BYOL-Explore: Exploration with Bootstrapped Prediction

We present BYOL-Explore, a conceptually simple yet general approach for curiosity-driven exploration in visually-complex environments. BYOL-Explore learns a world representation, the world dynamics, and an exploration policy all-together by optimizing a single prediction loss in the latent space with no additional auxiliary objective. We show that BYOL-Explore is effective in DM-HARD-8, a challenging partially-observable continuous-action hard-exploration benchmark with visually-rich 3-D environments.Read More

BYOL-Explore: Exploration with Bootstrapped Prediction

We present BYOL-Explore, a conceptually simple yet general approach for curiosity-driven exploration in visually-complex environments. BYOL-Explore learns a world representation, the world dynamics, and an exploration policy all-together by optimizing a single prediction loss in the latent space with no additional auxiliary objective. We show that BYOL-Explore is effective in DM-HARD-8, a challenging partially-observable continuous-action hard-exploration benchmark with visually-rich 3-D environments.Read More

Unlocking High-Accuracy Differentially Private Image Classification through Scale

According to empirical evidence from prior works, utility degradation in DP-SGD becomes more severe on larger neural network models – including the ones regularly used to achieve the best performance on challenging image classification benchmarks. Our work investigates this phenomenon and proposes a series of simple modifications to both the training procedure and model architecture, yielding a significant improvement on the accuracy of DP training on standard image classification benchmarks.Read More