innovation Center, where he works with customers from different domains to solve their urgent and expensive problems using Generative AI.

Tahin Syed is an Applied Scientist with the Amazon Generative AI Innovation Center, where he works with customers to help realize business outcomes with generative AI solutions. Outside of work, he enjoys trying new food, traveling, and teaching taekwondo.

Grace Lang is an Associate Data & ML engineer with AWS Professional Services. Driven by a passion for overcoming tough challenges, Grace helps customers achieve their goals by developing machine learning powered solutions.

Jae Lee is a Senior Engagement Manager in ProServe’s M&E vertical. She leads and delivers complex engagements, exhibits strong problem solving skill sets, manages stakeholder expectations, and curates executive level presentations. She enjoys working on projects focused on sports, generative AI, and customer experience.

Karn Chahar is a Security Consultant with the shared delivery team at AWS. He is a technology enthusiast who enjoys working with customers to solve their security challenges and to improve their security posture in the cloud.

Mike Amjadi is a Data & ML Engineer with AWS ProServe focused on enabling customers to maximize value from data. He specializes in designing, building, and optimizing data pipelines following well-architected principles. Mike is passionate about using technology to solve problems and is committed to delivering the best results for our customers.

Vrushali Sawant is a Front End Engineer with Proserve. She is highly skilled in creating responsive websites. She loves working with customers, understanding their requirements and providing them with scalable, easy to adopt UI/UX solutions.

Neelam Patel is a Customer Solutions Manager at AWS, leading key Generative AI and cloud modernization initiatives. Neelam works with key executives and technology owners to address their cloud transformation challenges and helps customers maximize the benefits of cloud adoption. She has an MBA from Warwick Business School, UK and a Bachelors in Computer Engineering, India.

Dr. Murali Baktha is Global Golf Solution Architect at AWS, spearheads pivotal initiatives involving Generative AI, data analytics and cutting-edge cloud technologies. Murali works with key executives and technology owners to understand customer’s business challenges and designs solutions to address those challenges. He has an MBA in Finance from UConn and a doctorate from Iowa State University.

Mehdi Noor is an Applied Science Manager at Generative Ai Innovation Center. With a passion for bridging technology and innovation, he assists AWS customers in unlocking the potential of Generative AI, turning potential challenges into opportunities for rapid experimentation and innovation by focusing on scalable, measurable, and impactful uses of advanced AI technologies, and streamlining the path to production.

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Enhance code review and approval efficiency with generative AI using Amazon Bedrock

Enhance code review and approval efficiency with generative AI using Amazon Bedrock

In the world of software development, code review and approval are important processes for ensuring the quality, security, and functionality of the software being developed. However, managers tasked with overseeing these critical processes often face numerous challenges, such as the following:

  • Lack of technical expertise – Managers may not have an in-depth technical understanding of the programming language used or may not have been involved in software engineering for an extended period. This results in a knowledge gap that can make it difficult for them to accurately assess the impact and soundness of the proposed code changes.
  • Time constraints – Code review and approval can be a time-consuming process, especially in larger or more complex projects. Managers need to balance between the thoroughness of review vs. the pressure to meet project timelines.
  • Volume of change requests – Dealing with a high volume of change requests is a common challenge for managers, especially if they’re overseeing multiple teams and projects. Similar to the challenge of time constraint, managers need to be able to handle those requests efficiently so as to not hold back project progress.
  • Manual effort – Code review requires manual effort by the managers, and the lack of automation can make it difficult to scale the process.
  • Documentation – Proper documentation of the code review and approval process is important for transparency and accountability.

With the rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI), managers can now harness this transformative technology and integrate it with the AWS suite of deployment tools and services to streamline the review and approval process in a manner not previously possible. In this post, we explore a solution that offers an integrated end-to-end deployment workflow that incorporates automated change analysis and summarization together with approval workflow functionality. We use Amazon Bedrock, a fully managed service that makes foundation models (FMs) from leading AI startups and Amazon available via an API, so you can choose from a wide range of FMs to find the model that is best suited for your use case. With the Amazon Bedrock serverless experience, you can get started quickly, privately customize FMs with your own data, and integrate and deploy them into your applications using AWS tools without having to manage any infrastructure.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

Architecture Diagram

The workflow consists of the following steps:

  1. A developer pushes new code changes to their code repository (such as AWS CodeCommit), which automatically triggers the start of an AWS CodePipeline deployment.
  2. The application code goes through a code building process, performs vulnerability scans, and conducts unit tests using your preferred tools.
  3. AWS CodeBuild retrieves the repository and performs a git show command to extract the code differences between the current commit version and the previous commit version. This produces a line-by-line output that indicates the code changes made in this release.
  4. CodeBuild saves the output to an Amazon DynamoDB table with additional reference information:
    1. CodePipeline run ID
    2. AWS Region
    3. CodePipeline name
    4. CodeBuild build number
    5. Date and time
    6. Status
  5. Amazon DynamoDB Streams captures the data modifications made to the table.
  6. An AWS Lambda function is triggered by the DynamoDB stream to process the record captured.
  7. The function invokes the Anthropic Claude v2 model on Amazon Bedrock via the Amazon Bedrock InvokeModel API call. The code differences, together with a prompt, are provided as input to the model for analysis, and a summary of code changes is returned as output.
  8. The output from the model is saved back to the same DynamoDB table.
  9. The manager is notified via Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) of the summary of code changes and that their approval is required for the deployment.
  10. The manager reviews the email and provides their decision (either approve or reject) together with any review comments via the CodePipeline console.
  11. The approval decision and review comments are captured by Amazon EventBridge, which triggers a Lambda function to save them back to DynamoDB.
  12. If approved, the pipeline deploys the application code using your preferred tools. If rejected, the workflow ends and the deployment does not proceed further.

In the following sections, you deploy the solution and verify the end-to-end workflow.


To follow the instructions in this solution, you need the following prerequisites:

Bedrock Model Access

Deploy the solution

To deploy the solution, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Launch Stack to launch a CloudFormation stack in us-east-1:
    Launch Stack
  2. For EmailAddress, enter an email address that you have access to. The summary of code changes will be sent to this email address.
  3. For modelId, leave as the default anthropic.claude-v2, which is the Anthropic Claude v2 model.

Model ID Parameter

Deploying the template will take about 4 minutes.

  1. When you receive an email from Amazon SES to verify your email address, choose the link provided to authorize your email address.
  2. You’ll receive an email titled “Summary of Changes” for the initial commit of the sample repository into CodeCommit.
  3. On the AWS CloudFormation console, navigate to the Outputs tab of the deployed stack.
  4. Copy the value of RepoCloneURL. You need this to access the sample code repository.

Test the solution

You can test the workflow end to end by taking on the role of a developer and pushing some code changes. A set of sample codes has been prepared for you in CodeCommit. To access the CodeCommit repository, enter the following commands on your IDE:

git clone <replace_with_value_of_RepoCloneURL>
cd my-sample-project

You will find the following directory structure for an AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) application that creates a Lambda function to perform a bubble sort on a string of integers. The Lambda function is accessible via a publicly available URL.

├── cdk.json
├── lambda
│ └──
├── my_sample_project
│ ├──
│ └──
├── requirements-dev.txt
├── requirements.txt
└── source.bat

You make three changes to the application codes.

  1. To enhance the function to support both quick sort and bubble sort algorithm, take in a parameter to allow the selection of the algorithm to use, and return both the algorithm used and sorted array in the output, replace the entire content of lambda/ with the following code:
# function to perform bubble sort on an array of integers
def bubble_sort(arr):
    for i in range(len(arr)):
        for j in range(len(arr)-1):
            if arr[j] > arr[j+1]:
                arr[j], arr[j+1] = arr[j+1], arr[j]
    return arr

# function to perform quick sort on an array of integers
def quick_sort(arr):
    if len(arr) <= 1:
        return arr
        pivot = arr[0]
        less = [i for i in arr[1:] if i <= pivot]
        greater = [i for i in arr[1:] if i > pivot]
        return quick_sort(less) + [pivot] + quick_sort(greater)

# lambda handler
def lambda_handler(event, context):
        algorithm = event['queryStringParameters']['algorithm']
        numbers = event['queryStringParameters']['numbers']
        arr = [int(x) for x in numbers.split(',')]
        if ( algorithm == 'bubble'):
            arr = bubble_sort(arr)
        elif ( algorithm == 'quick'):
            arr = quick_sort(arr)
            arr = bubble_sort(arr)

        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': {
                'algorithm': algorithm,
                'numbers': arr
        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': {
                'algorithm': 'bubble or quick',
                'numbers': 'integer separated by commas'
  1. To reduce the timeout setting of the function from 10 minutes to 5 seconds (because we don’t expect the function to run longer than a few seconds), update line 47 in my_sample_project/ as follows:
  1. To restrict the invocation of the function using IAM for added security, update line 56 in my_sample_project/ as follows:
  1. Push the code changes by entering the following commands:
git commit -am 'added new changes for release v1.1'
git push

This starts the CodePipeline deployment workflow from Steps 1–9 as outlined in the solution overview. When invoking the Amazon Bedrock model, we provided the following prompt:

Human: Review the following "git show" output enclosed within <gitshow> tags detailing code changes, and analyze their implications.
Assess the code changes made and provide a concise summary of the modifications as well as the potential consequences they might have on the code's functionality.


Within a few minutes, you will receive an email informing you that you have a deployment pipeline pending your approval, the list of code changes made, and an analysis on the summary of changes generated by the model. The following is an example of the output:

Based on the diff, the following main changes were made:

1. Two sorting algorithms were added - bubble sort and quick sort.
2. The lambda handler was updated to take an 'algorithm' query parameter to determine which sorting algorithm to use. By default it uses bubble sort if no algorithm is specified. 
3. The lambda handler now returns the sorting algorithm used along with the sorted numbers in the response body.
4. The lambda timeout was reduced from 10 mins to 5 seconds. 
5. The function URL authentication was changed from none to AWS IAM, so only authenticated users can invoke the URL.

Overall, this adds support for different sorting algorithms, returns more metadata in the response, reduces timeout duration, and tightens security around URL access. The main functional change is the addition of the sorting algorithms, which provides more flexibility in how the numbers are sorted. The other changes improve various non-functional attributes of the lambda function.

Finally, you take on the role of an approver to review and approve (or reject) the deployment. In your email, there is a hyperlink that will bring you to the CodePipeline console for you to input your review comments and approve the deployment.

Approve Pipeline

If approved, the pipeline will proceed to the next step, which deploys the application. Otherwise, the pipeline ends. For the purpose of this test, the Lambda function will not actually be deployed because there are no deployment steps defined in the pipeline.

Additional considerations

The following are some additional considerations when implementing this solution:

  • Different models will produce different results, so you should conduct experiments with different foundation models and different prompts for your use case to achieve the desired results.
  • The analyses provided are not meant to replace human judgement. You should be mindful of potential hallucinations when working with generative AI, and use the analysis only as a tool to assist and speed up code review.

Clean up

To clean up the created resources, go to the AWS CloudFormation console and delete the CloudFormation stack.


This post explores the challenges faced by managers in the code review process, and introduces the use of generative AI as an augmented tool to accelerate the approval process. The proposed solution integrates the use of Amazon Bedrock in a typical deployment workflow, and provides guidance on deploying the solution in your environment. Through this implementation, managers can now take advantage of the assistive power of generative AI and navigate these challenges with ease and efficiency.

Try out this implementation and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

About the Author

Profile PicXan Huang is a Senior Solutions Architect with AWS and is based in Singapore. He works with major financial institutions to design and build secure, scalable, and highly available solutions in the cloud. Outside of work, Xan spends most of his free time with his family and getting bossed around by his 3-year-old daughter. You can find Xan on LinkedIn.

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Best practices to build generative AI applications on AWS

Best practices to build generative AI applications on AWS

Generative AI applications driven by foundational models (FMs) are enabling organizations with significant business value in customer experience, productivity, process optimization, and innovations. However, adoption of these FMs involves addressing some key challenges, including quality output, data privacy, security, integration with organization data, cost, and skills to deliver.

In this post, we explore different approaches you can take when building applications that use generative AI. With the rapid advancement of FMs, it’s an exciting time to harness their power, but also crucial to understand how to properly use them to achieve business outcomes. We provide an overview of key generative AI approaches, including prompt engineering, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), and model customization. When applying these approaches, we discuss key considerations around potential hallucination, integration with enterprise data, output quality, and cost. By the end, you will have solid guidelines and a helpful flow chart for determining the best method to develop your own FM-powered applications, grounded in real-life examples. Whether creating a chatbot or summarization tool, you can shape powerful FMs to suit your needs.

Generative AI with AWS

The emergence of FMs is creating both opportunities and challenges for organizations looking to use these technologies. A key challenge is ensuring high-quality, coherent outputs that align with business needs, rather than hallucinations or false information. Organizations must also carefully manage data privacy and security risks that arise from processing proprietary data with FMs. The skills needed to properly integrate, customize, and validate FMs within existing systems and data are in short supply. Building large language models (LLMs) from scratch or customizing pre-trained models requires substantial compute resources, expert data scientists, and months of engineering work. The computational cost alone can easily run into the millions of dollars to train models with hundreds of billions of parameters on massive datasets using thousands of GPUs or TPUs. Beyond hardware, data cleaning and processing, model architecture design, hyperparameter tuning, and training pipeline development demand specialized machine learning (ML) skills. The end-to-end process is complex, time-consuming, and prohibitively expensive for most organizations without the requisite infrastructure and talent investment. Organizations that fail to adequately address these risks can face negative impacts to their brand reputation, customer trust, operations, and revenues.

Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models (FMs) from leading AI companies like AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Mistral AI, Stability AI, and Amazon via a single API. With the Amazon Bedrock serverless experience, you can get started quickly, privately customize FMs with your own data, and integrate and deploy them into your applications using AWS tools without having to manage any infrastructure. Amazon Bedrock is HIPAA eligible, and you can use Amazon Bedrock in compliance with the GDPR. With Amazon Bedrock, your content is not used to improve the base models and is not shared with third-party model providers. Your data in Amazon Bedrock is always encrypted in transit and at rest, and you can optionally encrypt resources using your own keys. You can use AWS PrivateLink with Amazon Bedrock to establish private connectivity between your FMs and your VPC without exposing your traffic to the internet. With Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock, you can give FMs and agents contextual information from your company’s private data sources for RAG to deliver more relevant, accurate, and customized responses. You can privately customize FMs with your own data through a visual interface without writing any code. As a fully managed service, Amazon Bedrock offers a straightforward developer experience to work with a broad range of high-performing FMs.

Launched in 2017, Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed service that makes it straightforward to build, train, and deploy ML models. More and more customers are building their own FMs using SageMaker, including Stability AI, AI21 Labs, Hugging Face, Perplexity AI, Hippocratic AI, LG AI Research, and Technology Innovation Institute. To help you get started quickly, Amazon SageMaker JumpStart offers an ML hub where you can explore, train, and deploy a wide selection of public FMs, such as Mistral models, LightOn models, RedPajama, Mosiac MPT-7B, FLAN-T5/UL2, GPT-J-6B/Neox-20B, and Bloom/BloomZ, using purpose-built SageMaker tools such as experiments and pipelines.

Common generative AI approaches

In this section, we discuss common approaches to implement effective generative AI solutions. We explore popular prompt engineering techniques that allow you to achieve more complex and interesting tasks with FMs. We also discuss how techniques like RAG and model customization can further enhance FMs’ capabilities and overcome challenges like limited data and computational constraints. With the right technique, you can build powerful and impactful generative AI solutions.

Prompt engineering

Prompt engineering is the practice of carefully designing prompts to efficiently tap into the capabilities of FMs. It involves the use of prompts, which are short pieces of text that guide the model to generate more accurate and relevant responses. With prompt engineering, you can improve the performance of FMs and make them more effective for a variety of applications. In this section, we explore techniques like zero-shot and few-shot prompting, which rapidly adapts FMs to new tasks with just a few examples, and chain-of-thought prompting, which breaks down complex reasoning into intermediate steps. These methods demonstrate how prompt engineering can make FMs more effective on complex tasks without requiring model retraining.

Zero-shot prompting

A zero-shot prompt technique requires FMs to generate an answer without providing any explicit examples of the desired behavior, relying solely on its pre-training. The following screenshot shows an example of a zero-shot prompt with the Anthropic Claude 2.1 model on the Amazon Bedrock console.

In these instructions, we didn’t provide any examples. However, the model can understand the task and generate appropriate output. Zero-shot prompts are the most straightforward prompt technique to begin with when evaluating an FM for your use case. However, although FMs are remarkable with zero-shot prompts, it may not always yield accurate or desired results for more complex tasks. When zero-shot prompts fall short, it is recommended to provide a few examples in the prompt (few-shot prompts).

Few-shot prompting

The few-shot prompt technique allows FMs to do in-context learning from the examples in the prompts and perform the task more accurately. With just a few examples, you can rapidly adapt FMs to new tasks without large training sets and guide them towards the desired behavior. The following is an example of a few-shot prompt with the Cohere Command model on the Amazon Bedrock console.

In the preceding example, the FM was able to identify entities from the input text (reviews) and extract the associated sentiments. Few-shot prompts are an effective way to tackle complex tasks by providing a few examples of input-output pairs. For straightforward tasks, you can give one example (1-shot), whereas for more difficult tasks, you should provide three (3-shot) to five (5-shot) examples. Min et al. (2022) published findings about in-context learning that can enhance the performance of the few-shot prompting technique. You can use few-shot prompting for a variety of tasks, such as sentiment analysis, entity recognition, question answering, translation, and code generation.

Chain-of-thought prompting

Despite its potential, few-shot prompting has limitations, especially when dealing with complex reasoning tasks (such as arithmetic or logical tasks). These tasks require breaking the problem down into steps and then solving it. Wei et al. (2022) introduced the chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting technique to solve complex reasoning problems through intermediate reasoning steps. You can combine CoT with few-shot prompting to improve results on complex tasks. The following is an example of a reasoning task using few-shot CoT prompting with the Anthropic Claude 2 model on the Amazon Bedrock console.

Kojima et al. (2022) introduced an idea of zero-shot CoT by using FMs’ untapped zero-shot capabilities. Their research indicates that zero-shot CoT, using the same single-prompt template, significantly outperforms zero-shot FM performances on diverse benchmark reasoning tasks. You can use zero-shot CoT prompting for simple reasoning tasks by adding “Let’s think step by step” to the original prompt.


CoT prompting can enhance FMs’ reasoning capabilities, but it still depends on the model’s internal knowledge and doesn’t consider any external knowledge base or environment to gather more information, which can lead to issues like hallucination. The ReAct (reasoning and acting) approach addresses this gap by extending CoT and allowing dynamic reasoning using an external environment (such as Wikipedia).


FMs have the ability to comprehend questions and provide answers using their pre-trained knowledge. However, they lack the capacity to respond to queries requiring access to an organization’s private data or the ability to autonomously carry out tasks. RAG and agents are methods to connect these generative AI-powered applications to enterprise datasets, empowering them to give responses that account for organizational information and enable running actions based on requests.

Retrieval Augmented Generation

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) allows you to customize a model’s responses when you want the model to consider new knowledge or up-to-date information. When your data changes frequently, like inventory or pricing, it’s not practical to fine-tune and update the model while it’s serving user queries. To equip the FM with up-to-date proprietary information, organizations turn to RAG, a technique that involves fetching data from company data sources and enriching the prompt with that data to deliver more relevant and accurate responses.

There are several use cases where RAG can help improve FM performance:

  • Question answering – RAG models help question answering applications locate and integrate information from documents or knowledge sources to generate high-quality answers. For example, a question answering application could retrieve passages about a topic before generating a summarizing answer.
  • Chatbots and conversational agents – RAG allow chatbots to access relevant information from large external knowledge sources. This makes the chatbot’s responses more knowledgeable and natural.
  • Writing assistance – RAG can suggest relevant content, facts, and talking points to help you write documents such as articles, reports, and emails more efficiently. The retrieved information provides useful context and ideas.
  • Summarization – RAG can find relevant source documents, passages, or facts to augment a summarization model’s understanding of a topic, allowing it to generate better summaries.
  • Creative writing and storytelling – RAG can pull plot ideas, characters, settings, and creative elements from existing stories to inspire AI story generation models. This makes the output more interesting and grounded.
  • Translation – RAG can find examples of how certain phrases are translated between languages. This provides context to the translation model, improving translation of ambiguous phrases.
  • Personalization – In chatbots and recommendation applications, RAG can pull personal context like past conversations, profile information, and preferences to make responses more personalized and relevant.

There are several advantages in using a RAG framework:

  • Reduced hallucinations – Retrieving relevant information helps ground the generated text in facts and real-world knowledge, rather than hallucinating text. This promotes more accurate, factual, and trustworthy responses.
  • Coverage – Retrieval allows an FM to cover a broader range of topics and scenarios beyond its training data by pulling in external information. This helps address limited coverage issues.
  • Efficiency – Retrieval lets the model focus its generation on the most relevant information, rather than generating everything from scratch. This improves efficiency and allows larger contexts to be used.
  • Safety – Retrieving the information from required and permitted data sources can improve governance and control over harmful and inaccurate content generation. This supports safer adoption.
  • Scalability – Indexing and retrieving from large corpora allows the approach to scale better compared to using the full corpus during generation. This enables you to adopt FMs in more resource-constrained environments.

RAG produces quality results, due to augmenting use case-specific context directly from vectorized data stores. Compared to prompt engineering, it produces vastly improved results with massively low chances of hallucinations. You can build RAG-powered applications on your enterprise data using Amazon Kendra. RAG has higher complexity than prompt engineering because you need to have coding and architecture skills to implement this solution. However, Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock provides a fully managed RAG experience and the most straightforward way to get started with RAG in Amazon Bedrock. Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock automates the end-to-end RAG workflow, including ingestion, retrieval, and prompt augmentation, eliminating the need for you to write custom code to integrate data sources and manage queries. Session context management is built in so your app can support multi-turn conversations. Knowledge base responses come with source citations to improve transparency and minimize hallucinations. The most straightforward way to build generative-AI powered assistant is by using Amazon Q, which has a built-in RAG system.

RAG has the highest degree of flexibility when it comes to changes in the architecture. You can change the embedding model, vector store, and FM independently with minimal-to-moderate impact on other components. To learn more about the RAG approach with Amazon OpenSearch Service and Amazon Bedrock, refer to Build scalable and serverless RAG workflows with a vector engine for Amazon OpenSearch Serverless and Amazon Bedrock Claude models. To learn about how to implement RAG with Amazon Kendra, refer to Harnessing the power of enterprise data with generative AI: Insights from Amazon Kendra, LangChain, and large language models.


FMs can understand and respond to queries based on their pre-trained knowledge. However, they are unable to complete any real-world tasks, like booking a flight or processing a purchase order, on their own. This is because such tasks require organization-specific data and workflows that typically need custom programming. Frameworks like LangChain and certain FMs such as Claude models provide function-calling capabilities to interact with APIs and tools. However, Agents for Amazon Bedrock, a new and fully managed AI capability from AWS, aims to make it more straightforward for developers to build applications using next-generation FMs. With just a few clicks, it can automatically break down tasks and generate the required orchestration logic, without needing manual coding. Agents can securely connect to company databases via APIs, ingest and structure the data for machine consumption, and augment it with contextual details to produce more accurate responses and fulfill requests. Because it handles integration and infrastructure, Agents for Amazon Bedrock allows you to fully harness generative AI for business use cases. Developers can now focus on their core applications rather than routine plumbing. The automated data processing and API calling also enables FM to deliver updated, tailored answers and perform actual tasks by using proprietary knowledge.

Model customization

Foundation models are extremely capable and enable some great applications, but what will help drive your business is generative AI that knows what’s important to your customers, your products, and your company. And that’s only possible when you supercharge models with your data. Data is the key to moving from generic applications to customized generative AI applications that create real value for your customers and your business.

In this section, we discuss different techniques and benefits of customizing your FMs. We cover how model customization involves further training and changing the weights of the model to enhance its performance.


Fine-tuning is the process of taking a pre-trained FM, such as Llama 2, and further training it on a downstream task with a dataset specific to that task. The pre-trained model provides general linguistic knowledge, and fine-tuning allows it to specialize and improve performance on a particular task like text classification, question answering, or text generation. With fine-tuning, you provide labeled datasets—which are annotated with additional context—to train the model on specific tasks. You can then adapt the model parameters for the specific task based on your business context.

You can implement fine-tuning on FMs with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart and Amazon Bedrock. For more details, refer to Deploy and fine-tune foundation models in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart with two lines of code and Customize models in Amazon Bedrock with your own data using fine-tuning and continued pre-training.

Continued pre-training

Continued pre-training in Amazon Bedrock enables you to teach a previously trained model on additional data similar to its original data. It enables the model to gain more general linguistic knowledge rather than focus on a single application. With continued pre-training, you can use your unlabeled datasets, or raw data, to improve the accuracy of foundation model for your domain through tweaking model parameters. For example, a healthcare company can continue to pre-train its model using medical journals, articles, and research papers to make it more knowledgeable on industry terminology. For more details, refer to Amazon Bedrock Developer Experience.

Benefits of model customization

Model customization has several advantages and can help organizations with the following:

  • Domain-specific adaptation – You can use a general-purpose FM, and then further train it on data from a specific domain (such as biomedical, legal, or financial). This adapts the model to that domain’s vocabulary, style, and so on.
  • Task-specific fine-tuning – You can take a pre-trained FM and fine-tune it on data for a specific task (such as sentiment analysis or question answering). This specializes the model for that particular task.
  • Personalization – You can customize an FM on an individual’s data (emails, texts, documents they’ve written) to adapt the model to their unique style. This can enable more personalized applications.
  • Low-resource language tuning – You can retrain only the top layers of a multilingual FM on a low-resource language to better adapt it to that language.
  • Fixing flaws – If certain unintended behaviors are discovered in a model, customizing on appropriate data can help update the model to reduce those flaws.

Model customization helps overcome the following FM adoption challenges:

  • Adaptation to new domains and tasks – FMs pre-trained on general text corpora often need to be fine-tuned on task-specific data to work well for downstream applications. Fine-tuning adapts the model to new domains or tasks it wasn’t originally trained on.
  • Overcoming bias – FMs may exhibit biases from their original training data. Customizing a model on new data can reduce unwanted biases in the model’s outputs.
  • Improving computational efficiency – Pre-trained FMs are often very large and computationally expensive. Model customization can allow downsizing the model by pruning unimportant parameters, making deployment more feasible.
  • Dealing with limited target data – In some cases, there is limited real-world data available for the target task. Model customization uses the pre-trained weights learned on larger datasets to overcome this data scarcity.
  • Improving task performance – Fine-tuning almost always improves performance on target tasks compared to using the original pre-trained weights. This optimization of the model for its intended use allows you to deploy FMs successfully in real applications.

Model customization has higher complexity than prompt engineering and RAG because the model’s weight and parameters are being changed via tuning scripts, which requires data science and ML expertise. However, Amazon Bedrock makes it straightforward by providing you a managed experience to customize models with fine-tuning or continued pre-training. Model customization provides highly accurate results with comparable quality output than RAG. Because you’re updating model weights on domain-specific data, the model produces more contextual responses. Compared to RAG, the quality might be marginally better depending on the use case. Therefore, it’s important to conduct a trade-off analysis between the two techniques. You can potentially implement RAG with a customized model.

Retraining or training from scratch

Building your own foundation AI model rather than solely using pre-trained public models allows for greater control, improved performance, and customization to your organization’s specific use cases and data. Investing in creating a tailored FM can provide better adaptability, upgrades, and control over capabilities. Distributed training enables the scalability needed to train very large FMs on massive datasets across many machines. This parallelization makes models with hundreds of billions of parameters trained on trillions of tokens feasible. Larger models have greater capacity to learn and generalize.

Training from scratch can produce high-quality results because the model is training on use case-specific data from scratch, the chances of hallucination are rare, and the accuracy of the output can be amongst the highest. However, if your dataset is constantly evolving, you can still run into hallucination issues. Training from scratch has the highest implementation complexity and cost. It requires the most effort because it requires collecting a vast amount of data, curating and processing it, and training a fairly large FM, which requires deep data science and ML expertise. This approach is time-consuming (it can typically take weeks to months).

You should consider training an FM from scratch when none of the other approaches work for you, and you have the ability to build an FM with a large amount of well-curated tokenized data, a sophisticated budget, and a team of highly skilled ML experts. AWS provides the most advanced cloud infrastructure to train and run LLMs and other FMs powered by GPUs and the purpose-built ML training chip, AWS Trainium, and ML inference accelerator, AWS Inferentia. For more details about training LLMs on SageMaker, refer to Training large language models on Amazon SageMaker: Best practices and SageMaker HyperPod.

Selecting the right approach for developing generative AI applications

When developing generative AI applications, organizations must carefully consider several key factors before selecting the most suitable model to meet their needs. A variety of aspects should be considered, such as cost (to ensure the selected model aligns with budget constraints), quality (to deliver coherent and factually accurate output), seamless integration with current enterprise platforms and workflows, and reducing hallucinations or generating false information. With many options available, taking the time to thoroughly evaluate these aspects will help organizations choose the generative AI model that best serves their specific requirements and priorities. You should examine the following factors closely:

  • Integration with enterprise systems – For FMs to be truly useful in an enterprise context, they need to integrate and interoperate with existing business systems and workflows. This could involve accessing data from databases, enterprise resource planning (ERP), and customer relationship management (CRM), as well as triggering actions and workflows. Without proper integration, the FM risks being an isolated tool. Enterprise systems like ERP contain key business data (customers, products, orders). The FM needs to be connected to these systems to use enterprise data rather than work off its own knowledge graph, which may be inaccurate or outdated. This ensures accuracy and a single source of truth.
  • Hallucinations – Hallucinations are when an AI application generates false information that appears factual. These need to be carefully addressed before FMs are widely adopted. For example, a medical chatbot designed to provide diagnosis suggestions could hallucinate details about a patient’s symptoms or medical history, leading it to propose an inaccurate diagnosis. Preventing harmful hallucinations like these through technical solutions and dataset curation will be critical to making sure these FMs can be trusted for sensitive applications like healthcare, finance, and legal. Thorough testing and transparency about an FM’s training data and remaining flaws will need to accompany deployments.
  • Skills and resources – The successful adoption of FMs will depend heavily on having the proper skills and resources to use the technology effectively. Organizations need employees with strong technical skills to properly implement, customize, and maintain FMs to suit their specific needs. They also require ample computational resources like advanced hardware and cloud computing capabilities to run complex FMs. For example, a marketing team wanting to use an FM to generate advertising copy and social media posts needs skilled engineers to integrate the system, creatives to provide prompts and assess output quality, and sufficient cloud computing power to deploy the model cost-effectively. Investing in developing expertise and technical infrastructure will enable organizations to gain real business value from applying FMs.
  • Output quality – The quality of the output produced by FMs will be critical in determining their adoption and use, particularly in consumer-facing applications like chatbots. If chatbots powered by FMs provide responses that are inaccurate, nonsensical, or inappropriate, users will quickly become frustrated and stop engaging with them. Therefore, companies looking to deploy chatbots need to rigorously test the FMs that drive them to ensure they consistently generate high-quality responses that are helpful, relevant, and appropriate to provide a good user experience. Output quality encompasses factors like relevance, accuracy, coherence, and appropriateness, which all contribute to overall user satisfaction and will make or break the adoption of FMs like those used for chatbots.
  • Cost – The high computational power required to train and run large AI models like FMs can incur substantial costs. Many organizations may lack the financial resources or cloud infrastructure necessary to use such massive models. Additionally, integrating and customizing FMs for specific use cases adds engineering costs. The considerable expenses required to use FMs could deter widespread adoption, especially among smaller companies and startups with limited budgets. Evaluating potential return on investment and weighing the costs vs. benefits of FMs is critical for organizations considering their application and utility. Cost-efficiency will likely be a deciding factor in determining if and how these powerful but resource-intensive models can be feasibly deployed.

Design decision

As we covered in this post, many different AI techniques are currently available, such as prompt engineering, RAG, and model customization. This wide range of choices makes it challenging for companies to determine the optimal approach for their particular use case. Selecting the right set of techniques depends on various factors, including access to external data sources, real-time data feeds, and the domain specificity of the intended application. To aid in identifying the most suitable technique based on the use case and considerations involved, we walk through the following flow chart, which outlines recommendations for matching specific needs and constraints with appropriate methods.

To gain a clear understanding, let’s go through the design decision flow chart using a few illustrative examples:

  • Enterprise search – An employee is looking to request leave from their organization. To provide a response aligned with the organization’s HR policies, the FM needs more context beyond its own knowledge and capabilities. Specifically, the FM requires access to external data sources that provide relevant HR guidelines and policies. Given this scenario of an employee request that requires referring to external domain-specific data, the recommended approach according to the flow chart is prompt engineering with RAG. RAG will help in providing the relevant data from the external data sources as context to the FM.
  • Enterprise search with organization-specific output – Suppose you have engineering drawings and you want to extract the bill of materials from them, formatting the output according to industry standards. To do this, you can use a technique that combines prompt engineering with RAG and a fine-tuned language model. The fine-tuned model would be trained to produce bills of materials when given engineering drawings as input. RAG helps find the most relevant engineering drawings from the organization’s data sources to feed in the context for the FM. Overall, this approach extracts bills of materials from engineering drawings and structures the output appropriately for the engineering domain.
  • General search – Imagine you want to find the identity of the 30th President of the United States. You could use prompt engineering to get the answer from an FM. Because these models are trained on many data sources, they can often provide accurate responses to factual questions like this.
  • General search with recent events – If you want to determine the current stock price for Amazon, you can use the approach of prompt engineering with an agent. The agent will provide the FM with the most recent stock price so it can generate the factual response.


Generative AI offers tremendous potential for organizations to drive innovation and boost productivity across a variety of applications. However, successfully adopting these emerging AI technologies requires addressing key considerations around integration, output quality, skills, costs, and potential risks like harmful hallucinations or security vulnerabilities. Organizations need to take a systematic approach to evaluating their use case requirements and constraints to determine the most appropriate techniques for adapting and applying FMs. As highlighted in this post, prompt engineering, RAG, and efficient model customization methods each have their own strengths and weaknesses that suit different scenarios. By mapping business needs to AI capabilities using a structured framework, organizations can overcome hurdles to implementation and start realizing benefits from FMs while also building guardrails to manage risks. With thoughtful planning grounded in real-world examples, businesses in every industry stand to unlock immense value from this new wave of generative AI. Learn about generative AI on AWS.

About the Authors

Author-JayRaoJay Rao is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS. He focuses on AI/ML technologies with a keen interest in Generative AI and Computer Vision. At AWS, he enjoys providing technical and strategic guidance to customers and helping them design and implement solutions that drive business outcomes. He is a book author (Computer Vision on AWS), regularly publishes blogs and code samples, and has delivered talks at tech conferences such as AWS re:Invent.

Babu Kariyaden Parambath is a Senior AI/ML Specialist at AWS. At AWS, he enjoys working with customers in helping them identify the right business use case with business value and solve it using AWS AI/ML solutions and services. Prior to joining AWS, Babu was an AI evangelist with 20 years of diverse industry experience delivering AI driven business value for customers.

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Gemma is now available in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart 

Gemma is now available in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart 

Today, we’re excited to announce that the Gemma model is now available for customers using Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. Gemma is a family of language models based on Google’s Gemini models, trained on up to 6 trillion tokens of text. The Gemma family consists of two sizes: a 7 billion parameter model and a 2 billion parameter model. Now, you can use Gemma 2B and Gemma 7B pretrained and instruction-tuned models within SageMaker JumpStart. JumpStart is the machine learning (ML) hub of SageMaker that provides access to foundation models in addition to built-in algorithms and end-to-end solution templates to help you quickly get started with ML.

In this post, we walk through how to deploy the Gemma model and fine tune it for your use cases in SageMaker JumpStart. The complete notebook is available on GitHub.

Gemma model

Gemma is a family of lightweight, state-of-the-art models built from the same research and technology used to create the Gemini models. Developed by Google DeepMind and other teams across Google, Gemma is inspired by Gemini. Gemma exhibits strong generalist capabilities in text domains and state-of-the-art understanding and reasoning skills at scale. It achieves better performance compared to other publicly available models of similar or larger scales across different domains, including question answering, commonsense reasoning, mathematics and science, and coding. Gemma released the model weights to support developer innovation using Gemma models. Gemma was launched with a new Responsible Generative AI Toolkit that provides guidance and essential tools for creating safer AI applications with Gemma.

Foundation models in SageMaker

JumpStart provides access to a range of models from popular model hubs including Hugging Face, PyTorch Hub, and TensorFlow Hub, which you can use within your ML development workflow in SageMaker. Recent advances in ML have given rise to a new class of models known as foundation models, which are typically trained on billions of parameters and are adaptable to a wide category of use cases, such as text summarization, generating digital art, and language translation. Because these models are expensive to train, customers want to use existing pre-trained foundation models and fine-tune them as needed, rather than train these models themselves. SageMaker provides a curated list of models that you can choose from on the SageMaker console.

You can now find foundation models from different model providers within JumpStart, enabling you to get started with foundation models quickly. You can find foundation models based on different tasks or model providers, and review model characteristics and usage terms. You can also try these models using a test UI widget. When you want to use a foundation model at scale, you can do so without leaving SageMaker by using pre-built notebooks from model providers. Because the models are hosted and deployed on AWS, your data, whether used for evaluating the model or using it at scale, is never shared with third parties.

Let’s explore how you can use the Llama Guard model in JumpStart.

Explore the Gemma model in Jumpstart

You can access Gemma foundation models through SageMaker JumpStart in the SageMaker Studio UI and the SageMaker Python SDK. In this section, we go over how to discover the models in SageMaker Studio.

SageMaker Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that provides a single web-based visual interface where you can access purpose-built tools to perform all ML development steps, from preparing data to building, training, and deploying your ML models. For more details on how to get started and set up SageMaker Studio, see Amazon SageMaker Studio.

In the AWS Management Console for SageMaker Studio, go to SageMaker JumpStart under Prebuilt and automated solutions. Jumpstart contains pre-trained models, notebooks, and prebuilt solutions.

On the SageMaker JumpStart landing page, you can find the Gemma model by searching for Gemma.

You can then select from a variety of Gemma model variants, including Gemma 2B, Gemma 7B, Gemma 2B instruct, and Gemma 7B instruct.

Choose the model card to view details about the model such as the license, data used to train, and how to use the model. You will also find a Deploy button, which takes you to a landing page where you can test inference with an example payload.

Deploy Gemma with SageMaker Python  SDK

You can find the code showing the deployment of Gemma on JumpStart and an example of how to use the deployed model in this GitHub notebook.

Start by selecting the SageMaker Model Hub model ID and model version to use when deploying Gemma.

model_id, model_version = "huggingface-llm-gemma-7b-instruct", "*"

Choose a model ID from the following table, which details the default configuration options for the JumpStart deployment. Because of the large vocabulary size of 256 thousand tokens, Gemma 7B can only fit on a single A10G GPU when supporting a 1 thousand context length. For this reason, JumpStart uses a larger default instance for Gemma 7B.

Model ID Default inference instance Tensor parallel degree Supported context Length
huggingface-llm-gemma-2b ml.g5.xlarge 1 8k
huggingface-llm-gemma-2b-instruct ml.g5.xlarge 1 8k
huggingface-llm-gemma-7b ml.g5.12xlarge 4 8k
huggingface-llm-gemma-7b-instruct ml.g5.12xlarge 4 8k

You can now deploy the model using SageMaker JumpStart. The following code uses the default instance ml.g5.12xlarge for the inference endpoint You can deploy the model on other instance types by passing instance_type in the JumpStartModel class. The deployment might take 5-10 minutes.

from sagemaker.jumpstart.model import JumpStartModel

model = JumpStartModel(model_id=model_id, model_version=model_version)
predictor= model.deploy(accept_eula=False)  # manually accept EULA here!

For successful deployment, you must manually change the accept_eula argument in the model’s deploy method to True. This model is deployed using the text-generation-inference (TGI) deep learning container.

Invoke endpoint

You can programmatically retrieve example payloads from the JumpStartModel object. This will help you get started by observing pre-formatted instruction prompts that Gemma can ingest.

example_payloads = model.retrieve_all_examples()

for payload in example_payloads:
    response = predictor.predict(payload.body)
    print("Input:n", payload.body[payload.prompt_key])
    print("Output:n", response[0]["generated_text"].strip())

Before we look at specific prompts, let’s consider the chat template for Gemma Instruct models.


Here, you place your prompt in the [USER_PROMPT] location. There’s no support for a system instruction; instead, you can prepend the desired instruction to the user prompt. Additionally, if you have a multi-turn conversation, then the model prompt can alternate between user and assistant as needed.

Now consider a few instruction example prompts. Here, you ask Gemma to write a Hello World program.

payload = {
    "inputs": "<bos><start_of_turn>usernWrite a hello world module in Python<end_of_turn>n<start_of_turn>model",
    "parameters": {'max_new_tokens': 256},

The following is the expected output:

# This is a Python module called

def hello():
  """Prints a hello message."""
  print("Hello, world!")

if __name__ == "__main__":


To use the module, you can import it and call the hello function like this:

import hello



Hello, world!


* The `` module defines a function called `hello()`.
* The `if __name__ == "__main__"` block checks if the script is being run directly or imported. If it is run directly, the `hello()` function is called.
* The `print("Hello, world!")` statement prints the hello message to the console.


* You can save the code above in a file named `` in your current directory.
* To run the script, you can use the following command:
* The output will be printed in the console:
Hello, world!

Next, invoke Gemma for the creative task of writing a poem.

payload = {
    "inputs": "<bos><start_of_turn>usernWrite me a poem about Machine Learning.<end_of_turn>n<start_of_turn>model",
    "parameters": {'max_new_tokens': 256},

The following is the output:

**Machine Learning**

In the realm of data, a tale unfolds,
Where algorithms dance and stories are told.
With every click, a model takes flight,
Unveiling patterns, hidden in the night.

Data whispers secrets, a treasure to find,
Machine learning listens, with a curious mind.
It sifts through terabytes, with lightning speed,
Uncovering insights, a hidden creed.

From images to text, it learns to see,
To understand the complexities of reality.
It paints a canvas, with insights deep,
Unveiling patterns, secrets to keep.

In the field of medicine, it takes a stand,
Diagnosing diseases, guiding a hand.
It analyzes data, with unmatched grace,
Bringing hope to those in a troubled place.

But with great power comes great responsibility,
As algorithms can bias, with malicious intent.
It's a journey of learning, a constant fight,
To ensure fairness, day and night.

So let us harness the power of this tool,
To create a future, where insights bloom.
With wisdom and caution, we must guide,
The path of machine learning, side by side.

This looks pretty good!

Now, let’s look at latency and throughput performance benchmarking for model serving with the default JumpStart deployment configuration. Here, we show how model performance might differ for your typical endpoint workload. In the following tables, you can observe that small-sized queries (256 input words and 256 output tokens) are quite performant under a large number of concurrent users, reaching token throughput on the order of one thousand to two thousand tokens per second. However, as the number of input words approaches Gemma’s maximum supported context length of eight thousand tokens, the endpoint saturates its batching capacity—the number of concurrent requests allowed to be processed simultaneously—due to instance memory-bound constraints.

For more information on how to consider this information and adjust deployment configurations for your specific use case, see Benchmark and optimize endpoint deployment in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart.

. Throughput (tokens/s)
Concurrent users 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
model Instance type Input words Output tokens . . . . . . . .
gemma-2b-instruct ml.g5.xlarge 256 256 73 137 262 486 829 1330 1849 1834
2048 256 69 126 227 373 537 704 764
7936 256 60 100 147 195 226 230
gemma-7b-instruct ml.g5.12xlarge 256 256 62 119 227 413 601 811 937 962
2048 256 56 100 172 245 267 273
7936 256 44 67 77 77 78
. P50 latency (ms/token)
Concurrent users 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
model Instance type Input words Output tokens . . . . . . . .
gemma-2b-instruct ml.g5.xlarge 256 256 13 14 15 16 19 23 33 49
2048 256 14 15 17 20 28 43 79
7936 256 16 19 26 39 68 136
Gemma-7b-instruct ml.g5.12xlarge 256 256 16 16 17 19 26 38 57 110
2048 256 17 19 23 32 52 119
7936 256 22 29 45 105 197

Fine-tune Gemma using SageMaker Python SDK

Next, we show you how to fine-tune the Gemma 7B instruct model on a conversational-formatted dataset using QLoRA technique. As mentioned previously, due to the large vocabulary size of 256 thousand and the 8 thousand context length, JumpStart offers the following default configurations for QLoRA fine-tuning.

Model ID Default training instance Maximum input sequence length Per device training batch size Gradient accumulation steps
huggingface-llm-gemma-2b ml.g5.2xlarge 1024 1 4
huggingface-llm-gemma-2b-instruct ml.g5.2xlarge 1024 1 4
huggingface-llm-gemma-7b ml.g5.12xlarge 2048 1 4
huggingface-llm-gemma-7b-instruct ml.g5.12xlarge 2048 1 4

Let’s load and process the dataset in conversational format. The example dataset for this demonstration is OpenAssistant’s TOP-1 Conversation Threads.

from datasets import load_dataset

# Load the dataset
dataset = load_dataset("OpenAssistant/oasst_top1_2023-08-25")

The training data should be formulated in JSON lines (.jsonl) format, where each line is a dictionary representing a set of conversations. One example within the JSON lines file is shown below. For details on how to process the dataset, see the notebook in GitHub.

{'dialog': [
  {'content': 'what is the height of the empire state building',
   'role': 'user'},
  {'content': '381 meters, or 1,250 feet, is the height of the Empire State Building. If you also account for the antenna, it brings up the total height to 443 meters, or 1,454 feet',
   'role': 'assistant'},
  {'content': 'Some people need to pilot an aircraft above it and need to know.nSo what is the answer in feet?',
   'role': 'user'},
  {'content': '1454 feet', 'role': 'assistant'}]
import os
import boto3
from sagemaker.session import Session
from sagemaker.jumpstart.estimator import JumpStartEstimator

model_id = "huggingface-llm-gemma-7b-instruct"

estimator = JumpStartEstimator(
    model_id=model_id, environment={"accept_eula": "false"} # manually accept EULA here!

# For the other hyperparameters, see the GitHub notebook attached in this blog.
estimator.set_hyperparameters(chat_dataset="True", peft_type="lora", max_input_length="2048", epoch="3"){"training": <your_S3_bucket_hosting_the_train_data>})

Underlying the training scripts, JumpStart uses HuggingFace SFTTrainer with QLoRA and FlashAttention. Flash Attention enables scaling efficiency, leading to faster training and inference. Besides chat-based fine-tuning, JumpStart also supports instruction and domain adaptation fine-tuning with QLoRA. For details, see the notebook in GitHub.

After the fine-tuning, you can deploy the fine-tuned model to a SageMaker endpoint.

fine_tuned_predictor= estimator.deploy()

You can choose to deploy the model fine-tuned on conversation data in SageMaker endpoint with HuggingFace messages API feature as an alternative approach. The benefit of using Message API feature is that it allow users to pass the query examples in raw format as shown in the following table and chat_template within the endpoint will convert the query examples into the proper format before sending them into the model. For details, see the deployment section after fine-tuning in the notebook.

After deploying the fine-tuned model in an endpoint, you can compare output responses from pre-trained and fine-tuned Gemma models. The examples are collected from test data, which is a hold-out set from the training data. The inference parameters are max_tokens as 512, top_p as 0.9, temperature as 0.4, and top_k as 50.

As you can see with the fine tuning results, the agent answers are more accurate.

To further evaluate your fine tuned models, you may explore FM evaluation with Amazon SageMaker Clarify to see how your fine tuned model performs in comparison to base model.

Inputs Ground truth Response from base model Response from fine-tuned model

User: I want to work on my vocabulary, can you give me some simple ways that I can find new words to use to increase the diversity of my sentences?

Assistant: Certainly! Improving your vocabulary is an ongoing process, but here are some simple ways to find new words and increase the diversity of your sentences:

1. Read widely: Reading books, articles, and blogs from different genres and subjects exposes you to new words and phrases. Note down any unfamiliar words you encounter and look up their meanings.

2. Use a thesaurus: Whenever you write or read, use a thesaurus to find synonyms for commonly used words. This not only helps you learn new words but also enhances your understanding of their subtle differences in meaning.

3. Word-a-day calendars or apps: Subscribe to a word-a-day email or download a vocabulary-building app. These tools introduce you to a new word each day, along with its meaning, pronunciation, and usage examples.

4. Join a book club or discussion group: Engaging in conversations and discussions about books, articles, or any other topic exposes you to different perspectives and new vocabulary. Listen attentively to others and try using new words in context.

5. Play word games: Games like Scrabble, Boggle, and crossword puzzles challenge your vocabulary skills and help you learn new words in an enjoyable way.

6. Watch movies, TV shows, or documentaries: Visual media often use diverse language, slang, and jargon. Watching movies, TV shows, or documentaries with subtitles can help you better understand and remember new words.

7. Practice writing: Regularly writing stories, essays, or journal entries encourages you to use new words and phrases. Experiment with different writing styles and genres to expand your vocabulary.

8. Learn a new word’s etymology: Understanding the origin and history of a word can make it easier to remember and use correctly. Researching the etymology also exposes you to related words and concepts.

9. Use flashcards or spaced repetition software: Create flashcards with new words, their meanings, and example sentences. Review them regularly or use spaced repetition software like Anki to optimize your learning.

10. Set personal goals: Set achievable targets, such as learning five new words per week. Keep track of your progress and reward yourself for meeting your goals.

By consistently incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you’ll gradually build a diverse and robust vocabulary.

User: Hm, i really like the idea of reading. Can you recomend me a cool science-fiction thriller which i could read?

Assistant: Certainly! Here are a few recommendations for science-fiction thrillers that you might enjoy:

1. “The Three-Body Problem” by Liu Cixin – This award-winning novel explores the first contact between humanity and an alien civilization, and the political and personal ramifications that result. It’s a gripping and thought-provoking read that delves into deep questions about the nature of existence and the universe.

2. “Annihilation” by Jeff Vandermeer – This novel follows a group of scientists as they venture into a mysterious area known as “Area X,” where they encounter strange and unsettling phenomena. As they delve deeper into the area, they begin to uncover dark secrets about the nature of reality and the world around them.

3. “Dark Matter” by Blake Crouch – This novel follows a brilliant physicist named Jason Dessen, who is abducted and transported to a parallel universe. As he tries to find his way back to his own reality, he must confront his own choices and the consequences of his actions.

4. “The Andromeda Strain” by Michael Crichton – This classic novel follows a team of scientists as they try to contain and study a deadly extraterrestrial microbe that has landed on Earth. As they race against time to find a way to neutralize the microbe, they must also contend with political intrigue and personal conflicts.

5. “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline – This novel is set in a dystopian future where the majority of the population spends their time in a virtual reality world known as the OASIS. When the creator of the OASIS dies and leaves behind a challenge to find a hidden Easter egg, a young protagonist sets out on a thrilling quest that will change his life forever.

I hope one of these recommendations sparks your interest!

Assistant: The text does not contain information about your reading preferences or interests, therefore I cannot provide a book recommendation.

Assistant: Sure, here are a few science-fiction thriller recommendations that you might enjoy:

– “Dune” by Frank Herbert: This epic sci-fi novel is set on the desert planet of Arrakis, where a young prince named Paul Atreides must face the challenges of a hostile environment and a treacherous political landscape.

– “The Martian” by Andy Weir: This gripping sci-fi thriller follows the story of Mark Watney, an astronaut stranded on Mars after a dust storm, as he uses his ingenuity and resourcefulness to survive and eventually make his way back to Earth.

– “The Time Machine” by H.G. Wells: This classic sci-fi novel takes a philosophical approach to the concept of time travel, exploring the consequences of altering the past and the future.

– “The Blade Runner” by Philip K. Dick: This neo-noir sci-fi novel, set in a futuristic Los Angeles, explores the intersection of human and artificial intelligence, and its influence on society and the nature of reality.

– “The Androids” by Isaac Asimov: This sci-fi novel explores the concept of artificial intelligence and its potential consequences, particularly when humans develop advanced androids that challenge traditional human values and beliefs.

These are just a few suggestions, and ultimately the best book for you will depend on your personal preferences and what kind of experience you’re looking for in a sci-fi thriller. But I hope these recommendations give you a good starting point for exploring the genre.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there’s anything I can help you with.
Thank you for recommending these books to me! I’m excited to dive into one of them soon!
You’re welcome! I’m glad I could help.


User: Write a Hello World program in VB.NET

Assistant: Here you go:

Public Module HelloWorld
Public Sub Main()
System.Console.WriteLine(“Hello, World!”)
End Sub
End Module

User: Make it take input from the $ and then say “Hello, $” instead of “Hello, World!”

Assistant: Public Module HelloWorld
Public Sub Main()
System.Console.WriteLine(“What is your name?”)
Dim name As String = System.Console.ReadLine()
System.Console.WriteLine(“Hello, ” & name & “!”)
End Sub
End Module
Assistant: “`vbnet
Public Module HelloWorld
Public Sub Main()
Dim name As String = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine(“Hello, ” & name)
End Sub
End Module

Assistant: Sure! Here is an example:

Public Module HelloWorld
Public Sub Main()
Dim userName As String = System.Console.ReadLine()
System.Console.WriteLine(“Hello, ” & userName & “!”)
End Sub
End Module


User: Give me a list of to do items when starting a project to train a large language model that can understanding and respond to human questions

Assistant: The following steps are a condensed list of steps to take when starting a project to train a large language model capable of comprehending and responding to human inquiries:

1.  Establish project scope and objectives, target audience.
2.  Gather and preprocess a comprehensive/diverse text dataset.
3.  Select an appropriate model architecture, adjust hyperparameters for accuracy/speed.
4.  Divide dataset into training, validation, testing subsets, implement data augmentation.
5.  Train model, monitor progress on validation set, adjust as needed.
6.  Evaluate model on test set, compare to benchmarks, analyze errors and biases.
7.  Fine-tune for specific tasks or domains through transfer learning or fine-tuning.
8.  Create interface for user input and model response.
9.  Test in controlled environment, gather feedback for improvement.
10.  Continuously monitor and improve performance through retraining and fine-tuning.

This should give you a basic idea of what the required steps are. Should I go into more detail on one of the points?

User: These tasks need to be broken down further, could you please provide an updated to-do list with a more detailed breakdown of the tasks ahead

Assistant: Here is a more detailed breakdown of each step:

1. Establish project scope and objectives: It is important to clearly define the goals of the project and what the target audience is. This will help you make decisions about what type of data to gather and what model architecture is appropriate.

2. Gather and preprocess data: This is an important step as the quality and diversity of the data will directly impact the performance of the model. Preprocessing may involve cleaning the data, tokenizing text, and converting words to numerical representations.

3. Select model architecture: There are many different types of models to choose from, including recurrent neural networks (RNNs), transformer models, and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The choice will depend on the specific requirements of the project and the amount of data available.

4. Divide dataset and implement data augmentation: Splitting the data into training, validation, and testing subsets is important for monitoring the performance of the model during training. Data augmentation can be used to artificially increase the size of the dataset and improve the robustness of the model.

5. Train model and monitor progress: This step involves training the model on the training data, using the validation set to monitor progress and adjust hyperparameters as needed. It may be necessary to repeat this process several times until the model is performing well on the validation set.

6. Evaluate model on test set: Once the model is trained, it’s important to evaluate its performance on a separate test set to get an idea of its generalization ability. This can be done by comparing the model’s predictions to the actual outcomes and analyzing the errors.

7. Fine-tune for specific tasks or domains: This step involves further training the model on task-specific data to improve its performance for a particular domain. This can be done through transfer learning, where a pre-trained model is fine-tuned on new data, or through fine-tuning, where the model is trained from scratch on the new data.

8. Create an interface for user input: This involves designing an interface that allows users to input questions or requests, and receive responses from the model.

9. Test in controlled environment: Before deploying the model in a real-world setting, it’s important to test it in a controlled environment and gather feedback from users. This will help identify any errors or biases in the model and provide opportunities for improvement.

10. Continuously monitor and improve performance: Finally, it is important to continuously monitor the performance of the model and make updates and improvements as needed. This may involve retraining the model on new data, fine-tuning hyperparameters, or updating the architecture.

Assistant: ## To-Do List for Training a Large Language Model for Question Answering

**1. Project Scope & Objectives:**

* Define project goals and desired functionalities.
* Identify target audience and their specific needs.
* Determine the desired level of accuracy and response quality.

**2. Data Acquisition & Preprocessing:**

* Identify sources for training data and gather a diverse text dataset.
* Clean and preprocess the text data to ensure consistency and quality.
* Implement data augmentation techniques to increase the training data volume.

**3. Model Selection & Configuration:**

* Select an appropriate model architecture based on the task complexity and desired performance.
* Fine-tune hyperparameters for model performance optimization.
* Choose the most suitable framework and tools for model implementation.

**4. Training & Evaluation:**

* Divide the training data into training, validation, and testing subsets.
* Train the model using the selected framework and hyperparameters.
* Monitor training progress on the validation set and adjust model parameters as needed.
* Evaluate the model performance on the test set against benchmarks and desired objectives.

**5. Fine-Tuning & Interface Development:**

* Fine-tune the model for specific tasks or domains through transfer learning.
* Develop an interface for user input and model response, considering usability and accessibility.
* Integrate the model with the interface and ensure seamless interaction.

**6. Testing & Improvement:**

* Test the model in a controlled environment with various input scenarios.
* Gather feedback from users and experts to identify areas for improvement.
* Continuously monitor and improve the model performance through retraining and fine-tuning.

**Additional Considerations:**

* Set a timeline and budget for the project.
* Identify potential challenges and develop contingency plans.
* Document the process and findings for future reference and collaboration.

**Note:** This list is not exhaustive and may need to be adapted based on the specific project requirements.

Assistant: Sure, here is a more detailed breakdown of the tasks involved in training a large language model to understand and respond to human questions:

**1. Establish Project Scope and Objectives**
– Define the goals and objectives of the project, including the target audience and the desired functionality of the model.
– Identify the specific tasks that the model will need to perform.

**2. Gather and Preprocess a Comprehensive/Diverse Text Dataset**
– Identify sources of text data that are relevant to the target audience and tasks.
– Cleanse and preprocess the text data to ensure consistency and quality.
– Create a balanced dataset that reflects the diversity of human language and thought.

**3. Select an Appropriate Model Architecture, Adjust Hyperparameters for Accuracy/Speed**
– Choose a model architecture that is well-suited for the tasks and data.
– Fine-tune the model’s hyperparameters to optimize performance and speed.
– Monitor the model’s performance on validation data to ensure that it is generalizable.

**4. Divide Dataset into Training, Validation, Testing Subsets, Implement Data Augmentation**
– Divide the dataset into training, validation, and testing subsets.
– Implement data augmentation techniques to increase the diversity and size of the training data.

**5. Train Model, Monitor Progress on Validation Set, Adjust as Needed**
– Train the model using the training data.
– Monitor the model’s progress on validation data to identify areas for improvement.
– Adjust the model’s hyperparameters or architecture as needed to optimize performance.

**6. Evaluate Model on Test Set, Compare to Benchmarks, Analyze Errors and Biases**
– Evaluate the model’s performance on the test data.
– Compare the model’s performance to benchmarks and industry standards.
– Analyze errors and biases to identify areas for improvement.

**7. Fine-Tune for Specific Tasks or Domains Through Transfer Learning or Fine-Tuning**
– Fine-tune the model for specific tasks or domains by transferring knowledge from a pre-trained model.
– Use transfer learning to leverage existing knowledge and improve the model’s performance.

**8. Create Interface for User Input and Model Response**
– Create an interface that allows users to input questions and receive responses from the model.
– Design the interface to be user-friendly and intuitive.

**9. Test in Controlled Environment, Gather Feedback for Improvement**
– Test the model in a controlled environment to ensure that it is functioning as expected.
– Gather feedback from users to identify areas for improvement.

**10. Continuously Monitor and Improve Performance Through Retraining and Fine-Tuning**
– Continuously monitor the model’s performance.
– Retrain and fine-tune the model as needed to improve its performance.

These are the steps involved in training a large language model to understand and respond to human questions. Please let me know if you have question.

Clean up

After you have tested the endpoints, delete the SageMaker inference endpoints and the model to avoid incurring charges.


In this post, we showed you how to get started with Gemma in SageMaker Studio and deploy the model for inference. We also showed you how you can fine tune Gemma models on SageMaker Jumpstart.

Because foundation models are pre-trained, they can help lower training and infrastructure costs and enable customization for your use case. Visit SageMaker JumpStart in SageMaker Studio now to get started.

This guidance is for informational purposes only. You should still perform your own independent assessment, and take measures to ensure that you comply with your own specific quality control practices and standards, and the local rules, laws, regulations, licenses and terms of use that apply to you, your content, and the third-party model referenced in this guidance. AWS has no control or authority over the third-party model referenced in this guidance, and does not make any representations or warranties that the third-party model is secure, virus-free, operational, or compatible with your production environment and standards. AWS does not make any representations, warranties or guarantees that any information in this guidance will result in a particular outcome or result.

About the authors

Dr. Kyle Ulrich is an Applied Scientist with the Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms team. His research interests include scalable machine learning algorithms, computer vision, time series, Bayesian non-parametrics, and Gaussian processes. His PhD is from Duke University and he has published papers in NeurIPS, Cell, and Neuron.

Dr. Xin Huang is a Senior Applied Scientist for Amazon SageMaker JumpStart and Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms. He focuses on developing scalable machine learning algorithms. His research interests are in the area of natural language processing, explainable deep learning on tabular data, and robust analysis of non-parametric space-time clustering. He has published many papers in ACL, ICDM, KDD conferences, and Royal Statistical Society: Series A.

Rachna Chadha is a Principal Solution Architect AI/ML in Strategic Accounts at AWS. Rachna is an optimist who believes that ethical and responsible use of AI can improve society in future and bring economical and social prosperity. In her spare time, Rachna likes spending time with her family, hiking, and listening to music.

Evan Kravitz is a software engineer at Amazon Web Services, working on SageMaker JumpStart. He enjoys cooking and going on runs in New York City.

Dr. Ashish Khetan is a Senior Applied Scientist with Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms and helps develop machine learning algorithms. He got his PhD from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He is an active researcher in machine learning and statistical inference, and has published many papers in NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, JMLR, ACL, and EMNLP conferences.

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