A young boy wearing the PeopleLens sits on the floor of a playroom holding a blind tennis ball in his hands. His attention is directed toward a woman sitting on the floor in front of him holding her hands out. The PeopleLens looks like small goggles that sit on the forehead. The image is marked with visual annotations to indicate what the PeopleLens is seeing and what sounds are being heard.

PeopleLens: Using AI to support social interaction between children who are blind and their peers

A young boy wearing the PeopleLens sits on the floor of a playroom holding a blind tennis ball in his hands. His attention is directed toward a woman sitting on the floor in front of him holding her hands out. The PeopleLens looks like small goggles that sit on the forehead. The image is marked with visual annotations to indicate what the PeopleLens is seeing and what sounds are being heard.
The PeopleLens is a new research technology designed to help people who are blind or have low vision better understand their immediate social environments by locating and identifying people in the space. Coupled with a scheme of work based on research and practices from psychology and speech and language therapy, the system can help children and young people who are blind more easily forge social connections with their peers.

For children born blind, social interaction can be particularly challenging. A child may have difficulty aiming their voice at the person they’re talking to and put their head on their desk instead. Linguistically advanced young people may struggle with maintaining a topic of conversation, talking only about something of interest to them. Most noticeably, many children and young people who are blind struggle with engaging and befriending those in their age group despite a strong desire to do so. This is often deeply frustrating for the child or young person and can be equally so for their support network of family members and teachers who want to help them forge these important connections.



    The PeopleLens is an open-ended AI system that offers people who are blind or who have low vision further resources to make sense of and engage with their immediate social surroundings.

The PeopleLens is a new research technology that we’ve created to help young people who are blind (referred to as learners in our work) and their peers interact more easily. A head-worn device, the PeopleLens reads aloud in spatialized audio the names of known individuals when the learner looks at them. That means the sound comes from the direction of the person, assisting the learner in understanding both the relative position and distance of their peers. The PeopleLens helps learners build a People Map, a mental map of those around them needed to effectively signal communicative intent. The technology, in turn, indicates to the learner’s peers when the peers have been “seen” and can interact—a replacement for the eye contact that usually initiates interaction between people.

For children and young people who are blind, the PeopleLens is a way to find their friends; however, for teachers and parents, it’s a way for these children and young people to develop competence and confidence in social interaction. An accompanying scheme of work aims to guide the development of spatial attention skills believed to underpin social interaction through a series of games that learners using the PeopleLens can play with peers. It also sets up situations in which learners can experience agency in social interaction. A child’s realization that they can choose to initiate a conversation because they spot someone first or that they can stop a talkative brother from speaking by looking away is a powerful moment, motivating them to delve deeper into directing their own and others’ attention.

The PeopleLens is an advanced research prototype that works on Nreal Light augmented reality glasses tethered to a phone. While it’s not available for purchase, we are recruiting learners in the United Kingdom aged 5 to 11 who have the support of a teacher to explore the technology as part of a multistage research study. For the study, led by the University of Bristol, learners will be asked to use the PeopleLens for a three-month period beginning in September 2022. For more information, visit the research study information page. 

Research foundation 

The scheme of work, coauthored by collaborators Professor Linda Pring and Dr. Vasiliki Kladouchou, draws on research and practice from psychology and speech and language therapy in providing activities to do with the technology. The PeopleLens builds on the hypothesis that many social interaction difficulties for children who are blind stem from differences in the ways children with and without vision acquire fundamental attentional processes as babies and young children. For example, growing up, children with vision learn to internalize a joint visual dialogue of attention. A young child points at something in the sky, and the parent says, “Bird.” Through these dialogues, young children learn how to direct the attention of others. However, there isn’t enough research to understand how joint attention manifests in children who are blind. A review of the literature suggests that most research doesn’t account for a missing sense and that research specific to visual impairment doesn’t provide a framework for joint attention beyond the age of 3. We’re carrying out research to better understand how the development of joint attention can be improved in early education and augmented with technology.

How does the PeopleLens work? 

The PeopleLens is a sophisticated AI prototype system that is intended to provide people who are blind or have low vision with a better understanding of their immediate social environment. It uses a head-mounted augmented reality device in combination with four state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms to continuously locate, identify, track, and capture the gaze directions of people in the vicinity. It then presents this information to the wearer through spatialized audio—sound that comes from the direction of the person. The real-time nature of the system gives a sense of immersion in the People Map.

A graphic overview of the PeopleLens system describes its functionality and experience features with accompanying icons.
The PeopleLens helps the child wearing it build a mental map of those in their immediate social environment. Because the PeopleLens reads aloud the names of identified people in spatialized audio, the child is able to get a sense of the respective positions and distances of their peers. The system receives images and processes them with computer vision algorithms, as shown by the overlays on the top images in this screenshot of the PeopleLens development environment. The system then stiches together a world map that’s used to drive the experiences, as shown at the bottom right.

The PeopleLens is a ground-breaking technology that has also been designed to protect privacy. Among the algorithms underpinning the system is facial recognition of people who’ve been registered in the system. A person registers by taking several photographs of themselves with the phone attached to the PeopleLens. Photographs aren’t stored, instead converted into a vector of numbers that represent a face. These differ from any vectors used in other systems, so recognition by the PeopleLens doesn’t lead to recognition by any other system. No video or identifying information is captured by the system, ensuring that the images can’t be maliciously used.

The system employs a series of sounds to assist the wearer in placing people in the surrounding space: A percussive bump indicates when their gaze has crossed a person up to 10 meters away. The bump is followed by the person’s name if the person is registered in the system, is within 4 meters of the wearer, and both the person’s ears can be detected. The sound of woodblocks guides the wearer in finding and centering the face of a person the system has seen for 1 second but hasn’t identified, changing in pitch to help the wearer adjust their gaze accordingly. (Those people who are unregistered are acknowledged with a click sound.) Gaze notification can alert the wearer to when they’re being looked at. 

A graphic overview of the PeopleLens system describes its functionality and experience features with accompanying icons.
The functionality of the PeopleLens system includes experience features such as recognizing a person in front of the wearer; attention notifications from the direction of those who look at the wearer; the ability to follow someone; and an orientation guide to help wearers find people and faces.

Community collaboration

The success of the PeopleLens, as well as systems like it, is dependent on a prototyping process that includes close collaboration with the people it is intended to serve. Our work with children who are blind and their support systems has put us on a path toward building a tool that can have practical value and empower those using it. We encourage those interested in the PeopleLens to reach out about participating in our study and help us further evolve the technology. 

To learn more about the PeopleLens and its development, check out the Innovation Stories blog about the technology.

The post PeopleLens: Using AI to support social interaction between children who are blind and their peers appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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An animated line-plot showing the stability of optimal learning rate as we change the neural network’s parametrization. The parametrization is varied by interpolating between mup-Parametrization and PyTorch default in terms of the scaling for the learning rate and the initialization scale. The animation shows that mup-Parametrization is the only parametrization that preserves the optimality of learning rate across model widths; it also achieves the best absolute performance across all parametrizations.

µTransfer: A technique for hyperparameter tuning of enormous neural networks

An animated line-plot showing the stability of optimal learning rate as we change the neural network’s parametrization. The parametrization is varied by interpolating between mup-Parametrization and PyTorch default in terms of the scaling for the learning rate and the initialization scale. The animation shows that mup-Parametrization is the only parametrization that preserves the optimality of learning rate across model widths; it also achieves the best absolute performance across all parametrizations.

Great scientific achievements cannot be made by trial and error alone. Every launch in the space program is underpinned by centuries of fundamental research in aerodynamics, propulsion, and celestial bodies. In the same way, when it comes to building large-scale AI systems, fundamental research forms the theoretical insights that drastically reduce the amount of trial and error necessary and can prove very cost-effective. 

In this post, we relay how our fundamental research enabled us, for the first time, to tune enormous neural networks that are too expensive to train more than once. We achieved this by showing that a particular parameterization preserves optimal hyperparameters across different model sizes. This is the µ-Parametrization (or µP, pronounced “myu-P”) that we introduced in a previous paper, where we showed that it uniquely enables maximal feature learning in the infinite-width limit. In collaboration with researchers at OpenAI, we verified its practical advantage on a range of realistic scenarios, which we describe in our new paper, “Tensor Programs V: Tuning Large Neural Networks via Zero-Shot Hyperparameter Transfer.”

By greatly reducing the need to guess which training hyperparameters to use, this technique can accelerate research on enormous neural networks, such as GPT-3 and potentially larger successors in the future. We also released a PyTorch package that facilitates the integration of our technique in existing models, available on the project GitHub page or by simply running (texttt{pip install mup}).

“µP provides an impressive step toward removing some of the black magic from scaling up neural networks. It also provides a theoretically backed explanation of some tricks used by past work, like the T5 model. I believe both practitioners and researchers alike will find this work valuable.”

— Colin Raffel, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and co-creator of T5

Scaling the initialization is easy, but scaling training is hard

Large neural networks are hard to train partly because we don’t understand how their behavior changes as their size increases. Early work on deep learning, such as by Glorot & Bengio and He et al., generated useful heuristics that deep learning practitioners widely use today. In general, these heuristics try to keep the activation scales consistent at initialization. However, as training starts, this consistency breaks at different model widths, as illustrated on the left in Figure 1.

Unlike at random initialization, behavior during training is much harder to mathematically analyze. Our goal is to obtain a similar consistency so that as model width increases, the change in activation scales during training stay consistent and similar to initialization to avoid numerical overflow and underflow. Our solution, µP, achieves this goal, as seen on the right in Figure 1, which shows the stability of network activation scales for the first few steps of training across increasing model width. 

Two line-plots showing the change in activation scale between PyTorch default and the µ-Parametrization. Under PyTorch default, the activation scale grows as the network width increases for a particular time step. Under µ-Parametrization, the activation scale is stable across widths for a particular time step.
Figure 1: In the default parameterization in PyTorch, the graph on the left, the activation scales diverge in width after one step of training. But in µP, the graph on the right, the activation scales change by a consistent amount regardless of width for any training step. The y-axis shows the change of network activation scales on a fixed input after t=0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 steps of training as the width of the model varies, which is shown along the x-axis. 

Our parameterization, which maintains this consistency during training, follows two pieces of crucial insight. First, gradient updates behave differently from random weights when the width is large. This is because gradient updates are derived from data and contain correlations, whereas random initializations do not. Therefore, they need to be scaled differently. Second, parameters of different shapes also behave differently when the width is large. While we typically divide parameters into weights and biases, with the former being matrices and the latter vectors, some weights behave like vectors in the large-width setting. For example, the embedding matrix in a language model is of size vocabsize x width. While the width tends to infinity, vocabsize stays constant and finite. During matrix multiplication, the difference in behavior between summing along a finite dimension and an infinite one cannot be more different.

These insights, which we discuss in detail in a previous blog post, motivated us to develop µP. In fact, beyond just keeping the activation scale consistent throughout training, µP ensures that neural networks of different and sufficiently large widths behave similarly during training such that they converge to a desirable limit, which we call the feature learning limit

A theory-guided approach to scaling width

Our theory of scaling enables a procedure to transfer training hyperparameters across model sizes. If, as discussed above, µP networks of different widths share similar training dynamics, they likely also share similar optimal hyperparameters. Consequently, we can simply apply the optimal hyperparameters of a small model directly onto a scaled-up version. We call this practical procedure µTransfer. If our hypothesis is correct, the training loss-hyperparameter curves for µP models of different widths would share a similar minimum.

Conversely, our reasoning suggests that no scaling rule of initialization and learning rate other than µP can achieve the same result. This is supported by the animation below. Here, we vary the parameterization by interpolating the initialization scaling and the learning rate scaling between PyTorch default and µP. As shown, µP is the only parameterization that preserves the optimal learning rate across width, achieves the best performance for the model with width 213 = 8192, and where wider models always do better for a given learning rate—that is, graphically, the curves don’t intersect. 

An animated line-plot showing the stability of optimal learning rate as we change the neural network’s parametrization. The parametrization is varied by interpolating between µ-Parametrization and PyTorch default in terms of the scaling for the learning rate and the initialization scale. The animation shows that µ-Parametrization is the only parametrization that preserves the optimality of learning rate across model widths; it also achieves the best absolute performance across all parametrizations.
Figure 2: On the left, we train multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) of different widths (which correspond to the curves of different colors and patterns) with different learning rates (shown along the x-axis) on CIFAR10 and plot the training loss along the y-axis. On the right, the 2D plane of parameterizations is formed by interpolation of 1) the initialization scaling between PyTorch default and µP (x-axis), and 2) the learning rate scaling between PyTorch default and µP (y-axis). On this plane, PyTorch default is represented by (0, 0) and µP by (1, 1). The width-256 (log2(width) = 8) model is the same across all frames (except for random seed), but we widen models according to the parameterization represented by the dot on the right. 

Building on the theoretical foundation of Tensor Programs, µTransfer works automatically for advanced architectures, such as Transformer and ResNet. It can also simultaneously transfer a wide range of hyperparameters. Using Transformer as an example, we demonstrate in Figure 3 how the optima of key hyperparameters are stable across widths. 

Four line-plots showing the stability of optima of various hyperparameters across widths. From left-to-right and top-to-bottom, we see that the optima for learning rate, cross-entropy temperature, initialization standard deviation, and learning rate schedule are all roughly stable across widths, from 128 to 4,096.
Figure 3: Transformers of different widths parameterized in µP and trained on WikiText-2. As we increase model width, the optimal learning rate, cross-entropy temperature, initialization scale, and learning rate schedule remain stable. We can meaningfully predict the optimal hyperparameters of a wider network by looking at those of a narrow one. In plot on the lower right, we tried the following learning rate schedules: (a) linear decay, (b) StepLR @ [5k, 8k] with a decay factor of 0.1, (c) StepLR @ [4k, 7k] with a decay factor of 0.3, (d) cosine annealing,(e) constant, and (f) inverse square-root decay. 

“I am excited about µP advancing our understanding of large models. µP’s principled way of parameterizing the model and selecting the learning rate make it easier for anybody to scale the training of deep neural networks. Such an elegant combination of beautiful theory and practical impact.”

— Johannes Gehrke, Technical Fellow, Lab Director of Research at Redmond, and CTO and Head of Machine Learning for the Intelligent Communications and Conversations Cloud (IC3)

Beyond width: Empirical scaling of model depth and more

Modern neural network scaling involves many more dimensions than just width. In our work, we also explore how µP can be applied to realistic training scenarios by combining it with simple heuristics for nonwidth dimensions. In Figure 4, we use the same transformer setup to show how the optimal learning rate remains stable within reasonable ranges of nonwidth dimensions. For hyperparameters other than learning rate, see Figure 19 in our paper. 

Four line-plots showing the stability of the optimal learning rate across width, depth, batch size, and sequence length. The width is varied from 128 to 4,096, the depth from 2 to 32, the batch size from 20 to 512, and the sequence length from 32 to 512.
Figure 4: Transformers of different sizes parameterized in µP and trained on Wikitext-2. Not only does the optimal learning rate transfer across width, as shown in Figure 3, it also empirically transfers across other scale dimensions—such as depth, batch size, and sequence length—across the ranges we tested here. This means we can combine our theoretically motivated transfer across width with the empirically verified one across other scale dimensions to obtain the practical procedure, µTransfer, to tune hyperparameters indirectly on a small model and transfer to a large one. 

Testing µTransfer

Now that we have verified the transfer of individual hyperparameters, it is time to combine them in a more realistic scenario. In Figure 5, we compare µTransfer, which transfers tuned hyperparameters from a small proxy model, with directly tuning the large target model. In both cases, the tuning is done via random search. Figure 5 illustrates a Pareto frontier of the relative tuning compute budget compared with the tuned model quality (BLEU score) on IWSLT14 De-En, a machine translation dataset. Across all compute budget levels, µTransfer is about an order of magnitude (in base 10) more compute-efficient for tuning. We expect this efficiency gap to dramatically grow as we move to larger target model sizes. 

A line-plot showing the Pareto-front corresponding to model performance measured in BLEU score and the compute budget for hyperparameter tuning. The curve representing our method, µTransfer, dominates that of conventional tuning with a margin of roughly 10 times in compute budget. Our method also yields the best absolute performance, at almost 35.4 in BLEU score, where as the conventional method tops out at 35.2.
Figure 5: Across different tuning budgets, µTransfer dominates the baseline method of directly tuning the target model. As we train larger target models with billions of parameters, we expect the performance gap to widen, since the proxy model can remain small while still meaningfully predicting the optimal hyperparameters, as shown in Figures 3 and 4. 

A glimpse of the future: µP + GPT-3

Before this work, the larger a model was, the less well-tuned we expected it to be due to the high cost of tuning. Therefore, we expected that the largest models could benefit the most from µTransfer, which is why we partnered with OpenAI to evaluate it on GPT-3. 

After parameterizing a version of GPT-3 with relative attention in µP, we tuned a small proxy model with 40 million parameters before copying the best hyperparameter combination to the 6.7-billion parameter variant of GPT-3, as prescribed by µTransfer. The total compute used during this tuning stage was only 7 percent of the compute used in the pretraining of the final 6.7-billion model. This µTransferred model outperformed the model of the same size (with absolute attention) in the original GPT-3 paper. In fact, it performs similarly to the model (with absolute attention) with double the parameter count from the same paper, as shown in Figure 6. 

Two bar-plots showing the relative performance of GPT-3 6.7B compared to GPT-3 6.7B tuned with µTransfer. On language modeling tasks, including PTB, Wikitext 103, and LM1B, the run with µTransfer achieves lower perplexities. On NLU tasks, including HellaSwag, LAMBADA, and SQuADv2, the run with µTransfer achieves higher accuracies, comparable to those achieved by GPT-3 6.7B or GPT-3 13B tuned without µTransfer.
Figure 6: We applied µTransfer to GPT-3 6.7-billion parameter model with relative attention and obtained better results than the baseline with absolute attention used in the original GPT-3 paper, all while only spending 7 percent of the pretraining compute budget on tuning. The performance of this µTransfer 6.7-billion model is comparable to that of the 13-billion model (with absolute attention) in the original GPT-3 paper.

Implications for deep learning theory

As shown previously, µP gives a scaling rule which uniquely preserves the optimal hyperparameter combination across models of different widths in terms of training loss. Conversely, other scaling rules, like the default in PyTorch or the NTK parameterization studied in the theoretical literature, are looking at regions in the hyperparameter space farther and farther from the optimum as the network gets wider. In that regard, we believe that the feature learning limit of µP, rather than the NTK limit, is the most natural limit to study if our goal is to derive insights that are applicable to feature learning neural networks used in practice. As a result, more advanced theories on overparameterized neural networks should reproduce the feature learning limit of µP in the large width setting. 

Theory of Tensor Programs

The advances described above are made possible by the theory of Tensor Programs (TPs) developed over the last several years. Just as autograd helps practitioners compute the gradient of any general computation graph, TP theory enables researchers to compute the limit of any general computation graph when its matrix dimensions become large. Applied to the underlying graphs for neural network initialization, training, and inference, the TP technique yields fundamental theoretical results, such as the architectural universality of the Neural Network-Gaussian Process correspondence and the Dynamical Dichotomy theorem, in addition to deriving µP and the feature learning limit that led to µTransfer. Looking ahead, we believe extensions of TP theory to depth, batch size, and other scale dimensions hold the key to the reliable scaling of large models beyond width. 

Applying µTransfer to your own models

Even though the math can be intuitive, we found that implementing µP (which enables µTransfer) from scratch can be error prone. This is similar to how autograd is tricky to implement from scratch even though the chain rule for taking derivatives is very straightforward. For this reason, we created the mup package to enable practitioners to easily implement µP in their own PyTorch models, just as how frameworks like PyTorch, TensorFlow, and JAX have enabled us to take autograd for granted. Please note that µTransfer works for models of any size, not just those with billions of parameters. 

The journey has just begun

While our theory explains why models of different widths behave differently, more investigation is needed to build a theoretical understanding of the scaling of network depth and other scale dimensions. Many works have addressed the latter, such as the research on batch size by Shallue et al., Smith et al., and McCandlish et al., as well as research on neural language models in general by Rosenfield et al. and Kaplan et al. We believe µP can remove a confounding variable for such investigations.  Furthermore, recent large-scale architectures often involve scale dimensions beyond those we have talked about in our work, such as the number of experts in a mixture-of-experts system. Another high-impact domain to which µP and µTransfer have not been applied is fine tuning a pretrained model. While feature learning is crucial in that domain, the need for regularization and the finite-width effect prove to be interesting challenges. 

We firmly believe in fundamental research as a cost-effective complement to trial and error and plan to continue our work to derive more principled approaches to large-scale machine learning. To learn about our other deep learning projects or opportunities to work with us and even help us expand µP, please go to our Deep Learning Group page.

The post µTransfer: A technique for hyperparameter tuning of enormous neural networks appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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Figure 1: COMPASS is a general-purpose pretraining pipeline, which is trained on mulitmodal data, including RGB image, segmentation, depth and optical flow. The pretrained COMPASS model can be deployed to various downstream tasks of autonomous systems. In this work, we transfer COMPASS to drone navigation, car racing and visual odometry, which are deployed in very different environments and application scenarios.

COMPASS: COntrastive Multimodal Pretraining for AutonomouS Systems

Figure 1: COMPASS is a general-purpose pretraining pipeline, which is trained on mulitmodal data, including RGB image, segmentation, depth and optical flow. The pretrained COMPASS model can be deployed to various downstream tasks of autonomous systems. In this work, we transfer COMPASS to drone navigation, car racing and visual odometry, which are deployed in very different environments and application scenarios.
Figure 1: COMPASS is a general-purpose pretraining pipeline, which is trained on multimodal data, including RGB images, depth and optical flow. The pretrained COMPASS model can be deployed on various downstream autonomous systems tasks. In this work, we test COMPASS on simulated drone navigation, car racing and visual odometry. This highlights how the system can be deployed in very different environments and application scenarios.

Humans have the fundamental cognitive ability to perceive the environment through multimodal sensory signals and utilize this to accomplish a wide variety of tasks. It is crucial that an autonomous agent can similarly perceive the underlying state of an environment from different sensors and appropriately consider how to accomplish a task. For example, localization (or “where am I?”) is a fundamental question that needs to be answered by an autonomous agent prior to navigation, often addressed via visual odometry. Highly dynamic tasks, such as vehicle racing, necessitate collision avoidance and understanding of the temporal evolution of their state with respect to the environment. Agents must learn perceptual representations of geometric and semantic information from the environment so that their actions can influence the world.

Task-driven approaches are appealing, but learning representations that are suitable only for a specific task limits their ability to generalize to new scenarios, thus confining their utility. For example, as shown in Figure 1, to achieve tasks of drone navigation and vehicle racing, people usually need to specifically design different models to encode representations from very different sensor modalities, e.g., different environments, sensory signals, sampling rate, etc. Such models must also cope with different dynamics and controls for each application scenario. Therefore, we ask the question if it is possible to build general-purpose pretrained models for autonomous systems that are agnostic to tasks and individual form factor.

In our recent work, COMPASS: Contrastive Multimodal Pretraining for Autonomous Systems, we introduce a general-purpose pretraining pipeline, built to overcome such limitations arising from task-specific models. The code can be viewed on GitHub.

COMPASS features three key aspects:

  • COMPASS is a general-purpose large-scale pretraining pipeline for perception-action loops in autonomous systems. Representations learned by COMPASS generalize to different environments and significantly improve performance on relevant downstream tasks.
  • COMPASS is designed to handle multimodal data. Given the prevalence of multitudes of sensors in autonomous systems, the framework is designed to utilize rich information from different sensor modalities.
  • COMPASS is trained in a self-supervised manner which does not require manual labels, and hence can leverage large scale data for pretraining.

We demonstrate how COMPASS can be used to solve various downstream tasks across three different scenarios: Drone Navigation, Vehicle Racing, and Visual Odometry tasks.

Challenges in learning generic representations for autonomous systems

Although general-purpose pretrained models have made breakthroughs in natural language processing (NLP) and in computer vision, building such models for autonomous systems has its own challenges.

  • Autonomous systems deal with complex perception-action interplay. The target learning space is highly variable due to a wide range of environmental factors and application scenarios. This is in stark contrast to language models, which focus on underlying linguistic representations, or visual models, which focus on object-centric semantics. These aspects make existing pretraining approaches inadequate for autonomous systems.
  • The environments are usually perceived through multimodal sensors, so the model must be able to make sense of multimodal data. Existing multimodal learning approaches focus primarily on mapping multimodal data into joint latent spaces. Though they have shown promising results in applications of video, audio, and text, they are suboptimal for autonomous systems. Approaches that learn a single joint latent space fail to respect different properties of multimodal data, such as sampling rate and temporal dynamics. On the other hand, mapping into disjoint latent spaces loses the connection among the modalities and limits the usage in complex autonomous systems, because different autonomous systems can be equipped with a wide variety of sensor configurations.
  • Unlike NLP and computer vision, there is scarcity of multimodal data that can be used to train large pretrained representations for autonomous systems.
a multimodal graph which maps modalities into factored spatial and temporal latent spaces.
Figure 2: Given multimodal signals of spatial and temporal modalities (mathcal{M}_{s}) and (mathcal{M}_{m}), respectively, COMPASS learns two factorized latent spaces, i.e., a motion pattern space (mathcal{O}_m) and a current state space (mathcal{O}_s), using multimodal correspondence as the self-supervisory signal.

Factorized spatiotemporal latent spaces for learning representations

COMPASS is a multimodal pretraining framework for perception and action in autonomous systems. COMPASS builds general-purpose multimodal representations that can generalize to different environments and tasks.

Two questions inform our design choices in COMPASS:

  • What essential pieces of information are common for all tasks of autonomous systems?
  • How can we effectively learn representations from complex multimodal data to capture the desired information?

The network architecture design must adhere to the spatiotemporal constraints of autonomous systems. The representation needs to account for the motion (ego-motion or environmental) and its temporal aspects as well as the spatial, geometric, and semantic cues perceived through the sensors. Therefore, we propose a multimodal graph that captures the spatiotemporal properties of the modalities (Fig. 2). The graph is designed to map each of the modalities into two factorized spatiotemporal latent subspaces: 1) the motion pattern space and 2) the current state space. The self-supervised training then uses multimodal correspondence to associate the modality to the different latent spaces. Such a factorized representation further allows systems equipped with different sensors to use the same pretrained model.

While plenty of sensor modalities are rich in spatial and semantic cues, such as RGB images, depth sensors), we note that certain modalities primarily contain information about the temporal aspect, such as IMU, Optical Flow). Given such a partition of modalities between spatially informative ((mathcal{M}_{s})) and temporally informative (mathcal{M}_{m}) data, we jointly learn two latent spaces, a “motion pattern space” (mathcal{O}_{m}) and a “current state space” (mathcal{O}_{s}).

Pretraining pipeline and model design of COMPASS model.
Figure 3: Self-supervised Pretraining pipeline based on Contrastive Learning for COMPASS.

Contrastive learning via multimodal graph connections

The key intuition behind the self-supervised objective for training COMPASS is that if the representation successfully captures spatiotemporal information across multiple modalities, then each modality should have some predictive capacity both for itself as well as the others. We formulate this intuition into a contrastive learning objective. Figure 3 graphically depicts the idea where the modality-specific encoders (E) extract embeddings from each modality. These are then mapped to the common motion pattern space (mathcal{O}_{m}) through the motion pattern projection head (mathcal{F}_m). A prediction head (mathcal{P}) is added on top to perform future prediction. The contrastive loss is computed between the predicted future representations and their corresponding encoded true representations. Similarly, the contrastive objective also associates the data between distinct spatial modalities (mathcal{M}_{s}) projected onto the current state space (mathcal{O}_s) at every time step.

Note that modalities that are primarily temporal are projected to the motion pattern space through (mathcal{F}_m) only. Modalities that are only spatial are first projected onto the current state space by (mathcal{F}_s). To better associate spatial modalities with the temporal ones, we introduce a spatiotemporal connection where spatial modalities from multiple timesteps are aggregated via an aggregator head (mathcal{G}) and projected into the motion pattern space. Such as multimodal graph with spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal connections serves as a framework for learning multimodal representations by encoding the underlying properties of modalities (such as static, dynamic) as well as any common information shared between them (for example, geometry, motion).

Finally, we tackle the challenge of data scarcity by resorting to simulation. In particular, we build upon our previous work in high-fidelity simulation with AirSim and use the TartanAir dataset (TartanAir: A Dataset to Push the Limits of Visual SLAM – Microsoft Research) to train the model.

Deploying COMPASS to downstream tasks

After pretraining, the COMPASS model can be finetuned for several downstream tasks. Based on the sensor modalities available for the task of interest, we connect the appropriate pretrained COMPASS encoders to small neural network modules responsible for task-specific predictions such as robot actions, camera poses etc. This combined model is then finetuned given data and objectives from the specific task.

We demonstrate the effectiveness of COMPASS as a general-purpose pretraining approach on three downstream tasks: simulated drone navigation, simulated vehicle racing, and visual odometry. Figure 4 and Table 1 show some details about both our pretraining as well as downstream task datasets.

Data samples of pretraining dataset (TartanAIR), and downstream datasets for drone navigation, car racing and visual odometry.
Figure 4: Samples from TartanAIR and the downstream task datasets. TartanAir contains RGB, depth, segmentation and optical flow data modalities.
Dataset Usage Scale Env.
TartanAIR Pretraining 1M 16
Soccer-gate Drone Navigation.  3k 1
KITTI Visual Odometry 23K 11
AirSim-Car Car racing 17K 9
Table 1: Various datasets used in our experiments.

Drone Navigation

The goal of this task is to enable a quadrotor drone to navigate through a series of gates whose locations are unknown to it a priori. The simulated environment contains a diverse set of gates varying in shape, sizes, color, and texture. Given RGB images from the camera onboard the drone in this environment, the model is asked to predict velocity commands to make the drone successfully go through a series of gates. Figure 5 highlights that finetuning COMPASS for this velocity prediction task results in better performance than training a model from scratch.

Line plots showing validation errors on drone navigation task.
Figure 5(a-d): Performance of COMPASS on drone velocity predictions, compared with a model trained from scratch.

COMPASS can improve data efficiency. Furthermore, finetuning over pretrained COMPASS models exhibits more data efficient learning than training models from scratch. Figure 6 compares finetuning performance with different amounts of data to training from scratch. We see that COMPASS finetuning consistently produces fewer errors than training from scratch, even with less data.

Data samples of pretraining dataset (TartanAIR), and downstream datasets for drone navigation, car racing and visual odometry.
Figure 6: Comparison of COMPASS finetuning vs. training from scratch with varying amounts of data

Visual Odometry

Visual odometry (VO) aims to estimate camera motion from consecutive image frames. This is a fundamental component in visual SLAM which is widely used for localization in robotics. We evaluate COMPASS for the VO task on a widely used real-world dataset (The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite (cvlibs.net)). We first use an off-the-shelf optical flow model (PWC-Net) to generate optical flow data given consecutive image frames, which are then inputted to the optical flow encoder of COMPASS, eventually resulting in predicted camera motion.

Methods Sequence 9 Sequence 10
(t_{rel}) (r_{rel}) (t_{rel}) (r_{rel})
ORB-SLAM2 15.3 0.26 3.71 0.3
DVSO 0.83 0.21 0.74 0.21
D3VO 0.78 0.62
VISO2-M 4.04 1.43 25.2 3.8
DeepVO N/A N/A 8.11 8.83
Wang et al. 8.04 1.51 6.23 0.97
TartanVO 6.00 3.11 6.89 2.73
UnDeepVO N/A N/A 10.63 4.65
GeoNet 26.93 9.54 20.73 9.04
COMPASS (ours) 2.79 0.98 2.41 1.00
Table 2: Comparison of translation and rotation errors on KITTI dataset. The first section includes three SLAM methods, while the others are VO approaches. (t_{rel}): average translational RMSE drift ((%)) on a length of 100-800 m. (r_{rel}): average rotational RMSE drift ((^{circ}/100 m)) on a length of 100-800 m.
Trajectory plots of different approaches on KITTI dataset.
Figure 7: Comparison of the predicted KITTI trajectories by different VO approaches. TartanVO is a learning-based VO (only relies on two frames, same as ours), and ORBSLAM2 is a geometry-based SLAM system (includes multi-frame optimization).

COMPASS can adapt to real-world scenarios. In this experiment, we finetune the model on sequence 00-08 of KITTI and test it on sequence 09 and 10. For comprehensive investigation, we compare COMPASS with both SLAM methods and visual odometry methods. The results are shown in Table 2, where we list the relative pose error (RPE), which is the same metric used on KITTI benchmark. Using the pretrained flow encoder from COMPASS within this VO pipeline achieves better results than several other VO methods and is even comparable to SLAM methods. Figure 7 shows the predicted trajectories of sequences 09 and 10 compared to ground truth. For clarity, we also select one representative model from the geometry-based and learning-based approaches each. We can see that, although pretrained purely on simulation data, COMPASS adapts well to finetuning on real-world scenarios.

Vehicle Racing

The goal here is to enable autonomous vehicles to drive in a competitive Formula racing environment. The simulated environment contains visual distractors such as advertising signs, tires, grandstands, and fences, which help add realism and increase task difficulty. Given RGB images from the environment as input, the control module must predict the steering wheel angle for a car to successfully maneuver around the track and avoid obstacles.

Model Seen env. Unseen env.
SCRATCH 0.085 ± 0.025 0.120 ± 0.009
CPC 0.037 ±0.012 0.101 ± 0.017
CMC 0.039 ± 0.013 0.102 ± 0.012
JOINT 0.055 ± 0.016 0.388 ± 0.018
DISJOINT 0.039 ± 0.017 0.131 ± 0.016
COMPASS 0.041 ± 0.013 0.071 ± 0.023
Table 3: Steering prediction for car racing.
Line plots comparing training & validation performance of several approaches on car racing task.
Figure 8: Training (a) and Testing (b) loss curves on the vehicle racing task.

COMPASS can generalize to unseen environments. We hypothesize that better perception, enabled by pretraining, improves generalization to unseen environments. To show this, we evaluate models in two settings: 1) trained and evaluated on all nine scenarios (“seen”); 2) trained on eight scenarios and evaluated on one scenario (“unseen”). Table 3 shows that the performance degradation in the unseen environment is relatively marginal with (texttt{COMPASS}), which suggests its effectiveness compared to the other pretraining approaches.

COMPASS can benefit from multimodal training regime. We investigate the effectiveness of pretraining on multimodal data by analyzing loss curves from different pretrained models on the same ‘unseen’ environments. Figure 8(b) compares the validation loss curves of (texttt{COMPASS}), (texttt{RGB}), and (texttt{Scratch}), where (texttt{RGB}) is the model that is pretrained only with RGB images. As we can see, by pretraining on multimodal data, COMPASS achieves the best performance overall. Also, both of these pretraining models show large gaps when compared to a model trained from scratch ((texttt{Scratch})). When comparing Figure 8(a) to Figure 8(b), we see that (texttt{Scratch}) suffers more from the overfitting issue than the other two models.


We introduce COntrastive Multimodal pretraining for AutonomouS Systems (COMPASS), a ‘general’ pretraining framework that learns multimodal representations to tackle various downstream autonomous system tasks. In contrast to existing task-specific approaches in autonomous systems, COMPASS is trained entirely agnostic to any downstream tasks, with the primary goal of extracting information that is common to multiple scenarios. COMPASS learns to associate multimodal data with respect to their properties, allowing it to encode the spatio-temporal nature of data commonly observed in autonomous systems. We demonstrated that COMPASS generalizes well to different downstream tasks—drone navigation, vehicle racing and visual odometry—even in unseen environments, real-world environments and in the low-data regime.

The post COMPASS: COntrastive Multimodal Pretraining for AutonomouS Systems appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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Figure at the start of a maze showing several paths. Four paths include a medical dead-end, and each stop before reaching the end. Only one path does not include a medical-dead end, and this one goes clear through to the end.

Using reinforcement learning to identify high-risk states and treatments in healthcare

Figure at the start of a maze showing several paths. Four paths include a medical dead-end, and each stop before reaching the end. Only one path does not include a medical-dead end, and this one goes clear through to the end.

As the pandemic overburdens medical facilities and clinicians become increasingly overworked, the ability to make quick decisions on providing the best possible treatment is even more critical. In urgent health situations, such decisions can mean life or death. However, certain treatment protocols can pose a considerable risk to patients who have serious medical conditions and can potentially contribute to unintended outcomes.

In this research project, we built a machine learning (ML) model that works with scenarios where data is limited, such as healthcare. This model was developed to recognize treatment protocols that could contribute to negative outcomes and to alert clinicians when a patient’s health could decline to a dangerous level. You can explore the details of this research project in our research paper, “Medical Dead-ends and Learning to Identify High-risk States and Treatments,” which was presented at the 2021 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021).

Reinforcement learning for healthcare

To build our model, we decided to use reinforcement learning—an ML framework that’s uniquely well-suited for advancing safety-critical domains such as healthcare. This is because at its core, healthcare is a sequential decision-making domain, and reinforcement learning is the formal paradigm for modeling and solving problems in such domains. In healthcare, clinicians base their treatment decisions on an overall understanding of a patient’s health; they observe how the patient responds to this treatment, and the process repeats. Likewise, in reinforcement learning, an algorithm, or agent, interprets the state of its environment and takes an action, which, coupled with the internal dynamics of the environment, causes it to transition to a new state, as shown in Figure 1. A reward signal is then assigned to account for the immediate impact of this change. For example, in a healthcare scenario, if a patient recovers or is discharged from the intensive care unit (ICU), the agent may receive a positive reward. However, if the patient does not survive, the agent receives a negative reward, or penalty.

Figure 1: Diagram showing the sequential decision-making process typical in healthcare as an analogous with reinforcement learning. The clinician observes the state of the patient’s health condition and decides on a treatment. The clinician then observes how the patient responded to the treatment and decides on the next steps. Applied to reinforcement learning, the result of each transition in the patient’s state is met with a reward signal.
Figure 1: Sequential decision-making in healthcare: Clinicians or AI agents observe the state of the patient ((s)), select a treatment ((a)), and monitor the next state. The process then repeats. As a result of each such transition of the patient’s state (whose probability is denoted by (T)), a reward signal ((R)) is observed, which accounts for the immediate consequence of the applied treatment.

Reinforcement learning is widely used in gaming, for example, to determine the best sequence of chess moves and maximize an AI system’s chances of winning. Over time, due to trial-and-error experimentation, the desired actions are maximized and the undesired ones are minimized until the optimal solution is identified. Normally, this experimentation is made possible by the proactive collection of extensive amounts of diverse data. However, unlike in gaming, exploratory data collection and experimentation are not possible in healthcare, and our only option in this realm is to work with previously collected datasets, providing very limited opportunities to explore alternative choices. This is where offline reinforcement learning comes into focus. A subarea of reinforcement learning, offline reinforcement learning works only with data that already exists—instead of proactively taking in new data, we’re using a fixed dataset. Even so, to propose the best course of action, an offline reinforcement learning algorithm still requires sufficient trial-and-error with alternatives, and this necessitates a very large dataset, something not feasible in safety-critical domains with limited data, like healthcare.

In the current research literature, when reinforcement learning is applied to healthcare, the focus is on what to do to support the best possible patient outcome, an infeasible objective. In our paper, we propose inverting this paradigm in offline settings to investigate high-risk treatments and identify when the state of patients’ health reaches a critical point. To enable this approach, we developed a methodology called Dead-end Discovery (DeD), which identifies treatments to avoid in order to prevent a medical dead-end—the point at which the patient is most likely to die regardless of future treatment. DeD provably requires exponentially less data than the standard methods, making it significantly more reliable in limited-data situations. By identifying known high-risk treatments, DeD could assist clinicians in making trustworthy decisions in highly stressful situations, where minutes count. Moreover, this methodology could also raise an early warning flag and alert clinicians when a patient’s condition reveals outstanding risk, often before it becomes obvious. We go into more detail on the DeD methodology later in this post.

Medical dead-ends and rescue states

At ICUs, patients experience a trajectory which sequentially tracks the state of their health. It starts with the patient’s condition upon admission, followed by the administration of treatment and then by their response to the treatment. This sequence repeats until the patient reaches a terminal state—the final observation of the patient’s condition that’s still relevant within the ICU. To learn what treatments to avoid, we focus on two types of terminal states: patient recovery and patient death. Other terminal states can also exist. For example, when playing chess, a loss or a win are not the only possible outcomes; draws can also occur. While our framework can encompass additional terminal states, this work focuses on only two possibilities: positive outcomes and negative outcomes.

Building on these two terminal states, we define medical dead-ends as patient states from which all possible future trajectories will lead to the terminal state of the patient’s death. If applied in acute care settings, it’s critical to both avoid medical dead-ends and identify the probability with which any selected treatment will lead to them. It’s also important to note that medical dead-ends can occur considerably earlier than clinicians are able to observe. This makes DeD particularly valuable, as every hour counts when it comes to critical conditions.

To contrast with medical dead-ends, we also propose the concept of rescue states, where recovery is fully reachable. At each rescue state, there exists at least one treatment that would lead, with the probability of 1, either to another rescue state or to recovery. In most cases, a patient’s condition is neither a medical dead-end nor a rescue state, as the minimum and maximum probability of future mortality or recovery is not always 0 and 1, but somewhere in between. Therefore, it’s important to have an alert when a patient is likely to enter a medical dead-end.

Figure 2: Diagram showing possible trajectories for a single patient with sepsis upon admission to the ICU. Each branch represents the septic patient’s trajectory in response to a sample sequence of treatments. A slumping avatar represents a medical dead-end, which is significantly far from the terminal state and may not be observable by the clinicians. A critical point here is one step before this medical dead-end, represented by the grey avatar, where there is still chance to save the patient.
Figure 2: Using sepsis as an example use case, this diagram shows simplified possible trajectories for a single patient upon admission to the ICU. Each branch represents the septic patient’s trajectory in response to a sample sequence of treatments, represented by a black dot (VP = vasopressor + IV = intravenous fluid). Avatars with blue borders and “RS” above them represent rescue states. Avatars with red borders and “MD” above them represent medical dead-ends. The shading of each avatar roughly indicates the state of the patient’s condition in response to treatment. More shading represents an improving condition and less shading represents a worsening condition. No shading represents the terminal state where the patient does not survive. The slumping avatar represents a medical dead-end, which is significantly far from the terminal state and may not be observable by the clinicians. A critical point here is one step before this medical dead-end, represented by the grey avatar, where there is still a chance to save the patient.  
Patient vital signs taken at the ICU: HR=heart rate; BP=blood pressure; RR=respiration rate; SOFA=sequential organ failure assessment score  

Treatment security: How to help doctors

To develop our model, we considered a generic condition that guarantees the merit and reliability of a given treatment-selection policy. In particular, we postulated the following condition we called treatment security:

If at state (s), treatment (a) causes transitioning to a medical dead-end with any given level of certainty, then the policy must refrain from selecting (a) at (s) with the same level of certainty.

For example, if a certain treatment leads to a medical dead-end or immediate death with a probability of more than 80 percent, that treatment should be selected for administration no more than 20 percent of the time.

While treatment security is a desired property, it’s not easy to directly enforce because the required probabilities are not known a priori, nor are they directly measurable from the data. Therefore, we developed a theoretical framework at the core of our method that enables treatment security from data by mapping it to proper learning problems.

DeD: Dead-end Discovery methodology

To precisely define the learning problems, we based our DeD methodology on three core ideas: 1) separating the outcomes, 2) learning the optimal value function of each outcome in isolation without discounting, and 3) proving important properties for these particular value functions, which enable treatment security.

We constructed two simple reward signals for independent learning problems:

  1. -1 in the case of a negative outcome; 0 at all other transitions
  2. +1 in the case of a positive outcome; 0 at all other transitions

Next, we learned their corresponding optimal value functions, (Q_{D}^{*}(s, a)) and (Q_{R}^{*}(s, a)) both with no discounting. It turns out that these value functions are intrinsically important. In fact, we show that:

–(Q_{D}^{*}(s, a)) corresponds to the minimum probability of a future negative outcome if treatment (a) is selected at state (s). Equivalently, (1 + Q_{D}^{*}(s, a)) corresponds to the maximum hope of a positive outcome.

Moreover, the quantity (1 + Q_{D}^{*}(s, a)) proves to be a meaningful threshold for a policy to make it secure. We formally show that: for treatment security, it is sufficient to abide by the maximum hope of recovery.

We further proved that if the probability of treatment selection can be higher than (Q_{R}^{*}(s, a)), the patient is guaranteed to remain in a rescue state when possible. Finally, we also showed that such thresholds for limiting the treatment selection probabilities exist.

Building from these results, we defined a training and deployment pipeline, illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Diagram showing the DeD pipeline. The training process results in the learned optimal value functions. The deployment of the pipelines ends with providing critical information to the human decision-maker.
Figure 3: The DeD pipeline: section a illustrates the training process, resulting in the learned optimal value functions, and section b shows the deployment of the pipeline, which ends with providing critical information to the human decision-maker.

Applying the DeD methodology to sepsis

To demonstrate the utility of DeD in safety-critical domains and to honor the underlying healthcare motivations behind its development, we applied DeD on publicly available real-world medical data. Specifically, our data pertained to critically ill patients who had developed sepsis and were treated in an ICU.

Sepsis is a syndrome characterized by organ dysfunction due to a patient’s dysregulated response to an infection. In the United States alone, sepsis is responsible for more than 200,000 deaths each year, contributing to over 10 percent of in-hospital mortality, and accounting for over $23 billion in hospitalization costs. Globally, sepsis is a leading cause of mortality, with an estimated 11 million deaths each year, accounting for almost 20 percent of all deaths. It’s also an end-stage to many health conditions. In a recent retrospective study of hospitalized COVID-19 patients, all the fatal cases and more than 40 percent of survivors were septic.

In our study, we envisioned a way to help clinicians identify which subset of treatments could statistically cause further health deterioration so that they could eliminate them when deciding on the next steps. To estimate the value functions of possible treatments, we used the publicly available Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III (MIMIC-III) dataset (v 1.4), sourced from the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts. MIMIC-III is comprised of deidentified electronic health records (EHR) of consenting patients admitted to critical care units, collected from 53,423 distinct hospital admissions between 2001 and 2012. Following standard extraction and preprocessing methods, we derived an experimental cohort of 19,611 patients who are presumed to have developed sepsis during their initial admission to the ICU, with an observed mortality rate of approximately 10 percent. We studied 72 hours of the patients’ stay at the ICU—24 hours before the presumed onset of sepsis and 48 hours afterwards. We used 44 observation variables, including various health records and demographic information, and 25 distinct treatment options (five discrete levels for IV fluid and vasopressor volumes in combination), aggregated over four hours.

With this dataset, we sought to demonstrate that medical dead-ends exist in medical data and show the effect of treatment selection on the development of medical dead-ends. We also sought to identify whether alternative treatments were available that could have prevented the occurrence of a medical dead-end.

To flag potentially nonsecure treatments, we examined whether the values estimated ((Q_{D}(s, a)) and (Q_{R}(s, a))) for each treatment passed certain thresholds. To flag potential medical dead-end states, we looked at the median values of available treatments against these same thresholds. Using the median helped mitigate approximation errors due to generalization from potentially insufficient data and extrapolations made by the reinforcement learning formulation. With the specified thresholds, DeD identified increasing percentages of patients raising fatal flags, particularly among the subpopulation that died in the hospital. In Figure 4, note the distinctive difference between the trend of estimated values for surviving and non-surviving patients. Over the course of 72 hours in the ICU, surviving patients rarely raised a flag, while flags were raised at an increased rate for patients who did not survive as they proceeded toward the final observations of their time in the ICU.

Figure 4: Histograms of the flag status for surviving and non-surviving patients, according to the rescue state and medical dead-end values. Bars are plotted according to the time prior to the recorded terminal state and measure the percentage of patients whose states did not raise any flags. There is a clear worsening trend for non-surviving patients as they approached a terminal state, beginning as early as 48 hours prior to expiration.
Figure 4: Histograms of the flag status for both surviving and non-surviving patients, according to the rescue state and medical dead-end values. The bars are plotted according to the time prior to the recorded terminal state and measure the percentage of patients whose states did not raise any flags. There is a clear worsening trend for non-surviving patients as they approached a terminal state, beginning as early as 48 hours prior to expiration.

To further support our hypothesis that medical dead-ends exist among septic patients and may be preventable, we aligned patients according to the point in their care when a flag was first raised by our DeD framework. As shown in Figure 5, we selected all trajectories with at least 24 hours prior to and 16 hours after this flag. The DeD estimates of (V) and (Q) values for administered treatments had similar behavior in both the surviving and non-surviving subpopulations prior to this first flag, but the values quickly diverged afterwards. We observed that the advent of this first flag also corresponded to a similar divergence among various clinical measures and vital signs, shown in Figure 5, sections a and b.

DeD identified a clear critical point in these patients’ care, where non-surviving patients experienced an irreversible negative change to their health, as shown in Figure 5, section c. Additionally, there was a significant gap in the estimated value between the treatments administered to the non-surviving patients and those treatments deemed to be more secure by DeD, shown in Figure 5, section e. There was a clear inflection in the estimated values four to eight hours before this first flag was raised, shown in Figure 5, section c.

Figure 5: A series of graphs that show the trend of measures taken around the first raised flag. Various measures are shown 24 hours (6 steps, 4 hours each) before the first flag is raised and 16 hours (4 steps) afterwards for non-surviving and surviving patients. The shaded areas represent the standard deviation. The first shows selected key vital measures and lab tests, the second section shows established clinical measures. The DeD estimates of heath state and administered treatments had similar behavior in both the surviving and non-surviving subpopulations prior to this first flag, but the values quickly diverged afterwards. We observed that the advent of this first flag also corresponded to a similar divergence among various clinical measures and vital signs. The third section shows DeD value estimates of health state and administered treatment. Here, DeD identified a clear critical point in these patients’ care, where non-surviving patients experienced an irreversible negative change to their health. The fourth section shows the administered treatments. Finally, the last column illustrates value trends for the selected treatments as well as the most secure ones. It shows a significant gap in the estimated value between the treatments administered to the non-surviving patients and those treatments deemed to be more secure by DeD.
Figure 5: Trend of measures around the first raised flag: Various measures are shown 24 hours (6 steps, 4 hours each) before the first flag is raised and 16 hours (4 steps) afterwards for non-surviving (blue) and surviving (green) patients. The shaded areas represent the standard deviation. Section a shows selected key vital measures and lab tests, section b shows established clinical measures, and section c shows DeD value estimates of health state (V) and administered treatment (Q). Section d shows the administered treatments. Finally, the last column, e, illustrates value trends for the selected treatments as well as the most secure ones.

Further analysis of our results, which we describe in detail in our paper, indicates that more than 12 percent of treatments given to non-surviving patients could be detrimental 24 hours before death. We also identified that 2.7 percent of non-surviving patients entered medical dead-end trajectories with a sharply increasing rate up to 48 hours before death, and close to 10 percent when we slightly relaxed our thresholds for predicting medical dead-ends. While these percentages may seem small, more than 200,000 patients die of sepsis every year in US hospitals alone, and any reduction of this rate would result in possibly tens of thousands of individuals who would otherwise survive. We’re excited about the possibility that DeD could help clinicians provide their patients with the best care and that many more patients could potentially survive sepsis.

Looking ahead: Further uses of DeD and offline reinforcement learning

We view DeD as a powerful tool that could magnify human expertise in healthcare by supporting clinicians with predictive models as they make critical decisions. There is significant potential for researchers to use the DeD method to expand on this research and look at other measures, such as the relationship between patient demographics and sepsis treatment, with the goal of preventing certain treatment profiles for particular subgroups of patients.

The principles of offline reinforcement learning and the DeD methodology can also be applied to other clinical conditions, as well as to safety-critical areas beyond healthcare that also rely on sequential decision-making. For example, the domain of finance entails similar core concepts as it is analogously based on sequential decision-making processes. DeD could be used to alert financial professionals when specific actions, such as buying or selling certain assets, are likely to result in unavoidable future loss, or a financial dead-end. We hope our work will inspire active research and discussion in the community. You can learn more about the research and access the code here.

Disclaimer: The research presented in this video, including the referenced paper, code, and models, are shared for research purposes only. They are not to be used in clinical settings, as a stand-alone tool, or as replacement for the decisions of expert medical professionals. The algorithm and technology presented here, and any derivatives of it, should not be used to make clinical decisions, including, but not limited to, decisions about the medical treatment of patients. In addition, further testing and validation are required before the DeD framework may be used in any clinical setting, including, but not limited to, understanding how the information provided by the DeD framework affects clinician care and patient outcomes over time, neither of which have been studied here.

The post Using reinforcement learning to identify high-risk states and treatments in healthcare appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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blue graphic with a light honeycomb pattern background featuring a lightbulb in the middle and various icons around it: handshake, eye, connected people, balanced scale, lock, and shield

Advancing AI trustworthiness: Updates on responsible AI research

blue graphic with a light honeycomb pattern background featuring a lightbulb in the middle and various icons around it: handshake, eye, connected people, balanced scale, lock, and shield

Editor’s note: This year in review is a sampling of responsible AI research compiled by Aether, a Microsoft cross-company initiative on AI Ethics and Effects in Engineering and Research, as outreach from their commitment to advancing the practice of human-centered responsible AI. Although each paper includes authors who are participants in Aether, the research presented here expands beyond, encompassing work from across Microsoft, as well as with collaborators in academia and industry. 

Chief Scientific Officer Eric Horvitz: Efforts to make AI systems worthy of trust are a critical part of building valuable AI applications

Inflated expectations around the capabilities of AI technologies may lead people to believe that computers can’t be wrong. The truth is AI failures are not a matter of if but when. AI is a human endeavor that combines information about people and the physical world into mathematical constructs. Such technologies typically rely on statistical methods, with the possibility for errors throughout an AI system’s lifespan. As AI systems become more widely used across domains, especially in high-stakes scenarios where people’s safety and wellbeing can be affected, a critical question must be addressed: how trustworthy are AI systems, and how much and when should people trust AI? 

As part of their ongoing commitment to building AI responsibly, research scientists and engineers at Microsoft are pursuing methods and technologies aimed at helping builders of AI systems cultivate appropriate trust—that is, building trustworthy models with reliable behaviors and clear communication that set proper expectations. When AI builders plan for failures, work to understand the nature of the failures, and implement ways to effectively mitigate potential harms, they help engender trust that can lead to a greater realization of AI’s benefits. 

Pursuing trustworthiness across AI systems captures the intent of multiple projects on the responsible development and fielding of AI technologies. Numerous efforts at Microsoft have been nurtured by its Aether Committee, a coordinative cross-company council comprised of working groups focused on technical leadership at the frontiers of innovation in responsible AI. The effort is led by researchers and engineers at Microsoft Research and from across the company and is chaired by Chief Scientific Officer Eric Horvitz. Beyond research, Aether has advised Microsoft leadership on responsible AI challenges and opportunities since the committee’s inception in 2016. 

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    Explore the HAX Toolkit

    The Human-AI eXperience (HAX) Toolkit helps builders of AI systems create fluid, responsible human-AI experiences.

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    Customizable dashboards that help builders of AI systems identify, diagnose, and mitigate model errors, as well as debug models and understand causal relationships in data.

The following is a sampling of research from the past year representing efforts across the Microsoft responsible AI ecosystem that highlight ways for creating appropriate trust in AI. Facilitating trustworthy measurement, improving human-AI collaboration, designing for natural language processing (NLP), advancing transparency and interpretability, and exploring the open questions around AI safety, security, and privacy are key considerations for developing AI responsibly. The goal of trustworthy AI requires a shift in perspective at every stage of the AI development and deployment life cycle. We’re actively developing a growing number of best practices and tools to help with the shift to make responsible AI more available to a broader base of users. Many open questions remain, but as innovators, we are committed to tackling these challenges with curiosity, enthusiasm, and humility. 

Facilitating trustworthy measurement

Emre Kiciman, co-chair of the Aether Security working group: Ensuring our measurements capture what we think they’re capturing

AI technologies influence the world through the connection of machine learning models—that provide classifications, diagnoses, predictions, and recommendations—with larger systems that drive displays, guide controls, and activate effectors. But when we use AI to help us understand patterns in human behavior and complex societal phenomena, we need to be vigilant. By creating models for assessing or measuring human behavior, we’re participating in the very act of shaping society. Guidelines for ethically navigating technology’s impacts on society—guidance born out of considering technologies for COVID-19—prompt us to start by weighing a project’s risk of harm against its benefits. Sometimes an important step in the practice of responsible AI may be the decision to not build a particular model or application. 

Human behavior and algorithms influence each other in feedback loops. In a recent Nature publication, Microsoft researchers and collaborators emphasize that existing methods for measuring social phenomena may not be up to the task of investigating societies where human behavior and algorithms affect each other. They offer five best practices for advancing computational social science. These include developing measurement models that are informed by social theory and that are fair, transparent, interpretable, and privacy preserving. For trustworthy measurement, it’s crucial to document and justify the model’s underlying assumptions, plus consider who is deciding what to measure and how those results will be used.

5 Best practices for measuring algorithmically infused societies
Source: Adapted from Nature

In line with these best practices, Microsoft researchers and collaborators have proposed measurement modeling as a framework for anticipating and mitigating fairness-related harms caused by AI systems. This framework can help identify mismatches between theoretical understandings of abstract concepts—for example, socioeconomic status—and how these concepts get translated into mathematics and code. Identifying mismatches helps AI practitioners to anticipate and mitigate fairness-related harms that reinforce societal biases and inequities. A study applying a measurement modeling lens to several benchmark datasets for surfacing stereotypes in NLP systems reveals considerable ambiguity and hidden assumptions, demonstrating (among other things) that datasets widely trusted for measuring the presence of stereotyping can, in fact, cause stereotyping harms.

Flaws in datasets can lead to AI systems with unfair outcomes, such as poor quality of service or denial of opportunities and resources for different groups of people. AI practitioners need to understand how their systems are performing for factors like age, race, gender, and socioeconomic status so they can mitigate potential harms. In identifying the decisions that AI practitioners must make when evaluating an AI system’s performance for different groups of people, researchers highlight the importance of rigor in the construction of evaluation datasets. 

Making sure that datasets are representative and inclusive means facilitating data collection from different groups of people, including people with disabilities. Mainstream AI systems are often non-inclusive. For example, speech recognition systems do not work for atypical speech, while input devices are not accessible for people with limited mobility. In pursuit of inclusive AI, a study proposes guidelines for designing an accessible online infrastructure for collecting data from people with disabilities, one that is built to respect, protect, and motivate those contributing data. 

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Improving human-AI collaboration

Ece Kamar, Aether technical advisor and co-chair of the Aether Reliability and Safety working group: Investing in research and new techniques for effective human-AI partnership

When people and AI collaborate on solving problems, the benefits can be impressive. But current practice can be far from establishing a successful partnership between people and AI systems. A promising advance and direction of research is developing methods that learn about ideal ways to complement people with problem solving. In the approach, machine learning models are optimized to detect where people need the most help versus where people can solve problems well on their own. We can additionally train the AI systems to make decisions as to when a system should ask an individual for input and to combine the human and machine abilities to make a recommendation. In related work, studies have shown that people will too often accept an AI system’s outputs without question, relying on them even when they are wrong. Exploring how to facilitate appropriate trust in human-AI teamwork, experiments with real-world datasets for AI systems show that retraining a model with a human-centered approach can better optimize human-AI team performance. This means taking into account human accuracy, human effort, the cost of mistakes—and people’s mental models of the AI. 

In systems for healthcare and other high-stakes scenarios, a break with the user’s mental model can have severe impacts. An AI system can compromise trust when, after an update for better overall accuracy, it begins to underperform in some areas. For instance, an updated system for predicting cancerous skin moles may have an increase in accuracy overall but a significant decrease for facial moles. A physician using the system may either lose confidence in the benefits of the technology or, with more dire consequences, may not notice this drop in performance. Techniques for forcing an updated system to be compatible with a previous version produce tradeoffs in accuracy. But experiments demonstrate that personalizing objective functions can improve the performance-compatibility tradeoff for specific users by as much as 300 percent.

System updates can have grave consequences when it comes to algorithms used for prescribing recourse, such as how to fix a bad credit score to qualify for a loan. Updates can lead to people who have dutifully followed a prescribed recourse being denied their promised rights or services and damaging their trust in decision makers. Examining the impact of updates caused by changes in the data distribution, researchers expose previously unknown flaws in the current recourse-generation paradigm. This work points toward rethinking how to design these algorithms for robustness and reliability. 

Complementarity in human-AI performance, where the human-AI team performs better together by compensating for each other’s weaknesses, is a goal for AI-assisted tasks. You might think that if a system provided an explanation of its output, this could help an individual identify and correct an AI failure, producing the best of human-AI teamwork. Surprisingly, and in contrast to prior work, a large-scale study shows that explanations may not significantly increase human-AI team performance. People often over-rely on recommendations even when the AI is incorrect. This is a call to action: we need to develop methods for communicating explanations that increase users’ understanding rather than to just persuade. 

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Designing for natural language processing 

Hanna Wallach, Aether technical advisor and co-chair of the Aether Fairness and Inclusiveness working group: Developing natural language processing models in a responsible manner

The allure of natural language processing’s potential, including rash claims of human parity, raises questions of how we can employ NLP technologies in ways that are truly useful, as well as fair and inclusive. To further these and other goals, Microsoft researchers and collaborators hosted the first workshop on bridging human-computer interaction and natural language processing, considering novel questions and research directions for designing NLP systems to align with people’s demonstrated needs. 

Language shapes minds and societies. Technology that wields this power requires scrutiny as to what harms may ensue. For example, does an NLP system exacerbate stereotyping? Does it exhibit the same quality of service for people who speak the same language in different ways? A survey of 146 papers analyzing “bias” in NLP observes rampant pitfalls of unstated assumptions and conceptualizations of bias. To avoid these pitfalls, the authors outline recommendations based on the recognition of relationships between language and social hierarchies as fundamentals for fairness in the context of NLP. We must be precise in how we articulate ideas about fairness if we are to identify, measure, and mitigate NLP systems’ potential for fairness-related harms. 

The open-ended nature of language—its inherent ambiguity, context-dependent meaning, and constant evolution—drives home the need to plan for failures when developing NLP systems. Planning for NLP failures with the AI Playbook introduces a new tool for AI practitioners to anticipate errors and plan human-AI interaction so that the user experience is not severely disrupted when errors inevitably occur. 

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Improving transparency

Jenn Wortman Vaughan, co-chair of the Aether Transparency working group: Providing stakeholders with an appropriate understanding of how AI systems work

To build AI systems that are reliable and fair—and to assess how much to trust them—practitioners and those using these systems need insight into their behavior. If we are to meet the goal of AI transparency, the AI/ML and human-computer interaction communities need to integrate efforts to create human-centered interpretability methods that yield explanations that can be clearly understood and are actionable by people using AI systems in real-world scenarios. 

As a case in point, experiments investigating whether simple models that are thought to be interpretable achieve their intended effects rendered counterintuitive findings. When participants used an ML model considered to be interpretable to help them predict the selling prices of New York City apartments, they had difficulty detecting when the model was demonstrably wrong. Providing too many details of the model’s internals seemed to distract and cause information overload. Another recent study found that even when an explanation helps data scientists gain a more nuanced understanding of a model, they may be unwilling to make the effort to understand it if it slows down their workflow too much. As both studies show, testing with users is essential to see if people clearly understand and can use a model’s explanations to their benefit. User research is the only way to validate what is or is not interpretable by people using these systems.

Explanations that are meaningful to people using AI systems are key to the transparency and interpretability of black-box models. Introducing a weight-of-evidence approach to creating machine-generated explanations that are meaningful to people, Microsoft researchers and colleagues highlight the importance of designing explanations with people’s needs in mind and evaluating how people use interpretability tools and what their understanding is of the underlying concepts. The paper also underscores the need to provide well-designed tutorials.

Traceability and communication are also fundamental for demonstrating trustworthiness. Both AI practitioners and people using AI systems benefit from knowing the motivation and composition of datasets. Tools such as datasheets for datasets prompt AI dataset creators to carefully reflect on the process of creation, including any underlying assumptions they are making and potential risks or harms that might arise from the dataset’s use. And for dataset consumers, seeing the dataset creators’ documentation of goals and assumptions equips them to decide whether a dataset is suitable for the task they have in mind.

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Advancing algorithms for interpretability

Rich Caruana, co-chair of the Aether Transparency working group: Demonstrating how interpretability shows how much trust to put in your AI models

Interpretability is vital to debugging and mitigating the potentially harmful impacts of AI processes that so often take place in seemingly impenetrable black boxes—it is difficult (and in many settings, inappropriate) to trust an AI model if you can’t understand the model and correct it when it is wrong. Advanced glass-box learning algorithms can enable AI practitioners and stakeholders to see what’s “under the hood” and better understand the behavior of AI systems. And advanced user interfaces can make it easier for people using AI systems to understand these models and then edit the models when they find mistakes or bias in them. Interpretability is also important to improve human-AI collaboration—it is difficult for users to interact and collaborate with an AI model or system if they can’t understand it. At Microsoft, we have developed glass-box learning methods that are now as accurate as previous black-box methods but yield AI models that are fully interpretable and editable. 

  • GAM Changer Demo


    Editing GAMs with interactive visualization

    Machine learning interpretability techniques reveal that many accurate models learn some problematic and dangerous patterns from the training data. GAM Changer helps address these issues.

Recent advances at Microsoft include a new neural GAM (generalized additive model) for interpretable deep learning, a method for using dropout rates to reduce spurious interaction, an efficient algorithm for recovering identifiable additive models, the development of glass-box models that are differentially private, and the creation of tools that make editing glass-box models easy for those using them so they can correct errors in the models and mitigate bias. 

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Exploring open questions for safety, security, and privacy in AI

Ben Zorn, co-chair of the Aether Reliability and Safety working group: Considering AI’s significant new challenges to reliability, security, and privacy

When considering how to shape appropriate trust in AI systems, there are many open questions about safety, security, and privacy. How do we stay a step ahead of attackers intent on subverting an AI system or harvesting its proprietary information? How can we avoid a system’s potential for inferring spurious correlations? 

With autonomous systems, it is important to acknowledge that no system operating in the real world will ever be complete. It’s impossible to train a system for the many unknowns of the real world. Unintended outcomes can range from annoying to dangerous. For example, a self-driving car may splash pedestrians on a rainy day or erratically swerve to localize itself for lane-keeping. An overview of emerging research in avoiding negative side effects due to AI systems’ incomplete knowledge points to the importance of giving users the means to avoid or mitigate the undesired effects of an AI system’s outputs as essential to how the technology will be viewed or used. 

When dealing with data about people and our physical world, privacy considerations take a vast leap in complexity. For example, it’s possible for a malicious actor to isolate and re-identify individuals from information in large, anonymized datasets or from their interactions with online apps when using personal devices. Developments in privacy-preserving techniques face challenges in usability and adoption because of the deeply theoretical nature of concepts like homomorphic encryption, secure multiparty computation, and differential privacy. Exploring the design and governance challenges of privacy-preserving computation, interviews with builders of AI systems, policymakers, and industry leaders reveal confidence that the technology is useful, but the challenge is to bridge the gap from theory to practice in real-world applications. Engaging the human-computer interaction community will be a critical component.

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Reliability and safety

Privacy and security 

A call to personal action

AI is not an end-all, be-all solution; it’s a powerful, albeit fallible, set of technologies. The challenge is to maximize the benefits of AI while anticipating and minimizing potential harms.

Admittedly, the goal of appropriate trust is challenging. Developing measurement tools for assessing a world in which algorithms are shaping our behaviors, exposing how systems arrive at decisions, planning for AI failures, and engaging the people on the receiving end of AI systems are important pieces. But what we do know is change can happen today with each one of us as we pause and reflect on our work, asking: what could go wrong, and what can I do to prevent it? 

The post Advancing AI trustworthiness: Updates on responsible AI research appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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DeepSpeed shares findings and innovations for MoE models and systems that 1) reduce training cost by 5x, 2) reduce MoE parameter size by up to 3.7x and 3) reduce MoE inference latency by 7.3x at an unprecedented scale and offer up to 4.5x faster and 9x cheaper inference for MoE models compared to quality-equivalent dense models.

DeepSpeed: Advancing MoE inference and training to power next-generation AI scale

DeepSpeed shares findings and innovations for MoE models and systems that 1) reduce training cost by 5x, 2) reduce MoE parameter size by up to 3.7x and 3) reduce MoE inference latency by 7.3x at an unprecedented scale and offer up to 4.5x faster and 9x cheaper inference for MoE models compared to quality-equivalent dense models.

In the last three years, the largest trained dense models have increased in size by over 1,000 times, from a few hundred million parameters to over 500 billion parameters in Megatron-Turing NLG 530B (MT-NLG). Improvements in model quality with size suggest that this trend will continue, with larger model sizes bringing better model quality. However, sustaining the growth in model size is getting more difficult due to the increasing compute requirements.

There have been numerous efforts to reduce compute requirements to train large models without sacrificing model quality. To this end, architectures based on Mixture of Experts (MoE) have paved a promising path, enabling sub-linear compute requirements with respect to model parameters and allowing for improved model quality without increasing training cost.

However, MoE models have their own challenges. First, the scope of MoE models is primarily limited on encoder-decoder models and sequence-to-sequence tasks. Second, MoE models require more parameters to achieve the same model quality as their dense counterparts, which requires more memory for training and inference even though MoE models require less compute. Lastly, a critical consideration is that MoE models’ large size makes inference difficult and costly.

To address these above challenges, the DeepSpeed team, as part of Microsoft’s  AI at Scale initiative, has been exploring new applications and optimizations for MoE models at scale. These can lower the training and inference cost of large models, while also enabling the ability to train and serve the next generation of models affordably on today’s hardware. Here, we are happy to share our findings and innovations for MoE models and systems that 1) reduce training cost by 5x, 2) reduce MoE parameter size by up to 3.7x and 3) reduce MoE inference latency by 7.3x at an unprecedented scale and offer up to 4.5x faster and 9x cheaper inference for MoE models compared to quality-equivalent dense models:

  1. 5x reduction in training cost for natural language generation (NLG) models: We extend the scope of MoE models to beyond just encoder-decoder models and sequence-to-sequence tasks, demonstrating that MoE can reduce the training cost of NLG models like those in the GPT family or MT-NLG by 5x while obtaining the same model quality. Data scientists can now train models of superior quality previously only possible with 5x more hardware resources.
  2. Reduced model size and improved parameter efficiency with Pyramid-Residual-MoE (PR-MoE) Architecture and Mixture-of-Students (MoS): The training cost reduction of MoE is not free and comes at the expense of increasing the total number of parameters required to achieve the same model quality as dense models. PR-MoE is a hybrid dense and MoE model created using residual connections, applying experts only where they are most effective. PR-MoE reduces MoE model parameter size by up to 3x with no change to model quality. In addition, we leverage staged knowledge distillation to learn a Mixture-of-Students model that further leads to up to 3.7x model size reduction while retaining similar model quality.
  3. Fast and economical MoE inference at unprecedented scale: The DeepSpeed-MoE (DS-MoE) inference system enables efficient scaling of inference workloads on hundreds of GPUs, providing up to 7.3x reduction in inference latency and cost when compared with existing systems. It offers ultra-fast inference latencies (25 ms) for trillion-parameter MoE models. DS-MoE also offers up to 4.5x faster and 9x cheaper inference for MoE models compared to quality-equivalent dense models by combining both system and model optimizations.

Each of these advances is explored further in the blog post below. For more about the technical details, please read our paper.

DeepSpeed-MoE for NLG: Reducing the training cost of language models by five times

While recent works like GShard and Switch Transformers have shown that the MoE model structure can reduce large model pretraining cost for encoder-decoder model architecture, their impact on the much more compute-intensive transformer-based autoregressive NLG models has been mostly unknown.

Given the tremendous compute and energy requirements for training NLG models, we explore opportunities where MoE can reduce their training cost. We show that MoE can be applied to NLG models to significantly improve their model quality with the same training cost. Also, MoE can achieve 5x reduction in training cost to achieve the same model quality of a dense NLG model. For example, we achieved the quality of a 6.7B-parameter dense NLG model at the cost of training a 1.3B-parameter dense model.  Our observation about MoE training cost savings aligns with parallel explorations from Du et al. and Artetxe et al., where they also demonstrated the savings for models with bigger sizes.

Our MoE-based NLG model architecture

To create an MoE-based NLG model, we studied a transformer-based NLG model similar to those of the GPT family. To complete training in a reasonable timeframe, the following models were selected: 350M (24 layers, 1024 hidden size, 16 attention heads), 1.3B (24 layers, 2048 hidden size, 16 attention heads), and 6.7B (32 layers, 4096 hidden size, 32 attention heads). We use “350M+MoE-128” to denote a MoE model that uses 350M dense model as the base model and adds 128 experts on every other feedforward layer.

MoE training infrastructure and dataset

We pretrained both the dense and MoE versions of the above models using DeepSpeed on 128 NVIDIA Ampere A100 GPUs (Azure ND A100 instances). These Azure instances are powered by the latest Azure HPC docker images that provide a fully optimized environment and best performing library versions of NCCL, Mellanox OFED, Sharp, and CUDA. DeepSpeed uses a combination of data-parallel and expert-parallel training to effectively scale MoE model training and is capable of training MoE models with trillions of parameters on hundreds of GPUs.

We used the same training data as described in the MT-NLG blog post. For a fair comparison, we use 300 billion tokens to train both dense and MoE models.

MoE leads to better quality for NLG models

Figure 1 shows that the validation loss for the MoE versions of the model is significantly better than their dense counterparts. Furthermore, validation loss of the 350M+MoE-128 model is on par validation loss of the 1.3B dense model with 4x larger base. This is also true for 1.3B+MoE-128 in comparison with 6.7B dense model with 5x larger base. Furthermore, the model quality is on par not only with the validation loss but also with six zero-shot evaluation tasks as shown in Table 1, demonstrating that these models have very similar model quality.

Case Model size LAMBADA: completion prediction PIQA: commonsense reasoning BoolQ: reading comprehension RACE-h: reading comprehension TriviaQA: question answering WebQs: question answering
Dense NLG:
(1) 350M 350M 0.5203 0.6931 0.5364 0.3177 0.0321 0.0157
(2) 1.3B 1.3B 0.6365 0.7339 0.6339 0.3560 0.1005 0.0325
(3) 6.7B 6.7B 0.7194 0.7671 0.6703 0.3742 0.2347 0.0512
Standard MoE NLG:
(4) 350M+MoE-128 13B 0.6270 0.7459 0.6046 0.3560 0.1658 0.0517
(5) 1.3B+MoE-128 52B 0.6984 0.7671 0.6492 0.3809 0.3129 0.0719
(6) 350M+PR-MoE-32/64 4B 0.6365 0.7399 0.5988 0.3569 0.1630 0.0473
(7) 1.3B+PR-MoE-64/128 31B 0.7060 0.7775 0.6716 0.3809 0.2886 0.0773
(8) 350M+PR-MoE-32/64 + MoS-21L 3.5B 0.6346 0.7334 0.5807 0.3483 0.1369 0.0522
(9) 1.3B+PR-MoE-64/128 + MoS-21L 27B 0.7017 0.7769 0.6566 0.3694 0.2905 0.0822
Table 1: Zero-shot evaluation results (last six columns) for different dense and MoE NLG models. All zero-shot evaluation results use the accuracy metric.
Figure 1: Token-wise validation loss curves for dense and MoE NLG models with different model sizes. This shows that the validation loss for the MoE versions of the model is significantly better than their dense counterparts
Figure 1: Token-wise validation loss curves for dense and MoE NLG models with different model sizes.

Same quality with 5x less training cost

As shown in the results above, adding MoE with 128 experts to the NLG model significantly improves its quality. However, these experts do not change the compute requirements of the model as each token is only processed by a single expert. Therefore, the compute requirements for a dense model and its corresponding MoE models with the same base are similar.

More concretely, training 1.3B+MoE-128 requires roughly the same amount of compute operations as a 1.3B dense model while offering much better quality. Our results show that by applying MoE, the model quality of a 6.7B-parameter dense model can be achieved at the training cost of a 1.3B-parameter dense model, resulting in an effective training compute reduction of 5x.

This compute cost reduction can directly be translated into throughput gain, training time and training cost reduction by leveraging the efficient DeepSpeed MoE training system. Table 2 shows the training throughput of 1.3B+MoE-128 compared with the 6.7B dense model on 128 NVIDIA A100 GPUs.

Training samples per sec Throughput gain/ Cost Reduction
6.7B dense 70 1x
1.3B+MoE-128 372 5x
Table 2: Training throughput (on 128 A100 GPUs) of an MoE-based model versus a dense model, where both achieve the same model quality.

PR-MoE and Mixture-of-Students: Reducing the model size and improving parameter efficiency

While MoE-based models achieve the same quality with 5x training cost reduction in the NLG example, the resulting model has roughly 8x the parameters of the corresponding dense model. For example, a 6.7B dense model has 6.7 billion parameters and 1.3B+MoE-128 has 52 billion parameters. Training such a massive MoE model requires significantly more memory; inference latency and cost could also increase since the primary inference bottleneck is often the memory bandwidth needed to read model weights.

To reduce model size and improve parameter efficiency, we’ve made innovations in the MoE model architecture that reduce the overall model size by up to 3 times without affecting model quality. We also leverage knowledge distillation to learn a Mixture-of-Students (MoS) model, with a smaller model capacity as the teacher PR-MoE but preserve the teacher model accuracy.

Two intuitions for improving MoE architecture

Intuition-I: The standard MoE architecture has the same number and structure of experts in all MoE layers. This relates to a fundamental question in the deep learning community, which has been well-studied in computer vision: do all the layers in a deep neural network learn the same representation? Shallow layers learn general representations and deep layers learn more objective-specific representations. This also leads transfer learning in computer vision to freeze shallow layers for fine-tuning. This phenomenon, however, has not been well-explored in natural language processing (NLP), particularly for MoE.

To investigate the question, we compare the performance of two different half-MoE architectures. More specifically, we put MoE layers in the first half of the model and leave the second half’s layers identical to the dense model. We switch the MoE layers to the second half and use dense at the first half. The results show that deeper layers benefit more from large number of experts. This confirms that not all MoE layers learn the same level of representations.

Intuition-II: To improve the generalization performance of MoE models, there are two common methods: 1) increasing the number of experts while keeping the capacity (that is, for each token, the number of experts it goes through) to be the same; 2) doubling the capacity at the expense of slightly more computation (33%) while keeping the same number of experts. However, for method 1, the memory requirement for training resources needs to be increased due to larger number of experts. For method 2, higher capacity also doubles the communication volume which can significantly slow down training and inference. Is there a way to keep the training and inference efficiency while getting generalization performance gain?

One intuition of why larger capacity helps accuracy is that those extra experts can help correct the “representation” of the first expert. However, does this first expert need to be changed every time? Or can we fix the first and only assign different extra experts to different tokens?

To investigate this, we perform a comparison in two ways: doubling the capacity and fixing one expert while varying the second expert across different experts. For the latter, a token will always pass a dense multilayer perceptron (MLP) module and an expert from MoE module. Therefore, we can achieve the benefit of using two experts per layer but still use one communication. We find out that the generalization performance of these two is on-par with each other. However, the training/inference speed of our new design is faster.

New MoE Architecture: Pyramid-Residual MoE

We propose a novel MoE architecture, Pyramid-Residual MoE (PR-MoE). Figure 2 (right) shows its architecture. Following Intuition-I, PR-MoE utilizes more experts in the last few layers as compared to previous layers, which gives a reverse pyramid design. Following Intuition II, we propose a Residual-MoE structure, where each token separately passes one fixed MLP layer and one chosen expert. Combining them results in the PR-MoE model, where all standard MoE layers are replaced by the new PR-MoE layer.

The left side shows the architecture of standard MoE model, where each expert layer have same amount number of experts. The right side shows the PR-MoE architecture. Two noticeable differences are (1) PR-MoE has more experts at the last two experts; (2) A token will always pass an MLP module plus a selected expert.
Figure 2: The illustration of standard MoE (left) and PR-MoE (right).

Same quality as standard models with up to 3x model size reduction: We evaluate PR-MoE on two model sizes, with bases of 350M and 1.3B parameters, and compare the performance with larger standard MoE architectures. The results are shown in Table 1 above. For both cases, PR-MoE uses much fewer experts but achieves comparable accuracy as standard MoE models. In the 350M model, PR-MoE only uses less than one third of the parameters that the standard MoE uses. In the 1.3B case, PR-MoE only uses about 60 percent of the parameters required for standard MoE.

Mixture-of-Students: Distillation for even smaller model size and faster inference

Model compression and distillation present additional opportunities to improve inference performance further. While there are many ways for model compression, such as quantization and pruning, we focus on reducing the number of layers of each expert in MoE and using knowledge distillation to compress the resulting student model to achieve a similar performance to the teacher MoE.

Since MoE structure brings significant benefits by enabling sparse training and inference, our task-agnostic distilled MoE model, which we call Mixture of Students (MoS), inherits these benefits while still providing the flexibility to compress into a dense model. We note that while existing work primarily considers small transformers (a few hundred parameters) and dense encoder-based LM models (like BERT), we focus on studying knowledge distillation for sparse MoE-based auto-generative language models on a multi-billion parameter scale. Furthermore, given the excellent performance of PR-MoE, we combine PR-MoE with MoS to further reduce the MoE model size.

To apply knowledge distillation for MoE, we first train a teacher MoE model using the same training hyperparameters and datasets as in the previous section. The teacher model is 350M+PR-MoE-32/64 and 1.3B+PR-MoE-64/128, respectively. We reduce the depth of the teacher model to 21 (12.5%) to obtain a student model, and we force the student to imitate the outputs from the teacher MoE on the training dataset.

In particular, we take the knowledge distillation loss as a weighted sum of the cross-entropy loss between predictions and the given hard label and the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence loss between the predictions and the teacher’s soft label. In practice, we observe that distillation may adversely affect MoS accuracy. In particular, while knowledge distillation loss improves validation accuracy initially, it begins to hurt accuracy towards the end of training.

We hypothesize that because the PR-MoE already reduces the capacity compared with the standard MoE by exploiting the architecture change (for example, reducing experts in lower layers), further reducing the depth of the model causes the student to have insufficient capacity, making it fall into the underfitting regime. Therefore, we take a staged distillation approach, where we decay the impact from knowledge distillation gradually in the training process.

Our study shows that it is possible to reach similar performance—such as in zero-shot evaluation on many downstream tasks—for a smaller MoE model pretrained with knowledge distillation. The MoS achieve comparable accuracy to the teacher MoE model, retaining 99.3% and 99.1% of the performance despite having 12.5% fewer layers. This enables an additional 12.5% model size reduction. When combined with PR-MoE, it leads to up to 3.7x model size reduction.

DeepSpeed-MoE inference: Serving MoE models at unprecedented scale and speed

Optimizing for MoE inference latency and cost is crucial for MoE models to be useful in practice. During inference the batch size is generally small, so the inference latency of an MoE model depends primarily on time it takes to load the model parameters from main memory, contrasting with the conventional belief that lesser compute should lead to faster inference. So, inference performance mainly depends on two factors: the overall model size and the overall achievable memory bandwidth.

In the previous section, we presented PR-MoE and distillation to optimize the model size. This section presents our solution to maximize the achievable memory bandwidth by creating a multi-GPU MoE inferencing system that can leverage the aggregated memory bandwidth across dozens of distributed GPUs to speed up inference. Together, DeepSpeed offers an unprecedented scale and efficiency to serve massive MoE models with 7.3x better latency and cost compared to baseline MoE systems, and up to 4.5x faster and 9x cheaper MoE inference compared to quality-equivalent dense models.

MoE inference performance is an interesting paradox

From the best-case view, each token of an MoE model only activates a single expert at each MoE layer, resulting in a critical data path that is equivalent to the base model size, orders-of-magnitude smaller than the actual model size. For example, when inferencing with a 1.3B+MoE-128 model, each input token needs just 1.3 billion parameters, even though the overall model size is 52 billion parameters.

From the worst-case view, the aggregate parameters needed to process a group of tokens can be as large as the full model size, in the example, the entire 52 billion parameters, making it challenging to achieve short latency and high throughput.

Design goals for the DS-MoE inference system

The design goal of our optimizations is to steer the performance toward the best-case view. This requires careful orchestration and partitioning of the model to group and route all tokens with the same critical data path together to reduce data access per device and achieve maximum aggregate bandwidth. An overview of how DS-MoE tackles this design goal by embracing multi-dimensional parallelism inherent in MoE models is illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Illustration of the DS-MoE design that embraces the complexity of multi-dimensional parallelism for different partitions (expert and non-expert) of the model.
Figure 3: DS-MoE design that embraces the complexity of multi-dimensional parallelism for different partitions (expert and non-expert) of the model.

DS-MoE inference system is centered around three well-coordinated optimizations:

The DS-MoE Inference system is designed to minimize the critical data path per device and maximize the achievable aggregate memory bandwidth across devices, which is achieved by: 1) expert parallelism and expert-slicing on expert parameters and 2) data parallelism and tensor-slicing for non-expert parameters.

Expert parallelism and expert-slicing for expert parameters: We partition experts across devices, group all tokens of using the same experts under the same critical data path, and parallelize processing of the token groups with different critical paths among different devices using expert parallelism.

In the example of 1.3B+MoE-128, when expert parallelism is equal to 128, each GPU only processes a single token group corresponding to the experts on that device. This results in a sequential path that is 1.3 billion parameters per device, 5x smaller than its quality-equivalent dense model with 6.7B parameters. Therefore, in theory, an MoE-based model has the potential to run up to 5x faster than its quality-equivalent dense model using expert parallelism assuming no communication overhead, a topic we discuss in the next section.

In addition, we propose “expert-slicing” to leverage the concept of tensor-slicing for the parameters within an expert. This additional dimension of parallelism is helpful for latency stringent scenarios that we scale to more devices than the number of experts.

Data parallelism and Tensor-slicing for non-expert parameters: Within a node, we use tensor-slicing to partition the non-expert parameters, leveraging aggregate GPU memory bandwidth of all GPUs to accelerate the processing. While it is possible to perform tensor-slicing across nodes, the communication overhead of tensor-slicing along with reduced compute granularity generally makes inter-node tensor-slicing inefficient. To scale non-expert parameters across multiple nodes, we use data parallelism by creating non-expert parameter replicas processing different batches across nodes that incurs no communication overhead or reduction in compute granularity.

Figure 3 above shows an example scenario for distributed MoE inference highlighting different parts of the MoE model, how the model and data are partitioned, and what form of parallelism is used to deal with each piece.

Expert parallelism requires all-to-all communication between all expert parallel devices. By default, DS-MoE uses NCCL for this communication via torch. distributed interface, but we observe major overhead when it is used at scale. To optimize this, we develop a custom communication interface to use Microsoft SCCL and achieve better performance than NCCL. Despite the plug-in optimizations, it is difficult to scale expert parallelism to many devices as the latency increases linearly with the increase in devices. To address this critical scaling challenge, we design two new communication optimization strategies that exploit the underlying point-to-point NCCL operations and custom CUDA kernels to perform necessary data-layout transformations.

Hierarchical All-to-All: We implement a hierarchical all-to-all as a two-step process with a data-layout transformation, followed by an intra-node all-to-all, followed by a second data-layout transformation and a final inter-node all-to-all. This reduces the communication hops from O (p) to O (G+p/G), where G is the number of GPUs in a node and p is the total number of GPU devices. Figure 4 shows the design overview of this implementation. Despite the 2x increase in communication volume, this hierarchical implementation allows for better scaling for small batch sizes as communication at this message size is more latency-bound than bandwidth-bound.

Illustration of the proposed hierarchical all-to-all design
Figure 4: Illustration of the proposed hierarchical all-to-all design

Parallelism Coordinated Communication Optimization: Combining expert parallelism and tensor-slicing with data parallelism within a single model is non-trivial. Tensor-slicing splits individual operators across GPUs and requires all-reduce between them, while expert parallelism places expert operators across GPUs without splitting them and requires all-to-all between them. By design, a naïve approach to handle these communication steps will be inefficient.

Illustration of the parallelism coordinated all-to-all optimization
Figure 5: Illustration of the parallelism coordinated communication

To this end, we propose a novel design, as shown in Figure 5, that performs all-to-all only on a subset of devices that share the same tensor-slicing rank instead of all expert-parallel processes. As a result, the latency of all-to-all can be reduced to O(p/L) instead of O(p) where L is the tensor-slicing parallelism degree. This reduced latency enables us to scale inference to hundreds of GPU devices.

DS-MoE inference system consists of highly optimized kernels targeting both transformer and MoE-related operations. These kernels aim for maximizing the bandwidth utilization by fusing the operations that work in producer-consumer fashion. In addition to computation required for the transformer layers (explained in this blog post), MoE models require the following additional operations:

  1. a gating function that determines the assignment of tokens to experts, where the result is represented as a sparse tensor.
  2. a sparse einsum operator, between the one-hot tensor and all the tokens, which sorts the ordering of the tokens based on the assigned expert ID.
  3. a final einsum that scales and re-sorts the tokens back to their original ordering.

The gating function includes numerous operations to create token-masks, select top-k experts, and perform cumulative-sum and sparse matrix-multiply, all of which are not only wasteful due to the sparse tenor representation, but also extremely slow due to many kernel call invocations. Moreover, the sparse einsums have a complexity of SxExMxc (number of tokens S, number of experts E, model dimension M, and expert capacity c that is typically 1), but E-1 out of E operators for each token are multiplication and addition with zeros.

We optimize these operators using dense representation and kernel-fusion. First, we fuse the gating function into a single kernel, and use a dense token-to-expert mapping table to represent the assignment from tokens to experts, greatly reducing the kernel launch overhead, as well as memory and compute overhead from the sparse representation.

Second, to optimize the remaining two sparse einsums, we implement them as data layout transformations using the above-mentioned mapping table, to first sort them based on the expert id and then back to its original ordering without requiring any sparse einsum, reducing the complexity of these operations from SxExMxc to SxMxc. Combined, these optimizations result in over 6x reduction in MoE kernel related latency.

Low latency and high throughput at unprecedented scale

In modern production environments, powerful DL models are often served using hundreds of GPU devices to meet the traffic demand and deliver low latency. Here we demonstrate the performance of DS-MoE Inference System on a 256 A100 with 40 GB GPUs. Table 3 shows various model configurations used for performance comparisons in this section.

Model Size (billions) # of Layers Hidden size Model-Parallel degree Expert-Parallel degree
2.4B+MoE-128 107.7 16 3,584 1 128
8B+MoE-128 349.0 40 4,096 4 128
24B+MoE-128 1,046.9 30 8,192 8 128
47B+MoE-128 2,024.0 58 8,192 8 128
Table 3. The configuration of different MoE models used for the performance evaluation of Figure 6.

We scale MoE models from 107 billion parameters to 2 trillion parameters. To offer a strong baseline for comparison, we utilize a full-featured distributed PyTorch implementation that is capable of both tensor-slicing and expert-parallelism. Figure 6 shows the results for all these model configurations:

  • DeepSpeed MoE achieves up to 7.3x reduction in latency while achieving up to 7.3x higher throughput compared to the baseline.
  • By effectively exploiting hundreds of GPUs in parallel, DeepSpeed MoE achieves an unprecedented scale for inference at incredibly low latencies – a staggering trillion parameter MoE model can be inferenced under 25ms.
Figure 6: Latency and throughput Improvement offered by DeepSpeed-Inference-MoE (Optimized) over PyTorch (Baseline) for different model sizes (107 billion to 2 trillion parameters). We use 128 GPUs for all configurations for baseline, and 128/256 GPUs for DeepSpeed (256 GPUs for the trillion-scale models). The throughputs show that DeepSpeed MoE achieves up to 7.3x reduction in latency while achieving up to 7.3x higher throughput compared to the baseline
Figure 6: Latency and throughput Improvement offered by DeepSpeed-Inference-MoE (Optimized) over PyTorch (Baseline) for different model sizes (107 billion to 2 trillion parameters). We use 128 GPUs for all configurations for baseline, and 128/256 GPUs for DeepSpeed (256 GPUs for the trillion-scale models). The throughputs shown here are per GPU and should be multiplied by number of GPUs to get the aggregate throughput of the cluster.

By combining the system optimizations offered by the DS-MoE inference system and model innovations of PR-MoE and MoS, DeepSpeed MoE delivers two more benefits:

  1. Reduce the minimum number of GPUs required to perform inference on these models. Figure 7 shows a comparison of three model variants along with the baseline: 1) standard MoE Model (8b-MoE-128), 2) PR-MoE model, and 3) PR-MoE+MoS model. The PR-MoE+MoS model performs the best as expected. The key observation is that the PR-MoE and MoS optimizations allow us to use 16 GPUs instead of 32 GPUs to perform this inference.
  2. Further improve both latency and throughput of various MoE model sizes (as shown in Figure 8).
Figure 7: Graph showing 2x fewer resources needed for MoE inference when using PR-MoE+MoS. PR-MoE and MoS optimizations also allow us to use 16 GPUs instead of 32 GPUs to perform this inference.
Figure 7: 2x fewer resources needed for MoE inference when using PR-MoE+MoS.
Figure 8: Graph showing inference latency comparing standard-MoE with PR-MoE and PR-MoE + MoS compression on different GPU count and model sizes.  This shows PR-MoE + MoS achieves up to a 10x latency improvement compared to the baseline.
Figure 8: Inference latency comparing standard-MoE with PR-MoE and PR-MoE + MoS compression on different GPU count and model sizes

Better inference latency and throughput than quality-equivalent dense models

To better understand the inference performance of MoE models compared to quality-equivalent dense models, it is important to note that although MoE models are 5x faster and cheaper to train, that may not be true for inference. Inference performance has different bottlenecks and its primary factor is the amount of data read from memory instead of computation.

We show inference latency and throughput for two MoE models compared to their quality-equivalent dense models: a) 52 billion-parameter MoE (1.3B-MoE-128) model compared to a 6.7 billion-parameter dense model and b) 1.5 trillion-parameter MoE model compared to a 175 billion-parameter dense model in Figures 9 and 10, respectively.

When using PyTorch, MoE model inference is more expensive and slower compared to its quality-equivalent dense models. This is true for both model sizes. However, the optimizations in DS-MoE reverse this trend and make MoE model inference both faster and cheaper compared to quality-equivalent dense models. This is a critical result, showing MoE’s benefits over dense beyond training but also on inference latency and cost, which is important to real-world deployments.

When comparing the results of Figure 9 with Figure 10, we observe that the benefits of MoE models over dense models become even larger with the increase of model size. While the 52 billion-parameter MoE model is 2.4x faster and cheaper than the 6.7 billion-parameter dense model, the 1.5 trillion-parameter MoE model is 4.5x faster and 9x cheaper than the 175 billion-parameter dense model. The benefits increase for larger models because DS-MoE leverages parallelism-coordinated optimization to reduce communication overhead when using tensor-slicing on non-expert part of model. Furthermore, we can take advantage of expert-slicing at this scale, which enables us to scale to a higher number of GPUs compared to the PyTorch baseline. In addition, for the larger 1.5 trillion-parameter MoE model, we observed 2x additional improvement in throughput over latency as shown in Figure 10. This is because MoE models can run with half the tensor-slicing degree of the dense model (8-way vs. 16-way) and thus two times higher batch size.

Overall, DeepSpeed MoE delivers up to 4.5x faster and up to 9x cheaper MoE model inference compared to serving quality-equivalent dense models using PyTorch. With benefits that scale with model size and hardware resources, as shown from these results, it makes us believe that MoE models will be crucial to bring the next generation of advances in AI scale.

Figure 9: Inference latency comparison of a 52 billion-parameter MoE model and its quality-equivalent 6.7 billion-parameter dense model. It shows the 52 billion-parameter MoE model is 2.4x faster and cheaper than the 6.7 billion-parameter dense model
Figure 9: Inference latency comparison of a 52 billion-parameter MoE model and its quality-equivalent 6.7 billion-parameter dense model. We use 1 GPU for 6.7 billion-parameter model as it offers the lowest latency. We use 128 GPUs for the 52 billion-parameter model. The quality-equivalence has been verified by experiments presented in the training section.
Figure 10: Measured inference latency comparison of a 1.5 trillion-parameter MoE model and its quality-equivalent 175 billion dense model. It shows the 1.5 trillion-parameter MoE model is 4.5x faster and 9x cheaper than the 175 billion-parameter dense model.
Figure 10: Measured inference latency comparison of a 1.5 trillion-parameter MoE model and its quality-equivalent 175 billion dense model. We assume the quality equivalence of these two models with the hypothesis that the scaling law of the smaller scale experiments of Figure 9 holds, as well as from the observations of the published literature.

Looking forward to the next generation of AI Scale

With the exponential growth of model size recently, we have arrived at the boundary of what modern supercomputing clusters can do to train and serve large models. It is no longer feasible to achieve better model quality by simply increasing the model size due to insurmountable requirements on hardware resources. The choices we have are to wait for the next generation of hardware or to innovate and improve the training and inference efficiency using current hardware.

We, along with recent literature, have demonstrated how MoE-based models can reduce the training cost of even the largest NLG models by several times compared to their quality-equivalent dense counterparts, offering the possibility to train the next scale of AI models on current generation of hardware. However, prior to this blog post, to our knowledge there have been no existing works on how to serve the MoE models (with many more parameters) with latency and cost better than the dense models. This is a challenging issue that blocks practical use.

To enable practical and efficient inference for MoE models, we offer novel PR-MoE model architecture and MoS distillation technique to significantly reduce the memory requirements of these models. We also offer an MoE inference framework to achieve incredibly low latency and cost at an unprecedented model scale. Combining these innovations, we are able to make these MoE models not just feasible to serve but able to be used for inference at lower latency and cost than their quality-equivalent dense counterparts.

As a whole, the new innovations and infrastructures offer a promising path towards training and inference of the next generation of AI scale, without requiring an increase in compute resources. A shift from dense to sparse MoE models can open a path to new directions in the large model landscape, where deploying higher-quality models is widely possible with fewer resources and is more sustainable by reducing the environmental impact of large-scale AI.

Software: The best place to train and serve models using DeepSpeed is the Microsoft Azure AI platform. To get started with DeepSpeed on Azure, follow the tutorial and experiment with different models using our Azure ML examples. You can also measure your model’s energy consumption using the latest Azure Machine Learning resource metrics.

With this release of DeepSpeed, we are releasing a generic end-to-end framework for training and inference of MoE-based models. The MoE training support and optimizations are made available in full. The MoE inference optimizations will be released in two phases. The generic flexible parallelism framework for MoE inference is being released today. Optimizations related to computation kernels and communication will be released in future.



    DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training easy, efficient, and effective.

To enable experimentation with DeepSpeed MoE optimizations, we are also releasing two extensions of the NLG example that enables 5x reduction in training cost for MT-NLG like models: 1) PR-MoE model extension to enable 3x improvement in parameter efficiency and model size reduction and 2) Model code extensions so users can easily experiment with MoE inference at scale. Please find the code, tutorials, and documents at DeepSpeed GitHub and website.

About our great collaborators

This work was done in collaboration with Brandon Norick, Zhun Liu, and Xia Song from the Turing Team, Young Jin Kim, Alex Muzio, and Hany Hassan Awadalla from the Z-Code Team, and both Saeed Maleki and Madan Musuvathi from the SCCL team.

About the DeepSpeed Team

We are a group of system researchers and engineers—Samyam Rajbhandari, Ammar Ahmad Awan, Jeff Rasley, Reza Yazdani Aminabadi, Minjia Zhang, Zhewei Yao, Conglong Li, Olatunji Ruwase, Elton Zheng, Shaden Smith, Cheng Li, Du Li, Yang Li, Xiaoxia Wu, Jeffery Zhu (PM), Yuxiong He (team lead)—who are enthusiastic about performance optimization of large-scale systems. We have recently focused on deep learning systems, optimizing deep learning’s speed to train, speed to convergence, and speed to develop! If this type of work interests you, the DeepSpeed team is hiring both researchers and engineers! Please visit our careers page.

The post DeepSpeed: Advancing MoE inference and training to power next-generation AI scale appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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EzCc provides secure AI model validation. In the diagram poses the following question: Is the accuracy of the AI model on the test dataset greater than 70%? First, an AI vendor provides model weights, and a modular compiler takes as input from the model weights the AI model structure written in ONNX code for ML inference. From this, it automatically generates MPC protocol code, which is then compiled into various MPC protocols. Additionally, a suite of highly performant cryptographic protocols securely compute complex ML functions on an organization’s test dataset. The MPC protocol outputs random bits, keeping the data from both parties secure.

EzPC: Increased data security in the AI model validation process

EzCc provides secure AI model validation. In the diagram poses the following question: Is the accuracy of the AI model on the test dataset greater than 70%? First, an AI vendor provides model weights, and a modular compiler takes as input from the model weights the AI model structure written in ONNX code for ML inference. From this, it automatically generates MPC protocol code, which is then compiled into various MPC protocols. Additionally, a suite of highly performant cryptographic protocols securely compute complex ML functions on an organization’s test dataset. The MPC protocol outputs random bits, keeping the data from both parties secure.

From manufacturing and logistics to agriculture and transportation, the expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) in the last decade has revolutionized a multitude of industries—examples include enhancing predictive analytics on the manufacturing floor and making microclimate predictions so that farmers can respond and save their crops in time. The adoption of AI is expected to accelerate in the coming years, underscoring the need for an efficient adoption process that preserves data privacy.

Currently, organizations that want to adopt AI into their workflow go through the process of model validation, in which they test, or validate, AI models from multiple vendors before selecting the one that best fits their needs. This is usually done with a test dataset that the organization provides. Unfortunately, the two options that are currently available for model validation are insufficient; both risk the exposure of data.

One of these options entails the AI vendor sharing their model with the organization, which can then validate the model on its test dataset. However, by doing this, the AI vendor risks exposing its intellectual property, which it undoubtedly wants to protect. The second option, equally risky, involves the organization sharing its test dataset with the AI vendor. This is problematic on two fronts. First, it risks exposing a dataset with sensitive information. Additionally, there’s the risk that the AI vendor will use the test dataset to train the AI model, thereby “over-fitting” the model to the test dataset to show credible results. To accurately assess how an AI model performs on a test dataset, it’s critical that the model not be trained on it. Currently, these concerns are addressed by complex legal agreements, often taking several months to draft and execute, creating a substantial delay in the AI adoption process.

The risk of data exposure and the need for legal agreements are compounded in the healthcare domain, where patient data—which makes up the test dataset—is incredibly sensitive, and there are strict privacy regulations with which both organizations must comply. Additionally, not only does the vendor’s AI model contain proprietary intellectual property information, but it may also include sensitive patient information as part of the training data that was used to develop it. This makes for a challenging predicament. On one hand, healthcare organizations want to quickly adopt AI due to its enormous potential in such applications as understanding health risks in patients, predicting and diagnosing diseases, and developing personalized health intervention. On the other hand, there’s a fast-growing list of AI vendors in the healthcare space to choose from (currently over 200), making the cumulative legal paperwork of AI validation daunting.

EzPC: Easy Secure Multi-Party Computation

We’re very interested in accelerating the AI model validation process while also ensuring dataset and model privacy. For this reason, we built Easy Secure Multi-party Computation (EzPC). This open-source framework is the result of a collaboration among researchers with backgrounds in cryptography, programming languages, machine learning (ML), and security. At its core, EzPC is based on secure multiparty computation (MPC)—a suite of cryptographic protocols that enable multiple parties to collaboratively compute a function on their private data without revealing that data to one other or any other party. This functionality makes AI model validation an ideal use case for MPC.

However, while MPC has been around for almost four decades, it’s rarely deployed because building scalable and efficient MPC protocols requires deep cryptography expertise. Additionally, while MPC performs well when computing small or simple stand-alone functions, combining several different kinds of functions—which is fundamental to ML applications—is much harder and inefficient if done without a specialized skillset.

EzPC solves these problems, making it easy for all developers, not just cryptography experts, to use MPC as a building block in their applications while providing high computational performance. Two innovations are at the core of EzPC. First, a modular compiler called CrypTFlow takes as input TensorFlow or Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) code for ML inference and automatically generates C-like code, which can then be compiled into various MPC protocols. This compiler is both “MPC-aware” and optimized, ensuring that the MPC protocols are efficient and scalable. The second innovation is a suite of highly performant cryptographic protocols for securely computing complex ML functions.

 The EzPC system provides usability, security, and performance. Regarding usability, EzPC provides automatic compilations from TensorFlow or ONNX code to MPC protocols. Also, no cryptography expertise is required. Regarding security, mathematical guarantees ensure that only random bits are exchanged, and sensitive data is demonstrably secured. Regarding performance, real-world benchmarks show that EzPC can run on million-parameter networks and is executable in minutes.

EzPC in practice: Multi-institution medical imaging AI validation

In a recent collaboration with researchers at Stanford University and the Centre for Advanced Research in Imaging, Neuroscience & Genomics (CARING), the EzPC team built a system using EzPC to address the need for secure and performant AI model validation. The team from Stanford University had developed a widely acclaimed 7-million parameter DenseNet-121 AI model trained on the CheXpert dataset to predict certain lung diseases from chest X-rays, while a team from CARING created a labeled test dataset of five hundred patient images. The goal was to test the accuracy of the CheXpert model on CARING’s test dataset while preserving the privacy of both the model and the test data.

With this test, EzPC enabled the first-ever secure validation of a production-grade AI model, proving that it’s not necessary to share data to accurately perform AI model validation. Additionally, the performance overheads of the secure validation were reasonable and practical for the application. In particular, it took 15 minutes to perform secure inference on a single image from the test data between two standard cloud virtual machines, which was about 3000x longer than the time needed to test an image without the added security that EzPC provides. Running all the images from the test data took a total of five days with a nominal overall cost (Multi-institution encrypted medical imaging AI validation without data sharing.

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Looking ahead: Standardizing privacy technology and applications beyond healthcare

With EzPC, MPC technology is now practical and accessible enough to be run on complex AI workloads, making it a game-changer in data collaboration and enabling organizations in all industries, not only healthcare, to select the best AI models for their use cases while simultaneously protecting data and model confidentiality. We want to encourage the use of EzPC with the awareness that it’s possible to validate AI models without sharing data. In doing so, we can prevent the risk of data exposure and potentially overcome current barriers in data collaboration.

Moreover, this technology has the potential to impact the negotiation of complex legal agreements required for the AI model validation process. It’s our hope that these types of legal agreements as well as legislation that aims to protect sensitive and proprietary information can incorporate the understanding that—when using the latest privacy-preserving technology—it’s not necessary to share this type of information to compute functions on joint data.

In addition to AI model validation, EzPC can be applied to a number of different scenarios where it’s essential to maintain data privacy. We’ve successfully evaluated EzPC to securely compute a variety of algorithms across such domains as phishing detection, personalized radiotherapy, speech to keywords, and analytics.

EzPC is open source under MIT license on GitHub. Discover the latest developments on the EzPC research project page, where you can read our publications and watch videos to learn more.

The post EzPC: Increased data security in the AI model validation process appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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