Towards ML-enabled cleaning robots

Towards ML-enabled cleaning robots

Over the past several years, the capabilities of robotic systems have improved dramatically. As the technology continues to improve and robotic agents are more routinely deployed in real-world environments, their capacity to assist in day-to-day activities will take on increasing importance. Repetitive tasks like wiping surfaces, folding clothes, and cleaning a room seem well-suited for robots, but remain challenging for robotic systems designed for structured environments like factories. Performing these types of tasks in more complex environments, like offices or homes, requires dealing with greater levels of environmental variability captured by high-dimensional sensory inputs, from images plus depth and force sensors.

For example, consider the task of wiping a table to clean a spill or brush away crumbs. While this task may seem simple, in practice, it encompasses many interesting challenges that are omnipresent in robotics. Indeed, at a high-level, deciding how to best wipe a spill from an image observation requires solving a challenging planning problem with stochastic dynamics: How should the robot wipe to avoid dispersing the spill perceived by a camera? But at a low-level, successfully executing a wiping motion also requires the robot to position itself to reach the problem area while avoiding nearby obstacles, such as chairs, and then to coordinate its motions to wipe clean the surface while maintaining contact with the table. Solving this table wiping problem would help researchers address a broader range of robotics tasks, such as cleaning windows and opening doors, which require both high-level planning from visual observations and precise contact-rich control.


Learning-based techniques such as reinforcement learning (RL) offer the promise of solving these complex visuo-motor tasks from high-dimensional observations. However, applying end-to-end learning methods to mobile manipulation tasks remains challenging due to the increased dimensionality and the need for precise low-level control. Additionally, on-robot deployment either requires collecting large amounts of data, using accurate but computationally expensive models, or on-hardware fine-tuning.

In “Robotic Table Wiping via Reinforcement Learning and Whole-body Trajectory Optimization”, we present a novel approach to enable a robot to reliably wipe tables. By carefully decomposing the task, our approach combines the strengths of RL — the capacity to plan in high-dimensional observation spaces with complex stochastic dynamics — and the ability to optimize trajectories, effectively finding whole-body robot commands that ensure the satisfaction of constraints, such as physical limits and collision avoidance. Given visual observations of a surface to be cleaned, the RL policy selects wiping actions that are then executed using trajectory optimization. By leveraging a new stochastic differential equation (SDE) simulator of the wiping task to train the RL policy for high-level planning, the proposed end-to-end approach avoids the need for task-specific training data and is able to transfer zero-shot to hardware.

Combining the strengths of RL and of optimal control

We propose an end-to-end approach for table wiping that consists of four components: (1) sensing the environment, (2) planning high-level wiping waypoints with RL, (3) computing trajectories for the whole-body system (i.e., for each joint) with optimal control methods, and (4) executing the planned wiping trajectories with a low-level controller.

System Architecture

The novel component of this approach is an RL policy that effectively plans high-level wiping waypoints given image observations of spills and crumbs. To train the RL policy, we completely bypass the problem of collecting large amounts of data on the robotic system and avoid using an accurate but computationally expensive physics simulator. Our proposed approach relies on a stochastic differential equation (SDE) to model latent dynamics of crumbs and spills, which yields an SDE simulator with four key features:

  • It can describe both dry objects pushed by the wiper and liquids absorbed during wiping.
  • It can simultaneously capture multiple isolated spills.
  • It models the uncertainty of the changes to the distribution of spills and crumbs as the robot interacts with them.
  • It is faster than real-time: simulating a wipe only takes a few milliseconds.


The SDE simulator allows simulating dry crumbs (left), which are pushed during each wipe, and spills (right), which are absorbed while wiping. The simulator allows modeling particles with different properties, such as with different absorption and adhesion coefficients and different uncertainty levels.


The SDE simulator allows simulating dry crumbs (left), which are pushed during each wipe, and spills (right), which are absorbed while wiping. The simulator allows modeling particles with different properties, such as with different absorption and adhesion coefficients and different uncertainty levels.

This SDE simulator is able to rapidly generate large amounts of data for RL training. We validate the SDE simulator using observations from the robot by predicting the evolution of perceived particles for a given wipe. By comparing the result with perceived particles after executing the wipe, we observe that the model correctly predicts the general trend of the particle dynamics. A policy trained with this SDE model should be able to perform well in the real world.

Using this SDE model, we formulate a high-level wiping planning problem and train a vision-based wiping policy using RL. We train entirely in simulation without collecting a dataset using the robot. We simply randomize the initial state of the SDE to cover a wide range of particle dynamics and spill shapes that we may see in the real world.

In deployment, we first convert the robot’s image observations into black and white to better isolate the spills and crumb particles. We then use these “thresholded” images as the input to the RL policy. With this approach we do not require a visually-realistic simulator, which would be complex and potentially difficult to develop, and we are able to minimize the sim-to-real gap.

The RL policy’s inputs are thresholded image observations of the cleanliness state of the table. Its outputs are the desired wiping actions. The policy uses a ResNet50 neural network architecture followed by two fully-connected (FC) layers.

The desired wiping motions from the RL policy are executed with a whole-body trajectory optimizer that efficiently computes base and arm joint trajectories. This approach allows satisfying constraints, such as avoiding collisions, and enables zero-shot sim-to-real deployment.


Experimental results

We extensively validate our approach in simulation and on hardware. In simulation, our RL policies outperform heuristics-based baselines, requiring significantly fewer wipes to clean spills and crumbs. We also test our policies on problems that were not observed at training time, such as multiple isolated spill areas on the table, and find that the RL policies generalize well to these novel problems.

Example of wiping actions selected by the RL policy (left) and wiping performance compared with a baseline (middle, right). The baseline wipes to the center of the table, rotating after each wipe. We report the total dirty surface of the table (middle) and the spread of crumbs particles (right) after each additional wipe.

Our approach enables the robot to reliably wipe spills and crumbs (without accidentally pushing debris from the table) while avoiding collisions with obstacles like chairs.

For further results, please check out the video below:


The results from this work demonstrate that complex visuo-motor tasks such as table wiping can be reliably accomplished without expensive end-to-end training and on-robot data collection. The key consists of decomposing the task and combining the strengths of RL, trained using an SDE model of spill and crumb dynamics, with the strengths of trajectory optimization. We see this work as an important step towards general-purpose home-assistive robots. For more details, please check out the original paper.


We’d like to thank our coauthors Sumeet Singh, Mario Prats, Jeffrey Bingham, Jonathan Weisz, Benjie Holson, Xiaohan Zhang, Vikas Sindhwani, Yao Lu, Fei Xia, Peng Xu, Tingnan Zhang, and Jie Tan. We’d also like to thank Benjie Holson, Jake Lee, April Zitkovich, and Linda Luu for their help and support in various aspects of the project. We’re particularly grateful to the entire team at Everyday Robots for their partnership on this work, and for developing the platform on which these experiments were conducted.

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Directing ML toward natural hazard mitigation through collaboration

Directing ML toward natural hazard mitigation through collaboration

Floods are the most common type of natural disaster, affecting more than 250 million people globally each year. As part of Google’s Crisis Response and our efforts to address the climate crisis, we are using machine learning (ML) models for Flood Forecasting to alert people in areas that are impacted before disaster strikes.

Collaboration between researchers in the industry and academia is essential for accelerating progress towards mutual goals in ML-related research. Indeed, Google’s current ML-based flood forecasting approach was developed in collaboration with researchers (1, 2) at the Johannes Kepler University in Vienna, Austria, the University of Alabama, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, among others.

Today we discuss our recent Machine Learning Meets Flood Forecasting Workshop, which highlights efforts to bring together researchers from Google and other universities and organizations to advance our understanding of flood behavior and prediction, and build more robust solutions for early detection and warning. We also discuss the Caravan project, which is helping to create an open-source repository for global streamflow data, and is itself an example of a collaboration that developed from the previous Flood Forecasting Meets Machine Learning Workshop.

2023 Machine Learning Meets Flood Forecasting Workshop

The fourth annual Google Machine Learning Meets Flood Forecasting Workshop was held in January. This 2-day virtual workshop hosted over 100 participants from 32 universities, 20 governmental and non-governmental agencies, and 11 private companies. This forum provided an opportunity for hydrologists, computer scientists, and aid workers to discuss challenges and efforts toward improving global flood forecasts, to keep up with state-of-the-art technology advances, and to integrate domain knowledge into ML-based forecasting approaches.

The event included talks from six invited speakers, a series of small-group discussion sessions focused on hydrological modeling, inundation mapping, and hazard alerting–related topics, as well as a presentation by Google on the FloodHub, which provides free, public access to Google’s flood forecasts, up to 7 days in advance.

Invited speakers at the workshop included:

The presentations can be viewed on YouTube:

2023 Flood Forecasting Meets Machine Learning Talks Day 1

2023 Flood Forecasting Meets Machine Learning Talks Day 2

Some of the top challenges highlighted during the workshop were related to the integration of physical and hydrological science with ML to help build trust and reliability; filling gaps in observations of inundated areas with models and satellite data; measuring the skill and reliability of flood warning systems; and improving the communication of flood warnings to diverse, global populations. In addition, participants stressed that addressing these and other challenges will require collaboration between a number of different organizations and scientific disciplines.

The Caravan project

One of the main challenges in conducting successful ML research and creating advanced tools for flood forecasting is the need for large amounts of data for computationally expensive training and evaluation. Today, many countries and organizations collect streamflow data (typically either water levels or flow rates), but it is not standardized or held in a central repository, which makes it difficult for researchers to access.

During the 2019 Machine Learning Meets Flood Forecasting Workshop, a group of researchers identified the need for an open source, global streamflow data repository, and developed ideas around leveraging free computational resources from Google Earth Engine to address the flood forecasting community’s challenge of data collection and accessibility. Following two years of collaborative work between researchers from Google, the school of Geography at the University of Exeter, the Institute for Machine Learning at Johannes Kepler University, and the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science at ETH Zurich, the Caravan project was created.

In “Caravan – A global community dataset for large-sample hydrology”, published in Nature Scientific Data, we describe the project in more detail. Based on a global dataset for the development and training of hydrological models (see figure below), Caravan provides open-source Python scripts that leverage essential weather and geographical data that was previously made public on Google Earth Engine to match streamflow data that users upload to the repository. This repository originally contained data from more than 13,000 watersheds in Central Europe, Brazil, Chile, Australia, the United States, Canada, and Mexico. It has further benefited from community contributions from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland that includes streamflow data from most of the watersheds in Denmark. The goal is to continue to develop and grow this repository to enable researchers to access most of the world’s streamflow data. For more information regarding contributing to the Caravan dataset, reach out to

Locations of the 13,000 streamflow gauges in the Caravan dataset and the distribution of those gauges in GEnS global climate zones.

The path forward

Google plans to continue to host these workshops to help broaden and deepen collaboration between industry and academia in the development of environmental AI models. We are looking forward to seeing what advances might come out of the most recent workshop. Hydrologists and researchers interested in participating in future workshops are encouraged to contact

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How Project Starline improves remote communication

How Project Starline improves remote communication

As companies settle into a new normal of hybrid and distributed work, remote communication technology remains critical for connecting and collaborating with colleagues. While this technology has improved, the core user experience often falls short: conversation can feel stilted, attention can be difficult to maintain, and usage can be fatiguing.

Project Starline renders people at natural scale on a 3D display and enables natural eye contact.

At Google I/O 2021 we announced Project Starline, a technology project that combines advances in hardware and software to create a remote communication experience that feels like you’re together, even when you’re thousands of miles apart. This perception of co-presence is created by representing users in 3D at natural scale, enabling eye contact, and providing spatially accurate audio. But to what extent do these technological innovations translate to meaningful, observable improvement in user value compared to traditional video conferencing?

In this blog we share results from a number of studies across a variety of methodologies, finding converging evidence that Project Starline outperforms traditional video conferencing in terms of conversation dynamics, video meeting fatigue, and attentiveness. Some of these results were previously published while others we are sharing for the first time as preliminary findings.

Improved conversation dynamics

In our qualitative studies, users often describe conversations in Project Starline as “more natural.” However, when asked to elaborate, many have difficulty articulating this concept in a way that fully captures their experience. Because human communication relies partly on unconscious processes like nonverbal behavior, people might have a hard time reflecting on these processes that are potentially impacted by experiencing a novel technology. To address this challenge, we conducted a series of behavioral lab experiments to shed light on what “more natural” might mean for Project Starline. These experiments employed within-subjects designs in which participants experienced multiple conditions (e.g., meeting in Project Starline vs. traditional videoconferencing) in randomized order. This allowed us to control for between-subject differences by comparing how the same individual responded to a variety of conditions, thus increasing statistical power and reducing the sample size necessary to detect statistical differences (sample sizes in our behavioral experiments range from ~ 20 to 30).

In one study, preliminary data suggest Project Starline improves conversation dynamics by increasing rates of turn-taking. We recruited pairs of participants who had never met each other to have unstructured conversations in both Project Starline and traditional video conferencing. We analyzed the audio from each conversation and found that Project Starline facilitated significantly more dynamic “back and forth” conversations compared to traditional video conferencing. Specifically, participants averaged about 2-3 more speaker hand-offs in Project Starline conversations compared to those in traditional video conferencing across a two minute subsample of their conversation (a uniform selection at the end of each conversation to help standardize for interpersonal rapport). Participants also rated their Starline conversations as significantly more natural (“smooth,” “easy,” “not awkward”), higher in quality, and easier to recognize when it was their turn to speak compared to conversations using traditional video conferencing.

In another study, participants had conversations with a confederate in both Project Starline and traditional video conferencing. We recorded these conversations to analyze select nonverbal behaviors. In Project Starline, participants were more animated, using significantly more hand gestures (+43%), head nods (+26%), and eyebrow movements (+49%). Participants also reported a significantly better ability to perceive and convey nonverbal cues in Project Starline than in traditional video conferencing. Together with the turn-taking results, these data help explain why conversations in Project Starline may feel more natural.

We recorded participants to quantify their nonverbal behaviors and found that they were more animated in Project Starline (left) compared to traditional video conferencing (right).

Reduced video meeting fatigue

A well-documented challenge of video conferencing, especially within the workplace, is video meeting fatigue. The causes of video meeting fatigue are complex, but one possibility is that video communication is cognitively taxing because it becomes more difficult to convey and interpret nonverbal behavior. Considering previous findings that suggested Project Starline might improve nonverbal communication, we examined whether video meeting fatigue might also be improved (i.e., reduced) compared to traditional video conferencing.

Our study found preliminary evidence that Project Starline indeed reduces video meeting fatigue. Participants held 30-minute mock meetings in Project Starline and traditional video conferencing. Meeting content was standardized across participants using an exercise adapted from academic literature that emulates key elements of a work meeting, such as brainstorming and persuasion. We then measured video meeting fatigue via the Zoom Exhaustion and Fatigue (ZEF) Scale. Additionally, we measured participants’ reaction times on a complex cognitive task originally used in cognitive psychology. We repurposed this task as a proxy for video meeting fatigue based on the assumption that more fatigue would lead to slower reaction times. Participants reported significantly less video meeting fatigue on the ZEF Scale (-31%) and had faster reaction times (-12%) on the cognitive task after using Project Starline compared to traditional video conferencing.

Increased attentiveness

Another challenge with video conferencing is focusing attention on the meeting at hand, rather than on other browser windows or secondary devices.

In our earlier study on nonverbal behavior, we included an exploratory information-retention task. We asked participants to write as much as they could remember about each conversation (one in Project Starline, and one in traditional video conferencing). We found that participants wrote 28% more in this task (by character count) after their conversation in Project Starline. This could be because they paid closer attention when in Project Starline, or possibly that they found conversations in Project Starline to be more engaging.

To explore the concept of attentiveness further, we conducted a study in which participants wore eye-tracking glasses. This allowed us to calculate the percentage of time participants spent focusing on their conversation partner’s face, an important source of social information in human interaction. Participants had a conversation with a confederate in Project Starline, traditional video conferencing, and in person. We found that participants spent a significantly higher proportion of time looking at their conversation partner’s face in Project Starline (+14%) than they did in traditional video conferencing. In fact, visual attentiveness in Project Starline mirrored that of the in-person condition: participants spent roughly the same proportion of time focusing on their meeting partner’s face in the Project Starline and in-person conditions.

The use of eye-tracking glasses and facial detection software allowed us to quantify participants’ gaze patterns. The video above illustrates how a hypothetical participant’s eye tracking data (red dot) correspond to their meeting partner’s face (white box).

User value in real meetings

The lab-based, experimental approach used in the studies above allows for causal inference while minimizing confounding variables. However, one limitation of these studies is that they are low in external validity — that is, they took place in a lab environment, and the extent to which their results extend to the real world is unclear. Thus, we studied actual users within Google who used Project Starline for their day-to-day work meetings and collected their feedback.

An internal pilot revealed that users derive meaningful value from using Project Starline. We used post-meeting surveys to capture immediate feedback on individual meetings, longer monthly surveys to capture holistic feedback on the experience, and conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with a subset of users. We evaluated Project Starline on concepts such as presence, nonverbal behavior, attentiveness, and personal connection. We found strong evidence that Project Starline delivered across these four metrics, with over 87% of participants expressing that their meetings in Project Starline were better than their previous experiences with traditional video conferencing.


Together, these findings offer a compelling case for Project Starline’s value to users: improved conversation dynamics, reduced video meeting fatigue, and increased attentiveness. Participants expressed that Project Starline was a significant improvement over traditional video conferencing in highly controlled lab experiments, as well as when they used Project Starline for their actual work meetings. We’re excited to see these findings converge across multiple methodologies (surveys, qualitative interviews, experiments) and measurements (self-report, behavioral, qualitative), and we’re eager to continue exploring the implications of Project Starline on human interaction.


We’d like to thank Melba Tellez, Eric Baczuk, Jinghua Zhang, Matthew DuVall, and Travis Miller for contributing to visual assets and illustrations.

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Pre-trained Gaussian processes for Bayesian optimization

Pre-trained Gaussian processes for Bayesian optimization

Bayesian optimization (BayesOpt) is a powerful tool widely used for global optimization tasks, such as hyperparameter tuning, protein engineering, synthetic chemistry, robot learning, and even baking cookies. BayesOpt is a great strategy for these problems because they all involve optimizing black-box functions that are expensive to evaluate. A black-box function’s underlying mapping from inputs (configurations of the thing we want to optimize) to outputs (a measure of performance) is unknown. However, we can attempt to understand its internal workings by evaluating the function for different combinations of inputs. Because each evaluation can be computationally expensive, we need to find the best inputs in as few evaluations as possible. BayesOpt works by repeatedly constructing a surrogate model of the black-box function and strategically evaluating the function at the most promising or informative input location, given the information observed so far.

Gaussian processes are popular surrogate models for BayesOpt because they are easy to use, can be updated with new data, and provide a confidence level about each of their predictions. The Gaussian process model constructs a probability distribution over possible functions. This distribution is specified by a mean function (what these possible functions look like on average) and a kernel function (how much these functions can vary across inputs). The performance of BayesOpt depends on whether the confidence intervals predicted by the surrogate model contain the black-box function. Traditionally, experts use domain knowledge to quantitatively define the mean and kernel parameters (e.g., the range or smoothness of the black-box function) to express their expectations about what the black-box function should look like. However, for many real-world applications like hyperparameter tuning, it is very difficult to understand the landscapes of the tuning objectives. Even for experts with relevant experience, it can be challenging to narrow down appropriate model parameters.

In “Pre-trained Gaussian processes for Bayesian optimization”, we consider the challenge of hyperparameter optimization for deep neural networks using BayesOpt. We propose Hyper BayesOpt (HyperBO), a highly customizable interface with an algorithm that removes the need for quantifying model parameters for Gaussian processes in BayesOpt. For new optimization problems, experts can simply select previous tasks that are relevant to the current task they are trying to solve. HyperBO pre-trains a Gaussian process model on data from those selected tasks, and automatically defines the model parameters before running BayesOpt. HyperBO enjoys theoretical guarantees on the alignment between the pre-trained model and the ground truth, as well as the quality of its solutions for black-box optimization. We share strong results of HyperBO both on our new tuning benchmarks for near–state-of-the-art deep learning models and classic multi-task black-box optimization benchmarks (HPO-B). We also demonstrate that HyperBO is robust to the selection of relevant tasks and has low requirements on the amount of data and tasks for pre-training.

In the traditional BayesOpt interface, experts need to carefully select the mean and kernel parameters for a Gaussian process model. HyperBO replaces this manual specification with a selection of related tasks, making Bayesian optimization easier to use. The selected tasks are used for pre-training, where we optimize a Gaussian process such that it can gradually generate functions that are similar to the functions corresponding to those selected tasks. The similarity manifests in individual function values and variations of function values across the inputs.

Loss functions for pre-training

We pre-train a Gaussian process model by minimizing the Kullback–Leibler divergence (a commonly used divergence) between the ground truth model and the pre-trained model. Since the ground truth model is unknown, we cannot directly compute this loss function. To solve for this, we introduce two data-driven approximations: (1) Empirical Kullback–Leibler divergence (EKL), which is the divergence between an empirical estimate of the ground truth model and the pre-trained model; (2) Negative log likelihood (NLL), which is the the sum of negative log likelihoods of the pre-trained model for all training functions. The computational cost of EKL or NLL scales linearly with the number of training functions. Moreover, stochastic gradient–based methods like Adam can be employed to optimize the loss functions, which further lowers the cost of computation. In well-controlled environments, optimizing EKL and NLL lead to the same result, but their optimization landscapes can be very different. For example, in the simplest case where the function only has one possible input, its Gaussian process model becomes a Gaussian distribution, described by the mean (m) and variance (s). Hence the loss function only has those two parameters, m and s, and we can visualize EKL and NLL as follows:

We simulate the loss landscapes of EKL (left) and NLL (right) for a simple model with parameters m and s. The colors represent a heatmap of the EKL or NLL values, where red corresponds to higher values and blue denotes lower values. These two loss landscapes are very different, but they both aim to match the pre-trained model with the ground truth model.

Pre-training improves Bayesian optimization

In the BayesOpt algorithm, decisions on where to evaluate the black-box function are made iteratively. The decision criteria are based on the confidence levels provided by the Gaussian process, which are updated in each iteration by conditioning on previous data points acquired by BayesOpt. Intuitively, the updated confidence levels should be just right: not overly confident or too unsure, since in either of these two cases, BayesOpt cannot make the decisions that can match what an expert would do.

In HyperBO, we replace the hand-specified model in traditional BayesOpt with the pre-trained Gaussian process. Under mild conditions and with enough training functions, we can mathematically verify good theoretical properties of HyperBO: (1) Alignment: the pre-trained Gaussian process guarantees to be close to the ground truth model when both are conditioned on observed data points; (2) Optimality: HyperBO guarantees to find a near-optimal solution to the black-box optimization problem for any functions distributed according to the unknown ground truth Gaussian process.

We visualize the Gaussian process (areas shaded in purple are 95% and 99% confidence intervals) conditional on observations (black dots) from an unknown test function (orange line). Compared to the traditional BayesOpt without pre-training, the predicted confidence levels in HyperBO captures the unknown test function much better, which is a critical prerequisite for Bayesian optimization.

Empirically, to define the structure of pre-trained Gaussian processes, we choose to use very expressive mean functions modeled by neural networks, and apply well-defined kernel functions on inputs encoded to a higher dimensional space with neural networks.

To evaluate HyperBO on challenging and realistic black-box optimization problems, we created the PD1 benchmark, which contains a dataset for multi-task hyperparameter optimization for deep neural networks. PD1 was developed by training tens of thousands of configurations of near–state-of-the-art deep learning models on popular image and text datasets, as well as a protein sequence dataset. PD1 contains approximately 50,000 hyperparameter evaluations from 24 different tasks (e.g., tuning Wide ResNet on CIFAR100) with roughly 12,000 machine days of computation.

We demonstrate that when pre-training for only a few hours on a single CPU, HyperBO can significantly outperform BayesOpt with carefully hand-tuned models on unseen challenging tasks, including tuning ResNet50 on ImageNet. Even with only ~100 data points per training function, HyperBO can perform competitively against baselines.

Tuning validation error rates of ResNet50 on ImageNet and Wide ResNet (WRN) on the Street View House Numbers (SVHN) dataset and CIFAR100. By pre-training on only ~20 tasks and ~100 data points per task, HyperBO can significantly outperform traditional BayesOpt (with a carefully hand-tuned Gaussian process) on previously unseen tasks.

Conclusion and future work

HyperBO is a framework that pre-trains a Gaussian process and subsequently performs Bayesian optimization with a pre-trained model. With HyperBO, we no longer have to hand-specify the exact quantitative parameters in a Gaussian process. Instead, we only need to identify related tasks and their corresponding data for pre-training. This makes BayesOpt both more accessible and more effective. An important future direction is to enable HyperBO to generalize over heterogeneous search spaces, for which we are developing new algorithms by pre-training a hierarchical probabilistic model.


The following members of the Google Research Brain Team conducted this research: Zi Wang, George E. Dahl, Kevin Swersky, Chansoo Lee, Zachary Nado, Justin Gilmer, Jasper Snoek, and Zoubin Ghahramani. We’d like to thank Zelda Mariet and Matthias Feurer for help and consultation on transfer learning baselines. We’d also like to thank Rif A. Saurous for constructive feedback, and Rodolphe Jenatton and David Belanger for feedback on previous versions of the manuscript. In addition, we thank Sharat Chikkerur, Ben Adlam, Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Fei Sha and Eytan Bakshy for comments, and Setareh Ariafar and Alexander Terenin for conversations on animation. Finally, we thank Tom Small for designing the animation for this post.

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Scaling vision transformers to 22 billion parameters

Scaling vision transformers to 22 billion parameters

Large Language Models (LLMs) like PaLM or GPT-3 showed that scaling transformers to hundreds of billions of parameters improves performance and unlocks emergent abilities. The biggest dense models for image understanding, however, have reached only 4 billion parameters, despite research indicating that promising multimodal models like PaLI continue to benefit from scaling vision models alongside their language counterparts. Motivated by this, and the results from scaling LLMs, we decided to undertake the next step in the journey of scaling the Vision Transformer.

In “Scaling Vision Transformers to 22 Billion Parameters”, we introduce the biggest dense vision model, ViT-22B. It is 5.5x larger than the previous largest vision backbone, ViT-e, which has 4 billion parameters. To enable this scaling, ViT-22B incorporates ideas from scaling text models like PaLM, with improvements to both training stability (using QK normalization) and training efficiency (with a novel approach called asynchronous parallel linear operations). As a result of its modified architecture, efficient sharding recipe, and bespoke implementation, it was able to be trained on Cloud TPUs with a high hardware utilization1. ViT-22B advances the state of the art on many vision tasks using frozen representations, or with full fine-tuning. Further, the model has also been successfully used in PaLM-e, which showed that a large model combining ViT-22B with a language model can significantly advance the state of the art in robotics tasks.


Our work builds on many advances from LLMs, such as PaLM and GPT-3. Compared to the standard Vision Transformer architecture, we use parallel layers, an approach in which attention and MLP blocks are executed in parallel, instead of sequentially as in the standard Transformer. This approach was used in PaLM and reduced training time by 15%.

Secondly, ViT-22B omits biases in the QKV projections, part of the self-attention mechanism, and in the LayerNorms, which increases utilization by 3%. The diagram below shows the modified transformer architecture used in ViT-22B:

ViT-22B transformer encoder architecture uses parallel feed-forward layers, omits biases in QKV and LayerNorm layers and normalizes Query and Key projections.

Models at this scale necessitate “sharding” — distributing the model parameters in different compute devices. Alongside this, we also shard the activations (the intermediate representations of an input). Even something as simple as a matrix multiplication necessitates extra care, as both the input and the matrix itself are distributed across devices. We develop an approach called asynchronous parallel linear operations, whereby communications of activations and weights between devices occur at the same time as computations in the matrix multiply unit (the part of the TPU holding the vast majority of the computational capacity). This asynchronous approach minimizes the time waiting on incoming communication, thus increasing device efficiency. The animation below shows an example computation and communication pattern for a matrix multiplication.

Asynchronized parallel linear operation. The goal is to compute the matrix multiplication y = Ax, but both the matrix A and activation x are distributed across different devices. Here we illustrate how it can be done with overlapping communication and computation across devices. The matrix A is column-sharded across the devices, each holding a contiguous slice, each block represented as Aij. More details are in the paper.

At first, the new model scale resulted in severe training instabilities. The normalization approach of Gilmer et al. (2023, upcoming) resolved these issues, enabling smooth and stable model training; this is illustrated below with example training progressions.

The effect of normalizing the queries and keys (QK normalization) in the self-attention layer on the training dynamics. Without QK normalization (red) gradients become unstable and the training loss diverges.


Here we highlight some results of ViT-22B. Note that in the paper we also explore several other problem domains, like video classification, depth estimation, and semantic segmentation.

To illustrate the richness of the learned representation, we train a text model to produce representations that align text and image representations (using LiT-tuning). Below we show several results for out-of-distribution images generated by Parti and Imagen:

Examples of image+text understanding for ViT-22B paired with a text model. The graph shows normalized probability distribution for each description of an image.

Human object recognition alignment

To find out how aligned ViT-22B classification decisions are with human classification decisions, we evaluated ViT-22B fine-tuned with different resolutions on out-of-distribution (OOD) datasets for which human comparison data is available via the model-vs-human toolbox. This toolbox measures three key metrics: How well do models cope with distortions (accuracy)? How different are human and model accuracies (accuracy difference)? Finally, how similar are human and model error patterns (error consistency)? While not all fine-tuning resolutions perform equally well, ViT-22B variants are state of the art for all three metrics. Furthermore, the ViT-22B models also have the highest ever recorded shape bias in vision models. This means that they mostly use object shape, rather than object texture, to inform classification decisions — a strategy known from human perception (which has a shape bias of 96%). Standard models (e.g., ResNet-50, which has aa ~20–30% shape bias) often classify images like the cat with elephant texture below according to the texture (elephant); models with a high shape bias tend to focus on the shape instead (cat). While there are still many important differences between human and model perception, ViT-22B shows increased similarities to human visual object recognition.

Cat or elephant? Car or clock? Bird or bicycle? Example images with the shape of one object and the texture of a different object, used to measure shape/texture bias.
Shape bias evaluation (higher = more shape-biased). Many vision models have a low shape / high texture bias, whereas ViT-22B fine-tuned on ImageNet (red, green, blue trained on 4B images as indicated by brackets after model names, unless trained on ImageNet only) have the highest shape bias recorded in a ML model to date, bringing them closer to a human-like shape bias.

Out-of-distribution performance

Measuring performance on OOD datasets helps assess generalization. In this experiment we construct label-maps (mappings of labels between datasets) from JFT to ImageNet and also from ImageNet to different out-of-distribution datasets like ObjectNet (results after pre-training on this data shown in the left curve below). Then the models are fully fine-tuned on ImageNet.

We observe that scaling Vision Transformers increases OOD performance: even though ImageNet accuracy saturates, we see a significant increase on ObjectNet from ViT-e to ViT-22B (shown by the three orange dots in the upper right below).

Even though ImageNet accuracy saturates, we see a significant increase in performance on ObjectNet from ViT-e/14 to ViT-22B.

Linear probe

Linear probe is a technique where a single linear layer is trained on top of a frozen model. Compared to full fine-tuning, this is much cheaper to train and easier to set up. We observed that the linear probe of ViT-22B performance approaches that of state-of-the-art full fine-tuning of smaller models using high-resolution images (training with higher resolution is generally much more expensive, but for many tasks it yields better results). Here are results of a linear probe trained on the ImageNet dataset and evaluated on the ImageNet validation dataset and other OOD ImageNet datasets.

Linear probe results trained on ImageNet, evaluated on Imagenet-ReaL, ImageNet-v2, ObjectNet, ImageNet-R and ImageNet-A datasets. High-resolution fine-tuned ViT-e/14 provided as a reference.


The knowledge of the bigger model can be transferred to a smaller model using the distillation method. This is helpful as big models are slower and more expensive to use. We found that ViT-22B knowledge can be transferred to smaller models like ViT-B/16 and ViT-L/16, achieving a new state of the art on ImageNet for those model sizes.

Model Approach (dataset) ImageNet1k Accuracy
ViT-B/16       Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale (JFT)       84.2
Scaling Vision Transformers (JFT) 86.6
DeiT III: Revenge of the ViT (INet21k) 86.7
Distilled from ViT-22B (JFT) 88.6
ViT-L/16 Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale (JFT) 87.1
Scaling Vision Transformers (JFT) 88.5
DeiT III: Revenge of the ViT (INet21k) 87.7
Distilled from ViT-22B (JFT) 89.6

Fairness and bias

ML models can be susceptible to unintended unfair biases, such as picking up spurious correlations (measured using demographic parity) or having performance gaps across subgroups. We show that scaling up the size helps in mitigating such issues.

First, scale offers a more favorable tradeoff frontier — performance improves with scale even when the model is post-processed after training to control its level of demographic parity below a prescribed, tolerable level. Importantly, this holds not only when performance is measured in terms of accuracy, but also other metrics, such as calibration, which is a statistical measure of the truthfulness of the model’s estimated probabilities. Second, classification of all subgroups tends to improve with scale as demonstrated below. Third, ViT-22B reduces the performance gap across subgroups.

Top: Accuracy for each subgroup in CelebA before debiasing. Bottom: The y-axis shows the absolute difference in performance across the two specific subgroups highlighted in this example: females and males. ViT-22B has a small gap in performance compared to smaller ViT architectures.


We have presented ViT-22B, currently the largest vision transformer model at 22 billion parameters. With small but critical changes to the original architecture, we achieved excellent hardware utilization and training stability, yielding a model that advances the state of the art on several benchmarks. Great performance can be achieved using the frozen model to produce embeddings and then training thin layers on top. Our evaluations further show that ViT-22B shows increased similarities to human visual perception when it comes to shape and texture bias, and offers benefits in fairness and robustness, when compared to existing models.


This is a joint work of Mostafa Dehghani, Josip Djolonga, Basil Mustafa, Piotr Padlewski, Jonathan Heek, Justin Gilmer, Andreas Steiner, Mathilde Caron, Robert Geirhos, Ibrahim Alabdulmohsin, Rodolphe Jenatton, Lucas Beyer, Michael Tschannen, Anurag Arnab, Xiao Wang, Carlos Riquelme, Matthias Minderer, Joan Puigcerver, Utku Evci, Manoj Kumar, Sjoerd van Steenkiste, Gamaleldin Fathy, Elsayed Aravindh Mahendran, Fisher Yu, Avital Oliver, Fantine Huot, Jasmijn Bastings, Mark Patrick Collier, Alexey Gritsenko, Vighnesh Birodkar, Cristina Vasconcelos, Yi Tay, Thomas Mensink, Alexander Kolesnikov, Filip Pavetić, Dustin Tran, Thomas Kipf, Mario Lučić, Xiaohua Zhai, Daniel Keysers Jeremiah Harmsen, and Neil Houlsby

We would like to thank Jasper Uijlings, Jeremy Cohen, Arushi Goel, Radu Soricut, Xingyi Zhou, Lluis Castrejon, Adam Paszke, Joelle Barral, Federico Lebron, Blake Hechtman, and Peter Hawkins. Their expertise and unwavering support played a crucial role in the completion of this paper. We also acknowledge the collaboration and dedication of the talented researchers and engineers at Google Research.

1Note: ViT-22B has 54.9% model FLOPs utilization (MFU) while PaLM reported
46.2% MFU and we measured 44.0% MFU for ViT-e on the same hardware. 

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Data-centric ML benchmarking: Announcing DataPerf’s 2023 challenges

Data-centric ML benchmarking: Announcing DataPerf’s 2023 challenges

Machine learning (ML) offers tremendous potential, from diagnosing cancer to engineering safe self-driving cars to amplifying human productivity. To realize this potential, however, organizations need ML solutions to be reliable with ML solution development that is predictable and tractable. The key to both is a deeper understanding of ML data — how to engineer training datasets that produce high quality models and test datasets that deliver accurate indicators of how close we are to solving the target problem.

The process of creating high quality datasets is complicated and error-prone, from the initial selection and cleaning of raw data, to labeling the data and splitting it into training and test sets. Some experts believe that the majority of the effort in designing an ML system is actually the sourcing and preparing of data. Each step can introduce issues and biases. Even many of the standard datasets we use today have been shown to have mislabeled data that can destabilize established ML benchmarks. Despite the fundamental importance of data to ML, it’s only now beginning to receive the same level of attention that models and learning algorithms have been enjoying for the past decade.

Towards this goal, we are introducing DataPerf, a set of new data-centric ML challenges to advance the state-of-the-art in data selection, preparation, and acquisition technologies, designed and built through a broad collaboration across industry and academia. The initial version of DataPerf consists of four challenges focused on three common data-centric tasks across three application domains; vision, speech and natural language processing (NLP). In this blogpost, we outline dataset development bottlenecks confronting researchers and discuss the role of benchmarks and leaderboards in incentivizing researchers to address these challenges. We invite innovators in academia and industry who seek to measure and validate breakthroughs in data-centric ML to demonstrate the power of their algorithms and techniques to create and improve datasets through these benchmarks.

Data is the new bottleneck for ML

Data is the new code: it is the training data that determines the maximum possible quality of an ML solution. The model only determines the degree to which that maximum quality is realized; in a sense the model is a lossy compiler for the data. Though high-quality training datasets are vital to continued advancement in the field of ML, much of the data on which the field relies today is nearly a decade old (e.g., ImageNet or LibriSpeech) or scraped from the web with very limited filtering of content (e.g., LAION or The Pile).

Despite the importance of data, ML research to date has been dominated by a focus on models. Before modern deep neural networks (DNNs), there were no ML models sufficient to match human behavior for many simple tasks. This starting condition led to a model-centric paradigm in which (1) the training dataset and test dataset were “frozen” artifacts and the goal was to develop a better model, and (2) the test dataset was selected randomly from the same pool of data as the training set for statistical reasons. Unfortunately, freezing the datasets ignored the ability to improve training accuracy and efficiency with better data, and using test sets drawn from the same pool as training data conflated fitting that data well with actually solving the underlying problem.

Because we are now developing and deploying ML solutions for increasingly sophisticated tasks, we need to engineer test sets that fully capture real world problems and training sets that, in combination with advanced models, deliver effective solutions. We need to shift from today’s model-centric paradigm to a data-centric paradigm in which we recognize that for the majority of ML developers, creating high quality training and test data will be a bottleneck.

Shifting from today’s model-centric paradigm to a data-centric paradigm enabled by quality datasets and data-centric algorithms like those measured in DataPerf.

Enabling ML developers to create better training and test datasets will require a deeper understanding of ML data quality and the development of algorithms, tools, and methodologies for optimizing it. We can begin by recognizing common challenges in dataset creation and developing performance metrics for algorithms that address those challenges. For instance:

  • Data selection: Often, we have a larger pool of available data than we can label or train on effectively. How do we choose the most important data for training our models?
  • Data cleaning: Human labelers sometimes make mistakes. ML developers can’t afford to have experts check and correct all labels. How can we select the most likely-to-be-mislabeled data for correction?

We can also create incentives that reward good dataset engineering. We anticipate that high quality training data, which has been carefully selected and labeled, will become a valuable product in many industries but presently lack a way to assess the relative value of different datasets without actually training on the datasets in question. How do we solve this problem and enable quality-driven “data acquisition”?

DataPerf: The first leaderboard for data

We believe good benchmarks and leaderboards can drive rapid progress in data-centric technology. ML benchmarks in academia have been essential to stimulating progress in the field. Consider the following graph which shows progress on popular ML benchmarks (MNIST, ImageNet, SQuAD, GLUE, Switchboard) over time:

Performance over time for popular benchmarks, normalized with initial performance at minus one and human performance at zero. (Source: Douwe, et al. 2021; used with permission.)

Online leaderboards provide official validation of benchmark results and catalyze communities intent on optimizing those benchmarks. For instance, Kaggle has over 10 million registered users. The MLPerf official benchmark results have helped drive an over 16x improvement in training performance on key benchmarks.

DataPerf is the first community and platform to build leaderboards for data benchmarks, and we hope to have an analogous impact on research and development for data-centric ML. The initial version of DataPerf consists of leaderboards for four challenges focused on three data-centric tasks (data selection, cleaning, and acquisition) across three application domains (vision, speech and NLP):

  • Training data selection (Vision): Design a data selection strategy that chooses the best training set from a large candidate pool of weakly labeled training images.
  • Training data selection (Speech): Design a data selection strategy that chooses the best training set from a large candidate pool of automatically extracted clips of spoken words.
  • Training data cleaning (Vision): Design a data cleaning strategy that chooses samples to relabel from a “noisy” training set where some of the labels are incorrect.
  • Training dataset evaluation (NLP): Quality datasets can be expensive to construct, and are becoming valuable commodities. Design a data acquisition strategy that chooses which training dataset to “buy” based on limited information about the data.

For each challenge, the DataPerf website provides design documents that define the problem, test model(s), quality target, rules and guidelines on how to run the code and submit. The live leaderboards are hosted on the Dynabench platform, which also provides an online evaluation framework and submission tracker. Dynabench is an open-source project, hosted by the MLCommons Association, focused on enabling data-centric leaderboards for both training and test data and data-centric algorithms.

How to get involved

We are part of a community of ML researchers, data scientists and engineers who strive to improve data quality. We invite innovators in academia and industry to measure and validate data-centric algorithms and techniques to create and improve datasets through the DataPerf benchmarks. The deadline for the first round of challenges is May 26th, 2023.


The DataPerf benchmarks were created over the last year by engineers and scientists from:, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich, Google, Harvard University, Meta, ML Commons, Stanford University. In addition, this would not have been possible without the support of DataPerf working group members from Carnegie Mellon University, Digital Prism Advisors, Factored, Hugging Face, Institute for Human and Machine Cognition,, San Diego Supercomputing Center, Thomson Reuters Lab, and TU Eindhoven.

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Leveraging transfer learning for large scale differentially private image classification

Leveraging transfer learning for large scale differentially private image classification

Large deep learning models are becoming the workhorse of a variety of critical machine learning (ML) tasks. However, it has been shown that without any protection it is plausible for bad actors to attack a variety of models, across modalities, to reveal information from individual training examples. As such, it’s essential to protect against this sort of information leakage.

Differential privacy (DP) provides formal protection against an attacker who aims to extract information about the training data. The most popular method for DP training in deep learning is differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD). The core recipe implements a common theme in DP: “fuzzing” an algorithm’s outputs with noise to obscure the contributions of any individual input.

In practice, DP training can be very expensive or even ineffective for very large models. Not only does the computational cost typically increase when requiring privacy guarantees, but the noise also increases proportionally. Given these challenges, there has recently been much interest in developing methods that enable efficient DP training. The goal is to develop simple and practical methods for producing high-quality large-scale private models.

The ImageNet classification benchmark is an effective test bed for this goal because 1) it is a challenging task even in the non-private setting, that requires sufficiently large models to successfully classify large numbers of varied images and 2) it is a public, open-source dataset, which other researchers can access and use for collaboration. With this approach, researchers may simulate a practical situation where a large model is required to train on private data with DP guarantees.

To that end, today we discuss improvements we’ve made in training high-utility, large-scale private models. First, in “Large-Scale Transfer Learning for Differentially Private Image Classification”, we share strong results on the challenging task of image classification on the ImageNet-1k dataset with DP constraints. We show that with a combination of large-scale transfer learning and carefully chosen hyperparameters it is indeed possible to significantly reduce the gap between private and non-private performance even on challenging tasks and high-dimensional models. Then in “Differentially Private Image Classification from Features”, we further show that privately fine-tuning just the last layer of pre-trained model with more advanced optimization algorithms improves the performance even further, leading to new state-of-the-art DP results across a variety of popular image classification benchmarks, including ImageNet-1k. To encourage further development in this direction and enable other researchers to verify our findings, we are also releasing the associated source code.

Transfer learning and differential privacy

The main idea behind transfer learning is to reuse the knowledge gained from solving one problem and then apply it to a related problem. This is especially useful when there is limited or low-quality data available for the target problem as it allows us to leverage the knowledge gained from a larger and more diverse public dataset.

In the context of DP, transfer learning has emerged as a promising technique to improve the accuracy of private models, by leveraging knowledge learned from pre-training tasks. For example, if a model has already been trained on a large public dataset for a similar privacy-sensitive task, it can be fine-tuned on a smaller and more specific dataset for the target DP task. More specifically, one first pre-trains a model on a large dataset with no privacy concerns, and then privately fine-tunes the model on the sensitive dataset. In our work, we improve the effectiveness of DP transfer learning and illustrate it by simulating private training on publicly available datasets, namely ImageNet-1k, CIFAR-100, and CIFAR-10.

Better pre-training improves DP performance

To start exploring how transfer learning can be effective for differentially private image classification tasks, we carefully examined hyperparameters affecting DP performance. Surprisingly, we found that with carefully chosen hyperparameters (e.g., initializing the last layer to zero and choosing large batch sizes), privately fine-tuning just the last layer of a pre-trained model yields significant improvements over the baseline. Training just the last layer also significantly improves the cost-utility ratio of training a high-quality image classification model with DP.

As shown below, we compare the performance on ImageNet of the best hyperparameter recommendations both with and without privacy and across a variety of model and pre-training dataset sizes. We find that scaling the model and using a larger pre-training dataset decreases the gap in accuracy coming from the addition of the privacy guarantee. Typically, privacy guarantees of a system are characterized by a positive parameter ε, with smaller ε corresponding to better privacy. In the following figure, we use the privacy guarantee of ε = 10.

Comparing our best models with and without privacy on ImageNet across model and pre-training dataset sizes. The X-axis shows the different Vision Transformer models we used for this study in ascending order of model size from left to right. We used JFT-300M to pretrain B/16, L/16 and H/14 models, JFT-4B (a larger version of JFT-3B) to pretrain H/14-4b and JFT-3B to pretrain G/14-3b. We do this in order to study the effectiveness of jointly scaling the model and pre-training dataset (JFT-3B or 4B). The Y-axis shows the Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1k test set once the model is finetuned (in the private or non-private way) with the ImageNet-1k training set. We consistently see that the scaling of the model and the pre-training dataset size decreases the gap in accuracy coming from the addition of the privacy guarantee of ε = 10.

Better optimizers improve DP performance

Somewhat surprisingly, we found that privately training just the last layer of a pre-trained model provides the best utility with DP. While past studies [1, 2, 3] largely relied on using first-order differentially private training algorithms like DP-SGD for training large models, in the specific case of privately learning just the last layer from features, we observe that computational burden is often low enough to allow for more sophisticated optimization schemes, including second-order methods (e.g., Newton or Quasi-Newton methods), which can be more accurate but also more computationally expensive.

In “Differentially Private Image Classification from Features”, we systematically explore the effect of loss functions and optimization algorithms. We find that while the commonly used logistic regression performs better than linear regression in the non-private setting, the situation is reversed in the private setting: least-squares linear regression is much more effective than logistic regression from both a privacy and computational standpoint for typical range of ε values ([1, 10]), and even more effective for stricter epsilon values (ε < 1).

We further explore using DP Newton’s method to solve logistic regression. We find that this is still outperformed by DP linear regression in the high privacy regime. Indeed, Newton’s method involves computing a Hessian (a matrix that captures second-order information), and making this matrix differentially private requires adding far more noise in logistic regression than in linear regression, which has a highly structured Hessian.

Building on this observation, we introduce a method that we call differentially private SGD with feature covariance (DP-FC), where we simply replace the Hessian in logistic regression with privatized feature covariance. Since feature covariance only depends on the inputs (and neither on model parameters nor class labels), we are able to share it across classes and training iterations, thus greatly reducing the amount of noise that needs to be added to protect it. This allows us to combine the benefits of using logistic regression with the efficient privacy protection of linear regression, leading to improved privacy-utility trade-off.

With DP-FC, we surpass previous state-of-the-art results considerably on three private image classification benchmarks, namely ImageNet-1k, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, just by performing DP fine-tuning on features extracted from a powerful pre-trained model.

Comparison of top-1 accuracies (Y-axis) with private fine-tuning using DP-FC method on all three datasets across a range of ε (X-axis). We observe that better pre-training helps even more for lower values of ε (stricter privacy guarantee).


We demonstrate that large-scale pre-training on a public dataset is an effective strategy for obtaining good results when fine-tuned privately. Moreover, scaling both model size and pre-training dataset improves performance of the private model and narrows the quality gap compared to the non-private model. We further provide strategies to effectively use transfer learning for DP. Note that this work has several limitations worth considering — most importantly our approach relies on the availability of a large and trustworthy public dataset, which can be challenging to source and vet. We hope that our work is useful for training large models with meaningful privacy guarantees!


In addition to the authors of this blogpost, this research was conducted by Abhradeep Thakurta, Alex Kurakin and Ashok Cutkosky. We are also grateful to the developers of Jax, Flax, and Scenic libraries. Specifically, we would like to thank Mostafa Dehghani for helping us with Scenic and high-performance vision baselines and Lucas Beyer for help with deduping the JFT data. We are also grateful to Li Zhang, Emil Praun, Andreas Terzis, Shuang Song, Pierre Tholoniat, Roxana Geambasu, and Steve Chien for stimulating discussions on differential privacy throughout the project. Additionally, we thank anonymous reviewers, Gautam Kamath and Varun Kanade for helpful feedback throughout the publication process. Finally, we would like to thank John Anderson and Corinna Cortes from Google Research, Borja Balle, Soham De, Sam Smith, Leonard Berrada, and Jamie Hayes from DeepMind for generous feedback.

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