The Data Cards Playbook: A Toolkit for Transparency in Dataset Documentation

The Data Cards Playbook: A Toolkit for Transparency in Dataset Documentation

As machine learning (ML) research moves toward large-scale models capable of numerous downstream tasks, a shared understanding of a dataset’s origin, development, intent, and evolution becomes increasingly important for the responsible and informed development of ML models. However, knowledge about datasets, including use and implementations, is often distributed across teams, individuals, and even time. Earlier this year at the ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT), we published Data Cards, a dataset documentation framework aimed at increasing transparency across dataset lifecycles. Data Cards are transparency artifacts that provide structured summaries of ML datasets with explanations of processes and rationale that shape the data and describe how the data may be used to train or evaluate models. At minimum, Data Cards include the following: (1) upstream sources, (2) data collection and annotation methods, (3) training and evaluation methods, (4) intended use, and (5) decisions affecting model performance.

In practice, two critical factors determine the success of a transparency artifact, the ability to identify the information decision-makers use and the establishment of processes and guidance needed to acquire that information. We started to explore this idea in our paper with three “scaffolding” frameworks designed to adapt Data Cards to a variety of datasets and organizational contexts. These frameworks helped us create boundary infrastructures, which are the processes and engagement models that complement technical and functional infrastructure necessary to communicate information between communities of practice. Boundary infrastructures enable dataset stakeholders to find common ground used to provide diverse input into decisions for the creation, documentation, and use of datasets.

Today, we introduce the Data Cards Playbook, a self-guided toolkit for a variety of teams to navigate transparency challenges with their ML datasets. The Playbook applies a human-centered design approach to documentation — from planning a transparency strategy and defining the audience to writing reader-centric summaries of complex datasets — to ensure that the usability and utility of the documented datasets are well understood. We’ve created participatory activities to navigate typical obstacles in setting up a dataset transparency effort, frameworks that can scale data transparency to new data types, and guidance that researchers, product teams and companies can use to produce Data Cards that reflect their organizational principles.

The Data Cards Playbook incorporates the latest in fairness, accountability, and transparency research.

The Data Cards Playbook

We created the Playbook using a multi-pronged approach that included surveys, artifact analysis, interviews, and workshops. We studied what Googlers wanted to know about datasets and models, and how they used that information in their day-to-day work. Over the past two years, we deployed templates for transparency artifacts used by fifteen teams at Google, and when bottlenecks arose, we partnered with these teams to determine appropriate workarounds. We then created over twenty Data Cards that describe image, language, tabular, video, audio, and relational datasets in production settings, some of which are now available on GitHub. This multi-faceted approach provided insights into the documentation workflows, collaborative information-gathering practices, information requests from downstream stakeholders, and review and assessment practices for each Google team.

Moreover, we spoke with design, policy, and technology experts across the industry and academia to get their unique feedback on the Data Cards we created. We also incorporated our learnings from a series of workshops at ACM FAccT in 2021. Within Google, we evaluated the effectiveness and scalability of our solutions with ML researchers, data scientists, engineers, AI ethics reviewers, product managers, and leadership. In the Data Cards Playbook, we’ve translated successful approaches into repeatable practices that can easily be adapted to unique team needs.

Activities, Foundations, and Transparency Patterns

The Data Cards Playbook is modeled after sprints and co-design practices, so cross-functional teams and their stakeholders can work together to define transparency with an eye for real-world problems they experience when creating dataset documentation and governance solutions. The thirty-three available Activities invite broad, critical perspectives from a wide variety of stakeholders, so Data Cards can be useful for decisions across the dataset lifecycle. We partnered with researchers from the Responsible AI team at Google to create activities that can reflect considerations of fairness and accountability. For example, we’ve adapted Evaluation Gaps in ML practices into a worksheet for more complete dataset documentation.

Download readily-available activity templates to use the Data Cards Playbook in your organization.

We’ve formed Transparency Patterns with evidence-based guidance to help anticipate challenges faced when producing transparent documentation, offer best practices that improve transparency, and make Data Cards useful for readers from different backgrounds. The challenges and their workarounds are based on data and insights from Googlers, industry experts, and academic research.

Patterns help unblock teams with recommended practices, caution against common pitfalls, and suggested alternatives to roadblocks.

The Playbook also includes Foundations, which are scalable concepts and frameworks that explore fundamental aspects of transparency as new contexts of data modalities and ML arise. Each Foundation supports different product development stages and includes key takeaways, actions for teams, and handy resources.

Playbook Modules

The Playbook is organized into four modules: (1) Ask, (2) Inspect, (3) Answer, and (3) Audit. Each module contains a growing compendium of materials teams can use within their workflows to tackle transparency challenges that frequently co-occur. Since Data Cards were created with scalability and extensibility in mind, modules leverage divergence-converge thinking that teams may already use, so documentation isn’t an afterthought. The Ask and Inspect modules help create and evaluate Data Card templates for organizational needs and principles. The Answer and Audit modules help data teams complete the templates and evaluate the resulting Data Cards.

In Ask, teams define transparency and optimize their dataset documentation for cross-functional decision-making. Participatory activities create opportunities for Data Card readers to have a say in what constitutes transparency in the dataset’s documentation. These address specific challenges and are rated for different intensities and durations so teams can mix-and-match activities around their needs.

The Inspect module contains activities to identify gaps and opportunities in dataset transparency and processes from user-centric and dataset-centric perspectives. It supports teams in refining, validating, and operationalizing Data Card templates across an organization so readers can arrive at reasonable conclusions about the datasets described.

The Answer module contains transparency patterns and dataset-exploration activities to answer challenging and ambiguous questions. Topics covered include preparing for transparency, writing reader-centric summaries in documentation, unpacking the usability and utility of datasets, and maintaining a Data Card over time.

The Audit module helps data teams and organizations set up processes to evaluate completed Data Cards before they are published. It also contains guidance to measure and track how a transparency effort for multiple datasets scales within organizations.

In Practice

A data operations team at Google used an early version of the Lenses and Scopes Activities from the Ask modules to create a customized Data Card template. Interestingly, we saw them use this template across their workflow till datasets were handed off. They used Data Cards to take dataset requests from research teams, tracked the various processes to create the datasets, collected metadata from vendors responsible for annotations, and managed approvals. Their experiences of iterating with experts and managing updates are reflected in our Transparency Patterns.

Another data governance group used a more advanced version of the activities to interview stakeholders for their ML health-related initiative. Using these descriptions, they identified stakeholders to co-create their Data Card schema. Voting on Lenses was used to rule out typical documentation questions, and identify atypical documentation needs specific to their data type, and important for decisions frequently made by ML leadership and tactical roles within their team. These questions were then used to customize existing metadata schemas in their data repositories.


We present the Data Cards Playbook, a continuous and contextual approach to dataset transparency that deliberately considers all relevant materials and contexts. With this, we hope to establish and promote practice-oriented foundations for transparency to pave the path for researchers to develop ML systems and datasets that are responsible and benefit society.

In addition to the four Playbook modules described, we’re also open-sourcing a card builder, which generates interactive Data Cards from a Markdown file. You can see the builder in action in the GEM Benchmark project’s Data Cards. The Data Cards created were a result of activities from this Playbook, in which the GEM team identified improvements across all dimensions, and created an interactive collection tool designed around scopes.

We acknowledge that this is not a comprehensive solution for fairness, accountability, or transparency in itself. We’ll continue to improve the Playbook using lessons learned. We hope the Data Cards Playbook can become a robust platform for collaboratively advancing transparency research, and invite you to make this your own.


This work was done in collaboration with Reena Jana, Vivian Tsai, and Oddur Kjartansson. We want to thank Donald Gonzalez, Dan Nanas, Parker Barnes, Laura Rosenstein, Diana Akrong, Monica Caraway, Ding Wang, Danielle Smalls, Aybuke Turker, Emily Brouillet, Andrew Fuchs, Sebastian Gehrmann, Cassie Kozyrkov, Alex Siegman, and Anthony Keene for their immense contributions; and Meg Mitchell and Timnit Gebru for championing this work.

We also want to thank Adam Boulanger, Lauren Wilcox, Roxanne Pinto, Parker Barnes, and Ayça Çakmakli for their feedback; Tulsee Doshi, Dan Liebling, Meredith Morris, Lucas Dixon, Fernanda Viegas, Jen Gennai, and Marian Croak for their support. This work would not have been possible without our workshop and study participants, and numerous partners, whose insights and experiences have shaped this Playbook.

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Mixture-of-Experts with Expert Choice Routing

Mixture-of-Experts with Expert Choice Routing

The capacity of a neural network to absorb information is limited by the number of its parameters, and as a consequence, finding more effective ways to increase model parameters has become a trend in deep learning research. Mixture-of-experts (MoE), a type of conditional computation where parts of the network are activated on a per-example basis, has been proposed as a way of dramatically increasing model capacity without a proportional increase in computation. In sparsely-activated variants of MoE models (e.g., Switch Transformer, GLaM, V-MoE), a subset of experts is selected on a per-token or per-example basis, thus creating sparsity in the network. Such models have demonstrated better scaling in multiple domains and better retention capability in a continual learning setting (e.g., Expert Gate). However, a poor expert routing strategy can cause certain experts to be under-trained, leading to an expert being under or over-specialized.

In “Mixture-of-Experts with Expert Choice Routing”, presented at NeurIPS 2022, we introduce a novel MoE routing algorithm called Expert Choice (EC). We discuss how this novel approach can achieve optimal load balancing in an MoE system while allowing heterogeneity in token-to-expert mapping. Compared to token-based routing and other routing methods in traditional MoE networks, EC demonstrates very strong training efficiency and downstream task scores. Our method resonates with one of the vision for Pathways, which is to enable heterogeneous mixture-of-experts via Pathways MPMD (multi program, multi data) support.

Overview of MoE Routing

MoE operates by adopting a number of experts, each as a sub-network, and activating only one or a few experts for each input token. A gating network must be chosen and optimized in order to route each token to the most suited expert(s). Depending on how tokens are mapped to experts, MoE can be sparse or dense. Sparse MoE only selects a subset of experts when routing each token, reducing computational cost as compared to a dense MoE. For example, recent work has implemented sparse routing via k-means clustering, linear assignment to maximize token-expert affinities, or hashing. Google also recently announced GLaM and V-MoE, both of which advance the state of the art in natural language processing and computer vision via sparsely gated MoE with top-k token routing, demonstrating better performance scaling with sparsely activated MoE layers. Many of these prior works used a token choice routing strategy in which the routing algorithm picks the best one or two experts for each token.

Token Choice Routing. The routing algorithm picks the top-1 or top-2 experts with highest affinity scores for each token. The affinity scores can be trained together with model parameters.

The independent token choice approach often leads to an imbalanced load of experts and under-utilization. In order to mitigate this, previous sparsely gated networks introduced additional auxiliary losses as regularization to prevent too many tokens being routed to a single expert, but the effectiveness was limited. As a result, token choice routings need to overprovision expert capacity by a significant margin (2x–8x of the calculated capacity) to avoid dropping tokens when there is a buffer overflow.

In addition to load imbalance, most prior works allocate a fixed number of experts to each token using a top-k function, regardless of the relative importance of different tokens. We argue that different tokens should be received by a variable number of experts, conditioned on token importance or difficulty.

Expert Choice Routing

To address the above issues, we propose a heterogeneous MoE that employs the expert choice routing method illustrated below. Instead of having tokens select the top-k experts, the experts with predetermined buffer capacity are assigned to the top-k tokens. This method guarantees even load balancing, allows a variable number of experts for each token, and achieves substantial gains in training efficiency and downstream performance. EC routing speeds up training convergence by over 2x in an 8B/64E (8 billion activated parameters, 64 experts) model, compared to the top-1 and top-2 gating counterparts in Switch Transformer, GShard, and GLaM.

Expert Choice Routing. Experts with predetermined buffer capacity are assigned top-k tokens, thus guaranteeing even load balancing. Each token can be received by a variable number of experts.

In EC routing, we set expert capacity k as the average tokens per expert in a batch of input sequences multiplied by a capacity factor, which determines the average number of experts that can be received by each token. To learn the token-to-expert affinity, our method produces a token-to-expert score matrix that is used to make routing decisions. The score matrix indicates the likelihood of a given token in a batch of input sequences being routed to a given expert.

Similar to Switch Transformer and GShard, we apply an MoE and gating function in the dense feedforward (FFN) layer, as it is the most computationally expensive part of a Transformer-based network. After producing the token-to-expert score matrix, a top-k function is applied along the token dimension for each expert to pick the most relevant tokens. A permutation function is then applied based on the generated indexes of the token, to create a hidden value with an additional expert dimension. The data is split across multiple experts such that all experts can execute the same computational kernel concurrently on a subset of tokens. Because a fixed expert capacity can be determined, we no longer overprovision expert capacity due to load imbalancing, thus significantly reducing training and inference step time by around 20% compared to GLaM.


To illustrate the effectiveness of Expert Choice routing, we first look at training efficiency and convergence. We use EC with a capacity factor of 2 (EC-CF2) to match the activated parameter size and computational cost on a per-token basis to GShard top-2 gating and run both for a fixed number of steps. EC-CF2 reaches the same perplexity as GShard top-2 in less than half the steps and, in addition, we find that each GShard top-2 step is 20% slower than our method.

We also scale the number of experts while fixing the expert size to 100M parameters for both EC and GShard top-2 methods. We find that both work well in terms of perplexity on the evaluation dataset during pre-training — having more experts consistently improves training perplexity.

Evaluation results on training convergence: EC routing yields 2x faster convergence at 8B/64E scale compared to top-2 gating used in GShard and GLaM (top). EC training perplexity scales better with the scaling of number of experts (bottom).

To validate whether improved perplexity directly translates to better performance in downstream tasks, we perform fine-tuning on 11 selected tasks from GLUE and SuperGLUE. We compare three MoE methods including Switch Transformer top-1 gating (ST Top-1), GShard top-2 gating (GS Top-2) and a version of our method (EC-CF2) that matches the activated parameters and computational cost of GS Top-2. The EC-CF2 method consistently outperforms the related methods and yields an average accuracy increase of more than 2% in a large 8B/64E setting. Comparing our 8B/64E model against its dense counterpart, our method achieves better fine-tuning results, increasing the average score by 3.4 points.

Our empirical results indicate that capping the number of experts for each token hurts the fine-tuning score by 1 point on average. This study confirms that allowing a variable number of experts per token is indeed helpful. On the other hand, we compute statistics on token-to-expert routing, particularly on the ratio of tokens that have been routed to a certain number of experts. We find that a majority of tokens have been routed to one or two experts while 23% have been routed to three or four experts and only about 3% tokens have been routed to more than four experts, thus verifying our hypothesis that expert choice routing learns to allocate a variable number of experts to tokens.

Final Thoughts

We propose a new routing method for sparsely activated mixture-of-experts models. This method addresses load imbalance and under-utilization of experts in conventional MoE methods, and enables the selection of different numbers of experts for each token. Our model demonstrates more than 2x training efficiency improvement when compared to the state-of-the-art GShard and Switch Transformer models, and achieves strong gains when fine-tuning on 11 datasets in the GLUE and SuperGLUE benchmark.

Our approach for expert choice routing enables heterogeneous MoE with straightforward algorithmic innovations. We hope that this may lead to more advances in this space at both the application and system levels.


Many collaborators across google research supported this work. We particularly thank Nan Du, Andrew Dai, Yanping Huang, and Zhifeng Chen for the initial ground work on MoE infrastructure and Tarzan datasets. We greatly appreciate Hanxiao Liu and Quoc Le for contributing the initial ideas and discussions. Tao Lei, Vincent Zhao, Da Huang, Chang Lan, Daiyi Peng, and Yifeng Lu contributed significantly on implementations and evaluations. Claire Cui, James Laudon, Martin Abadi, and Jeff Dean provided invaluable feedback and resource support.

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A conversation with Thomas Friedman about AI

A conversation with Thomas Friedman about AI

Technology has an unmistakable impact on society — the way we work, learn and play have all changed significantly over the past decade. As SVP of Technology and Society, part of my work at Google is connecting people and ideas to help shape the future of our most ambitious technology and its impact on society, and to do it responsibly.

An important part of that is talking to and learning from experts in a variety of fields and disciplines. Recently I sat down with a brilliant friend, New York Times columnist and author Thomas L. Friedman, to compare notes and discuss some big questions on our minds.

A behind-the-scenes view of Thomas Friedman and James Manyika filming their conversation, with glass windows and greenery from Google's Bay View campus in the background. Thomas, at left, is smiling and facing James, who is motioning with his hands and looking at Thomas. A person operating a camera is filming them in the foreground.

Thomas Friedman and James Manyika in conversation at Google’s Bay View campus.

We had a lot to cover, as it had been a couple of years since our last such in-person conversation due to the pandemic. Much of our discussion focused on AI and how it affects society, but we also discussed what Tom has been observing, how we as a society shape technology, and why we think this moment in time is an inflection point akin to the printing press or the industrial revolution.

To close our conversation, I asked Tom what keeps him optimistic about the future. His answer reinforces my belief that getting technology right is a collective responsibility involving the whole of society — from open, honest conversations like this to better understand the opportunities and challenges, to defining policy, and responsibly creating new and societally-beneficial applications.

I always learn something new when I have these conversations with Tom, and I’m excited to share more insights and dialogues on YouTube soon.

Visit YouTubeto see more of James’ conversation with Thomas Friedman.

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Hear what Google’s first Responsible Innovation intern learned

In 2018, we launched Google’s AI Principles to ensure we’re building AI that not only solves important problems and helps people in their daily lives, but also AI that is ethical, fair and safe. At the same time, we launched a central Responsible Innovation team to ensure the rest of Google is held accountable to these AI Principles. As the team grows, we continue to incorporate the perspectives and ideas of people from around the world — and this spring we welcomed our first intern, Lieke Dom. Lieke is based in Amsterdam, recently got her Master’s in Digital Business & Innovation, and is completing her Master’s in Applied Ethics.

I sat down with Lieke to learn more about her experience so far, including how her educational career led her here and what she’s learned from the internship.

Can you tell me a bit about your background?

In undergrad, I studied Communication Science and had some exposure to subjects like ethics and philosophy of technology. Studying at a technical university triggered my interest in this field, so I started a Masters in Philosophy of Science, Technology & Society. While I felt the tools and methodologies that you learn in philosophy are important to technology and business, I realized I didn’t want to go into pure philosophy as my main profession.

Why is that?

I think of ethical decision making as a skill that’s essential to most — if not all — professions. In order for a company, or a society, to truly build ethical technology, everyone involved in the research and product development process has to be equipped with ethical and responsible problem solving skills.

How did this thinking shape your educational focus?

I wanted to think about ethical problems with an emphasis on how we can apply methodologies from ethics and philosophy to contemporary issues. So, I pivoted to a Digital Business & Innovation degree followed by a Masters in Applied Ethics, both of which I’m completing during my internship. By combining these programs, I learned a lot about the opportunities technology provides businesses and the challenges that arise as a result of technological innovation.

Both of those degrees seem really well suited for the field of Responsible Innovation — did you know this was the field you wanted to go into when you chose those degrees?

While I knew I wanted to go into a field that combined ethics and technology, I didn’t know that a team like the Responsible Innovation team existed for most of my academic career. I chose studies based on my interests, but I wasn’t sure what it could bring me in my further career. Then, during my first Masters, a friend of mine gave me a book by Barbara Sher called Refuse to Choose!, which highlights the power of combining seemingly distinct fields. Reading about other people who didn’t choose a specific course and instead studied what interests them made me realize that the most important thing is that your journey makes sense to you. Although my degrees felt pretty haphazard (to others), it made sense to me how these areas complement each other. However, I was unsure about how these would come together in a professional career. So I was excited to find out about Google’s Responsible Innovation initiatives and AI Principles and eventually find a role on this team.

Did your understanding of tech ethics change during your internship?

During my internship I got to sit in on some AI Principles Reviews, a process that assesses proposals for new AI research and application for alignment with our Principles. I’m also working on expanding our body of external case studies so that we can share our learnings with AI practitioners everywhere — my colleague Dr. Molly FitzMorris recently published our team’s first business school case study in partnership with the Berkeley Haas School of Business. I’ve enjoyed working on these case studies because they show how our Principles are operationalized across the whole company.

These experiences deepened my belief that ethical decision making is an important skill for everyone to have, from developers, to designers, and researchers beyond teams like Responsible Innovation. Being on this team has also reinforced that it’s essential to have people tasked with taking deep dives into what the ethical development of technologies like AI should look like, ensuring that other people put those ideas into practice. Ethics aren’t defined or static, so it’s important to have people who devote themselves completely to it.

Can you share any key learnings and takeaways from your internship?

Stay eager to learn, and always ask a lot of questions. Find what genuinely interests you, and don’t be afraid if that strays from traditional or linear career paths; even if those areas don’t seem directly related, interdisciplinary skills and thinking are incredibly valuable.

And if you’re interested in going into tech, don’t limit yourself to purely technical fields. These days, technology is interwoven into almost all aspects of our everyday lives. Understanding the human and cultural components of new technology is essential to understanding its broader impact — and ensuring that it is really serving everyone.

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Characterizing Emergent Phenomena in Large Language Models

Characterizing Emergent Phenomena in Large Language Models

The field of natural language processing (NLP) has been revolutionized by language models trained on large amounts of text data. Scaling up the size of language models often leads to improved performance and sample efficiency on a range of downstream NLP tasks. In many cases, the performance of a large language model can be predicted by extrapolating the performance trend of smaller models. For instance, the effect of scale on language model perplexity has been empirically shown to span more than seven orders of magnitude.

On the other hand, performance for certain other tasks does not improve in a predictable fashion. For example, the GPT-3 paper showed that the ability of language models to perform multi-digit addition has a flat scaling curve (approximately random performance) for models from 100M to 13B parameters, at which point the performance jumped substantially. Given the growing use of language models in NLP research and applications, it is important to better understand abilities such as these that can arise unexpectedly.

In “Emergent Abilities of Large Language Models,” recently published in the Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR), we discuss the phenomena of emergent abilities, which we define as abilities that are not present in small models but are present in larger models. More specifically, we study emergence by analyzing the performance of language models as a function of language model scale, as measured by total floating point operations (FLOPs), or how much compute was used to train the language model. However, we also explore emergence as a function of other variables, such as dataset size or number of model parameters (see the paper for full details). Overall, we present dozens of examples of emergent abilities that result from scaling up language models. The existence of such emergent abilities raises the question of whether additional scaling could potentially further expand the range of capabilities of language models.

Emergent Prompted Tasks

First we discuss emergent abilities that may arise in prompted tasks. In such tasks, a pre-trained language model is given a prompt for a task framed as next word prediction, and it performs the task by completing the response. Without any further fine-tuning, language models can often perform tasks that were not seen during training.

Example of few-shot prompting on movie review sentiment classification. The model is given one example of a task (classifying a movie review as positive or negative) and then performs the task on an unseen example.

We call a prompted task emergent when it unpredictably surges from random performance to above-random at a specific scale threshold. Below we show three examples of prompted tasks with emergent performance: multi-step arithmetic, taking college-level exams, and identifying the intended meaning of a word. In each case, language models perform poorly with very little dependence on model size up to a threshold at which point their performance suddenly begins to excel.

The ability to perform multi-step arithmetic (left), succeed on college-level exams (middle), and identify the intended meaning of a word in context (right) all emerge only for models of sufficiently large scale. The models shown include LaMDA, GPT-3, Gopher, Chinchilla, and PaLM.

Performance on these tasks only becomes non-random for models of sufficient scale — for instance, above 1022 training FLOPs for the arithmetic and multi-task NLU tasks, and above 1024 training FLOPs for the word in context tasks. Note that although the scale at which emergence occurs can be different for different tasks and models, no model showed smooth improvement in behavior on any of these tasks. Dozens of other emergent prompted tasks are listed in our paper.

Emergent Prompting Strategies

The second class of emergent abilities encompasses prompting strategies that augment the capabilities of language models. Prompting strategies are broad paradigms for prompting that can be applied to a range of different tasks. They are considered emergent when they fail for small models and can only be used by a sufficiently-large model.

One example of an emergent prompting strategy is called “chain-of-thought prompting”, for which the model is prompted to generate a series of intermediate steps before giving the final answer. Chain-of-thought prompting enables language models to perform tasks requiring complex reasoning, such as a multi-step math word problem. Notably, models acquire the ability to do chain-of-thought reasoning without being explicitly trained to do so. An example of chain-of-thought prompting is shown in the figure below.

Chain of thought prompting enables sufficiently large models to solve multi-step reasoning problems.

The empirical results of chain-of-thought prompting are shown below. For smaller models, applying chain-of-thought prompting does not outperform standard prompting, for example, when applied to GSM8K, a challenging benchmark of math word problems. However, for large models (1024 FLOPs), chain-of-thought prompting substantially improves performance in our tests, reaching a 57% solve rate on GSM8K.

Chain-of-thought prompting is an emergent ability — it fails to improve performance for small language models, but substantially improves performance for large models. Here we illustrate the difference between standard and chain-of-thought prompting at different scales for two language models, LaMDA and PaLM.

Implications of Emergent Abilities

The existence of emergent abilities has a range of implications. For example, because emergent few-shot prompted abilities and strategies are not explicitly encoded in pre-training, researchers may not know the full scope of few-shot prompted abilities of current language models. Moreover, the emergence of new abilities as a function of model scale raises the question of whether further scaling will potentially endow even larger models with new emergent abilities.

Identifying emergent abilities in large language models is a first step in understanding such phenomena and their potential impact on future model capabilities. Why does scaling unlock emergent abilities? Because computational resources are expensive, can emergent abilities be unlocked via other methods without increased scaling (e.g., better model architectures or training techniques)? Will new real-world applications of language models become unlocked when certain abilities emerge? Analyzing and understanding the behaviors of language models, including emergent behaviors that arise from scaling, is an important research question as the field of NLP continues to grow.


It was an honor and privilege to work with Rishi Bommasani, Colin Raffel, Barret Zoph, Sebastian Borgeaud, Dani Yogatama, Maarten Bosma, Denny Zhou, Donald Metzler, Ed H. Chi, Tatsunori Hashimoto, Oriol Vinyals, Percy Liang, Jeff Dean, and William Fedus.

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Multi-layered Mapping of Brain Tissue via Segmentation Guided Contrastive Learning

Multi-layered Mapping of Brain Tissue via Segmentation Guided Contrastive Learning

Mapping the wiring and firing activity of the human brain is fundamental to deciphering how we think — how we sense the world, learn, decide, remember, and create — as well as what issues can arise in brain disease or dysfunction. Recent efforts have delivered publicly available brain maps (high-resolution 3D mapping of brain cells and their connectivities) at unprecedented quality and scale, such as H01, a 1.4 petabyte nanometer-scale digital reconstruction of a sample of human brain tissue from Harvard / Google, and the cubic millimeter mouse cortex dataset from our colleagues at the MICrONS consortium.

To interpret brain maps at this scale requires multiple layers of analysis, including the identification of synaptic connections, cellular subcompartments, and cell types. Machine learning and computer vision technology have played a central role in enabling these analyses, but deploying such systems is still a laborious process, requiring hours of manual ground truth labeling by expert annotators and significant computational resources. Moreover, some important tasks, such as identifying the cell type from only a small fragment of axon or dendrite, can be challenging even for human experts, and have not yet been effectively automated.

Today, in “Multi-Layered Maps of Neuropil with Segmentation-Guided Contrastive Learning”, we are announcing Segmentation-Guided Contrastive Learning of Representations (SegCLR), a method for training rich, generic representations of cellular morphology (the cell’s shape) and ultrastructure (the cell’s internal structure) without laborious manual effort. SegCLR produces compact vector representations (i.e., embeddings) that are applicable across diverse downstream tasks (e.g., local classification of cellular subcompartments, unsupervised clustering), and are even able to identify cell types from only small fragments of a cell. We trained SegCLR on both the H01 human cortex dataset and the MICrONS mouse cortex dataset, and we are releasing the resulting embedding vectors, about 8 billion in total, for researchers to explore.

From brain cells segmented out of a 3D block of tissue, SegCLR embeddings capture cellular morphology and ultrastructure and can be used to distinguish cellular subcompartments (e.g., dendritic spine versus dendrite shaft) or cell types (e.g., pyramidal versus microglia cell).

Representing Cellular Morphology and Ultrastructure

SegCLR builds on recent advances in self-supervised contrastive learning. We use a standard deep network architecture to encode inputs comprising local 3D blocks of electron microscopy data (about 4 micrometers on a side) into 64-dimensional embedding vectors. The network is trained via a contrastive loss to map semantically related inputs to similar coordinates in the embedding space. This is close to the popular SimCLR setup, except that we also require an instance segmentation of the volume (tracing out individual cells and cell fragments), which we use in two important ways.

First, the input 3D electron microscopy data are explicitly masked by the segmentation, forcing the network to focus only on the central cell within each block. Second, we leverage the segmentation to automatically define which inputs are semantically related: positive pairs for the contrastive loss are drawn from nearby locations on the same segmented cell and trained to have similar representations, while inputs drawn from different cells are trained to have dissimilar representations. Importantly, publicly available automated segmentations of the human and mouse datasets were sufficiently accurate to train SegCLR without requiring laborious review and correction by human experts.

SegCLR is trained to represent rich cellular features without manual labeling. Top: The SegCLR architecture maps local masked 3D views of electron microscopy data to embedding vectors. Only the microscopy volume and a draft automated instance segmentation are required. Bottom: The segmentation is also used to define positive versus negative example pairs, whose representations are pushed closer together (positives, blue arrows) or further apart (negatives, red arrows) during training.

Reducing Annotation Training Requirements by Three Orders of Magnitude

SegCLR embeddings can be used in diverse downstream settings, whether supervised (e.g., training classifiers) or unsupervised (e.g., clustering or content-based image retrieval). In the supervised setting, embeddings simplify the training of classifiers, and can greatly reduce ground truth labeling requirements. For example, we found that for identifying cellular subcompartments (axon, dendrite, soma, etc.) a simple linear classifier trained on top of SegCLR embeddings outperformed a fully supervised deep network trained on the same task, while using only about one thousand labeled examples instead of millions.

We assessed the classification performance for axon, dendrite, soma, and astrocyte subcompartments in the human cortex dataset via mean F1-Score, while varying the number of training examples used. Linear classifiers trained on top of SegCLR embeddings matched or exceeded the performance of a fully supervised deep classifier (horizontal line), while using a fraction of the training data.

Distinguishing Cell Types, Even from Small Fragments

Distinguishing different cell types is an important step towards understanding how brain circuits develop and function in health and disease. Human experts can learn to identify some cortical cell types based on morphological features, but manual cell typing is laborious and ambiguous cases are common. Cell typing also becomes more difficult when only small fragments of cells are available, which is common for many cells in current connectomic reconstructions.

Human experts manually labeled cell types for a small number of proofread cells in each dataset. In the mouse cortex dataset, experts labeled six neuron types (top) and four glia types (not shown). In the human cortex dataset, experts labeled two neuron types (not shown) and four glia types (bottom). (Rows not to scale with each other.)

We found that SegCLR accurately infers human and mouse cell types, even for small fragments. Prior to classification, we collected and averaged embeddings within each cell over a set aggregation distance, defined as the radius from a central point. We found that human cortical cell types can be identified with high accuracy for aggregation radii as small as 10 micrometers, even for types that experts find difficult to distinguish, such as microglia (MGC) versus oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC).

SegCLR can classify cell types, even from small fragments. Left: Classification performance over six human cortex cell types for shallow ResNet models trained on SegCLR embeddings for different sized cell fragments. Aggregation radius zero corresponds to very small fragments with only a single embedding. Cell type performance reaches high accuracy (0.938 mean F1-Score) for fragments with aggregation radii of only 10 micrometers (boxed point). Right: Class-wise confusion matrix at 10 micrometers aggregation radius. Darker shading along the diagonal indicates that predicted cell types agree with expert labels in most cases. AC: astrocyte; MGC: microglia cell; OGC: oligodendrocyte cell; OPC: oligodendrocyte precursor cell; E: excitatory neuron; I: inhibitory neuron.

In the mouse cortex, ten cell types could be distinguished with high accuracy at aggregation radii of 25 micrometers.

Left: Classification performance over the ten mouse cortex cell types reaches 0.832 mean F1-Score for fragments with aggregation radius 25 micrometers (boxed point). Right: The class-wise confusion matrix at 25 micrometers aggregation radius. Boxes indicate broad groups (glia, excitatory neurons, and inhibitory interneurons). P: pyramidal cell; THLC: thalamocortical axon; BC: basket cell; BPC: bipolar cell; MC: Martinotti cell; NGC: neurogliaform cell.

In additional cell type applications, we used unsupervised clustering of SegCLR embeddings to reveal further neuronal subtypes, and demonstrated how uncertainty estimation can be used to restrict classification to high confidence subsets of the dataset, e.g., when only a few cell types have expert labels.

Revealing Patterns of Brain Connectivity

Finally, we showed how SegCLR can be used for automated analysis of brain connectivity by cell typing the synaptic partners of reconstructed cells throughout the mouse cortex dataset. Knowing the connectivity patterns between specific cell types is fundamental to interpreting large-scale connectomic reconstructions of brain wiring, but this typically requires manual tracing to identify partner cell types. Using SegCLR, we replicated brain connectivity findings that previously relied on intensive manual tracing, while extending their scale in terms of the number of synapses, cell types, and brain areas analyzed. (See the paper for further details.)

SegCLR automated analysis of brain connectivity. Top: An example mouse pyramidal cell, with synapse locations color-coded according to whether the synaptic partner was classified as inhibitory (blue), excitatory (red), or unknown (black). Inset shows higher detail of the soma and proximal dendrites. Bottom: We counted how many upstream synaptic partners were classified as thalamocortical axons, which bring input from sensory systems to the cortex. We found that thalamic input arrives primarily at cortical layer L4, the canonical cortical input layer, and preferentially targets primary visual area V1, rather than higher visual areas (HVA).

What’s Next?

SegCLR captures rich cellular features and can greatly simplify downstream analyses compared to working directly with raw image and segmentation data. We are excited to see what the community can discover using the ~8 billion embeddings we are releasing for the human and mouse cortical datasets (example access code; browsable human and mouse views in Neuroglancer). By reducing complex microscopy data to rich and compact embedding representations, SegCLR opens many novel avenues for biological insight, and may serve as a link to complementary modalities for high-dimensional characterization at the cellular and subcellular levels, such as spatially-resolved transcriptomics.

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ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models

ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models


Recent advances have expanded the applicability of language models (LM) to downstream tasks. On one hand, existing language models that are properly prompted, via chain-of-thought, demonstrate emergent capabilities that carry out self-conditioned reasoning traces to derive answers from questions, excelling at various arithmetic, commonsense, and symbolic reasoning tasks. However, with chain-of-thought prompting, a model is not grounded in the external world and uses its own internal representations to generate reasoning traces, limiting its ability to reactively explore and reason or update its knowledge. On the other hand, recent work uses pre-trained language models for planning and acting in various interactive environments (e.g., text games, web navigation, embodied tasks, robotics), with a focus on mapping text contexts to text actions via the language model’s internal knowledge. However, they do not reason abstractly about high-level goals or maintain a working memory to support acting over long horizons.

In “ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models”, we propose a general paradigm that combines reasoning and acting advances to enable language models to solve various language reasoning and decision making tasks. We demonstrate that the Reason+Act (ReAct) paradigm systematically outperforms reasoning and acting only paradigms, when prompting bigger language models and fine-tuning smaller language models. The tight integration of reasoning and acting also presents human-aligned task-solving trajectories that improve interpretability, diagnosability, and controllability..

Model Overview

ReAct enables language models to generate both verbal reasoning traces and text actions in an interleaved manner. While actions lead to observation feedback from an external environment (“Env” in the figure below), reasoning traces do not affect the external environment. Instead, they affect the internal state of the model by reasoning over the context and updating it with useful information to support future reasoning and acting.

Previous methods prompt language models (LM) to either generate self-conditioned reasoning traces or task-specific actions. We propose ReAct, a new paradigm that combines reasoning and acting advances in language models.

ReAct Prompting

We focus on the setup where a frozen language model, PaLM-540B, is prompted with few-shot in-context examples to generate both domain-specific actions (e.g., “search” in question answering, and “go to” in room navigation), and free-form language reasoning traces (e.g., “Now I need to find a cup, and put it on the table”) for task solving.

For tasks where reasoning is of primary importance, we alternate the generation of reasoning traces and actions so that the task-solving trajectory consists of multiple reasoning-action-observation steps. In contrast, for decision making tasks that potentially involve a large number of actions, reasoning traces only need to appear sparsely in the most relevant positions of a trajectory, so we write prompts with sparse reasoning and let the language model decide the asynchronous occurrence of reasoning traces and actions for itself.

As shown below, there are various types of useful reasoning traces, e.g., decomposing task goals to create action plans, injecting commonsense knowledge relevant to task solving, extracting important parts from observations, tracking task progress while maintaining plan execution, handling exceptions by adjusting action plans, and so on.

The synergy between reasoning and acting allows the model to perform dynamic reasoning to create, maintain, and adjust high-level plans for acting (reason to act), while also interacting with the external environments (e.g., Wikipedia) to incorporate additional information into reasoning (act to reason).

ReAct Fine-tuning

We also explore fine-tuning smaller language models using ReAct-format trajectories. To reduce the need for large-scale human annotation, we use the ReAct prompted PaLM-540B model to generate trajectories, and use trajectories with task success to fine-tune smaller language models (PaLM-8/62B).

Comparison of four prompting methods, (a) Standard, (b) Chain of thought (CoT, Reason Only), (c) Act-only, and (d) ReAct, solving a HotpotQA question. In-context examples are omitted, and only the task trajectory is shown. ReAct is able to retrieve information to support reasoning, while also using reasoning to target what to retrieve next, demonstrating a synergy of reasoning and acting.


We conduct empirical evaluations of ReAct and state-of-the-art baselines across four different benchmarks: question answering (HotPotQA), fact verification (Fever), text-based game (ALFWorld), and web page navigation (WebShop). For HotPotQA and Fever, with access to a Wikipedia API with which the model can interact, ReAct outperforms vanilla action generation models while being competitive with chain of thought reasoning (CoT) performance. The approach with the best results is a combination of ReAct and CoT that uses both internal knowledge and externally obtained information during reasoning.

HotpotQA (exact match, 6-shot)    FEVER (accuracy, 3-shot)
Standard 28.7 57.1
Reason-only (CoT) 29.4 56.3
Act-only 25.7 58.9
ReAct 27.4 60.9
Best ReAct + CoT Method 35.1 64.6
Supervised SoTA 67.5 (using ~140k samples) 89.5 (using ~90k samples)

PaLM-540B prompting results on HotpotQA and Fever.

On ALFWorld and WebShop, ReAct with both one-shot and two-shot prompting outperforms imitation and reinforcement learning methods trained with ~105 task instances, with an absolute improvement of 34% and 10% in success rates, respectively, over existing baselines.

AlfWorld (2-shot) WebShop (1-shot)
Act-only 45 30.1
ReAct 71 40
Imitation Learning Baselines     37 (using ~100k samples)     29.1 (using ~90k samples)

PaLM-540B prompting task success rate results on AlfWorld and WebShop.
Scaling results for prompting and fine-tuning on HotPotQA with ReAct and different baselines. ReAct consistently achieves best fine-tuning performances.
A comparison of the ReAct (top) and CoT (bottom) reasoning trajectories on an example from Fever (observation for ReAct is omitted to reduce space). In this case ReAct provided the right answer, and it can be seen that the reasoning trajectory of ReAct is more grounded on facts and knowledge, in contrast to CoT’s hallucination behavior.

We also explore human-in-the-loop interactions with ReAct by allowing a human inspector to edit ReAct’s reasoning traces. We demonstrate that by simply replacing a hallucinating sentence with inspector hints, ReAct can change its behavior to align with inspector edits and successfully complete a task. Solving tasks becomes significantly easier when using ReAct as it only requires the manual editing of a few thoughts, which enables new forms of human-machine collaboration.

A human-in-the-loop behavior correction example with ReAct on AlfWorld. (a) ReAct trajectory fails due to a hallucinating reasoning trace (Act 17). (b) A human inspector edits two reasoning traces (Act 17, 23), ReAct then produces desirable reasoning traces and actions to complete the task.


We present ReAct, a simple yet effective method for synergizing reasoning and acting in language models. Through various experiments that focus on multi-hop question-answering, fact checking, and interactive decision-making tasks, we show that ReAct leads to superior performance with interpretable decision traces.

ReAct demonstrates the feasibility of jointly modeling thought, actions and feedback from the environment within a language model, making it a versatile agent that is capable of solving tasks that require interactions with the environment. We plan to further extend this line of research and leverage the strong potential of the language model for tackling broader embodied tasks, via approaches like massive multitask training and coupling ReAct with equally strong reward models.


We would like to thank Jeffrey Zhao, Dian Yu, Nan Du, Izhak Shafran and Karthik Narasimhan for their great contribution in this work. We would also like to thank Google’s Brain team and the Princeton NLP Group for their joint support and feedback, including project scoping, advising and insightful discussions.

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Infinite Nature: Generating 3D Flythroughs from Still Photos

Infinite Nature: Generating 3D Flythroughs from Still Photos

We live in a world of great natural beauty — of majestic mountains, dramatic seascapes, and serene forests. Imagine seeing this beauty as a bird does, flying past richly detailed, three-dimensional landscapes. Can computers learn to synthesize this kind of visual experience? Such a capability would allow for new kinds of content for games and virtual reality experiences: for instance, relaxing within an immersive flythrough of an infinite nature scene. But existing methods that synthesize new views from images tend to allow for only limited camera motion.

In a research effort we call Infinite Nature, we show that computers can learn to generate such rich 3D experiences simply by viewing nature videos and photographs. Our latest work on this theme, InfiniteNature-Zero (presented at ECCV 2022) can produce high-resolution, high-quality flythroughs starting from a single seed image, using a system trained only on still photographs, a breakthrough capability not seen before. We call the underlying research problem perpetual view generation: given a single input view of a scene, how can we synthesize a photorealistic set of output views corresponding to an arbitrarily long, user-controlled 3D path through that scene? Perpetual view generation is very challenging because the system must generate new content on the other side of large landmarks (e.g., mountains), and render that new content with high realism and in high resolution.

Example flythrough generated with InfiniteNature-Zero. It takes a single input image of a natural scene and synthesizes a long camera path flying into that scene, generating new scene content as it goes.

Background: Learning 3D Flythroughs from Videos

To establish the basics of how such a system could work, we’ll describe our first version, “Infinite Nature: Perpetual View Generation of Natural Scenes from a Single Image” (presented at ICCV 2021). In that work we explored a “learn from video” approach, where we collected a set of online videos captured from drones flying along coastlines, with the idea that we could learn to synthesize new flythroughs that resemble these real videos. This set of online videos is called the Aerial Coastline Imagery Dataset (ACID). In order to learn how to synthesize scenes that respond dynamically to any desired 3D camera path, however, we couldn’t simply treat these videos as raw collections of pixels; we also had to compute their underlying 3D geometry, including the camera position at each frame.

The basic idea is that we learn to generate flythroughs step-by-step. Given a starting view, like the first image in the figure below, we first compute a depth map using single-image depth prediction methods. We then use that depth map to render the image forward to a new camera viewpoint, shown in the middle, resulting in a new image and depth map from that new viewpoint.

However, this intermediate image has some problems — it has holes where we can see behind objects into regions that weren’t visible in the starting image. It is also blurry, because we are now closer to objects, but are stretching the pixels from the previous frame to render these now-larger objects.

To handle these problems, we learn a neural image refinement network that takes this low-quality intermediate image and outputs a complete, high-quality image and corresponding depth map. These steps can then be repeated, with this synthesized image as the new starting point. Because we refine both the image and the depth map, this process can be iterated as many times as desired — the system automatically learns to generate new scenery, like mountains, islands, and oceans, as the camera moves further into the scene.

Our Infinite Nature methods take an input view and its corresponding depth map (left). Using this depth map, the system renders the input image to a new desired viewpoint (center). This intermediate image has problems, such as missing pixels revealed behind foreground content (shown in magenta). We learn a deep network that refines this image to produce a new high-quality image (right). This process can be repeated to produce a long trajectory of views. We thus call this approach “render-refine-repeat”.

We train this render-refine-repeat synthesis approach using the ACID dataset. In particular, we sample a video from the dataset and then a frame from that video. We then use this method to render several new views moving into the scene along the same camera trajectory as the ground truth video, as shown in the figure below, and compare these rendered frames to the corresponding ground truth video frames to derive a training signal. We also include an adversarial setup that tries to distinguish synthesized frames from real images, encouraging the generated imagery to appear more realistic.

Infinite Nature can synthesize views corresponding to any camera trajectory. During training, we run our system for T steps to generate T views along a camera trajectory calculated from a training video sequence, then compare the resulting synthesized views to the ground truth ones. In the figure, each camera viewpoint is generated from the previous one by performing a warp operation R, followed by the neural refinement operation gθ.

The resulting system can generate compelling flythroughs, as featured on the project webpage, along with a “flight simulator” Colab demo. Unlike prior methods on video synthesis, this method allows the user to interactively control the camera and can generate much longer camera paths.

InfiniteNature-Zero: Learning Flythroughs from Still Photos

One problem with this first approach is that video is difficult to work with as training data. High-quality video with the right kind of camera motion is challenging to find, and the aesthetic quality of an individual video frame generally cannot compare to that of an intentionally captured nature photograph. Therefore, in “InfiniteNature-Zero: Learning Perpetual View Generation of Natural Scenes from Single Images”, we build on the render-refine-repeat strategy above, but devise a way to learn perpetual view synthesis from collections of still photos — no videos needed. We call this method InfiniteNature-Zero because it learns from “zero” videos. At first, this might seem like an impossible task — how can we train a model to generate video flythroughs of scenes when all it’s ever seen are isolated photos?

To solve this problem, we had the key insight that if we take an image and render a camera path that forms a cycle — that is, where the path loops back such that the last image is from the same viewpoint as the first — then we know that the last synthesized image along this path should be the same as the input image. Such cycle consistency provides a training constraint that helps the model learn to fill in missing regions and increase image resolution during each step of view generation.

However, training with these camera cycles is insufficient for generating long and stable view sequences, so as in our original work, we include an adversarial strategy that considers long, non-cyclic camera paths, like the one shown in the figure above. In particular, if we render T frames from a starting frame, we optimize our render-refine-repeat model such that a discriminator network can’t tell which was the starting frame and which was the final synthesized frame. Finally, we add a component trained to generate high-quality sky regions to increase the perceived realism of the results.

With these insights, we trained InfiniteNature-Zero on collections of landscape photos, which are available in large quantities online. Several resulting videos are shown below — these demonstrate beautiful, diverse natural scenery that can be explored along arbitrarily long camera paths. Compared to our prior work — and to prior video synthesis methods — these results exhibit significant improvements in quality and diversity of content (details available in the paper).

Several nature flythroughs generated by InfiniteNature-Zero from single starting photos.


There are a number of exciting future directions for this work. For instance, our methods currently synthesize scene content based only on the previous frame and its depth map; there is no persistent underlying 3D representation. Our work points towards future algorithms that can generate complete, photorealistic, and consistent 3D worlds.


Infinite Nature and InfiniteNature-Zero are the result of a collaboration between researchers at Google Research, UC Berkeley, and Cornell University. The key contributors to the work represented in this post include Angjoo Kanazawa, Andrew Liu, Richard Tucker, Zhengqi Li, Noah Snavely, Qianqian Wang, Varun Jampani, and Ameesh Makadia.

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Beyond Tabula Rasa: Reincarnating Reinforcement Learning

Beyond Tabula Rasa: Reincarnating Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning (RL) is an area of machine learning that focuses on training intelligent agents using related experiences so they can learn to solve decision making tasks, such as playing video games, flying stratospheric balloons, and designing hardware chips. Due to the generality of RL, the prevalent trend in RL research is to develop agents that can efficiently learn tabula rasa, that is, from scratch without using previously learned knowledge about the problem. However, in practice, tabula rasa RL systems are typically the exception rather than the norm for solving large-scale RL problems. Large-scale RL systems, such as OpenAI Five, which achieves human-level performance on Dota 2, undergo multiple design changes (e.g., algorithmic or architectural changes) during their developmental cycle. This modification process can last months and necessitates incorporating such changes without re-training from scratch, which would be prohibitively expensive. 

Furthermore, the inefficiency of tabula rasa RL research can exclude many researchers from tackling computationally-demanding problems. For example, the quintessential benchmark of training a deep RL agent on 50+ Atari 2600 games in ALE for 200M frames (the standard protocol) requires 1,000+ GPU days. As deep RL moves towards more complex and challenging problems, the computational barrier to entry in RL research will likely become even higher.

To address the inefficiencies of tabula rasa RL, we present “Reincarnating Reinforcement Learning: Reusing Prior Computation To Accelerate Progress” at NeurIPS 2022. Here, we propose an alternative approach to RL research, where prior computational work, such as learned models, policies, logged data, etc., is reused or transferred between design iterations of an RL agent or from one agent to another. While some sub-areas of RL leverage prior computation, most RL agents are still largely trained from scratch. Until now, there has been no broader effort to leverage prior computational work for the training workflow in RL research. We have also released our code and trained agents to enable researchers to build on this work.

Tabula rasa RL vs. Reincarnating RL (RRL). While tabula rasa RL focuses on learning from scratch, RRL is based on the premise of reusing prior computational work (e.g., prior learned agents) when training new agents or improving existing agents, even in the same environment. In RRL, new agents need not be trained from scratch, except for initial forays into new problems.

Why Reincarnating RL?

Reincarnating RL (RRL) is a more compute and sample-efficient workflow than training from scratch. RRL can democratize research by allowing the broader community to tackle complex RL problems without requiring excessive computational resources. Furthermore, RRL can enable a benchmarking paradigm where researchers continually improve and update existing trained agents, especially on problems where improving performance has real-world impact, such as balloon navigation or chip design. Finally, real-world RL use cases will likely be in scenarios where prior computational work is available (e.g., existing deployed RL policies).

RRL as an alternative research workflow. Imagine a researcher who has trained an agent A1 for some time, but now wants to experiment with better architectures or algorithms. While the tabula rasa workflow requires retraining another agent from scratch, RRL provides the more viable option of transferring the existing agent A1 to another agent and training this agent further, or simply fine-tuning A1.

While there have been some ad hoc large-scale reincarnation efforts with limited applicability, e.g., model surgery in Dota2, policy distillation in Rubik’s cube, PBT in AlphaStar, RL fine-tuning a behavior-cloned policy in AlphaGo / Minecraft, RRL has not been studied as a research problem in its own right. To this end, we argue for developing general-purpose RRL approaches as opposed to prior ad-hoc solutions.

Case Study: Policy to Value Reincarnating RL

Different RRL problems can be instantiated depending on the kind of prior computational work provided. As a step towards developing broadly applicable RRL approaches, we present a case study on the setting of Policy to Value reincarnating RL (PVRL) for efficiently transferring an existing sub-optimal policy (teacher) to a standalone value-based RL agent (student). While a policy directly maps a given environment state (e.g., a game screen in Atari) to an action, value-based agents estimate the effectiveness of an action at a given state in terms of achievable future rewards, which allows them to learn from previously collected data.

For a PVRL algorithm to be broadly useful, it should satisfy the following requirements:

  • Teacher Agnostic: The student shouldn’t be constrained by the existing teacher policy’s architecture or training algorithm.
  • Weaning off the teacher: It is undesirable to maintain dependency on past suboptimal teachers for successive reincarnations.
  • Compute / Sample Efficient: Reincarnation is only useful if it is cheaper than training from scratch.

Given the PVRL algorithm requirements, we evaluate whether existing approaches, designed with closely related goals, will suffice. We find that such approaches either result in small improvements over tabula rasa RL or degrade in performance when weaning off the teacher.

To address these limitations, we introduce a simple method, QDagger, in which the agent distills knowledge from the suboptimal teacher via an imitation algorithm while simultaneously using its environment interactions for RL. We start with a deep Q-network (DQN) agent trained for 400M environment frames (a week of single-GPU training) and use it as the teacher for reincarnating student agents trained on only 10M frames (a few hours of training), where the teacher is weaned off over the first 6M frames. For benchmark evaluation, we report the interquartile mean (IQM) metric from the RLiable library. As shown below for the PVRL setting on Atari games, we find that the QDagger RRL method outperforms prior approaches.

Benchmarking PVRL algorithms on Atari, with teacher-normalized scores aggregated across 10 games. Tabula rasa DQN (–·–) obtains a normalized score of 0.4. Standard baseline approaches include kickstarting, JSRL, rehearsal, offline RL pre-training and DQfD. Among all methods, only QDagger surpasses teacher performance within 10 million frames and outperforms the teacher in 75% of the games.

Reincarnating RL in Practice

We further examine the RRL approach on the Arcade Learning Environment, a widely used deep RL benchmark. First, we take a Nature DQN agent that uses the RMSProp optimizer and fine-tune it with the Adam optimizer to create a DQN (Adam) agent. While it is possible to train a DQN (Adam) agent from scratch, we demonstrate that fine-tuning Nature DQN with the Adam optimizer matches the from-scratch performance using 40x less data and compute.

Reincarnating DQN (Adam) via Fine-Tuning. The vertical separator corresponds to loading network weights and replay data for fine-tuning. Left: Tabula rasa Nature DQN nearly converges in performance after 200M environment frames. Right: Fine-tuning this Nature DQN agent using a reduced learning rate with the Adam optimizer for 20 million frames obtains similar results to DQN (Adam) trained from scratch for 400M frames.

Given the DQN (Adam) agent as a starting point, fine-tuning is restricted to the 3-layer convolutional architecture. So, we consider a more general reincarnation approach that leverages recent architectural and algorithmic advances without training from scratch. Specifically, we use QDagger to reincarnate another RL agent that uses a more advanced RL algorithm (Rainbow) and a better neural network architecture (Impala-CNN ResNet) from the fine-tuned DQN (Adam) agent.

Reincarnating a different architecture / algorithm via QDagger. The vertical separator is the point at which we apply offline pre-training using QDagger for reincarnation. Left: Fine-tuning DQN with Adam. Right: Comparison of a tabula rasa Impala-CNN Rainbow agent (sky blue) to an Impala-CNN Rainbow agent (pink) trained using QDagger RRL from the fine-tuned DQN (Adam). The reincarnated Impala-CNN Rainbow agent consistently outperforms its scratch counterpart. Note that further fine-tuning DQN (Adam) results in diminishing returns (yellow).

Overall, these results indicate that past research could have been accelerated by incorporating a RRL approach to designing agents, instead of re-training agents from scratch. Our paper also contains results on the Balloon Learning Environment, where we demonstrate that RRL allows us to make progress on the problem of navigating stratospheric balloons using only a few hours of TPU-compute by reusing a distributed RL agent trained on TPUs for more than a month.


Fairly comparing reincarnation approaches involves using the exact same computational work and workflow. Furthermore, the research findings in RRL that broadly generalize would be about how effective an algorithm is given access to existing computational work, e.g., we successfully applied QDagger developed using Atari for reincarnation on Balloon Learning Environment. As such, we speculate that research in reincarnating RL can branch out in two directions:

  • Standardized benchmarks with open-sourced computational work: Akin to NLP and vision, where typically a small set of pre-trained models are common, research in RRL may also converge to a small set of open-sourced computational work (e.g., pre-trained teacher policies) on a given benchmark.
  • Real-world domains: Since obtaining higher performance has real-world impact in some domains, it incentivizes the community to reuse state-of-the-art agents and try to improve their performance.

See our paper for a broader discussion on scientific comparisons, generalizability and reproducibility in RRL. Overall, we hope that this work motivates researchers to release computational work (e.g., model checkpoints) on which others could directly build. In this regard, we have open-sourced our code and trained agents with their final replay buffers. We believe that reincarnating RL can substantially accelerate research progress by building on prior computational work, as opposed to always starting from scratch.


This work was done in collaboration with Pablo Samuel Castro, Aaron Courville and Marc Bellemare. We’d like to thank Tom Small for the animated figure used in this post. We are also grateful for feedback by the anonymous NeurIPS reviewers and several members of the Google Research team, DeepMind and Mila.

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3 ways AI is scaling helpful technologies worldwide

3 ways AI is scaling helpful technologies worldwide

I was first introduced to neural networks as an undergraduate in 1990. Back then, many people in the AI community were excited about the potential of neural networks, which were impressive, but couldn’t yet accomplish important, real-world tasks. I was excited, too! I did my senior thesis on using parallel computation to train neural networks, thinking we only needed 32X more compute power to get there. I was way off. At that time, we needed 1 million times as much computational power.

A short 21 years later, with exponentially more computational power, it was time to take another crack at neural networks. In 2011, I and a few others at Google started training very large neural networks using millions of randomly selected frames from videos online. The results were remarkable. Without explicit training, the system automatically learned to recognize different objects (especially cats, the Internet is full of cats). This was one transformational discovery in AI among a long string of successes that is still ongoing — at Google and elsewhere.

I share my own history of neural networks to illustrate that, while progress in AI might feel especially fast right now, it’s come from a long arc of progress. In fact, prior to 2012, computers had a really difficult time seeing, hearing, or understanding spoken or written language. Over the past 10 years we’ve made especially rapid progress in AI.

Today, we’re excited about many recent advances in AI that Google is leading — not just on the technical side, but in responsibly deploying it in ways that help people around the world. That means deploying AI in Google Cloud, in our products from Pixel phones to Google Search, and in many fields of science and other human endeavors.

We’re aware of the challenges and risks that AI poses as an emerging technology. We were the first major company to release and operationalize a set of AI Principles, and following them has actually (and some might think counterintuitively) allowed us to focus on making rapid progress on technologies that can be helpful to everyone. Getting AI right needs to be a collective effort — involving not just researchers, but domain experts, developers, community members, businesses, governments and citizens.

I’m happy to make announcements in three transformative areas of AI today: first, using AI to make technology accessible in many more languages. Second, exploring how AI might bolster creativity. And third, in AI for Social Good, including climate adaptation.

1. Supporting 1,000 languages with AI

Language is fundamental to how people communicate and make sense of the world. So it’s no surprise it’s also the most natural way people engage with technology. But more than 7,000 languages are spoken around the world, and only a few are well represented online today. That means traditional approaches to training language models on text from the web fail to capture the diversity of how we communicate globally. This has historically been an obstacle in the pursuit of our mission to make the world’s information universally accessible and useful.

That’s why today we’re announcing the 1,000 Languages Initiative, an ambitious commitment to build an AI model that will support the 1,000 most spoken languages, bringing greater inclusion to billions of people in marginalized communities all around the world. This will be a many years undertaking – some may even call it a moonshot – but we are already making meaningful strides here and see the path clearly. Technology has been changing at a rapid clip – from the way people use it to what it’s capable of. Increasingly, we see people finding and sharing information via new modalities like images, videos, and speech. And our most advanced language models are multimodal – meaning they’re capable of unlocking information across these many different formats. With these seismic shifts come new opportunities.

spinning globe with languages

As part of our this initiative and our focus on multimodality, we’ve developed a Universal Speech Model — or USM — that’s trained on over 400 languages, making it the largest language coverage seen in a speech model to date. As we expand on this work, we’re partnering with communities across the world to source representative speech data. We recently announced voice typing for 9 more African languages on Gboard by working closely with researchers and organizations in Africa to create and publish data. And in South Asia, we are actively working with local governments, NGOs, and academic institutions to eventually collect representative audio samples from across all the regions’ dialects and languages.

2. Empowering creators and artists with AI

AI-powered generative models have the potential to unlock creativity, helping people across cultures express themselves using video, imagery, and design in ways that they previously could not.

Our researchers have been hard at work developing models that lead the field in terms of quality, generating images that human raters prefer over other models. We recently shared important breakthroughs, applying our diffusion model to video sequences and generating long coherent videos for a sequence of text prompts. We can combine these techniques to produce video — for the first time, today we’re sharing AI-generated super-resolution video:

We’ll soon be bringing our text-to-image generation technologies to AI Test Kitchen, which provides a way for people to learn about, experience, and give feedback on emerging AI technology. We look forward to hearing feedback from users on these demos in AI Test Kitchen Season 2. You’ll be able to build themed cities with “City Dreamer” and design friendly monster characters that can move, dance, and jump with “Wobble” — all by using text prompts.

In addition to 2D images, text-to-3D is now a reality with DreamFusion, which produces a three-dimensional model that can be viewed from any angle and can be composited into any 3D environment. Researchers are also making significant progress in the audio generation space with AudioLM, a model that learns to generate realistic speech and piano music by listening to audio only. In the same way a language model might predict the words and sentences that follow a text prompt, AudioLM can predict which sounds should follow after a few seconds of an audio prompt.

We’re collaborating with creative communities globally as we develop these tools. For example, we’re working with writers using Wordcraft, which is built on our state-of-the-art dialog system LaMDA, to experiment with AI-powered text generation. You can read the first volume of these stories at the Wordcraft Writers Workshop.

3. Addressing climate change and health challenges with AI

AI also has great potential to address the effects of climate change, including helping people adapt to new challenges. One of the worst is wildfires, which affect hundreds of thousands of people today, and are increasing in frequency and scale.

Today, I’m excited to share that we’ve advanced our use of satellite imagery to train AI models to identify and track wildfires in real time, helping predict how they will evolve and spread. We’ve launched this wildfire tracking system in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and are rolling out in parts of Australia, and since July we’ve covered more than 30 big wildfire events in the U.S. and Canada, helping inform our users and firefighting teams with over 7 million views in Google Search and Maps.

wildfire alert on phone

We’re also using AI to forecast floods, another extreme weather pattern exacerbated by climate change. We’ve already helped communities to predict when floods will hit and how deep the waters will get — in 2021, we sent 115 million flood alert notifications to 23 million people over Google Search and Maps, helping save countless lives. Today, we’re sharing that we’re now expanding our coverage to more countries in South America (Brazil and Colombia), Sub-Saharan Africa (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Guinea, Malawi, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Angola, South Sudan, Namibia, Liberia, and South Africa), and South Asia (Sri Lanka). We’ve used an AI technique called transfer learning to make it work in areas where there’s less data available. We’re also announcing the global launch of Google FloodHub, a new platform that displays when and where floods may occur. We’ll also be bringing this information to Google Search and Maps in the future to help more people to reach safety in flooding situations.

flood alert on a phone

Finally, AI is helping provide ever more access to healthcare in under-resourced regions. For example, we’re researching ways AI can help read and analyze outputs from low-cost ultrasound devices, giving parents the information they need to identify issues earlier in a pregnancy. We also plan to continue to partner with caregivers and public health agencies to expand access to diabetic retinopathy screening through our Automated Retinal Disease Assessment tool (ARDA). Through ARDA, we’ve successfully screened more than 150,000 patients in countries like India, Thailand, Germany, the United States, and the United Kingdom across deployed use and prospective studies — more than half of those in 2022 alone. Further, we’re exploring how AI can help your phone detect respiratory and heart rates. This work is part of Google Health’s broader vision, which includes making healthcare more accessible for anyone with a smartphone.

AI in the years ahead

Our advancements in neural network architectures, machine learning algorithms and new approaches to hardware for machine learning have helped AI solve important, real-world problems for billions of people. Much more is to come. What we’re sharing today is a hopeful vision for the future — AI is letting us reimagine how technology can be helpful. We hope you’ll join us as we explore these new capabilities and use this technology to improve people’s lives around the world.

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