Efficiently Initializing Reinforcement Learning With Prior Policies

Reinforcement learning (RL) can be used to train a policy to perform a task via trial and error, but a major challenge in RL is learning policies from scratch in environments with hard exploration challenges. For example, consider the setting depicted in the door-binary-v0 environment from the adroit manipulation suite, where an RL agent must control a hand in 3D space to open a door placed in front of it.

An RL agent must control a hand in 3D space to open a door placed in front of it. The agent receives a reward signal only when the door is completely open.

Since the agent receives no intermediary rewards, it cannot measure how close it is to completing the task, and so must explore the space randomly until it eventually opens the door. Given how long the task takes and the precise control required, this is extremely unlikely.

For tasks like this, we can avoid exploring the state space randomly by using prior information. This prior information helps the agent understand which states of the environment are good, and should be further explored. We could use offline data (i.e., data collected by human demonstrators, scripted policies, or other RL agents) to train a policy, then use it to initialize a new RL policy. In the case where we use neural networks to represent the policies, this would involve copying the pre-trained policy’s neural network over to the new RL policy. This procedure makes the new RL policy behave like the pre-trained policy. However, naïvely initializing a new RL policy like this often works poorly, especially for value-based RL methods, as shown below.

A policy is pre-trained on the antmaze-large-diverse-v0 D4RL environment with offline data (negative steps correspond to pre-training). We then use the policy to initialize actor-critic fine-tuning (positive steps starting from step 0) with this pre-trained policy as the initial actor. The critic is initialized randomly. The actor’s performance immediately drops and does not recover, as the untrained critic provides a poor learning signal and causes the good initial policy to be forgotten.

With the above in mind, in “Jump-Start Reinforcement Learning” (JSRL), we introduce a meta-algorithm that can use a pre-existing policy of any form to initialize any type of RL algorithm. JSRL uses two policies to learn tasks: a guide-policy, and an exploration-policy. The exploration-policy is an RL policy that is trained online with new experience that the agent collects from the environment, and the guide-policy is a pre-existing policy of any form that is not updated during online training. In this work, we focus on scenarios where the guide-policy is learned from demonstrations, but many other kinds of guide-policies can be used. JSRL creates a learning curriculum by rolling in the guide-policy, which is then followed by the self-improving exploration-policy, resulting in performance that compares to or improves on competitive IL+RL methods.

The JSRL Approach
The guide-policy can take any form: it could be a scripted policy, a policy trained with RL, or even a live human demonstrator. The only requirements are that the guide-policy is reasonable (i.e., better than random exploration), and it can select actions based on observations of the environment. Ideally, the guide-policy can reach poor or medium performance in the environment, but cannot further improve itself with additional fine-tuning. JSRL then allows us to leverage the progress of this guide-policy to take the performance even higher.

At the beginning of training, we roll out the guide-policy for a fixed number of steps so that the agent is closer to goal states. The exploration-policy then takes over and continues acting in the environment to reach these goals. As the performance of the exploration-policy improves, we gradually reduce the number of steps that the guide-policy takes, until the exploration-policy takes over completely. This process creates a curriculum of starting states for the exploration-policy such that in each curriculum stage, it only needs to learn to reach the initial states of prior curriculum stages.

Here, the task is for the robot arm to pick up the blue block. The guide-policy can move the arm to the block, but it cannot pick it up. It controls the agent until it grips the block, then the exploration-policy takes over, eventually learning to pick up the block. As the exploration-policy improves, the guide-policy controls the agent less and less.

Comparison to IL+RL Baselines
Since JSRL can use a prior policy to initialize RL, a natural comparison would be to imitation and reinforcement learning (IL+RL) methods that train on offline datasets, then fine-tune the pre-trained policies with new online experience. We show how JSRL compares to competitive IL+RL methods on the D4RL benchmark tasks. These tasks include simulated robotic control environments, along with datasets of offline data from human demonstrators, planners, and other learned policies. Out of the D4RL tasks, we focus on the difficult ant maze and adroit dexterous manipulation environments.

Example ant maze (left) and adroit dexterous manipulation (right) environments.

For each experiment, we train on an offline dataset and then run online fine-tuning. We compare against algorithms designed specifically for each setting, which include AWAC, IQL, CQL, and behavioral cloning. While JSRL can be used in combination with any initial guide-policy or fine-tuning algorithm, we use our strongest baseline, IQL, as a pre-trained guide and for fine-tuning. The full D4RL dataset includes one million offline transitions for each ant maze task. Each transition is a sequence of format (S, A, R, S’) which specifies what state the agent started in (S), the action the agent took (A), the reward the agent received (R), and the state the agent ended up in (S’) after taking action A. We find that JSRL performs well with as few as ten thousand offline transitions.

Average score (max=100) on the antmaze-medium-diverse-v0 environment from the D4RL benchmark suite. JSRL can improve even with limited access to offline transitions.

Vision-Based Robotic Tasks
Utilizing offline data is especially challenging in complex tasks such as vision-based robotic manipulation due to the curse of dimensionality. The high dimensionality of both the continuous-control action space and the pixel-based state space present scaling challenges for IL+RL methods in terms of the amount of data required to learn good policies. To study how JSRL scales to such settings, we focus on two difficult simulated robotic manipulation tasks: indiscriminate grasping (i.e., lifting any object) and instance grasping (i.e., lifting a specific target object).

A simulated robot arm is placed in front of a table with various categories of objects. When the robot lifts any object, a sparse reward is given for the indiscriminate grasping task. For the instance grasping task, a sparse reward is only given when a specific target object is grasped.

We compare JSRL against methods that are able to scale to complex vision-based robotics settings, such as QT-Opt and AW-Opt. Each method has access to the same offline dataset of successful demonstrations and is allowed to run online fine-tuning for up to 100,000 steps.

In these experiments, we use behavioral cloning as a guide-policy and combine JSRL with QT-Opt for fine-tuning. The combination of QT-Opt+JSRL improves faster than all other methods while achieving the highest success rate.

Mean grasping success for indiscriminate and instance grasping environments using 2k successful demonstrations.

We proposed JSRL, a method for leveraging a prior policy of any form to improve exploration for initializing RL tasks. Our algorithm creates a learning curriculum by rolling in a pre-existing guide-policy, which is then followed by the self-improving exploration-policy. The job of the exploration-policy is greatly simplified since it starts exploring from states closer to the goal. As the exploration-policy improves, the effect of the guide-policy diminishes, leading to a fully capable RL policy. In the future, we plan to apply JSRL to problems such as Sim2Real, and explore how we can leverage multiple guide-policies to train RL agents.

This work would not have been possible without Ikechukwu Uchendu, Ted Xiao, Yao Lu, Banghua Zhu, Mengyuan Yan, Joséphine Simon, Matthew Bennice, Chuyuan Fu, Cong Ma, Jiantao Jiao, Sergey Levine, and Karol Hausman. Special thanks to Tom Small for creating the animations for this post.

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Reproducibility in Deep Learning and Smooth Activations

Ever queried a recommender system and found that the same search only a few moments later or on a different device yields very different results? This is not uncommon and can be frustrating if a person is looking for something specific. As a designer of such a system, it is also not uncommon for the metrics measured to change from design and testing to deployment, bringing into question the utility of the experimental testing phase. Some level of such irreproducibility can be expected as the world changes and new models are deployed. However, this also happens regularly as requests hit duplicates of the same model or models are being refreshed.

Lack of replicability, where researchers are unable to reproduce published results with a given model, has been identified as a challenge in the field of machine learning (ML). Irreproducibility is a related but more elusive problem, where multiple instances of a given model are trained on the same data under identical training conditions, but yield different results. Only recently has irreproducibility been identified as a difficult problem, but due to its complexity, theoretical studies to understand this problem are extremely rare.

In practice, deep network models are trained in highly parallelized and distributed environments. Nondeterminism in training from random initialization, parallelism, distributed training, data shuffling, quantization errors, hardware types, and more, combined with objectives with multiple local optima contribute to the problem of irreproducibility. Some of these factors, such as initialization, can be controlled, but it is impractical to control others. Optimization trajectories can diverge early in training by following training examples in the order seen, leading to very different models. Several recently published solutions [1, 2, 3] based on advanced combinations of ensembling, self-ensembling, and distillation can mitigate the problem, but usually at the cost of accuracy and increased complexity, maintenance and improvement costs.

In “Real World Large Scale Recommendation Systems Reproducibility and Smooth Activations”, we consider a different practical solution to this problem that does not incur the costs of other solutions, while still improving reproducibility and yielding higher model accuracy. We discover that the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), which is very popular as the nonlinearity function (i.e., activation function) used to transform values in neural networks, exacerbates the irreproducibility problem. On the other hand, we demonstrate that smooth activation functions, which have derivatives that are continuous for the whole domain, unlike those of ReLU, are able to substantially reduce irreproducibility levels. We then propose the Smooth reLU (SmeLU) activation function, which gives comparable reproducibility and accuracy benefits to other smooth activations but is much simpler.

The ReLU function (left) as function of the input signal, and its gradient (right) as function of the input.

Smooth Activations
An ML model attempts to learn the best model parameters that fit the training data by minimizing a loss, which can be imagined as a landscape with peaks and valleys, where the lowest point attains an optimal solution. For deep models, the landscape may consist of many such peaks and valleys. The activation function used by the model governs the shape of this landscape and how the model navigates it.

ReLU, which is not a smooth function, imposes an objective whose landscape is partitioned into many regions with multiple local minima, each providing different model predictions. With this landscape, the order in which updates are applied is a dominant factor in determining the optimization trajectory, providing a recipe for irreproducibility. Because of its non-continuous gradient, functions expressed by a ReLU network will contain sudden jumps in the gradient, which can occur internally in different layers of the deep network, affecting updates of different internal units, and are likely strong contributors to irreproducibility.

Suppose a sequence of model updates attempts to push the activation of some unit down from a positive value. The gradient of the ReLU function is 1 for positive unit values, so with every update it pushes the unit to become smaller and smaller (to the left in the panel above). At the point the activation of this unit crosses the threshold from a positive value to a negative one, the gradient suddenly changes from magnitude 1 to magnitude 0. Training attempts to keep moving the unit leftwards, but due to the 0 gradient, the unit cannot move further in that direction. Therefore, the model must resort to updating other units that can move.

We find that networks with smooth activations (e.g., GELU, Swish and Softplus) can be substantially more reproducible. They may exhibit a similar objective landscape, but with fewer regions, giving a model fewer opportunities to diverge. Unlike the sudden jumps with ReLU, for a unit with decreasing activations, the gradient gradually reduces to 0, which gives other units opportunities to adjust to the changing behavior. With equal initialization, moderate shuffling of training examples, and normalization of hidden layer outputs, smooth activations are able to increase the chances of converging to the same minimum. Very aggressive data shuffling, however, loses this advantage.

The rate that a smooth activation function transitions between output levels, i.e., its “smoothness”, can be adjusted. Sufficient smoothness leads to improved accuracy and reproducibility. Too much smoothness, though, approaches linear models with a corresponding degradation of model accuracy, thus losing the advantages of using a deep network.

Smooth activations (top) and their gradients (bottom) for different smoothness parameter values β as a function of the input values. β determines the width of the transition region between 0 and 1 gradients. For Swish and Softplus, a greater β gives a narrower region, for SmeLU, a greater β gives a wider region.

Smooth reLU (SmeLU)
Activations like GELU and Swish require complex hardware implementations to support exponential and logarithmic functions. Further, GELU must be computed numerically or approximated. These properties can make deployment error-prone, expensive, or slow. GELU and Swish are not monotonic (they start by slightly decreasing and then switch to increasing), which may interfere with interpretability (or identifiability), nor do they have a full stop or a clean slope 1 region, properties that simplify implementation and may aid in reproducibility. 

The Smooth reLU (SmeLU) activation function is designed as a simple function that addresses the concerns with other smooth activations. It connects a 0 slope on the left with a slope 1 line on the right through a quadratic middle region, constraining continuous gradients at the connection points (as an asymmetric version of a Huber loss function).

SmeLU can be viewed as a convolution of ReLU with a box. It provides a cheap and simple smooth solution that is comparable in reproducibility-accuracy tradeoffs to more computationally expensive and complex smooth activations. The figure below illustrates the transition of the loss (objective) surface as we gradually transition from a non-smooth ReLU to a smoother SmeLU. A transition of width 0 is the basic ReLU function for which the loss objective has many local minima. As the transition region widens (SmeLU), the loss surface becomes smoother. If the transition is too wide, i.e., too smooth, the benefit of using a deep network wanes and we approach the linear model solution — the objective surface flattens, potentially losing the ability of the network to express much information.

Loss surfaces (as functions of a 2D input) for two sample loss functions (middle and right) as the activation function’s transition region widens, going from from ReLU to an increasingly smoother SmeLU (left). The loss surface becomes smoother with increasing the smoothness of the SmeLU function.


Loss surfaces (as functions of a 2D input) for two sample loss functions (middle and right) as the activation function’s transition region widens, going from from ReLU to an increasingly smoother SmeLU (left). The loss surface becomes smoother with increasing the smoothness of the SmeLU function.


SmeLU has benefited multiple systems, specifically recommendation systems, increasing their reproducibility by reducing, for example, recommendation swap rates. While the use of SmeLU results in accuracy improvements over ReLU, it also replaces other costly methods to address irreproducibility, such as ensembles, which mitigate irreproducibility at the cost of accuracy. Moreover, replacing ensembles in sparse recommendation systems reduces the need for multiple lookups of model parameters that are needed to generate an inference for each of the ensemble components. This substantially improves training and inference efficiency.

To illustrate the benefits of smooth activations, we plot the relative prediction difference (PD) as a function of change in some loss for the different activations. We define relative PD as the ratio between the absolute difference in predictions of two models and their expected prediction, averaged over all evaluation examples. We have observed that in large scale systems, it is sufficient, and inexpensive, to consider only two models for very consistent results.

The figure below shows curves on the PD-accuracy loss plane. For reproducibility, being lower on the curve is better, and for accuracy, being on the left is better. Smooth activations can yield a ballpark 50% reduction in PD relative to ReLU, while still potentially resulting in improved accuracy. SmeLU yields accuracy comparable to other smooth activations, but is more reproducible (lower PD) while still outperforming ReLU in accuracy.

Relative PD as a function of percentage change in the evaluation ranking loss, which measures how accurately items are ranked in a recommendation system (higher values indicate worse accuracy), for different activations.


Relative PD as a function of percentage change in the evaluation ranking loss, which measures how accurately items are ranked in a recommendation system (higher values indicate worse accuracy), for different activations.


Conclusion and Future Work
We demonstrated the problem of irreproducibility in real world practical systems, and how it affects users as well as system and model designers. While this particular issue has been given very little attention when trying to address the lack of replicability of research results, irreproducibility can be a critical problem. We demonstrated that a simple solution of using smooth activations can substantially reduce the problem without degrading other critical metrics like model accuracy. We demonstrate a new smooth activation function, SmeLU, which has the added benefits of mathematical simplicity and ease of implementation, and can be cheap and less error prone.

Understanding reproducibility, especially in deep networks, where objectives are not convex, is an open problem. An initial theoretical framework for the simpler convex case has recently been proposed, but more research must be done to gain a better understanding of this problem which will apply to practical systems that rely on deep networks.

We would like to thank Sergey Ioffe for early discussions about SmeLU; Lorenzo Coviello and Angel Yu for help in early adoptions of SmeLU; Shiv Venkataraman for sponsorship of the work; Claire Cui for discussion and support from the very beginning; Jeremiah Willcock, Tom Jablin, and Cliff Young for substantial implementation support; Yuyan Wang, Mahesh Sathiamoorthy, Myles Sussman, Li Wei, Kevin Regan, Steven Okamoto, Qiqi Yan, Todd Phillips, Ed Chi, Sunita Verna, and many many others for many discussions, and for integrations in many different systems; Matt Streeter and Yonghui Wu for feedback on the paper and this post; Tom Small for help with the illustrations in this post.

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Pathways Language Model (PaLM): Scaling to 540 Billion Parameters for Breakthrough Performance

In recent years, large neural networks trained for language understanding and generation have achieved impressive results across a wide range of tasks. GPT-3 first showed that large language models (LLMs) can be used for few-shot learning and can achieve impressive results without large-scale task-specific data collection or model parameter updating. More recent LLMs, such as GLaM, LaMDA, Gopher, and Megatron-Turing NLG, achieved state-of-the-art few-shot results on many tasks by scaling model size, using sparsely activated modules, and training on larger datasets from more diverse sources. Yet much work remains in understanding the capabilities that emerge with few-shot learning as we push the limits of model scale.

Last year Google Research announced our vision for Pathways, a single model that could generalize across domains and tasks while being highly efficient. An important milestone toward realizing this vision was to develop the new Pathways system to orchestrate distributed computation for accelerators. In “PaLM: Scaling Language Modeling with Pathways”, we introduce the Pathways Language Model (PaLM), a 540-billion parameter, dense decoder-only Transformer model trained with the Pathways system, which enabled us to efficiently train a single model across multiple TPU v4 Pods. We evaluated PaLM on hundreds of language understanding and generation tasks, and found that it achieves state-of-the-art few-shot performance across most tasks, by significant margins in many cases.

As the scale of the model increases, the performance improves across tasks while also unlocking new capabilities.

Training a 540-Billion Parameter Language Model with Pathways
PaLM demonstrates the first large-scale use of the Pathways system to scale training to 6144 chips, the largest TPU-based system configuration used for training to date. The training is scaled using data parallelism at the Pod level across two Cloud TPU v4 Pods, while using standard data and model parallelism within each Pod. This is a significant increase in scale compared to most previous LLMs, which were either trained on a single TPU v3 Pod (e.g., GLaM, LaMDA), used pipeline parallelism to scale to 2240 A100 GPUs across GPU clusters (Megatron-Turing NLG) or used multiple TPU v3 Pods (Gopher) with a maximum scale of 4096 TPU v3 chips.

PaLM achieves a training efficiency of 57.8% hardware FLOPs utilization, the highest yet achieved for LLMs at this scale. This is due to a combination of the parallelism strategy and a reformulation of the Transformer block that allows for attention and feedforward layers to be computed in parallel, enabling speedups from TPU compiler optimizations.

PaLM was trained using a combination of English and multilingual datasets that include high-quality web documents, books, Wikipedia, conversations, and GitHub code. We also created a “lossless” vocabulary that preserves all whitespace (especially important for code), splits out-of-vocabulary Unicode characters into bytes, and splits numbers into individual tokens, one for each digit.

Breakthrough Capabilities on Language, Reasoning, and Code Tasks
PaLM shows breakthrough capabilities on numerous very difficult tasks. We highlight a few examples for language understanding and generation, reasoning, and code-related tasks below.

Language Understanding and Generation
We evaluated PaLM on 29 widely-used English natural language processing (NLP) tasks. PaLM 540B surpassed few-shot performance of prior large models, such as GLaM, GPT-3, Megatron-Turing NLG, Gopher, Chinchilla, and LaMDA, on 28 of 29 of tasks that span question-answering tasks (open-domain closed-book variant), cloze and sentence-completion tasks, Winograd-style tasks, in-context reading comprehension tasks, common-sense reasoning tasks, SuperGLUE tasks, and natural language inference tasks.

PaLM 540B performance improvement over prior state-of-the-art (SOTA) results on 29 English-based NLP tasks.

In addition to English NLP tasks, PaLM also shows strong performance on multilingual NLP benchmarks, including translation, even though only 22% of the training corpus is non-English.

We also probe emerging and future capabilities of PaLM on the Beyond the Imitation Game Benchmark (BIG-bench), a recently released suite of more than 150 new language modeling tasks, and find that PaLM achieves breakthrough performance. We compare the performance of PaLM to Gopher and Chinchilla, averaged across a common subset of 58 of these tasks. Interestingly, we note that PaLM’s performance as a function of scale follows a log-linear behavior similar to prior models, suggesting that performance improvements from scale have not yet plateaued. PaLM 540B 5-shot also does better than the average performance of people asked to solve the same tasks.

Scaling behavior of PaLM on a subset of 58 BIG-bench tasks. 

PaLM demonstrates impressive natural language understanding and generation capabilities on several BIG-bench tasks. For example, the model can distinguish cause and effect, understand conceptual combinations in appropriate contexts, and even guess the movie from an emoji.

Examples that showcase PaLM 540B 1-shot performance on BIG-bench tasks: labeling cause and effect, conceptual understanding, guessing movies from emoji, and finding synonyms and counterfactuals.

By combining model scale with chain-of-thought prompting, PaLM shows breakthrough capabilities on reasoning tasks that require multi-step arithmetic or common-sense reasoning. Prior LLMs, like Gopher, saw less benefit from model scale in improving performance.

Standard prompting versus chain-of-thought prompting for an example grade-school math problem. Chain-of-thought prompting decomposes the prompt for a multi-step reasoning problem into intermediate steps (highlighted in yellow), similar to how a person would approach it.

We observed strong performance from PaLM 540B combined with chain-of-thought prompting on three arithmetic datasets and two commonsense reasoning datasets. For example, with 8-shot prompting, PaLM solves 58% of the problems in GSM8K, a benchmark of thousands of challenging grade school level math questions, outperforming the prior top score of 55% achieved by fine-tuning the GPT-3 175B model with a training set of 7500 problems and combining it with an external calculator and verifier.

This new score is especially interesting, as it approaches the 60% average of problems solved by 9-12 year olds, who are the target audience for the question set. We suspect that separate encoding of digits in the PaLM vocabulary helps enable these performance improvements.

Remarkably, PaLM can even generate explicit explanations for scenarios that require a complex combination of multi-step logical inference, world knowledge, and deep language understanding. For example, it can provide high quality explanations for novel jokes not found on the web.

PaLM explains an original joke with two-shot prompts.

Code Generation
LLMs have also been shown [1, 2, 3, 4] to generalize well to coding tasks, such as writing code given a natural language description (text-to-code), translating code from one language to another, and fixing compilation errors (code-to-code).

PaLM 540B shows strong performance across coding tasks and natural language tasks in a single model, even though it has only 5% code in the pre-training dataset. Its few-shot performance is especially remarkable because it is on par with the fine-tuned Codex 12B while using 50 times less Python code for training. This result reinforces earlier findings that larger models can be more sample efficient than smaller models because they better transfer learning from other programming languages and natural language data.

Examples of a fine-tuned PaLM 540B model on text-to-code tasks, such as GSM8K-Python and HumanEval, and code-to-code tasks, such as Transcoder.

We also see a further increase in performance by fine-tuning PaLM on a Python-only code dataset, which we refer to as PaLM-Coder. For an example code repair task called DeepFix, where the objective is to modify initially broken C programs until they compile successfully, PaLM-Coder 540B demonstrates impressive performance, achieving a compile rate of 82.1%, which outperforms the prior 71.7% state of the art. This opens up opportunities for fixing more complex errors that arise during software development.

An example from the DeepFix Code Repair task. The fine-tuned PaLM-Coder 540B fixes compilation errors (left, in red) to a version of code that compiles (right).

Ethical Considerations
Recent research has highlighted various potential risks associated with LLMs trained on web text. It is crucial to analyze and document such potential undesirable risks through transparent artifacts such as model cards and datasheets, which also include information on intended use and testing. To this end, our paper provides a datasheet, model card and Responsible AI benchmark results, and it reports thorough analyses of the dataset and model outputs for biases and risks. While the analysis helps outline some potential risks of the model, domain- and task-specific analysis is essential to truly calibrate, contextualize, and mitigate possible harms. Further understanding of risks and benefits of these models is a topic of ongoing research, together with developing scalable solutions that can put guardrails against malicious uses of language models.

Conclusion and Future Work
PaLM demonstrates the scaling capability of the Pathways system to thousands of accelerator chips across two TPU v4 Pods by training a 540-billion parameter model efficiently with a well-studied, well-established recipe of a dense decoder-only Transformer model. Pushing the limits of model scale enables breakthrough few-shot performance of PaLM across a variety of natural language processing, reasoning, and code tasks.

PaLM paves the way for even more capable models by combining the scaling capabilities with novel architectural choices and training schemes, and brings us closer to the Pathways vision:

“Enable a single AI system to generalize across thousands or millions of tasks, to understand different types of data, and to do so with remarkable efficiency.”

PaLM is the result of a large, collaborative effort by many teams within Google Research and across Alphabet. We’d like to thank the entire PaLM team for their contributions: Jacob Devlin, Maarten Bosma, Gaurav Mishra, Adam Roberts, Paul Barham, Hyung Won Chung, Charles Sutton, Sebastian Gehrmann, Parker Schuh, Kensen Shi, Sasha Tsvyashchenko, Joshua Maynez, Abhishek Rao, Parker Barnes, Yi Tay, Noam Shazeer, Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, Emily Reif, Nan Du, Ben Hutchinson, Reiner Pope, James Bradbury, Jacob Austin, Michael Isard, Guy Gur-Ari, Pengcheng Yin, Toju Duke, Anselm Levskaya, Sanjay Ghemawat, Sunipa Dev, Henryk Michalewski, Xavier Garcia, Vedant Mishra, Kevin Robinson, Liam Fedus, Denny Zhou, Daphne Ippolito, David Luan, Hyeontaek Lim, Barret Zoph, Alexander Spiridonov, Ryan Sepassi, David Dohan, Shivani Agrawal, Mark Omernick, Andrew Dai, Thanumalayan Sankaranarayana Pillai, Marie Pellat, Aitor Lewkowycz, Erica Moreira, Rewon Child, Oleksandr Polozov, Katherine Lee, Zongwei Zhou, Xuezhi Wang, Brennan Saeta, Mark Diaz, Orhan Firat, Michele Catasta, and Jason Wei. PaLM builds on top of work by many, many teams at Google and we would especially like to recognize the T5X team, the Pathways infrastructure team, the JAX team, the Flaxformer team, the XLA team, the Plaque team, the Borg team, and the Datacenter networking infrastructure team. We’d like to thank our co-authors on this blog post, Alexander Spiridonov and Maysam Moussalem, as well as Josh Newlan and Tom Small for the images and animations in this blog post. Finally, we would like to thank our advisors for the project: Noah Fiedel, Slav Petrov, Jeff Dean, Douglas Eck, and Kathy Meier-Hellstern.

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Introducing CVSS: A Massively Multilingual Speech-to-Speech Translation Corpus

Automatic translation of speech from one language to speech in another language, called speech-to-speech translation (S2ST), is important for breaking down the communication barriers between people speaking different languages. Conventionally, automatic S2ST systems are built with a cascade of automatic speech recognition (ASR), text-to-text machine translation (MT), and text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis sub-systems, so that the system overall is text-centric. Recently, work on S2ST that doesn’t rely on intermediate text representation is emerging, such as end-to-end direct S2ST (e.g., Translatotron) and cascade S2ST based on learned discrete representations of speech (e.g., Tjandra et al.). While early versions of such direct S2ST systems obtained lower translation quality compared to cascade S2ST models, they are gaining traction as they have the potential both to reduce translation latency and compounding errors, and to better preserve paralinguistic and non-linguistic information from the original speech, such as voice, emotion, tone, etc. However, such models usually have to be trained on datasets with paired S2ST data, but the public availability of such corpora is extremely limited.

To foster research on such a new generation of S2ST, we introduce a Common Voice-based Speech-to-Speech translation corpus, or CVSS, which includes sentence-level speech-to-speech translation pairs from 21 languages into English. Unlike existing public corpora, CVSS can be directly used for training such direct S2ST models without any extra processing. In “CVSS Corpus and Massively Multilingual Speech-to-Speech Translation”, we describe the dataset design and development, and demonstrate the effectiveness of the corpus through training of baseline direct and cascade S2ST models and showing performance of a direct S2ST model that approaches that of a cascade S2ST model.

Building CVSS
CVSS is directly derived from the CoVoST 2 speech-to-text (ST) translation corpus, which is further derived from the Common Voice speech corpus. Common Voice is a massively multilingual transcribed speech corpus designed for ASR in which the speech is collected by contributors reading text content from Wikipedia and other text corpora. CoVoST 2 further provides professional text translation for the original transcript from 21 languages into English and from English into 15 languages. CVSS builds on these efforts by providing sentence-level parallel speech-to-speech translation pairs from 21 languages into English (shown in the table below).

To facilitate research with different focuses, two versions of translation speech in English are provided in CVSS, both are synthesized using state-of-the-art TTS systems, with each version providing unique value that doesn’t exist in other public S2ST corpora:

  • CVSS-C: All the translation speech is in a single canonical speaker’s voice. Despite being synthetic, the speech is highly natural, clean, and consistent in speaking style. These properties ease the modeling of the target speech and enable trained models to produce high quality translation speech suitable for general user-facing applications where speech quality is of higher importance than accurately reproducing the speakers’ voices.
  • CVSS-T: The translation speech captures the voice from the corresponding source speech. Each S2ST pair has a similar voice on the two sides, despite being in different languages. Because of this, the dataset is suitable for building models where accurate voice preservation is desired, such as for movie dubbing.

Together with the source speech, the two S2ST datasets contain 1,872 and 1,937 hours of speech, respectively.

Code     Source
  speech (X)  
  target speech (En)  
  target speech (En)  
French fr 309.3 200.3 222.3
German de 226.5 137.0 151.2
Catalan ca 174.8 112.1 120.9
Spanish es 157.6 94.3 100.2
Italian it 73.9 46.5 49.2
Persian fa 58.8 29.9 34.5
Russian ru 38.7 26.9 27.4
Chinese zh 26.5 20.5 22.1
Portuguese     pt 20.0 10.4 11.8
Dutch nl 11.2 7.3 7.7
Estonian et 9.0 7.3 7.1
Mongolian mn 8.4 5.1 5.7
Turkish tr 7.9 5.4 5.7
Arabic ar 5.8 2.7 3.1
Latvian lv 4.9 2.6 3.1
Swedish sv 4.3 2.3 2.8
Welsh cy 3.6 1.9 2.0
Tamil ta 3.1 1.7 2.0
Indonesian id 3.0 1.6 1.7
Japanese ja 3.0 1.7 1.8
Slovenian sl 2.9 1.6 1.9
Total 1,153.2 719.1 784.2
Amount of source and target speech of each X-En pair in CVSS (hours).

In addition to translation speech, CVSS also provides normalized translation text matching the pronunciation in the translation speech (on numbers, currencies, acronyms, etc., see data samples below, e.g., where “100%” is normalized as “one hundred percent” or “King George II” is normalized as “king george the second”), which can benefit both model training as well as standardizing the evaluation.

CVSS is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license and it can be freely downloaded online.

Data Samples

Example 1:
Source audio (French)   
Source transcript (French)    Le genre musical de la chanson est entièrement le disco.
CVSS-C translation audio (English)   
CVSS-T translation audio (English)   
Translation text (English)    The musical genre of the song is 100% Disco.
Normalized translation text (English)        the musical genre of the song is one hundred percent disco
Example 2:
Source audio (Chinese)       
Source transcript (Chinese)        弗雷德里克王子,英国王室成员,为乔治二世之孙,乔治三世之幼弟。
CVSS-C translation audio (English)       
CVSS-T translation audio (English)       
Translation text (English)        Prince Frederick, member of British Royal Family, Grandson of King George II, brother of King George III.
Normalized translation text (English)        prince frederick member of british royal family grandson of king george the second brother of king george the third

Baseline Models
On each version of CVSS, we trained a baseline cascade S2ST model as well as two baseline direct S2ST models and compared their performance. These baselines can be used for comparison in future research.

Cascade S2ST: To build strong cascade S2ST baselines, we trained an ST model on CoVoST 2, which outperforms the previous states of the art by +5.8 average BLEU on all 21 language pairs (detailed in the paper) when trained on the corpus without using extra data. This ST model is connected to the same TTS models used for constructing CVSS to compose very strong cascade S2ST baselines (ST → TTS).

Direct S2ST: We built two baseline direct S2ST models using Translatotron and Translatotron 2. When trained from scratch with CVSS, the translation quality from Translatotron 2 (8.7 BLEU) approaches that of the strong cascade S2ST baseline (10.6 BLEU). Moreover, when both use pre-training the gap decreases to only 0.7 BLEU on ASR transcribed translation. These results verify the effectiveness of using CVSS to train direct S2ST models.

Translation quality of baseline direct and cascade S2ST models built on CVSS-C, measured by BLEU on ASR transcription from speech translation. The pre-training was done on CoVoST 2 without other extra data sets.

We have released two versions of multilingual-to-English S2ST datasets, CVSS-C and CVSS-T, each with about 1.9K hours of sentence-level parallel S2ST pairs, covering 21 source languages. The translation speech in CVSS-C is in a single canonical speaker’s voice, while the same in CVSS-T is in voices transferred from the source speech. Each of these datasets provides unique value not existing in other public S2ST corpora.

We built baseline multilingual direct S2ST models and cascade S2ST models on both datasets, which can be used for comparison in future works. To build strong cascade S2ST baselines, we trained an ST model on CoVoST 2, which outperforms the previous states of the art by +5.8 average BLEU when trained on the corpus without extra data. Nevertheless, the performance of the direct S2ST models approaches the strong cascade baselines when trained from scratch, and with only 0.7 BLEU difference on ASR transcribed translation when utilized pre-training. We hope this work helps accelerate the research on direct S2ST.

We acknowledge the volunteer contributors and the organizers of the Common Voice and LibriVox projects for their contribution and collection of recordings, the creators of Common Voice, CoVoST, CoVoST 2, Librispeech and LibriTTS corpora for their previous work. The direct contributors to the CVSS corpus and the paper include Ye Jia, Michelle Tadmor Ramanovich, Quan Wang, Heiga Zen. We also thank Ankur Bapna, Yiling Huang, Jason Pelecanos, Colin Cherry, Alexis Conneau, Yonghui Wu, Hadar Shemtov and Françoise Beaufays for helpful discussions and support.

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“Lift as you lead”: Meet 2 women defining responsible AI

At Google, Marian Croak’s technical research team, The Center for Responsible AI and Human-Centered Technology, and Jen Gennai’s operations and governance team, Responsible Innovation, collaborate often on creating a fairer future for AI systems.

The teams complement each other to support computer scientists, UX researchers and designers, product managers and subject matter experts in the social sciences, human rights and civil rights. Collectively, their teams include more than 200 people around the globe focused on putting our AI Principles – Google’s ethical charter – into practice.

“The intersection of AI systems and society is a critical area of my team’s technical research,” Marian says. “Our approach includes working directly with people who use and are impacted by AI systems. Working together with Jen’s central operations team, the idea is to make AI more useful and reduce potential harm before products launch.”

For Women’s History Month, we wanted to talk to them both about this incredibly meaningful work and how they bring their lived experiences to it.

How do you define “responsible AI”?

Marian: It’s the technical realization of our AI Principles. We need to understand how AI systems are performing in respect to fairness, transparency, interpretability, robustness and privacy. When gaps occur, we fix them. We benchmark and evaluate how product teams are adopting what Jen and I call smart practices. These are trusted practices based on patterns we see across Google as we’re developing new AI applications, and the data-driven results of applying these practices over time.

Jen: There are enormous opportunities to use AI for positive impact — and the potential for harm, too. The key is ethical deployment. “Responsible AI” for me means taking deliberate steps to ensure technology works the way it’s intended to and doesn’t lead to malicious or unintended negative consequences. This involves applying the smart practices Marian mentioned through repeatable processes and a governance structure for accountability.

How do your teams work together?

Marian: They work hand in hand. My team conducts scientific research and creates open source tools like Fairness Indicators and Know Your Data. A large portion of our technical research and product work is centered in societal context and human and civil rights, so Jen’s team is integral to understanding the problems we seek to help solve.

Jen: The team I lead defines Google policies, handles day-to-day operations and central governance structure, and conducts ethical assessments. We’re made up of user researchers, social scientists, ethicists, human rights specialists, policy and privacy advisors and legal experts.

One team can’t work without the other! This complementary relationship allows many different perspectives and lived experiences to inform product design decisions. Here’s an example, which was led by women from a variety of global backgrounds: Marian’s team designed a streamlined, open source format for documenting technical details of datasets, called data cards. When researchers on the Translate team, led by product manager Romina Stella, recently developed a new dataset for studying and preventing gender bias in machine learning, members of my team, Anne P., N’Mah Y. and Reena Jana, reviewed the dataset for alignment with the AI Principles. They recommended that the Translate researchers publish a data card for details on how the dataset was created and tested. The Translate team then worked with UX designer Mahima Pushkarna on Marian’s team to create and launch the card alongside the dataset.

I’m inspired most when someone tells me I can’t do something. No matter what obstacles you face, believe you have the skills, the knowledge and the passion to make your dreams come true.

How did you end up working in this very new field?

Marian: I’ve always been drawn to hard problems. This is a very challenging area! It’s so multifaceted and constantly evolving. That excites me. It’s an honor to work with so many passionate people who care so deeply about our world and understanding how to use technology for social good.

I’ll always continue to seek out solutions to these problems because I understand the profound impact this work will have on our society and our world, especially communities underrepresented in the tech industry.

Jen: I spent many years leading User Research and User Advocacy on Google’s Trust and Safety team. An area I focused on was ML Fairness. I never thought I’d get to work on it full time. But in 2016 my leadership team wanted to have a company-wide group concentrating on worldwide positive social benefits of AI. In 2017, I joined the team that was writing and publishing the AI Principles. Today, I apply my operational knowledge to make sure that as a company, we meet the obligations we laid out in the Principles.

What advice do you have for girls and women interested in pursuing careers in responsible tech?

Marian: I’m inspired most when someone tells me I can’t do something. No matter what obstacles you face, believe you have the skills, the knowledge and the passion to make your dreams come true. Find motivation in the small moments, find motivation in those who doubt you, but most importantly, never forget to believe in the greatness of you.

Jen: Don’t limit yourself even if you don’t have a computer science degree. I don’t. I was convinced I’d work in sustainability and environmental non-profits, and now I lead a team working to make advanced technologies work better for everyone. This space requires so many different skills, whether in program management, policy, engineering, UX or business and strategy.

My mantra is “lift as you lead.” Don’t just build a network for yourself; build a supportive network to empower everyone who works with you — and those who come after you, especially those who are currently underrepresented in the tech sector. Your collective presence in this space makes a positive impact! And it’s even stronger when you build a better future together.

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Go with the flow state: What music and AI have in common

Carrie Cai, Ben Zevenbergen and Johnny Soraker all work on developing artificial intelligence (AI) responsibly at Google, in the larger research community and across the technology industry. Carrie is a research scientist focusing on human-AI interaction, Ben is an ethicist and policy advisor and Johnny is an AI Principles ethicist. They all work within a global team of experts from a variety of fields, including the social sciences and humanities, focused on the ethical development of AI. They’re driven to make systems that are fair, inclusive and focused on people.

But they have more than their work in common: They’re all accomplished musicians who’ve studied music, composed and published pieces and even played at the professional level. We wanted to know more about their musical backgrounds, and how this creative interest informs their work building AI systems that take everyone into account.

What instrument — or instruments — do you play?

Ben: Guitar, bass and drums.

Johnny: Mainly drums these days, but I’ve also done ambient and electronica.

Carrie: I play piano and I also compose music.

Where did your interest in playing music come from?

Ben: I grew up in a musical family where instruments were always lying around. My parents’ friends would bring their instruments when they came to visit and our house would turn into a music venue. I enrolled in a music degree in my late teens to become a professional drummer. Then, a year later, I serendipitously became a bassist: I went to law school in the Netherlands, and the university band already had someone who was a better drummer than I was — but they needed a bassist, so I grabbed the opportunity.

Carrie: I started out in the Yamaha music program when I was six, where rather than learning technical piano playing skills you focus on ear training, hearing the music and how to play as an ensemble. I think that foundation led me to be a lot more creative with my music than I would have been otherwise. I spent part of my childhood years composing music, too — here are some of my early compositions from my high school days!

Johnny: I’ve played lots of instruments since I was a child, but never had the tenacity to get very good at any of them. Perhaps as a result of this, I got involved with a highly experimental ambient scene in the early 2000s and started the one-man project Metus Mortuus, using samples and DIY equipment to create often disturbing soundscapes. It was really only when I got hooked on the video game “Rock Band,” where you play “fake” instruments along with the notation on screen, that I put in the hours needed to get some basic limb independence and with that a platform for learning real drums.

Did you gravitate toward the drums in the game?

Johnny: No, I hardly ever touched them — I simply couldn’t make my left arm do something my right arm wasn’t doing, but one day I decided to try an experiment: Can I make these stale neural pathways of mine actually learn something new well into adulthood? I started practicing on these toy drums every day, which was painful and frustrating, but occasional breakthroughs kept me going. Eventually I achieved a level of limb independence I hadn’t thought I was capable of. I invested in proper e-drums and I’ve played almost every day since.

This [work] often requires you to think creatively. And I feel that the way in which drumming almost literally rewired my brain has made me much better at doing that.

What’s your favorite thing about playing?

Johnny: It’s really the ultimate flow experience, where you’re fully immersed in an activity to the extent you lose track of time and only focus on the present moment. There’s lots of empirical research in the field of positive psychology suggesting that regular flow experiences promote better well-being.

Ben: I love playing the bass with a band because it’s the glue between the rhythm section and the melody sections. It’s fun when you purposefully come in a beat later, you really see people not sure whether to dance or not. When you start playing, suddenly the whole audience understands what’s going on. And then they have the audacity to say they never hear the bass!

How has music made its way into your work, if at all?

Carrie: It’s certainly affected how I think about my work today, particularly around how to make AI more controllable to everyday people. For example, we’re now seeing these new, highly capable generative AI models that can compose music sounding indistinguishable from something written by Bach. But we discovered that, just because an AI model is capable of making beautiful music, doesn’t mean humans can always make beautiful music using AI.

When I create music, I’m thinking, “I want the beginning of the song to sound cheerful, then I want it to build tension, before ending in a somber way.” When I’m creating with AI, it can be difficult to express that — I can’t easily say, “Hey AI, make the first part happy and then build tension here” This can make it difficult for people to feel a sense of artistic agency and authorship when they’re creating any kind of content with AI.

Recently, I collaborated with other human-computer interaction (HCI) and machine learning (ML) researchers at Google to create new tools enabling people to steer and control AI as they compose music with it. We found that these “steering tools” significantly boost users’ sense of creative ownership and trust as they compose with AI.

Do you think there’s anything about the sort of work you do that exercises the same sort of “mental muscles” as music does?

Johnny: Yes, I think the key to ethics — and especially ethics of AI where there often is no precedent — is to be able to approach a problem from different angles and draw connections between the case at hand and relevant, similar cases from the past. This requires you to think creatively. And I feel that the way in which drumming almost literally rewired my brain has made me much better at doing that.

Ben: When you learn to play the drums, one of the hardest things is learning you must separate the movements of your limbs in your mind. It’s pretty difficult to process — which makes it a very nice experience once your mind can asynchronously control parts of your thinking to create interesting rhythms that are still in time. I think for my work on ethics of technical design, I have to frequently understand many interacting but very different disciplines. I’m not sure if it has anything to do with drumming, but I find that I can think about these things in tandem, while they are completely different.

Once when I was little, I woke up and without even changing out of my pajamas, spent the entire day composing a piece of music.

Carrie: I remember once when I was little, I woke up and without even changing out of my pajamas, spent the entire day composing a piece of music. I realize now that that was a flow state — I was working on something that was challenging yet doable. I think that’s a key property of creativity and it’s affected how I work in general. It’s easiest for me to be productive when I’m in that state — working on something that’s challenging, but not so difficult that I won’t want to start it or keep going. That’s helpful in research because there’s so much uncertainty — you never know if your experiments are going to work! But I can take a lesson from how I got into that flow state with music and apply it to research: How can I as a research scientist enter a flow state?

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Detecting Signs of Disease from External Images of the Eye

Three years ago we wrote about our work on predicting a number of cardiovascular risk factors from fundus photos (i.e., photos of the back of the eye)1 using deep learning. That such risk factors could be extracted from fundus photos was a novel discovery and thus a surprising outcome to clinicians and laypersons alike. Since then, we and other researchers have discovered additional novel biomarkers from fundus photos, such as markers for chronic kidney disease and diabetes, and hemoglobin levels to detect anemia.

A unifying goal of work like this is to develop new disease detection or monitoring approaches that are less invasive, more accurate, cheaper and more readily available. However, one restriction to potential broad population-level applicability of efforts to extract biomarkers from fundus photos is getting the fundus photos themselves, which requires specialized imaging equipment and a trained technician.

The eye can be imaged in multiple ways. A common approach for diabetic retinal disease screening is to examine the posterior segment using fundus photographs (left), which have been shown to contain signals of kidney and heart disease, as well as anemia. Another way is to take photographs of the front of the eye (external eye photos; right), which is typically used to track conditions affecting the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, and lens.

In “Detection of signs of disease in external photographs of the eyes via deep learning”, in press at Nature Biomedical Engineering, we show that a deep learning model can extract potentially useful biomarkers from external eye photos (i.e., photos of the front of the eye). In particular, for diabetic patients, the model can predict the presence of diabetic retinal disease, elevated HbA1c (a biomarker of diabetic blood sugar control and outcomes), and elevated blood lipids (a biomarker of cardiovascular risk). External eye photos as an imaging modality are particularly interesting because their use may reduce the need for specialized equipment, opening the door to various avenues of improving the accessibility of health screening.

Developing the Model
To develop the model, we used de-identified data from over 145,000 patients from a teleretinal diabetic retinopathy screening program. We trained a convolutional neural network both on these images and on the corresponding ground truth for the variables we wanted the model to predict (i.e., whether the patient has diabetic retinal disease, elevated HbA1c, or elevated lipids) so that the neural network could learn from these examples. After training, the model is able to take external eye photos as input and then output predictions for whether the patient has diabetic retinal disease, or elevated sugars or lipids.

A schematic showing the model generating predictions for an external eye photo.

We measured model performance using the area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC), which quantifies how frequently the model assigns higher scores to patients who are truly positive than patients who are truly negative (i.e., a perfect model scores 100%, compared to 50% for random guesses). The model detected various forms of diabetic retinal disease with AUCs of 71-82%, AUCs of 67-70% for elevated HbA1c, and AUCs of 57-68% for elevated lipids. These results indicate that, though imperfect, external eye photos can help detect and quantify various parameters of systemic health.

Much like the CDC’s pre-diabetes screening questionnaire, external eye photos may be able to help “pre-screen” people and identify those who may benefit from further confirmatory testing. If we sort all patients in our study based on their predicted risk and look at the top 5% of that list, 69% of those patients had HbA1c measurements ≥ 9 (indicating poor blood sugar control for patients with diabetes). For comparison, among patients who are at highest risk according to a risk score based on demographics and years with diabetes, only 55% had HbA1c ≥ 9, and among patients selected at random only 33% had HbA1c ≥ 9.

Assessing Potential Bias
We emphasize that this is promising, yet early, proof-of-concept research showcasing a novel discovery. That said, because we believe that it is important to evaluate potential biases in the data and model, we undertook a multi-pronged approach for bias assessment.

First, we conducted various explainability analyses aimed at discovering what parts of the image contribute most to the algorithm’s predictions (similar to our anemia work). Both saliency analyses (which examine which pixels most influenced the predictions) and ablation experiments (which examine the impact of removing various image regions) indicate that the algorithm is most influenced by the center of the image (the areas of the sclera, iris, and pupil of the eye, but not the eyelids). This is demonstrated below where one can see that the AUC declines much more quickly when image occlusion starts in the center (green lines) than when it starts in the periphery (blue lines).

Explainability analysis shows that (top) all predictions focused on different parts of the eye, and that (bottom) occluding the center of the image (corresponding to parts of the eyeball) has a much greater effect than occluding the periphery (corresponding to the surrounding structures, such as eyelids), as shown by the green line’s steeper decline. The “baseline” is a logistic regression model that takes self-reported age, sex, race and years with diabetes as input.

Second, our development dataset spanned a diverse set of locations within the U.S., encompassing over 300,000 de-identified photos taken at 301 diabetic retinopathy screening sites. Our evaluation datasets comprised over 95,000 images from 198 sites in 18 US states, including datasets of predominantly Hispanic or Latino patients, a dataset of majority Black patients, and a dataset that included patients without diabetes. We conducted extensive subgroup analyses across groups of patients with different demographic and physical characteristics (such as age, sex, race and ethnicity, presence of cataract, pupil size, and even camera type), and controlled for these variables as covariates. The algorithm was more predictive than the baseline in all subgroups after accounting for these factors.

This exciting work demonstrates the feasibility of extracting useful health related signals from external eye photographs, and has potential implications for the large and rapidly growing population of patients with diabetes or other chronic diseases. There is a long way to go to achieve broad applicability, for example understanding what level of image quality is needed, generalizing to patients with and without known chronic diseases, and understanding generalization to images taken with different cameras and under a wider variety of conditions, like lighting and environment. In continued partnership with academic and nonacademic experts, including EyePACS and CGMH, we look forward to further developing and testing our algorithm on larger and more comprehensive datasets, and broadening the set of biomarkers recognized (e.g., for liver disease). Ultimately we are working towards making non-invasive health and wellness tools more accessible to everyone.

This work involved the efforts of a multidisciplinary team of software engineers, researchers, clinicians and cross functional contributors. Key contributors to this project include: Boris Babenko, Akinori Mitani, Ilana Traynis, Naho Kitade‎, Preeti Singh, April Y. Maa, Jorge Cuadros, Greg S. Corrado, Lily Peng, Dale R. Webster, Avinash Varadarajan‎, Naama Hammel, and Yun Liu. The authors would also like to acknowledge Huy Doan, Quang Duong, Roy Lee, and the Google Health team for software infrastructure support and data collection. We also thank Tiffany Guo, Mike McConnell, Michael Howell, and Sam Kavusi for their feedback on the manuscript. Last but not least, gratitude goes to the graders who labeled data for the pupil segmentation model, and a special thanks to Tom Small for the ideation and design that inspired the animation used in this blog post.

1The information presented here is research and does not reflect a product that is available for sale. Future availability cannot be guaranteed. 

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The Check Up: our latest health AI developments

Over the years, teams across Google have focused on how technology — specifically artificial intelligence and hardware innovations — can improve access to high-quality, equitable healthcare across the globe.

Accessing the right healthcare can be challenging depending on where people live and whether local caregivers have specialized equipment or training for tasks like disease screening. To help, Google Health has expanded its research and applications to focus on improving the care clinicians provide and allow care to happen outside hospitals and doctor’s offices.

Today, at our Google Health event The Check Up, we’re sharing new areas of AI-related research and development and how we’re providing clinicians with easy-to-use tools to help them better care for patients. Here’s a look at some of those updates.

Smartphone cameras’ potential to protect cardiovascular health and preserve eyesight

One of our earliest Health AI projects, ARDA, aims to help address screenings for diabetic retinopathy — a complication of diabetes that, if undiagnosed and untreated, can cause blindness.

Today, we screen 350 patients daily, resulting in close to 100,000 patients screened to date. We recently completed a prospective study with the Thailand national screening program that further shows ARDA is accurate and capable of being deployed safely across multiple regions to support more accessible eye screenings.

In addition to diabetic eye disease, we’ve previously also shown how photos of eyes’ interiors (or fundus) can reveal cardiovascular risk factors, such as high blood sugar and cholesterol levels, with assistance from deep learning. Our recent research tackles detecting diabetes-related diseases from photos of the exterior of the eye, using existing tabletop cameras in clinics. Given the early promising results, we’re looking forward to clinical research with partners, including EyePACS and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (CGMH), to investigate if photos from smartphone cameras can help detect diabetes and non-diabetes diseases from external eye photos as well. While this is in the early stages of research and development, our engineers and scientists envision a future where people, with the help of their doctors, can better understand and make decisions about health conditions from their own homes.

Recording and translating heart sounds with smartphones

We’ve previously shared how mobile sensors combined with machine learning can democratize health metrics and give people insights into daily health and wellness. Our feature that allows you to measure your heart rate and respiratory rate with your phone’s camera is now available on over 100 models of Android devices, as well as iOS devices. Our manuscript describing the prospective validation study has been accepted for publication.

Today, we’re sharing a new area of research that explores how a smartphone’s built-in microphones could record heart sounds when placed over the chest. Listening to someone’s heart and lungs with a stethoscope, known as auscultation, is a critical part of a physical exam. It can help clinicians detect heart valve disorders, such as aortic stenosis which is important to detect early. Screening for aortic stenosis typically requires specialized equipment, like a stethoscope or an ultrasound, and an in-person assessment.

Our latest research investigates whether a smartphone can detect heartbeats and murmurs. We’re currently in the early stages of clinical study testing, but we hope that our work can empower people to use the smartphone as an additional tool for accessible health evaluation.

Partnering with Northwestern Medicine to apply AI to improve maternal health

Ultrasound is a noninvasive diagnostic imaging method that uses high-frequency sound waves to create real-time pictures or videos of internal organs or other tissues, such as blood vessels and fetuses.

Research shows that ultrasound is safe for use in prenatal care and effective in identifying issues early in pregnancy. However, more than half of all birthing parents in low-to-middle-income countries don’t receive ultrasounds, in part due to a shortage of expertise in reading ultrasounds. We believe that Google’s expertise in machine learning can help solve this and allow for healthier pregnancies and better outcomes for parents and babies.

We are working on foundational, open-access research studies that validate the use of AI to help providers conduct ultrasounds and perform assessments. We’re excited to partner with Northwestern Medicine to further develop and test these models to be more generalizable across different levels of experience and technologies. With more automated and accurate evaluations of maternal and fetal health risks, we hope to lower barriers and help people get timely care in the right settings.

To learn more about the health efforts we shared at The Check Up with Google Health, check out this blog post from our Chief Health Officer Dr. Karen DeSalvo. And stay tuned for more health-related research milestones from us.

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Auto-generated Summaries in Google Docs

For many of us, it can be challenging to keep up with the volume of documents that arrive in our inboxes every day: reports, reviews, briefs, policies and the list goes on. When a new document is received, readers often wish it included a brief summary of the main points in order to effectively prioritize it. However, composing a document summary can be cognitively challenging and time-consuming, especially when a document writer is starting from scratch.

To help with this, we recently announced that Google Docs now automatically generates suggestions to aid document writers in creating content summaries, when they are available. Today we describe how this was enabled using a machine learning (ML) model that comprehends document text and, when confident, generates a 1-2 sentence natural language description of the document content. However, the document writer maintains full control — accepting the suggestion as-is, making necessary edits to better capture the document summary or ignoring the suggestion altogether. Readers can also use this section, along with the outline, to understand and navigate the document at a high level. While all users can add summaries, auto-generated suggestions are currently only available to Google Workspace business customers. Building on grammar suggestions, Smart Compose, and autocorrect, we see this as another valuable step toward improving written communication in the workplace.

A blue summary icon appears in the top left corner when a document summary suggestion is available. Document writers can then view, edit, or ignore the suggested document summary.

Model Details
Automatically generated summaries would not be possible without the tremendous advances in ML for natural language understanding (NLU) and natural language generation (NLG) over the past five years, especially with the introduction of Transformer and Pegasus.

Abstractive text summarization, which combines the individually challenging tasks of long document language understanding and generation, has been a long-standing problem in NLU and NLG research. A popular method for combining NLU and NLG is training an ML model using sequence-to-sequence learning, where the inputs are the document words, and the outputs are the summary words. A neural network then learns to map input tokens to output tokens. Early applications of the sequence-to-sequence paradigm used recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for both the encoder and decoder.

The introduction of Transformers provided a promising alternative to RNNs because Transformers use self-attention to provide better modeling of long input and output dependencies, which is critical in document summarization. Still, these models require large amounts of manually labeled data to train sufficiently, so the advent of Transformers alone was not enough to significantly advance the state-of-the-art in document summarization.

The combination of Transformers with self-supervised pre-training (e.g., BERT, GPT, T5) led to a major breakthrough in many NLU tasks for which limited labeled data is available. In self-supervised pre-training, a model uses large amounts of unlabeled text to learn general language understanding and generation capabilities. Then, in a subsequent fine-tuning stage, the model learns to apply these abilities on a specific task, such as summarization or question answering.

The Pegasus work took this idea one step further, by introducing a pre-training objective customized to abstractive summarization. In Pegasus pre-training, also called Gap Sentence Prediction (GSP), full sentences from unlabeled news articles and web documents are masked from the input and the model is required to reconstruct them, conditioned on the remaining unmasked sentences. In particular, GSP attempts to mask sentences that are considered essential to the document through different heuristics. The intuition is to make the pre-training as close as possible to the summarization task. Pegasus achieved state-of-the-art results on a varied set of summarization datasets. However, a number of challenges remained to apply this research advancement into a product.

Applying Recent Research Advances to Google Docs

  • Data

    Self-supervised pre-training results in an ML model that has general language understanding and generation capabilities, but a subsequent fine-tuning stage is critical for the model to adapt to the application domain. We fine-tuned early versions of our model on a corpus of documents with manually-generated summaries that were consistent with typical use cases.

    However, early versions of this corpus suffered from inconsistencies and high variation because they included many types of documents, as well as many ways to write a summary — e.g., academic abstracts are typically long and detailed, while executive summaries are brief and punchy. This led to a model that was easily confused because it had been trained on so many different types of documents and summaries that it struggled to learn the relationships between any of them.

    Fortunately, one of the key findings in the Pegasus work was that an effective pre-training phase required less supervised data in the fine-tuning stage. Some summarization benchmarks required as few as 1,000 fine-tuning examples for Pegasus to match the performance of Transformer baselines that saw 10,000+ supervised examples — suggesting that one could focus on quality rather than quantity.

    We carefully cleaned and filtered the fine-tuning data to contain training examples that were more consistent and represented a coherent definition of summaries. Despite the fact that we reduced the amount of training data, this led to a higher quality model. The key lesson, consistent with recent work in domains like dataset distillation, was that it was better to have a smaller, high quality dataset, than a larger, high-variance dataset.

  • Serving

    Once we trained the high quality model, we turned to the challenge of serving the model in production. While the Transformer version of the encoder-decoder architecture is the dominant approach to train models for sequence-to-sequence tasks like abstractive summarization, it can be inefficient and impractical to serve in real-world applications. The main inefficiency comes from the Transformer decoder where we generate the output summary token by token through autoregressive decoding. The decoding process becomes noticeably slow when summaries get longer since the decoder attends to all previously generated tokens at each step. RNNs are a more efficient architecture for decoding since there is no self-attention with previous tokens as in a Transformer model.

    We used knowledge distillation, which is the process of transferring knowledge from a large model to a smaller more efficient model, to distill the Pegasus model into a hybrid architecture of a Transformer encoder and an RNN decoder. To improve efficiency we also reduced the number of RNN decoder layers. The resulting model had significant improvements in latency and memory footprint while the quality was still on par with the original model. To further improve the latency and user experience, we serve the summarization model using TPUs, which provide significant speed ups and allow more requests to be handled by a single machine.

Ongoing Challenges and Next Steps
While we are excited by the progress so far, there are a few challenges we are continuing to tackle:

  • Document coverage: Developing a set of documents for the fine-tuning stage was difficult due to the tremendous variety that exists among documents, and the same challenge is true at inference time. Some of the documents our users create (e.g., meeting notes, recipes, lesson plans and resumes) are not suitable for summarization or can be difficult to summarize. Currently, our model only suggests a summary for documents where it is most confident, but we hope to continue broadening this set as our model improves.
  • Evaluation: Abstractive summaries need to capture the essence of a document while being fluent and grammatically correct. A specific document may have many summaries that can be considered correct, and different readers may prefer different ones. This makes it hard to evaluate summaries with automatic metrics only, user feedback and usage statistics will be critical for us to understand and keep improving quality.
  • Long documents: Long documents are some of the toughest documents for the model to summarize because it is harder to capture all the points and abstract them in a single summary, and it can also significantly increase memory usage during training and serving. However, long documents are perhaps most useful for the model to automatically summarize because it can help document writers get a head start on this tedious task. We hope we can apply the latest ML advancements to better address this challenge.

Overall, we are thrilled that we can apply recent progress in NLU and NLG to continue assisting users with reading and writing. We hope the automatic suggestions now offered in Google Workspace make it easier for writers to annotate their documents with summaries, and help readers comprehend and navigate documents more easily.

The authors would like to thank the many people across Google that contributed to this work: AJ Motika, Matt Pearson-Beck, Mia Chen, Mahdis Mahdieh, Halit Erdogan, Benjamin Lee, Ali Abdelhadi, Michelle Danoff, Vishnu Sivaji, Sneha Keshav, Aliya Baptista, Karishma Damani, DJ Lick, Yao Zhao, Peter Liu, Aurko Roy, Yonghui Wu, Shubhi Sareen, Andrew Dai, Mekhola Mukherjee, Yinan Wang, Mike Colagrosso, and Behnoosh Hariri. .

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Offline Optimization for Architecting Hardware Accelerators

Advances in machine learning (ML) often come with advances in hardware and computing systems. For example, the growth of ML-based approaches in solving various problems in vision and language has led to the development of application-specific hardware accelerators (e.g., Google TPUs and Edge TPUs). While promising, standard procedures for designing accelerators customized towards a target application require manual effort to devise a reasonably accurate simulator of hardware, followed by performing many time-intensive simulations to optimize the desired objective (e.g., optimizing for low power usage or latency when running a particular application). This involves identifying the right balance between total amount of compute and memory resources and communication bandwidth under various design constraints, such as the requirement to meet an upper bound on chip area usage and peak power. However, designing accelerators that meet these design constraints is often result in infeasible designs. To address these challenges, we ask: “Is it possible to train an expressive deep neural network model on large amounts of existing accelerator data and then use the learned model to architect future generations of specialized accelerators, eliminating the need for computationally expensive hardware simulations?

In “Data-Driven Offline Optimization for Architecting Hardware Accelerators”, accepted at ICLR 2022, we introduce PRIME, an approach focused on architecting accelerators based on data-driven optimization that only utilizes existing logged data (e.g., data leftover from traditional accelerator design efforts), consisting of accelerator designs and their corresponding performance metrics (e.g., latency, power, etc) to architect hardware accelerators without any further hardware simulation. This alleviates the need to run time-consuming simulations and enables reuse of data from past experiments, even when the set of target applications changes (e.g., an ML model for vision, language, or other objective), and even for unseen but related applications to the training set, in a zero-shot fashion. PRIME can be trained on data from prior simulations, a database of actually fabricated accelerators, and also a database of infeasible or failed accelerator designs1. This approach for architecting accelerators — tailored towards both single- and multi-applications — improves performance upon state-of-the-art simulation-driven methods by about 1.2x-1.5x, while considerably reducing the required total simulation time by 93% and 99%, respectively. PRIME also architects effective accelerators for unseen applications in a zero-shot setting, outperforming simulation-based methods by 1.26x.

PRIME uses logged accelerator data, consisting of both feasible and infeasible accelerators, to train a conservative model, which is used to design accelerators while meeting design constraints. PRIME architects accelerators with up to 1.5x smaller latency, while reducing the required hardware simulation time by up to 99%.

The PRIME Approach for Architecting Accelerators
Perhaps the simplest possible way to use a database of previously designed accelerators for hardware design is to use supervised machine learning to train a prediction model that can predict the performance objective for a given accelerator as input. Then, one could potentially design new accelerators by optimizing the performance output of this learned model with respect to the input accelerator design. Such an approach is known as model-based optimization. However, this simple approach has a key limitation: it assumes that the prediction model can accurately predict the cost for every accelerator that we might encounter during optimization! It is well established that most prediction models trained via supervised learning misclassify adversarial examples that “fool” the learned model into predicting incorrect values. Similarly, it has been shown that even optimizing the output of a supervised model finds adversarial examples that look promising under the learned model2, but perform terribly under the ground truth objective.

To address this limitation, PRIME learns a robust prediction model that is not prone to being fooled by adversarial examples (that we will describe shortly), which would be otherwise found during optimization. One can then simply optimize this model using any standard optimizer to architect simulators. More importantly, unlike prior methods, PRIME can also utilize existing databases of infeasible accelerators to learn what not to design. This is done by augmenting the supervised training of the learned model with additional loss terms that specifically penalize the value of the learned model on the infeasible accelerator designs and adversarial examples during training. This approach resembles a form of adversarial training.

In principle, one of the central benefits of a data-driven approach is that it should enable learning highly expressive and generalist models of the optimization objective that generalize over target applications, while also potentially being effective for new unseen applications for which a designer has never attempted to optimize accelerators. To train PRIME so that it generalizes to unseen applications, we modify the learned model to be conditioned on a context vector that identifies a given neural net application we wish to accelerate (as we discuss in our experiments below, we choose to use high-level features of the target application: such as number of feed-forward layers, number of convolutional layers, total parameters, etc. to serve as the context), and train a single, large model on accelerator data for all applications designers have seen so far. As we will discuss below in our results, this contextual modification of PRIME enables it to optimize accelerators both for multiple, simultaneous applications and new unseen applications in a zero-shot fashion.

Does PRIME Outperform Custom-Engineered Accelerators?
We evaluate PRIME on a variety of actual accelerator design tasks. We start by comparing the optimized accelerator design architected by PRIME targeted towards nine applications to the manually optimized EdgeTPU design. EdgeTPU accelerators are primarily optimized towards running applications in image classification, particularly MobileNetV2, MobileNetV3 and MobileNetEdge. Our goal is to check if PRIME can design an accelerator that attains a lower latency than a baseline EdgeTPU accelerator3, while also constraining the chip area to be under 27 mm2 (the default for the EdgeTPU accelerator). Shown below, we find that PRIME improves latency over EdgeTPU by 2.69x (up to 11.84x in t-RNN Enc), while also reducing the chip area usage by 1.50x (up to 2.28x in MobileNetV3), even though it was never trained to reduce chip area! Even on the MobileNet image-classification models, for which the custom-engineered EdgeTPU accelerator was optimized, PRIME improves latency by 1.85x.

Comparing latencies (lower is better) of accelerator designs suggested by PRIME and EdgeTPU for single-model specialization.
The chip area (lower is better) reduction compared to a baseline EdgeTPU design for single-model specialization.

Designing Accelerators for New and Multiple Applications, Zero-Shot
We now study how PRIME can use logged accelerator data to design accelerators for (1) multiple applications, where we optimize PRIME to design a single accelerator that works well across multiple applications simultaneously, and in a (2) zero-shot setting, where PRIME must generate an accelerator for new unseen application(s) without training on any data from such applications. In both settings, we train the contextual version of PRIME, conditioned on context vectors identifying the target applications and then optimize the learned model to obtain the final accelerator. We find that PRIME outperforms the best simulator-driven approach in both settings, even when very limited data is provided for training for a given application but many applications are available. Specifically in the zero-shot setting, PRIME outperforms the best simulator-driven method we compared to, attaining a reduction of 1.26x in latency. Further, the difference in performance increases as the number of training applications increases.

The average latency (lower is better) of test applications under zero-shot setting compared to a state-of-the-art simulator-driven approach. The text on top of each bar shows the set of training applications.

Closely Analyzing an Accelerator Designed by PRIME
To provide more insight to hardware architecture, we examine the best accelerator designed by PRIME and compare it to the best accelerator found by the simulator-driven approach. We consider the setting where we need to jointly optimize the accelerator for all nine applications, MobileNetEdge, MobileNetV2, MobileNetV3, M4, M5, M64, t-RNN Dec, and t-RNN Enc, and U-Net, under a chip area constraint of 100 mm2. We find that PRIME improves latency by 1.35x over the simulator-driven approach.

Per application latency (lower is better) for the best accelerator design suggested by PRIME and state-of-the-art simulator-driven approach for a multi-task accelerator design. PRIME reduces the average latency across all nine applications by 1.35x over the simulator-driven method.

As shown above, while the latency of the accelerator designed by PRIME for MobileNetEdge, MobileNetV2, MobileNetV3, M4, t-RNN Dec, and t-RNN Enc are better, the accelerator found by the simulation-driven approach yields a lower latency in M5, M6, and U-Net. By closely inspecting the accelerator configurations, we find that PRIME trades compute (64 cores for PRIME vs. 128 cores for the simulator-driven approach) for larger Processing Element (PE) memory size (2,097,152 bytes vs. 1,048,576 bytes). These results show that PRIME favors PE memory size to accommodate the larger memory requirements in t-RNN Dec and t-RNN Enc, where large reductions in latency were possible. Under a fixed area budget, favoring larger on-chip memory comes at the expense of lower compute power in the accelerator. This reduction in the accelerator’s compute power leads to higher latency for the models with large numbers of compute operations, namely M5, M6, and U-Net.

The efficacy of PRIME highlights the potential for utilizing the logged offline data in an accelerator design pipeline. A likely avenue for future work is to scale this approach across an array of applications, where we expect to see larger gains because simulator-driven approaches would need to solve a complex optimization problem, akin to searching for needle in a haystack, whereas PRIME can benefit from generalization of the surrogate model. On the other hand, we would also note that PRIME outperforms prior simulator-driven methods we utilize and this makes it a promising candidate to be used within a simulator-driven method. More generally, training a strong offline optimization algorithm on offline datasets of low-performing designs can be a highly effective ingredient in at the very least, kickstarting hardware design, versus throwing out prior data. Finally, given the generality of PRIME, we hope to use it for hardware-software co-design, which exhibits a large search space but plenty of opportunity for generalization. We have also released both the code for training PRIME and the dataset of accelerators.

We thank our co-authors Sergey Levine, Kevin Swersky, and Milad Hashemi for their advice, thoughts and suggestions. We thank James Laudon, Cliff Young, Ravi Narayanaswami, Berkin Akin, Sheng-Chun Kao, Samira Khan, Suvinay Subramanian, Stella Aslibekyan, Christof Angermueller, and Olga Wichrowskafor for their help and support, and Sergey Levine for feedback on this blog post. In addition, we would like to extend our gratitude to the members of “Learn to Design Accelerators”, “EdgeTPU”, and the Vizier team for providing invaluable feedback and suggestions. We would also like to thank Tom Small for the animated figure used in this post.

1The infeasible accelerator designs stem from build errors in silicon or compilation/mapping failures. 
2This is akin to adversarial examples in supervised learning – these examples are close to the data points observed in the training dataset, but are misclassified by the classifier. 
3The performance metrics for the baseline EdgeTPU accelerator are extracted from an industry-based hardware simulator tuned to match the performance of the actual hardware. 
4These are proprietary object-detection models, and we refer to them as M4 (indicating Model 4), M5, and M6 in the paper. 

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