Another Step Towards Breakeven Fusion

Posted by Ted Baltz, Senior Staff Software Engineer, Google Research

For more than 70 years, plasma physicists have dreamed of controlled “breakeven” fusion, where a system is capable of releasing more energy in a fusion reaction than it takes to initiate and sustain those reactions. The challenge is that the reactor must create a plasma at a temperature of tens of millions of degrees, which requires a highly complex, finely tuned system to confine and sustain. Further, creating the plasma and maintaining it, requires substantial amounts of energy, which, to date, have exceeded that released in the fusion reaction itself. Nevertheless, if a “breakeven” system could be achieved, it could provide ample zero-carbon electricity, the potential impact of which has driven interest by government laboratories, such as ITER and the National Ignition Facility, as well as several privately funded efforts.

Today we highlight two recently published papers arising from our collaboration with TAE Technologies1, which demonstrate exciting advancements in the field. In “Overview of C-2W: High-temperature, steady-state beam-driven field-reversed configuration plasmas,” published in Nuclear Fusion, we describe the experimental program implemented by TAE, which leverages our improved version of the Optometrist Algorithm for machine optimization. Due in part to this contribution, the current state-of-the-art reactor is able to achieve plasma lifetimes up to three times longer than its predecessor. In “Multi-instrument Bayesian reconstruction of plasma shape evolution in the C-2W experiment,” published in Physics of Plasmas, we detail new methods developed for analyzing indirect measurements of plasma to reconstruct its properties in detail. This work enabled us to better understand how instabilities in the plasma arise and to understand how to mitigate these perturbations in practice.

Optimizing the Next Generation Fusion Device
The C-2W “Norman” machine (named for TAE’s late co-founder Prof. Norman Rostoker) is a nearly complete rebuild of the C-2U machine that we described in 2017. For this updated version, the TAE team integrated new pressure vessels, new power supplies, a new vacuum system, along with other substantial upgrades.

Norman is incredibly complex, with over 1000 machine control parameters, and likewise, it captures extensive amounts of data for each run, including over 1000 measurements of conditions in the plasma alone. And while the measurements of each plasma experiment are extremely rich, there is no simple metric for “goodness”. Further complicating matters, it is not possible to rapidly iterate to improve performance, because only one experiment can be executed every eight minutes. For these reasons, tuning the system is quite difficult and relies on the expert intuition developed by the plasma physicists operating the system. To optimize the new reactor’s performance, we needed a control system capable of handling the tremendous complexity of the system while being able to quickly tune the control parameters in response to the extensive data generated in experiments.

To accomplish this, we further adapted the Optometrist Algorithm that we had developed for the C-2U system to leverage the expertise of the operators. In this algorithm, the physicists compare experiment pairs, and determine whether the trial better achieves the current goals of the experiment, according to their judgment, than the current reference experiment — e.g., achieving increased plasma size at a fixed temperature, increased temperature, etc. By updating the reference accordingly, machine performance improves over time. However, accounting for operator intuition during this process is critical, because the measure of improvement may not be immediately obvious. For example, under some situations, an experiment with much denser plasma that is a little bit colder may, in fact, be “better”, because it may lead to other improvements in subsequent experiments. We further modified the algorithm by fitting a logistic regression to the binary decisions of the expert to guide the trial experiments, making a classic exploration-exploitation tradeoff.

Applying the Optometrist Algorithm to the magnetic field coils that form the plasma, we found a novel timing sequence that provides consistent starting conditions for long-lived plasmas, almost tripling the plasma lifetime when first applied. This was a marked improvement over the regime of net plasma heating first seen on the C-2U machine in 2015.

Plasma formation section of the Norman reactor. The outer coils operate for the duration of the experiments while the inner coils accelerate the plasma in less than 10 microseconds. (Photograph by Erik Lucero)

Bayesian Reconstruction of Plasma Conditions
In addition to optimizing the performance of the machine, we also sought to more thoroughly understand the behavior of the plasmas it is generating. This includes understanding the density profiles, separate electron and ion temperatures, and magnetic fields generated by the plasma. Because the plasma in a fusion generator reaches 30 million Kelvin, which would destroy most solid materials in moments, precise measurements of the plasma conditions are very difficult.

To address this, Norman has a set of indirect diagnostics, generating 5 GB of data per shot, that peer into the plasma without touching it. One of these is a two-story laser interferometer that measures the line-integrated electron density along 14 lines of sight through the plasma, with a sample rate of more than a megahertz. The resulting dataset of line-integrated densities can be used to extract the spatial density profile of the plasma, which is crucial to understanding the plasma behavior. In this case, the Norman reactor generates field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasmas that tend to be best confined when they are hollow (imagine a smoke ring elongated into a barrel shape). The challenge in this situation is that generating the spatial density profiles for such a plasma configuration is an inverse problem, i.e., it is more difficult to infer the shape of the plasma from the measurements (the “inverse” direction) than to predict the measurements from a known shape (the “forward” direction).

Schematic of C-2W confinement vessel showing measurement systems: interferometer lines of sight measuring electron density (magenta), neutral particle beam lines of sight measuring ion density (purple) and magnetic sensors (blue). These disparate measurements are combined in the Bayesian framework.

We developed a TensorFlow implementation of the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm to address the problem of inferring the density profile of the plasma from multiple indirect measurements. Because the plasma is described by hundreds to thousands of variables and we want to reconstruct the state for thousands of frames, linked into “bursts” or short movies, for each plasma experiment, processing on CPUs is insufficient. For this reason, we optimized the HMC algorithm to be executed on GPUs. The Bayesian framework for this involves building “forward” models (i.e., predicting effects from causes) for several instruments, which can predict what the instrument would record, given some specified plasma conditions. We can then use HMC to calculate the probabilities of various possible plasma conditions. Understanding both density and temperature are crucial to the problem of breakeven fusion.

High Frequency Plasma Perturbations
Reconstruction of the plasma conditions does more than just recover the plasma density profile, it also recovers the behavior of high frequency density perturbations in the plasma. TAE has done a large number of experiments to determine if Norman’s neutral particle beams and electrode currents can control these oscillations. In the second paper, we demonstrate the strong mitigating effects of the neutral beams, showing that when the neutral beams are turned off, fluctuations immediately begin growing. The reconstruction allows us to see how the radial density profile of the plasma evolves as the perturbations grow, an understanding of which is key to mitigating such perturbations, allowing long-lived stable plasmas. Following a long tradition of listening to plasma perturbations to better intuit their behavior (e.g., ionospheric “whistlers” have been captured by radio operators for over a century), we translate the perturbations to audio (slowed down 500x) in order to listen to them.

Movie showing spectrogram of magnetic oscillations, played as audio 500 times slower. Different colors indicate different shapes. There is a whistle as the plasma forms, as well as low drum sounds followed immediately by chirps when the plasma destabilizes and recovers. Headphones / earbuds recommended; may annoy pets and humans.

The Future Looks Hot and Stable
With our assistance using machine optimization and data science, TAE achieved their major goals for Norman, which brings us a step closer to the goal of breakeven fusion. The machine maintains a stable plasma at 30 million Kelvin for 30 milliseconds, which is the extent of available power to its systems. They have completed a design for an even more powerful machine, which they hope will demonstrate the conditions necessary for breakeven fusion before the end of the decade. TAE has succeeded with two complete machine builds during our collaboration, and we are really excited to see the third.

We wish to thank Michael Dikovsky, Ian Langmore, Peter Norgaard, Scott Geraedts, Rob von Behren, Bill Heavlin, Anton Kast, Tom Madams, John Platt, Ross Koningstein, and Matt Trevithick for their contributions to this work. We thank the TensorFlow Probability team for considerable implementation assistance. Furthermore, we thank Jeff Dean for visiting TAE’s facility in Southern California and providing thoughtful suggestions. As always we are grateful to our colleagues at TAE Technologies for the opportunity to work on such a fascinating and important problem.

1Google owns stock and warrants in TAE Technologies.  

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Self-Supervised Reversibility-Aware Reinforcement Learning

Posted by Johan Ferret, Student Researcher, Google Research, Brain Team

An approach commonly used to train agents for a range of applications from robotics to chip design is reinforcement learning (RL). While RL excels at discovering how to solve tasks from scratch, it can struggle in training an agent to understand the reversibility of its actions, which can be crucial to ensure that agents behave in a safe manner within their environment. For instance, robots are generally costly and require maintenance, so one wants to avoid taking actions that might lead to broken components. Estimating if an action is reversible or not (or better, how easily it can be reversed) requires a working knowledge of the physics of the environment in which the agent is operating. However, in the standard RL setting, agents do not possess a model of the environment sufficient to do this.

In “There Is No Turning Back: A Self-Supervised Approach to Reversibility-Aware Reinforcement Learning”, accepted at NeurIPS 2021, we present a novel and practical way of approximating the reversibility of agent actions in the context of RL. This approach, which we call Reversibility-Aware RL, adds a separate reversibility estimation component to the RL procedure that is self-supervised (i.e., it learns from unlabeled data collected by the agents). It can be trained either online (jointly with the RL agent) or offline (from a dataset of interactions). Its role is to guide the RL policy towards reversible behavior. This approach increases the performance of RL agents on several tasks, including the challenging Sokoban puzzle game.

Reversibility-Aware RL
The reversibility component added to the RL procedure is learned from interactions, and crucially, is a model that can be trained separate from the agent itself. The model training is self-supervised and does not require that the data be labeled with the reversibility of the actions. Instead, the model learns about which types of actions tend to be reversible from the context provided by the training data alone.We call the theoretical explanation for this empirical reversibility, a measure of the probability that an event A precedes another event B, knowing that A and B both happen. Precedence is a useful proxy for true reversibility because it can be learned from a dataset of interactions, even without rewards.

Imagine, for example, an experiment where a glass is dropped from table height and when it hits the floor it shatters. In this case, the glass goes from position A (table height) to position B (floor) and regardless of the number of trials, A always precedes B, so when randomly sampling pairs of events, the probability of finding a pair in which A precedes B is 1. This would indicate an irreversible sequence. Assume, instead, a rubber ball was dropped instead of the glass. In this case, the ball would start at A, drop to B, and then (approximately) return to A. So, when sampling pairs of events, the probability of finding a pair in which A precedes B would only be 0.5 (the same as the probability that a random pair showed B preceding A), and would indicate a reversible sequence.

Reversibility estimation relies on the knowledge of the dynamics of the world. A proxy to reversibility is precedence, which establishes which of two events comes first on average,given that both are observed.

In practice, we sample pairs of events from a collection of interactions, shuffle them, and train the neural network to reconstruct the actual chronological order of the events. The network’s performance is measured and refined by comparing its predictions against the ground truth derived from the timestamps of the actual data. Since events that are temporally distant tend to be either trivial or impossible to order, we sample events in a temporal window of fixed size. We then use the prediction probabilities of this estimator as a proxy for reversibility: if the neural network’s confidence that event A happens before event B is higher than a chosen threshold, then we deem that the transition from event A to B is irreversible.

Precedence estimation consists of predicting the temporal order of randomly shuffled events.

Integrating Reversibility into RL
We propose two concurrent ways of integrating reversibility in RL:

  1. Reversibility-Aware Exploration (RAE): This approach penalizes irreversible transitions, via a modified reward function. When the agent picks an action that is considered irreversible, it receives a reward corresponding to the environment’s reward minus a positive, fixed penalty, which makes such actions less likely, but does not exclude them.
  2. Reversibility-Aware Control (RAC): Here, all irreversible actions are filtered out, a process that serves as an intermediate layer between the policy and the environment. When the agent picks an action that is considered irreversible, the action selection process is repeated, until a reversible action is chosen.
The proposed RAE (left) and RAC (right) methods for reversibility-aware RL.

An important distinction between RAE and RAC is that RAE only encourages reversible actions, it does not prohibit them, which means that irreversible actions can still be performed when the benefits outweigh costs (as in the Sokoban example below). As a result, RAC is better suited for safe RL where irreversible side-effects induce risks that should be avoided entirely, and RAE is better suited for tasks where it is suspected that irreversible actions are to be avoided most of the time.

To illustrate the distinction between RAE and RAC, we evaluate the capabilities of both proposed methods. A few example scenarios follow:

  • Avoiding (but not prohibiting) irreversible side-effects

    A general rule for safe RL is to minimize irreversible interactions when possible, as a principle of caution. To test such capabilities, we introduce a synthetic environment where an agent in an open field is tasked with reaching a goal. If the agent follows the established pathway, the environment remains unchanged, but if it departs from the pathway and onto the grass, the path it takes turns to brown. While this changes the environment, no penalty is issued for such behavior.

    In this scenario, a typical model-free agent, such as a Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) agent, tends to follow the shortest path on average and spoils some of the grass, whereas a PPO+RAE agent avoids all irreversible side-effects.

    Top-left: The synthetic environment in which the agent (blue) is tasked with reaching a goal (pink). A pathway is shown in grey leading from the agent to the goal, but it does not follow the most direct route between the two. Top-right: An action sequence with irreversible side-effects of an agent’s actions. When the agent departs from the path, it leaves a brown path through the field. Bottom-left: The visitation heatmap for a PPO agent. Agents tend to follow a more direct path than that shown in grey. Bottom-right: The visitation heatmap for a PPO+RAE agent. The irreversibility of going off-path encourages the agent to stay on the established grey path.
  • Safe interactions by prohibiting irreversibility

    We also tested against the classic Cartpole task, in which the agent controls a cart in order to balance a pole standing precariously upright on top of it. We set the maximum number of interactions to 50k steps, instead of the usual 200. On this task, irreversible actions tend to cause the pole to fall, so it is better to avoid such actions at all.

    We show that combining RAC with any RL agent (even a random agent) never fails, given that we select an appropriate threshold for the probability that an action is irreversible. Thus, RAC can guarantee safe, reversible interactions from the very first step in the environment.

    We show how the Cartpole performance of a random policy equipped with RAC evolves with different threshold values (ꞵ). Standard model-free agents (DQN, M-DQN) typically score less than 3000, compared to 50000 (the maximum score) for an agent governed by a random+RAC policy at a threshold value of β=0.4.
  • Avoiding deadlocks in Sokoban

    Sokoban is a puzzle game in which the player controls a warehouse keeper and has to push boxes onto target spaces, while avoiding unrecoverable situations (e.g., when a box is in a corner or, in some cases, along a wall).

    An action sequence that completes a Sokoban level. Boxes (yellow squares with a red “x”) must be pushed by an agent onto targets (red outlines with a dot in the middle). Because the agent cannot pull the boxes, any box pushed against a wall can be difficult, if not impossible to get away from the wall, i.e., it becomes “deadlocked”.

    For a standard RL model, early iterations of the agent typically act in a near-random fashion to explore the environment, and consequently, get stuck very often. Such RL agents either fail to solve Sokoban puzzles, or are quite inefficient at it.

    Agents that explore randomly quickly engage themselves in deadlocks that prevent them from completing levels (as an example here, pushing the rightmost box on the wall cannot be reversed).

    We compared the performance in the Sokoban environment of IMPALA, a state-of-the-art model-free RL agent, to that of an IMPALA+RAE agent. We find that the agent with the combined IMPALA+RAE policy is deadlocked less frequently, resulting in superior scores.

    The scores of IMPALA and IMPALA+RAE on a set of 1000 Sokoban levels. A new level is sampled at the beginning of each episode.The best score is level dependent and close to 10.

    In this task, detecting irreversible actions is difficult because it is a highly imbalanced learning problem — only ~1% of actions are indeed irreversible, and many other actions are difficult to flag as reversible, because they can only be reversed through a number of additional steps by the agent.

    Reversing an action is sometimes non-trivial. In the example shown here, a box has been pushed against the wall, but is still reversible. However, reversing the situation takes at least five separate movements comprising 17 distinct actions by the agent (each numbered move being the result of several actions from the agent).

    We estimate that approximately half of all Sokoban levels require at least one irreversible action to be completed (e.g., because at least one target destination is adjacent to a wall). Since IMPALA+RAE solves virtually all levels, it implies that RAE does not prevent the agent from taking irreversible actions when it is crucial to do so.

We present a method that enables RL agents to predict the reversibility of an action by learning to model the temporal order of randomly sampled trajectory events, which results in better exploration and control. Our proposed method is self-supervised, meaning that it does not necessitate any prior knowledge about the reversibility of actions, making it well suited to a variety of environments. In the future, we are interested in studying further how these ideas could be applied in larger scale and safety-critical applications.

We would like to thank our paper co-authors Nathan Grinsztajn, Philippe Preux, Olivier Pietquin and Matthieu Geist. We would also like to thank Bobak Shahriari, Théophane Weber, Damien Vincent, Alexis Jacq, Robert Dadashi, Léonard Hussenot, Nino Vieillard, Lukasz Stafiniak, Nikola Momchev, Sabela Ramos and all those who provided helpful discussion and feedback on this work.

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Reducing city transport emissions with Maps and AI

City transportation is crucial to connecting residents to education, employment and essential services. At the same time, the transportation sector is where global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are rising the quickest.

In 2018, we launched the Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) in collaboration with the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM). As part of Google’s most ambitious decade of climate action, we’ve committed to helping more than 500 cities and local governments reduce an aggregate of 1 gigaton of carbon emissions per year by 2030 and beyond. With EIE, cities have free access to Google’s unique mapping data and insights so they can make sustainable decisions regarding cleaner transport policies and infrastructure programs. Since launching EIE, we’ve seen more cities and governments set ambitious climate targets. This week, 120 world governments will gather in Glasgow at COP26 to report their progress toward these commitments and set a path forward to address climate change. EIE can help cities and governments translate these targets into concrete action.

In pursuit of helping more cities take action against climate change, we will make transportation insights available in EIE for over 20,000 cities and regional governments by the end of the year, making it one of the largest ever collections of high-quality, globally consistent environmental data sources. This expansion will double the number of geographies represented in EIE, accounting for the majority of the world’s transport emissions.

As the window continues to narrow on implementing policies and plans to reduce emissions, we’re unifying around a single mission: to foster sustainability at scale. To help, we’re partnering with the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, a network of megacities committed to addressing climate change. Our work with C40 will help us better support the needs of cities while making data accessible to city projects that are working on climate solutions. Together we can provide higher-quality transportation activity data to measure and track GHG emissions at a global scale, while also giving state and local governments resources to better understand what’s working at a local level.

The need for action is now, and we need to rise to the challenge quickly. Google technology is unlocking our ability to generate climate-related insights and impact at a global scale. Here are a few of the latest ways we’re using AI and Google Maps data in EIE.

Taking inventory of yearly progress

More cities, states and regions are committing to comprehensive climate plans to decarbonize transportation by 2040. These next two decades of ambitious action will require regular progress reports to assess what is and isn’t working.

Using AI, our systems analyze transportation trends in a city by mode, helping local governments take stock of their progress in tackling GHG emissions. GHG inventory processes traditionally take months and multiple data sources to compile, and are now streamlined, allowing government staff to reduce the cost and personnel burden of reporting.

Transportation emissions estimates from Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer
Transportation emissions estimates from Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer

Plan eco-friendly mobility interventions

To accelerate data-driven decisions aimed at reducing transportation emissions and boosting infrastructure investments, EIE summarizes critical insights across which modes of transport to tackle. EIE characterizes trips traveled within and across city boundaries and applies city-specific scaling factors based on overall population. EIE’s multimodal insights allow government data practitioners to ask questions that inform transportation decisions, such as the extent to which city investments in different modes of transportation can shift behaviors.

Multimodal transportation emissions insights from Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer

Looking forward

Modeling transportation flows is complex. With EIE, cities, states, regional policymakers, consultants can better understand the impact sustainable changes are making on global greenhouse gas emissions.

To learn more about how cities are using EIE, view our EIE 2021 City Impact report. If you’re part of a local government and interested in what EIE can do for your community, fill out this form to get in touch with our team.

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Introducing Pathways: A next-generation AI architecture

When I reflect on the past two decades of computer science research, few things inspire me more than the remarkable progress we’ve seen in the field of artificial intelligence.

In 2001, some colleagues sitting just a few feet away from me at Google realized they could use an obscure technique called machine learning to help correct misspelled Search queries. (I remember I was amazed to see it work on everything from “ayambic pitnamiter” to “unnblevaiabel”). Today, AI augments many of the things that we do, whether that’s helping you capture a nice selfie, or providing more useful search results, or warning hundreds of millions of people when and where flooding will occur. Twenty years of advances in research have helped elevate AI from a promising idea to an indispensable aid in billions of people’s daily lives. And for all that progress, I’m still excited about its as-yet-untapped potential – AI is poised to help humanity confront some of the toughest challenges we’ve ever faced, from persistent problems like illness and inequality to emerging threats like climate change.

But matching the depth and complexity of those urgent challenges will require new, more capable AI systems – systems that can combine AI’s proven approaches with nascent research directions to be able to solve problems we are unable to solve today. To that end, teams across Google Research are working on elements of a next-generation AI architecture we think will help realize such systems.

We call this new AI architecture Pathways.

Pathways is a new way of thinking about AI that addresses many of the weaknesses of existing systems and synthesizes their strengths. To show you what I mean, let’s walk through some of AI’s current shortcomings and how Pathways can improve upon them.

Today’s AI models are typically trained to do only one thing. Pathways will enable us to train a single model to do thousands or millions of things.

Today’s AI systems are often trained from scratch for each new problem – the mathematical model’s parameters are initiated literally with random numbers. Imagine if, every time you learned a new skill (jumping rope, for example), you forgot everything you’d learned – how to balance, how to leap, how to coordinate the movement of your hands – and started learning each new skill from nothing.

That’s more or less how we train most machine learning models today. Rather than extending existing models to learn new tasks, we train each new model from nothing to do one thing and one thing only (or we sometimes specialize a general model to a specific task). The result is that we end up developing thousands of models for thousands of individual tasks. Not only does learning each new task take longer this way, but it also requires much more data to learn each new task, since we’re trying to learn everything about the world and the specifics of that task from nothing (completely unlike how people approach new tasks).

Instead, we’d like to train one model that can not only handle many separate tasks, but also draw upon and combine its existing skills to learn new tasks faster and more effectively. That way what a model learns by training on one task – say, learning how aerial images can predict the elevation of a landscape – could help it learn another task — say, predicting how flood waters will flow through that terrain.

We want a model to have different capabilities that can be called upon as needed, and stitched together to perform new, more complex tasks – a bit closer to the way the mammalian brain generalizes across tasks.

Today’s models mostly focus on one sense. Pathways will enable multiple senses.

People rely on multiple senses to perceive the world. That’s very different from how contemporary AI systems digest information. Most of today’s models process just one modality of information at a time. They can take in text, or images or speech — but typically not all three at once.

Pathways could enable multimodal models that encompass vision, auditory, and language understanding simultaneously. So whether the model is processing the word “leopard,” the sound of someone saying “leopard,” or a video of a leopard running, the same response is activated internally: the concept of a leopard. The result is a model that’s more insightful and less prone to mistakes and biases.

And of course an AI model needn’t be restricted to these familiar senses; Pathways could handle more abstract forms of data, helping find useful patterns that have eluded human scientists in complex systems such as climate dynamics.

Today’s models are dense and inefficient. Pathways will make them sparse and efficient.

A third problem is that most of today’s models are “dense,” which means the whole neural network activates to accomplish a task, regardless of whether it’s very simple or really complicated.

This, too, is very unlike the way people approach problems. We have many different parts of our brain that are specialized for different tasks, yet we only call upon the relevant pieces for a given situation. There are close to a hundred billion neurons in your brain, but you rely on a small fraction of them to interpret this sentence.

AI can work the same way. We can build a single model that is “sparsely” activated, which means only small pathways through the network are called into action as needed. In fact, the model dynamically learns which parts of the network are good at which tasks — it learns how to route tasks through the most relevant parts of the model. A big benefit to this kind of architecture is that it not only has a larger capacity to learn a variety of tasks, but it’s also faster and much more energy efficient, because we don’t activate the entire network for every task.

For example, GShard and Switch Transformer are two of the largest machine learning models we’ve ever created, but because both use sparse activation, they consume less than 1/10th the energy that you’d expect of similarly sized dense models — while being as accurate as dense models.

So to recap: today’s machine learning models tend to overspecialize at individual tasks when they could excel at many. They rely on one form of input when they could synthesize several. And too often they resort to brute force when deftness and specialization of expertise would do.

That’s why we’re building Pathways. Pathways will enable a single AI system to generalize across thousands or millions of tasks, to understand different types of data, and to do so with remarkable efficiency – advancing us from the era of single-purpose models that merely recognize patterns to one in which more general-purpose intelligent systems reflect a deeper understanding of our world and can adapt to new needs.

That last point is crucial. We’re familiar with many of today’s biggest global challenges, and working on technologies to help address them. But we’re also sure there are major future challenges we haven’t yet anticipated, and many will demand urgent solutions. So, with great care, and always in line with our AI Principles, we’re crafting the kind of next-generation AI system that can quickly adapt to new needs and solve new problems all around the world as they arise, helping humanity make the most of the future ahead of us.

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GoEmotions: A Dataset for Fine-Grained Emotion Classification

Posted by Dana Alon and Jeongwoo Ko, Software Engineers, Google Research

Emotions are a key aspect of social interactions, influencing the way people behave and shaping relationships. This is especially true with language — with only a few words, we’re able to express a wide variety of subtle and complex emotions. As such, it’s been a long-term goal among the research community to enable machines to understand context and emotion, which would, in turn, enable a variety of applications, including empathetic chatbots, models to detect harmful online behavior, and improved customer support interactions.

In the past decade, the NLP research community has made available several datasets for language-based emotion classification. The majority of those are constructed manually and cover targeted domains (news headlines, movie subtitles, and even fairy tales) but tend to be relatively small, or focus only on the six basic emotions (anger, surprise, disgust, joy, fear, and sadness) that were proposed in 1992. While these emotion datasets enabled initial explorations into emotion classification, they also highlighted the need for a large-scale dataset over a more extensive set of emotions that could facilitate a broader scope of future potential applications.

In “GoEmotions: A Dataset of Fine-Grained Emotions”, we describe GoEmotions, a human-annotated dataset of 58k Reddit comments extracted from popular English-language subreddits and labeled with 27 emotion categories . As the largest fully annotated English language fine-grained emotion dataset to date, we designed the GoEmotions taxonomy with both psychology and data applicability in mind. In contrast to the basic six emotions, which include only one positive emotion (joy), our taxonomy includes 12 positive, 11 negative, 4 ambiguous emotion categories and 1 “neutral”, making it widely suitable for conversation understanding tasks that require a subtle differentiation between emotion expressions.

We are releasing the GoEmotions dataset along with a detailed tutorial that demonstrates the process of training a neural model architecture (available on TensorFlow Model Garden) using GoEmotions and applying it for the task of suggesting emojis based on conversational text. In the GoEmotions Model Card we explore additional uses for models built with GoEmotions, as well as considerations and limitations for using the data.

This text expresses several emotions at once, including excitement, approval and gratitude.
This text expresses relief, a complex emotion conveying both positive and negative sentiment.
This text conveys remorse, a complex emotion that is expressed frequently but is not captured by simple models of emotion.

Building the Dataset
Our goal was to build a large dataset, focused on conversational data, where emotion is a critical component of the communication. Because the Reddit platform offers a large, publicly available volume of content that includes direct user-to-user conversation, it is a valuable resource for emotion analysis. So, we built GoEmotions using Reddit comments from 2005 (the start of Reddit) to January 2019, sourced from subreddits with at least 10k comments, excluding deleted and non-English comments.

To enable building broadly representative emotion models, we applied data curation measures to ensure the dataset does not reinforce general, nor emotion-specific, language biases. This was particularly important because Reddit has a known demographic bias leaning towards young male users, which is not reflective of a globally diverse population. The platform also introduces a skew towards toxic, offensive language. To address these concerns, we identified harmful comments using predefined terms for offensive/adult and vulgar content, and for identity and religion, which we used for data filtering and masking. We additionally filtered the data to reduce profanity, limit text length, and balance for represented emotions and sentiments. To avoid over-representation of popular subreddits and to ensure the comments also reflect less active subreddits, we also balanced the data among subreddit communities.

We created a taxonomy seeking to jointly maximize three objectives: (1) provide the greatest coverage of the emotions expressed in Reddit data; (2) provide the greatest coverage of types of emotional expressions; and (3) limit the overall number of emotions and their overlap. Such a taxonomy allows data-driven fine-grained emotion understanding, while also addressing potential data sparsity for some emotions.

Establishing the taxonomy was an iterative process to define and refine the emotion label categories. During the data labeling stages, we considered a total of 56 emotion categories. From this sample, we identified and removed emotions that were scarcely selected by raters, had low interrater agreement due to similarity to other emotions, or were difficult to detect from text. We also added emotions that were frequently suggested by raters and were well represented in the data. Finally, we refined emotion category names to maximize interpretability, leading to high interrater agreement, with 94% of examples having at least two raters agreeing on at least 1 emotion label.

The published GoEmotions dataset includes the taxonomy presented below, and was fully collected through a final round of data labeling where both the taxonomy and rating standards were pre-defined and fixed.

GoEmotions taxonomy: Includes 28 emotion categories, including “neutral”.

Data Analysis and Results
Emotions are not distributed uniformly in the GoEmotions dataset. Importantly, the high frequency of positive emotions reinforces our motivation for a more diverse emotion taxonomy than that offered by the canonical six basic emotions.

To validate that our taxonomic choices match the underlying data, we conduct principal preserved component analysis (PPCA), a method used to compare two datasets by extracting linear combinations of emotion judgments that exhibit the highest joint variability across two sets of raters. It therefore helps us uncover dimensions of emotion that have high agreement across raters. PPCA was used before to understand principal dimensions of emotion recognition in video and speech, and we use it here to understand the principal dimensions of emotion in text.

We find that each component is significant (with p-values < 1.5e-6 for all dimensions), indicating that each emotion captures a unique part of the data. This is not trivial, since in previous work on emotion recognition in speech, only 12 out of 30 dimensions of emotion were found to be significant.

We examine the clustering of the defined emotions based on correlations among rater judgments. With this approach, two emotions will cluster together when they are frequently co-selected by raters. We find that emotions that are related in terms of their sentiment (negative, positive and ambiguous) cluster together, despite no predefined notion of sentiment in our taxonomy, indicating the quality and consistency of the ratings. For example, if one rater chose “excitement” as a label for a given comment, it is more likely that another rater would choose a correlated sentiment, such as “joy”, rather than, say, “fear”. Perhaps surprisingly, all ambiguous emotions clustered together, and they clustered more closely with positive emotions.

Similarly, emotions that are related in terms of their intensity, such as joy and excitement, nervousness and fear, sadness and grief, annoyance and anger, are also closely correlated.

Our paper provides additional analyses and modeling experiments using GoEmotions.

Future Work: Alternatives to Human-Labeling
While GoEmotions offers a large set of human-annotated emotion data, additional emotion datasets exist that use heuristics for automatic weak-labeling. The dominant heuristic uses emotion-related Twitter tags as emotion categories, which allows one to inexpensively generate large datasets. But this approach is limited for multiple reasons: the language used on Twitter is demonstrably different than many other language domains, thus limiting the applicability of the data; tags are human generated, and, when used directly, are prone to duplication, overlap, and other taxonomic inconsistencies; and the specificity of this approach to Twitter limits its applications to other language corpora.

We propose an alternative, and more easily available heuristic in which emojis embedded in user conversation serve as a proxy for emotion categories. This approach can be applied to any language corpora containing a reasonable occurence of emojis, including many that are conversational. Because emojis are more standardized and less sparse than Twitter-tags, they present fewer inconsistencies.

Note that both of the proposed approaches — using Twitter tags and using emojis — are not directly aimed at emotion understanding, but rather at variants of conversational expression. For example, in the conversation below, 🙏 conveys gratitude, 🎂 conveys a celebratory expression, and 🎁 is a literal replacement for ‘present’. Similarly, while many emojis are associated with emotion-related expressions, emotions are subtle and multi-faceted, and in many cases no one emoji can truly capture the full complexity of an emotion. Moreover, emojis capture varying expressions beyond emotions. For these reasons, we consider them as expressions rather than emotions.

This type of data can be valuable for building expressive conversational agents, as well as for suggesting contextual emojis, and is a particularly interesting area of future work.

The GoEmotions dataset provides a large, manually annotated, dataset for fine-grained emotion prediction. Our analysis demonstrates the reliability of the annotations and high coverage of the emotions expressed in Reddit comments. We hope that GoEmotions will be a valuable resource to language-based emotion researchers, and will allow practitioners to build creative emotion-driven applications, addressing a wide range of user emotions.

This blog presents research done by Dora Demszky (while interning at Google), Dana Alon (previously Movshovitz-Attias), Jeongwoo Ko, Alan Cowen, Gaurav Nemade, and Sujith Ravi. We thank Peter Young for his infrastructure and open sourcing contributions. We thank Erik Vee, Ravi Kumar, Andrew Tomkins, Patrick Mcgregor, and the Learn2Compress team for support and sponsorship of this research project.

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Grammar Correction as You Type, on Pixel 6

Posted by Tony Mak, Software Engineer, Google Research and Simon Tong, Principal Engineer, Google Research, Brain Team

Despite the success and widespread adoption of smartphones, using them to compose longer pieces of text is still quite cumbersome. As one writes, grammatical errors can often creep into the text (especially undesirable in formal situations), and correcting these errors can be time consuming on a small display with limited controls.

To address some of these challenges, we are launching a grammar correction feature that is directly built into Gboard on Pixel 6 that works entirely on-device to preserve privacy, detecting and suggesting corrections for grammatical errors while the user is typing. Building such functionality required addressing a few key obstacles: memory size limitations, latency requirements, and handling partial sentences. Currently, the feature is capable of correcting English sentences (we plan to expand to more languages in the near future) and available on almost any app with Gboard1.

Gboard suggests how to correct an ungrammatical sentence as the user types.

Model Architecture
We trained a sequence-to-sequence neural network to take an input sentence (or a sentence prefix) and output the grammatically correct version — if the original text is already grammatically correct, the output of the model is identical to its input, indicating that no corrections are needed. The model uses a hybrid architecture that combines a Transformer encoder with an LSTM decoder, a combination that provides a good balance of quality and latency.

Overview of the grammatical error correction (GEC) model architecture.

Mobile devices are constrained by limited memory and computational power, which make it more difficult to build a high quality grammar checking system. There are a few techniques we use to build a small, efficient, and capable model.

  • Shared embedding: Because the input and output of the model are structurally similar (e.g., both are text in the same language), we share some of the model weights between the Transformer encoder and the LSTM decoder, which reduces the model file size considerably without unduly affecting accuracy.
  • Factorized embedding: The model splits a sentence into a sequence of predefined tokens. To achieve good quality, we find that it is important to use a large vocabulary of predefined tokens, however, this substantially increases the model size. A factorized embedding separates the size of the hidden layers from the size of the vocabulary embedding. This enables us to have a model with a large vocabulary without significantly increasing the number of total weights.
  • Quantization: To reduce the model size further, we perform post-training quantization, which allows us to store each 32-bit floating point weight using only 8-bits. While this means that each weight is stored with lower fidelity, nevertheless, we find that the quality of the model is not materially affected.

By employing these techniques, the resulting model takes up only 20MB of storage and performs inference on 60 input characters under 22ms on the Google Pixel 6 CPU.

Training the Model
In order to train the model, we needed training data in the form of <original, corrected> text pairs.

One possible approach to generating a small on-device model would be to use the same training data as a large cloud-based grammar model. While this data produces a reasonably high quality on-device model, we found that using a technique called hard distillation to generate training data that is better-matched to the on-device domain yields even better quality results.

Hard distillation works as follows: We first collected hundreds of millions of English sentences from across the public web. We then used the large cloud-based grammar model to generate grammar corrections for those sentences. This training dataset of <original, corrected> sentence pairs is then used to train a smaller on-device model that can correct full sentences. We found that the on-device model built from this training dataset produces significantly higher quality suggestions than a similar-sized on-device model built on the original data used to train the cloud-based model.

Before training the model from this data, however, there is another issue to address. To enable the model to correct grammar as the user types (an important capability of mobile devices) it needs to be able to handle sentence prefixes. While this enables grammar correction when the user has only typed part of a sentence, this capability is particularly useful in messaging apps, where the user often omits the final period in a sentence and presses the send button as soon as they finish typing. If grammar correction is only triggered on complete sentences, it might miss many errors.

This raises the question of how to decide whether a given sentence prefix is grammatically correct. We used a heuristic to solve this — if a given sentence prefix can be completed to form a grammatically correct sentence, we then consider it grammatically correct. If not, it is assumed to be incorrect.

What the user has typed so far       Suggested grammar correction
She puts a lot
She puts a lot of
She puts a lot of effort
She puts a lot of effort yesterday   Replace “puts” with “put in”.
GEC on incomplete sentences. There is no correction for valid sentence prefixes.

We created a second dataset suitable for training a large cloud-based model, but this time focusing on sentence prefixes. We generated the data using the aforementioned heuristic by taking the <original, corrected> sentence pairs from the cloud-based model’s training dataset and randomly sampling aligned prefixes from them.

For example, given the <original, corrected> sentence pair:

Original sentence: She puts a lot of effort yesterday afternoon.
Corrected sentence: She put in a lot of effort yesterday afternoon.

We might sample the following prefix pairs:

Original prefix: She puts
Corrected prefix: She put in

Original prefix: She puts a lot of effort yesterday
Corrected prefix: She put in a lot of effort yesterday

We then autocompleted each original prefix to a full sentence using a neural language model (similar in spirit to that used by SmartCompose). If a full-sentence grammar model finds no errors in the full sentence, then that means there is at least one possible way to complete this original prefix without making any grammatical errors, so we consider the original prefix to be correct and output <original prefix, original prefix> as a training example. Otherwise, we output <original prefix, corrected prefix>. We used this training data to train a large cloud-based model that can correct sentence prefixes, then used that model for hard distillation, generating new <original, corrected> sentence prefix pairs that are better-matched to the on-device domain.

Finally, we constructed the final training data for the on-device model by combining these new sentence prefix pairs with the full sentence pairs. The on-device model trained on this combined data is then capable of correcting both full sentences as well as sentence prefixes.

Training data for the on-device model is generated from cloud-based models.

Grammar Correction On-Device
Gboard sends a request to the on-device grammar model whenever the user has typed more than three words, whether the sentence is completed or not. To provide a quality user experience, we underline the grammar mistakes and provide replacement suggestions when the user interacts with them. However, the model outputs only corrected sentences, so those need to be transformed into replacement suggestions. To do this, we align the original sentence and the corrected sentence by minimizing the Levenshtein distance (i.e., the number of edits that are needed to transform the original sentence to the corrected sentence).

Extracting edits by aligning the corrected sentence to the original sentence.

Finally, we transform the insertion edits and deletion edits to be replacement edits. In the above example, we transform the suggested insertion of “in” to be an edit that suggests replacing “puts” with “put in”. And we similarly suggest replacing “effort on” with “effort”.

We have built a small high-quality grammar correction model by designing a compact model architecture and leveraging a cloud-based grammar system during training via hard distillation. This compact model enables users to correct their text entirely on their own device without ever needing to send their keystrokes to a remote server.

We gratefully acknowledge the key contributions of the other team members, including Abhanshu Sharma, Akshay Kannan, Bharath Mankalale, Chenxi Ni, Felix Stahlberg, Florian Hartmann, Jacek Jurewicz, Jayakumar Hoskere, Jenny Chin, Kohsuke Yatoh, Lukas Zilka, Martin Sundermeyer, Matt Sharifi, Max Gubin, Nick Pezzotti, Nithi Gupta, Olivia Graham, Qi Wang, Sam Jaffee, Sebastian Millius, Shankar Kumar, Sina Hassani, Vishal Kumawat, and Yuanbo Zhang, Yunpeng Li, Yuxin Dai. We would also like to thank Xu Liu and David Petrou for their support.

1The feature will eventually be available in all apps with Gboard, but is currently unavailable for those in WebView

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Deciding Which Tasks Should Train Together in Multi-Task Neural Networks

Posted by Christopher Fifty, Research Engineer, Google Research, Brain Team

Many machine learning (ML) models typically focus on learning one task at a time. For example, language models predict the probability of a next word given a context of past words, and object detection models identify the object(s) that are present in an image. However, there may be instances when learning from many related tasks at the same time would lead to better modeling performance. This is addressed in the domain of multi-task learning, a subfield of ML in which multiple objectives are trained within the same model at the same time.

Consider a real-world example: the game of ping-pong. When playing ping-pong, it is often advantageous to judge the distance, spin, and imminent trajectory of the ping-pong ball to adjust your body and line up a swing. While each of these tasks are unique — predicting the spin of a ping-pong ball is fundamentally distinct from predicting its location — improving your reasoning of the location and spin of the ball will likely help you better predict its trajectory and vice-versa. By analogy, within the realm of deep learning, training a model to predict three related tasks (i.e., the location, spin, and trajectory of a ping-pong ball) may result in improved performance over a model that only predicts a single objective.

Left: Three single-task networks, each of which uses the same input to predict the spin, distance, or trajectory of the ping-pong ball, respectively. Right: A single multi-task network that simultaneously predicts the spin, distance, and trajectory.

In “Efficiently Identifying Task Groupings in Multi-Task Learning”, a spotlight presentation at NeurIPS 2021, we describe a method called Task Affinity Groupings (TAG) that determines which tasks should be trained together in multi-task neural networks. Our approach attempts to divide a set of tasks into smaller subsets such that the performance across all tasks is maximized. To accomplish this goal, it trains all tasks together in a single multi-task model and measures the degree to which one task’s gradient update on the model’s parameters would affect the loss of the other tasks in the network. We denote this quantity as inter-task affinity. Our experimental findings indicate that selecting groups of tasks that maximize inter-task affinity correlates strongly with overall model performance.

Which Tasks Should Train Together?
In the ideal case, a multi-task learning model will apply the information it learns during training on one task to decrease the loss on other tasks included in training the network. This transfer of information leads to a single model that can not only make multiple predictions, but may also exhibit improved accuracy for those predictions when compared with the performance of training a different model for each task. On the other hand, training a single model on many tasks may lead to competition for model capacity and severely degrade performance. This latter scenario often occurs when tasks are unrelated. Returning to our ping-pong analogy, imagine trying to predict the location, spin, and trajectory of the ping-pong ball while simultaneously recounting the Fibonnaci sequence. Not a fun prospect, and most likely detrimental to your progression as a ping-pong player.

One direct approach to select the subset of tasks on which a model should train is to perform an exhaustive search over all possible combinations of multi-task networks for a set of tasks. However, the cost associated with this search can be prohibitive, especially when there are a large number of tasks, because the number of possible combinations increases exponentially with respect to the number of tasks in the set. This is further complicated by the fact that the set of tasks to which a model is applied may change throughout its lifetime. As tasks are added to or dropped from the set of all tasks, this costly analysis would need to be repeated to determine new groupings. Moreover, as the scale and complexity of models continues to increase, even approximate task grouping algorithms that evaluate only a subset of possible multi-task networks may become prohibitively costly and time-consuming to evaluate.

Building Task Affinity Groupings
In examining this challenge, we drew inspiration from meta-learning, a domain of machine learning that trains a neural network that can be quickly adapted to a new, and previously unseen task. One of the classic meta-learning algorithms, MAML, applies a gradient update to the models’ parameters for a collection of tasks and then updates its original set of parameters to minimize the loss for a subset of tasks in that collection computed at the updated parameter values. Using this method, MAML trains the model to learn representations that will not minimize the loss for its current set of weights, but rather for the weights after one or more steps of training. As a result, MAML trains a models’ parameters to have the capacity to quickly adapt to a previously unseen task because it optimizes for the future, not the present.

TAG employs a similar mechanism to gain insight into the training dynamics of multi-task neural networks. In particular, it updates the model’s parameters with respect only to a single task, looks at how this change would affect the other tasks in the multi-task neural network, and then undoes this update. This process is then repeated for every other task to gather information on how each task in the network would interact with any other task. Training then continues as normal by updating the model’s shared parameters with respect to every task in the network.

Collecting these statistics, and looking at their dynamics throughout training, reveals that certain tasks consistently exhibit beneficial relationships, while some are antagonistic towards each other. A network selection algorithm can leverage this data in order to group tasks together that maximize inter-task affinity, subject to a practitioner’s choice of how many multi-task networks can be used during inference.

Overview of TAG. First, tasks are trained together in the same network while computing inter-task affinities. Second, the network selection algorithm finds task groupings that maximize inter-task affinity. Third, the resulting multi-task networks are trained and deployed.

Our experimental findings indicate that TAG can select very strong task groupings. On the CelebA and Taskonomy datasets, TAG is competitive with the prior state-of-the-art, while operating between 32x and 11.5x faster, respectively. On the Taskonomy dataset, this speedup translates to 2,008 fewer Tesla V100 GPU hours to find task groupings.

TAG is an efficient method to determine which tasks should train together in a single training run. The method looks at how tasks interact through training, notably, the effect that updating the model’s parameters when training on one task would have on the loss values of the other tasks in the network. We find that selecting groups of tasks to maximize this score correlates strongly with model performance.

We would like to thank Ehsan Amid, Zhe Zhao, Tianhe Yu, Rohan Anil, and Chelsea Finn for their fundamental contributions to this work. We also recognize Tom Small for designing the animation, and Google Research as a whole for fostering a collaborative and uplifting research environment.

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Practical Differentially Private Clustering

Posted by Alisa Chang, Software Engineer, Google Cloud and Pritish Kamath, Research Scientist, Google Research

Over the last several years, progress has been made on privacy-safe approaches for handling sensitive data, for example, while discovering insights into human mobility and through use of federated analytics such as RAPPOR. In 2019, we released an open source library to enable developers and organizations to use techniques that provide differential privacy, a strong and widely accepted mathematical notion of privacy. Differentially-private data analysis is a principled approach that enables organizations to learn and release insights from the bulk of their data while simultaneously providing a mathematical guarantee that those results do not allow any individual user’s data to be distinguished or re-identified.

In this post, we consider the following basic problem: Given a database containing several attributes about users, how can one create meaningful user groups and understand their characteristics? Importantly, if the database at hand contains sensitive user attributes, how can one reveal these group characteristics without compromising the privacy of individual users?

Such a task falls under the broad umbrella of clustering, a fundamental building block in unsupervised machine learning. A clustering method partitions the data points into groups and provides a way to assign any new data point to a group with which it is most similar. The k-means clustering algorithm has been one such influential clustering method. However, when working with sensitive datasets, it can potentially reveal significant information about individual data points, putting the privacy of the corresponding user at risk.

Today, we announce the addition of a new differentially private clustering algorithm to our differential privacy library, which is based on privately generating new representative data points. We evaluate its performance on multiple datasets and compare to existing baselines, finding competitive or better performance.

K-means Clustering
Given a set of data points, the goal of k-means clustering is to identify (at most) k points, called cluster centers, so as to minimize the loss given by the sum of squared distances of the data points from their closest cluster center. This partitions the set of data points into k groups. Moreover, any new data point can be assigned to a group based on its closest cluster center. However, releasing the set of cluster centers has the potential to leak information about particular users — for example, consider a scenario where a particular data point is significantly far from the rest of the points, so the standard k-means clustering algorithm returns a cluster center at this single point, thereby revealing sensitive information about this single point. To address this, we design a new algorithm for clustering with the k-means objective within the framework of differential privacy.

A Differentially Private Algorithm
In “Locally Private k-Means in One Round”, published at ICML 2021, we presented a differentially private algorithm for clustering data points. That algorithm had the advantage of being private in the local model, where the user’s privacy is protected even from the central server performing the clustering. However, any such approach necessarily incurs a significantly larger loss than approaches using models of privacy that require trusting a central server.1

Here, we present a similarly inspired clustering algorithm that works in the central model of differential privacy, where the central server is trusted to have complete access to the raw data, and the goal is to compute differentially private cluster centers, which do not leak information about individual data points. The central model is the standard model for differential privacy, and algorithms in the central model can be more easily substituted in place of their non-private counterparts since they do not require changes to the data collection process. The algorithm proceeds by first generating, in a differentially private manner, a core-set that consists of weighted points that “represent” the data points well. This is followed by executing any (non-private) clustering algorithm (e.g., k-means++) on this privately generated core-set.

At a high level, the algorithm generates the private core-set by first using random-projection–based locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) in a recursive manner2 to partition the points into “buckets” of similar points, and then replacing each bucket by a single weighted point that is the average of the points in the bucket, with a weight equal to the number of points in the same bucket. As described so far, though, this algorithm is not private. We make it private by performing each operation in a private manner by adding noise to both the counts and averages of points within a bucket.

This algorithm satisfies differential privacy because each point’s contributions to the bucket counts and the bucket averages are masked by the added noise, so the behavior of the algorithm does not reveal information about any individual point. There is a tradeoff with this approach: if the number of points in the buckets is too large, then individual points will not be well-represented by points in the core-set, whereas if the number of points in a bucket is too small, then the added noise (to the counts and averages) will become significant in comparison to the actual values, leading to poor quality of the core-set. This trade-off is realized with user-provided parameters in the algorithm that control the number of points that can be in a bucket.

Visual illustration of the algorithm.

Experimental Evaluation
We evaluated the algorithm on a few benchmark datasets, comparing its performance to that of the (non-private) k-means++ algorithm, as well as a few other algorithms with available implementations, namely diffprivlib and dp-clustering-icml17. We use the following benchmark datasets: (i) a synthetic dataset consisting of 100,000 data points in 100 dimensions sampled from a mixture of 64 Gaussians; (ii) neural representations for the MNIST dataset on handwritten digits obtained by training a LeNet model; (iii) the UC Irvine dataset on Letter Recognition; and (iv) the UC Irvine dataset on Gas Turbine CO and NOx Emissions.3

We analyze the normalized k-means loss (mean squared distance from data points to the nearest center) while varying the number of target centers (k) for these benchmark datasets.4 The described algorithm achieves a lower loss than the other private algorithms in three out of the four datasets we consider.

Normalized loss for varying k = number of target clusters (lower is better). The solid curves denote the mean over the 20 runs, and the shaded region denotes the 25-75th percentile range.

Moreover, for datasets with specified ground-truth labels (i.e., known groupings), we analyze the cluster label accuracy, which is the accuracy of the labeling obtained by assigning the most frequent ground-truth label in each cluster found by the clustering algorithm to all points in that cluster. Here, the described algorithm performs better than other private algorithms for all the datasets with pre-specified ground-truth labels that we consider.

Cluster label accuracy for varying k = number of target clusters (higher is better). The solid curves denote the mean over the 20 runs, and the shaded region denotes the 25-75th percentile range.

Limitations and Future Directions
There are a couple of limitations to consider when using this or any other library for private clustering.

  1. It is important to separately account for the privacy loss in any preprocessing (e.g., centering the data points or rescaling the different coordinates) done before using the private clustering algorithm. So, we hope to provide support for differentially private versions of commonly used preprocessing methods in the future and investigate changes so that the algorithm performs better with data that isn’t necessarily preprocessed.
  2. The algorithm described requires a user-provided radius, such that all data points lie within a sphere of that radius. This is used to determine the amount of noise that is added to the bucket averages. Note that this differs from diffprivlib and dp-clustering-icml17 which take in different notions of bounds of the dataset (e.g., a minimum and maximum of each coordinate). For the sake of our experimental evaluation, we calculated the relevant bounds non-privately for each dataset. However, when running the algorithms in practice, these bounds should generally be privately computed or provided without knowledge of the dataset (e.g., using the underlying range of the data). Although, note that in case of the algorithm described, the provided radius need not be exactly correct; any data points outside of the provided radius are replaced with the closest points that are within the sphere of that radius.

This work proposes a new algorithm for computing representative points (cluster centers) within the framework of differential privacy. With the rise in the amount of datasets collected around the world, we hope that our open source tool will help organizations obtain and share meaningful insights about their datasets, with the mathematical assurance of differential privacy.

We thank Christoph Dibak, Badih Ghazi, Miguel Guevara, Sasha Kulankhina, Ravi Kumar, Pasin Manurangsi, Jane Shapiro, Daniel Simmons-Marengo, Yurii Sushko, and Mirac Vuslat Basaran for their help.

1As shown by Uri Stemmer in Locally private k-means clustering (SODA 2020). 
2This is similar to work on LSH Forest, used in the context of similarity-search queries. 
3Datasets (iii) and (iv) were centered to have mean zero before evaluating the algorithms. 
4Evaluation done for fixed privacy parameters ε = 1.0 and δ = 1e-6. Note that dp-clustering-icml17 works in the pure differential privacy model (namely, with δ = 0); k-means++, of course, has no privacy parameters. 

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Predicting Spreadsheet Formulas from Semi-structured Contexts

Posted by Rishabh Singh, Research Scientist and Max Lin, Software Engineer, Google Research

Hundreds of millions of people use spreadsheets, and formulas in those spreadsheets allow users to perform sophisticated analyses and transformations on their data. Although formula languages are simpler than general-purpose programming languages, writing these formulas can still be tedious and error-prone, especially for end-users. We’ve previously developed tools to understand patterns in spreadsheet data to automatically fill missing values in a column, but they were not built to support the process of writing formulas.

In “SpreadsheetCoder: Formula Prediction from Semi-structured Context“, published at ICML 2021, we describe a new model that learns to automatically generate formulas based on the rich context around a target cell. When a user starts writing a formula with the “=” sign in a target cell, the system generates possible relevant formulas for that cell by learning patterns of formulas in historical spreadsheets. The model uses the data present in neighboring rows and columns of the target cell as well as the header row as context. It does this by first embedding the contextual structure of a spreadsheet table, consisting of neighboring and header cells, and then generates the desired spreadsheet formula using this contextual embedding. The formula is generated as two components: 1) the sequence of operators (e.g., SUM, IF, etc.), and 2) the corresponding ranges on which the operators are applied (e.g., “A2:A10”). The feature based on this model is now generally available to Google Sheets users.

Given the user’s intent to enter a formula in cells B7, C7, and D7, the system automatically infers the most likely formula the user might want to write in those cells.
Given the target cell (D4), the model uses the header and surrounding cell values as context to generate the target formula consisting of the corresponding sequence of operators and range.

Model Architecture
The model uses an encoder-decoder architecture that allows the flexibility to embed multiple types of contextual information (such as that contained in neighboring rows, columns, headers, etc.) in the encoder, which the decoder can use to generate desired formulas. To compute the embedding of the tabular context, it first uses a BERT-based architecture to encode several rows above and below the target cell (together with the header row). The content in each cell includes its data type (such as numeric, string, etc.) and its value, and the cell contents present in the same row are concatenated together into a token sequence to be embedded using the BERT encoder. Similarly, it encodes several columns to the left and to the right of the target cell. Finally, it performs a row-wise and column-wise convolution on the two BERT encoders to compute an aggregated representation of the context.

The decoder uses a long short-term memory (LSTM) architecture to generate the desired target formula as a sequence of tokens by first predicting a formula-sketch (consisting of formula operators without ranges) and then generating the corresponding ranges using cell addresses relative to the target cell. It additionally leverages an attention mechanism to compute attention vectors over the header and cell data, which are concatenated to the LSTM output layer before making the predictions.

The overall architecture of the formula prediction model.

In addition to the data present in neighboring rows and columns, the model also leverages additional information from the high-level sheet structure, such as headers. Using TPUs for model predictions, we ensure low latency on generating formula suggestions and are able to handle more requests on fewer machines.

Leveraging the high-level spreadsheet structure, the model can learn ranges that span thousands of rows.

In the paper, we trained the model on a corpus of spreadsheets created by and shared with Googlers. We split 46k Google Sheets with formulas into 42k for training, 2.3k for validation, and 1.7k for testing. The model achieves a 42.5% top-1 full-formula accuracy, and 57.4% top-1 formula-sketch accuracy, both of which we find high enough to be practically useful in our initial user studies. We perform an ablation study, in which we test several simplifications of the model by removing different components, and find that having row- and column-based context embedding as well as header information is important for models to perform well.

The performance of different ablations of our model with increasing lengths of the target formula.

Our model illustrates the benefits of learning to represent the two-dimensional relational structure of the spreadsheet tables together with high-level structural information, such as table headers, to facilitate formula predictions. There are several exciting research directions, both in terms of designing new model architectures to incorporate more tabular structure as well as extending the model to support more applications such as bug detection and automated chart creation in spreadsheets. We are also looking forward to seeing how users use this feature and learning from feedback for future improvements.

We gratefully acknowledge the key contributions of the other team members, including Alexander Burmistrov, Xinyun Chen, Hanjun Dai, Prashant Khurana, Petros Maniatis, Rahul Srinivasan, Charles Sutton, Amanuel Taddesse, Peilun Zhang, and Denny Zhou.

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How Underspecification Presents Challenges for Machine Learning

Posted by Alex D’Amour and Katherine Heller, Research Scientists, Google Research

Machine learning (ML) models are being used more widely today than ever before and are becoming increasingly impactful. However, they often exhibit unexpected behavior when they are used in real-world domains. For example, computer vision models can exhibit surprising sensitivity to irrelevant features, while natural language processing models can depend unpredictably on demographic correlations not directly indicated by the text. Some reasons for these failures are well-known: for example, training ML models on poorly curated data, or training models to solve prediction problems that are structurally mismatched with the application domain. Yet, even when these known problems are handled, model behavior can still be inconsistent in deployment, varying even between training runs.

In “Underspecification Presents Challenges for Credibility in Modern Machine Learning”, to be published in the Journal of Machine Learning Research, we show that a key failure mode especially prevalent in modern ML systems is underspecification. The idea behind underspecification is that while ML models are validated on held-out data, this validation is often insufficient to guarantee that the models will have well-defined behavior when they are used in a new setting. We show that underspecification appears in a wide variety of practical ML systems and suggest some strategies for mitigation.

ML systems have been successful largely because they incorporate validation of the model on held-out data to ensure high performance. However, for a fixed dataset and model architecture, there are often many distinct ways that a trained model can achieve high validation performance. But under standard practice, models that encode distinct solutions are often treated as equivalent because their held-out predictive performance is approximately equivalent.

Importantly, the distinctions between these models do become clear when they are measured on criteria beyond standard predictive performance, such as fairness or robustness to irrelevant input perturbations. For example, among models that perform equally well on standard validations, some may exhibit greater performance disparities between social groups than others, or rely more heavily on irrelevant information. These differences, in turn, can translate to real differences in behavior when the model is used in real-world scenarios.

Underspecification refers to this gap between the requirements that practitioners often have in mind when they build an ML model, and the requirements that are actually enforced by the ML pipeline (i.e., the design and implementation of a model). An important consequence of underspecification is that even if the pipeline could in principle return a model that meets all of these requirements, there is no guarantee that in practice the model will satisfy any requirement beyond accurate prediction on held-out data. In fact, the model that is returned may have properties that instead depend on arbitrary or opaque choices made in the implementation of the ML pipeline, such as those arising from random initialization seeds, data ordering, hardware, etc. Thus, ML pipelines that do not include explicit defects may still return models that behave unexpectedly in real-world settings.

Identifying Underspecification in Real Applications
In this work, we investigated concrete implications of underspecification in the kinds of ML models that are used in real-world applications. Our empirical strategy was to construct sets of models using nearly identical ML pipelines, to which we only applied small changes that had no practical effect on standard validation performance. Here, we focused on the random seed used to initialize training and determine data ordering. If important properties of the model can be substantially influenced by these changes, it indicates that the pipeline does not fully specify this real-world behavior. In every domain where we conducted this experiment, we found that these small changes induced substantial variation on axes that matter in real-world use.

Underspecification in Computer Vision
As an example, consider underspecification and its relationship to robustness in computer vision. A central challenge in computer vision is that deep models often suffer from brittleness under distribution shifts that humans do not find challenging. For instance, image classification models that perform well on the ImageNet benchmark are known to perform poorly on benchmarks like ImageNet-C, which apply common image corruptions, such as pixelization or motion blur, to the standard ImageNet test set.

In our experiment, we showed that model sensitivity to these corruptions is underspecified by standard pipelines. Following the strategy discussed above, we generated fifty ResNet-50 image classification models using the same pipeline and the same data. The only difference between these models was the random seed used in training. When evaluated on the standard ImageNet validation set, these models achieved practically equivalent performance. However, when the models were evaluated on different test sets in the ImageNet-C benchmark (i.e., on corrupted data), performance on some tests varied by orders of magnitude more than on standard validations. This pattern persisted for larger-scale models that were pre-trained on much larger datasets (e.g., a BiT-L model pre-trained on the 300 million image JFT-300M dataset). For these models, varying the random seed at the fine-tuning stage of training produced a similar pattern of variations.

Left: Parallel axis plots showing the variation in accuracy between identical, randomly initialized ResNet-50 models on strongly corrupted ImageNet-C data. Lines represent the performance of each model in the ensemble on classification tasks using uncorrupted test data, as well as corrupted data (pixelation, contrast, motion blur, and brightness). Given values are the deviation in accuracy from the ensemble mean, scaled by the standard deviation of accuracies on the “clean” ImageNet test set. The solid black line highlights the performance of an arbitrarily selected model to show how performance on one test may not be a good indication of performance on others. Right: Example images from the standard ImageNet test set, with corrupted versions from the ImageNet-C benchmark.

We also showed that underspecification can have practical implications in special-purpose computer vision models built for medical imaging, where deep learning models have shown great promise. We considered two research pipelines intended as precursors for medical applications: one ophthalmology pipeline for building models that detect diabetic retinopathy and referable diabetic macular edema from retinal fundus images, and one dermatology pipeline for building models to recognize common dermatological conditions from photographs of skin. In our experiments, we considered pipelines that were validated only on randomly held-out data.

We then stress-tested models produced by these pipelines on practically important dimensions. For the ophthalmology pipeline, we tested how models trained with different random seeds performed when applied to images taken from a new camera type not encountered during training. For the dermatology pipeline, the stress test was similar, but for patients with different estimated skin types (i.e., non-dermatologist evaluation of tone and response to sunlight). In both cases, we found that standard validations were not enough to fully specify the trained model’s performance on these axes. In the ophthalmology application, the random seed used in training induced wider variability in performance on a new camera type than would have been expected from standard validations, and in the dermatology application, the random seed induced similar variation in performance in skin-type subgroups, even though the overall performance of the models was stable across seeds.

These results reiterate that standard hold-out testing alone is not sufficient to ensure acceptable model behavior in medical applications, underscoring the need for expanded testing protocols for ML systems intended for application in the medical domain. In the medical literature, such validations are termed “external validation” and have historically been part of reporting guidelines such as STARD and TRIPOD. These are being emphasized in updates such as STARD-AI and TRIPOD-AI. Finally, as part of regulated medical device development processes (see, e.g., US and EU regulations), there are other forms of safety and performance related considerations, such as mandatory compliance to standards for risk management, human factors engineering, clinical validations and accredited body reviews, that aim to ensure acceptable medical application performance.

Relative variability of medical imaging models on stress tests, using the same conventions as the figure above. Top left: Variation in AUC between diabetic retinopathy classification models trained using different random seeds when evaluated on images from different camera types. In this experiment, camera type 5 was not encountered during training. Bottom left: Variation in accuracy between skin condition classification models trained using different random seeds when evaluated on different estimated skin types (approximated by dermatologist-trained laypersons from retrospective photographs and potentially subject to labeling errors). Right: example images from the original test set (left) and the stress test set (right).

Underspecification in Other Applications

The cases discussed above are a small subset of models that we probed for underspecification. Other cases we examined include:

  • Natural Language Processing: We showed that on a variety of NLP tasks, underspecification affected how models derived from BERT-processed sentences. For example, depending on the random seed, a pipeline could produce a model that depends more or less on correlations involving gender (e.g., between gender and occupation) when making predictions.
  • Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) prediction: We showed that underspecification affects reliance on operational versus physiological signals in AKI prediction models based on electronic health records.
  • Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS): We showed that underspecification influences the ability for (PRS) models, which predict clinical outcomes based on patient genomic data, to generalize across different patient populations.

In each case, we showed that these important properties are left ill-defined by standard training pipelines, making them sensitive to seemingly innocuous choices.

Addressing underspecification is a challenging problem. It requires full specification and testing of requirements for a model beyond standard predictive performance. Doing this well needs full engagement with the context in which the model will be used, an understanding of how the training data were collected, and often, incorporation of domain expertise when the available data fall short. These aspects of ML system design are often underemphasized in ML research today. A key goal of this work is to show how underinvestment in this area can manifest concretely, and to encourage the development of processes for fuller specification and testing of ML pipelines.

Some important first steps in this area are to specify stress testing protocols for any applied ML pipeline that is meant to see real-world use. Once these criteria are codified in measurable metrics, a number of different algorithmic strategies may be useful for improving them, including data augmentation, pretraining, and incorporation of causal structure. It should be noted, however, that ideal stress testing and improvement processes will usually require iteration: both the requirements for ML systems, and the world in which they are used, are constantly changing.

We would like to thank all of our co-authors, Dr. Nenad Tomasev (DeepMind), Prof. Finale Doshi-Velez (Harvard SEAS), UK Biobank, and our partners, EyePACS, Aravind Eye Hospital and Sankara Nethralaya.

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