Wordle for AI: Santiago Valderrama on Getting Smarter on Machine Learning

Want to learn about AI and machine learning? There are plenty of resources out there to help — blogs, podcasts, YouTube tutorials — perhaps too many.

Machine learning engineer Santiago Valderrama has taken a far more focused approach to helping us all get smarter about the field.

He’s created a following by posing one machine learning question every day on his website bnomial.com.

Think of it as Wordle for those of who want to learn more about machine learning.

As Valderrama wrote on a LinkedIn post: “I got together with a couple of friends and built bnomial a site with a simple goal, a non-BS simple way to learn something new as fast as possible. We published one machine learning question every day. That’s it. You load the page, answer the question and return the next day. Rinse and repeat.”

NVIDIA AI podcast host Noah Kravitz spoke with Valderrama to talk to him about binomial, how to get smart about machine learning, and his own journey in the field.

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The post Wordle for AI: Santiago Valderrama on Getting Smarter on Machine Learning appeared first on NVIDIA Blog.

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