Building interactive agents in video game worlds

Building interactive agents in video game worlds

Most artificial intelligence (AI) researchers now believe that writing computer code which can capture the nuances of situated interactions is impossible. Alternatively, modern machine learning (ML) researchers have focused on learning about these types of interactions from data. To explore these learning-based approaches and quickly build agents that can make sense of human instructions and safely perform actions in open-ended conditions, we created a research framework within a video game environment.Today, we’re publishing a paper [INSERT LINK] and collection of videos, showing our early steps in building video game AIs that can understand fuzzy human concepts – and therefore, can begin to interact with people on their own terms.Read More

Building interactive agents in video game worlds

Most artificial intelligence (AI) researchers now believe that writing computer code which can capture the nuances of situated interactions is impossible. Alternatively, modern machine learning (ML) researchers have focused on learning about these types of interactions from data. To explore these learning-based approaches and quickly build agents that can make sense of human instructions and safely perform actions in open-ended conditions, we created a research framework within a video game environment.Today, we’re publishing a paper [INSERT LINK] and collection of videos, showing our early steps in building video game AIs that can understand fuzzy human concepts – and therefore, can begin to interact with people on their own terms.Read More

Benchmarking the next generation of never-ending learners

Our new paper, NEVIS’22: A Stream of 100 Tasks Sampled From 30 Years of Computer Vision Research, proposes a playground to study the question of efficient knowledge transfer in a controlled and reproducible setting. The Never-Ending Visual classification Stream (NEVIS’22) is a benchmark stream in addition to an evaluation protocol, a set of initial baselines, and an open-source codebase. This package provides an opportunity for researchers to explore how models can continually build on their knowledge to learn future tasks more efficiently.Read More

Best practices for data enrichment

Best practices for data enrichment

At DeepMind, our goal is to make sure everything we do meets the highest standards of safety and ethics, in line with our Operating Principles. One of the most important places this starts with is how we collect our data. In the past 12 months, we’ve collaborated with Partnership on AI (PAI) to carefully consider these challenges, and have co-developed standardised best practices and processes for responsible human data collection.Read More

On the Expressivity of Markov Reward

Our main results prove that while reward can express many tasks, there exist instances of each task type that no Markov reward function can capture. We then provide a set of polynomial-time algorithms that construct a reward function which allows an agent to optimize tasks of each of these three types, and correctly determine when no such reward function exists.Read More