Advances in private training for production on-device language models

Advances in private training for production on-device language models

Language models (LMs) trained to predict the next word given input text are the key technology for many applications [1, 2]. In Gboard, LMs are used to improve users’ typing experience by supporting features like next word prediction (NWP), Smart Compose, smart completion and suggestion, slide to type, and proofread. Deploying models on users’ devices rather than enterprise servers has advantages like lower latency and better privacy for model usage. While training on-device models directly from user data effectively improves the utility performance for applications such as NWP and smart text selection, protecting the privacy of user data for model training is important.

Gboard features powered by on-device language models.

In this blog we discuss how years of research advances now power the private training of Gboard LMs, since the proof-of-concept development of federated learning (FL) in 2017 and formal differential privacy (DP) guarantees in 2022. FL enables mobile phones to collaboratively learn a model while keeping all the training data on device, and DP provides a quantifiable measure of data anonymization. Formally, DP is often characterized by (ε, δ) with smaller values representing stronger guarantees. Machine learning (ML) models are considered to have reasonable DP guarantees for ε=10 and strong DP guarantees for ε=1 when δ is small.

As of today, all NWP neural network LMs in Gboard are trained with FL with formal DP guarantees, and all future launches of Gboard LMs trained on user data require DP. These 30+ Gboard on-device LMs are launched in 7+ languages and 15+ countries, and satisfy (ɛ, δ)-DP guarantees of small δ of 10-10 and ɛ between 0.994 and 13.69. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest known deployment of user-level DP in production at Google or anywhere, and the first time a strong DP guarantee of ɛ < 1 is announced for models trained directly on user data.

Privacy principles and practices in Gboard

In “Private Federated Learning in Gboard”, we discussed how different privacy principles are currently reflected in production models, including:

  • Transparency and user control: We provide disclosure of what data is used, what purpose it is used for, how it is processed in various channels, and how Gboard users can easily configure the data usage in learning models.
  • Data minimization: FL immediately aggregates only focused updates that improve a specific model. Secure aggregation (SecAgg) is an encryption method to further guarantee that only aggregated results of the ephemeral updates can be accessed.
  • Data anonymization: DP is applied by the server to prevent models from memorizing the unique information in individual user’s training data.
  • Auditability and verifiability: We have made public the key algorithmic approaches and privacy accounting in open-sourced code (TFF aggregator, TFP DPQuery, DP accounting, and FL system).

A brief history

In recent years, FL has become the default method for training Gboard on-device LMs from user data. In 2020, a DP mechanism that clips and adds noise to model updates was used to prevent memorization for training the Spanish LM in Spain, which satisfies finite DP guarantees (Tier 3 described in “How to DP-fy ML“ guide). In 2022, with the help of the DP-Follow-The-Regularized-Leader (DP-FTRL) algorithm, the Spanish LM became the first production neural network trained directly on user data announced with a formal DP guarantee of (ε=8.9, δ=10-10)-DP (equivalent to the reported ρ=0.81 zero-Concentrated-Differential-Privacy), and therefore satisfies reasonable privacy guarantees (Tier 2).

Differential privacy by default in federated learning

In “Federated Learning of Gboard Language Models with Differential Privacy”, we announced that all the NWP neural network LMs in Gboard have DP guarantees, and all future launches of Gboard LMs trained on user data require DP guarantees. DP is enabled in FL by applying the following practices:

  • Pre-train the model with the multilingual C4 dataset.
  • Via simulation experiments on public datasets, find a large DP-noise-to-signal ratio that allows for high utility. Increasing the number of clients contributing to one round of model update improves privacy while keeping the noise ratio fixed for good utility, up to the point the DP target is met, or the maximum allowed by the system and the size of the population.
  • Configure the parameter to restrict the frequency each client can contribute (e.g., once every few days) based on computation budget and estimated population in the FL system.
  • Run DP-FTRL training with limits on the magnitude of per-device updates chosen either via adaptive clipping, or fixed based on experience.

SecAgg can be additionally applied by adopting the advances in improving computation and communication for scales and sensitivity.

Federated learning with differential privacy and (SecAgg).

Reporting DP guarantees

The DP guarantees of launched Gboard NWP LMs are visualized in the barplot below. The x-axis shows LMs labeled by language-locale and trained on corresponding populations; the y-axis shows the ε value when δ is fixed to a small value of 10-10 for (ε, δ)-DP (lower is better). The utility of these models are either significantly better than previous non-neural models in production, or comparable with previous LMs without DP, measured based on user-interactions metrics during A/B testing. For example, by applying the best practices, the DP guarantee of the Spanish model in Spain is improved from ε=8.9 to ε=5.37. SecAgg is additionally used for training the Spanish model in Spain and English model in the US. More details of the DP guarantees are reported in the appendix following the guidelines outlined in “How to DP-fy ML”.

Towards stronger DP guarantees

The ε~10 DP guarantees of many launched LMs are already considered reasonable for ML models in practice, while the journey of DP FL in Gboard continues for improving user typing experience while protecting data privacy. We are excited to announce that, for the first time, production LMs of Portuguese in Brazil and Spanish in Latin America are trained and launched with a DP guarantee of ε ≤ 1, which satisfies Tier 1 strong privacy guarantees. Specifically, the (ε=0.994, δ=10-10)-DP guarantee is achieved by running the advanced Matrix Factorization DP-FTRL (MF-DP-FTRL) algorithm, with 12,000+ devices participating in every training round of server model update larger than the common setting of 6500+ devices, and a carefully configured policy to restrict each client to at most participate twice in the total 2000 rounds of training in 14 days in the large Portuguese user population of Brazil. Using a similar setting, the es-US Spanish LM was trained in a large population combining multiple countries in Latin America to achieve (ε=0.994, δ=10-10)-DP. The ε ≤ 1 es-US model significantly improved the utility in many countries, and launched in Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Venezuela. For the smaller population in Spain, the DP guarantee of es-ES LM is improved from ε=5.37 to ε=3.42 by only replacing DP-FTRL with MF-DP-FTRL without increasing the number of devices participating every round. More technical details are disclosed in the colab for privacy accounting.

DP guarantees for Gboard NWP LMs (the purple bar represents the first es-ES launch of ε=8.9; cyan bars represent privacy improvements for models trained with MF-DP-FTRL; tiers are from “How to DP-fy ML“ guide; en-US* and es-ES* are additionally trained with SecAgg).

Discussion and next steps

Our experience suggests that DP can be achieved in practice through system algorithm co-design on client participation, and that both privacy and utility can be strong when populations are large and a large number of devices’ contributions are aggregated. Privacy-utility-computation trade-offs can be improved by using public data, the new MF-DP-FTRL algorithm, and tightening accounting. With these techniques, a strong DP guarantee of ε ≤ 1 is possible but still challenging. Active research on empirical privacy auditing [1, 2] suggests that DP models are potentially more private than the worst-case DP guarantees imply. While we keep pushing the frontier of algorithms, which dimension of privacy-utility-computation should be prioritized?

We are actively working on all privacy aspects of ML, including extending DP-FTRL to distributed DP and improving auditability and verifiability. Trusted Execution Environment opens the opportunity for substantially increasing the model size with verifiable privacy. The recent breakthrough in large LMs (LLMs) motivates us to rethink the usage of public information in private training and more future interactions between LLMs, on-device LMs, and Gboard production.


The authors would like to thank Peter Kairouz, Brendan McMahan, and Daniel Ramage for their early feedback on the blog post itself, Shaofeng Li and Tom Small for helping with the animated figures, and the teams at Google that helped with algorithm design, infrastructure implementation, and production maintenance. The collaborators below directly contribute to the presented results:

Research and algorithm development: Galen Andrew, Stanislav Chiknavaryan, Christopher A. Choquette-Choo, Arun Ganesh, Peter Kairouz, Ryan McKenna, H. Brendan McMahan, Jesse Rosenstock, Timon Van Overveldt, Keith Rush, Shuang Song, Thomas Steinke, Abhradeep Guha Thakurta, Om Thakkar, and Yuanbo Zhang.

Infrastructure, production and leadership support: Mingqing Chen, Stefan Dierauf, Billy Dou, Hubert Eichner, Zachary Garrett, Jeremy Gillula, Jianpeng Hou, Hui Li, Xu Liu, Wenzhi Mao, Brett McLarnon, Mengchen Pei, Daniel Ramage, Swaroop Ramaswamy, Haicheng Sun, Andreas Terzis, Yun Wang, Shanshan Wu, Yu Xiao, and Shumin Zhai.

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Learning the importance of training data under concept drift

Learning the importance of training data under concept drift

The constantly changing nature of the world around us poses a significant challenge for the development of AI models. Often, models are trained on longitudinal data with the hope that the training data used will accurately represent inputs the model may receive in the future. More generally, the default assumption that all training data are equally relevant often breaks in practice. For example, the figure below shows images from the CLEAR nonstationary learning benchmark, and it illustrates how visual features of objects evolve significantly over a 10 year span (a phenomenon we refer to as slow concept drift), posing a challenge for object categorization models.

Sample images from the CLEAR benchmark. (Adapted from Lin et al.)

Alternative approaches, such as online and continual learning, repeatedly update a model with small amounts of recent data in order to keep it current. This implicitly prioritizes recent data, as the learnings from past data are gradually erased by subsequent updates. However in the real world, different kinds of information lose relevance at different rates, so there are two key issues: 1) By design they focus exclusively on the most recent data and lose any signal from older data that is erased. 2) Contributions from data instances decay uniformly over time irrespective of the contents of the data.

In our recent work, “Instance-Conditional Timescales of Decay for Non-Stationary Learning”, we propose to assign each instance an importance score during training in order to maximize model performance on future data. To accomplish this, we employ an auxiliary model that produces these scores using the training instance as well as its age. This model is jointly learned with the primary model. We address both the above challenges and achieve significant gains over other robust learning methods on a range of benchmark datasets for nonstationary learning. For instance, on a recent large-scale benchmark for nonstationary learning (~39M photos over a 10 year period), we show up to 15% relative accuracy gains through learned reweighting of training data.

The challenge of concept drift for supervised learning

To gain quantitative insight into slow concept drift, we built classifiers on a recent photo categorization task, comprising roughly 39M photographs sourced from social media websites over a 10 year period. We compared offline training, which iterated over all the training data multiple times in random order, and continual training, which iterated multiple times over each month of data in sequential (temporal) order. We measured model accuracy both during the training period and during a subsequent period where both models were frozen, i.e., not updated further on new data (shown below). At the end of the training period (left panel, x-axis = 0), both approaches have seen the same amount of data, but show a large performance gap. This is due to catastrophic forgetting, a problem in continual learning where a model’s knowledge of data from early on in the training sequence is diminished in an uncontrolled manner. On the other hand, forgetting has its advantages — over the test period (shown on the right), the continual trained model degrades much less rapidly than the offline model because it is less dependent on older data. The decay of both models’ accuracy in the test period is confirmation that the data is indeed evolving over time, and both models become increasingly less relevant.

Comparing offline and continually trained models on the photo classification task.

Time-sensitive reweighting of training data

We design a method combining the benefits of offline learning (the flexibility of effectively reusing all available data) and continual learning (the ability to downplay older data) to address slow concept drift. We build upon offline learning, then add careful control over the influence of past data and an optimization objective, both designed to reduce model decay in the future.

Suppose we wish to train a model, M, given some training data collected over time. We propose to also train a helper model that assigns a weight to each point based on its contents and age. This weight scales the contribution from that data point in the training objective for M. The objective of the weights is to improve the performance of M on future data.

In our work, we describe how the helper model can be meta-learned, i.e., learned alongside M in a manner that helps the learning of the model M itself. A key design choice of the helper model is that we separated out instance- and age-related contributions in a factored manner. Specifically, we set the weight by combining contributions from multiple different fixed timescales of decay, and learn an approximate “assignment” of a given instance to its most suited timescales. We find in our experiments that this form of the helper model outperforms many other alternatives we considered, ranging from unconstrained joint functions to a single timescale of decay (exponential or linear), due to its combination of simplicity and expressivity. Full details may be found in the paper.

Instance weight scoring

The top figure below shows that our learned helper model indeed up-weights more modern-looking objects in the CLEAR object recognition challenge; older-looking objects are correspondingly down-weighted. On closer examination (bottom figure below, gradient-based feature importance assessment), we see that the helper model focuses on the primary object within the image, as opposed to, e.g., background features that may spuriously be correlated with instance age.

Sample images from the CLEAR benchmark (camera & computer categories) assigned the highest and lowest weights respectively by our helper model.

Feature importance analysis of our helper model on sample images from the CLEAR benchmark.


Gains on large-scale data

We first study the large-scale photo categorization task (PCAT) on the YFCC100M dataset discussed earlier, using the first five years of data for training and the next five years as test data. Our method (shown in red below) improves substantially over the no-reweighting baseline (black) as well as many other robust learning techniques. Interestingly, our method deliberately trades off accuracy on the distant past (training data unlikely to reoccur in the future) in exchange for marked improvements in the test period. Also, as desired, our method degrades less than other baselines in the test period.

Comparison of our method and relevant baselines on the PCAT dataset.

Broad applicability

We validated our findings on a wide range of nonstationary learning challenge datasets sourced from the academic literature (see 1, 2, 3, 4 for details) that spans data sources and modalities (photos, satellite images, social media text, medical records, sensor readings, tabular data) and sizes (ranging from 10k to 39M instances). We report significant gains in the test period when compared to the nearest published benchmark method for each dataset (shown below). Note that the previous best-known method may be different for each dataset. These results showcase the broad applicability of our approach.

Performance gain of our method on a variety of tasks studying natural concept drift. Our reported gains are over the previous best-known method for each dataset.

Extensions to continual learning

Finally, we consider an interesting extension of our work. The work above described how offline learning can be extended to handle concept drift using ideas inspired by continual learning. However, sometimes offline learning is infeasible — for example, if the amount of training data available is too large to maintain or process. We adapted our approach to continual learning in a straightforward manner by applying temporal reweighting within the context of each bucket of data being used to sequentially update the model. This proposal still retains some limitations of continual learning, e.g., model updates are performed only on most-recent data, and all optimization decisions (including our reweighting) are only made over that data. Nevertheless, our approach consistently beats regular continual learning as well as a wide range of other continual learning algorithms on the photo categorization benchmark (see below). Since our approach is complementary to the ideas in many baselines compared here, we anticipate even larger gains when combined with them.

Results of our method adapted to continual learning, compared to the latest baselines.


We addressed the challenge of data drift in learning by combining the strengths of previous approaches — offline learning with its effective reuse of data, and continual learning with its emphasis on more recent data. We hope that our work helps improve model robustness to concept drift in practice, and generates increased interest and new ideas in addressing the ubiquitous problem of slow concept drift.


We thank Mike Mozer for many interesting discussions in the early phase of this work, as well as very helpful advice and feedback during its development.

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DP-Auditorium: A flexible library for auditing differential privacy

DP-Auditorium: A flexible library for auditing differential privacy

Differential privacy (DP) is a property of randomized mechanisms that limit the influence of any individual user’s information while processing and analyzing data. DP offers a robust solution to address growing concerns about data protection, enabling technologies across industries and government applications (e.g., the US census) without compromising individual user identities. As its adoption increases, it’s important to identify the potential risks of developing mechanisms with faulty implementations. Researchers have recently found errors in the mathematical proofs of private mechanisms, and their implementations. For example, researchers compared six sparse vector technique (SVT) variations and found that only two of the six actually met the asserted privacy guarantee. Even when mathematical proofs are correct, the code implementing the mechanism is vulnerable to human error.

However, practical and efficient DP auditing is challenging primarily due to the inherent randomness of the mechanisms and the probabilistic nature of the tested guarantees. In addition, a range of guarantee types exist, (e.g., pure DP, approximate DP, Rényi DP, and concentrated DP), and this diversity contributes to the complexity of formulating the auditing problem. Further, debugging mathematical proofs and code bases is an intractable task given the volume of proposed mechanisms. While ad hoc testing techniques exist under specific assumptions of mechanisms, few efforts have been made to develop an extensible tool for testing DP mechanisms.

To that end, in “DP-Auditorium: A Large Scale Library for Auditing Differential Privacy”, we introduce an open source library for auditing DP guarantees with only black-box access to a mechanism (i.e., without any knowledge of the mechanism’s internal properties). DP-Auditorium is implemented in Python and provides a flexible interface that allows contributions to continuously improve its testing capabilities. We also introduce new testing algorithms that perform divergence optimization over function spaces for Rényi DP, pure DP, and approximate DP. We demonstrate that DP-Auditorium can efficiently identify DP guarantee violations, and suggest which tests are most suitable for detecting particular bugs under various privacy guarantees.

DP guarantees

The output of a DP mechanism is a sample drawn from a probability distribution (M (D)) that satisfies a mathematical property ensuring the privacy of user data. A DP guarantee is thus tightly related to properties between pairs of probability distributions. A mechanism is differentially private if the probability distributions determined by M on dataset D and a neighboring dataset D’, which differ by only one record, are indistinguishable under a given divergence metric.

For example, the classical approximate DP definition states that a mechanism is approximately DP with parameters (ε, δ) if the hockey-stick divergence of order eε, between M(D) and M(D’), is at most δ. Pure DP is a special instance of approximate DP where δ = 0. Finally, a mechanism is considered Rényi DP with parameters (𝛼, ε) if the Rényi divergence of order 𝛼, is at most ε (where ε is a small positive value). In these three definitions, ε is not interchangeable but intuitively conveys the same concept; larger values of ε imply larger divergences between the two distributions or less privacy, since the two distributions are easier to distinguish.


DP-Auditorium comprises two main components: property testers and dataset finders. Property testers take samples from a mechanism evaluated on specific datasets as input and aim to identify privacy guarantee violations in the provided datasets. Dataset finders suggest datasets where the privacy guarantee may fail. By combining both components, DP-Auditorium enables (1) automated testing of diverse mechanisms and privacy definitions and, (2) detection of bugs in privacy-preserving mechanisms. We implement various private and non-private mechanisms, including simple mechanisms that compute the mean of records and more complex mechanisms, such as different SVT and gradient descent mechanism variants.

Property testers determine if evidence exists to reject the hypothesis that a given divergence between two probability distributions, P and Q, is bounded by a prespecified budget determined by the DP guarantee being tested. They compute a lower bound from samples from P and Q, rejecting the property if the lower bound value exceeds the expected divergence. No guarantees are provided if the result is indeed bounded. To test for a range of privacy guarantees, DP-Auditorium introduces three novel testers: (1) HockeyStickPropertyTester, (2) RényiPropertyTester, and (3) MMDPropertyTester. Unlike other approaches, these testers don’t depend on explicit histogram approximations of the tested distributions. They rely on variational representations of the hockey-stick divergence, Rényi divergence, and maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) that enable the estimation of divergences through optimization over function spaces. As a baseline, we implement HistogramPropertyTester, a commonly used approximate DP tester. While our three testers follow a similar approach, for brevity, we focus on the HockeyStickPropertyTester in this post.

Given two neighboring datasets, D and D’, the HockeyStickPropertyTester finds a lower bound,^δ  for the hockey-stick divergence between M(D) and M(D’) that holds with high probability. Hockey-stick divergence enforces that the two distributions M(D) and M(D’) are close under an approximate DP guarantee. Therefore, if a privacy guarantee claims that the hockey-stick divergence is at most δ, and^δ  > δ, then with high probability the divergence is higher than what was promised on D and D’ and the mechanism cannot satisfy the given approximate DP guarantee. The lower bound^δ  is computed as an empirical and tractable counterpart of a variational formulation of the hockey-stick divergence (see the paper for more details). The accuracy of^δ  increases with the number of samples drawn from the mechanism, but decreases as the variational formulation is simplified. We balance these factors in order to ensure that^δ  is both accurate and easy to compute.

Dataset finders use black-box optimization to find datasets D and D’ that maximize^δ, a lower bound on the divergence value δ. Note that black-box optimization techniques are specifically designed for settings where deriving gradients for an objective function may be impractical or even impossible. These optimization techniques oscillate between exploration and exploitation phases to estimate the shape of the objective function and predict areas where the objective can have optimal values. In contrast, a full exploration algorithm, such as the grid search method, searches over the full space of neighboring datasets D and D’. DP-Auditorium implements different dataset finders through the open sourced black-box optimization library Vizier.

Running existing components on a new mechanism only requires defining the mechanism as a Python function that takes an array of data D and a desired number of samples n to be output by the mechanism computed on D. In addition, we provide flexible wrappers for testers and dataset finders that allow practitioners to implement their own testing and dataset search algorithms.

Key results

We assess the effectiveness of DP-Auditorium on five private and nine non-private mechanisms with diverse output spaces. For each property tester, we repeat the test ten times on fixed datasets using different values of ε, and report the number of times each tester identifies privacy bugs. While no tester consistently outperforms the others, we identify bugs that would be missed by previous techniques (HistogramPropertyTester). Note that the HistogramPropertyTester is not applicable to SVT mechanisms.

Number of times each property tester finds the privacy violation for the tested non-private mechanisms. NonDPLaplaceMean and NonDPGaussianMean mechanisms are faulty implementations of the Laplace and Gaussian mechanisms for computing the mean.

We also analyze the implementation of a DP gradient descent algorithm (DP-GD) in TensorFlow that computes gradients of the loss function on private data. To preserve privacy, DP-GD employs a clipping mechanism to bound the l2-norm of the gradients by a value G, followed by the addition of Gaussian noise. This implementation incorrectly assumes that the noise added has a scale of G, while in reality, the scale is sG, where s is a positive scalar. This discrepancy leads to an approximate DP guarantee that holds only for values of s greater than or equal to 1.

We evaluate the effectiveness of property testers in detecting this bug and show that HockeyStickPropertyTester and RényiPropertyTester exhibit superior performance in identifying privacy violations, outperforming MMDPropertyTester and HistogramPropertyTester. Notably, these testers detect the bug even for values of s as high as 0.6. It is worth highlighting that s = 0.5 corresponds to a common error in literature that involves missing a factor of two when accounting for the privacy budget ε. DP-Auditorium successfully captures this bug as shown below. For more details see section 5.6 here.

Estimated divergences and test thresholds for different values of s when testing DP-GD with the HistogramPropertyTester (left) and the HockeyStickPropertyTester (right).

Estimated divergences and test thresholds for different values of s when testing DP-GD with the RényiPropertyTester (left) and the MMDPropertyTester (right)

To test dataset finders, we compute the number of datasets explored before finding a privacy violation. On average, the majority of bugs are discovered in less than 10 calls to dataset finders. Randomized and exploration/exploitation methods are more efficient at finding datasets than grid search. For more details, see the paper.


DP is one of the most powerful frameworks for data protection. However, proper implementation of DP mechanisms can be challenging and prone to errors that cannot be easily detected using traditional unit testing methods. A unified testing framework can help auditors, regulators, and academics ensure that private mechanisms are indeed private.

DP-Auditorium is a new approach to testing DP via divergence optimization over function spaces. Our results show that this type of function-based estimation consistently outperforms previous black-box access testers. Finally, we demonstrate that these function-based estimators allow for a better discovery rate of privacy bugs compared to histogram estimation. By open sourcing DP-Auditorium, we aim to establish a standard for end-to-end testing of new differentially private algorithms.


The work described here was done jointly with Andrés Muñoz Medina, William Kong and Umar Syed. We thank Chris Dibak and Vadym Doroshenko for helpful engineering support and interface suggestions for our library.

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