Figure 1. Due to feasibility or ethical requirements, a prediction model may only access a subset of the confounding factors that affect both the decision and outcome. We propose a procedure for learning valid counterfactual predictions in this setting.
In machine learning, we often want to predict the likelihood of an outcome if we take a proposed decision or action. A healthcare setting, for instance, may require predicting whether a patient will be re-admitted to the hospital if the patient receives a particular treatment. In the child welfare setting, a social worker needs to assess the likelihood of adverse outcomes if the agency offers family services. In such settings, algorithmic predictions can be used to help decision-makers. Since the prediction target depends on a particular decision (e.g., the particular medical treatment, or offering family services), we refer to these predictions as counterfactual.
In general, for valid counterfactual inference, we need to measure all factors that affect both the decision and the outcome of interest. However, we may not want to use all such factors in our prediction model. Some factors such as race or gender may be too sensitive to use for prediction. Some factors may be too complex to use when model interpretability is desired, or some factors may be difficult to measure at prediction time.
Child welfare example: The child welfare screening task requires a social worker to decide which calls to the child welfare hotline should be investigated. In jurisdictions such as Allegheny County, the social worker makes their decision based on allegations in the call and historical information about individuals associated with the call, such as their prior child welfare interaction and criminal justice history. Both the call allegations and historical information may contain factors that affect both the decision and future child outcomes, but the child welfare agency may be unable to parse and preprocess call information in real-time for use in a prediction system. The social worker would still benefit from a prediction that summarizes the risk based on historical information. Therefore, the goal is a prediction based on a subset of the confounding factors.
Healthcare example: Healthcare providers may make decisions based on the patient’s history as well as lab results and diagnostic tests, but the patient’s health record may not be in a form that can be easily input to a prediction algorithm.
How can we make counterfactual predictions using only a subset of confounding factors?
We propose a method for using offline data to build a prediction model that only requires access to the available subset of confounders at prediction time. Offline data is an important part of the solution because if we know nothing about the unmeasured confounders, then in general we cannot make progress. Fortunately, in our settings of interest, it is often possible to obtain an offline dataset that contains measurements of the full set of confounders as well as the outcome of interest and historical decision.
What is “runtime confounding?”
Runtime confounding occurs when all confounding factors are recorded in the training data, but the prediction model cannot use all confounding factors as features due to sensitivity, interpretability, or feasibility requirements.As examples,
It may not be possible to measure factors efficiently enough for use in the prediction model but it is possible to measure factors offline with sufficient processing time. Child welfare agencies typically do record call allegations for offline processing.
It may be undesirable to use some factors that are too sensitive or too complex for use in a prediction model.
Formally, let (V in mathbb{R}^{d_v}) denote the vector of factors available for prediction and (Z in mathbb{R}^{d_z}) denote the vector of confounding factors unavailable for prediction (but available in the training data). Given (V), our goal is to predict an outcome under a proposed decision; we wish to predict the potential outcome (Y^{A=a}) that we would observe under decision (a).
Prediction target: $$nu(v) := mathbb{E}[Y^{A=a} mid V = v] .$$ In order to estimate this hypothetical counterfactual quantity, we need assumptions that enable us to identify this quantity with observable data. We require three assumptions that are standard in causal inference:
Assumption 1: The decision assigned to one unit does not affect the potential outcomes of another unit. Assumption 2: All units have some non-zero probability of receiving decision (a) (the decision of interest for prediction). Assumption 3: (V,Z) describe all factors that jointly affect the decision and outcome.
These assumptions enable us to identify our target estimand as $$nu(v) = mathbb{E}[ mathbb{E}[Y mid A = a, V = v, Z =z] mid V =v].$$
This suggests that we can estimate an outcome model (mu(v,z) := mathbb{E}[Y mid A = a, V = v, Z =z]) and then regress the outcome model estimates on (V).
The simple plug-in (PL)approach:
Estimate the outcome model (mu(v,z)) by regressing (Y sim V, Zmid A = a). Use this model to construct pseudo-outcomes (hat{mu}(V,Z)) for each case in our training data.
Regress (hat{mu}(V,Z) sim V) to yield a prediction model that only requires knowledge of (V).
How does the PL approach perform?
Yields valid counterfactual predictions under our three causal assumptions.
Not optimal: Consider the setting in which (d_z >> d_v), for instance, in the child welfare setting where (Z) corresponds to the natural language in the hotline call. The PL approach requires us to efficiently estimate a more challenging high-dimensional target (mathbb{E}[Y mid A = a, V = v, Z =z]) when our target is a lower-dimensional quantity (nu(V)).
We can better take advantage of the lower-dimensional structure of our target estimand using doubly-robust techniques, which are popular in causal inference because they give us two chances to get our estimation right.
Our proposed doubly-robust (DR) approach
In addition to estimating the outcome model like the PL approach, a doubly-robust approach also estimates a decision model (pi(v,z) := mathbb{E}[mathbb{I}{A=a} mid V = v, Z =z]), which is known as the propensity model in causal inference. This is particularly helpful in settings where it is easier to estimate the decision model than the outcome model.
We propose a doubly-robust (DR) approach that also involves two stages:
Regress (Y sim V, Zmid A = a) to yield outcome model (hat{mu}(v,z)). Regress (mathbb{I}{A=a} sim V, Z) to yield decision model (hat{pi}(v,z)).
When we can build either a very good outcome model or a very good decision model
If both the decision model and outcome model are somewhat good
The DR approach can achieve oracle optimality–that is, it achieves the same regression error (up to constants) as an oracle with access to the true potential outcomes (Y^a).
We can see this by bounding the error of our method (hat{nu}) with the sum of the oracle error and a product of error terms on the outcome and decision models:
where (tilde{nu}(v)) denotes the function we would get in our second-stage estimation if we had oracle access to (Y^a).
So as long as we can estimate the outcome and decision models such that their product of errors is smaller than the oracle error, then the DR approach is oracle-efficient. This result holds for any regression method, assuming that we have used sample-splitting to learn (hat{nu}), (hat{mu}), and (hat{pi}).
While the DR approach has this desirable theoretical guarantee, in practice is it possible that the PL approach may perform better depending on the dimensionality of the problem.
How do I know which method I should use?
To determine which method will work best in a given setting, we provide an evaluation procedure that can be applied to any prediction method to estimate its mean-squared error. Under our three causal assumptions, the prediction error of a model (hat{nu}) is identified as
Defining the error regression (eta(v,z) = mathbb{E}[(Y-hat{nu}(V))^2 mid V = v, Z =a, A = a] ), we propose the following doubly-robust estimator for the MSE on a validation sample of (n) cases:
Under mild assumptions, this estimator is (sqrt{n}) consistent, enabling us to get error estimates with confidence intervals.
DR achieves lowest MSE in synthetic experiments
We perform simulations on synthetic data to show how the level of confounding and dimensionalities of (V) and (Z) determine which method performs best. Synthetic experiments enable us to evaluate the methods on the ground-truth counterfactual outcomes. We compare the PL and DR approaches to a biased single-stage approach that estimates (mathbb{E}[Y mid V, A =a]), which we refer to as the treatment-conditional regression (TCR) approach.
In the left-hand panel above, we compare the method as we vary the amount of confounding. When there is no confounding ((k_z = 0)), the TCR approach performs best as expected. Under no confounding, the TCR approach is no longer biased and efficiently estimates the target of interest in one stage. However, as we increase the level of confounding, the TCR performance degrades faster than the PL and DR methods. The DR method performs best under any non-zero level of confounding.
The right-hand panel compares the methods as we vary the dimensionality of our predictors. We hold the total dimensionality of ((V, Z)) fixed at (500) (so (d_z = 500 – d_v)). The DR approach performs best across the board, and the TCR approach performs well when the dimensionality is low because TCR avoids the high-dimensional second stage regression. However, this advantage disappears as (d_v) increases. The gap between the PL and DR methods is largest for low (d_v) because the DR method is able to take advantage of the lower dimensional target. At high (d_v) the PL error approaches the DR error.
DR is comparable to PL in a real-world task
We compare the methods on a real-world child welfare screening task where the goal is to predict the likelihood that a case will require services under the decision “screened in for investigation” using historical information as predictors and controlling for confounders that are sensitive (race) and hard to process (the allegations in the call). Our dataset consists of over 30,000 calls to the child welfare hotline in Allegheny County, PA. We evaluate the methods using our proposed real-world evaluation procedure since we do not have access to the ground-truth outcomes for cases that were not screened in for investigation.
We find that the DR and PL approach perform comparably on this task, both outperforming the TCR method.
Runtime confounding arises when it is undesirable or impermissible to use some confounding factors in the prediction model.
We propose a generic procedure to build counterfactual predictions when the factors are available in offline training data.
In theory, our approach is provably efficient in the oracle sense
In practice, we recommend building the DR, PL, and TCR approaches and using our proposed evaluation scheme to choose the best performing model.
Figure 1. A toy linear regression example illustrating Tilted Empirical Risk Minimization (TERM) as a function of the tilt hyperparameter (t). Classical ERM ((t=0)) minimizes the average loss and is shown in pink. As (t to -infty ) (blue), TERM finds a line of best fit while ignoring outliers. In some applications, these ‘outliers’ may correspond to minority samples that should not be ignored. As (t to + infty) (red), TERM recovers the min-max solution, which minimizes the worst loss. This can ensure the model is a reasonable fit for all samples, reducing unfairness related to representation disparity.
In machine learning, models are commonly estimated via empirical risk minimization (ERM), a principle that considers minimizing the average empirical loss on observed data. Unfortunately, minimizing the average loss alone in ERM has known drawbacks—potentially resulting in models that are susceptible to outliers, unfair to subgroups in the data, or brittle to shifts in distribution. Previous works have thus proposed numerous bespoke solutions for these specific problems.
In contrast, in this post, we describe our work in tilted empirical risk minimization (TERM), which provides a unified view on the deficiencies of ERM (Figure 1). TERM considers a modification to ERM that can be used for diverse applications such as enforcing fairness between subgroups, mitigating the effect of outliers, and addressing class imbalance—all in one unified framework.
What is Tilted ERM (TERM)?
Empirical risk minimization is a popular technique for statistical estimation where the model, (theta in R^d), is estimated by minimizing the average empirical loss over data, ({x_1, dots, x_N}):
$$overline{R} (theta) := frac{1}{N} sum_{i in [N]} f(x_i; theta).$$
Despite its popularity, ERM is known to perform poorly in situations where average performance is not an appropriate surrogate for the problem of interest. In our work (ICLR 2021), we aim to address deficiencies of ERM through a simple, unified framework—tilted empirical risk minimization (TERM). TERM encompasses a family of objectives, parameterized by the hyperparameter (t):
TERM recovers ERM when (t to 0). It also recovers other popular alternatives such as the max-loss ((t to +infty)) and min-loss ((t to -infty)). While the tilted objective used in TERM is not new and is commonly used in other domains,1 it has not seen widespread use in machine learning.
In our work, we investigate tilting by: (i) rigorously studying properties of the TERM objective, and (ii) exploring its utility for a number of ML applications. Surprisingly, we find that this simple and general extension to ERM is competitive with state-of-the-art, problem-specific solutions for a wide range of problems in ML.
TERM: Properties and Interpretations
Given the modifications that TERM makes to ERM, the first question we ask is: What happens to the TERM objective when we vary (t)? Below we explore properties of TERM with varying (t) to better understand the potential benefits of (t)-tilted losses. In particular, we find:
TERM with varying (t)’s reweights samples to magnify/suppress outliers (as in Figure 1).
TERM smoothly moves between traditional ERM (pink line), the max-loss (red line), and min-loss (blue line), and can be used to trade-off between these problems.
TERM approximates a popular family of quantile losses (such as median loss, shown in the orange line) with different tilting parameters. Quantile losses have nice properties but can be hard to directly optimize.
Next, we discuss these properties and interpretations in more detail.
Varying (t) reweights the importance of outlier samples
First, we take a closer look at the gradient of the t-tilted loss, and observe that the gradients of the t-tilted objective (widetilde{R}(t; theta)) are of the form:
This indicates that the tilted gradient is a weighted average of the gradients of the original individual losses, and the weights are exponentially proportional to the loss values. As illustrated in Figure 1, for positive values of (t), TERM will thus magnify outliers (samples with large losses), and for negative t’s, it will suppress outliers by downweighting them.
TERM offers a trade-off between the average loss and min-/max-loss
Another perspective on TERM is that it offers a continuum of solutions between the min and max losses. As (t) goes from 0 to (+infty), the average loss will increase, and the max-loss will decrease (going from the pink star to the red star in Figure 2), smoothly trading average-loss for max-loss. Similarly, for (t<0), the solutions achieve a smooth tradeoff between average-loss and min-loss. Additionally, as (t >0) increases, the empirical variance of the losses across all samples also decreases. In the applications below we will see how these properties can be used in practice.
TERM solutions approximate superquantile methods
Finally, we note a connection to another popular variant on ERM: superquantile methods. The (k)-th quantile loss is defined as the (k)-th largest individual loss among all samples, which may be useful for many applications. For example, optimizing for the median loss instead of mean may be desirable for applications in robustness, and the max-loss is an extreme of the quantile loss which can be used to enforce fairness. However, minimizing such objectives can be challenging especially in large-scale settings, as they are non-smooth (and generally non-convex). The TERM objective offers an upper bound on the given quantile of the losses, and the solutions of TERM can provide close approximations to the solutions of the quantile loss optimization problem.
[Note] All discussions above assume that the loss functions belong to generalized linear models. However, we empirically observe competitive performance when applying TERM to broader classes of objectives, including deep neural networks. Please see our paper for full statements and proofs.
TERM Applications
TERM is a general framework applicable to a variety of real-world machine learning problems. Using our understanding of TERM from the previous section, we can consider ‘tilting’ at different hierarchies of the data to adjust to the problem of interest. For instance, one can tilt at the sample level, as in the linear regression toy example. It is also natural to perform tilting at the group level to upweight underrepresented groups. Further, we can tilt at multiple levels to address practical applications requiring multiple objectives. In our work, we consider applying TERM to the following problems:
[positive (t)’s]: handling class imbalance, fair PCA, variance reduction for generalization
[hierarchical tilting with (t_1<0, t_2>0)]: jointly addressing robustness and fairness
For all applications considered, we find that TERM is competitive with or outperforms state-of-the-art, problem-specific tailored baselines. In this post, we discuss three examples on robust classification with (t<0), fair PCA with (t>0), and hierarchical tilting.
Robust classification
Crowdsourcing is a popular technique for obtaining data labels from a large crowd of annotators. However, the quality of annotators varies significantly as annotators may be unskilled or even malicious. Thus, handling a large amount of noise is essential for the crowdsourcing setting. Here we consider applying TERM ((t<0)) to the application of mitigating noisy annotators.
Specifically, we explore a common benchmark—taking the CIFAR10 dataset and simulating 100 annotators where 20 of them are always correct and 80 of them assign labels uniformly at random. We use negative (t)’s for annotator-level tilting, which is equivalent to assigning annotator-level weights based on the aggregate value of their loss.
Figure 3 demonstrates that our approach performs on par with the oracle method that knows the qualities of annotators in advance. Additionally, we find that the accuracy of TERM alone is 5% higher than that reported by previous approaches which are specifically designed for this problem.
Fair principal component analysis (PCA)
While the previous application explored TERM with (t<0), here we consider an application of TERM with positive (t)’s to fair PCA. PCA is commonly used for dimension reduction while preserving useful information of the original data for downstream tasks. The goal of fair PCA is to learn a projection that achieves similar (or the same) reconstruction errors across subgroups.
Applying standard PCA can be unfair to underrepresented groups. Figure 4 demonstrates that the classical PCA algorithm results in a large gap in the representation quality between two groups (G1 and G2).
To promote fairness, previous methods have proposed to solve a min-max problem via semidefinite programming, which scales poorly with the problem dimension. We apply TERM to this problem, reweighting the gradients based on the loss on each group. We see that TERM with a large (t) can recover the min-max results where the resulting losses on two groups are almost identical. In addition, with moderate values of (t), TERM offers more flexible tradeoffs between performance and fairness by reducing the performance gap less aggressively.
Solving compound issues: multi-objective tilting
Finally, we note that in practice, multiple issues can co-exist in the data, e.g., we may have issues with both class imbalance and label noise. In these settings we can adopt hierarchical TERM as described previously to address compound issues. Depending on the application, one can choose whether to apply tilting at each level (e.g., possibly more than two levels of hierarchies exist in the data), and at either direction ((t>0) or (t<0)). For example, we can perform negative tilting at the sample level within each group to mitigate outlier samples, and perform positive tilting across all groups to promote fairness.
We test this protocol on the HIV-1 data with logistic regression. In Table 1 below, we find that TERM is superior to all baselines which perform well in their respective problem settings (only showing a subset here) when considering noisy samples and class imbalance simultaneously.
More broadly, the idea of tilting can be applied to other learning problems, like GAN training, meta-learning, and improving calibration and generalization for deep learning. We encourage interested readers to view our paper, which explores a more comprehensive set of applications.
[Solving TERM] Wondering how to solve TERM? In our work, we discuss the properties of the objective in terms of its smoothness and convexity behavior. Based on that, we develop both batch and (scalable) stochastic solvers for TERM, where the computation cost is within 2(times) of standard ERM solvers. We describe these algorithms as well as their convergence guarantees in our paper.
Our work explores tilted empirical risk minimization (TERM), a simple and general alternative to ERM, which is ubiquitous throughout machine learning. Our hope is that the TERM framework will allow machine learning practitioners to easily modify the ERM objective to handle practical concerns such as enforcing fairness amongst subgroups, mitigating the effect of outliers, and ensuring robust performance on new, unseen data. Critical to the success of such a framework is understanding the implications of the modified objective (i.e., the impact of varying (t)), both theoretically and empirically. Our work rigorously explores these effects—demonstrating the potential benefits of tilted objectives across a wide range of applications in machine learning.
Thanks to Maruan Al-Shedivat, Ahmad Beirami, Virginia Smith, and Ivan Stelmakh for feedback on this blog post.
1 For instance, this type of exponential smoothing (when (t>0)) is commonly used to approximate the max. Variants of tilting have also appeared in other contexts, including importance sampling, decision making, and large deviation theory.
This week researchers from all across computer science, social sciences and humanities are gathering for the flagship conference of the emerging field of Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in algorithmic systems: FAccT. FAccT (previously FAT*) is dedicated to the inherent risks that come with the increasing adoption of data-driven algorithmic decision making systems in socially consequential domains such as policing, criminal justice, health care and education. The conference was formed as a venue for the increasing volume of work in this area in 2018 and has since become one of the top venues in the study of societal impacts of machine learning – submissions have more than quadrupled since the inaugural conference!
Now in its 4th year, the fully-virtual event spans 82 paper presentations from 15 different countries across 14 time zones as well as 13 tutorials, a doctoral consortium and 10 CRAFT sessions aimed at Critiquing and Rethinking Accountability, Fairness and Transparency. Complementing paper presentations and tutorials, the CRAFT sessions aim for interaction between participants with different backgrounds including academics, journalists, advocates, activists, educators and artists with the idea of reflection and discussion of the field from a more holistic perspective.
Many influential papers have been published at FAccT even within these first few years of the conference. Examples include Joy Buolamwini and Timnit Gebru’s 2018 study on Gender Shades in which the authors uncover significantly higher error rates in commercial gender classification for darker-skinned females which led companies to adjust their algorithms and sparked a wider discussion of similar problems in computer vision. Leading up to this year’s conference, the paper ‘On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?’ coming out of Google and the University of Washington has gotten much attention in the wider field as it led to the firing of Timnit Gebru as co-lead of the Ethical AI team from Google leaving both room for speculations and sparking a discussion on the future of AI ethics research in private companies.
As one of the main contributing institutions, Carnegie Mellon University is proud to present 10 papers and one tutorial at this year’s conference. Contributions are made from all across campus with authors from the Machine Learning Department, the Department of Statistics and Data Science, the Institute for Software Research, the Computer Science Department, Heinz College of Public Policy, and the Philosophy Department. Several of the studies focus on auditing existing systems in the context of predictive policing [4], image representations learned in an unsupervised manner [5], or the use of mobility data for Covid-19 policy [6]. Others propose new algorithmic solutions to analyze the allocation of opportunities for intergenerational mobility [1], post-process predictions in risk assessment [2], examine the equity of cash bail decisions [3], or understand the fairness implications of leave-one-out training data [8]. The authors of [7] focus on disparity amplification avoidance under different world views and fairness notions, while [9] introduce Value Cards, an educational toolkit for teaching the societal impacts of machine learning. Finally, the authors of [10] provide counternarratives on data sharing in Africa using a storytelling approach based on a series of interviews. We give a short description of each of the papers along with the session times at the conference and links to the preprints below.
[1] Allocating Opportunities in a Dynamic Model of Intergenerational Mobility Hoda Heidari (Carnegie Mellon University), Jon Kleinberg (Cornell University) Session: March 8, 22:00 – 23:45 UTC Tags: Algorithm Development, Fairness Summary: The authors develop a model for analyzing the allocation of opportunities for intergenerational mobility such as higher education and find that purely payoff-maximizing objectives can still lead to a form of socioeconomic affirmative action in the optimal allocation.
[2] Fairness in Risk Assessment Instruments: Post-Processing to Achieve Counterfactual Equalized Odds Alan Mishler (Carnegie Mellon University), Edward Kennedy (Carnegie Mellon University), Alexandra Chouldechova (Carnegie Mellon University) Session: March 10, 20:00 – 21:30 UTC Tags: Algorithm Development, Causality, Evaluation, Fairness Summary: The authors develop a method to post-process existing binary predictors used in risk assessment, e.g. for recidivism prediction, to satisfy approximate counterfactual equalized odds. They discuss the convergence rate to an optimal fair predictor and propose doubly robust estimation of the risk and fairness properties of a fixed post-processed predictor.
[3] A Bayesian Model of Cash Bail Decisions Joshua Williams (Carnegie Mellon University), Zico Kolter (Carnegie Mellon University) Session: March 8, 20 – 21:45 UTC Tags: Algorithm Development, Data, Fairness, Law & Policy Summary: The authors create a hierarchical Bayesian model of cash bail assignments to analyze fairness between racial groups while overcoming the problem of infra-marginality. Results on 50 judges uniformly show that they are more likely to assign cash bail to black defendants than to white defendants given the same likelihood of skipping a court appearance.
[4] The effect of differential victim crime reporting on predictive policing systems Nil-Jana Akpinar (Carnegie Mellon University), Maria De-Arteaga (University of Texas at Austin), Alexandra Chouldechova (Carnegie Mellon University) Session: March 8, 20:00 – 21:45 UTC Tags: Auditing, Data, Evaluation Summary: The authors audit place-based predictive policing algorithms trained on victim crime reporting data and find that geographical bias arises when victim crime reporting rates vary within a city. This result requires no use of arrest data or data from police initiated contact.
[5] Image Representations Learned With Unsupervised Pre-Training Contain Human-like Biases Ryan Steed (Carnegie Mellon University), Aylin Caliskan (George Washington University) Session: March 8, 12:00 – 13:45 UTC Tags: Computer Vision, Data, Evaluation, Fairness, Humanistic Theory & Critique Summary: The authors develop a method for quantifying biased associations between representations of social concepts and attributes in images using image representations learned in an unsupervised manner. The results closely match hypotheses about intersectional bias from social psychology and suggest that machine learning models can automatically learn bias from the way people are stereotypically portrayed on the web.
[6] Leveraging Administrative Data for Bias Audits: Assessing Disparate Coverage with Mobility Data for COVID-19 Policy Amanda Coston (Carnegie Mellon University), Neel Guha (Stanford University), Derek Ouyang (Stanford University), Lisa Lu (Stanford University), Alexandra Chouldechova (Carnegie Mellon University), Daniel E. Ho (Stanford University) Session: March 9, 14:00 – 15:45 UTC Tags: Auditing, Data, Evaluation Summary: The authors audit the use of smartphone-based mobility data for COVID-19 policy by leveraging administrative voter roll data in the absence of demographic information. Their results suggest that older and non-white voters are less liekely to be captured by mobility data which can disproportionally harm these groups if allocation of public health resources is based on such data sets.
[7] Avoiding Disparity Amplification under Different Worldviews Samuel Yeom (Carnegie Mellon University), Michael Carl Tschantz (International Computer Science Institute) Session: Match 10, 14:00 – 15:45 UTC Tags: Data, Evaluation, Metrics Summary: The authors mathematically compare competing definitions of group-level fairness and their properties under various worldviews which are assumptions about how, if at all, the observed data is biased. They discuss the criterion of disparity amplification and introduce a new world view with a corresponding notion of fairness as a more realistic perspective.
[8] Leave-one-out Unfairness Emily Black (Carnegie Mellon University), Matt Fredrikson (Carnegie Mellon University) Session: March 9, 22:00 – 23:45 UTC Tags: Algorithm Development, Data, Evaluation, Fairness, Metrics Summary: The authors introduce leave-one-out unfairness which focuses on the change of prediction for an individual due to inclusion or exclusion of a single other individual from the training data. They discuss the relation of this concept to robustness, memorization and individual fairness in deep models.
[9] Value Cards: An Educational Toolkit for Teaching Social Impacts of Machine Learning through Deliberation Hong Shen (Carnegie Mellon University), Wesley Deng (UC Berkeley), Aditi Chattopadhyay (Carnegie Mellon University), Steven Wu (Carnegie Mellon University), Xu Wang (University of Michigan), Haiyi Zhu (Carnegie Mellon University) Session: March 8, 22:00 – 23:45 UTC Tags: Accountability, Education, Human Factors Summary: The authors introduce Value Cards, an educational toolkit with topics related to Fairness, Accountability, and Ethics, and present an early use of the approach in a college-level computer science course. Results suggest that the use of the toolkit can improve students’ understanding of both technical definitions and trade-offs of performance metrics and apply them in real-world contexts.
[10] Narratives and Counternarratives on Data Sharing in Africa Rediet Abebe (UC Berkeley), Kehinde Aruleba (University of Witwatersrand), Abeba Birhane (University College Dublin), Sara Kingsley (Carnegie Mellon University), George Obaido (University of Witwatersrand), Sekou L. Remy (IBM Research Africa), Swathi Sadagopan (Deloitte) Session: March 9, 12:00 – 13:50 UTC Tags: Data, Ethics, Humanistic Theory & Critique Summary: The authors use storytelling via fictional personas built from a series of interviews with African data experts to complicate dominant narratives and provide counternarratives on data sharing in Africa. They discuss issues arising from power imbalances and Western-centric policies in the context of open data initiatives centered around data extracted from African communities and discuss avenues for addressing these issues.
Sociocultural diversity in machine learning: Lessons from philosophy, psychology, and organizational science Sina Fazelpour (Carnegie Mellon University) and Maria De-Arteaga (University of Texas at Austin) Session: March 4, 14:00 – 15:30 UTC Summary: The current discussion of sociocultural diversity in machine learning research leaves a gap between the conversation about measures and benefits and the philosophical, psychological and organizational research on the underlying concepts. This tutorial addresses the concepts and consequences of sociocultural diversity and situates this understanding and its implications for the discussion of sociocultural diversity in machine learning.
TL;DR:motivated to better understand the fundamental tradeoffs in federated learning, we present a probabilistic perspective that generalizes and improves upon federated optimization and enables a new class of efficient federated learning algorithms.
Thanks to deep learning, today we can train better machine learning models when given access to massive data. However, the standard, centralized training is impossible in many interesting use-cases—due to the associated data transfer and maintenance costs (most notably in video analytics), privacy concerns (e.g., in healthcare settings), or sensitivity of the proprietary data (e.g., in drug discovery). And yet, different parties that own even a small amount of data want to benefit from access to accurate models. This is where federated learning comes to the rescue!
Broadly, federated learning (FL) allows multiple data owners (or clients) to train shared models collaboratively under the orchestration of a central server without having to share any data. Typically, FL proceeds in multiple rounds of communication between the server and the clients: the clients compute model updates on their local data and send them to the server which aggregates and applies these updates to the shared model. While gaining popularity very quickly, FL is a relatively new subfield with many open questions and unresolved challenges.
Here is one interesting conundrum driving our work:
Client-server communication is often too slow and expensive. To speed up training (often x10-100) we can make clients spend more time at each round on local training (e.g., do more local SGD steps), thereby reducing the total number of communication rounds. However, because of client data heterogeneity (natural in practice), it turns out that increasing the amount of local computation per round results in convergence to inferior models!
This phenomenon is illustrated below in Figure 1 on a toy convex problem, where we see that more local steps lead the classical federated averaging (FedAvg) algorithm to converge to points that are much further away from the global optimum. But why does this happen?
In this post, we will present a probabilistic perspective on federated learning that will help us better understand this phenomenon and design new FL algorithms that can utilize local computation much more efficiently, converging faster, to better optima.
The classical approach: FL as a distributed optimization problem
Federated learning was originally introduced as a new setting for distributed optimization with a few distinctive properties such as a massive number of distributed nodes (or clients), slow and expensive communication, and unbalanced and non-IID data scattered across the nodes. The main goal of FL is to approximate centralized training (the gold-standard) and converge to the same optimum as the centralized optimization would have, at the fastest rate possible.
Mathematically, FL is formulated as minimization of a linear combination of local objectives, (f_i): $$min_{theta in mathbb{R}^d} left{F(theta) := sum_{i=1}^N q_i f_i(theta) right}$$ where the weights (q_i) are usually set proportional to the sizes (n_i) of the local datasets to make (F(theta)) match the centralized training objective. So, how can we solve this optimization problem within a minimal number of communication rounds?
The trick is simple: at each round (t), instead of asking clients to estimate and send gradients of their local objective functions (as done in conventional distributed optimization), let them optimize their objectives for multiple steps (or even epochs!) to obtain (theta^t_{i}) and send differences (or “deltas”) between the initial (theta^t) and updated states (theta^t_{i}) to the server as pseudo-gradients, which the server then averages, scales by a learning rate (alpha_t), and uses to update the model state: $$theta^{t+1} = theta^t + alpha_t sum_{i=1}^N q_i Delta_i^t, quad text{where} Delta_i^t := theta^t – theta_i^t$$ This approach, known as FedAvg or local SGD, allows clients to make more progress at each round. And since taking additional SGD steps locally is orders of magnitude faster than communicating with the server, the method converges much faster both in the number of rounds and in wall-clock time.
The problem (a.k.a. “client drift”): as we mentioned in the beginning, allowing multiple local SGD steps between client-server synchronization makes the algorithm converge to an inferior optimum in the non-IID setting (i.e., when clients have different data distributions) since the resulting pseudo-gradients turn out to be somehow biased compared to centralized training.
There are ways to overcome client drift using local regularization, carefully setting learning rate schedules, or using differentcontrolvariate methods, but most of these mitigation strategies intentionally have to limit the optimization progress clients can make at each round.
Fundamentally, viewing FL as a distributed optimization problem runs into a tradeoff between the amount of local progress allowed and the quality of the final solution.
So, is there a way around this fundamental limitation?
An alternative approach: FL via posterior inference
Typically, client objectives (f_i(theta)) correspond to log-likelihoods of their local data. Therefore, statistically speaking, FL is solving a maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) problem. Instead of solving it using distributed optimization techniques, however, we can take a Bayesian approach: first, infer the posterior distribution, (P(theta mid D)), then identify its mode which will be the solution.
Why is posterior inference better than optimization? Because any posterior can be exactly decomposed into a product of sub-posteriors: $$P(theta mid D) propto prod_{i=1}^N P(theta mid D_i)$$
Thus, we are guaranteed to find the correct solution in three simple steps:
Infer local sub-posteriors on each client and send their sufficient statistics to the server.
Multiplicatively aggregate sub-posteriors on the server into the global posterior.
Find and return the mode of the global posterior.
Wait, isn’t posterior inference intractable!?
Indeed, there is a reason why posterior inference is not as popular as optimization: it is either intractable or often significantly more complex and computationally expensive. Moreover, posterior distributions rarely have closed form expressions and require various approximations.
For example, consider federated least squares regression, with quadratic local objectives: (f_i(theta) = frac{1}{2} |X_i^toptheta – y_i|^2.) In this case, the global posterior mode has a closed form expression: $$theta^star = left( sum_{i=1}^N q_i Sigma_i^{-1} right)^{-1} left( sum_{i=1}^N q_i Sigma_i^{-1} mu_i right)$$ where (mu_i) and (Sigma_i) are the means and covariances of the local posteriors. Even though in this simple case the posterior is Gaussian and inference is technically tractable, computing (theta^star) requires inverting multiple matrices and communicating local means and covariances from the clients to the server. In comparison to FedAvg, which requires only (O(d)) computation and (O(d)) communication per round, posterior inference seems like a very bad idea…
Approximate inference FTW!
Turns out that we can compute approximately using an elegant distributed inference algorithm which we call federated posterior averaging (or FedPA):
On the server, we can compute iteratively over multiple rounds: $$theta^{t+1} = theta^t – alpha_t sum_{i=1}^N q_i underbrace{Sigma_i^{-1}left( theta^t – mu_i right)}_{:= Delta_i^t}$$ where (alpha_t) is the server learning rate. This procedure avoids the outer matrix inverse and requires clients to send to the server only some delta vectors instead of full covariance matrices. Also, the summation can be substituted with a stochastic approximation, i.e., only a subset of clients must participate in each round. Note how similar it is to FedAvg!
On the clients, we can compute (Delta_i^t := Sigma_i^{-1}left( theta^t – mu_i right)) very efficiently in two steps:
Use stochastic gradient Markov chain Monte Carlo (SG-MCMC) to produce multiple approximate samples from the local posterior.
Note: in the case of arbitrary non-Gaussian likelihoods (which is the case for deep neural nets), FedPA essentially approximates the local and global posteriors with the best fitting Gaussians (a.k.a. the Laplace approximation).
What is the difference between FedAvg and FedPA?
FedPA has the same computation and communication complexity as FedAvg. In fact, the algorithms differ only in how the client updates (Delta_i^t) are computed. Since FedAvg computes (Delta_i^t approx theta^t – mu_i), we can also view it as an approximate posterior inference algorithm that estimates local covariances (Sigma_i) with identity matrices, which results in biased updates!
Figure 2 illustrates the difference between FedAvg and FedPA in terms of the bias and variance of updates they compute at each round as functions of the number of SGD steps:
More local SGD steps increase the bias of FedAvg updates, leading the algorithm to converge to a point further away from the optimum.
FedPA uses local SGD steps to produce more posterior samples, which improves the estimates of the local means and covariances and reduces the bias of model updates.
Does FedPA actually work in practice?
The bias-variance tradeoff argument seems great in theory, but does it actually work in practice? First, let’s revisit our toy 2D example with 2 clients and quadratic objectives:
We see that not only is FedPA as fast as FedAvg initially but it also converges to a point that is significantly closer to the global optimum. At the end of convergence, FedPA exhibits some oscillations that could be further eliminated by increasing the number of local posterior samples.
Next, let’s compare FedPA with FedAvg head-to-head on realistic and challenging benchmarks, such as the federated CIFAR100 and StackOverflow datasets:
For clients to be able to sample from local posteriors using SG-MCMC, their models have to be close enough to local optima in the parameter space. Therefore, we first “burn-in” FedPA for a few rounds by running it in the FedAvg regime (i.e., compute the deltas the same way as FedAvg). At some point, we switch to local SG-MCMC sampling. Figures 4 and 5 show the evaluation metrics over the course of training. We clearly see a significant jump in performance right at the point when the algorithm was essentially switched from FedAvg to FedPA.
Concluding thoughts & what’s next?
Viewing federated learning through the lens of probabilistic inference turned out to be fruitful. Not only were we able to reinterpret FedAvg as a biased approximate inference algorithm and explain the strange effect of multiple local SGD steps on its convergence, but this new perspective allowed us to design a new FL algorithm that blends together optimization with local MCMC-based posterior sampling and utilizes local computation efficiently.
We believe that FedPA is just the beginning of a new class of approaches to federated learning. One of the biggest advantages of the distributed optimization over posterior inference so far is a strong theoretical understanding of FedAvg’s convergence and its variations in different IID and non-IID settings, which was developed over the past few years by the optimization community. Convergence analysis of posterior inference in different federated settings is an important research avenue to pursue next.
While FedPA relies on a number of specific design choices we had to make (the Laplace approximation, MCMC-based local inference, the shrinkage covariance estimation, etc.), our inferential perspective connects FL to a rich toolbox of techniques from Bayesian machine learning literature: variational inference, expectation propagation, ensembling and Bayesian deep learning, privacy guarantees for posterior sampling, among others. Exploring application of these techniques in different FL settings may lead us to even more interesting discoveries!
Top and Bottom Right: RealNVP [3] uses checkerboard and channel-wise partitioning schemes in order to factor out parameters and ensure that there aren’t redundant partitions from previous layers. GLOW [4] uses an invertible 1×1 convolution which allows the partitioned to be ‘learned’ by a linear layer. We show that arbitrary partitions can be simulated in a constant number of layers with a fixed partition, showing that these ideas increase representational power by at most a constant factor. Bottom Left: Random points are well-separated with high probability on a high-dimensional sphere, which allows us to construct a distribution that is challenging for flows.
The promise of unsupervised learning lies in its potential to take advantage of cheap and plentiful unlabeled data to learn useful representations or generate high-quality samples. For the latter task, neural network-based generative models have recently enjoyed a lot of success in producing realistic images and text. Two major paradigms in deep generative modeling are generative adversarial networks (GANs) and normalizing flows. When successfully scaled up and trained, both can generate high-quality and diverse samples from high-dimensional distributions. The training procedure for GANs involves min-max (saddle-point) optimization, which is considerably more difficult than standard loss minimization, leading to problems like mode dropping.
Normalizing flows [1] have been proposed as an alternative type of generative model which allows not only efficient sampling but also training via maximum likelihood through a closed-form computation of the likelihood function. They are written as pushforwards of a simple distribution (typically a Gaussian) through an invertible transformation (f), typically parametrized as a composition of simple invertible transformations. The main reason for this parametrization is the change-of-variables formula: if (z) is a random variable sampled from a known base distribution (P(z)) (typically a standard multivariate normal), (f: mathbb{R}^dto mathbb{R}^d) is invertible and differentiable, and (x = f^{-1}(z)) then $$p(x) = p(f(x))left|detleft(frac{partial f(x)}{partial x^T}right)right|.$$ Here, (frac{partial f(x)}{partial x^T}) is the Jacobian of (f).
Normalizing flows are trained by maximizing the likelihood using gradient descent. However, in practice, training normalizing flows runs into difficulties as well: models which produce good samples typically need to be extremely deep — which comes with accompanying vanishing/exploding gradient problems. A very related problem is that they are often poorly conditioned. Data like images are often inherently lower-dimensional than the ambient space, the map from low dimensional data to high dimensional latent variables can be difficult to invert and therefore train.
In our recent work[2], we tackle representational questions around depth and conditioning of normalizing flows—first for general invertible architectures, then for a particular common architecture—where the normalizing flow is a composition of so-called affine couplings.
Depth Bound on General Invertible Architectures
The most fundamental restriction of the normalizing flow paradigm is that each layer needs to be invertible. We ask whether this restriction has any ‘cost’ in terms of the size, and in particular the depth, of the model. Here we’re counting depth in terms of the number of the invertible transformations that make up the flow. A requirement for large depth would explain training difficulties due to exploding (or vanishing) gradients.
A natural way of formalizing this question is by exhibiting a distribution which is easy to model for an unconstrained generator network but hard for a shallow normalizing flow. Precisely, we ask: is there a probability distribution that can be represented by a shallow generator with a small number of parameters that could not be approximately represented by a shallow composition of invertible transformations?
We demonstrate that such a distribution exists. Specifically, we show that
Theorem: For every k, s.t. (k = o(exp(d))) and any parameterized family of compositions of Lipschitz invertible transformations with (p) parameters per transformation and at most (O(k / p)) transformations, there exists a generator (g:mathbb{R}^{d+1} to mathbb{R}) with depth (O(1)) and (O(k)) parameters s.t the pushforward of a Gaussian through (g) cannot be approximated in either KL or Wasserstein-1 distance by a network in this family.
The result above is extremely general: it only requires a bound on the number of parameters per transformation in the parametrization of the normalizing flow and Lipschitzness of these maps. As such it easily includes common choices used in practice like affine couplings with at most (p) parameters per layer or invertible feedforward networks, where each intermediate layer is of dimension (d) and the nonlinearity is invertible (e.g. leaky ReLU). On the flip side, for possible architectures with a large number of parameters per transformation, this theorem gives a (possibly loose) lower bound of a small number of transformations.
Proof Sketch: The generator for our construction approximates a mixture of (k) Gaussians with means placed uniformly randomly on a (d)-dimensional sphere in the ambient space. We will use the probabilistic method to show there is a family of such mixtures, s.t. each pair of members in this family are far apart (say, in Wasserstein distance). Furthermore, by an epsilon net discretization argument we can count how many “essentially” distinct invertible Lipschitz networks there are. If the number of mixtures in the family is much larger than the size of the epsilon net, at least one mixture must be far from all invertible networks.
The family of mixtures is constructed by choosing the (k) means for the components uniformly at random on a sphere. It’s well known that (exp(o(d))) randomly chosen points on a unit sphere will, with high probability, have constant pairwise distance. Similarly, coding-theoretic arguments (used to prove the so-called Gilbert-Varshamov bound) can be used to show that selecting (exp(o(d))) (k)-tuples of those means will, with high probability, ensure that each pair of (k)-tuples is such that the average pair of means is at constant distance. This suffices to ensure the Wasserstein distance between pairs of mixtures is large. ∎
Results for Affine Couplings
Affine Couplings[3] are one of the most common transformations in scalable architectures for normalizing flows. An affine coupling is a map (f: mathbb{R}^dto mathbb{R}^d) such that for some partition into a set containing approximately half of the coordinates (S) and it’s complement, $$f(x_S, x_{[d]setminus S}) = (x_S, x_{[d]setminus S} odot s(x_s) + t(x_s))$$ for some scaling and translation functions (typically parameterized by neural networks) (s) and (t). Clearly, an affine coupling block only transforms one partition of the coordinates at a time by an affine function while leaving the other partition intact. It’s easy to see that an affine coupling is invertible if each coordinate of (s) is invertible. Moreover, the Jacobian of this function is $$begin{bmatrix}I & 0\frac{partial t}{partial x_S^T} & text{diag}(s(x_S))end{bmatrix}$$ In particular it’s lower triangular, so we can calculate the determinant in linear time by multiplying the (d) diagonal elements (in general determinants take (O(d^3)) time to compute). This allows us to efficiently compute likelihoods and their gradients for SGD on large models via the change of variables formula. These affine coupling blocks are stacked, often while changing the part of the partition that is updated or more generally, permuting the elements in between the application of the coupling.
Effect of the Choice of Partition on Representational Power
The choice of partition is often somewhat ad-hoc and involves domain knowledge (e.g. for image datasets, a typical choice is a checkerboard pattern or a channel-wise partition). In fact, some recent approaches like GLOW [4] try to “learn” permutations to apply between each pair of affine couplings. (Technically, since a permutation is a discrete object, in [4] the authors learn a 1×1 convolutions instead.)
While ablation experiments provide definite evidence that including learned 1×1 convolutions is beneficial for modeling image data in practice, it’s unclear whether this effect is from increased modeling power or algorithmic effects — and even less so how to formally quantify it. In this section, we come to a clear understanding of the representational value of adding this flexibility in partitioning. We knew from GLOW that adding these partitions helped. Now we know why!
We formalize the representational question as follows: how many affine couplings with a fixed partition are needed to simulate an arbitrary linear map? Since a linear map is more general than a 1×1 convolution, if it’s possible to do so with a small (say constant) number of affine couplings, we can simulate any affine coupling-based normalizing flow including 1×1 convolutions by one that does not include them which is merely a constant factor larger.
Concretely, we consider linear functions of the form $$T = prod_{i=1}^Kbegin{bmatrix}I & 0\A_i & B_iend{bmatrix} begin{bmatrix}C_i & D_i\0 & Iend{bmatrix},$$ for matrices (A_i, D_i in mathbb{R}^{dtimes d}) and diagonal matrices (B_i, C_i in mathbb{R}^{dtimes d}). The right hand side is precisely a composition of affine coupling blocks with linear maps (s, t) with a fixed partition (the parts of the input that are being updated alternate). We show the following result:
Theorem: To represent an arbitrary invertible (T), (K) must be at most 24. Additionally, there exist invertible matrices (T) such that (K geq 3).
Proof sketch: The statement hopefully reminds the reader of the standard LU decomposition — the twist of course being that the matrices on the right-hand side have a more constrained structure than merely being triangular. Our proof starts with the existence of a (LUP) decomposition for every matrix.
We first show that we can construct an arbitrary permutation (up to sign) using at most 21 alternating matrices of the desired form. The argument is group theoretic: we use the fact that a permutation decomposes into a composition of two permutations of order 2, which must be disjoint products of swaps and show that swapping elements can be implemented “in parallel” using several partitioned matrices of the type we’re considering.
Next, we show that we can produce an arbitrary triangular matrix with our partitioned matrices. We use similar techniques as above to reduce the matrix to a regular system of block linear equations which we can then solve. Our upper bound comes from just counting the total number of matrices required for these operations: the 21 for the permutation and 13 for each triangular matrix (upper and lower), giving a total of 47 required matrices. ∎
To reiterate the takeaway: a GLOW-style linear layer in between affine couplings could in theory make your network between 5 and 47 times smaller while representing the same function. We now have a precise understanding of the value of that architectural choice!
We also verified empirically in the figure below how well these linear models would fit randomly chosen (i.e. with iid Gaussian entries) linear functions. It seems empirically that at least for this ensemble our upper bound is loose and we can fit the functions well without using the full 47 layers. Closing this gap is an interesting problem for future work.
Universal Approximation with Poorly Conditioned Networks
In our earlier result on the depth of invertible networks, we assumed that our network was Lipschitz and therefore well-conditioned. A natural question is then, if we remove this requirement, how powerful is the resulting class of models? In particular, we ask: are poorly conditioned affine coupling-based normalizing flows universal approximators as they are used in practice?
Curiously, this question has in fact not been answered in prior work. In a very recent work [5], it was shown that if we allow for padding of our data with extra dimensions that take a constant value 0, affine couplings are universal approximators. (Note, this kind of padding clearly results in a singular Jacobian — as the value in the added dimensions is constant.) The idea for why padding helps is that these extra dimensions are used as a “scratch pad” for the computation the network is performing. Another recent work [6] gives a proof of universal approximation for affine couplings assuming arbitrary permutations in between the layers are allowed (ala Glow) and a partition separating (d -1) dimensions from the other. However, in practice, these models are trained using a roughly half-half split and often without linear layers in between couplings (which already works quite well). We prove that none of these architectural modifications to affine couplings are necessary for universal approximation and additionally suggest a trade-off between the conditioning of the model and the quality of its approximation. Concretely, we show:
Theorem:For any bounded and absolutely continuous distribution (Q) over (mathbb{R}^n) and any (epsilon > 0), there exists a 3-layer affine coupling (g) with maps (s, t) represented by feedforward ReLU networks such that (W_2(g_# P, Q) leq epsilon), where (g_# P) is the pushforward of a standard Gaussian through (g).
We note that the construction for the theorem trades off quality of approximation ((epsilon)) with conditioning: the smallest singular value of the Jacobian in the construction for our theorem above will scale like (1/epsilon) — thus suggesting that if we want to use affine couplings as universal approximators, conditioning may be an issue even if we don’t pad with a constant value for the added dimensions like prior works — which obviously results in a singular Jacobian.
Proof sketch: The proof is based on two main ideas.
The first is a deep result from optimal transport, Brenier’s theorem, which for sufficiently “regular” distributions (p) over (mathbb{R}^d) guarantees an invertible map (phi), s.t. the pushforward of the Gaussian through (phi) equals (p). This reduces our problem to approximating (phi) using a sequence of affine couplings.
The difficulty in approximating (phi) is the fact that affine couplings are only allowed to change one part of the input, and in a constrained way. The trick we use to do this without a “scratchpad” to store intermediate computation as in prior works is to instead hide information in the “low order bits” of the other partition. For details, refer to our paper. ∎
Finally, on the experimental front, we wanted to experiment with how padding affects the conditioning of a learned model. We considered synthetic 2d datasets (see figure below) and found that padding with zeros resulted in a very poorly conditioned model which produced poor samples, as might be expected. We also considered a type of padding which is reasonable but for which we have no theory — namely, to use iid Gaussian samples as values for the added dimensions (in this case, the resulting Jacobians are not prima facie singular, and the model can still use them as a “scratch pad”). While we have no result that this in any formal sense can result in better-conditioned networks, we found that in practice it frequently does and it also results in better samples. This seems like a very fruitful direction for future research. Finally, without padding, the model produces samples of middling quality and has a condition number in between that of zero and Gaussian padding.
Normalizing flows are one of the most popular generative models across various domains, though we still have a relatively narrow understanding of their relative pros and cons compared to other models. We show in this work that there are fundamental tradeoffs between depth and conditioning and representational power of this type of function. Though we have cleared up considerably the representational aspects of these models, the algorithmic and statistical questions are still wide open. We hope that this work guides both users of flows and theoreticians as to the fine-grained properties of flows as compared to other generative models.
[1] Rezende and Mohamed, 2015, Variational Inference with Normalizing Flows, ICML 2015
[2] Koehler, Mehta, and Risteski, 2020, Representational aspects of depth and conditioning in normalizing flows, Under Submission.
[3] Dinh, Sohl-Dickstein, and S. Bengio, 2016, Density estimation using Real NVP, ICLR 2016
[4] Kingma and Dhariwal, 2018, GLOW: Generative flow with 1×1 convolutions, NeurIPS 2018
[5] Huang, Dinh, and Courville, 2020, Augmented Normalizing Flows: Bridging the Gap Between Generative Flows and Latent Variable Models
[6] Teshima, Ishikawa, Tojo, Oono, Ikeda, and Sugiyama, 2020, Coupling-based Invertible Neural Networks Are Universal Diffeomorphism Approximators, NeurIPS 2020
Carnegie Mellon University is proud to present 88 papers at the 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), which will be held virtually this week. Our faculty and researchers are also giving invited talks at 7 workshops and are involved in organizing 14 workshops at the conference.
Here is a quick overview of the areas our researchers are working on:
We are also proud to collaborate with many other researchers in academia and industry:
Planning with General Objective Functions: Going Beyond Total Rewards Ruosong Wang (Carnegie Mellon University) · Peilin Zhong (Columbia University) · Simon Du (Institute for Advanced Study) · Russ Salakhutdinov (Carnegie Mellon University) · Lin Yang (UCLA) Tue Dec 08 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 2 #600
Preference-based Reinforcement Learning with Finite-Time Guarantees Yichong Xu (Carnegie Mellon University) · Ruosong Wang (Carnegie Mellon University) · Lin Yang (UCLA) · Aarti Singh (CMU) · Artur Dubrawski (Carnegie Mellon University) Tue Dec 08 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 2 #601
Is Long Horizon RL More Difficult Than Short Horizon RL? Ruosong Wang (Carnegie Mellon University) · Simon Du (Institute for Advanced Study) · Lin Yang (UCLA) · Sham Kakade (University of Washington & Microsoft Research) Tue Dec 08 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 2 #602
Neural Dynamic Policies for End-to-End Sensorimotor Learning Shikhar Bahl (Carnegie Mellon University) · Mustafa Mukadam (Facebook AI Research) · Abhinav Gupta (Facebook AI Research/CMU) · Deepak Pathak (Carnegie Mellon University) Thu Dec 10 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 5 #1371
Weakly-Supervised Reinforcement Learning for Controllable Behavior Lisa Lee (CMU / Google Brain / Stanford) · Ben Eysenbach (Carnegie Mellon University) · Russ Salakhutdinov (Carnegie Mellon University) · Shixiang (Shane) Gu (Google Brain) · Chelsea Finn (Stanford) Thu Dec 10 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 6 #1832
Estimation & Inference
Robust Density Estimation under Besov IPM Losses Ananya Uppal (Carnegie Mellon University) · Shashank Singh (Google) · Barnabas Poczos (Carnegie Mellon University) Tue Dec 08 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 1 #429
Domain Adaptation as a Problem of Inference on Graphical Models Kun Zhang (CMU) · Mingming Gong (University of Melbourne) · Petar Stojanov (Carnegie Mellon Univerisity) · Biwei Huang (Carnegie Mellon University) · Qingsong Liu (Unisound Intelligence Co., Ltd.) · Clark Glymour (Carnegie Mellon University) Tue Dec 08 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 2 #698
Big Bird: Transformers for Longer Sequences [unofficial video]Manzil Zaheer (Google) · Guru Guruganesh (Google Research) · Kumar Avinava Dubey (Carnegie Mellon University) · Joshua Ainslie (Google) · Chris Alberti (Google) · Santiago Ontanon (Google LLC) · Philip Pham (Google) · Anirudh Ravula (Google) · Qifan Wang (Google Research) · Li Yang (Google) · Amr Ahmed (Google Research) Mon Dec 07 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 0 #65
Deep Transformers with Latent Depth [code]Xian Li (Facebook) · Asa Cooper Stickland (University of Edinburgh) · Yuqing Tang (Facebook AI) · Xiang Kong (Carnegie Mellon University) Tue Dec 08 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 1 #287
Multiscale Deep Equilibrium Models [code]Shaojie Bai (Carnegie Mellon University) · Vladlen Koltun (Intel Labs) · J. Zico Kolter (Carnegie Mellon University / Bosch Center for AI) Tue Dec 08 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 1 #320
Monotone operator equilibrium networks [code]Ezra Winston (Carnegie Mellon University) · J. Zico Kolter (Carnegie Mellon University / Bosch Center for AI) Tue Dec 08 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 1 #323
Beyond Homophily in Graph Neural Networks: Current Limitations and Effective Designs [code]Jiong Zhu (University of Michigan) · Yujun Yan (University of Michigan) · Lingxiao Zhao (Carnegie Mellon University) · Mark Heimann (University of Michigan) · Leman Akoglu (CMU) · Danai Koutra (U Michigan) Tue Dec 08 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 1 #374
On Completeness-aware Concept-Based Explanations in Deep Neural Networks Chih-Kuan Yeh (Carnegie Mellon University) · Been Kim (Google) · Sercan Arik (Google) · Chun-Liang Li (Google) · Tomas Pfister (Google) · Pradeep Ravikumar (Carnegie Mellon University) Tue Dec 08 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 2 #640
A Causal View on Robustness of Neural Networks Cheng Zhang (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK) · Kun Zhang (CMU) · Yingzhen Li (Microsoft Research Cambridge) Wed Dec 09 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 3 #805
Improving GAN Training with Probability Ratio Clipping and Sample Reweighting Yue Wu (Carnegie Mellon University) · Pan Zhou (National University of Singapore) · Andrew Wilson (New York University) · Eric Xing (Petuum Inc. / Carnegie Mellon University) · Zhiting Hu (Carnegie Mellon University) Wed Dec 09 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 3 #945
AutoSync: Learning to Synchronize for Data-Parallel Distributed Deep Learning Hao Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University, Petuum Inc.) · Yuan Li (Duke University) · Zhijie Deng (Tsinghua University) · Xiaodan Liang (Sun Yat-sen University) · Lawrence Carin (Duke University) · Eric Xing (Petuum Inc. / Carnegie Mellon University) Wed Dec 09 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 3 #1037
Deep Archimedean Copulas Chun Kai Ling (Carnegie Mellon University) · Fei Fang (Carnegie Mellon University) · J. Zico Kolter (Carnegie Mellon University / Bosch Center for AI) Thu Dec 10 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 6 #1754
A Study on Encodings for Neural Architecture Search [code]Colin White (Abacus.AI) · Willie Neiswanger (Carnegie Mellon University) · Sam Nolen (RealityEngines.AI) · Yash Savani (RealityEngines.AI) Thu Dec 10 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 6 #1777
Is normalization indispensable for training deep neural network? Jie Shao (Fudan University) · Kai Hu (Carnegie Mellon University) · Changhu Wang (ByteDance.Inc) · Xiangyang Xue (Fudan University) · Bhiksha Raj (Carnegie Mellon University) Thu Dec 10 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 6 #1887
Algorithms & Optimization
Latent Dynamic Factor Analysis of High-Dimensional Neural Recordings [code]Heejong Bong (Carnegie Mellon University) · Zongge Liu (Carnegie Mellon University) · Zhao Ren (University of Pittsburgh) · Matthew Smith (Carnegie Mellon University) · Valerie Ventura (Carnegie Mellon University) · Kass E Robert (CMU) Mon Dec 07 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 0 #32
Axioms for Learning from Pairwise Comparisons Ritesh Noothigattu (Carnegie Mellon University) · Dominik Peters (Carnegie Mellon University) · Ariel Procaccia (Harvard University) Thu Dec 10 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 5 #1447
A Unified View of Label Shift Estimation Saurabh Garg (CMU) · Yifan Wu (Carnegie Mellon University) · Sivaraman Balakrishnan (CMU) · Zachary Lipton (Carnegie Mellon University) Thu Dec 10 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 5 #1535
Weak Supervision
Unsupervised Data Augmentation for Consistency Training [code]Qizhe Xie (CMU, Google Brain) · Zihang Dai (Carnegie Mellon University) · Eduard Hovy (CMU) · Thang Luong (Google Brain) · Quoc V Le (Google) Mon Dec 07 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 0 #21
Big Bird: Transformers for Longer Sequences [unofficial video]Manzil Zaheer (Google) · Guru Guruganesh (Google Research) · Kumar Avinava Dubey (Carnegie Mellon University) · Joshua Ainslie (Google) · Chris Alberti (Google) · Santiago Ontanon (Google LLC) · Philip Pham (Google) · Anirudh Ravula (Google) · Qifan Wang (Google Research) · Li Yang (Google) · Amr Ahmed (Google Research) Mon Dec 07 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 0 #65
Learning Sparse Prototypes for Text Generation Junxian He (Carnegie Mellon University) · Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick (University of California San Diego) · Graham Neubig (Carnegie Mellon University) Tue Dec 08 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 1 #184
Deep Transformers with Latent Depth [code]Xian Li (Facebook) · Asa Cooper Stickland (University of Edinburgh) · Yuqing Tang (Facebook AI) · Xiang Kong (Carnegie Mellon University) Tue Dec 08 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 1 #287
Computer Vision
Swapping Autoencoder for Deep Image Manipulation [website] [unofficial code] [video]Taesung Park (UC Berkeley) · Jun-Yan Zhu (Adobe, CMU) · Oliver Wang (Adobe Research) · Jingwan Lu (Adobe Research) · Eli Shechtman (Adobe Research, US) · Alexei Efros (UC Berkeley) · Richard Zhang (Adobe) Mon Dec 07 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 0 #105
Group Contextual Encoding for 3D Point Clouds [code]Xu Liu (The University of Tokyo) · Chengtao Li (MIT) · Jian Wang (Carnegie Mellon University) · Jingbo Wang (Peking University) · Boxin Shi (Peking University) · Xiaodong He (JD AI research) Wed Dec 09 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 4 #1151
Domain Adaptation as a Problem of Inference on Graphical Models Kun Zhang (CMU) · Mingming Gong (University of Melbourne) · Petar Stojanov (Carnegie Mellon Univerisity) · Biwei Huang (Carnegie Mellon University) · Qingsong Liu (Unisound Intelligence Co., Ltd.) · Clark Glymour (Carnegie Mellon University) Tue Dec 08 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 2 #698
Generalized Independent Noise Condition for Estimating Latent Variable Causal Graphs Feng Xie (Peking University) · Ruichu Cai (Guangdong University of Technology) · Biwei Huang (Carnegie Mellon University) · Clark Glymour (Carnegie Mellon University) · Zhifeng Hao (Guangdong University of Technology) · Kun Zhang (CMU) Wed Dec 09 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 3 #887
Denoised Smoothing: A Provable Defense for Pretrained Classifiers [code]Hadi Salman (Microsoft Research AI) · Mingjie Sun (Carnegie Mellon University) · Greg Yang (Microsoft Research) · Ashish Kapoor (Microsoft) · J. Zico Kolter (Carnegie Mellon University / Bosch Center for AI) Tue Dec 08 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 1 #302
Fair Hierarchical Clustering Sara Ahmadian (Google Research) · Alessandro Epasto (Google) · Marina Knittel (University of Maryland, College Park) · Ravi Kumar (Google) · Mohammad Mahdian (Google Research) · Benjamin Moseley (Carnegie Mellon University) · Philip Pham (Google) · Sergei Vassilvitskii (Google) · Yuyan Wang (Carnegie Mellon University) Wed Dec 09 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 3 #859
Metric-Free Individual Fairness in Online Learning Yahav Bechavod (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) · Christopher Jung (University of Pennsylvania) · Steven Wu (Carnegie Mellon University) Wed Dec 09 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 3 #861
How do fair decisions fare in long-term qualification? Xueru Zhang (University of Michigan) · Ruibo Tu (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) · Yang Liu (UC Santa Cruz) · mingyan liu (university of Michigan, Ann Arbor) · Hedvig Kjellstrom (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) · Kun Zhang (CMU) · Cheng Zhang (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK) Wed Dec 09 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 3 #869
Regularizing Black-box Models for Improved Interpretability Gregory Plumb (Carnegie Mellon University) · Maruan Al-Shedivat (Carnegie Mellon University) · Ángel Alexander Cabrera (Carnegie Mellon University) · Adam Perer (Carnegie Mellon University) · Eric Xing (Petuum Inc. / Carnegie Mellon University) · Ameet Talwalkar (CMU) Wed Dec 09 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 3 #1078
No-Regret Learning Dynamics for Extensive-Form Correlated Equilibrium Andrea Celli (Politecnico di Milano) · Alberto Marchesi (Politecnico di Milano) · Gabriele Farina (Carnegie Mellon University) · Nicola Gatti (Politecnico di Milano) Tue Dec 08 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 1 #535
EvolveGraph: Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction with Dynamic Relational Reasoning Jiachen Li (University of California, Berkeley) · Fan Yang (Carnegie Mellon University) · Masayoshi Tomizuka (University of California, Berkeley) · Chiho Choi (Honda Research Institute US) Wed Dec 09 09:00 PM — 11:00 PM (PST) @ Poster Session 4 #1236
Small Nash Equilibrium Certificates in Very Large Games Brian Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University) · Tuomas Sandholm (CMU, Strategic Machine, Strategy Robot, Optimized Markets) Thu Dec 10 09:00 AM — 11:00 AM (PST) @ Poster Session 5 #1465
Causal Discovery and Causality-Inspired Machine Learning Biwei Huang · Sara Magliacane · Kun Zhang · Danielle Belgrave · Elias Bareinboim · Daniel Malinsky · Thomas Richardson · Christopher Meek · Peter Spirtes · Bernhard Schölkopf Fri Dec 11 06:50 AM — 04:50 PM (PST)
Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Anima Anandkumar · Kyle Cranmer · Shirley Ho · Mr. Prabhat · Lenka Zdeborová · Atilim Gunes Baydin · Juan Carrasquilla · Adji Bousso Dieng · Karthik Kashinath · Gilles Louppe · Brian Nord · Michela Paganini · Savannah Thais Fri Dec 11 07:00 AM — 03:15 PM (PST)
Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving Rowan McAllister · Xinshuo Weng · Xinshuo Weng · Daniel Omeiza · Nick Rhinehart · Fisher Yu · German Ros · Vladlen Koltun Fri Dec 11 08:55 AM — 05:00 PM (PST)
Workshop on Dataset Curation and Security Nathalie Baracaldo Angel · Yonatan Bisk · Avrim Blum · Michael Curry · John Dickerson · Micah Goldblum · Tom Goldstein · Bo Li · Avi Schwarzschild Fri Dec 11
Tackling Climate Change with ML David Dao · Evan Sherwin · Priya Donti · Yumna Yusuf · Lauren Kuntz · Lynn Kaack · David Rolnick · Catherine Nakalembe · Claire Monteleoni · Yoshua Bengio Fri Dec 11
HAMLETS (Human And Machine in-the-Loop Evaluation and Learning Strategies) Divyansh Kaushik · Bhargavi Paranjape · Bhargavi Paranjape · Forough Arabshahi · Yanai Elazar · Yixin Nie · Max Bartolo · Polina Kirichenko · Pontus Lars Erik Saito Stenetorp · Mohit Bansal · Zachary Lipton · Douwe Kiela Sat Dec 12 08:15 AM — 08:00 PM (PST)
Self-Supervised Learning — Theory and Practice Pengtao Xie · Shanghang Zhang · Pulkit Agrawal · Ishan Misra · Cynthia Rudin · Abdel-rahman Mohamed · Wenzhen Yuan · Barret Zoph · Laurens van der Maaten · Eric Xing Sat Dec 12 08:50 AM — 06:40 PM (PST)
The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) is a flagship machine learning conference that in 2020 received 4,990 submissions and managed a pool of 3,931 reviewers and area chairs. Given that the stakes in the review process are high — the careers of researchers are often significantly affected by the publications in top venues — we decided to scrutinize several components of the peer-review process in a series of experiments. Specifically, in conjunction with the ICML 2020 conference, we performed three experiments that target: resubmission policies, management of reviewer discussions, and reviewer recruiting. In this post, we summarize the results of these studies.
Resubmission Bias
Motivation. Several leading ML and AI conferences have recently started requiring authors to declare previous submission history of their papers. In part, such measures are taken to reduce the load on reviewers by discouraging resubmissions without substantial changes. However, this requirement poses a risk of bias in reviewers’ evaluations.
Research question.Do reviewers get biased when they know that the paper they are reviewing was previously rejected from a similar venue?
Procedure. We organized an auxiliary conference review process with 134 junior reviewers from 5 top US schools and 19 papers from various areas of ML. We assigned participants 1 paper each and asked them to review the paper as if it was submitted to ICML. Unbeknown to participants, we allocated them to a test or control condition uniformly at random:
Control. Participants review the papers as usual.
Test.Before reading the paper, participants are told that the paper they review is a resubmission.
Hypothesis.We expect that if the bias is present, reviewers in the test condition should be harsher than in the control.
Key findings. Reviewers give almost one point lower score (95% Confidence Interval: [0.24, 1.30]) on a 10-point Likert item for the overall evaluation of a paper when they are told that a paper is a resubmission. In terms of narrower review criteria, reviewers tend to underrate “Paper Quality” the most.
Implications. Conference organizers need to evaluate a trade-off between envisaged benefits such as the hypothetical reduction in the number of submissions and the potential unfairness introduced to the process by the resubmission bias. One option to reduce the bias is to postpone the moment in which the resubmission signal is revealed until after the initial reviews are submitted. This finding must also be accounted for when deciding whether the reviews of rejected papers should be publicly available on systems like and others.
Motivation. Past research on human decision making shows that group discussion is susceptible to various biases related to social influence. For instance, it is documented that the decision of a group may be biased towards the opinion of the group member who proposes the solution first. We call this effect herding and note that, in peer review, herding (if present) may result in undesirable artifacts in decisions as different area chairs use different strategies to select the discussion initiator.
Research question. Conditioned on a set of reviewers who actively participate in a discussion of a paper, does the final decision of the paper depend on the order in which reviewers join the discussion?
Procedure. We performed a randomized controlled trial on herding in ICML 2020 discussions that involved about 1,500 papers and 2,000 reviewers. In peer review, the discussion takes place after the reviewers submit their initial reviews, so we know prior opinions of reviewers about the papers. With this information, we split a subset of ICML papers into two groups uniformly at random and applied different discussion-management strategies to them:
Positive Group. First ask the most positive reviewer to start the discussion, then later ask the most negative reviewer to contribute to the discussion.
Negative Group. First ask the most negative reviewer to start the discussion, then later ask the most positive reviewer to contribute to the discussion.
Hypothesis.The only difference between the strategies is the order in which reviewers are supposed to join the discussion. Hence, if the herding is absent, the strategies will not impact submissions from the two groups disproportionately. However, if the herding is present, we expect that the difference in the order will introduce a difference in the acceptance rates across the two groups of papers.
Key findings. The analysis of outcomes of approximately 1,500 papers does not reveal a statistically significant difference in acceptance rates between the two groups of papers. Hence, we find no evidence of herding in the discussion phase of peer review.
Implications. Regarding the concern of herding which is found to occur in other applications involving people, discussion in peer review does not seem to be susceptible to this effect and hence no specific measures to counteract herding in peer-review discussions are needed.
Motivation. A surge in the number of submissions received by leading ML and AI conferences has challenged the sustainability of the review process by increasing the burden on the pool of qualified reviewers. Leading conferences have been addressing the issue by relaxing the seniority bar for reviewers and inviting very junior researchers with limited or no publication history, but there is mixed evidence regarding the impact of such interventions on the quality of reviews.
Research question. Can very junior reviewers be recruited and guided such that they enlarge the reviewer pool of leading ML and AI conferences without compromising the quality of the process?
Procedure. We implemented a twofold approach towards managing novice reviewers:
Selection.We evaluated reviews written in the aforementioned auxiliary conference review process involving 134 junior reviewers, and invited 52 of these reviewers who produced the strongest reviews to join the reviewer pool of ICML 2020. Most of these 52 “experimental” reviewers come from the population not considered by the conventional way of reviewer recruiting used in ICML 2020.
Mentoring. In the actual conference, we provided these experimental reviewers with a senior researcher as a point of contact who offered additional mentoring.
Hypothesis. If our approach allows to bring strong reviewers to the pool, we expect experimental reviewers to perform at least as good as reviewers from the main pool on various metrics, including the quality of reviews as rated by area chairs.
Key findings. A combination of the selection and mentoring mechanisms results in reviews of at least comparable and on some metrics even higher-rated quality as compared to the conventional pool of reviews: 30% of reviews written by the experimental reviewers exceeded the expectations of area chairs (compared to only 14% for the main pool).
Implications. The experiment received positive feedback from participants who appreciated the opportunity to become a reviewer in ICML 2020 and from authors of papers used in the auxiliary review process who received a set of useful reviews without submitting to a real conference. Hence, we believe that a promising direction is to replicate the experiment at a larger scale and evaluate the benefits of each component of our approach.
All in all, the experiments we conducted in ICML 2020 reveal some useful and actionable insights about the peer-review process. We hope that some of these ideas will help to design a better peer-review pipeline in future conferences.
We thank ICML area chairs, reviewers, and authors for their tremendous efforts. We would also like to thank the Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) team for their continuous support and implementation of features necessary to run these experiments, the authors of papers contributed to the auxiliary review process for their responsiveness, and participants of the resubmission bias experiment for their enthusiasm. Finally, we thank Ed Kennedy and Devendra Chaplot for their help with designing and executing the experiments.
The post is based on joint works with Nihar B. Shah, Aarti Singh, Hal Daumé III, and Charvi Rastogi.
Figure 1: An encoder-decoder generative model of translation pairs, which helps to circumvent the limitation discussed before. There is a global distribution (mathcal{D}) over the representation space (mathcal{Z}), from which sentences of language (L_i) are generated via decoder (D_i). Similarly, sentences could also be encoded via (E_i) to (mathcal{Z}).
Despite the recent improvements in neural machine translation (NMT), training a large NMT model with hundreds of millions of parameters usually requires a collection of parallel corpora at a large scale, on the order of millions or even billions of aligned sentences for supervised training (Arivazhagan et al.). While it might be possible to automatically crawl the web to collect parallel sentences for high-resource language pairs, such as German-English and French-English, it is often infeasible or expensive to manually translate large amounts of sentences for low-resource language pairs, such as Nepali-English, Sinhala-English, etc. To this end, the goal of the so-called multilingual universal machine translation, a.k.a., universal machine translation (UMT), is to learn to translate between any pair of languages using a single system, given pairs of translated documents for some of these languages. The hope is that by learning a shared “semantic space” between multiple source and target languages, the model can leverage language-invariant structure from high-resource translation pairs to transfer to the translation between low-resource language pairs, or even enable zero-shot translation.
Indeed, training such a single massively multilingual model has gained impressive empirical results, especially in the case of low-resource language pairs (see Fig. 2). However, such success also comes with a cost. From Fig. 2 we observe that the translation quality over high-resource language pairs by using such a single UMT system is worse than the corresponding bilingual baselines.
Is this empirical phenomenon by coincidence? If not, why does it happen? Furthermore, what kind of structural assumptions about languages could help us get over this detrimental effect? In this blog post, based on our recent ICML paper, we take the first step towards understanding universal machine translation by providing answers to the above questions. The key takeaways of this blog post could be summarized as follows:
In a completely assumption-free setup, based on a common shared representation, no matter what decoder is used to translate the target languages, it is impossible to avoid making a large translation error on at least one pair of the translation pairs.
Under a natural generative model assumption for the data, after seeing aligned sentences for a linear number of language pairs (instead of quadratic!), we can learn encoder/decoders that perform well on any unseen language pair, i.e., zero-shot translation is possible.
An Impossibility Theorem on UMT via Language-Invariant Representations
Suppose we have an unlimited amount of parallel sentences for each pair of languages, with unbounded computational resources. Could we train a single model that performs well on all pairs of translation tasks based on a common representation space? Put it in other words, is there any information-theoretic limit of such systems for the task of UMT? In this paragraph we will show that there is an inherent tradeoff between the translation quality and the degree of representation invariance w.r.t. languages: the better the language invariance, the higher the cost on at least one of the translation pairs. At a high-level, this result holds due to the general data-processing principle: if a representation is invariant to multiple source languages, then any decoder based on this representation will have to generate the same language model on the target language. But on the other hand, the parallel corpora we use to train such a system could have drastically different sentence distributions on the target language, thus leading to a discrepancy (error) between the generated sentence distribution and the ground-truth sentence distribution over the target language.
To keep our discussions simple and transparent, let’s start with a basic Two-to-One setup where there are only two source languages (L_0) and (L_1) and one target language (L). Furthermore, for each source language (L_i, iin{0, 1}), let’s assume that there is a perfect translator (f_{L_ito L}^*) that takes a sentence (or string, sequence) from (L_i) and outputs the corresponding translation in (L). Under this setup, it is easy to see that there exists a perfect translator (f_L^*) in this Two-to-One task: $$f_L^*(x) = sum_{iin{0, 1}}mathbb{I}(xin L_i)cdot f_{L_ito L}^*(x)$$ In words: upon receiving a sentence (x), (f_L^*) simply checks which source language (x) comes from and then call the corresponding ground-truth translator.
To make the idea of language-invariant representations formal, let (g: Sigma^*to mathcal{Z}) be an encoder that takes a sentence (string) from alphabet (Sigma) to a representation in a vector space (mathcal{Z}). We call (g) an (epsilon)-universal language mapping if the distributions of sentence representations from different languages (L_0) and (L_1) are (epsilon)-close to each other. In words, (d(g_sharpmathcal{D}_0, g_sharpmathcal{D}_1)leq epsilon) for some divergence measure (d), where (g_sharpmathcal{D}_i) is the induced distribution of sentence (from (L_i)) representations in the shared space (mathcal{Z}). Subsequently, a multilingual system will train a decoder (h) that takes a sentence representation (z) and outputs the corresponding target translation in language (L). The hope here is that (z) encodes the language-invariant semantic information about the input sentence (either from (L_0) or from (L_1)) based on which to translate to the target language (L).
So far so good, but could we recover the perfect translator (f_L^*) by learning a common, shared representation (Z), i.e., (epsilon) is small? Unfortunately, the answer here is negative if we don’t have any assumption on the parallel corpora we use to train our encoder (g) and decoder (h):
Theorem (informal): Let (g:Sigma^*tomathcal{Z}) be an (epsilon)-universal language mapping. Then for any decoder (h:mathcal{Z}to Sigma_L^*), the following lower bound holds: $$text{Err}_{mathcal{D}_0}^{L_0to L}(hcirc g) + text{Err}_{mathcal{D}_1}^{L_1to L}(hcirc g)geq d(mathcal{D}_0(L), mathcal{D}_1(L))- epsilon.$$
Here the error term (text{Err}_{mathcal{D}_i}^{L_ito L}(hcirc g)) measures the (0-1) translation performance given by the encoder-decoder pair (hcirc g) from (L_i) to (L) over distribution (mathcal{D}_i). The first term (d(mathcal{D}_0(L), mathcal{D}_1(L))) in the lower bound measures the difference of distributions over sentences from the target language in the two parallel corpora, i.e., (L_0-L) and (L_1 – L). For example, in many practical scenarios, it may happen that the parallel corpus of high-resource language pair, e.g., German-English, contains sentences over a diverse domain whereas as a comparison, the parallel corpus of low-resource language pair, e.g., Sinhala-English, only contains target translations from a specific domain, e.g., sports, news, product reviews, etc. In this case, despite the fact that the target is the same language (L), the corresponding sentence distributions from English are quite different between different corpora, leading to a large lower bound. As a result, our theorem, which could be interpreted as a kind of uncertainty principle in UMT, says that no matter what kind of decoder we are going to use, it has to incur a large error on at least one of the translation pairs. It is also worth pointing out that our lower bound is algorithm-independent and it holds even with unbounded computation and data. As a final note, realize that for fixed distributions (mathcal{D}_i, iin{0, 1}), the smaller the (epsilon) (hence the better the language-invariant representations), the larger the lower bound, demonstrating an inherent tradeoff between language-invariance and translation performance in general.
Proof Sketch: Here we provide a proof-by-picture (Fig. 3) in the special case of perfectly language-invariant representations, i.e., (epsilon = 0), to highlight the main idea in our proof of the above impossibility theorem. Please refer to our paper for more detailed proof as well as an extension of the above impossibility theorem in the more general many-to-many translation setting.
How can we Bypass this Limitation?
One way is to allow the decoder (h) to have access to the input sentences (besides the language-invariant representations) during the decoding process — e.g. via an attention mechanism on the input level. Technically, such information flow from input sentences during decoding would break the Markov structure of “input-representation-output” in Fig. 3, which is an essential ingredient in the proof of our theorem. Intuitively, in this case both language-invariant (hence language-independent) and language-dependent information would be used.
Another way would be to assume extra structure on the distributions of our corpora (mathcal{D}_{i}), i.e., by assuming some natural generative process capturing the distribution of the parallel corpora that are used for training. Since languages share a lot of semantic and syntactic characteristics, this would make a lot of sense — and intuitively, this is what universal translation approaches are banking on. In the next paragraph, we will do exactly this — we will show that under a suitable generative model, not only will there be a language-invariant representation, but it will be learnable using corpora from a very small (linear) number of pairs of language.
A Generative Model for UMT: A Linear Number of Translation Pairs Suffices!
In this section we will discuss a generative model, under which not only will there be a language-invariant representation, but it will be learnable using corpora from a very small (linear) number of pairs of language. Note that there are a quadratic number of translation pairs in our universe, hence our result shows that under this generative model zero-shot translation is actually possible.
To start with, what kind of generative model is suitable for the task of UMT? Ideally, we would like to have a feature space where vectors correspond to the semantic encoding of sentences from different languages. One could also understand it as a sort of “meaning” space. Then, language-dependent decoders would take these semantic vectors and decode them as the observable sentences. Figure 1 illustrates the generative process of our model, where we assume there is a common distribution (mathcal{D}) over the feature space (mathcal{Z}), from which parallel sentences are sampled and generated.
For ease of presentation, let’s first assume that each encoder-decoder pair ((E_i, D_i)) consists of deterministic mappings (see our paper on extensions with randomized encoders/decoders). The first question to ask is: how does this generative model assumption circumvent our previous lower bound in the last paragraph? We can easily observe that under the encoder-decoder generative assumption in Figure 1, the first term in our lower bound, (d(mathcal{D}_0(L), mathcal{D}_1(L))), gracefully reduces to 0, hence even if we try to learn perfectly language-invariant representations ((epsilon = 0)), there will be no loss of translation accuracy using universal language mapping. Perhaps what’s more interesting is that, under proper assumptions on the structure of (mathcal{F}), the class of encoders and decoders we learn from, by using the traditional empirical risk minimization (ERM) framework to learn the language-dependent encoders and decoders on a small number of language pairs, we could expect the learned encoders/decoders to well generalize on unseen language pairs as well! Informally,
Theorem (informal): Let (H) be a connected graph where each node (L_i) corresponds to a language and each edge ((L_i, L_j)) means that the learner has been trained on language pair (L_i) and (L_j), with empirical translation error (epsilon_{i,j}) and corpus of size (Omega(1 / epsilon_{i,j}^2 cdot log C(mathcal{F}))). Then with high probability, for any pair of language (L) and (L’) that are connected by a path (L = L_0, L_1, ldots, L_m = L’) in (H), its population level translation error is upper bounded by (O(sum_{k=0}^{m-1}epsilon_{k,k+1})).
In the theorem above, (C(mathcal{F})) is some complexity measure of the class (mathcal{F}). If we slightly simplify the theorem above by defining (epsilon := max_{(L_i, L_j)in H}epsilon_{i,j}) and realizing that the path length (m) is upper bounded by the diameter of the graph (H), (text{diam}(H)), we immediately obtain the following intuitive result:
For any pair of languages (L, L’) (the parallel corpus between (L) and (L’) may not necessarily appear in our training corpora), the translation error between (L) and (L’) is upper bounded by (O(text{diam}(H) cdot epsilon)).
The above corollary says that graphs (H) that do not have long paths are preferable. For example, (H) could be a star graph, where a central (high-resource) language acts as a pivot node. The proof of the theorem above essentially boils down to two steps: first, we use an epsilon-net argument to show that the learned encoders/decoders generalize on a pair of language that appears in our training corpora, and then by using the connectivity of the graph (H), we apply a chain of triangle-like inequalities to bound the error along the path connecting any pair of languages.
Some Concluding Thoughts
The prospect of building a single system for universal machine translation is appealing. Compared with building a quadratic number of bilingual translators, such a single system is easier to train, build, deploy, and maintain. More importantly, this could potentially allow the system to transfer some common knowledge in translation from high-resource languages to low-resource ones. However, such promise often comes with a price, which calls for proper assumptions on the generative process of the parallel corpora used for training. Our paper takes a first step towards better understanding the tradeoff in this regard and proposes a simple setup that allows for zero-shot translation. On the other hand, there are still some gaps between theory and practice. For example, it would be interesting to see whether the BLEU score, a metric used in the empirical evaluation of translation quality, bears a similar kind of lower bound. Also, could we further extend our generative modeling of sentences so that there are more hierarchical structures in the semantic space (mathcal{Z})? Empirically, it would be interesting to implement the above generative model on synthetic data to see the actual performance of zero-shot translation under the model assumption. These challenging problems (and more) will require collaborative efforts from a wide range of research communities and we hope our initial efforts could inspire more efforts in bridging the gap.
Massively Multilingual Neural Machine Translation in the Wild: Findings and Challenges, Arivazhagan et al.,
Figure 1. The FACT diagnostic is a general framework that allows easier and flexible analyses of trade-offs between group fairness and predictive performance (type-1 trade-off), or among different types of group fairness definitions (type-2 trade-off).
As machine learning continues to be more widely used for applications with a societal impact like mortgage lending and predictive policing, model developers face increased regulatory scrutiny to verify and understand model fairness. To provide quantitative tests of model fairness, practitioners further need to choose between multiple definitions of fairness that exist in the machine learning literature. One prevalent class of these definitions is group fairness, which measures how a group of individuals with certain protected attributes (like gender or race) is impacted differently from other groups. This general notion is widely studied under the name of disparate impact in the legal context, and one specific instance of this notion has been accepted by the US government as a guideline towards a fair employment process in 1978.
From a technical point of view, however, several definitions of group fairness have been shown to conflict withone another usually with a necessary cost in loss of accuracy. Throughout this post, we will refer to this inherent trade-off between accuracy and fairness as type-1 trade-off, and the trade-off among different notions of group fairness as type-2 trade-off. Such considerations complicate the practical development and assessment of machine learning models designed to satisfy group fairness, as the conditions under which these trade-offs necessarily occur can be too abstract to understand and time-consuming to verify. As a result, it is difficult in general for model developers to explore these trade-offs efficiently. Although previous works have studied these trade-offs in an ad hoc and definition-specific manner, there remains a pressing need for a more general and unified perspective.
To put these issues into context, consider an engineer training a model to satisfy both fairness and performance specifications. Shown in Figure 2 (left), typically the engineer needs to resort to several iterations of training and evaluating models with different levels of performance and fairness (yellow circles). But with a knowledge of the trade-off boundary representing type-1 trade-off (blue solid line), the engineer can easily understand the frontier of achievable accuracy and fairness levels and quickly rule out specifications that are not feasible, all before training or evaluating any models. This reduces the time and effort spent on trying to obtain a model with unrealistic configurations. Furthermore, it is important for not only the engineer but also the regulators to fully grasp type-2 trade-offs with a list of compatible/incompatible group fairness notions (Figure 2 right), in order to provide reasonable guidelines.
In our ICML 2020 paper, we present the FACT (FAirness-Confusion Tensor) diagnostic as a tool for addressing the above desiderata for better understanding trade-offs involving group fairness. The diagnostic hinges on the observation that multiple group fairness definitions can be represented in a unified fashion with the FACT, which is the traditional confusion matrix for each group with different attribute values stacked together (Figure 3). All group fairness definitions take the form of equating conditional probabilities for different protected groups, and these conditional probabilities can be expressed succinctly using the elements of the FACT.
Figure 3. Fairness-confusion tensor (FACT), denoted throughout the post as ( mathbf{z} ), is simply the confusion matrix (true-positives, false-positives, false-negatives, true-negatives) for each group with protected attribute values (A) stacked together. For a single binary protected attribute (e.g. (A in {0, 1} )), which is our main focus throughout this post, the resulting tensor can be flattened into an 8-dimensional vector as shown. This allows the simultaneous treatment of multiple protected attributes easily and provides a unified representation for all group fairness notions.
For instance, consider a binary classification task, with ( hat{Y} ) being the classifier prediction and (A) being the binary protected attribute. Demographic parity (DP), which is one of the most widely used notions of group fairness, is defined as equating the positive prediction rate for both groups with (A = 1) and (A = 0). In terms of conditional probability, this is (P(hat{Y}=1 | A = 1) = P(hat{Y} =1 | A = 0) ), which can be formatted as a linear system of the FACT: $$mathbf{M} mathbf{z} = 0, text{ where } mathbf{M} = frac{1}{N_0 + N_1} begin{pmatrix} N_0 & 0 & N_0 & 0 & -N_1 & 0 & -N_1 & 0 end{pmatrix}$$ with (N_a) being the sum of all elements of the slice of the FACT for group with (A = a). Other notions of group fairness can be similarly expressed either in linear or quadratic format with respect to the FACT.
With this tool for characterizing different group fairness notions, we can formulate type-1 trade-off in a unified model-agnostic fashion via linear programs over the FACT. This formulation extends similarly to type-2 trade-offs and model-specific scenarios with some tweaks, yielding an even more comprehensive framework for understanding a wide range of trade-offs involving group fairness.
Optimization over the FACT
We define a linear program over the possible FACTs called Least-squares Accuracy-Fairness Optimality Problem (LAFOP):
$$min_mathbf{z} mathbf{c}^T mathbf{z} quad text{ such that } quad mathbf{M} mathbf{z} leq epsilon$$
Essentially the optimization problem searches for a valid FACT that satisfies a specified set of fairness conditions linearly expressed using the fairness matrix (mathbf{M}) while optimizing for the classification error rate in the objective.
Solving this optimization problem for different values of (epsilon) yields different objective function values, which we denote as (delta). We are then interested in the resulting ((epsilon, delta))-solutions of LAFOP, which intuitively represent FACTs that deviate from perfect fairness and perfect accuracy by (epsilon) and (delta) respectively. These ((epsilon, delta)) value pairs naturally translate to the trade-off boundary for type-1 trade-off called the FACT Pareto frontier, just like the blue solid line in our earlier example: changes in (delta) as we vary (epsilon) will indicate the change in the best achievable classification error rate by the model (i.e. bigger (delta) means a bigger drop in accuracy). Note that by definition, this frontier is model-agnostic, enabling the engineer to apply it before training any models. We discuss more in the paper how LAFOP is also amenable to proving general incompatibility theorems for type-2 trade-offs.
While LAFOP is designed to be model agnostic, we can modify it to be model specific in case there is a trained model whose limitations in achieving fairness via post-processing need to be assessed. This leads to a model-specific (MS) variation of LAFOP called MS-LAFOP, which places additional model-dependent constraints on the solution space of the FACTs. Because now the problem is grounded on a specific model, ((epsilon, delta))-solutions of the MS-LAFOP yield a more realistic FACT Pareto frontier. The solutions of the MS-LAFOP naturally provide a way to post-process that model for better fairness guarantees, as we discuss in the paper.
Demonstration on the UCI Adult Dataset
Figure 4. The FACT Pareto frontiers show the trade-off between accuracy and fairness, and several algorithms in the frontier are also plotted for comparison.
Using the UCI Adult dataset with gender as the protected attribute, we demonstrate the FACT diagnostic’s usefulness. Figure 4 shows both model-agnostic (MA) and model-specific (MS) FACT Pareto frontiers by plotting ((epsilon, delta))-solutions, under the equalized odds (EOd) fairness. Essentially the frontier allows us to gauge the type-1 trade-off, i.e., how accuracy inevitably drops for increasing levels of fairness. One thing to note when is that the MA FACT Pareto frontier is model-agnostic, and therefore does not take into account the Bayes error of the problem, which is an irreducible amount of error in the problem due to inherent statistical fluctuations in the data preventing a perfectly accurate classifier. This means that the (delta) of 0 (equivalent to accuracy of 1) for the MA FACT Pareto frontier should be interpreted as the Bayes error, not as the value 0 itself. In other words, when viewing the frontier, relative change of the accuracy is more important than the actual values on the y-axis for the model-agnostic case. Accordingly, the frontier tells us that only for the fairness gaps below 0.01 will the accuracy of any models actually start to drop. With results from some fair classification algorithms plotted in the frontier, we can also observe that FGP provides a better trade-off scheme compared to the other two methods presented. Unlike the MA FACT Pareto frontier, its model-specific counterpart has a benefit of providing tighter bounds, as it depends on the pre-trained model used as a reference point.
Figure 5. It is also possible to plot trade-offs that involve a set of fairness conditions together. Fairness gap for a set of fairness definitions is the sum of individual gaps for each definition in the set. For the details of each definition, refer to Table 1 of our paper.
Modifying the constraints on LAFOP to encode multiple fairness definitions leads to the MA FACT Pareto frontier for scenarios when those fairness conditions are imposed simultaneously. This is shown in Figure 5, where we observe different sets of group fairness imposed lead to different behaviors of the frontier. Notably, the two halted lines in red and black that do not reach smaller fairness gaps verify the well-established type-2 trade-off result among the given group fairness definitions.
What’s Next?
The FACT diagnostic aids an intuitive understanding of the trade-offs involved in group fairness by merging multiple definitions into a single framework. Using the FACT as a tool to characterize group fairness definitions, solving LAFOP defined over the FACTs directly shows the degree of trade-offs present in the problem, prior to any training of the model. In this post we have mostly focused on LAFOP and model-agnostic cases, but as we discuss further in the paper, the FACT diagnostic more broadly encompasses different optimization problems while at the same time demonstrating versatility of improving models via post-processing.
If you are interested, check out the paper and code for more details. This is joint work with Jiahao Chen (JPMorgan AI Research) and Ameet Talwalkar (CMU).
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