Qubit the dog on the big questions in quantum computing

This week we sat down for an interview with Qubit the dog, whose human Julian Kelly is one of our lead Research Scientists with Google Quantum AI. Qubit was born in 2012, right when Julian and team were first designing the qubits that now underlie Google’s quantum computers. He nearly received the honor of pressing the submit button for the team’s beyond-classical result published in Nature, but he was narrowly edged out by a human.

Qubit has never been interviewed before on such a range of technical and philosophical topics, so it was a privilege to have the opportunity — a transcript of the discussion follows.

Thank you for taking the time to sit down for this, Qubit. Given the complexity and depth of the topic, I was hoping we could jump right in. I first wanted to ask — where do you think we are in the “hype cycle” of quantum computing? Is this analogous to earlier hype cycles around ecommerce, AI, mobile technology or other major shifts where the hype may have led to “winters” for some time before the technology caught up and eventually surpassed the initial expectations about the significance of its impact on users and society, especially in terms on unexpected applications and feedback dynamics?


Okay, that makes sense, there does seem to be a certain unavoidable nature to that cycle that resolves itself naturally. But how should we consider investment in alternate veins of quantum computing research and development — for example, while there appears to be a viable roadmap for superconducting qubits, with evidence that error suppression can scale and enable a fully fault-tolerant large-scale quantum computer within the decade, does it make sense to also explore more speculative approaches such as photonics or spin qubits?

[Licks rear left foot]

Granted, that may all shake out in time as these technical milestones prove out. What, if I may ask, has led to Google being able to publish the series of verified empirical demonstrations that it has? We’ve seen a number of exciting firsts — the first demonstration of a beyond-classical computation of any kind on a quantum computer in 2019, the most impressive chemistry simulation on a quantum computer earlier in 2021, and most recently the first demonstration that errors can be exponentially suppressed with the number qubits. What about Google’s team or particular approach allows for this pace of breakthroughs?

[Smiles, pants amicably]
A small dog with light brown fur looks up at a quantum computer

Qubit inspecting a dilution refrigerator for proper signal routing

Maybe that confidence is warranted. Of course, even if the technical path is reasonable, there are a lot of open questions about the eventual applications of quantum computing. Google’s group includes “AI” in its name — Google Quantum AI — so I assume you think quantum computing could eventually lead to more effective forms of machine learning? Or are you more excited about applications such as simulating chemical reactions and exotic materials, so we might develop better batteries and solar panels, or achieve efficient nitrogen fixation for farming fertilizer and save 2% of the world’s carbon emissions?

Yap, yap!

And do you subscribe to the “many worlds” hypothesis, and the notion that quantum computers’ power will come from essentially processing information in other parallel universes, or is this perhaps too far-fetched and unnecessary for understanding where the double exponential speedup, that is, “Neven’s Law,” comes from? Is a more conventional understanding all we need to grasp the implications of this new regime of compute space?

Rup [burps].

Thank you so much. One last question, and then I’ll let you go — what’s the deal with time crystals?

[Blinks twice, then trots off to get a treat.]

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Baselines for Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning

Posted by Zachary Nado, Research Engineer and Dustin Tran, Research Scientist, Google Research, Brain Team

Machine learning (ML) is increasingly being used in real-world applications, so understanding the uncertainty and robustness of a model is necessary to ensure performance in practice. For example, how do models behave when deployed on data that differs from the data on which they were trained? How do models signal when they are likely to make a mistake?

To get a handle on an ML model’s behavior, its performance is often measured against a baseline for the task of interest. With each baseline, researchers must try to reproduce results only using descriptions from the corresponding papers , which results in serious challenges for replication. Having access to the code for experiments may be more useful, assuming it is well-documented and maintained. But even this is not enough, because the baselines must be rigorously validated. For example, in retrospective analyses over a collection of works [1, 2, 3], authors often find that a simple well-tuned baseline outperforms more sophisticated methods. In order to truly understand how models perform relative to each other, and enable researchers to measure whether new ideas in fact yield meaningful progress, models of interest must be compared to a common baseline.

In “Uncertainty Baselines: Benchmarks for Uncertainty & Robustness in Deep Learning”, we introduce Uncertainty Baselines, a collection of high-quality implementations of standard and state-of-the-art deep learning methods for a variety of tasks, with the goal of making research on uncertainty and robustness more reproducible. The collection spans 19 methods across nine tasks, each with at least five metrics. Each baseline is a self-contained experiment pipeline with easily reusable and extendable components and with minimal dependencies outside of the framework in which it is written. The included pipelines are implemented in TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Jax. Additionally, the hyperparameters for each baseline have been extensively tuned over numerous iterations so as to provide even stronger results.

Uncertainty Baselines
As of this writing, Uncertainty Baselines provides a total of 83 baselines, comprising 19 methods encompassing standard and more recent strategies over nine datasets. Example methods include BatchEnsemble, Deep Ensembles, Rank-1 Bayesian Neural Nets, Monte Carlo Dropout, and Spectral-normalized Neural Gaussian Processes. It acts as a successor in merging several popular benchmarks in the community: Can You Trust Your Model’s Uncertainty?, BDL benchmarks, and Edward2’s baselines.

Dataset Inputs Output Train Examples Test Datasets
CIFAR RGB images 10-class distribution 50,000 3
ImageNet RGB images 1000-class distribution 1,281,167 6
CLINC Intent Detection Dialog system query text 150-class distribution (in 10 domains) 15,000 2
Kaggle’s Diabetic Retinopathy Detection RGB images Probability of Diabetic Retinopathy 35,126 1
Wikipedia Toxicity Wikipedia comment text Probability of toxicity 159,571 3

A subset of 5 out of 9 available datasets for which baselines are provided. The datasets span tabular, text, and image modalities.

Uncertainty Baselines sets up each baseline under a choice of base model, training dataset, and a suite of evaluation metrics. Each is then tuned over its hyperparameters to maximize performance on such metrics. The available baselines vary among these three axes:

Modularity and Reusability
In order for researchers to use and build on the baselines, we deliberately optimized them to be as modular and minimal as possible. As seen in the workflow figure below, Uncertainty Baselines introduces no new class abstractions, instead reusing classes that pre-exist in the ecosystem (e.g., TensorFlow’s tf.data.Dataset). The train/evaluation pipeline for each of the baselines is contained in a standalone Python file for that experiment, which can run on CPU, GPU, or Google Cloud TPUs. Because of this independence between baselines, we are able to develop baselines in any of TensorFlow, PyTorch or JAX.

Workflow diagram for how the different components of Uncertainty Baselines are structured. All datasets are subclasses of the BaseDataset class, which provides a simple API for use in baselines written with any of the supported frameworks. The outputs from any of the baselines can then be analyzed with the Robustness Metrics library.

One area of debate among research engineers is how to manage hyperparameters and other experiment configuration values, which can easily number in the dozens. Instead of using one of the many frameworks built for this, and risk users having to learn yet another library, we opted to simply use Python flags, i.e., flags defined using Abseil that follow Python conventions. This should be a familiar technique to most researchers, and is easy to extend and plug into other pipelines.

In addition to being able to run each of our baselines using the documented commands and get the same reported results, we also aim to release hyperparameter tuning results and final model checkpoints for further reproducibility. Right now we only have these fully open-sourced for the Diabetic Retinopathy baselines, but we will continue to upload more results as we run them. Additionally, we have examples of baselines that are exactly reproducible up to hardware determinism.

Practical Impact
Each of the baselines included in our repository has gone through extensive hyperparameter tuning, and we hope that researchers can readily reuse this effort without the need for expensive retraining or retuning. Additionally, we hope to avoid minor differences in the pipeline implementations affecting baseline comparisons.

Uncertainty Baselines has already been used in numerous research projects. If you are a researcher with other methods or datasets you would like to contribute, please open a GitHub issue to start a discussion!

We would like to thank a number of folks who are codevelopers, provided guidance, and/or helped review this post: Neil Band, Mark Collier, Josip Djolonga, Michael W. Dusenberry, Sebastian Farquhar, Angelos Filos, Marton Havasi, Rodolphe Jenatton, Ghassen Jerfel, Jeremiah Liu, Zelda Mariet, Jeremy Nixon, Shreyas Padhy, Jie Ren, Tim G. J. Rudner, Yeming Wen, Florian Wenzel, Kevin Murphy, D. Sculley, Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Jasper Snoek, Yarin Gal.

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An ML-Based Framework for COVID-19 Epidemiology

Posted by Joel Shor, Software Engineer, Google Research and Sercan Arik, Research Scientist, Google Research, Cloud AI Team

Over the past 20 months, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on daily life, presented logistical challenges for businesses planning for supply and demand, and created difficulties for governments and organizations working to support communities with timely public health responses. While there have been well-studied epidemiology models that can help predict COVID-19 cases and deaths to help with these challenges, this pandemic has generated an unprecedented amount of real-time publicly-available data, which makes it possible to use more advanced machine learning techniques in order to improve results.

In “A prospective evaluation of AI-augmented epidemiology to forecast COVID-19 in the USA and Japan“, accepted to npj Digital Medicine, we continued our previous work [1, 2, 3, 4] and proposed a framework designed to simulate the effect of certain policy changes on COVID-19 deaths and cases, such as school closings or a state-of-emergency at a US-state, US-county, and Japan-prefecture level, using only publicly-available data. We conducted a 2-month prospective assessment of our public forecasts, during which our US model tied or outperformed all other 33 models on COVID19 Forecast Hub. We also released a fairness analysis of the performance on protected sub-groups in the US and Japan. Like other Google initiatives to help with COVID-19 [1, 2, 3], we are releasing daily forecasts based on this work to the public for free, on the web [us, ja] and through BigQuery.

Prospective forecasts for the USA and Japan models. Ground truth cumulative deaths counts (green lines) are shown alongside the forecasts for each day. Each daily forecast contains a predicted increase in deaths for each day during the prediction window of 4 weeks (shown as colored dots, where shading shifting to yellow indicates days further from the date of prediction in the forecasting horizon, up to 4 weeks). Predictions of deaths are shown for the USA (above) and Japan (below).

The Model
Models for infectious diseases have been studied by epidemiologists for decades. Compartmental models are the most common, as they are simple, interpretable, and can fit different disease phases effectively. In compartmental models, individuals are separated into mutually exclusive groups, or compartments, based on their disease status (such as susceptible, exposed, or recovered), and the rates of change between these compartments are modeled to fit the past data. A population is assigned to compartments representing disease states, with people flowing between states as their disease status changes.

In this work, we propose a few extensions to the Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Removed (SEIR) type compartmental model. For example, susceptible people becoming exposed causes the susceptible compartment to decrease and the exposed compartment to increase, with a rate that depends on disease spreading characteristics. Observed data for COVID-19 associated outcomes, such as confirmed cases, hospitalizations and deaths, are used for training of compartmental models.

Visual explanation of “compartmental” models in epidemiology. People “flow” between compartments. Real-world events, like policy changes and more ICU beds, change the rate of flow between compartments.

Our framework proposes a number of novel technical innovations:

  1. Learned transition rates: Instead of using static rates for transitions between compartments across all locations and times, we use machine-learned rates to map them. This allows us to take advantage of the vast amount of available data with informative signals, such as Google’s COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports, healthcare supply, demographics, and econometrics features.
  2. Explainability: Our framework provides explainability for decision makers, offering insights on disease propagation trends via its compartmental structure, and suggesting which factors may be most important for driving compartmental transitions.
  3. Expanded compartments: We add hospitalization, ICU, ventilator, and vaccine compartments and demonstrate efficient training despite data sparsity.
  4. Information sharing across locations: As opposed to fitting to an individual location, we have a single model for all locations in a country (e.g., >3000 US counties) with distinct dynamics and characteristics, and we show the benefit of transferring information across locations.
  5. Seq2seq modeling: We use a sequence-to-sequence model with a novel partial teacher forcing approach that minimizes amplified growth of errors into the future.

Forecast Accuracy
Each day, we train models to predict COVID-19 associated outcomes (primarily deaths and cases) 28 days into the future. We report the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) for both a country-wide score and a location-level score, with both cumulative values and weekly incremental values for COVID-19 associated outcomes.

We compare our framework with alternatives for the US from the COVID19 Forecast Hub. In MAPE, our models outperform all other 33 models except one — the ensemble forecast that also includes our model’s predictions, where the difference is not statistically significant.

We also used prediction uncertainty to estimate whether a forecast is likely to be accurate. If we reject forecasts that the model considers uncertain, we can improve the accuracy of the forecasts that we do release. This is possible because our model has well-calibrated uncertainty.

Mean average percentage error (MAPE, the lower the better) decreases as we remove uncertain forecasts, increasing accuracy.

What-If Tool to Simulate Pandemic Management Policies and Strategies
In addition to understanding the most probable scenario given past data, decision makers are interested in how different decisions could affect future outcomes, for example, understanding the impact of school closures, mobility restrictions and different vaccination strategies. Our framework allows counterfactual analysis by replacing the forecasted values for selected variables with their counterfactual counterparts. The results of our simulations reinforce the risk of prematurely relaxing non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) until the rapid disease spreading is reduced. Similarly, the Japan simulations show that maintaining the State of Emergency while having a high vaccination rate greatly reduces infection rates.

What-if simulations on the percent change of predicted exposed individuals assuming different non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) for the prediction date of March 1, 2021 in Texas, Washington and South Carolina. Increased NPI restrictions are associated with a larger % reduction in the number of exposed people.
What-if simulations on the percent change of predicted exposed individuals assuming different vaccination rates for the prediction date of March 1, 2021 in Texas, Washington and South Carolina. Increased vaccination rate also plays a key role to reduce exposed count in these cases.

Fairness Analysis
To ensure that our models do not create or reinforce unfairly biased decision making, in alignment with our AI Principles, we performed a fairness analysis separately for forecasts in the US and Japan by quantifying whether the model’s accuracy was worse on protected sub-groups. These categories include age, gender, income, and ethnicity in the US, and age, gender, income, and country of origin in Japan. In all cases, we demonstrated no consistent pattern of errors among these groups once we controlled for the number of COVID-19 deaths and cases that occur in each subgroup.

Normalized errors by median income. The comparison between the two shows that patterns of errors don’t persist once errors are normalized by cases. Left: Normalized errors by median income for the US. Right: Normalized errors by median income for Japan.

Real-World Use Cases
In addition to quantitative analyses to measure the performance of our models, we conducted a structured survey in the US and Japan to understand how organisations were using our model forecasts. In total, seven organisations responded with the following results on the applicability of the model.

  • Organization type: Academia (3), Government (2), Private industry (2)
  • Main user job role: Analyst/Scientist (3), Healthcare professional (1), Statistician (2), Managerial (1)
  • Location: USA (4), Japan (3)
  • Predictions used: Confirmed cases (7), Death (4), Hospitalizations (4), ICU (3), Ventilator (2), Infected (2)
  • Model use case: Resource allocation (2), Business planning (2), scenario planning (1), General understanding of COVID spread (1), Confirm existing forecasts (1)
  • Frequency of use: Daily (1), Weekly (1), Monthly (1)
  • Was the model helpful?: Yes (7)

To share a few examples, in the US, the Harvard Global Health Institute and Brown School of Public Health used the forecasts to help create COVID-19 testing targets that were used by the media to help inform the public. The US Department of Defense used the forecasts to help determine where to allocate resources, and to help take specific events into account. In Japan, the model was used to make business decisions. One large, multi-prefecture company with stores in more than 20 prefectures used the forecasts to better plan their sales forecasting, and to adjust store hours.

Limitations and next steps
Our approach has a few limitations. First, it is limited by available data, and we are only able to release daily forecasts as long as there is reliable, high-quality public data. For instance, public transportation usage could be very useful but that information is not publicly available. Second, there are limitations due to the model capacity of compartmental models as they cannot model very complex dynamics of Covid-19 disease propagation. Third, the distribution of case counts and deaths are very different between the US and Japan. For example, most of Japan’s COVID-19 cases and deaths have been concentrated in a few of its 47 prefectures, with the others experiencing low values. This means that our per-prefecture models, which are trained to perform well across all Japanese prefectures, often have to strike a delicate balance between avoiding overfitting to noise while getting supervision from these relatively COVID-19-free prefectures.

We have updated our models to take into account large changes in disease dynamics, such as the increasing number of vaccinations. We are also expanding to new engagements with city governments, hospitals, and private organizations. We hope that our public releases continue to help public and policy-makers address the challenges of the ongoing pandemic, and we hope that our method will be useful to epidemiologists and public health officials in this and future health crises.

This paper was the result of hard work from a variety of teams within Google and collaborators around the globe. We’d especially like to thank our paper co-authors from the School of Medicine at Keio University, Graduate School of Public Health at St Luke’s International University, and Graduate School of Medicine at The University of Tokyo.

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Self-Supervised Learning Advances Medical Image Classification

Posted by Shekoofeh Azizi, AI Resident, Google Research

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in applying deep learning to medical imaging tasks, with exciting progress in various applications like radiology, pathology and dermatology. Despite the interest, it remains challenging to develop medical imaging models, because high-quality labeled data is often scarce due to the time-consuming effort needed to annotate medical images. Given this, transfer learning is a popular paradigm for building medical imaging models. With this approach, a model is first pre-trained using supervised learning on a large labeled dataset (like ImageNet) and then the learned generic representation is fine-tuned on in-domain medical data.

Other more recent approaches that have proven successful in natural image recognition tasks, especially when labeled examples are scarce, use self-supervised contrastive pre-training, followed by supervised fine-tuning (e.g., SimCLR and MoCo). In pre-training with contrastive learning, generic representations are learned by simultaneously maximizing agreement between differently transformed views of the same image and minimizing agreement between transformed views of different images. Despite their successes, these contrastive learning methods have received limited attention in medical image analysis and their efficacy is yet to be explored.

In “Big Self-Supervised Models Advance Medical Image Classification”, to appear at the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2021), we study the effectiveness of self-supervised contrastive learning as a pre-training strategy within the domain of medical image classification. We also propose Multi-Instance Contrastive Learning (MICLe), a novel approach that generalizes contrastive learning to leverage special characteristics of medical image datasets. We conduct experiments on two distinct medical image classification tasks: dermatology condition classification from digital camera images (27 categories) and multilabel chest X-ray classification (5 categories). We observe that self-supervised learning on ImageNet, followed by additional self-supervised learning on unlabeled domain-specific medical images, significantly improves the accuracy of medical image classifiers. Specifically, we demonstrate that self-supervised pre-training outperforms supervised pre-training, even when the full ImageNet dataset (14M images and 21.8K classes) is used for supervised pre-training.

SimCLR and Multi Instance Contrastive Learning (MICLe)
Our approach consists of three steps: (1) self-supervised pre-training on unlabeled natural images (using SimCLR); (2) further self-supervised pre-training using unlabeled medical data (using either SimCLR or MICLe); followed by (3) task-specific supervised fine-tuning using labeled medical data.

Our approach comprises three steps: (1) Self-supervised pre-training on unlabeled ImageNet using SimCLR (2) Additional self-supervised pre-training using unlabeled medical images. If multiple images of each medical condition are available, a novel Multi-Instance Contrastive Learning (MICLe) strategy is used to construct more informative positive pairs based on different images. (3) Supervised fine-tuning on labeled medical images. Note that unlike step (1), steps (2) and (3) are task and dataset specific.

After the initial pre-training with SimCLR on unlabeled natural images is complete, we train the model to capture the special characteristics of medical image datasets. This, too, can be done with SimCLR, but this method constructs positive pairs only through augmentation and does not readily leverage patients’ meta data for positive pair construction. Alternatively, we use MICLe, which uses multiple images of the underlying pathology for each patient case, when available, to construct more informative positive pairs for self-supervised learning. Such multi-instance data is often available in medical imaging datasets — e.g., frontal and lateral views of mammograms, retinal fundus images from each eye, etc.

Given multiple images of a given patient case, MICLe constructs a positive pair for self-supervised contrastive learning by drawing two crops from two distinct images from the same patient case. Such images may be taken from different viewing angles and show different body parts with the same underlying pathology. This presents a great opportunity for self-supervised learning algorithms to learn representations that are robust to changes of viewpoint, imaging conditions, and other confounding factors in a direct way. MICLe does not require class label information and only relies on different images of an underlying pathology, the type of which may be unknown.

MICLe generalizes contrastive learning to leverage special characteristics of medical image datasets (patient metadata) to create realistic augmentations, yielding further performance boost of image classifiers.

Combining these self-supervised learning strategies, we show that even in a highly competitive production setting we can achieve a sizable gain of 6.7% in top-1 accuracy on dermatology skin condition classification and an improvement of 1.1% in mean AUC on chest X-ray classification, outperforming strong supervised baselines pre-trained on ImageNet (the prevailing protocol for training medical image analysis models). In addition, we show that self-supervised models are robust to distribution shift and can learn efficiently with only a small number of labeled medical images.

Comparison of Supervised and Self-Supervised Pre-training
Despite its simplicity, we observe that pre-training with MICLe consistently improves the performance of dermatology classification over the original method of pre-training with SimCLR under different pre-training dataset and base network architecture choices. Using MICLe for pre-training, translates to (1.18 ± 0.09)% increase in top-1 accuracy for dermatology classification over using SimCLR. The results demonstrate the benefit accrued from utilizing additional metadata or domain knowledge to construct more semantically meaningful augmentations for contrastive pre-training. In addition, our results suggest that wider and deeper models yield greater performance gains, with ResNet-152 (2x width) models often outperforming ResNet-50 (1x width) models or smaller counterparts.

Comparison of supervised and self-supervised pre-training, followed by supervised fine-tuning using two architectures on dermatology and chest X-ray classification. Self-supervised learning utilizes unlabeled domain-specific medical images and significantly outperforms supervised ImageNet pre-training.

Improved Generalization with Self-Supervised Models
For each task we perform pretraining and fine-tuning using the in-domain unlabeled and labeled data respectively. We also use another dataset obtained in a different clinical setting as a shifted dataset to further evaluate the robustness of our method to out-of-domain data. For the chest X-ray task, we note that self-supervised pre-training with either ImageNet or CheXpert data improves generalization, but stacking them both yields further gains. As expected, we also note that when only using ImageNet for self-supervised pre-training, the model performs worse compared to using only in-domain data for pre-training.

To test the performance under distribution shift, for each task, we held out additional labeled datasets for testing that were collected under different clinical settings. We find that the performance improvement in the distribution-shifted dataset (ChestX-ray14) by using self-supervised pre-training (both using ImageNet and CheXpert data) is more pronounced than the original improvement on the CheXpert dataset. This is a valuable finding, as generalization under distribution shift is of paramount importance to clinical applications. On the dermatology task, we observe similar trends for a separate shifted dataset that was collected in skin cancer clinics and had a higher prevalence of malignant conditions. This demonstrates that the robustness of the self-supervised representations to distribution shifts is consistent across tasks.

Evaluation of models on distribution-shifted datasets for the chest-xray interpretation task. We use the model trained on in-domain data to make predictions on an additional shifted dataset without any further fine-tuning (zero-shot transfer learning). We observe that self-supervised pre-training leads to better representations that are more robust to distribution shifts.
Evaluation of models on distribution-shifted datasets for the dermatology task. Our results generally suggest that self-supervised pre-trained models can generalize better to distribution shifts with MICLe pre-training leading to the most gains.

Improved Label Efficiency
We further investigate the label-efficiency of the self-supervised models for medical image classification by fine-tuning the models on different fractions of labeled training data. We use label fractions ranging from 10% to 90% for both Derm and CheXpert training datasets and examine how the performance varies using the different available label fractions for the dermatology task. First, we observe that pre-training using self-supervised models can compensate for low label efficiency for medical image classification, and across the sampled label fractions, self-supervised models consistently outperform the supervised baseline. These results also suggest that MICLe yields proportionally higher gains when fine-tuning with fewer labeled examples. In fact, MICLe is able to match baselines using only 20% of the training data for ResNet-50 (4x) and 30% of the training data for ResNet152 (2x).

Top-1 accuracy for dermatology condition classification for MICLe, SimCLR, and supervised models under different unlabeled pre-training datasets and varied sizes of label fractions. MICLe is able to match baselines using only 20% of the training data for ResNet-50 (4x).

Supervised pre-training on natural image datasets is commonly used to improve medical image classification. We investigate an alternative strategy based on self-supervised pre-training on unlabeled natural and medical images and find that it can significantly improve upon supervised pre-training, the standard paradigm for training medical image analysis models. This approach can lead to models that are more accurate and label efficient and are robust to distribution shifts. In addition, our proposed Multi-Instance Contrastive Learning method (MICLe) enables the use of additional metadata to create realistic augmentations, yielding further performance boost of image classifiers.

Self-supervised pre-training is much more scalable than supervised pre-training because class label annotation is not required. We hope this paper will help popularize the use of self-supervised approaches in medical image analysis yielding label efficient and robust models suited for clinical deployment at scale in the real world.

This work involved collaborative efforts from a multidisciplinary team of researchers, software engineers, clinicians, and cross-functional contributors across Google Health and Google Brain. We thank our co-authors: Basil Mustafa, Fiona Ryan, Zach Beaver, Jan Freyberg, Jon Deaton, Aaron Loh, Alan Karthikesalingam, Simon Kornblith, Ting Chen, Vivek Natarajan, and Mohammad Norouzi. We also thank Yuan Liu from Google Health for valuable feedback and our partners for access to the datasets used in the research.

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Google at ICCV 2021

Posted by Cat Armato, Program Manager, Google Research

The International Conference on Computer Vision 2021 (ICCV 2021), one of the world’s premier conferences on computer vision, starts this week. A Champion Sponsor and leader in computer vision research, Google will have a strong presence at ICCV 2021 with more than 50 research presentations and involvement in the organization of a number of workshops and tutorials.

If you are attending ICCV this year, we hope you’ll check out the work of our researchers who are actively pursuing the latest innovations in computer vision. Learn more about our research being presented in the list below (Google affilitation in bold).

Organizing Committee
Diversity and Inclusion Chair: Negar Rostamzadeh
Area Chairs: Andrea Tagliasacchi, Boqing Gong, Ce Liu, Dilip Krishnan, Jordi Pont-Tuset, Michael Rubinstein, Michael S. Ryoo, Negar Rostamzadeh, Noah Snavely, Rodrigo Benenson, Tsung-Yi Lin, Vittorio Ferrari

MosaicOS: A Simple and Effective Use of Object-Centric Images for Long-Tailed Object Detection
Cheng Zhang, Tai-Yu Pan, Yandong Li, Hexiang Hu, Dong Xuan, Soravit Changpinyo, Boqing Gong, Wei-Lun Chao

Learning to Resize Images for Computer Vision Tasks
Hossein Talebi, Peyman Milanfar

Joint Representation Learning and Novel Category Discovery on Single- and Multi-Modal Data
Xuhui Jia, Kai Han, Yukun Zhu, Bradley Green

Explaining in Style: Training a GAN to Explain a Classifier in StyleSpace
Oran Lang, Yossi Gandelsman, Michal Yarom, Yoav Wald, Gal Elidan, Avinatan Hassidim, William T. Freeman, Phillip Isola, Amir Globerson, Michal Irani, Inbar Mosseri

Learning Fast Sample Re-weighting without Reward Data
Zizhao Zhang, Tomas Pfister

Contrastive Multimodal Fusion with TupleInfoNCE
Yunze Liu, Qingnan Fan, Shanghang Zhang, Hao Dong, Thomas Funkhouser, Li Yi

Learning Temporal Dynamics from Cycles in Narrated Video
Dave Epstein*, Jiajun Wu, Cordelia Schmid, Chen Sun

Patch Craft: Video Denoising by Deep Modeling and Patch Matching
Gregory Vaksman, Michael Elad, Peyman Milanfar

How to Train Neural Networks for Flare Removal
Yicheng Wu*, Qiurui He, Tianfan Xue, Rahul Garg, Jiawen Chen, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Jonathan T. Barron

Learning to Reduce Defocus Blur by Realistically Modeling Dual-Pixel Data
Abdullah Abuolaim*, Mauricio Delbracio, Damien Kelly, Michael S. Brown, Peyman Milanfar

Hybrid Neural Fusion for Full-Frame Video Stabilization
Yu-Lun Liu, Wei-Sheng Lai, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Yung-Yu Chuang, Jia-Bin Huang

A Dark Flash Normal Camera
Zhihao Xia*, Jason Lawrence, Supreeth Achar

Efficient Large Scale Inlier Voting for Geometric Vision Problems
Dror Aiger, Simon Lynen, Jan Hosang, Bernhard Zeisl

Big Self-Supervised Models Advance Medical Image Classification
Shekoofeh Azizi, Basil Mustafa, Fiona Ryan*, Zachary Beaver, Jan Freyberg, Jonathan Deaton, Aaron Loh, Alan Karthikesalingam, Simon Kornblith, Ting Chen, Vivek Natarajan, Mohammad Norouzi

Physics-Enhanced Machine Learning for Virtual Fluorescence Microscopy
Colin L. Cooke, Fanjie Kong, Amey Chaware, Kevin C. Zhou, Kanghyun Kim, Rong Xu, D. Michael Ando, Samuel J. Yang, Pavan Chandra Konda, Roarke Horstmeyer

Retrieve in Style: Unsupervised Facial Feature Transfer and Retrieval
Min Jin Chong, Wen-Sheng Chu, Abhishek Kumar, David Forsyth

Deep Survival Analysis with Longitudinal X-Rays for COVID-19
Michelle Shu, Richard Strong Bowen, Charles Herrmann, Gengmo Qi, Michele Santacatterina, Ramin Zabih

MUSIQ: Multi-Scale Image Quality Transformer
Junjie Ke, Qifei Wang, Yilin Wang, Peyman Milanfar, Feng Yang

imGHUM: Implicit Generative Models of 3D Human Shape and Articulated Pose
Thiemo Alldieck, Hongyi Xu, Cristian Sminchisescu

Deep Hybrid Self-Prior for Full 3D Mesh Generation
Xingkui Wei, Zhengqing Chen, Yanwei Fu, Zhaopeng Cui, Yinda Zhang

Differentiable Surface Rendering via Non-Differentiable Sampling
Forrester Cole, Kyle Genova, Avneesh Sud, Daniel Vlasic, Zhoutong Zhang

A Lazy Approach to Long-Horizon Gradient-Based Meta-Learning
Muhammad Abdullah Jamal, Liqiang Wang, Boqing Gong

ViViT: A Video Vision Transformer
Anurag Arnab, Mostafa Dehghani, Georg Heigold, Chen Sun, Mario Lučić, Cordelia Schmid

The Surprising Impact of Mask-Head Architecture on Novel Class Segmentation (see the blog post)
Vighnesh Birodkar, Zhichao Lu, Siyang Li, Vivek Rathod, Jonathan Huang

Generalize Then Adapt: Source-Free Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
Jogendra Nath Kundu, Akshay Kulkarni, Amit Singh, Varun Jampani, R. Venkatesh Babu

Unified Graph Structured Models for Video Understanding
Anurag Arnab, Chen Sun, Cordelia Schmid

The Many Faces of Robustness: A Critical Analysis of Out-of-Distribution Generalization
Dan Hendrycks, Steven Basart, Norman Mu, Saurav Kadavath, Frank Wang, Evan Dorundo, Rahul Desai, Tyler Zhu, Samyak Parajuli, Mike Guo, Dawn Song, Jacob Steinhardt, Justin Gilmer

Learning Rare Category Classifiers on a Tight Labeling Budget
Ravi Teja Mullapudi, Fait Poms, William R. Mark, Deva Ramanan, Kayvon Fatahalian

Composable Augmentation Encoding for Video Representation Learning
Chen Sun, Arsha Nagrani, Yonglong Tian, Cordelia Schmid

Multi-Task Self-Training for Learning General Representations
Golnaz Ghiasi, Barret Zoph, Ekin D. Cubuk, Quoc V. Le, Tsung-Yi Lin

With a Little Help From My Friends: Nearest-Neighbor Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations
Debidatta Dwibedi, Yusuf Aytar, Jonathan Tompson, Pierre Sermanet, Andrew Zisserman

Understanding Robustness of Transformers for Image Classification
Srinadh Bhojanapalli, Ayan Chakrabarti, Daniel Glasner, Daliang Li, Thomas Unterthiner, Andreas Veit

Impact of Aliasing on Generalization in Deep Convolutional Networks
Cristina Vasconcelos, Hugo Larochelle, Vincent Dumoulin, Rob Romijnders, Nicolas Le Roux, Ross Goroshin

von Mises-Fisher Loss: An Exploration of Embedding Geometries for Supervised Learning
Tyler R. Scott*, Andrew C. Gallagher, Michael C. Mozer

Contrastive Learning for Label Efficient Semantic Segmentation
Xiangyun Zhao*, Raviteja Vemulapalli, Philip Andrew Mansfield, Boqing Gong, Bradley Green, Lior Shapira, Ying Wu

Interacting Two-Hand 3D Pose and Shape Reconstruction from Single Color Image
Baowen Zhang, Yangang Wang, Xiaoming Deng, Yinda Zhang, Ping Tan, Cuixia Ma, Hongan Wang

Telling the What While Pointing to the Where: Multimodal Queries for Image Retrieval
Soravit Changpinyo, Jordi Pont-Tuset, Vittorio Ferrari, Radu Soricut

SO-Pose: Exploiting Self-Occlusion for Direct 6D Pose Estimation
Yan Di, Fabian Manhardt, Gu Wang, Xiangyang Ji, Nassir Navab, Federico Tombari

Patch2CAD: Patchwise Embedding Learning for In-the-Wild Shape Retrieval from a Single Image
Weicheng Kuo, Anelia Angelova, Tsung-Yi Lin, Angela Dai

NeRD: Neural Reflectance Decomposition From Image Collections
Mark Boss, Raphael Braun, Varun Jampani, Jonathan T. Barron, Ce Liu, Hendrik P.A. Lensch

THUNDR: Transformer-Based 3D Human Reconstruction with Markers
Mihai Zanfir, Andrei Zanfir, Eduard Gabriel Bazavan, William T. Freeman, Rahul Sukthankar, Cristian Sminchisescu

Discovering 3D Parts from Image Collections
Chun-Han Yao, Wei-Chih Hung, Varun Jampani, Ming-Hsuan Yang

Multiresolution Deep Implicit Functions for 3D Shape Representation
Zhang Chen*, Yinda Zhang, Kyle Genova, Sean Fanello, Sofien Bouaziz, Christian Hane, Ruofei Du, Cem Keskin, Thomas Funkhouser, Danhang Tang

AI Choreographer: Music Conditioned 3D Dance Generation With AIST++ (see the blog post)
Ruilong Li*, Shan Yang, David A. Ross, Angjoo Kanazawa

Learning Object-Compositional Neural Radiance Field for Editable Scene Rendering
Bangbang Yang, Han Zhou, Yinda Zhang, Hujun Bao, Yinghao Xu, Guofeng Zhang, Yijin Li, Zhaopeng Cui

VariTex: Variational Neural Face Textures
Marcel C. Buhler, Abhimitra Meka, Gengyan Li, Thabo Beeler, Otmar Hilliges

Pathdreamer: A World Model for Indoor Navigation (see the blog post)
Jing Yu Koh, Honglak Lee, Yinfei Yang, Jason Baldridge, Peter Anderson

4D-Net for Learned Multi-Modal Alignment
AJ Piergiovanni, Vincent Casser, Michael S. Ryoo, Anelia Angelova

Episodic Transformer for Vision-and-Language Navigation
Alexander Pashevich*, Cordelia Schmid, Chen Sun

Graph-to-3D: End-to-End Generation and Manipulation of 3D Scenes Using Scene Graphs
Helisa Dhamo, Fabian Manhardt, Nassir Navab, Federico Tombari

Unconditional Scene Graph Generation
Sarthak Garg, Helisa Dhamo, Azade Farshad, Sabrina Musatian, Nassir Navab, Federico Tombari

Panoptic Narrative Grounding
Cristina González, Nicolás Ayobi, Isabela Hernández, José Hernández, Jordi Pont-Tuset, Pablo Arbeláez

Cross-Camera Convolutional Color Constancy
Mahmoud Afifi*, Jonathan T. Barron, Chloe LeGendre, Yun-Ta Tsai, Francois Bleibel

Defocus Map Estimation and Deblurring from a Single Dual-Pixel Image
Shumian Xin*, Neal Wadhwa, Tianfan Xue, Jonathan T. Barron, Pratul P. Srinivasan, Jiawen Chen, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Rahul Garg

COMISR: Compression-Informed Video Super-Resolution
Yinxiao Li, Pengchong Jin, Feng Yang, Ce Liu, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Peyman Milanfar

Mip-NeRF: A Multiscale Representation for Anti-Aliasing Neural Radiance Fields
Jonathan T. Barron, Ben Mildenhall, Matthew Tancik, Peter Hedman, Ricardo Martin-Brualla, Pratul P. Srinivasan

Nerfies: Deformable Neural Radiance Fields
Keunhong Park*, Utkarsh Sinha, Jonathan T. Barron, Sofien Bouaziz, Dan B Goldman, Steven M. Seitz, Ricardo Martin-Brualla

Baking Neural Radiance Fields for Real-Time View Synthesis
Peter Hedman, Pratul P. Srinivasan, Ben Mildenhall, Jonathan T. Barron, Paul Debevec

Stacked Homography Transformations for Multi-View Pedestrian Detection
Liangchen Song, Jialian Wu, Ming Yang, Qian Zhang, Yuan Li, Junsong Yuan

COTR: Correspondence Transformer for Matching Across Images
Wei Jiang, Eduard Trulls, Jan Hosang, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Kwang Moo Yi

Large Scale Interactive Motion Forecasting for Autonomous Driving: The Waymo Open Motion Dataset
Scott Ettinger, Shuyang Cheng, Benjamin Caine, Chenxi Liu, Hang Zhao, Sabeek Pradhan, Yuning Chai, Ben Sapp, Charles R. Qi, Yin Zhou, Zoey Yang, Aurélien Chouard, Pei Sun, Jiquan Ngiam, Vijay Vasudevan, Alexander McCauley, Jonathon Shlens, Dragomir Anguelov

Low-Shot Validation: Active Importance Sampling for Estimating Classifier Performance on Rare Categories
Fait Poms, Vishnu Sarukkai, Ravi Teja Mullapudi, Nimit S. Sohoni, William R. Mark, Deva Ramanan, Kayvon Fatahalian

Vector Neurons: A General Framework for SO(3)-Equivariant Networks
Congyue Deng, Or Litany, Yueqi Duan, Adrien Poulenard, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Leonidas J. Guibas

SLIDE: Single Image 3D Photography with Soft Layering and Depth-Aware Inpainting
Varun Jampani, Huiwen Chang, Kyle Sargent, Abhishek Kar, Richard Tucker, Michael Krainin, Dominik Kaeser, William T. Freeman, David Salesin, Brian Curless, Ce Liu

DeepPanoContext: Panoramic 3D Scene Understanding with Holistic Scene Context Graph and Relation-Based Optimization
Cheng Zhang, Zhaopeng Cui, Cai Chen, Shuaicheng Liu, Bing Zeng, Hujun Bao, Yinda Zhang

Infinite Nature: Perpetual View Generation of Natural Scenes from a Single Image
Andrew Liu, Richard Tucker, Varun Jampani, Ameesh Makadia, Noah Snavely, Angjoo Kanazawa

Workshops (only Google affiliations are noted)
Visual Inductive Priors for Data-Efficient Deep Learning Workshop
Speakers: Ekin Dogus Cubuk, Chelsea Finn

Instance-Level Recognition Workshop
Organizers: Andre Araujo, Cam Askew, Bingyi Cao, Jack Sim, Tobias Weyand

Unsup3D: Unsupervised 3D Learning in the Wild
Speakers: Adel Ahmadyan, Noah Snavely, Tali Dekel

Embedded and Real-World Computer Vision in Autonomous Driving (ERCVAD 2021)
Speakers: Mingxing Tan

Adversarial Robustness in the Real World
Speakers: Nicholas Carlini

Neural Architectures: Past, Present and Future
Speakers: Been Kim, Hanxiao Liu Organizers: Azade Nazi, Mingxing Tan, Quoc V. Le

Computational Challenges in Digital Pathology
Organizers: Craig Mermel, Po-Hsuan Cameron Chen

Interactive Labeling and Data Augmentation for Vision
Speakers: Vittorio Ferrari

Map-Based Localization for Autonomous Driving
Speakers: Simon Lynen

DeeperAction: Challenge and Workshop on Localized and Detailed Understanding of Human Actions in Videos
Speakers: Chen Sun Advisors: Rahul Sukthankar

Differentiable 3D Vision and Graphics
Speakers: Angjoo Kanazawa

Deep Multi-Task Learning in Computer Vision
Speakers: Chelsea Finn

Computer Vision for AR/VR
Speakers: Matthias Grundmann, Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman

GigaVision: When Gigapixel Videography Meets Computer Vision
Organizers: Feng Yang

Human Interaction for Robotic Navigation
Speakers: Peter Anderson

Advances in Image Manipulation Workshop and Challenges
Organizers: Ming-Hsuan Yang

More Exploration, Less Exploitation (MELEX)
Speakers: Angjoo Kanazawa

Structural and Compositional Learning on 3D Data
Speakers: Thomas Funkhouser, Kyle Genova Organizers: Fei Xia

Simulation Technology for Embodied AI
Organizers: Li Yi

Video Scene Parsing in the Wild Challenge Workshop
Speakers: Liang-Chieh (Jay) Chen

Structured Representations for Video Understanding
Organizers: Cordelia Schmid

Closing the Loop Between Vision and Language
Speakers: Cordelia Schmid

Segmenting and Tracking Every Point and Pixel: 6th Workshop on Benchmarking Multi-Target Tracking
Organizers: Jun Xie, Liang-Chieh Chen

AI for Creative Video Editing and Understanding
Speakers: Angjoo Kanazawa, Irfan Essa

BEHAVIOR: Benchmark for Everyday Household Activities in Virtual, Interactive, and Ecological Environments
Speakers: Chelsea Finn Organizers: Fei Xia

Computer Vision for Automated Medical Diagnosis
Organizers: Maithra Raghu

Computer Vision for the Factory Floor
Speakers: Cordelia Schmid

Tutorials (only Google affiliations are noted)
Towards Robust, Trustworthy, and Explainable Computer Vision
Speakers: Sara Hooker

Multi-Modality Learning from Videos and Beyond
Organizers: Arsha Nagrani

Tutorial on Large Scale Holistic Video Understanding
Organizers: David Ross

Efficient Video Understanding: State of the Art, Challenges, and Opportunities
Organizers: Arsha Nagrani

* Indicates work done while at Google

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What made me want to fight for fair AI

My life has always involved centering the voices of those historically marginalized in order to foster equitable communities. Growing up, I lived in a small suburb just outside of Cleveland, Ohio and I was fortunate enough to attend Laurel School, an all-girls school focused on encouraging young women to think critically and solve difficult world problems. But my lived experience at school was so different from kids who lived even on my same street. I was grappling with watching families around me contend with an economic recession, losing any financial security that they had and I wanted to do everything I could to change that. Even though my favorite courses at the time were engineering and African American literature, I was encouraged to pursue economics.

I was fortunate enough to continue my education at Princeton University, first starting in the economics department. Unfortunately, I struggled to find the connections between what I was learning and the challenges I saw my community and people of color in the United States facing through the economic crisis. Interestingly enough, it was through an art and social justice movements class in the School of Architecture that I found my fit. Everyday, I focused on building creative solutions to difficult community problems through qualitative research, received feedback and iterated. The deeper I went into my studies, the more I realized that my passion was working with locally-based researchers and organizations to center their voices in designing solutions to complex and large-scale problems. It wasn’t until I came to Google, that I realized this work directly translated to human-centered design and community-based participatory research. My undergraduate studies culminated in the creation of a social good startup focused on providing fresh produce to food deserts in central New Jersey, where our team interviewed over 100 community members and leaders, secured a $16,000 grant, and provided pounds of free fresh produce to local residents.

Already committed to a Ph.D. program in Social Policy at Brandeis University, I channeled my passion for social enterprise and solving complex problems into developing research skills. Knowing that I ultimately did not want to go into academia, I joked with my friends that the job I was searching for didn’t exist yet, but hopefully it would by the time I graduated. I knew that my heart was equal parts in understanding technology and in closing equity gaps, but I did not know how I would be able to do both.

Through Brandeis, I found language to the experiences of family and friends who had lost financial stability during the Great Recession and methodologies for how to research systematic inequalities across human identity. It was in this work that I witnessed Angela Glover-Blackwell, founder of PolicyLink speak for the first time. From her discussion on highlighting community-based equitable practices, I knew I had to support her work. Through their graduate internship program in Oakland, I was able to bridge the gap between research and application – I even found a research topic for my dissertation! And then Mike Brown was shot.

Mike was from the midwest, just like me. He reminded me of my cousins, friends from my block growing up. The experience of watching what happened to Mike Brown so publically, gave weight to the research and policies that I advocated for in my Ph.D. program and at work – it somehow made it more personal than my experience with the Great Recession. At Brandeis, I led a town hall interviewing the late Civil Rights activist and politician Julian Bond, where I still remember his admonishment to shift from talk to action, and to have clear and centralized values and priorities from which to guide equity. In the background of advocating for social justice, I used my work grading papers and teaching courses as a graduate teaching assistant to supplement my doctoral grant – including graduate courses on “Ethics, Rights, and Development” and “Critical Race Theory.”

The next summer I had the privilege of working at a think tank now known as Prosperity Now, supporting local practitioners and highlighting their findings at the national level. This amazing experience was coupled with meeting my now husband, who attended my aunt and uncle’s church. By the end of the summer, my work and personal experiences in DC had become so important that I decided to stay. Finished with my coursework at Brandeis, I wrote my dissertation in the evenings as I shifted to a more permanent position at the Center for Global Policy Solutions, led by Dr. Maya Rockeymoore. I managed national research projects and then brought the findings to the hill for policymakers to make a case for equitable policies like closing the racial wealth gap. Knocking on doors in Capitol buildings taught me the importance of finding shared language and translating research into measurable change.

By the end of 2016, I was a bit burned out by my work on the hill and welcomed the transition of marriage and moving to Los Angeles. The change of scenery allowed me to finally hone my technical skills as a Program Manager for the LA-based ed tech non profit, 9 Dots. I spent my days partnering with school districts, principals, teaching fellows and software developers to provide CS education to historically underserved students. The ability to be a part of a group that created a hybrid working space for new parents was icing on the cake. Soon after, I got a call from a recruiter at Google.

It had been almost a year since Google’s AI Principles had been publicly released and they were searching for candidates that had a deep understanding of socio-technical research and program management to operationalize the Principles. Every role and research pursuit that I’d followed led to my dream role – Senior Strategist focused on centering the voices of historically underrepresented and marginalized communities in machine learning through research and collaboration.

During my time at Google, I’ve had the opportunity to develop an internal workshop focused on equitable and inclusive language practices, which led to a collaboration with UC Berkeley’s Center for Equity, Gender, and Leadership; launch the Equitable AI Research Roundtable along with Jamila Smith-Loud and external experts focused on equitable cross-disciplinary research practices (including PolicyLink!); and present on Google’s work in Responsible AI at industry-wide conferences like MozFest. With all that I’ve learned, I’m still determined to bring more voices to the table. My work in Responsible AI has led me to building out globally-focused resources for machine learning engineers, analysts, and product decision makers. When we center the experiences of our users – the communities who faced the economic recession with grit and resilience, those who searched for insights from Civil Rights leaders, and developed shared language to inspire inclusion – all else will follow. I’m honored to be one of many at Google driving the future of responsible and equitable AI for all.

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The ML Glossary: Five years of new language

Over guacamole and corn chips at a party, a friend mentions that her favorite phone game uses augmented reality. Another friend points her phone at the host and shouts, “Watch out—a t-rex is sneaking up behind you.” Eager to join the conversation, you blurt, “My blender has an augmented reality setting.

If only you had looked up augmented reality in Google’s Machine Learning Glossary, which defines over 460 terms related to artificial intelligence, you’d know what the heck your friends are talking about. If you’ve ever wondered what a neural network is, or if you chronically confuse the negative class with the positive class at the doctor’s office (“Wait, the negative class means I’m healthy?”), the Glossary has you covered.

AI is increasingly intertwined with our future, and as the language of AI sneaks its way into household conversation, learning AI’s specialized vocabulary could be helpful to understanding many key technological advances — or what’s being said at a guacamole party.

A team of technical writers and AI experts produces the definitions. Sure, the definitions have to be technically accurate, but they also have to be as clear as possible. Clarity is rare in a field as notoriously complicated as artificial intelligence, which is why we created Google’s Machine Learning glossary in 2016. Since then, we’ve published nine full revisions, providing almost 300 additional terms.

Good glossaries are quicksand for the curious. You’ll come for the accuracy, stay for the class-imbalanced datasets, and then find yourself an hour later embedded in overfitting. It’s fun, educational, and blessedly blender free.

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How AI is making information more useful

Today, there’s more information accessible at people’s fingertips than at any point in human history. And advances in artificial intelligence will radically transform the way we use that information, with the ability to uncover new insights that can help us both in our daily lives and in the ways we are able to tackle complex global challenges.

At our Search On livestream event today, we shared how we’re bringing the latest in AI to Google’s products, giving people new ways to search and explore information in more natural and intuitive ways.

Making multimodal search possible with MUM

Earlier this year at Google I/O, we announced we’ve reached a critical milestone for understanding information with Multitask Unified Model, or MUM for short.

We’ve been experimenting with using MUM’s capabilities to make our products more helpful and enable entirely new ways to search. Today, we’re sharing an early look at what will be possible with MUM. 

In the coming months, we’ll introduce a new way to search visually, with the ability to ask questions about what you see. Here are a couple of examples of what will be possible with MUM.

Animated GIF showing how you can tap on the Lens icon when you’re looking at a picture of a shirt, and ask Google to find you the same pattern — but on another article of clothing, like socks.

With this new capability, you can tap on the Lens icon when you’re looking at a picture of a shirt, and ask Google to find you the same pattern — but on another article of clothing, like socks. This helps when you’re looking for something that might be difficult to describe accurately with words alone. You could type “white floral Victorian socks,” but you might not find the exact pattern you’re looking for. By combining images and text into a single query, we’re making it easier to search visually and express your questions in more natural ways.

Animated GIF showing the point-and-ask mode of searching that can make it easier to find the exact moment in a video that can help you with instructions on fixing your bike.

Some questions are even trickier: Your bike has a broken thingamajig, and you need some guidance on how to fix it. Instead of poring over catalogs of parts and then looking for a tutorial, the point-and-ask mode of searching will make it easier to find the exact moment in a video that can help.

Helping you explore with a redesigned Search page

We’re also announcing how we’re applying AI advances like MUM to redesign Google Search. These new features are the latest steps we’re taking to make searching more natural and intuitive.

First, we’re making it easier to explore and understand new topics with “Things to know.” Let’s say you want to decorate your apartment, and you’re interested in learning more about creating acrylic paintings.

The search results page for the query “acrylic painting” that scrolls to a new feature called “Things to know”, which lists out various aspects of the topic like, “step by step”, “styles” and “using household items."

If you search for “acrylic painting,” Google understands how people typically explore this topic, and shows the aspects people are likely to look at first. For example, we can identify more than 350 topics related to acrylic painting, and help you find the right path to take.

We’ll be launching this feature in the coming months. In the future, MUM will unlock deeper insights you might not have known to search for — like “how to make acrylic paintings with household items” — and connect you with content on the web that you wouldn’t have otherwise found.

Two phone screens side by side highlight a set of queries and tappable features that allow you to refine to more specific searches for acrylic painting or broaden to concepts like famous painters.

Second, to help you further explore ideas, we’re making it easy to zoom in and out of a topic with new features to refine and broaden searches. 

In this case, you can learn more about specific techniques, like puddle pouring, or art classes you can take. You can also broaden your search to see other related topics, like other painting methods and famous painters. These features will launch in the coming months.

A scrolling results page for the query “pour painting ideas” that shows results with bold images and video thumbnails.

Third, we’re making it easier to find visual inspiration with a newly designed, browsable results page. If puddle pouring caught your eye, just search for “pour painting ideas” to see a visually rich page full of ideas from across the web, with articles, images, videos and more that you can easily scroll through. 

This new visual results page is designed for searches that are looking for inspiration, like “Halloween decorating ideas” or “indoor vertical garden ideas,” and you can try it today.

Get more from videos

We already use advanced AI systems to identify key moments in videos, like the winning shot in a basketball game, or steps in a recipe. Today, we’re taking this a step further, introducing a new experience that identifies related topics in a video, with links to easily dig deeper and learn more. 

Using MUM, we can even show related topics that aren’t explicitly mentioned in the video, based on our advanced understanding of information in the video. In this example, while the video doesn’t say the words “macaroni penguin’s life story,” our systems understand that topics contained in the video relate to this topic, like how macaroni penguins find their family members and navigate predators. The first version of this feature will roll out in the coming weeks, and we’ll add more visual enhancements in the coming months.

Across all these MUM experiences, we look forward to helping people discover more web pages, videos, images and ideas that they may not have come across or otherwise searched for. 

A more helpful Google

The updates we’re announcing today don’t end with MUM, though. We’re also making it easier to shop from the widest range of merchants, big and small, no matter what you’re looking for. And we’re helping people better evaluate the credibility of information they find online. Plus, for the moments that matter most, we’re finding new ways to help people get access to information and insights. 

All this work not only helps people around the world, but creators, publishers and businesses as well.  Every day, we send visitors to well over 100 million different websites, and every month, Google connects people with more than 120 million businesses that don’t have websites, by enabling phone calls, driving directions and local foot traffic.

As we continue to build more useful products and push the boundaries of what it means to search, we look forward to helping people find the answers they’re looking for, and inspiring more questions along the way.

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Googler Marian Croak is now in the Inventors Hall of Fame

Look around you right now and consider everything that was created by an inventor. The computer you’re reading this article on, the internet necessary to load this article, the electricity that powers the screen, even the coffee maker you used this morning. 

To recognize the incredible contributions of those inventors and the benefits they bring to our everyday life, the National Inventors Hall of Fame has inducted a new group of honorees every year since 1973. In this year’s combined inductee class of 2020/2021, Googler Marian Croak is being honored for her work in advancing VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Technology, which powers the online calls and video chats that have helped businesses and families stay connected through the COVID-19 pandemic. She holds more than 200 patents, and recently was honored by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 

These days, Marian leads our Research Center for Responsible AI and Human Centered Technology, which is responsible for ensuring Google ​​develops artificial intelligence responsibly and that it has a positive impact. We chatted over Google Meet to find out how plumbers and electricians sparked her interest in science, how her inventions have made life in a pandemic a tiny bit easier for everyone, and what the NIHF honor means to her.  

When was the first time you realized you were interested in technology?

I was probably around 5 or 6. I know that we don’t usually think of things like plumbing or electricity as necessarily technology, but they are. I was very enchanted with plumbers and electricians who would come to our house and fix things. They would be dirty and greasy, but I would love the smell, you know? I felt like, Wow, what a miracle worker! I would follow them around, trying to figure out how they’d fix something. I still do that today! 

So when you have electricians come to your house, you’re still like, “Hey, how did you do that?”

There was a leak once, and I was asking the plumber all these questions, and he asked me to quiet down! Because he needed to listen to the invisible flow of water through the pipes to determine the problem. It was amazing to me how similar it was to network engineering!

You’ve had a few different roles at Google and Alphabet so far. How did you move to where you are today?

When I first came to Google, my first role was bringing the Internet to emerging markets. Laying fiber in Africa, building public Wi-Fi in railroad stations in India and then exploring the landscape in countries like Cuba and countries where there wasn’t an openness yet for the Internet. And that was a fascinating job. It was a merger of technology, policy and governmental affairs, combined with an understanding of communities and regions. 

Then I worked on bringing features and technology and Google’s products to the next billion users. And after I did that for a few years, I joined the Site Reliability Engineering organization to help enhance the performance of Google’s complex, integrated systems. Now my current role is leading the Research Center for Responsible AI and Human Centered Technology group. I’m inspired that my work has the potential to positively impact so many of our users. 

Today you’re being inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame for your work in advancing VoIP technology. What inspired you to work on VoIP, and can you describe that process of bringing the technology to life?

I have alway been motivated by the desire to change the world, and to do that I try to change the world that I’m currently in. What I mean by that is I work on problems that I am aware of, and that I can tackle within the world that surrounds me. So when I began working on VoIP technology, it was at a time in the late ‘90s when there was a lot of change happening involving the internet. Netscape had put a user-friendly web browser in place and there was a lot of new activity beginning to bubble up all over the online world. 

I was part of a team that was also very interested in doing testing and prototyping of voice communications over the internet. There were some existing technologies but they didn’t scale and they were proprietary in nature, so we were thinking of ways we could open it up, make it scalable, make it reliable and be able to support billions of daily calls. We started to work on this but had a lot of doubters telling us that this wouldn’t work, and that no one would ever use this “toy like” technology. And at the time, they were right: It wasn’t working and it wasn’t reliable. But over time we were able to get it to a point where it started working very well. So much so that eventually the senior leaders within AT&T began to adopt the technology for their core network. It was challenging but an exciting thing for me to do because I like to bring change to things, especially when people doubt that it can happen.

What advice would you give to aspiring inventors? 

Most importantly, don’t give up, and during the process of creation, listen to your critics. I received so much criticism and in many ways it was valid. That type of feedback motivated me to improve the technology, and really address a variety of pain points that I hadn’t necessarily thought of. 

What does being inducted into the NIHF mean to you? 

Well it’s humbling, and a great experience. At the time I never thought the work that I was doing was that significant and that it would lead to this, but I’m so I’m very grateful for the recognition.

What does it mean to be a part of a class that sees the first two Black women inducted into the NIHF?

I find that it inspires people when they see someone who looks like themselves on some dimension, and I’m proud to offer that type of representation. People also see that I’m just a normal person like themselves and I think that also inspires them to accomplish their goals. I want people to understand that it may be difficult but that they can overcome obstacles and that it will be so worth it.

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This Googler’s team is making shopping more inclusive

There’s a lot to love about online shopping: It’s fast, it’s easy and there are a ton of options to choose from. But there’s one obvious challenge — you can’t try anything on. This is something Google product manager Debbie Biswas noticed, as a tech industry veteran and startup founder herself. “Historically, the fashion industry only celebrates people of a certain size and skin color,” she says. “This was something I wanted to change.”

Debbie grew up in India and moved to the U.S. after she graduated college. “I started a company in the women’s apparel space, where I learned to solve user pain points around shopping for clothes, sizing and styling.” While working on her startup, Debbie realized how hard shopping was for women, including herself — the models in the images didn’t show her how something would look on her. 

“When I got an opportunity to work at Google Shopping, I realized I could solve so many of these problems at scale using the best AI/ML tech in the industry,” she says. “As a woman of color, and someone who doesn’t conform to the ‘traditional beautiful size,’ I feel very motivated to solve apparel shopping problems for people like me.”

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