Announcing PyTorch Docathon H2 2023

We are excited to announce that we will be holding a Docathon for PyTorch on November 1, 2023! This event is an opportunity for our community to come together and improve the quality of our documentation.

During the Docathon, we will focus on updating and improving existing content, as well as adding new tutorials and docstrings. We encourage all members of the community to participate and contribute their expertise to make our documentation even better. This is a great opportunity to learn and collaborate together.

Check out our previous docathon success story here.

Why Participate

One of the best things about the Docathon is that you can make a tangible, positive impact on the quality of documentation in real time. This collaborative event brings together diverse team members from various companies, backgrounds, and roles, united to work towards a common goal. This event not only fosters team building and knowledge sharing but also presents an opportunity for individuals to acquire new skills, such as writing, editing, and utilizing documentation tools. Participating in a docathon can be particularly beneficial for team members who may lack experience in these areas.

And of course all participants will be recognized for their contributions. Top participants will receive special awards.

Event Details

  • Nov 1: Kick-off
  • Nov 1- Nov 12: Submissions and Feedback
  • Nov 13 – Nov 15: Final Reviews
  • Nov 15: Winner Announcements

Details for the Docathon to be announced at the kick-off call on November 1.

To participate in the Docathon and receive updates about the event, register here: RSVP

We are excited to see the improvements that will come out of this Docathon, and we look forward to your participation!

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Inside the Matrix: Visualizing Matrix Multiplication, Attention and Beyond

Inside the Matrix: Visualizing Matrix Multiplication, Attention and Beyond

Use 3D to visualize matrix multiplication expressions, attention heads with real weights, and more.

Matrix multiplications (matmuls) are the building blocks of today’s ML models. This note presents mm, a visualization tool for matmuls and compositions of matmuls.

Because mm uses all three spatial dimensions, it helps build intuition and spark ideas with less cognitive overhead than the usual squares-on-paper idioms, especially (though not only) for visual/spatial thinkers.

And with three dimensions available for composing matmuls, along with the ability to load trained weights, we can visualize big, compound expressions like attention heads and observe how they actually behave, using im.

mm is fully interactive, runs in the browser or notebook iframes and keeps its complete state in the URL, so links are shareable sessions (the screenshots and videos in this note all have links that open the visualizations in the tool). This reference guide describes all of the available functionality.

We’ll first introduce the visualization approach, build intuition by visualizing some simple matmuls and expressions, then dive into some more extended examples:

  1. Pitch – why is this way of visualizing better?
  2. Warmup – animations – watching the canonical matmul decompositions in action
  3. Warmup – expressions – a quick tour of some fundamental expression building blocks
  4. Inside an attention head – an in-depth look at the structure, values and computation behavior of a couple of attention heads from GPT2 via NanoGPT
  5. Parallelizing attention – visualizing attention head parallelization with examples from the recent Blockwise Parallel Transformer paper
  6. Sizes in an attention layer – what do the MHA and FFA halves of an attention layer look like together, when we visualize a whole layer as a single structure? How does the picture change during autoregressive decoding?
  7. LoRA – a visual explanation of this elaboration of the attention head architecture
  8. Wrapup – next steps and call for feedback

1 Pitch

mm’s visualization approach is based on the premise that matrix multiplication is fundamentally a three-dimensional operation.

In other words this:

matrix multiplication is fundamentally a three-dimensional operation

is a sheet of paper trying to be this (open in mm):

wrap the matmul around a cube

When we wrap the matmul around a cube this way, the correct relationships between argument shapes, result shape and shared dimensions all fall into place.

Now the computation makes geometric sense: each location i, j in the result matrix anchors a vector running along the depth dimension k in the cube’s interior, where the horizontal plane extending from row i in L and a vertical plane extending from column j in R intersect. Along this vector, pairs of (i, k) (k, j) elements from the left and right arguments meet and are multiplied, and the resulting products are summed along k and the result is deposited in location i, j of the result.

(Jumping ahead momentarily, here’s an animation.)

This is the intuitive meaning of matrix multiplication:

  1. project two orthogonal matrices into the interior of a cube
  2. multiply the pair of values at each intersection, forming a grid of products
  3. sum along the third orthogonal dimension to produce a result matrix.

For orientation, the tool displays an arrow in the cube’s interior that points towards the result matrix, with a blue vane coming from the left argument and a red vane coming from the right argument. The tool also displays white guidelines to indicate the row axis of each matrix, though they’re faint in this screenshot.

The layout constraints are straightforward:

  • left argument and result must be adjoined along their shared height (i) dimension
  • right argument and result must be adjoined along their shared width (j) dimension
  • left and right arguments must be adjoined along their shared (left width/right height) dimension, which becomes the matmul’s depth (k) dimension

This geometry gives us a solid foundation for visualizing all the standard matmul decompositions, and an intuitive basis for exploring nontrivially complex compositions of matmuls, as we’ll see below.

2 Warmup – animations

Before diving into some more complex examples, we’ll run through a few intuition builders to get a feel for how things look and feel in this style of visualization.

2a Dot product

First, the canonical algorithm – computing each result element by taking the dot product of the corresponding left row and right column. What we see in the animation is the sweep of multiplied value vectors through the cube’s interior, each delivering a summed result at the corresponding position.

Here, L has blocks of rows filled with 1 (blue) or -1 (red); R has column blocks filled similarly. k is 24 here, so the result matrix (L @ R) has blue values of 24 and red values of -24 (open in mm – long click or control-click to inspect values):

2b Matrix-vector products

A matmul decomposed into matrix-vector products looks like a vertical plane (a product of the left argument with each column of the right argument) painting columns onto the result as it sweeps horizontally through the cube’s interior (open in mm):

Observing the intermediate values of a decomposition can be quite interesting, even in simple examples.

For instance, note the prominent vertical patterns in the intermediate matrix-vector products when we use randomly initialized arguments- reflecting the fact that each intermediate is a column-scaled replica of the left argument (open in mm):

2c Vector-matrix products

A matmul decomposed into vector-matrix products looks like a horizontal plane painting rows onto the result as it descends through the cube’s interior (open in mm):

Switching to randomly initialized arguments, we see patterns analogous to those we saw with matrix-vector products – only this time the patterns are horizontal, corresponding to the fact that each intermediate vector-matrix product is a row-scaled replica of the right argument.

When thinking about how matmuls express the rank and structure of their arguments, it’s useful to envision both of these patterns happening simultaneously in the computation (open in mm):

Here’s one more intuition builder using vector-matrix products, showing how the identity matrix functions exactly like a mirror set at a 45deg angle to both its counterargument and the result (open in mm):

2d Summed outer products

The third planar decomposition is along the k axis, computing the matmul result by a pointwise summation of vector outer products. Here we see the plane of outer products sweeping the cube “from back to front”, accumulating into the result (open in mm):

Using randomly initialized matrices with this decomposition, we can see not just values but rank accumulate in the result, as each rank-1 outer product is added to it.

Among other things this builds intuition for why “low-rank factorization” – i.e. approximating a matrix by constructing a matmul whose arguments are small in the depth dimension – works best when the matrix being approximated is low rank. LoRA in a later section (open in mm):

3 Warmup – expressions

How can we extend this visualization approach to compositions of matmuls? Our examples so far have all visualized a single matmul L @ R of some matrices L and R – what about when L and/or R are themselves matmuls, and so on transitively?

It turns out we can extend the approach nicely to compound expressions. The key rules are simple: the subexpression (child) matmul is another cube, subject to the same layout constraints as the parent, and the result face of the child is simultaneously the corresponding argument face of the parent, like a covalently shared electron.

Within these constraints, we’re free to arrange the faces of a child matmul however we like. Here we use the tool’s default scheme, which generates alternating convex and concave cubes – this layout works well in practice to maximize use of space and minimize occlusion. (Layouts are completely customizable, however – see the reference for details.)

In this section we’ll visualize some of the key building blocks we find in ML models, to gain fluency in the visual idiom and to see what intuitions even simple examples can give us.

3a Left-associative expressions

We’ll look at two expressions of the form (A @ B) @ C, each with its own distinctive shape and character. (Note: mm adheres to the convention that matrix multiplication is left-associative and writes this simply as A @ B @ C.)

First we’ll give A @ B @ C the characteristic FFN shape, in which the “hidden dimension” is wider than the “input” or “output” dimensions. (Concretely in the context of this example, this means that the width of B is greater than the widths of A or C.)

As in the single matmul examples, the floating arrows point towards the result matrix, blue vane coming from the left argument and red vane from right argument (open in mm):

As in the single matmul examples, the floating arrows point towards the result matrix, blue vane coming from the left argument and red vane from right argument

Next we’ll visualize A @ B @ C with the width of B narrower than that of A or C, giving it a bottleneck or “autoencoder” shape (open in mm):

visualize A @ B @ C with the width of B narrower than that of A or C

This pattern of alternating convex and concave blocks extends to chains of arbitrary length: for example this multilayer bottleneck (open in mm):

pattern of alternating convex and concave blocks extends to chains of arbitrary length

3b Right associative expressions

Next we’ll visualize a right-associative expression A @ (B @ C).

In the same way left-associative expressions extend horizontally – sprouting from the left argument of the root expression, so to speak – right-associative chains extend vertically, sprouting from the root’s right argument.

One sometimes sees an MLP formulated right-associatively, i.e. with columnar input on the right and weight layers running right to left. Using the matrices from the 2-layer FFN example pictured above – suitably transposed – here’s what that looks like, with C now playing the role of the input, B the first layer and A the second layer (open in mm):

an MLP formulated right-associatively

Aside: in addition to the color of the arrow vanes (blue for left, red for right), a second visual cue for distinguishing left and right arguments is their orientation: the rows of the left argument are coplanar with those of the result – they stack along the same axis (i). Both cues tell us for example that B is the left argument to (B @ C) above.

3c Binary expressions

For a visualization tool to be useful beyond simple didactic examples, visualizations need to remain legible as expressions get more complicated. A key structural component in real-world use cases is binary expressions – matmuls with subexpressions on both the left and right.

Here we’ll visualize the simplest such expression shape, (A @ B) @ (C @ D) (open in mm):

binary expressions - matmuls with subexpressions on both the left and right

3d Quick aside: partitioning and parallelism

A full presentation of this topic is out of scope for this note, though we’ll see it in action later in the context of attention heads. But as a warmup, two quick examples should give a sense of how this style of visualization makes reasoning about parallelizing compound expressions very intuitive, via the simple geometry of partitioning.

In the first example we’ll apply the canonical “data parallel” partitioning to the left-associative multilayer bottleneck example above. We partition along i, segmenting the initial left argument (“batch”) and all intermediate results (“activations”), but none of the subsequent arguments (“weights”) – the geometry making it obvious which participants in the expression are segmented and which remain whole (open in mm):

the canonical "data parallel" partitioning to the left-associative multilayer bottleneck example

The second example would (for me, anyway) be much harder to build intuition about without clear geometry to support it: it shows how a binary expression can be parallelized by partitioning the left subexpression along its j axis, the right subexpression along its i axis, and the parent expression along its k axis (open in mm):

a binary expression can be parallelized by partitioning the left subexpression along its j axis, the right subexpression along its i axis, and the parent expression along its k axis

4 Inside an Attention Head

Let’s look at a GPT2 attention head – specifically layer 5, head 4 of the “gpt2” (small) configuration (layers=12, heads=12, embed=768) from NanoGPT, using OpenAI weights via HuggingFace. Input activations are taken from a forward pass on an OpenWebText training sample of 256 tokens.

There’s nothing particularly unusual about this particular head; I chose it mainly because it computes a fairly common attention pattern and lives in the middle of the model, where activations have become structured and show some interesting texture. (Aside: in a subsequent note I’ll present an attention head explorer that lets you visualize all layers and heads of this model, along with some travel notes.)

Open in mm (may take a few seconds to fetch model weights)

There's nothing particularly unusual about this particular head

4a Structure

The entire attention head is visualized as a single compound expression, starting with input and ending with projected output. (Note: to keep things self-contained we do per-head output projection as described in Megatron-LM.)

The computation contains six matmuls:

Q = input @ wQ        // 1
K_t = wK_t @ input_t  // 2
V = input @ wV        // 3
attn = sdpa(Q @ K_t)  // 4
head_out = attn @ V   // 5
out = head_out @ wO   // 6

A thumbnail description of what we’re looking at:

  • the blades of the windmill are matmuls 1, 2, 3 and 6: the former group are the in-projections from input to Q, K and V; the latter is the out-projection from attn @ V back to the embedding dimension.
  • at the hub is the double matmul that first calculates attention scores (convex cube in back), then uses them to produce output tokens from the values vector (concave cube in front). Causality means that the attention scores form a lower triangle.

But I’d encourage exploring this example in the tool itself, rather than relying on the screenshot or the video below to convey just how much signal can be absorbed from it – both about its structure and the actual values flowing through the computation.

4b Computation and Values

Here’s an animation of the attention head computation. Specifically, we’re watching

sdpa(input @ wQ @ K_t) @ V @ wO

(i.e., matmuls 1, 4 , 5 and 6 above, with K_t and V precomputed) being computed as a fused chain of vector-matrix products: each item in the sequence goes all the way from input through attention to output in one step. More on this animation choice in the later section on parallelization, but first let’s look at what the values being computed tell us.

Open in mm

There’s a lot of interesting stuff going on here.

  • Before we even get to the attention calculation, it’s quite striking how low-rank Q and K_t are. Zooming in on the Q @ K_t vector-matrix product animation, the situation is even more vivid: a significant number of channels (embedding positions) in both Q and K look more or less constant across the sequence, implying that the useful attention signal is potentially driven by a only smallish subset of the embedding. Understanding and exploiting this phenomenon is one of the threads we’re pulling on as part of the SysML ATOM transformer efficiency project.
  • Perhaps most familiar is the strong-but-not-perfect diagonal that emerges in the attention matrix. This is a common pattern, showing up in many of the attention heads of this model (and those of many transformers). It produces localized attention: the value tokens in the small neighborhood immediately preceding an output token’s position largely determine that output token’s content pattern.
  • However, the size of this neighborhood and the influence of individual tokens within it vary nontrivially – this can be seen both in the off-diagonal frost in the attention grid, and in the fluctuating patterns of the attn[i] @ V vector-matrix product plane as it descends the attention matrix on its way through the sequence.
  • But note that the local neighborhood isn’t the only thing that’s attracting attention: the leftmost column of the attention grid, corresponding to the first token of the sequence, is entirely filled with nonzero (but fluctuating) values, meaning every output token will be influenced to some degree by the first value token.
  • Moreover there’s an inexact but discernible oscillation in attention score dominance between the current token neighborhood and the initial token. The period of the oscillation varies, but broadly speaking starts short and then lengthens as one travels down the sequence (evocatively correlated with the quantity of candidate attention tokens for each row, given causality).
  • To get a feel for how (attn @ V) is formed, it’s important not to focus on attention in isolation – V is an equal player. Each output item is a weighted average of the entire V vector: at the limit when attention is a perfect diagonal, attn @ V is simply an exact copy of V. Here we see something more textured: visible banding where particular tokens have scored high over a contiguous subsequence of attention rows, superimposed on a matrix visibly similar to to V but with some vertical smearing due to the fat diagonal. (Aside: per the mm reference guide, long-clicking or control-clicking will reveal the actual numeric values of visualized elements.)
  • Bear in mind that since we’re in a middle layer (5), the input to this attention head is an intermediate representation, not the original tokenized text. So the patterns seen in the input are themselves thought-provoking – in particular, the strong vertical threads are particular embedding positions whose values are uniformly high magnitude across long stretches of the sequence – sometimes almost the entire thing.
  • Interestingly, though, the first vector in the input sequence is distinctive, not only breaking the pattern of these high-magnitude columns but carrying atypical values at almost every position (aside: not visualized here, but this pattern is repeated over multiple sample inputs).

Note: apropos of the last two bullet points, it’s worth reiterating that we’re visualizing computation over a single sample input. In practice I’ve found that each head has a characteristic pattern it will express consistently (though not identically) over a decent collection of samples (and the upcoming attention head browser will provide a collection of samples to play with), but when looking at any visualization that includes activations, it’s important to bear in mind that a full distribution of inputs may influence the ideas and intuitions it provokes it in subtle ways.

Finally, one more pitch to explore the animation directly!

4c Heads are different in interesting ways

Before we move on, here’s one more demonstration of the usefulness of simply poking around a model to see how it works in detail.

This is another attention head from GPT2. It behaves quite differently from layer 5, head 4 above – as one might expect, given that it’s in a very different part of the model. This head is in the very first layer: layer 0, head 2 (open in mm, may take a few seconds to load model weights):

This is another attention head from GPT2

Things to note:

  • This head spreads attention very evenly. This has the effect of delivering a relatively unweighted average of V (or rather, the appropriate causal prefix of V) to each row in attn @ V, as can be seen in this animation: as we move down the attention score triangle, the attn[i] @ V vector-matrix product is small fluctuations away from being simply a downscaled, progressively revealed copy of V.
  • attn @ V has striking vertical uniformity – in large columnar regions of the embedding, the same value patterns persist over the entire sequence. One can think of these as properties shared by every token.
  • Aside: on the one hand one might expect some uniformity in attn @ V given the effect of very evenly spread attention. But each row has been constructed from only a causal subsequence of V rather than the whole thing – why is that not causing more variation, like a progressive morphing as one moves down the sequence? By visual inspection V isn’t uniform along its length, so the answer must lie in some more subtle property of its distribution of values.
  • Finally, this head’s output is even more vertically uniform after out-projection
  • the strong impression being that the bulk of the information being delivered by this attention head consists of properties which are shared by every token in the sequence. The composition of its output projection weights reinforces this intuition.

Overall, it’s hard to resist the idea that the extremely regular, highly structured information this attention head produces might be obtained by computational means that are a bit… less lavish. Of course this isn’t an unexplored area, but the specificity and richness of signal of the visualized computation has been useful in generating new ideas, and reasoning about existing ones.

4d Revisiting the pitch: invariants for free

Stepping back, it’s worth reiterating that the reason we can visualize nontrivially compound operations like attention heads and have them remain intuitive is that important algebraic properties – like how argument shapes are constrained, or which parallelization axes intersect which operations – don’t require additional thinking: they arise directly from the geometry of the visualized object, rather than being additional rules to keep in mind.

For example, in these attention head visualizations it’s immediately obvious that

  • Q and attn @ V are the same length, K and V are the same length, and the lengths of these pairs are independent of each other
  • Q and K are the same width, V and attn @ V are the same width, and the widths of these pairs are independent of each other.

These properties are true by construction, as a simple consequence of which parts of the compound structure the constituents inhabit and how they are oriented.

This “properties for free” benefit can be especially useful when exploring variations on a canonical structure – an obvious example being the one-row-high attention matrix in autoregressive token-at-a-time decoding (open in mm):

the one-row-high attention matrix in autoregressive token-at-a-time decoding

5 Parallelizing attention

In the animation of head 5, layer 4 above, we visualize 4 of the 6 matmuls in the attention head

as a fused chain of vector-matrix products, confirming the geometric intuition that the entire left-associative chain from input to output is laminar along the shared i axis, and can be parallelized.

5a Example: partitioning along i

To parallelize the computation in practice, we would partition the input into blocks along the i axis. We can visualize this partition in the tool, by specifying that a given axis be partitioned into a particular number of blocks – in these examples we’ll use 8, but there’s nothing special about that number.

Among other things, this visualization makes clear that wQ (for in-projection), K_t and V (for attention) and wO (for out-projection) are needed in their entirety by each parallel computation, since they’re adjacent to the partitioned matrices along those matrices’ unpartitioned dimensions (open in mm):

wQ (for in-projection), K_t and V (for attention) and wO (for out-projection) are needed in their entirety by each parallel computation

5b Example: double partitioning

As an example of partitioning along multiple axes, we can visualize some recent work which innovates in this space (Block Parallel Transformer, building on work done in e.g. Flash Attention and its antecedents).

First, BPT partitions along i as described above – and actually extends this horizontal partitioning of the sequence into chunks all the way through the second (FFN) half of the attention layer as well. (We’ll visualize this in a later section.)

To fully attack the context length problem, a second partitioning is then added to MHA – that of the attention calculation itself (i.e., a partition along the j axis of Q @ K_t). The two partitions together divide attention into a grid of blocks (open in mm):

The two partitions together divide attention into a grid of blocks

This visualization makes clear

  • the effectiveness of this double partitioning as an attack on the context length problem, since we’ve now visibly partitioned every occurrence of sequence length in the attention calculation
  • the “reach” of this second partitioning: it’s clear from the geometry that the in-projection computations of K and V can be partitioned along with the core double matmul

Note one subtlety: the visual implication here is that we can also parallelize the subsequent matmul attn @ V along k and sum the partial results split-k style, thus parallelizing the entire double matmul. But the row-wise softmax in sdpa() adds the requirement that each row have all its segments normalized before the corresponding row of attn @ V can be computed, adding an extra row-wise step between the attention calculation and the final matmul.

6 Sizes in an Attention Layer

The first (MHA) half of an attention layer is famously computationally demanding because of its quadratic complexity, but the second (FFN) half is demanding in its own right due to the width of its hidden dimension, typically 4 times that of the model’s embedding dimension. Visualizing the biomass of a full attention layer can be useful in building intuition about how the two halves of the layer compare to each other.

6a Visualizing the full layer

Below is a full attention layer with the first half (MHA) in the background and the second (FFN) in the foreground. As usual, arrows point in the direction of computation.


  • This visualization doesn’t depict individual attention heads, but instead shows the unsliced Q/K/V weights and projections surrounding a central double matmul. Of course this isn’t a faithful visualization of the full MHA operation – but the goal here is to give a clearer sense of the relative matrix sizes in the two halves of the layer, rather than the relative amounts of computation each half performs. (Also, randomized values are used rather than real weights.)
  • The dimensions used here are downsized to keep the browser (relatively) happy, but the proportions are preserved (from NanoGPT’s small config): model embedding dimension = 192 (from 768), FFN embedding dimension = 768 (from 3072), sequence length = 256 (from 1024), although sequence length is not fundamental to the model. (Visually, changes in sequence length would appear as changes in the width of the input blades, and consequently in the size of the attention hub and the height of the downstream vertical planes.)

Open in mm:

a full attention layer with the first half (MHA) in the background and the second (FFN) in the foreground

6b Visualizing the BPT partitioned layer

Revisiting Blockwise Parallel Transformer briefly, here we visualize BPT’s parallelization scheme in the context of an entire attention layer (with individual heads elided per above). In particular, note how the partitioning along i (of sequence blocks) extends through both MHA and FFN halves (open in mm):

visualize BPT's parallelization scheme in the context of an entire attention layer

6c Partitioning the FFN

The visualization suggests an additional partitioning, orthogonal to the ones described above – in the FFN half of the attention layer, splitting the double matmul (attn_out @ FFN_1) @ FFN_2, first along j for attn_out @ FFN_1, then along k in the subsequent matmul with FFN_2. This partition slices both layers of FFN weights, reducing the capacity requirements of each participant in the computation at the cost of a final summation of the partial results.

Here’s what this partition looks like applied to an otherwise unpartitioned attention layer (open in mm):

what this partition looks like applied to an otherwise unpartitioned attention layer

And here it is applied to a layer partitioned a la BPT (open in mm):

applied to a layer partitioned a la BPT

6d Visualizing token-at-a-time decoding

During autoregressive token-at-a-time decoding, the query vector consists of a single token. It’s instructive to have a mental picture of what an attention layer looks like in that situation – a single embedding row working its way through an enormous tiled plane of weights.

Aside from the emphasizing the sheer immensity of weights compared to activations, this view is also evocative of the notion that K_t and V function like dynamically generated layers in a 6-layer MLP, although the mux/demux computations of MHA itself (papered over here, per above) make the correspondence inexact (open in mm):

the mux/demux computations of MHA itself

7 LoRA

The recent LoRA paper (LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models) describes an efficient finetuning technique based on the idea that weight deltas introduced during finetuning are low-rank. Per the paper, this “allows us to train some dense layers in a neural network indirectly by optimizing rank decomposition matrices of the dense layers’ change during adaptation […], while keeping the pre-trained weights frozen.”

7a The basic idea

In a nutshell, the key move is to train the factors of a weight matrix rather than the matrix itself: replace an I x J weights tensor with a matmul of an I x K tensor and a K x J tensor, holding K to some small number.

If K is small enough the size win can be huge, but the tradeoff is that lowering it lowers the rank of what the product can express. As a quick illustration of both the size savings and the structuring effect on the result, here’s a matmul of random 128 x 4 left and 4 x 128 right arguments – a.k.a. a rank-4 factorization of a 128 x 128 matrix. Notice the vertical and horizontal patterning in L @ R (open in mm):

a matmul of random 128 x 4 left and 4 x 128 right arguments

7b Applying LoRA to an attention head

The way LoRA applies this factoring move to the fine tuning process is to

  • create a low-rank factorization for each weight tensor to be fine-tuned and train the factors, keeping the original weights frozen
  • after fine tuning, multiply each pair of low-rank factors to get a matrix in the shape of the original weights tensor, and add it to the original pretrained weights tensor

The following visualization shows an attention head with the weight tensors wQ, wK_t, wV, wO replaced by low rank factorizations wQ_A @ wQ_B, etc. Visually, the factor matrices show up as low fences along the edges of the windmill blades (open in mm – spacebar stops the spin):

8 Wrapup

8a Call for feedback

I’ve found this way of visualizing matmul expressions extremely helpful for building intuition and reasoning about not just matrix multiplication itself, but also many aspects of ML models and their computation, from efficiency to interpretability.

if you try it out and have suggestions or comments, I definitely want to hear, either in the comments here or in the repo.

8b Next steps

  • There’s a GPT2 attention head explorer built on top of the tool which I’m currently using to inventory and classify the attention head traits found in that model. (This was the tool I used to find and explore the attention heads in this note.) Once complete I plan to post a note with the inventory.
  • As mentioned up top, embedding these visualizations in Python notebooks is dead simple. But session URLs can get… unwieldy, so it will be useful to have Python-side utilities for constructing them from configuration objects, similar to the simple JavaScript helpers used in the reference guide.
  • If you’ve got a use case you think might benefit from visualizations like this but it’s not obvious how to use the tool to do it, get in touch! I’m not necessarily looking to expand its core visualization capabilities that much further (right tool for the job, etc.), but e.g. the API for driving it programmatically is pretty basic, there’s plenty that can be done there.

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PyTorch project timeline

One Year of PyTorch Foundation

It’s been one year since we announced the formation of the PyTorch Foundation! 🎉

In its inaugural year, the PyTorch Foundation made a significant impact by launching PyTorch 2.0, growing contributors and adding new member companies. We’re grateful to our founding members for their support to move the foundation forward.

A few milestones in the past year include:

💻 Over 600,000 repositories on GitHub
✅ 60% of AI implementations choosing PyTorch
📈 More than 20% year over year growth in new repositories
🤝 Over 12,000 commits since last year

And a look at what the foundation has been up to this past year:

PyTorch project timeline

We look forward to growing our community for the years to come through supporting our contributors, democratizing the AI field, and creating new innovations.

We invite you to join us at this year’s PyTorch Conference on October 16-17 in San Francisco. Conference registration is filling up quickly, so take advantage of your chance to be part of this exciting event.

Join us to stay informed about the latest announcements and have the opportunity to connect with both the founding members and new additions to the PyTorch community.

With thanks and gratitude,
The PyTorch Foundation Team

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Accelerated CPU Inference with PyTorch Inductor using torch.compile

Accelerated CPU Inference with PyTorch Inductor using torch.compile

Story at a Glance

  • Although the PyTorch* Inductor C++/OpenMP* backend has enabled users to take advantage of modern CPU architectures and parallel processing, it has lacked optimizations, resulting in the backend performing worse than eager mode in terms of end-to-end performance.
  • Intel optimized the Inductor backend using a hybrid strategy that classified operations into two categories: Conv/GEMM and non-Conv/GEMM element-wise and reduction ops.
  • For popular deep learning models, this hybrid strategy demonstrates promising performance improvements compared to eager mode and improves the C++/OpenMP backend’s efficiency and reliability for PyTorch models.

Inductor Backend Challenges

The PyTorch Inductor C++/OpenMP backend enables users to take advantage of modern CPU architectures and parallel processing to accelerate computations.

However, during the early stages of its development, the backend lacked some optimizations, which prevented it from fully utilizing the CPU computation capabilities. As a result, for most models the C++/OpenMP backend performed worse than eager mode in terms of end-to-end performance, with 45% of TorchBench, 100% of Hugging Face, and 75% of TIMM models performing worse than eager mode.

In this post, we highlight Intel’s optimizations to the Inductor CPU backend, including the technologies and results.

We optimized the backend by using a hybrid strategy that classified operations into two categories: Conv/GEMM and non-Conv/GEMM element-wise and reduction ops. Post-op fusion and weight prepacking using the oneDNN performance library were utilized to optimize the former, while explicit vectorization in C++ codegen was used to optimize the latter.

This hybrid strategy demonstrated promising performance improvements compared to eager mode, particularly on popular deep learning models such as Inductor Hugging Face, Inductor TorchBench and Inductor TIMM. Overall, Intel’s optimizations improve the C++/OpenMP backend’s efficiency and reliability for PyTorch models.

Figure 1. Performance Speedup Ratio Trend

Figure 1: Performance Speedup Ratio Trend

Performance Status of Intel Hybrid Optimizations

Compared to eager mode with the hybrid optimizations, the C++/OpenMP backend shows promising performance improvements. We measured the performance of the three Inductor benchmark suites—TorchBench, Hugging Face, and TIMM—and the results are as follows. (Note: we publish our performance data twice per week on GitHub.)

Overall, these optimizations help to ensure that the C++/OpenMP backend provides efficient and reliable support for PyTorch models.


| Compiler | torchbench | huggingface | timm_models |
| inductor | 93%, 56/60 | 96%, 44/46  | 100%, 61/61 |

Geometric mean speedup (Single-Socket Multi-threads)

| Compiler | torchbench | huggingface | timm_models |
| inductor |   1.39x	|	1.20x	|	1.73x	|

Individual Model Performance

Figure 2. TorchBench FP32 Performance (Single-Socket Multi-threads)

Figure 2: TorchBench FP32 Performance (Single-Socket Multi-threads)

Figure 3. Hugging Face FP32 Performance (Single-Socket Multi-thread)

Figure 3: Hugging Face FP32 Performance (Single-Socket Multi-thread)

Figure 4. TIMM FP32 Performance (Single-Socket Multi-threads)

Figure 4: TIMM FP32 Performance (Single-Socket Multi-threads)

Geometric mean speedup (Single-core Single-thread)

| Compiler | torchbench | huggingface | timm_models |
| inductor |   1.29x	|	1.15x	|	1.37x	|

Figure 5. TorchBench FP32 Performance (Single-Socket Single-thread)

Figure 5: TorchBench FP32 Performance (Single-Socket Single-thread)

Figure 6. Hugging Face FP32 Performance (Single-Socket Single Thread)

Figure 6: Hugging Face FP32 Performance (Single-Socket Single Thread)

Figure 7. TIMM FP32 Performance (Single-Socket Single-thread)

Figure 7: TIMM FP32 Performance (Single-Socket Single-thread)

Technical Deep Dive

Now, let’s take a closer look at the two primary optimizations used in the Inductor C++/OpenMP backend:

  1. weight prepacking and post-operation fusion via oneDNN library
  2. explicit vectorization in Inductor C++ codegen

Weight Prepackaging & Post-op Fusion via oneDNN

Shorthand for Intel® oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library, oneDNN library provides a range of post-op fusions (i.e., fuse convolution and matmal with its consecutive operation) that can benefit popular models. The Intel® Extension for PyTorch has implemented most of these fusions and has achieved significant performance improvements. As a result, we have upstreamed all of these fusions that have been applied in Intel’s PyTorch extension to Inductor, enabling a wider range of models to benefit from these optimizations. We have defined these fusions as operators under the mkldnn namespace. This allows the Python module to invoke these mkldnn operations directly.

Currently, the defined fused operations are as follows. You can find these defined fused operations at RegisterMkldnnOpContextClass.cpp.

  • _linear_pointwise: Fuses Linear and its post-unary element-wise operations
  • _linear_pointwise.binary: Fuses Linear and its post-binary element-wise operations
  • _convolution_pointwise: Fuses Convolution and its post-unary element-wise operations
  • _convolution_pointwise.binary: Fuses Convolution and its post-binary element-wise operations

The detailed fusion patterns are defined in the file: convolution/linear + sigmoid/hardsigmoid/tanh/hardtanh/hardswish/leaky_relu/gelu/relu/relu6/siluconvolution/linear + add/add_/iadd/sub/sub_

On the Inductor side, we apply these fusions on the FX graph that has been lowered. We have defined mkldnn_fuse_fx as the entry point to apply all the fusions. The code snippet for this is as follows:

def mkldnn_fuse_fx(gm: torch.fx.GraphModule, example_inputs):
    gm = fuse_unary(gm)
    gm = fuse_binary(gm)
    if config.cpp.weight_prepack:
        gm = pack_module(gm)
    return gm

In the mkldnn_fuse_fx function, we apply fusion on the FX graph that hasn’t been lowered yet. To fuse convolution/linear and its consecutive elementwise operations, we invoke fuse_unary and fuse_binary as follows:

   gm = fuse_unary(gm)
   gm = fuse_binary(gm)

In addition to the post-op fusion, we apply weight prepacking to improve the Conv/GEMM performance further:

   gm = pack_module(gm)

Weight prepacking involves rearranging the weight tensor in a blocked layout, which:

  • can improve vectorization and cache reuse compared to plain formats like NCHW or NHWC and;
  • can help avoid weight reordering at runtime, which can reduce overhead and improve performance and;
  • increases memory usage as the tradeoff.

For these reasons, we provide config.cpp.weight_prepack flag in Inductor to provide users with more control over this optimization, allowing them to enable it based on their specific needs.

Explicit Vectorization in Inductor C++ Codegen

Vectorization is a key optimization technique that can significantly improve the performance of numerical computations. By utilizing SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) instructions, vectorization enables multiple computations to be performed simultaneously on a single processor core, which can lead to significant performance improvements.

In the Inductor C++/OpenMP backend, we use Intel® AVX2 and Intel® AVX-512 ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) options for vectorization by leveraging the aten vectorization library to facilitate the implementation. Aten vectorization supports multiple platforms, including x86 and Arm, as well as multiple data types. It can be extended to support other ISAs easily by adding more VecISA sub-classes. This allows Inductor to easily support other platforms and data types in the future.

Due to differences in platforms, the C++/OpenMP backend of Inductor starts by detecting the CPU features to determine the vectorization bit width at the beginning of code generation. By default, if the machine supports both AVX-512 and AVX2, the backend will choose 512-bit vectorization.

If the hardware supports vectorization, the C++/OpenMP backend first detects if the loop body can be vectorized or not. There are primarily three scenarios that we are not able to generate kernel with vectorization:

  1. Loop body lacks vector intrinsics support, e.g., rand and atomic_add.
  2. Loop body lacks efficient vector intrinsics support, e.g., non-contiguous load/store.
  3. Data types with vectorization not yet supported but work in progress, e.g., integer, double, half, and bfloat16.

To address this issue, the C++/OpenMP backend uses CppVecKernelChecker to detect whether all operations in a particular loop body can be vectorized or not. In general, we classified the operations into two categories by identifying if they depend on the context.

For most elementwise operations such as add, sub, relu, vectorization is straightforward, and their execution does not depend on context.

However, for certain other operations, their semantics are more complex and their execution depends on context through static analysis.

For example, let’s consider the where operation that takes in mask, true_value, and false_value while the mask value is loaded from a uint8 tensor. The fx graph could be as follows:

    %ops : [#users=9] = placeholder[target=ops]
    %get_index : [#users=1] = call_module[target=get_index](args = (index0,), kwargs = {})
    %load : [#users=1] = call_method[target=load](args = (%ops, arg1_1, %get_index), kwargs = {})
    %to_dtype : [#users=1] = call_method[target=to_dtype](args = (%ops, %load, torch.bool), kwargs = {})
    %where : [#users=1] = call_method[target=where](args = (%ops, %to_dtype, %to_dtype_2, %to_dtype_3), kwargs = {})

Regarding uint8, it is a general data type and could be used for computation but is not limited to being used as Boolean for mask. Hence, we need to analyze its context statically. In particular, the CppVecKernelChecker will check whether a uint8 tensor is only used by to_dtype and to_dtype is only used by where. If yes, it could be vectorized. Otherwise, it will fall back to the scalar version. The generated code could be as follows:

Scalar Version

auto tmp0 = in_ptr0[i1 + (17*i0)];
auto tmp3 = in_ptr1[i1 + (17*i0)];
auto tmp1 = static_cast<bool>(tmp0);
auto tmp2 = static_cast<float>(-33.0);
auto tmp4 = tmp1 ? tmp2 : tmp3;
tmp5 = std::max(tmp5, tmp4);

Vectorization Version

float g_tmp_buffer_in_ptr0[16] = {0};
// Convert the flag to float for vectorization. 
flag_to_float(in_ptr0 + (16*i1) + (17*i0), g_tmp_buffer_in_ptr0, 16);
auto tmp0 = at::vec::Vectorized<float>::loadu(g_tmp_buffer_in_ptr0);
auto tmp3 = at::vec::Vectorized<float>::loadu(in_ptr1 + (16*i1) + (17*i0));
auto tmp1 = (tmp0);
auto tmp2 = at::vec::Vectorized<float>(static_cast<float>(-33.0));
auto tmp4 = decltype(tmp2)::blendv(tmp3, tmp2, tmp1);

In addition to context analysis, the C++/OpenMP backend also incorporates several other vectorization-related optimizations. These include:

  • Tiled kernel implementation for supporting transpose load –
  • Data type demotion based on value range –
  • Replacement of sleef implementation with oneDNN/oneMKL implementation for optimizing aten vectorization – #94577, #92289, #91613

In summary, we examined vectorization optimization in Inductor C++ backend for FP32 training and inference of 150 benchmark models with 90% of inference kernels and 71% of training kernels being vectorized.

In terms of inference, a total of 28,185 CPP kernels were generated, with 25,579 (90%) of them being vectorized, while the remaining 10% were scalar. As for training, 103,084 kernels were generated, with 73,909 (71%) being vectorized and 29% not vectorized.

The results indicate that the vectorization of inference kernels is quite impressive (there is still some work to be done in training kernels since we just started to work on the training). The remaining non-vectorized kernels are analyzed in different categories, highlighting the next steps to improve vectorization coverage: index-related operations, int64 support, vertical reduction, vectorization with fallback, and more.

In addition, we also optimized the C++/OpenMP backend with other optimizations like buffer-reuse and CppWrapper.

Future Work

The next step, we will continue optimizing the C++/OpenMP backend and extend it to support more data types as the next step. This includes:

  1. Improve vectorization coverage
  2. Support and optimize low precision kernel including BF16, FP16, Quantization
  3. Training optimization
  4. Loop tiling
  5. Autotune
  6. Further fusion optimization of Conv/GEMM kernels.
  7. Explore alternative codegen paths: clang/llvm/triton


Inductor C++/OpenMP backend is a flexible and efficient backend for the CPU. This blog describes the optimizations used in the C++/OpenMP backend of Inductor for inference and training of three benchmark suites – TorchBench, Hugging

Face and TIMM. The primary optimizations include weight prepacking and post-operation fusion via the oneDNN library, as well as explicit vectorization in Inductor C++ codegen using AVX2 and AVX-512 instructions.

The results show that 90% of inference kernels and 71% of training kernels are vectorized, indicating impressive vectorization for inference and room for improvement in training. In addition, we also applied other optimizations like buffer-reuse and CppWrapper. And we will continuously focus on the future work mentioned above to further improve the performance.


The results presented in this blog post are the culmination of a collaborative effort between the Intel PyTorch team and Meta. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to @jansel, @desertfire, and @Chillee for their invaluable contributions and unwavering support throughout the development process. Their expertise and dedication have been instrumental in achieving the optimizations and performance improvements discussed here.

Configuration Details

Hardware Details

Item Value
Manufacturer Amazon EC2
Product Name c6i.16xlarge
CPU Model Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8375C CPU @ 2.90GHz
Installed Memory 128GB (1x128GB DDR4 3200 MT/s [Unknown])
OS Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Kernel 5.19.0-1022-aws
Microcode 0xd000389
GCC gcc (Ubuntu 11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.3.0
GLIBC ldd (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.35-0ubuntu3.1) 2.35
Binutils GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.38
Python Python 3.10.6
OpenSSL OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022 (Library: OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022)

Software Details

SW Nightly commit Main commit
Pytorch a977a12 0b1b063
Torchbench / a0848e19
torchaudio 0a652f5 d5b2996
torchtext c4ad5dd 79100a6
torchvision f2009ab b78d98b
torchdata 5cb3e6d f2bfd3d
dynamo_benchmarks fea73cb /


  • Intel OpenMP
  • Jemalloc – oversize_threshold:1,background_thread:true,metadata_thp:auto,dirty_decay_ms:-1,muzzy_decay_ms:-1
  • Single-Socket Multi-threads: #of Instances: 1; Cores/Instance: 32
  • Single-Core Single-thread: #of Instances: 1; Cores/Instance: 1

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Graphcore Joins the PyTorch Foundation as a General Member

Graphcore Joins the PyTorch Foundation as a General Member

Graphcore logo

The PyTorch Foundation, a neutral home for the deep learning community to collaborate on the open source PyTorch framework and ecosystem, is announcing today that Graphcore has joined as a general member.

Graphcore is a UK-based company that specializes in designing and manufacturing AI accelerators, hardware and software specifically tailored for artificial intelligence and machine learning workloads.

“We’re thrilled that PyTorch is the leading framework for development on the Graphcore platform,” said Executive Director of the PyTorch Foundation Ibrahim Haddad. “Graphcore has played an important role in the hardware and open source space, and we look forward to their continued contributions to PyTorch.”

Graphcore has contributed to the PyTorch ecosystem by developing integrations to run on their IPU hardware. These integrations enable researchers and practitioners to use their preferred frameworks while taking advantage of Graphcore’s specialized hardware.

“At Graphcore we’re truly aligned with PyTorch’s objective of reducing the barrier of entry to AI practitioners. By supporting a native PyTorch software environment for IPUs we are giving developers access to new underlying hardware, designed from the ground up for AI, to help unlock new AI techniques to improve efficiency or performance and to drive breakthroughs in AI research and applications, with the same user-friendly PyTorch framework they know and expect. We look forward to contributing to and growing the global AI community as an active member of the PyTorch Foundation and are proud to be the first general member.” Anthony Barbier, Software Frameworks Lead at Graphcore.

To learn more about how you can be a part of the PyTorch Foundation, visit our website.

About Graphcore

Graphcore compute systems are accelerating the AI revolution. Powered by the groundbreaking Intelligence Processing Unit (IPU), Graphcore delivers leading-edge AI performance with unprecedented efficiency. IPUs are used around the world by organisations building their intelligent compute capabilities, including AI-centric startups, large multinational corporations and both public and private research institutions. Graphcore is backed by some of the world’s leading investors and has attracted more than $700m of funding. The company is based in Bristol, UK, with offices across Europe, Asia and North America.

About PyTorch Foundation

The PyTorch Foundation is a neutral home for the deep learning community to collaborate on the open source PyTorch framework and ecosystem. The PyTorch Foundation is supported by its members and leading contributors to the PyTorch open source project. The Foundation leverages resources provided by members and contributors to enable community discussions and collaboration.

About The Linux Foundation

The Linux Foundation is the world’s leading home for collaboration on open source software, hardware, standards, and data. Linux Foundation projects are critical to the world’s infrastructure including Linux, Kubernetes, Node.js, ONAP, PyTorch, RISC-V, SPDX, OpenChain, and more. The Linux Foundation focuses on leveraging best practices and addressing the needs of contributors, users, and solution providers to create sustainable models for open collaboration. For more information, please visit us at The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see its trademark usage page. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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Automated trace collection and analysis

Automated trace collection and analysis

In this blog, we share how we enabled the collection and analysis of PyTorch Profiler traces for training workloads without any user side code instrumentation. We leveraged Dynolog – an open source daemon for CPU and GPU telemetry to collect PyTorch Profiler traces, and analyzed the collected traces using Holistic Trace Analysis – an open source library for analyzing PyTorch Profiler traces. This toolchain has allowed engineers at Meta to accelerate their performance optimization workflows. The keystone to our solution was implementing pre and post hooks for the base Optimizer class in PyTorch. We demo PyTorch trace collection using Dynolog in a short video.


Software developers at Meta run a large number of distributed training runs daily. In order to ensure that GPUs are being used effectively it is necessary to measure and analyze GPU performance for all jobs. Moreover, developers need the capability to introspect models and understand how CPUs and GPUs interact to debug performance issues. Developers build initial prototypes using a handful of GPUs and the production versions scale out to hundreds or thousands of GPUs, serving numerous business use cases such as generative AI, recommendation systems, ad ranking etc.

Given the scale at Meta, it is necessary to have toolchains for performance measurement and monitoring which have low overhead and operate seamlessly with each other, to maintain high developer efficiency.

In this blog, we describe how we use the PyTorch Profiler, Dynolog (a telemetry daemon) and Holistic Trace Analysis (a performance debugging library) to collect traces without any user side code instrumentation and analyze them to identify jobs with low GPU utilization.


The diagram below shares an overview of how the toolchain works together.

  1. User launches a PyTorch application.
  2. A training service or user triggers a profiling session using the Dynolog CLI which sends a request over the network to the Dynolog daemon.
  3. Dynolog daemon relays the profiling configuration to the PyTorch application, setting it temporarily in a profiling mode.
  4. PyTorch Profiler collects a trace and stores it to the database (e.g., network file system or S3 bucket).
  5. The collected traces are then analyzed using Holistic Trace Analysis (HTA).

Figure 1: Dynolog, PyTorch Profiler and HTA toolchain workflow

Figure 1: Dynolog, PyTorch Profiler and HTA toolchain workflow

Let’s dig a bit deeper in each of the components.


Dynolog is a lightweight monitoring daemon for heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems. It supports continuous monitoring of performance metrics from the CPU (utilization, network bandwidth, instructions/second) and GPU (SM Occupancy, DRAM bandwidth, GPU power draw). Additionally, dynolog exports APIs to collect deep-dive profiling data that can be accessed via the dyno CLI.

One of the chief integrations Dynolog offers is interfacing with the PyTorch Profiler. This enables on-demand remote tracing using a single command to trace thousands of servers. This can be accomplished by using the dyno gputrace command.

PyTorch Profiler

GPU kernels execute asynchronously, and GPU-side support is needed to create the trace. NVIDIA provides this visibility via the CUPTI library. Kineto is the subsystem within Profiler that interfaces with CUPTI. The PyTorch Profiler leverages the Kineto library to collect GPU traces. To enable automated profiling of training workloads at scale without any user side code instrumentation we made a few fundamental changes to PyTorch. These changes enable trace collection without any user intervention.

  • Registration:** **First, we modified PyTorch to register with the Dynolog daemon on start up. This feature is switched on by setting the environment variable KINETO_USE_DAEMON=True. With this environment variable set to True, the PyTorch Profiler periodically polls Dynolog to check for on-demand tracing requests.
  • Iteration hooks: Then, we implemented pre and post hooks for the base Optimizer class. This allowed us to annotate start/end of training iterations. The profiler is then aware of the iteration count and can safely capture a fixed number of iterations in the trace.

Holistic Trace Analysis (HTA)

ML researchers and engineers often struggle to computationally scale up their models as they are unaware of the performance bottlenecks in their workloads. Large distributed training jobs could generate thousands of traces, containing way too much data for a human to inspect. This is where Holistic Trace Analysis comes in. HTA is an open source library for performance analysis – it takes as input PyTorch Profiler traces and up-levels the performance information contained in them. Its goal is to help researchers and engineers achieve the best performance from the hardware stack. To aid performance debugging HTA provides the following features (partial list):

  • Temporal Breakdown: Breakdown of GPU time in terms of time spent in computation, communication, memory events, and idle time on a single node and across all ranks.
  • Idle Time Breakdown: Breakdown of GPU idle time into waiting for the host, waiting for another kernel or attributed to an unknown cause.
  • Kernel Breakdown: Find kernels with the longest duration on each rank.
  • Kernel Duration Distribution: Distribution of average time taken by longest kernels across different ranks.
  • Communication Computation Overlap: Calculate the percentage of time when communication overlaps computation.

We invite you to check out these Jupyter notebooks to see what HTA can do for you. If you are a first time user we recommend starting with the trace_analysis_demo notebook.

To summarize, Dynolog allows us to collect PyTorch Profiler traces on-the-fly in a scalable manner. Furthermore, by leveraging HTA we can automate performance analysis and identify bottlenecks. At Meta, we use the Dynolog, PyTorch Profiler and HTA toolchain to accelerate our performance optimization workflows.


We share a screencast showcasing trace collection without any user side code instrumentation for a toy PyTorch program. The demo runs in a docker container and the trace collection is triggered using Dynolog. HTA can be used to subsequently analyze the collected trace.


Q. What else can dyno gputrace do for me?

The dyno gputrace command supports several custom PyTorch Profiler options:

  • capturing python stacks
  • memory profiling
  • record input shapes

Please run dyno gputrace --help for all the options.

Q. Does Dynolog collect hardware performance metrics?

Dynolog can also be used for always-on monitoring:

  • It incorporates out-of-box GPU performance monitoring for NVIDIA GPUs using DCGM.
  • Dynolog provides basic Linux kernel performance metrics including CPU, network and IO resource usage.
  • Dynolog manages hardware performance counters for micro-architecture specific events related to CPU Cache, TLBs etc on Intel and AMD CPUs.

Q: How can I build the Docker image used in the demo?

The dockerfile is available here. Use the command below to build the Docker image.

docker build -f /path/to/dynolog_repo/dynolog_hta.dockerfile -t <image_name:tag> .

Q. How can I run the docker image?

You can refer to this cheat sheet to run the Docker image.


We would like to thank Adnan Aziz, Jay Chae, Aaron Shi, Taylor Robie, Zachary Jones, William Sumendap, Jakob Johnson, Hao Wang, David Carrillo Cisneros, Alston Tang and Parth Malani for supporting this work.

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PyTorch/XLA SPMD: Scale Up Model Training and Serving with Automatic Parallelization

PyTorch/XLA SPMD: Scale Up Model Training and Serving with Automatic Parallelization

Today, we are delighted to announce PyTorch/XLA SPMD: the integration of GSPMD into PyTorch with an easy to use API. PyTorch developers seeking superior performance and scale can train and serve the largest neural networks while maximizing utilization of AI accelerators, such as Google Cloud TPUs.


GSPMD is an automatic parallelization system for ML workloads. The XLA compiler transforms the single device program into a partitioned one with proper collectives, based on the user provided sharding hints. This allows developers to write PyTorch programs as if they are on a single large device without any custom sharded computation and/or collective communication ops to scale models.

PyTorch/XLA SPMD allows PyTorch users to parallelize their ML workloads with GSPMD with less effort and with better performance. Some of the key highlights are:

  • Better developer experience. Everything happens with a few sharding annotations from the user, and PyTorch/XLA SPMD achieves comparable performance to the most efficient PyTorch sharding implementation (see the Examples and Results section below). PyTorch/XLA SPMD separates the task of programming an ML model from the challenge of parallelization. Its automated approach to model sharding frees up the user from implementing the sharded version of ops with proper collectives in place.
  • A single API that enables a large variety of parallelism algorithms (including data parallelism, fully sharded data parallelism, spatial partitioning tensor and pipeline parallelism, as well as combinations of these algorithms) for different ML workloads and model architectures.
  • Industry-leading performance in large model training. PyTorch/XLA SPMD brings the powerful XLA GSPMD to PyTorch, enabling users to harness the full power of Google Cloud TPUs.
  • Enabling PyTorch and JAX developers take advantage of the same underlying XLA API to scale models.

Key Concepts

The key concepts behind the sharding annotation API are: 1) Mesh, 2) Partition Spec, and 3) mark_sharding API to express sharding intent using Mesh and Partition Spec. A more detailed design overview is available as a user guide here.


For a given cluster of devices, a physical mesh is a representation of the interconnect topology.

We derive a logical mesh based on this topology to create sub-groups of devices which can be used for partitioning different axes of tensors in a model. We apply sharding annotations to map the program across the logical mesh; this automatically inserts communication collectives in the program graph to support functional correctness (see the figure below).

SPMD on PyTorch/XLA

We abstract logical mesh with Mesh API. The axes of the logical Mesh can be named. Here is an example:

import numpy as np
import torch_xla.runtime as xr
from torch_xla.experimental.xla_sharding import Mesh

# Assuming you are running on a TPU host that has 8 devices attached
num_devices = xr.global_runtime_device_count()
# mesh shape will be (4,2) in this example
mesh_shape = (num_devices // 2, 2)
device_ids = np.array(range(num_devices))
# axis_names 'x' nad 'y' are optional
mesh = Mesh(device_ids, mesh_shape, ('x', 'y'))

>> array([[0, 1],
          [2, 3],
          [4, 5],
          [6, 7]])
>> OrderedDict([('x', 4), ('y', 2)])

Partition Spec

partition_spec has the same rank as the input tensor. Each dimension describes how the corresponding input tensor dimension is sharded across the device mesh (logically defined by mesh_shape). partition_spec is a tuple of device_mesh dimension index, None, or a tuple of mesh dimension indices. The index can be an int or str if the corresponding mesh dimension is named. This specifies how each input rank is sharded (index to mesh_shape) or replicated (None).

# Provide optional mesh axis names and use them in the partition spec
mesh = Mesh(device_ids, (4, 2), ('data', 'model'))
partition_spec = ('model', 'data')
xs.mark_sharding(input_tensor, mesh, partition_spec)

We support all three types of sharding described in the original GSPMD paper. For instance, one can specify partial replication like this:

# Provide optional mesh axis names and use them in the partition spec
mesh = Mesh(device_ids, (2, 2, 2), ('x', 'y', 'z'))

# evenly shard across x and z and replicate among y
partition_spec = ('x', 'z')  # equivalent to ('x', None, 'z')
xs.mark_sharding(input_tensor, mesh, partition_spec)

Simple Example With Sharding Annotation

Users can annotate native PyTorch tensors using the mark_sharding API (src). This takes torch.Tensor as input and returns a XLAShardedTensor as output.

def mark_sharding(t: Union[torch.Tensor, XLAShardedTensor], mesh: Mesh, partition_spec: Tuple[Union[int, None]]) -> XLAShardedTensor

Invoking mark_sharding API takes a user defined logical mesh and partition_spec and generates a sharding annotation for the XLA compiler. The sharding specification is attached to the XLATensor, as well as the original input tensor. Here is a simple usage example from the [RFC], to illustrate how the sharding annotation API works:

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm
import torch_xla.runtime as xr
import torch_xla.experimental.xla_sharding as xs
from torch_xla.experimental.xla_sharded_tensor import XLAShardedTensor
from torch_xla.experimental.xla_sharding import Mesh

# Enable XLA SPMD execution mode.

# Device mesh, this and partition spec as well as the input tensor shape define the individual shard shape.
num_devices = xr.global_runtime_device_count()
mesh_shape = (2, num_devicese // 2)  # 2x4 on v3-8, 2x2 on v4-8  
device_ids = np.array(range(num_devices))
mesh = Mesh(device_ids, mesh_shape, ('x', 'y'))

t = torch.randn(8, 4).to(xm.xla_device())

# Mesh partitioning, each device holds 1/8-th of the input
partition_spec = (0, 1)
m1_sharded = xs.mark_sharding(t, mesh, partition_spec)
assert isinstance(m1_sharded, XLAShardedTensor) == True
# Note that the sharding annotation is also in-placed updated to t

We can annotate different tensors in the PyTorch program to enable different parallelism techniques, as described in the comment below:

# Sharding annotate the linear layer weights.
model = SimpleLinear().to(xm.xla_device())
xs.mark_sharding(model.fc1.weight, mesh, partition_spec)

# Training loop
for step, (data, target) in enumerate(loader):
  # Assumes `loader` returns data, target on XLA device
  # Sharding annotate input data, we can shard any input
  # dimensions. Sharding the batch dimension enables 
  # data parallelism, sharding the feature dimension enables
  # spatial partitioning.
  xs.mark_sharding(data, mesh, partition_spec)
  ouput = model(data)
  loss = loss_fn(output, target)

More complete unit test cases and integration test examples are available in the PyTorch/XLA repo.



We measured the performance of PyTorch/XLA SPMD using a GPT-2 model (src) and compared it with user-mode FSDP.

Here, SPMD applies the same sharding scheme as the FSDP plot (i.e. 1D sharding). Users are expected to achieve better MFU results by exploring more advanced SPMD sharding schemes.


We use Model FLOPS Utilization (MFU) as a metric for comparison. MFU is “the ratio of the observed throughput relative to the theoretical maximum throughput of a system operating at peak FLOPs” (PaLM paper).

flops_per_step = 6 * global_batch_size * seq_len * num_params
model_flops_utilization = flops_per_step / step_time(s) / chip_count / flops_per_chip

This estimation assumes that the input dimensionality is much larger than the input sequence length (d_model » seq_len). If this assumption is violated the self-attention FLOPs start to be significant enough and this expression will underestimate the true MFU.


One of the core benefits of SPMD is the flexible partitioning which can be used to save accelerator memory (HBM) usage and improve scalability. For scalability analysis, we present two studies: 1) we examine the peak HBM across 4 model sizes using Hugging Face transformers (GPT-2) as the base implementation; 2) we examine the peak HBM usage with spatial partitioning.

Peak HBM Utilization

The above figure illustrates the unsharded 2B parameters model peak memory footprint stands at 26GB (red dashed line). harding model weights (model parallelism) reduces the peak memory footprint, and thus, enables larger model training with a given TPU pod slice. In these experiments, we achieved up to 39.75% MFU on a 4B parameters model on Google Cloud TPU v4-16.

We also ran an input batch scalability test using spatial partitioning and a simple ResNet50 example (src) on Cloud TPU v4-8. Input batch is commonly sharded across the batch dimension for data parallelism (DDP, FSDP), but PyTorch/XLA SPMD enables input sharding across input feature dimensions for spatial sharding. As shown in the below figure, one can push the per-device batch size to 512 with spatial partitioning which is not possible with other data parallelism techniques.

Batch size scaling with spatial partitioning

The Road Forward for PyTorch/XLA SPMD

We are ecstatic about what’s ahead for PyTorch/XLA and invite the community to join us. SPMD is still experimental, and we continuously add new features to it. In future releases, we plan to address async dataloading, partially replicated sharding, and other improvements. We’d love to hear from you, answer your questions about PyTorch/XLA SPMD, and learn how you use SPMD.


The PyTorch/XLA Team at Google

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Large Scale Training of Hugging Face Transformers on TPUs With PyTorch/XLA FSDP

Large Scale Training of Hugging Face Transformers on TPUs With PyTorch/XLA FSDP

AI is transforming many industries through advanced capabilities such as understanding and generating language, answering questions, and delivering accurate recommendations. These capabilities are fueled by ever-increasing size and complexity of AI models, which require vast amounts of computing power to train.

To meet the growing demands of AI training at scale, last year we introduced Fully Sharded Data Parallel (FSDP) in PyTorch/XLA. FSDP is a model parallelism architecture that unlocks the ability to easily and efficiently scale AI models into hundreds of billions of parameters. With PyTorch/XLA FSDP, during distributed training, each device can store a specific model shard, and all-gather the full model weights when it is time to perform the forward pass. Nested FSDP further optimizes performance by only using a given layer’s full parameters during its forward pass.

We are excited to announce that PyTorch/XLA FSDP has landed in Hugging Face Transformers. Now, Hugging Face users can train PyTorch models with up to 20 times more parameters using the same amount of computing power as before.

We built PyTorch/XLA FSDP support directly into the Hugging Face Trainer class, so that any model using Trainer can leverage FSDP. And with the addition of automatic wrapping to PyTorch/XLA FSDP, nested FSDP wrapping is both flexible and simple to apply. These new features make it easy to train a wide range of Hugging Face models at large scales. In this guide, we demonstrate training GPT-2 models with up to 128B parameters on Google Cloud TPUs. PyTorch/XLA FSDP training on TPUs is highly efficient, achieving up to 45.1% model FLOPS utilization (MFU) for GPT-2:

Figure 1: Model FLOPS utilization for Hugging Face GPT-2 on Google Cloud TPU v4

Figure 1: Model FLOPS utilization for Hugging Face GPT-2 on Google Cloud TPU v4

Configuring PyTorch/XLA FSDP in the Hugging Face Trainer

First, follow your preferred method to create your TPU(s) and install PyTorch and PyTorch/XLA. You need versions >= 2.0 for PyTorch and PyTorch/XLA.


pip3 install h-2.0-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl --user

pip3 install h_xla-2.0-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl

Next, clone and install the Hugging Face Transformers repo. Install all necessary dependencies (e.g., datasets, evaluate, scikit-learn, accelerate).


cd $HOME

git clone cd transformers

git checkout v4.31-release

pip3 install -e .

pip3 install datasets evaluate scikit-learn

pip3 install accelerate==0.21.0

In $HOME/transformers, create any model-specific configuration files you might need. Here is an example of a configuration file for a GPT-2 model with 2B parameters, which we later refer to as gpt2_config.json:



"activation_function": "gelu_new", "architectures": [



"attn_pdrop": 0.1,

"bos_token_id": 50256, "embd_pdrop": 0.1, "eos_token_id": 50256, "initializer_range": 0.02, "layer_norm_epsilon": 1e-05, "model_type": "gpt2",

"n_embd": 3072,

"n_head": 24,

"n_layer": 18,

"n_positions": 1024, "resid_pdrop": 0.1, "summary_activation": null, "summary_first_dropout": 0.1, "summary_proj_to_labels": true, "summary_type": "cls_index", "summary_use_proj": true,

"task_specific_params": { "text-generation":![ref1] { "do_sample": true, "max_length": 50



"vocab_size": 50257


With PyTorch/XLA FSDP, it is possible to train model sizes much bigger than this on large accelerator slices. We have trained GPT-2 models as large as 128B parameters with these techniques; for expert tips on how to replicate this scale, see the appendix.

In $HOME/transformers, create your FSDP configuration file, a JSON file containing all of the configurable aspects of your XLA FSDP wrapping stored as a dictionary. Following the official Hugging Face Transformers XLA FSDP documentation, the following arguments are available to set:

  • xla (bool, *optional*, defaults to False): This is a boolean which determines whether or not you use XLA FSDP. Make sure to set this to true.
  • xla_fsdp_settings (dict, *optional*): This is a dictionary which stores all of the XLA FSDP wrapping parameters you want to set; note that you do not have to specify settings for parameters where you are using the default value. For a complete list of settings, see here.

For compute_dtype and buffer_dtype, enter these as strings which contain the corresponding torch data type, e.g. bfloat16.

  • fsdp_min_num_params (int, *optional*, defaults to 0): An integer which sets the minimum number of parameters for size-based auto wrapping. Every module with at least as many parameters as fsdp_min_num_params will be XLA FSDP wrapped.
  • fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap (List[str], *optional*): A list of (case-sensitive) transformer layer class names to wrap. Note that this is mutually exclusive with fsdp_min_num_params. Example: ["GPT2Block", "GPT2MLP"].
  • xla_fsdp_grad_ckpt (bool, *optional*, defaults to False): This is a boolean which determines whether to use gradient checkpointing over each nested XLA FSDP wrapped layer. This setting can only be used when the xla flag is set to true, and an auto wrapping policy is specified through fsdp_min_num_params or fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap.

Note: For transformer-based models, use fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap instead of fsdp_min_num_params when performing automatic nested FSDP wrapping. Layers which share weights should not belong to separate FSDP wrapped units, and the input and output embedding layers in transformer-based models share weights.

For this GPT-2 example, here is what the corresponding fsdp_config.json file looks like:


  "fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap": [
  "xla": true,
  "xla_fsdp_settings": {
    "compute_dtype": "bfloat16",
    "shard_param_on_dim_0": true,
    "pin_layout_in_collective_ops": true
       "xla_fsdp_grad_ckpt": true
Now, it’s time to train your model! First, ensure that you have your PyTorch/XLA runtime set up appropriately by setting

When running training, the key flags to pass are:

a) --fsdp "full_shard"
b) --fsdp_config fsdp_config.json

where you should replace fsdp_config.json with whatever you named your FSDP configuration file. Here is a sample command to train our example 2B GPT-2 model, where training is started by, a launcher script for distributed TPU training.


python3 -u examples/pytorch/ --num_cores 4 examples/pytorch/language-modeling/  --num_train_epochs 1 

--dataset_name wikitext 

--dataset_config_name wikitext-2-raw-v1  --per_device_train_batch_size 32  --per_device_eval_batch_size 32 



--output_dir /tmp/test-clm 


--config_name gpt2_config.json 

--cache_dir /tmp 

--tokenizer_name gpt2 

--block_size 1024 

--optim adafactor 

--adafactor true 

--save_strategy no 

--logging_strategy no 

--fsdp "full_shard" 

--fsdp_config fsdp_config.json

Measuring Model FLOPS Utilization (MFU) for GPT-2

Model FLOPS are the floating point operations required to perform a single forward and backward pass. Model FLOPS are hardware- and implementation- independent, and only depend on the underlying model. In each step, the number of FLOPS is computed via the following formulas:


tokens_per_batch = global_batch_size * seq_len

FLOPS_per_step = 6 * tokens_per_batch * num_params

where seq_len is the sequence length and num_params is the number of parameters in the model. We note that this estimation assumes that d_model » sequence length. If this assumption is violated the self-attention FLOPs start to be significant enough and this expression.

Based on the step time and the hardware details (numbers of chips and the peak FLOPS per chip), we can compute Model FLOPS Utilization (MFU), which measures how effectively our implementation is using the underlying hardware. Achieving 100% MFU means that the hardware is being used perfectly by that model. We calculate MFU using the following formula:


model_FLOPS_utilization = FLOPS_per_step / step_time(s) / chip_count / FLOPS_per_chip

When training a GPT-2 model with 2B parameters with the XLA FSDP configuration file above on a Cloud TPU v4-8, we measure a step time of 4.191s. Using the above formula, we calculate 35.7% MFU on a v4-8. For further details on calculating MFU, refer to the PaLM paper.

The table below presents MFU for GPT-2 models with sizes between 2B and 128B, with a sequence length of 1024.

TPU NumCores v4-8 v4-64 v4-128 v4-128 v4-256 v4-512
# of Tokens / Batch 131,072 524,288 524,288 524,288 1,048,576 1,048,576
# of Parameters 2B 16B 20B 32B 64B 128B
Step Time (ms) 4,191 14,592 7,824 12,970 25,653 30,460
PFLOPS / Step 1.65 50 62 101 404 809
MFU 35.7% 38.8% 45.1% 44.4% 44.7% 37.7%

Table 1: GPT-2 model FLOPS utilization calculation details

Among these configurations, MFU peaks at 45.1% for the 20B parameter model on v4-128. This result compares favorably to, for example, 41.5% MFU for a 22B Megatron-like model.

There are two actionable insights from these experiments:

First, simply increasing the number of chips without increasing the batch size generally means lower FLOPS utilization, because more time is spent on sharing the model shards. FSDP uses all-reduce communication collectives which are not asynchronous, which means that chip-to-chip communication cannot be overlapped with computation. As the number of chips increases, the number of model shards that must be communicated increases, and so we should expect the portion of the step time spent on communication to increase with the number of chips.

Second, increasing the batch size generally means better FLOPS utilization. As the number of chips increases, the memory footprint of the model decreases, which often frees up high bandwidth memory (HBM) to scale up the global batch size. With a larger global batch size, the number of tokens processed in each step increases, and thus, so does the FLOPS per step. As long as the step time does not increase proportionally, we expect a larger global batch size to improve MFU.

Therefore, to maximize the MFU, we recommend training with the largest global batch size possible that can fit in the HBM of the TPU slice, using FSDP to reduce memory required for the model parameters.

Training Very Large Models (tested to 128B parameters)

When using PyTorch/XLA, tensors must be initialized on the CPU before being moved to the XLA device. This means one may encounter host-side out-of-memory errors if the model is sufficiently large, even though the model can fit in the device HBM after sharding. To avoid this, we must defer each submodule’s initialization until it is FSDP wrapped, which ensures that submodules are sharded as soon as their values are populated, avoiding host-side limitations.

Below, we explain how to modify a local copy of the Hugging Face transformers repository to train a GPT-2 model with up to 128B parameters using this technique.

First, using the commands below, install torchdistX, which is a library containing experimental PyTorch Distributed features. This is the engine behind deferred initialization, and allows you to create tensors that don’t require immediate storage and can be materialized later. You also need to install a specific PyTorch/XLA 2.0 version that takes advantage of this package; note that you must uninstall PyTorch and PyTorch/XLA first, if you installed them earlier.


pip3 install torch==2.0 --index-url [ --user](

pip3 install torch_xla[torchdistx] -f tal/torch_xla-2.0-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl

Next, apply the following changes to your local copy of Hugging Face Transformers:

In src/transformers/, add the following function in _wrap_model on the line immediately prior to PyTorch/XLA FSDP wrapping:


from torchdistx import deferred_init

def _init_with_torchdistX(module):

def check_fn(k):

return not isinstance(k, FSDP) deferred_init.materialize_module(module, check_fn=check_fn)

The function materialize_module will initialize the model tensors if check_fn returns True. In this case, check_fn checks whether the module has been FSDP wrapped.

Within _wrap_model, modify your FSDP wrapping to accept the additional argument param_init_fn=_init_with_torchdistX:


self.model = model = FSDP(


auto_wrap_policy=auto_wrap_policy, auto_wrapper_callable=auto_wrapper_callable, param_init_fn=_init_with_torchdistX, **fsdp_kwargs,


In examples/pytorch/language-modeling/, add the following import statement at the beginning of the file:


from torchdistx import deferred_init

Edit the model initialization so that the model is wrapped with deferred_init.deferred_init by replacing the line


model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_config(config)



model = deferred_init.deferred_init(AutoModelForCausalLM.from_config, config)

Note that this assumes you are supplying your own model configuration file. Otherwise, you should modify your model initialization statement accordingly.

You should also comment out these two lines which immediately follow the line above:


n_params = sum({p.data_ptr(): p.numel() for p in model.parameters()}.values())"Training new model from scratch - Total size={n_params/2**20:.2f}M params")

They will cause an error if left unmodified, since the model tensors do not actually have storage when these lines are executed.

With these changes, you can now run GPT-2 models with as many as 128B parameters, provided the accelerator size is suitably large.

Next Steps & Acknowledgements

To learn more, the docs can be found here. We’d love to hear from you if you run into any issues with FSDP in PyTorch/XLA, or just want to tell us about how you are using it.

We are ecstatic about what’s ahead for PyTorch/XLA and invite the community to join us. PyTorch/XLA is developed fully in open source. So, please file issues, submit pull requests, and send RFCs to GitHub so that we can openly collaborate.

We’d like to thank Ronghang Hu and Ross Girshick at Meta AI and Lysandre Debut, Sourab Mangrulkar, Sylvain Gugger and Arthur Zucker for all the support and collaboration. We’d also like to thank Jiewen Tan, Liyang Lu, Will Cromar, Vaibhav Singh, and Chandra Devarakonda for their assistance in preparing this post.


The PyTorch/XLA Team at Google

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Intel Joins the PyTorch Foundation as a Premier Member

Intel logo

The PyTorch Foundation, a neutral home for the deep learning community to collaborate on the open source PyTorch framework and ecosystem, is announcing today that Intel has joined as a premier member.

“The PyTorch Foundation is thrilled to welcome Intel as a premier member, marking a significant milestone in our mission to empower the global AI community. Intel’s extensive expertise and commitment to advancing cutting-edge technologies align perfectly with our vision of fostering open-source innovation,” said PyTorch Foundation Executive Director Ibrahim Haddad. “Together, we will accelerate the development and democratization of PyTorch, and use the collaboration to shape a vibrant future of AI for all.”

Intel has developed and released several PyTorch-based tools and libraries to enable developers to accelerate their AI workflows, and is actively working on optimizing PyTorch to leverage Intel hardware capabilities.

“At Intel, we believe in the power of collaboration and open-source innovation to propel the ecosystem towards an AI Everywhere future. Joining the Governing Board of the PyTorch Foundation is a testament to Intel’s commitment to advancing and democratizing AI,” said Wei Li, Vice President and General Manager of Artificial Intelligence and Analytics (AIA) at Intel. “By harnessing the collective expertise and resources within the deep learning community, we aim to accelerate the development of PyTorch and continue to drive breakthroughs in AI research and applications.”

Intel fosters industry collaboration, co-engineering, and open source contributions to accelerate software innovation and develop new technologies that bring benefits to the open source community. By working together with other member companies and under the guidance of the PyTorch Foundation, Intel remains committed to actively contributing to and advocating for the community.

As a premier member, Intel is granted one seat to the PyTorch Foundation Governing Board. The Board sets policy through our bylaws, mission and vision statements, describing the overarching scope of foundation initiatives, technical vision, and direction.

Wei Li

We’re happy to welcome Wei Li, Vice President and General Manager of Artificial Intelligence and Analytics (AIA) at Intel, to our board. Dr. Wei Li is Vice President and General Manager of Artificial Intelligence and Analytics (AIA) at Intel, where he leads a world-wide team of engineering “magicians” who make AI Everywhere a reality by supercharging machine performance and developer productivity. Wei and his team have been instrumental in Intel’s recent multi-billion-dollar AI revenue growth by delivering 10-100X software acceleration, across deep learning, statistical machine learning and big data analytics, to complement Intel’s AI-optimized hardware portfolio.

To learn more about how you can be a part of the PyTorch Foundation, visit our website.

Read more about Intel’s commitment to the PyTorch Community here.

About Intel

Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) is an industry leader, creating world-changing technology that enables global progress and enriches lives. Inspired by Moore’s Law, we continuously work to advance the design and manufacturing of semiconductors to help address our customers’ greatest challenges. By embedding intelligence in the cloud, network, edge and every kind of computing device, we unleash the potential of data to transform business and society for the better. To learn more about Intel’s innovations, go to and

© Intel Corporation. Intel, the Intel logo and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

About PyTorch Foundation

The PyTorch Foundation is a neutral home for the deep learning community to collaborate on the open source PyTorch framework and ecosystem. The PyTorch Foundation is supported by its members and leading contributors to the PyTorch open source project. The Foundation leverages resources provided by members and contributors to enable community discussions and collaboration.

About The Linux Foundation

The Linux Foundation is the world’s leading home for collaboration on open source software, hardware, standards, and data. Linux Foundation projects are critical to the world’s infrastructure including Linux, Kubernetes, Node.js, ONAP, PyTorch, RISC-V, SPDX, OpenChain, and more. The Linux Foundation focuses on leveraging best practices and addressing the needs of contributors, users, and solution providers to create sustainable models for open collaboration. For more information, please visit us at The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see its trademark usage page. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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INT8 Quantization for x86 CPU in PyTorch

INT8 Quantization for x86 CPU in PyTorch


INT8 quantization is a powerful technique for speeding up deep learning inference on x86 CPU platforms. By reducing the precision of the model’s weights and activations from 32-bit floating-point (FP32) to 8-bit integer (INT8), INT8 quantization can significantly improve the inference speed and reduce memory requirements without sacrificing accuracy.

In this blog, we will discuss the recent progress on INT8 quantization for x86 CPU in PyTorch, focusing on the new x86 quantization backend. We will also briefly look at the new quantization path with PyTorch 2.0 Export (PT2E) and TorchInductor.

X86 Quantization Backend

The current recommended way of quantization in PyTorch is FX. Before PyTorch 2.0, the default quantization backend (a.k.a. QEngine) on x86 CPUs was FBGEMM, which leveraged the FBGEMM performance library to achieve the performance speedup. In the PyTorch 2.0 release, a new quantization backend called X86 was introduced to replace FBGEMM. The x86 quantization backend offers improved INT8 inference performance when compared to the original FBGEMM backend by leveraging the strengths of both FBGEMM and the Intel® oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) kernel libraries.

Performance Benefit from X86 Backend

To measure the performance benefits of the new X86 backend, we ran INT8 inference on 69 popular deep learning models (shown in Figures 1-3 below) using 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors. The results showed a 2.97X geomean performance speedup compared to FP32 inference performance, while the speedup was 1.43X with the FBGEMM backend. The charts below show the per-model performance speedup comparing the x86 backend and the FBGEMM backend.

Figure 1: Models with less than 2x performance boost with x86 backend1

Figure 1: Models with less than 2x performance boost with x86 backend1

Figure 2: Models with 2x-4x performance boost with x86 backend1

Figure 2: Models with 2x-4x performance boost with x86 backend1

Figure 3: Models with larger than 4x performance boost with x86 backend1

Figure 3: Models with larger than 4x performance boost with x86 backend1

Usage of x86 Backend

By default in 2.0, users on x86 platforms will use the x86 quantization backend and their PyTorch programs will remain unchanged when using the default backend. Alternatively, users can specify x86 as the quantization backend explicitly.
Below is an example code snippet of PyTorch static post-training quantization with x86 quantization backend.

import torch
from import get_default_qconfig_mapping
from torch.quantization.quantize_fx import prepare_fx, convert_fx

qconfig_mapping = get_default_qconfig_mapping()
# Or explicity specify the qengine
# qengine = 'x86'
# torch.backends.quantized.engine = qengine
# qconfig_mapping = get_default_qconfig_mapping(qengine)

model_fp32 = MyModel().eval()
x = torch.randn((1, 3, 224, 224), dtype=torch.float)
x =

# Insert observers according to qconfig and backend config
prepared_model = prepare_fx(model_fp32, qconfig_mapping, example_inputs=x)

# Calibration code not shown

# Convert to quantized model
quantized_model = convert_fx(prepared_model)

Technical Details of x86 Backend

We devised heuristic dispatching rules according to the performance numbers from the models we benchmarked to decide whether to invoke oneDNN or FBGEMM performance library to execute the convolution or matrix multiplication operations. The rules are a combination of operation kinds, shapes, CPU architecture information, etc. Detailed logic is available here. For more design and technical discussion, please refer to the Request for Comments.

Next Steps With a New Quantization Path PyTorch 2.0 Export

Although still far from finalized, a new quantization path, PyTorch 2.0 Export (PT2E), is in early design and PoC stage. The new approach is slated to replace the FX quantization path in the future. It is built upon the capabilities of TorchDynamo Export, a feature introduced in the PyTorch 2.0 release for FX graph capturing. This graph is then quantized and lowered to different backends. TorchInductor, the new DL compiler of PyTorch, has shown promising results in terms of FP32 inference speedup on x86 CPU. We are working actively to enable it as one of the quantization backends of PT2E. We believe the new path will lead to further improvements in INT8 inference performance due to more flexibility of fusion at different levels.


The x86 backend introduced in PyTorch 2.0 release has demonstrated a remarkable improvement in INT8 inference speed on x86 CPU platforms. It offers a 1.43X speedup compared to the original FBGEMM backend while maintaining backward compatibility. This enhancement can benefit end users with minimal or no modifications to their programs. Furthermore, a new quantization path, PT2E, is currently in development and is expected to provide even more possibilities in the future.


Special thanks to Nikita Shulga, Vasiliy Kuznetsov, Supriya Rao, and Jongsoo Park. Together, we made one more step forward on the path of improving the PyTorch CPU ecosystem.


1 AWS EC2 r7iz.metal-16xl instance (Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6455B, 32-core/64-thread, Turbo Boost On, Hyper-Threading On, Memory: 8x64GB, Storage: 192GB); OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS; Kernel: 5.15.0-1028-aws; Batch Size: 1; Core per Instance: 4; PyTorch 2.0 RC3; TorchVision 0.15.0+cpu, test by Intel on 3/77/2023. May not reflect all publicly available security updates.

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