Ready, Set, Contribute: PyTorch Docathon Kickoff H1 2024

The PyTorch Docathon is now live! This event is dedicated to enhancing the quality of the PyTorch documentation with the invaluable assistance of our community. Our hope with this Docathon is to simplify the process for new users to get started with PyTorch, guide them in effectively utilizing its features, and ultimately expedite the transition from research to production in machine learning.

on June 4th at 10 AM PT

Event Details

  • June 4: Kick-off – join a 30-minutes livestream kick off event on Discord on June 4th at 10 AM PT here. If you can’t join the kick-off event, watch our welcome video on YouTube
  • June 4-June 16: Submissions and Feedback
  • June 17-18: Final Reviews
  • June 20: Winner Announcements

How to Contribute

Review the Docathon H1 2024 issue in the pytorch/pytorch or pytorch/tutorials repo that contain all the necessary information on participating in the Docathon and highlights the specific issues to work on. Remember to sign the CLA in your first PR and adhere to the Code of Conduct guidelines.

Read the Code of Conduct

Take a moment to review the PyTorch code of conduct found here. This document outlines the expectations for behavior and communication within our team, and it is important that everyone is aware of and adheres to these guidelines.

Join our Discord

This channel serves as the main communication hub during the Docathon. You can join it using by using this link:


When you first join the server, you will have limited access. To gain full access to our Discord PyTorch Docathon Channel:

  1. Enter the server and navigate to the #self-roles channel.
  2. In the #self-roles channel, click on the ‘Join Docathon’ button in the relevant post to assign yourself the docathon role.
  3. After assigning the role, you will see the ‘PyTorch Docathon H1 2024 Section’ in the left-hand menu for discussions.
  4. To help prevent spam we are asking that you change your server username to your GitHub username or the email username you registered with.

Explore the GitHub Issues

All the Docathon issues are posted on GitHub. You can find them by the docathon-h1-2024 label in the following participating repositories:

The issues are categorized into three levels of difficulty: easy, medium, and advanced. If this is your first time contributing to PyTorch, we recommend starting with an issue at the easy level.

Prizes for Winners

We will have a leaderboard throughout the duration of the Docathon. The more you contribute, the higher you’ll get on the board! Our top three winners will get free admission to PyTorch Conference 2024.

Thank you to our Partners

This year, we’re thrilled to work with the PyTorch Teams at Meta, Google and Snowflake to help us put on a successful event. We’ll also be at Snowflake Dev Day on June 6 where you can hear from Meta’s Matthias Reso, and check out our PyTorch booth.

Happy contributing!

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